Pterygium of the eye: what is it and how to treat it?

Have you sometimes noticed in the eyes of an elderly person a red film located on the conjunctiva. It seems that the blood vessels formed a path in the inner or outer corner of the eye. This phenomenon is called -Pterygium (in translation from the Latin language - "wing"). This pterygoid hymen on the conjunctiva can gradually move to the cornea of ​​the eye.In advanced cases the pterygium reaches even the pupil and, closing it, leads to loss of vision. Let's look at the reasons and the specific treatment of this disease.


  • 1What it is?
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Complications
  • 7Prevention of the pterygium
  • 8Video
  • 9conclusions

What it is?

Pterygium is a fairly common disease of the conjunctiva of the eyeball, under which it grows on the cornea of ​​the eye.This ailment occurs in representatives of different age groups, but most often occurs in people of mature and advanced age.

Pterygium is a scourge of the people of the south and the north, as well as people regularly exposing their eyes to various annoying influences (dust, wind, sand, intense sun rays, chemical irritants).

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The disease progresses with time.The histological prerequisite for the formation of the pterygium is the unified origin of the conjunctiva and the cornea.Many people do not even notice the development of a pathological disorder due to the small and initially barely noticeable size of the neoplasm.

Sometimes the pterygium proliferate and progresses to the pupil, instantly reduces the visual acuity of the person and leads to a significant cosmetic defect.


To date, the exact causes of this disorder have not been established.At the same time, factors that increase the risk of its development are revealed. Let's name the main of them:

  • Aggressive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.This risk is more likely to affect residents of southern countries and areas. In a special group of risk are representatives of the Mongoloid race, who have to closely monitor the eyes. It is they who have the pterygium most often.
  • Frequent eye contact with dust, as well as other irritating factors.
  • Irritation from wind.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Negative influence on the eyes of the computer.
  • The tendency of the conjunctiva to permanent inflammation.

The pterygium develops as follows.With the systematic influence of the above factors on the eyeball and with the constant inflammation of the conjunctiva, a tendency appears to strengthen the vascular pattern.If this process occurs frequently and lasts for a long time, then the epithelial tissue of the outer shell of the eye also undergoes changes. Many new vessels are formed, contributing to the penetration of fibroblasts into the cornea, which begin to produce connective tissue.As a result, the pterygium grows.

Over time, the pterygopalon increases in size (progressive form) or remains unchanged (pterygium stationary).

Neoplasm becomes very noticeable on the eye, looks like a grayish film of triangular shape.Sharp edge this film is directed towards the pupil and most often develops from the side of the nose.You can have one eye or both eyes at the same time.


Depending on the stage of development of the pterygium, patients note both the absence of symptomatology and its significant severity.Slight opacification of the periphery of the cornea is the first sign of a developing disorder.At this stage, the patient usually has no complaints. There is only an unobtrusive cosmetic defect.

The second stage is the appearance of a build-up on the cornea, which has an opaque consistency. Such a build-up is more noticeable and usually develops from the nose.

The sensation of a foreign body in the eye means that the pterygium begins to rise above the surface of the cornea. The pleura irritates the receptors of nerve endings located on the inner side of the eyelid.

If the eye irritation does not stop, then the healthy part of the cornea is broken and the tumor is already growing on it.In this case, the eye is constantly felt dry, the cause of which is the absence of a tear film on the surface of the tumor.

The symptom of a gradual decrease in vision appears when the pterygium grows on the center of the cornea, as a result of which the passage of light into the eyeball is disturbed.

If the pterygium is inflamed, there is hyperemia of the eyeball, itching, swelling of the conjunctiva, increased lachrymation.

Here's what the progressive pterygium looks like


This pathology is easily revealed, as patients with pterygium refer to a medical institution when the outgrowth becomes visible to the naked eye.

Slit microscopy (biomicroscopy) helps the oculist to examine the lesion in detail. This examination allows you to evaluate the shape of the pterygium, to inspect its surface, determine the degree of its adhesion to the cornea.


Pterygium is treated with conservative and surgical methods.If the growth does not affect the pupil and does not cause serious inconveniences to the patient, it can not be removed.The operation in this case is not obligatory and is carried out exclusively at the patient's request in order to eliminate the cosmetic defect.The patient is shown anti-inflammatory therapy, and also preparations are prescribed for moistening the eye.

However, if the pterygium begins to expand, then unpleasant symptoms appear:

  • discomfort with blinking;
  • lacrimation;
  • deterioration of vision due to developing astigmatism.

In such cases, urgent surgical operation is required.Usually it is performed under local anesthesia. The patient is instilled with anesthetic drops, and an anesthetic solution is injected into the build-up thicket.The film is excised by the blade, and the defect of the conjunctiva is sutured. An aseptic bandage is applied to the eye.

After the operation, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drops (Levomycetin, Teborax, etc.), and the patient goes home. After two weeks of recovery, he can start working.

For the development of this pathology should be carefully monitored, in time preventing the growth of the hymen to the central parts of the cornea.Eliminate the growth of the pleura better on the periphery of the cornea.If the neoplasm reaches the projection of the pupil, then after its excision there is a risk of developing turbidity, which in the future will reduce visual acuity.If the excision of the pterygium occurs on the periphery, then the turbidity that has arisen after this will be imperceptible.

The removed outgrowth tends to recur. And the recurrence of the pterygium proceeds more aggressively. In order to prevent relapse to the remainder of the pterygium left in the eye after removal, the conjunctiva site is sewn, which prevents its new growth.

Neoplasm can also be eliminated by laser treatment. This method involves cauterization by the laser, during which the head of the pterygopalus is removed.Today, the laser path is considered to be the safest, most effective and less traumatic, since modern equipment prevents complications. After removing the pterygium it is recommended to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation through sunglasses.

Progressive pterygium


In neglected cases, when the neoplasm completely covers the entire pupil, the subject's vision disappears. Operative intervention becomes more complicated technically and is more difficult for the patient to tolerate.After the operation, vision will most likely not recover to the level that was before development pterygium, since the hymen has firmly grown together with the cornea, and with its surgical separation is impaired transparency.That is why it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and not miss the moment when the operation will be carried out quickly and qualitatively.

Ptegirium completely closes the pupil

Complications of the postoperative period:

  • pronounced painful sensations (the cornea is the most sensitive shell of the eye);
  • the development of the so-called corneal syndrome;
  • lacrimation;
  • the possibility of bleeding from the blood vessels in the first hours after surgery;
  • prolonged redness of the eye.

Once the wound of the cornea is healed, discomfort will disappear.You just have to suffer in the first post-operation days. Pterigium is permeated with blood vessels, therefore, when it is excised, blood can flow under the conjunctiva with the formation of a hemorrhage. It resolves itself without treatment within 1-2 weeks.On the conjunctival defect overlap seams, and the patient at first can feel, as if a speck in an eye has got. But this also happens a week later.

Pterygium is a recurrent disease. If after the removal of the hymen again appeared and began to expand, it will take another operation.

It should be known that there are no folk and medicinal ways of treating the pterygium. When such an education appears, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

Prevention of the pterygium

As a preventive measure against the pterygium doctors recommend:

  • Protect eyes from negative effects of UV rays, cold, wind, dust, etc.
  • In time, treat inflammations and eye diseases (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, allergies).
  • Do not run the already existing pterygium before growing into the pupil.

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As you can see, pterygium is a disease that must be treated immediately upon detection. Do not wait until the hymen begins to grow on the pupil. In this case, you risk partially lose your eyesight, as the neoplasm tightly fuses with the cornea.Take a good look at your eyes, so as not to miss the moment of treatment of the disease at an early stage.

It will also be useful to read for the inflammation of the eyelid, which can lead to this disease. And do not lose sight of the recurrent erosion of the cornea, treat it in a timely manner.

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