The cat has a runny nose and sneezes than to cure

What if the kitten has a runny nose and sneezes? Than to treat?



There is an old, proven tool for centuries - a veterinarian

Gallyamova Sabina

He's allergic! Take away all the perfume, flowers and everything smelling strongly. Well, if this does not help, then contact the veterinarian!

Fish without panties

Virus virus at the kitten, treatment only at veta.
How are you going to breed the Persians?

Julia Nadeeva

Rhinitis (rhinitis) in cats, runny nose in dogs can be both an independent disease and a symptom of other diseases. Discharge from the nose can be watery, mucous, purulent.

If the discharge comes from one nostril, then most likely it's not a simple cold, often it indicates a neoplasm in the nasal passages, here the doctor's consultation is mandatory.

An ordinary runny nose, as a rule, proceeds without deterioration of the general condition, the animal actively, eats well. For treatment, you can use drops for animals, or for young children on an oil basis. Treatment is carried out at least 7 - 10 days.

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It should be noted that even a common runny nose in cats, runny nose in dogs, if left untreated, can go to chronic. The chronic rhinitis practically does not give in to treatment. Therefore, it is expedient to contact the veterinarian immediately.

Do not be afraid of antibiotic treatment if the case not started you will have a healthy animal. But, as a rule, an animal gets to the veterinarian, already ill, - 2 months! Often, treatment is useless, and the owners blame the veterinarians for being untalented. Having bought a kitten or a puppy at the age of 2 months, sneezing, but cheerful, the owners think that he is "cold" and are surprised that after a month or two "cold" does not pass.

And if you consider that viral rhinotracheitis or kalitseviroz cats, adenovirus and plague in dogs begins, usually with a cold - you can lose an animal within 5-10 days. For young people, these viruses are deadly.

Rhinitis can be of allergic origin, the first sign of bronchial asthma (not uncommon in cats!). Here the treatment is different: antihistamines, corticosteroids.

Especially we warn - self-treatment can be dangerous for your animals, therefore we do not give concrete appointments before examination of the doctor.

Alenka Alenkina

but how to cure, claws will learn to cut))).. so in the breeding will be given


well not human medicines,
a runny nose and sneezing may not be from a cold
for example, an allergic, for example, a poncho that I'm not good
or in the nose that's horrible,
they have little cold at this time of the year
Of course my advice is to go to the wind, but most likely it will pass by itself

Irina Melnikova

must be taken to the wind

What is the cure for the cat? A cat has a cold - sneezes and snot, like a child. green.


Lilac sky

It's a virus. The mongrel can still cure itself, with the thoroughbred more difficult. Especially, the sphinx -
a very capricious breed in terms of immunity. The virus, if left untreated, can give serious complications.
My cats had this. Although they were mongrels, I did not take any chances. Has pierced antibiotics and preparations stimulating
immunity, vitamins.


Call the veterinary clinic, sometimes give advice by phone.

Natali Mur)

it's not a cold and a virus, without a veterinarian you can not do


The Sphinx is a very complex breed. They need heat. So she could get sick when her sister was carrying it from the breeder. Address to the veterinarian, will write out drops. oil will not help.


from the oil to the cat it may be better not to try to persuade your sister to tell the veterinarian a cat. and read the literature about animals.

Yulya Ivanova

To begin with, try drops for the nose Rhinostop for children 2 drops 3 times for 5 days (IN BOTH NOZZD), if there is no improvement then to the wind. doctor at discharge (for injections)

[email protected]

Honey, what kind of butter? Cats a priori do not get sick like a dog, but they have a very bad cold, you need to stab antibiotics, do irrigation of the mouth with a special solution, do enemas, save ditenysha! Urgently carry to the vet, and if there is a possibility to call home, he will prescribe everything. You would measure the temperature of the kitty. 39 already a lot for the cat! Health to you and your petite!)))

Christmas tree

as there among the classics. good cheap does not happen. Drag the cash to the vets. snot in a cat is a sign of a viral infection. We need antibiotics. Maslice - nonsense.


Treat animals with a veterinarian))))
oil - it's cool of course)))))))))))))


take it to a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home

A cat has a runny nose, a nose is snagged, it sneezes and can not breathe properly.


Natalia Abrosimova

Take it to the vet.


Some cats may suffer from an allergic rhinitis. With allergies, the animal sneezes and, unlike the common cold, caused by a cold, the discharge from the nose is always watery. In cats, as in humans, there is an allergic reaction to the pollen of certain plants or to chemical preparations. Allergic rhinitis can be alleviated with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs. The best way to save the cat from diseases is timely vaccination. Combined inoculation against the causative agents of the "cat's cold", and chlamydia. The first vaccination is at the age of 8-9 weeks. Repeated vaccination - at the age of 11-12 weeks. Subsequent repeated vaccinations - annually.
H. S. Chih and rhinitis can be symptoms of not only colds but also serious infectious diseases diseases. But even a simple cold can get a chronic form and then the cat will suffer this all the time. And as my experience shows, digging a cat nose 3 times a day is not a very pleasant procedure for a pet. And it's very difficult to breathe with a constantly stuffed nose to the animal.
Get well! And you better take him to a specialist

Alain T

Most likely Rinotracheitis. To treat it is necessary, and after prescription of medicines by the doctor!


your cat rhinitis. address to a vein for the help, and while you can pierce a preparation an evintom - imunomoduljator 1 ml 2 times a day subcutaneously.
a preparation of traumatines to dig in a nose and eyes 4-5 times a day and to the doctor behind professional treatment!
we were given a syululox antibiotic in rhinitis, but this is already for the doctor's prescription.
To treat it is necessary in a complex: antibiotic + imunomoduljator + drops in eyes and a nose.

Tatiana *

This is familiar, my cat had the same symptoms, advised to prick antibiotics, give something from worms, drops in the nose, pills from the flu 1/3 (human), vitamins in tablets - and the cat recovered))

Olga Sushkova

First, the diagnosis should be carried out by a veterinarian (tests, ultrasound, etc.. etc.), and then drugs for treatment are already prescribed. If the doctor prescribed a drug for a drug, then it is likely that you are simply not being treated for it.

The cat sniffs and sneezes



It can be from hypothermia. I treated this way: very warm (not hot! ) milk, add a little butter and a little honey. They lap with pleasure, they stop sneezing. If necessary, give 2 times. From the rhinitis advised vet. doctor-pinosol (child) on a cotton swab and smear under the nostrils, you can just drip into the nose, if possible.

My cat has a chronic cold
(I caught a cold once), periodically I fly so, it helps.
P / S / to vet. The doctor nevertheless address.

Natalia Abrosimova

Everything can be. To the vet you. With a cat.


I probably caught a cold, I need to do with the vet to the vet


He caught a cold you need to get a special medicine to look in the internet;) Well, to you this is not how to not pass so that do not worry :) Well, you quicker heal him if you do not heal for a long time, it can all be a complication will end: (


You do not get caught by a cat. But a cat can easily die, if you do not start to treat it. Viruses are very dangerous, especially for non-vaccinated animals. The disease often develops rapidly, and the success of treatment depends on how quickly they turned to the doctor.

A cat does not have a cold, but a virus. What, only the doctor can say on the basis of tests.

- A small flower -



the main thing that the appetite was the rest will pass.

Little Fox

Cats do not get colds. Snot and sneezing are signs of a viral infection. Go to the veterinarian, prescribe antiviral treatment and in a week or two the cat will be healthy. In general, vaccinations should be put, even if the cat lives at home, it can catch a virus that you can easily bring to the shoes from the street.

No feline viruses are transmitted to humans.

Who is it

cold.. urgently to the vet !!

Sergey Balabayev

Virus Virus. If you sit at a computer, some kind of rhinotracheitis will jump to the lungs and then you will not have time. Running to the vet ..


You will not be given a snot, but the cat should be treated, shave it with naphthysine (for people who)

Sergey Kostyukhin

After the street, our seals have a couple of times a year of eye + redness and inflammation of the eyes. apple, sneeze, snot, all this in the fall, as a rule, as rubs against other cats in those same thing.. The diagnosis like a rhinotracheitis and other concomitant virusnyak bouquet, To us helps or assists and the effect on the second day of a drop tobreks in eyes 4 5 once a day, doxycycline half capsule for 5 kg of weight I diluted in a syringe and in the mouth without a needle, of course 2 times a day and tsikloferon 1/2 tablets in the mouth at 5 kg once a day, 10 days course, chemomycin suspension (azithromycin) kitten instead of doxycycline 25 mg / day (5ml) 5 days. Lysine can add 200 mg. And it is better to the explanatory veterinarian.

Xen Clarke

Sinquain (from Fr. cinquains, eng. cinquain) - a five-line poetic form, originated in the US at the beginning of the XX century under the influence of Japanese poetry. Later it was used (recently, since 1997, and in Russia) for didactic purposes, as an effective method of developing figurative speech, which makes it possible to quickly obtain the result [1]. A number of methodologists believe that synclines are useful as a tool for synthesizing complex information, as a cut-off for assessing the conceptual and vocabulary luggage of students [2].

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