Eye drops from dry eyes: a list and features of the use of drugs
Dry eyes - a fairly common phenomenon, which can be a symptom of arthritis or diseases of the thyroid gland, reaction to dry or dirty air, a side effect of antihistamines preparations, etc. The most effective method of treating "dry eye syndrome" is eye drops. Their choice is wide enough, therefore further in the article we will consider the types of drops from the dryness of the eyes and tell about the features of the use of drugs.
1Application area
2Features of preparations
3.1Moisturizing drops
3.2Eye drops from dryness and fatigue
3.3Remedies for dry eyes and swelling
3.4Moisturizing drops for the eyes when wearing contact lenses
3.5Vasoconstrictor and antiseptic drops
4Recommendations for use
Application area
Dry eyes or dry eye syndrome is an eye disease caused by insufficient moisturizing of the eyes.Deficiency of moisture in the eyes occurs due to reduced production of tears or increased evaporation of tears.
Tears are necessary to maintain eye health and to ensure a clear vision. People with "dry eye syndrome" develop inadequate amounts of tears or impair the properties and quality of tears.
Continuous use of medications(corticosteroids, oral contraceptives, antidepressants, diuretics);
Elderly age;
Wrong mode of operation at the computer.
People with dry eye syndrome "experience the following symptoms:
Sand in the eyes;
Itching or burning eyes;
Sticking eyelids;
Sensation of foreign body in eyes;
Discomfort when wearing lenses;
Blurred vision.
Strengthening the "dry eye syndrome" can lead to corneal damage and visual impairment. Treatment of dry eye syndrome is aimed at restoring and maintaining a normal amount of tears, as well as maintaining eye health.
Features of preparations
Moisturizers for the eyes can be used both to prevent the development of dryness and fatigue of the eyes, and to treat "dry eye syndrome". Some of them can be used independently, even without a doctor's appointment, if your activity is related to working at a computer.
Preparations for moistening the ocular membrane, in contrast to specialized agents, almost do not have a therapeutic effect. They can only be used to prevent or quickly restore the normal state of the mucosa.
Indications for the use of eye drops from dry eyes:
Lachrymation and swelling of the eyes, arising in response to the effects of cosmetics, bright light, water for washing, smoke and dust;
Blepharitis, conjunctivitis and keratitis;
Eye irritation from contact lenses;
Prolonged eyestrain.
Drops can also be used as a complex therapy for infectious diseases of the eye simultaneously with antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral therapy.
Drops for eyes from dryness are classified into several types depending on what kind of action they have: eliminate redness, relieve fatigue, etc. Further - the types of drugs and features of their use.
Moisturizing drops
The main function of moisturizing drops is to quickly moisten the mucous membrane and increase its density.Such drops are a product of artificial tears and are not at all dangerous.
List of drugs:
Natural tear.These drops moisturize the mucous membrane, their action lasts up to, hours. Suitable for any people.
Vidisik.Drops remove dry eyes, moisturize the conjunctiva. The drug is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription.
Hilo-chest of drawers.Contains in the composition of hyaluronic acid, therefore it also has a slight therapeutic effect. Drops create a film on the cornea that protects the eyes from further damage.
Vizomitin.The drug eliminates burning eyes and dryness.
Lincontin.Drops are used in "dry eye syndrome from fatigue of the organ of vision, as well as when wearing contact lenses. Sometimes prescribed for the purpose of prevention.Chilokomod - one of the drugs that provides rapid hydration of the mucous membrane of the eye
A distinctive feature of such drops is that their composition is as close as possible to the composition of the tears, but they do not treat the main problem of eye disease, but only contribute to the rapid recovery of the mucosa eyes.
Eye drops from dryness and fatigue
A distinctive feature of this type of drops is that they are supplemented with vitamins that help moisturize and restore visual acuity.Such tools are recommended for those who spend a lot of time at the computer, reading and any business, when the look is concentrated on one point.
List of drugs:
Ottolik.Inexpensive drops from the dryness of the eyes, contribute to the restoration of the damaged cornea. They are sold only with the prescription of an ophthalmologist.
Opt.The solution is used when there is insufficient production of tear fluid. It restores the cells of the cornea and protects the eyes from penetration of microorganisms.The drug has side effects: redness of eyelids and conjunctiva, therefore it is allowed to use it only after 18 years.
Taufon.Drops are given to adults with impaired synthesis of tear fluid, which provokes irreversible changes in the cornea. The course of treatment with this remedy is 10 days, no side effects have been identified.
Artelak.Effective domestic drops for intensive moistening of the corneal epithelium. Due to the rapid softening of the tissues, they increase the clarity of the look, relieve fatigue, facilitate the blinking.
Blink is intense.Drops protect and normalize the mucous membrane of the eyes. Contain the last generation hydrating component - polyethylene glycol.
Thealosis.The drug for lubrication and compaction of the mucosa with the purpose of its recovery. It is prescribed in connection with the fatigue and dry eye syndrome, as well as for accelerated tissue repair after laser correction. Enriched with trehalose.
Innocence Cornflowers.The best drops from dryness and fatigue, as well as to treat the redness of the conjunctiva and protein. Seal the corneal mucosa, facilitate the process of putting on and removing the lens.Ophthalmic - promotes moisturizing and restores visual acuity
Remedies for dry eyes and swelling
Such drugs are used for various eye diseases, so they can not be used without prescribing a doctor.
The list of drops:
Diklo-F.They are used for non-infectious conjunctivitis, after previous operations and for reducing the symptoms of "dry eye syndrome".
Voltaren-ofta.The drug is used to reduce the photosensitivity of the eye, inflammatory processes, eye irritation, after surgical intervention.Diklo-F is used strictly according to the doctor's prescription
Moisturizing drops for the eyes when wearing contact lenses
For users of contact lenses, there are special moisturizing drops that create additional protection for the eyes.They can be buried directly on contact lenses.
These drugs include:
Systein Ultra;
Optimed.Systein Ultra is used when wearing contact lenses
Vasoconstrictor and antiseptic drops
Due to the dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva, not only lacrimation, but also the blood supply to the eye is often disturbed.As a result, redness, swelling, itching and a constant sensation of a foreign body on the mucous membrane occur.
To remove these and many other symptoms, oculists prescribe to patients specialized antiseptics, vitamin and vasoconstrictors.
Aystil.Vitamin ophthalmologic complex, used to restore visual acuity and eliminate dryness of the cornea. This natural product is suitable even for children. Does not contain any coloring agents or preservatives.
Quinaks.It improves vision, helps to normalize the exchange of oxygen and blood, strengthens the mucous membrane. It is enriched with azapentacene.
The emi-optic.The drug is characterized by a powerful antioxidant and antiseptic effect. Can be used to treat dryness of mucous membranes caused by eye contamination. They contain emoxipin.
Vita-Yodourol.Improves the blood supply of the eyeball, relieves fatigue, restores sharpness and clarity after prolonged light exposure. Contains calcium chloride and magnesium chloride.Aistil restores visual acuity and eliminates dryness of the cornea
Recommendations for use
The first thing you need to do with any discomfort in your eyes is to visit an ophthalmologist.Consultation with a doctor will never be superfluous. If the dryness of the eyes does not go away for more than a week, then going to the doctor becomes an obligatory measure.
Drops of different brands have different ingredients (hyaluronic acid, hypromellose, carbomer, povidone, etc.).Components in the composition of drops can be approached alone and not suitable for other people.The doctor must take this fact into account when choosing a drug. For example, artificial tear preparations can contain preservatives, which in some people can cause irritation. Remember this, if after using the drops you feel a burning sensation and pain in the eyes. Some eye drops can cause side effects, such as:
Blurred vision;
Redness of the eyes;
Adhesion of eyelashes;
Edema of the eyelids.
Eye drops Bromfenac
Description of eye drops Broksinak with instructions for use is presented in this article.
Opacification of the cornea of the eye http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/redkie-bolezni/belmo-na-glazu-prichiny-poyavleniya-vidy-simptomy-i-lechenie.html
In such cases, you should immediately stop using the drug and consult a doctor.
Eye drops should be properly used. The basic rule is hygiene. Before using the product, the hands should be thoroughly washed using a disinfectant.
In no case do not give your bottle with drops to another person for use. Also, do not use other people's medications.
Dry eye is a symptom that causes discomfort. To get rid of it it is possible by means of drops from dryness of eyes. As you can see, there are a lot of drugs of this direction and they need to be applied competently. This will help an ophthalmologist. Many eye drops are sold without a prescription, but do not self-medicate, it is always better to go to a doctor for advice. Only a specialist is able to choose the most suitable option, which will help to solve the problem as effectively as possible. With proper use of the drop from dryness, the eyes will not cause harm.
Also read about what diseases are preceded by blurred vision and double vision in the eyes.