Cold remedy for cold lips

The use of antiviral ointment in the treatment of colds on the lips

appears at many people, thus it not only becomes the reason of unpleasant change of appearance, but also remains for ever in a human body.However, despite the fact that it is impossible to completely get rid of the herpes simplex virus, it is still necessary to treat it, because such actions can halt its spread throughout the body.In most cases, doctors prescribe ointment for colds on the lips, counting pills and other antiviral drugs intended for internal use, are less effective. Such a choice of a medicine is considered correct, since the use of ointment or cream against cold on the lips is characterized by such advantages:
  • affects exactly the place of injury, and not the entire body;
  • has a double action - it fights the virus and creates a protective shell on the affected area of ​​the lip;
  • treatment due to skin spotting is considered more effective;
  • Ointment, in contrast to tablets, is considered a more natural preparation.
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Due to the fact that the ointment acts on the body only partially, the occurrence of allergic reactions to certain components of the drug and the effect on internal organs are virtually eliminated.In addition, many people, prone to the formation of cold rashes on the lips, prefer this form of medicine for the reason that the ointment is easy enough to apply - there is no need to adhere to a strict dosage and schedule of application of the medicine.

Very often, when a rash is found on the lips, many people are frightened, because they do not know how to anoint the cold on the lip in order to stop the spread of the virus. On the shelves of pharmacies there is a large selection of antiviral medicines, which allow to fight the herpes simplex virus. However, it is worth to abandon the independent choice of ointment in the treatment of this disease.

Variety of medicines

Each of the ointments against herpes performs two actions - suppresses the virus and promotes the healing of damaged skin and mucous membrane. The first function is performed due to the components of the agent, which has an antiviral effect on the skin site being treated. Each remedy for cold on the lips contains a different active substance, most often they are acyclovir, valaciclovir, extracts of medicinal plants. Their main task is to inhibit the process of virus multiplication in damaged and healthy cells.

Restoration of damaged tissue and its healing occurs due to the fat base of the ointment, cream or gel, as well as exposure to the cells of extracts of some plants.At the question, than to smear a cold on the lips, many experts prescribe such effective and safe drugs:

  • Zovirax;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Panavir;
  • Vivorax;
  • Fenistil-Pencivir;
  • Viru-Merz is a gray;
  • Bonaphoton;
  • Gervirax.

The purpose of the drug should be done individually for each patient, taking into account the form of the development of the viral disease and the peculiarity of its course.


At the heart of this British-made ointment is the active ingredient acyclovir, which is aimed at blocking the multiplication of the herpes virus. In principle, this drug differs from Acyclovir only in that it contains an auxiliary substance such as propylene glycol. Apply ointment should be 5 times a day, a thin layer on the site of rashes, as well as surrounding areas of the skin.In some cases, there may be a slight reddening of the skin and the appearance of a tingling sensation as side effects. Usually they soon disappear, but if such a reaction continues to occur, you should change the drug.


Acyclovir from Zovirax differs only in that it is a product of Russian production, as well as the content of an additional active substance - propylene glycol. In the preparation of the ointment, acyclovir and petrolatum are mixed, in principle the preparation works exactly as follows the same principle as the production of British production, but the result becomes obvious a bit later. Contraindications to the drug are the same - pregnancy, breast-feeding, individual intolerance to the components of the medication.


Often, the treatment of colds on the lip is carried out using the antiviral ointment Panavir. The drug is based on a medicinal plant, the active substance in which the hexose glycoside acts. In addition to killing the virus, it raises local immunity, which speeds up the recovery process. Treatment lasts for 4-10 days.


Vivorax is prescribed in those cases when the patient with a cold on the lips has an increased sensitivity to acyclovir and valaciclovir. The active substance of this ointment is also acyclovir, but in a related form. After applying the drug, acyclovir is activated in the patient's body, thus not causing side effects peculiar to other drugs.It is strictly forbidden to apply in pregnancy, because acyclovir has the property of penetrating the placenta into the body of the child.


Panavir-gel belongs to the number of natural antiviral drugs, which is based on an extract of potato shoots. In addition, it contains glycerol, macrogol, lanthanum, sodium hydroxide and ethanol. This drug is no less effective atsiklovira, while many people give it preference due to its naturalness. The side effect of the treatment can be redness and burning, which soon pass.

At the question, than to smear a cold on the lips, specialists often appoint Bonofont, Gervirax, Fenistil-Pencivir, Viru-Merz serol, Troxsevain and zinc ointment. It is important to follow the recommendations of the attending physician throughout the treatment period.

Than to cure a cold on the lip ??



Cold on the lips, scientifically called herpes, is a very common supplement of various colds, viral diseases. From a cold on the lips, no one is immune, because the herpes virus is in the body of every person, another thing is that it manifests itself only in the case of a sharp weakening of immunity. It is then on the lips "pops" cold: itchy bubbles, which not only disgrace the face, but also cause unpleasant sensations. In this case, you need a remedy that will help cure a cold.

What will help quickly get rid of colds on the lip - folk remedies or medications? Let's talk about how to treat colds on the lips at home using folk remedies - these simple methods often give a more noticeable effect than treating the cold on the lips with medicines.
Herbs as a folk remedy for the treatment of colds on the lips

Consider the herbs that folk medicine uses to treat colds on the lips. And the first of these is mint. Lotion from the broth of mint allows you to quickly get rid of colds on the lips. Take 1 tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves on a glass of boiling water, cover the dishes with a lid and cook in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Ready-made broth should be filtered, and then every hour to make lotions on the areas of cold on the lips with cotton swabs, soaked in a warm broth. If you have fresh mint leaves available, take 2 tablespoons of chopped leaves on a glass of water.

Ordinary chamomile helps to get rid of colds on the lips, and it is good both outwardly and for internal use. Make lotions from the infusion of chamomile and take the same infusion inside for the prompt elimination of inflammatory processes (1 tbsp. spoon 3 times during the day). Infusion is prepared this way: brew chamomile (1 tbsp. spoon of grass on a glass of boiling water), let it brew under the lid for 25 minutes, strain, mix with 1 tablespoon of 10% alcohol propolis infusion.

Everyone knows that raspberries are a wonderful folk remedy for colds. And ripples of raspberries, it turns out, help and from herpes. To clean a cold on the lips, wash the freshly cut branches of raspberries, chop them to the state of gruel and Lubricate the areas affected by the cold, leaving on the lips for half an hour, after which the gruel should be remove. Repeat the procedure several times a day.
Other folk remedies against colds on the lips

An equally effective folk remedy against cold on the lips is the infusion of birch buds. Take 2 tablespoons of herbs for 1 glass of alcohol (70%) or vodka, pour into a tightly closed dish and leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place. Before use, the infusion should be filtered, and then lubricate them with bubbles on the lips.
Birch buds for treating colds on the lips can be used in another way. The popular way is: boil a glass of milk, pour into a tightly closed container with 1 tablespoon of herb and insist for about 20 minutes. Then the liquid should be drained, and the kidneys wrapped in gauze and apply to the cold on the lips. Remember, to achieve results, compress with the kidneys should be kept longer.

Excellent help to treat the common cold on the lip of certain essential oils. If the cold has not yet jumped, and the first itch is felt, essential oil of lemon balm will help. If the cold on the lips has already manifested itself, use fir oil, lubricating the affected area every two hours. A little can burn, but soon passes.

Known folk remedy for cold on the lips is an egg shell film. To get rid of the cold on the lips, it is carefully separated from the shell and applied to the lip in the cold zone, it dries up and promotes faster treatment of herpes.

Nastya Borodina

The devil! very quickly helps!!! Sulfur in the morning from the ear also helps! Some toothpaste smears!

Bear cub

Ointment such. it helps me overnight.


Acyclovir to smear and not touch it will pass day through 2.


Zaviraks-stunned tool, or put Levomekol - also works well, pulls all the rubbish.


I was at the beginning how I felt a small bump already knowing that it's a cold that I lubricate with a badge "asterisk" this balm burns it and everything is fine

Elena Smotrina

Acyclovir - quickly and inexpensively. Even if this minute, you can use toothpaste or a proven method - your own earwax, Chesh word checked on yourself. It helps.


Fenistil pencivir - ointment.

so that later you can not climb, take care of yourself, keep your feet warm, eat more foods containing vitamins - in general, strengthen immunity.

True, the herpes virus sits in our body and does not cure, if the body is not weakened - then it will not come out never, and in case of a cold (as in your example - your feet have chilled) or a decrease in immunity - herpes is like here on lips! (((I understand you, it's terrible.

You have left to finish the wound to the end, and in any case do not use hygienic lipstick and other means for the lips, because they carry the infection.

good luck to you!

Anton Tabensky

To me ointments never help or assist, already probably all have smeared. Usually, with herpes I drink a course of kagocel tablets (a course of five days). Vavka quickly heals, plus the virus itself is in the blood, not its external manifestations.

Night fairy

Yes - it's herpes. This is the first sign of low immunity, so that as soon as
This sore will pass (I recommend ointment acyclovir) to you, it is necessary to strengthen immunity. Drink a sufficient amount of water (-3 liters per day), eat full, eat enough vegetables and fruits (the optimal proportion:),
Drink a course of multivitamins and selenium. It would be nice to go in for sports in the fresh air. A full sleep also plays an important role in strengthening immunity!! Good luck, success and all the best!

Milan Sidorov

I smear acyclovir 1 day, in 4-5 days it will pass)))))

Alexander Veselov

Zoviraks probyval, helped quickly. Acyclovir smeared, it helps but slow, I shorter creep with Zovirax.

Angelica Grasmic

Iodine can not! And infagel always helps me. Also tried acyclovirku, slowly passes. Infagel, when applied, forms a film that does not rub off or stain clothing, in contrast to acyclovir. It is also not expensive. Zovirax did not try, or what I can not say about him.

Valentina Popova


[email protected]

I have many times over this life jumped out this cold and my mother advised me ointment acyclovir I do not know how you help me.

Dasha Zayakina

You can even smear Corvalol with drops, too, helps

Elvira Chernichka

ointment with an asterisk

Alisa Sherstneva

Fight with the cold first and strengthen immunity. Eat plenty of vitamins, walk in the fresh air. And the air in the apartment do not forget to "clean". To do this, a quartz lamp or barrier reef is suitable.

Cold on the lips - how to heal quickly?

Many representatives of the weaker sex know firsthand about the cold on the lips and how it can be quickly cured. Usually the disease appears suddenly and definitely not on time. He brings physical and psychological discomfort. Most often the disease proceeds easily and quickly, although complications still occur.

Causes of cold on the lips

The cold on the lips is mostly viral. It is transmitted directly by contact with a damaged tissue already sick person. You can get infected even with an asymptomatic course of the disease. This is possible due to the presence of special receptors, allowing to be transmitted through healthy skin. We know that a quick way to cure a cold on the lip and other diseases is to just warn them. And for this it is necessary to know the main causes of the onset of the disease, which are best avoided:

  • frequent stress;
  • alcohol;
  • systematic lack of sleep;
  • supercooling;
  • excessive sunbathing;
  • diet;
  • prostration.

Basically, problems with the lips appear due to weak immunity, which is affected by all the above-mentioned reasons.

How quickly to cure a cold on the lips?

So far, there are no drugs that can permanently prevent the appearance of problems with the lips. In this case, there are certain drugs that effectively suppress the spread of the virus.

The key to success can safely be considered treatment in the initial stages. Before the manifestation of the main symptoms - redness and sometimes bubbles - the lips are sensitive, itching and even tingling. If you start to struggle with the problem at this very moment - recovery will come quickly.

Experts know how to quickly cure a cold on the lips - Acyclovir ointment. It helps even with vivid signs of the virus. With its use, healing takes place much faster. Before use, the affected area must necessarily be treated with an antiseptic, which does not include alcohol.

If the disease has a severe stage, it is recommended to begin therapy with tablets - mostly antiseptics.

Quick treatment of the common cold on the lip - than to treat?

Use of improvised means for treatment of an illness is convenient because basically all components can be found at home.

Salt and soda

These substances are in each apartment. Their use makes it possible to accelerate the healing process and prevent the problem from spreading further. To do this, three times a day, sprinkle the affected area with bulk food.


It is able to perfectly dry the irritated place and disinfect it. This drug will be most effective in the early stages of the disease.

Tea tree oil, fir, almond, sea buckthorn

Lubricate the wound every two hours. It is dried, which speeds up the healing process.


This remedy for colds on the lips has a quick action. For the procedure, both the juice and the plant are used. A small process is cut off, cleared of the skin and applied to the affected area on the lip. For convenience, you can fix the medicine with a patch for half an hour. It can accelerate the recovery to three days.

Ointment from garlic, honey and ash


  • paper - 1 sheet;
  • honey - half of st. l .;
  • garlic - 2 pcs.

Preparation and use

Paper needs to be burned. The resulting ash is added to the honey, and then finely grated garlic. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture must be applied to the affected area three times a day - this will speed up the healing process. For convenience, a small bandage bandage can be applied from above. The main thing is to have access to oxygen.

How to quickly cure herpes on the lips

According to different statistics from 80 to 95 percent of people around the world are carriers of the herpes virus, which can not manifest itself in a person's whole life. In the case of herpes on the lips, many associate it with stress, hypothermia, colds.

Very often, herpes on the lips appears after sunbathing or when a person is in a conditioned room for a long time. Yes, it provokes the appearance of herpes, which is always in the body and "waits" for its time.

"Cold on the lips" always appears suddenly and not on time, delivering aesthetic, psychological and physical discomfort, especially for the fairer sex. A slumbering insidious virus wakes up with a decrease in immunity.

If the manifestations of herpes are episodic, proceed easily, then there are many ways how to quickly cure herpes on the lips. These are symptomatic drugs with drying, disinfecting, epithelizing effect.

But 15% of the population relapses of herpes are so frequent, sometimes every six months or even monthly, this requires a serious long-term complex therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

In addition to antiviral drugs, which the doctor appoints according to the scheme, it is necessary to use immunomodulators. Until now, medicine does not know the ways that rid the body of viruses forever. Therefore, a person can only struggle with its manifestations so far.

Herbal medicine on the lips

When herpes appears, its symptoms are so obvious that the appearance of a small tubercle immediately makes itself felt: pain, burning, itching, redness. The woman wants to immediately run to the pharmacy to quickly remove herpes on the lip, and again become beautiful and wide smile. The pharmaceutical industry offers many different drugs against herpes, among them:

Antiviral drugs

Oral antiviral medicines for herpes are prescribed only by a doctor in cases where rashes on the lips are significant, affect a large area around, as well as with genital or shrouding herpes. For the treatment of herpetic rashes, medicinal preparations with active ingredient Acyclovir (cream 50-80 rubles) and Zovirax (the price of 200 rubles) are traditionally considered effective. Well-established Valtrex (price 1100 for 10 units, 3300 for 42 units), it is much more expensive, but more effective than Acyclovir. Before applying the antiviral cream, the wound should be treated with an antiseptic without alcohol. List of antiviral drugs from herpes:

  • Preparations of acyclovir. DNA polymerase inhibitors. In the form of triphosphate acyclovir, inhibition of DNA synthesis of the virus. Acyclovir, zovirax, virolex.
  • Valaciclovir preparations. Valciclovir, Valtrex. Ether of acyclovir, which is transformed after absorption into acyclovir.
  • Preparations of penciclovir. In the form of triphosphate, penciclovir also blocks the synthesis of viral deoxyribonucleic acid.
  • Preparations of famciclovir. A prodrug that turns into penciclovir in the liver cells.
  • Ointments - Acyclovir, Zovirax, Florenal, Bonafton
  • Tromantadine (Viru-Merz Serol) is an effective drug (price 320-330 rubles, Germany), he It is produced in the form of a gel for external use, it is used for inflammation of the skin caused by herpes. Gel for 3-4 days stops the inflammation, itching, burning in the hearth and permanently prevents the occurrence of relapses.

Other assets

  • Allomedin

This is a fairly new drug with an antiviral effect (price 350 rub -500 rub) - a synthetic peptide Alloferon-3, which should be used in the initial stage of herpetic eruption.

  • Alpisarin

The active substance tetrahydroxyglucopyranosylxanthene, which has antiviral activity, is effective in herpes, chicken pox, aphthous stomatitis.

  • Dexpanthenol

Panthenol spray (price 140-150 rub) or Depanthenol Cream (price 170-190 rub) - to accelerate the healing of herpes these means used as auxiliary, because they have the effect of rapid scarring and epithelization of skin damage. This they help to quickly cure herpes on the lip.

  • Gerperax

Gerperax ointment (price 60-70 rubles), spread 4-6 times a day.

  • Miraband and Chlorhexidine

Miramistin (price 130-260 rub) antiseptic drug, lubricate the wound as often as possible. Chlorgekidine (price 10-12 rubles) is also an antiseptic, which also acts on herpes.

  • Golden Star

Gold star balm (price 50 rubles). This is a fairly well-known, time-tested "star it has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect, when applied it feels a burning sensation that quickly passes. Spread 3 times a day and herpes is 1-2 days.

  • Doctor Mom

Doctor Mom children's ointment (the price of 80 rubles), it's not an ointment against herpes, but it helps well at the first signs of the beginning inflammation. The main thing in time to start lubricating the wound, then during the day it can help. Both the gold star and Dr. Mom can cause allergic reactions, so before using, you should try these funds on the skin of the hand, if itching and sharp redness does not appear, then they can be used as an ointment against herpes.

Do not try to treat herpes with alcohol, iodine, a solution of brilliant green. These funds give a drying effect, but the virus from this cauterization will not disappear, and a burn can be obtained.

How to treat herpes on lips with folk remedies:

If there is no time to run to the pharmacy, and there is no suitable medicine for herpes at home, what should I do? How quickly to cure herpes on the lips? People's means! The use of folk remedies in the treatment of certain diseases is convenient because most of the so-called "medicines" are always at home, which is called "at hand." However, their use is rather of an auxiliary nature, since the antiviral effect is to a greater extent medicated. Popular folk methods of treatment of herpes:

  • Conventional table salt and baking soda can speed the healing of the wound and stop the growth of inflammation. Just need a few times a day to put a grain of table salt and soda to the hearth of inflammation.
  • Toothpaste is an interesting remedy for herpes on the lips, it dries well and disinfects the affected area. Only it should be lubricated wound at the very beginning of the disease, before the appearance of blisters.
  • Fir oil - the earlier start lubricating this oil wound, the higher the effect of its use. Apply fir oil preferably every 2-3 hours.
  • Tea tree oil, almond oil, sea buckthorn oil - also speed up recovery.
  • Propolis, Propolis Spray - a good remedy for herpes on the lips, if you have your own apiary or you are sure of the quality of honey and propolis purchased, in addition, it is used in the absence of allergies to foods beekeeping.
  • Aloe juice, Kalanchoe juice, lemon juice, juice of aspen leaves - you can use that juice that you have. Just lubricate the blisters with juice squeezed from the leaves of plants or lemon.
  • Garlic - effectively rub the wound with a cut garlic clove, and also grease with fresh garlic juice. To avoid an unpleasant odor, it is better to do this before going to bed. Recommend after this also lubricate the hearth with honey.
  • Ointment against herpes from honey, ash and garlic - this folk recipe is not easy to do. Burn the sheet of paper, collect the ash, mix half a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of this ash, grate 2 cloves of garlic and mix everything. With the ointment obtained, lubricate the wound 2-3 times a day.
  • Aloe - you can use not only juice, but the plant itself. To do this, it is necessary to cut a piece of the process, peel and apply to the affected area, fix it with a bactericidal plaster for 20 minutes. Such a tool promotes healing in 3 days.

Herpes, like other diseases, does not like positive, cheerful people! The stronger a person experiences, gets angry and upset because of some illness, the more he has depression, the stronger the manifestation of the disease, the more often there is an exacerbation. Herpetic manifestations are no exception.

In the fight against this disease, many women are helped by auto-suggestion, Sytin's attitudes, affirmations, and auto-training. Inspire yourself: "My herpes has passed and there will never be a relapse and also that "I am beautiful, healthy, happy and will always be this" etc. It may sound funny, but it really helps a lot, it quickly heals the wound and stops frequent exacerbations herpes.

How is herpes transmitted on the lips?

There is an opinion that if practically the entire population is already infected with the herpes virus, then there is no danger of re-infection. And if next to you there is a person with herpetic eruptions, you can not worry.

However, if a family member is ill and has abundant herpetic rashes, precautions do not interfere. Herpes on the lips is contagious! Herpes zoster is contagious! If a person is in frequent and close contact with a patient, he can drink after one glass or touch the contaminated surface.

When contacting an infected mucous patient, it creates favorable additional conditions for the reproduction of bacteria, can help the herpes virus become more active. Any disease is easier to prevent than think about how quickly to cure herpes on the lips. It is always necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene, be careful and not to simplify herpes life.

Prophylaxis of herpes:

  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Strengthening immunity by physical labor in the open air
  • Balanced, vitaminized food
  • Avoid hypothermia
  • Wash your hands often
  • Avoid contact with patients
  • If family members poured out herpes - use individual kitchen and bathroom accessories.

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