Order on approval of the vacation schedule: sample order 2018-2019 on the schedule of holidays

There is an opinion that the order to approve the schedule of holidays is not necessary. However, its design can act as a necessary part of the procedure for drawing up the order of the order of holidays for employees of enterprises and organizations. That will allow you to think ahead beforehand of the replacement of an employee who has gone on vacation. The production process will go on without failures and delays.

Today we will talk about how to draft and approve the order for the schedule of holidays. At the end of the publication you are offered a ready-made sample for 2018 available for free download.


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Why do I need a vacation schedule?

The fact is that Art.123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges the employer to approve in the organization, before the beginning of the next calendar year, the schedule of vacations for employees. The requirements for the leave schedule are as follows:

  1. the need to approve the schedule annually not later than two weeks before the start of the next year;
  2. obligatory agreement with the trade union body( if any);
  3. familiarize him with each employee;
  4. obligatory execution of the schedule, both by the employee and by the employer;
  5. creation taking into account the fact that a number of employees have a pre-emptive right to choose the period of care on leave.

Do not forget that the absence of an approved vacation schedule can lead to punishment of the employer in the form of a fine( paragraph 1 of Article 5.27 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation):

  1. from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles.for IP and officials;
  2. from 30 000 to 50 000 rubles.for legal entities.

Do I need an order to approve a vacation schedule

? The scheduling of holidays is allowed in a form developed by the employer alone. Nevertheless, it is more convenient to use the standard form T-7 , approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of 05.01.2004 No. 1.

This form contains fields for the reflection of all necessary information, allows the introduction of additional graphs and lines, if necessary.

The mandatory requisites of this document are the date of drawing up and approving the signature of the head.

Therefore, no additional approval of the vacation schedule is required. Therefore, a separate order for its approval is not mandatory , but it can be compiled if it is accepted by the current workflow system.

At the same time, the date of such an order should fit in with the time limits set for the approval of the vacation schedule of Art.123 of the LC RF.

The expediency of such a document can be justified by reflecting in it some additional information pertaining to the approved schedule. For example, the appointment of responsible persons for its compliance.

Features of work on the order and schedule of holidays

The approval is subject to a ready schedule for the holidays, work on its creation begins in advance and can be initiated by the order of the head.

When drawing up the schedule, it reflects the following types of paid leaves:

  1. annual;
  2. optional;
  3. unused in the previous year;
  4. drawn up by the part-time worker.

The schedule that is in effect can be further adjusted( for example, in connection with the transfer of leave or withdrawal from it) and supplemented( data on newly recruited staff).

Also, when drafting it, you should first of all consider the opinion of "beneficiaries", i.e.those employees who by law can choose their own time for themselves, not taking into account the wishes of the employer and those belonging to the "special" categories:

  1. minors,
  2. disabled persons,
  3. employees with irregular working hours( in these cases, the length of leave is unconventional).

Who prepares the order

The order is written on behalf of the head of the institution and is signed by them, although the responsibility for drafting it may lie on the head of the personnel department, or on the lawyer, or on the secretary.

This employee must have the necessary level of knowledge to create such documents and own the basics of the labor code of the Russian Federation.

When writing an order

The schedule of holidays is prepared in advance - not later than two weeks before the year on which the vacation time is distributed. At the same time, in the process of creating a schedule, both the wishes of employees and the operational need must be taken into account.

The preliminary schedule must necessarily be submitted for approval to the trade union body( if there is one in the enterprise), then all employees should be familiarized with the order( if this is not done, there may well be disputes and disagreements with employees reaching up tolitigation).

The schedule of holidays is a binding document, any adjustments can be made to it only with the mutual consent of the employee and the employer, provided that this does not in any way affect the functioning of the company and does not affect the interests of other employees. Also, changes can be made when hiring new employees and in connection with forced and force majeure circumstances.

Rules for drafting an order

This document does not have a strictly defined, unified sample, so it can be drafted in a free form. Quite often, employees of companies use an old, habitual standard form or an internal developed template for writing an order( which must be approved in the company's accounting policy), but regardless of which option is chosen, the document should always contain a number of necessary information:

  1. company name,
  2. the date of drawing up the document,
  3. information about the official, on whose behalf the
  4. order and its signature is written,
  5. and also the contents of the
  6. document and the signatures of all employees, whichthey are mentioned in it.

The actual vacation schedule itself can be included in the order or indicated as an attachment to it( it is relevant when the schedule with a large number of employees of the enterprise is a multi-page document).

It is not necessary to certify the order by the seal of the organization, because it refers to the internal documents of the enterprise. Since 2016, legal entities have the legal right not to use for printing documents the impressions of stamps and seals.

The order is usually drawn up in one copy, which, after being read and signed by all the employees mentioned in it, is transferred to the archive of the enterprise, where it is kept for a set period of time.


This sample order has a standard form and can be generally applied( with minor adjustments).

" Hat " of the document. At the beginning of the document the full name of the organization is written, then the number of the order( according to the internal document circulation) is written, the settlement in which the company operates, as well as the date of its compilation, are entered.

" Body " of the document. Then comes the actual order: first, there is a reference to the basis( it must be in any order - in this case it is Article 123 of the LC RF), and then several points are set out in detail.

  1. The first usually fixes the fact of the approval of the schedule indicating the year it is distributed.
  2. In the second paragraph, the responsible person is appointed to collect signatures to familiarize himself with the schedule and order( most often in the role of such an employee is the specialist of the personnel department, sometimes the secretary).
  3. In the third paragraph, the necessary instructions are made to the address of the accounting department.

After that, the application( the schedule itself) is inscribed in a separate line, and also the signatures of the head of the organization and employees, on whom the functions on execution of the order are assigned, are placed.

Sample order on the vacation schedule for 2018, where to download

As we have already said, the order itself, approving the schedule of holidays for the next year, is not an obligatory document, there is no approved form for it, and therefore it can be made in an arbitrary form. But, do not forget about the above-mentioned nuances!

We offer you a free download of a sample of a completed order to facilitate your work: Sample order on the vacation schedule for 2018-2019 year .

Approval of the holiday schedule for next year is a mandatory procedure for any employer. The order on its approval can be made in free form, but if it is established by the document management system at the given enterprise.


How to make a schedule of holidays?

Channel "What to do TV".

At the end of each year, HR staff need to schedule a vacation for the following year. What to look for, how to properly draw up documents, what features should be taken into account. In this issue, the Guide to Human Resources will help us answer these questions.

How to make the schedule of holidays in 1C

Video channel "Help on 1C".

This video shows how to make the schedule of holidays in 1C Salary and staff management 3.0, from this video you will learn:

  1. Vacation schedule, why is it needed?
  2. Create a schedule of holidays in the ZKUP.
  3. Create an order for vacation. Comparison of the plan and the fact.


  1. http://nalog-nalog.ru/otpusk_i_vremya_otdyha/prikaz_ob_utverzhdenii_grafika_otpuskov_-_obrazec/
  2. https: //assistentus.ru/forma/ prikaz-ob-utverzhdenii-grafika-otpuskov /