Council of the Workforce 2017

The council of the labor collective in organizations or institutions is a representative body of self-management of the staff of the institution's employees. It is a permanent elective body, which functions on behalf of all employees of this organization. The main goal of the collective labor council is to make decisions between the head and employees of the organization. The tasks are to ensure the interaction of the administrative apparatus of the institution with its labor collective, its individual members and other public organizations.

Do I have to create a work council in an institution? Not necessarily, but if it is created, then all accepted and approved documents of the organization, especially those relating to changes in reporting forms of documentation, regulations on wages, internal regulations and some others - must be agreed upon at a meeting of the work collective before approval and adoption.

Can the director of an institution stop the activities of the labor council? Yes, having issued an appropriate order to terminate his functions. I must say that all the decisions of the work council of the collective are of a preventive and recommendatory nature, the last word is always for the head of the organization.

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The order on creation of the council of labor collective

On the letterhead of the organization the simple order on the basic activity is written approximately in such a key:

"In order to increaseffektivnosti of the institution n p and k and s s c a w:

  1. Create advice of the staff in the institution.
  2. I control the execution of the order for the deputy director.

Director IO Surname.


The board is first created. Then the Regulations on it are developed, at the meeting of the council it is agreed with its chairman.

Here the order of registration is slightly different from the trustee board of the organization.

At the first meeting of the staff director of the institution or one of the activists make suggestions( order) on the establishment of the Board, if the ballot is maintained, then the elected chairman of the board( they can not be the head of the organization or his deputy) and appoint or electsecretary. The secretary, together with the chairman of the council, develops a regulation on the collective council of the collective, which is then submitted for collective discussion and approval.

Regulations on the Council of the Workforce

Here we will consider an example of the position of the council of the work collective of the institution( organization).The regulations prescribe the goals, tasks, functions, the procedure for the work of the labor council, the procedure for electing the chairman, the election of the secretary, this includes competence, rights and powers of the membership of the collective labor council.

The header of the document in two columnar style is outlined from left to right:

AGREED: Chairman of the Council of the Labor Team ___________ IO Surname

"____" __________ 2017

APPROVED by: Director of the Institution( Organization) ___________ IO Name

"____"__________ 2017

Retreat. ...

Now in your organization the vast majority of newly accepted documents and changes to existing ones will be in the cap with the advice agreed before the "Approved".

Next in the center:

Regulation "On the advice of the work collective" Enterprises "

  1. General

1.1.This provision regulates the activity of the Council of the labor collective( hereinafter referred to as the Council), which is a representative body of the self-government of the labor collective "COMPLETE NAME OF ORGANIZATION OR ANNEXED"( hereinafter - Institution).

1.2.The Council is an elected, permanently acting body exercising its functions on behalf of the whole work collective of the Institution.

1.3.In the conditions of the functioning of the Council, the general management of the Institution interacts with the work collective of the Institution, individual members of the collective of the Institution, as well as with other public organizations.

1.4.The Council is created with the aim of making decisions between the Employer( Director) and the employees of the Institution.

  1. Organization of the activities of the Council

2.1.The number and composition of the representation in the Council are determined by the general meeting of the work collective, but no more than two people from the structural units.

2.2.The term of office of the Council is three years.

2.3.Members of the Council are elected by the general meeting of the work collective by secret or open voting( "for", "against", abstained ").

2.4.The Director of the Institution can not be a member of the Council, but may attend the meetings of the Council.

2.5.Members of the Council work on a voluntary basis.

2.6.The Council has an internal structure, the main elements of which are: the chairman, his deputy, secretary, working commissions.

2.7.The Chairman of the Council is elected at a general meeting of the work collective from candidates elected to the Council by secret or open ballot.

2.8.In the absence of the Chairman of the Council, his functions are exercised by the Deputy Chairman of the Council, elected by the members of the Council, by a majority of votes.

2.9.In order to carry out current activities, the members of the Council elect from their staff a secretary who carries out office work, maintains minutes of meetings.

2.10.The Chairman conducts organizational and operational work on current issues, organizes the activities of the Council in the course of its meeting. He organizes a work plan, passes it for approval by the Council. Ensures the transparency of the work of the Council and the implementation of its decisions. He proposes his deputy and secretary for approval of the Council. Reports to the general meeting of the labor collective the results of the activities of the Council at least once a year.

2.11.Members of the work collective, including members of the general management of the Institution, have the right to attend meetings of the Council with the right to a consultative vote.

2.12.The date, time, agenda of the meeting of the Council shall be communicated to the members of the Council and the work collective no later than 3 days prior to the meeting.

2.13.Meetings of the Council are held at least once a quarter.

2.14.The Council works according to the developed and adopted work plan, which is consistent with the general meeting of the work collective and the head of the Institution.

2.15.The Council is authorized to make decisions if there are at least half of its members at the meeting. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes.

  1. Functions of the

Board 3.1.Agrees: local acts regulating the procedure and terms of payment, stimulating payments to employees of the Institution;the regulations on the honor board, the certificate of honor and letters of thanks, and other regulatory documents governing the main activities of the institution.

3.2.Participates in control and organization of safe working conditions, adherence to sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, fire-fighting and anti-terrorist measures, labor protection standards.

3.3.Promote the general leadership of the Institution in improving the working conditions of members of the work collective, in protecting legitimate rights and interests, protecting the life and health of employees.

3.4.Provide the general management of the institution with assistance and supervision in matters of strengthening the labor discipline of employees and their compliance with their official duties.

3.5.Participation in the solution of problems related to the activities of the Institution.

3.6.Assist the general management of the Institution in planning the general meetings of the work collective.

3.7.Participation in the investigation of accidents.

3.8.Carries out other activities within its competence.

  1. Rights of the

Council In accordance with the competence established by this provision, the Council has the right:

4.1.On a reasoned opinion on local regulatory acts: the rules of internal labor regulations;the provision on labor remuneration and material incentives for workers;vacation schedule;orders for rewarding employees;other documents containing the norms of labor law.

4.2.Make proposals to the general management of the Institution and receive information on the results of their consideration.

4.3.Involve any member of the team in their work, request information on the issues under consideration, issue separate assignments.

4.4.Decisions of the Council can be abolished by the general meeting of the work collective.

4.5.Decisions adopted by the Council within its competence are binding for all employees of the Institution.

4.6.In the event of non-performance of his duties, loss of confidence in the collective, a member of the Council may be deprived of his powers. The decision to withdraw a member of the Board is made by the general meeting of the work collective.

4.7.Members of the Council are obliged to attend meetings of the Council.

  1. Office work

5.1.Meetings of the Council are formalized by a protocol.

5.2.The minutes record: the date of the meeting;the number of members of the Council;invited( name, position);agenda;the course of discussion of issues;proposals, recommendations, remarks, decisions.

5.3.Protocols are signed by the chairman and secretary of the Council.

5.4.The numbering of protocols is from the beginning of the calendar year.

5.5.Responsibility for office work in the Council rests with the chairman and secretary.

Sample of the Board's status can be downloaded here: polozhenie-o-sovete-trudovogo-kollektiva-2017

Sample minutes of the meeting( meeting)

The minutes of the meeting are kept by the secretary of the council of the work collective, with the prescription of the date, venue, meeting number, who is the chairman and secretary,the composition of the Board members present, other persons, as well as the agenda.

The entire course of the meeting is written in detail on the items. Whom they listened to, who spoke, which they decided. At the end of the protocol, it is desirable to make all decisions of the board meeting separately. At the bottom, the document is signed by the chairman and secretary. You can see this in the example.

Sample protocol of the meeting of the council of the work collective can be downloaded here: protokol-soveta-trudovogo-kollektiva-2017

Work plan for the next year

Written at the end of the year, coordinated with the chairman of the collective labor council, approved by the director of the institution. It is an enumeration of the main events planned in the institution, dates and venue, as well as responsible executors.

But, nevertheless, the work plan for the next year may not be, because it is impossible to take into account all the main topics of the meetings. Here all is written approximately.

The sample work plan for the fourth quarter of 2016 can be downloaded here: plan-raboty-soveta-trudovogo-kollektiva-2017

Report on annual( semi-annual)

On the activity of the collective council, the organization presents a simple transfer of council meetings: date, venue, meeting number( quantitative).All decisions( decrees) at the meetings are written in detail.