How to get rid of pain in the knee joints?

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  • 1How to get rid of pain in knee joints
    • 1.1Why does pain arise?
    • 1.2Treatment with iodine
    • 1.3Potato packs
    • 1.4Decoctions, ointments, compresses
    • 1.5Chopping
  • 222 home methods that will help get rid of the pain in your knees
    • 2.1What causes knee pain?
    • 2.2Home remedies for pain in the knees
    • 2.316 Tips for Relieving Pain in the Knee
  • 3Why knees ache: causes and treatment of folk remedies
    • 3.1Possible reasons
    • 3.2What can be the pain?
    • 3.3What to do?
    • 3.4Compresses
    • 3.5Ointments
    • 3.6Infusions for internal reception
    • 3.7What is not recommended?
    • 3.8Preventive measures
  • 4The knees ache greatly, folk remedies for knee joint treatment
    • 4.1The causes of pain in the knees
    • 4.2Traditional medicine
    • 4.3Compresses
    • 4.4Tinctures for external use
    • 4.5Home Ointments
    • 4.6Infusions for oral administration

How to get rid of pain in knee joints

When the joints ache, there is not much to be desired. Painful syndrome fetters movement, does not allow you to work and fully enjoy life.

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Many factors can cause discomfort, for example, chronic pathologies.

To treat and get rid of the problem, it is important to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of the body and begin appropriate therapy.

Supplement the treatment will help recipes of traditional medicine, based on medicinal plants.

Why does pain arise?

If the pain knit the knee joints, then the prerequisites for this can be a lot. Usually in such situations, doctors put one of the diagnoses:

  • Bursitis (inflammatory process in the synovial bag);
  • tendonitis (inflammation of tendons in the knee);
  • gonarthrosis (deformity of the knee as a result of a destructive process in the cartilaginous tissue);
  • periarthritis (pathology of tissues near the knee joint);
  • meniscopathy (damage to the external, internal meniscus);
  • gout (deposition of uric acid salts in the joints);
  • osteomyelitis (purulent-necrotic process in the periarticular and articular tissues);
  • arthritis of any etiology (damage to cartilage, capsule, synovial membrane);
  • Paget's disease (deformities and brittleness caused by malfunctions in bone formation processes);
  • König's disease (exfoliation of parts of cartilaginous tissue and free movement of sites along the joint);
  • Cyst Baker (hernia of the patella or knee);
  • fibromyalgia (a disease not accompanied by inflammation, its causes are not known to medicine);
  • Osgood-Schlätter's disease (development of the cone next to the patella, causing pain syndrome);
  • infectious lesions of joints.

In view of the fact that there are many reasons that cause discomfort, how to get rid of pain in the knee joint will only tell the doctor.

Treatment with iodine

The most affordable, cheap and simple remedy for joint pain is an alcohol solution of iodine. This biologically active substance is characterized by a bright anti-inflammatory property. Admitting deep into the joint, iodine affects the focus of inflammation, reducing and stabilizing the deformities.

On the basis of iodine, grinders are prepared. To do this, take 10 ml of iodine solution, 10 ml of camphor, 10 tablets of analgin, 300 ml of alcohol. All components are mixed, the resulting preform is shaken well, left to infuse in a dark, warm place for 21 days.

As soon as the medicine is ready, to achieve the maximum analgesic effect, it should be rubbed into the skin around the joint every day. To wrap or bandage the knee is not required.

Potato packs

From potatoes, several variations of the preparations for the relief of pain in the joints are prepared at once. For example, potato with kerosene became the most effective recipe. For therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to use aviation kerosene.

One tablespoon of fuel is added to a potato that has been ground with the peel. Such a mixture will help improve the flow of blood to the affected area and reduce pain in the joint.

Compresses from the resulting mixture should be applied to the diseased knee for 15 minutes every evening. After such a procedure, the covers are dryed and wrapped with a warm scarf. They treat knees with kerosene for no more than 7 days.

Treatment with potatoes and horseradish was no less in demand. You should take in equal proportions raw vegetables and grate them on a fine grater. The resulting mass:

  1. impose a thick layer on the knee joint;
  2. wrap the leg in cellophane or food film;
  3. stand for at least 40 minutes.

Potato compress can be used 2 times. To do this, the gruel is removed from the knee, transferred to a glass container and left in a cold under a tightly closed lid.

Decoctions, ointments, compresses

Physicians can tell how to get rid of pain in the shoulder and knee. Prepare medicines at home is not difficult and does not require expensive components. There is a simple ointment for joints.

Take a teaspoon of turpentine, a tablespoon of vinegar (preferably apple) and 1 chicken yolk. After applying the product, the leg is wrapped. Apply ointment is required until the optimal therapeutic result.

It is possible to make an onion compress all night long. For this, the vegetable is cut into 2 parts, and in the middle of each of them cuts are made to make as much juice as possible. Onions are applied to the affected knee and tightly banded.

Calendula will help to remove swelling. For treatment:

  • take a whole plant bush;
  • boil in water;
  • apply to the affected joint.

On top, apply gauze, previously soaked in a decoction. The knee is wrapped in a food film and carefully wrapped.

It's good to make a decoction of Christmas-tree needles. It will be necessary to pour boiling water on the green branches of fir or pine and leave to infuse for 24 hours. After that, the received tool is warmed up to 50 degrees, they wrap their knees. The procedure is repeated every day.

You can try to get rid of the pain with a compress of elderberry and chamomile.

The formulation provides for steaming in boiling water over half a glass of flowers. The mixture is wrapped and allowed to stand for 20 minutes.

The broth is drained, and only the steamed herbs, folded in a tissue sac, are applied to the diseased knee.

Excellent pain can be removed without the preliminary heat treatment of medicinal plants. Some of them can be applied to the diseased knee in fresh form. These can be leaves of birch, burdock, horseradish. Such procedures are performed several times a day.


Every evening before going to bed, it is recommended to rub your knees with a dandelion infused on triple cologne. For anesthesia, rubbing is repeated for 40 days.

You can stretch yourself with infusion of elecampane. For every 500 ml of alcohol or vodka, 100 herbs are taken. The mixture is infused for 3 days, and then rubbed into the previously oiled skin.

Traditionally, doctors advise to fight joint pain with horse chestnut.


For the drug, it is crushed and poured with vodka in the proportion of 300 g of chestnut per 500 ml of alcohol.


The mixture is left in a dark place for 14 days, while not forgetting to shake every day. The finished solution is rubbed into the knee joints.

The pepper tincture will help patients:

  • take pods of bitter pepper;
  • thoroughly crushed;
  • fill it half the volume of a bottle of dark glass.

The rest volume is added with alcohol. The drug lasts 7 days.

In addition to compresses, ointments and trimmings, you can practice simple methods of reducing pain, for example, fixing the joint to eliminate unnecessary movements.

For this purpose, patients wear knee pads that increase the functionality of the joint and independent movement of a person.

Reduce the load can also be due to orthopedic insoles.

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22 home methods that will help get rid of the pain in your knees

22 home methods that will help get rid of knee pain and 16 tips to alleviate this pain!

Pain in the knees is one of the most common health problems that we experience during our lifetime. The reason why we feel pain is a defect in the bone structure of the knee and knee joint.

This can happen to any person regardless of age, and the intensity of pain can range from mild to severe. We offer you the best way to treat this painful condition with the help of alternative medicine.

What causes knee pain?

  • - Aging
  • - Injuries of the knee joint that occur during sports or recreational activities (dislocation of the knee or knee cap, fracture of the kneecap, ligament injury, tendon injury)
  • - Diseases such as arthritis or osteoporosis


  • - Swelling in the knee
  • - Sharp and dull aches in the knee joints
  • - Stiffness and low mobility of the knee
  • - Difficulties in walking due to pain in the knee joints
  • - Inflammation in the affected knee area

Home remedies for pain in the knees

Pain in the knees affects your daily life, causing difficulties in walking and discomfort in the joints of this area, while performing normal activities, like flexing your legs, walking or running. Fortunately, you can solve this problem and significantly reduce or eliminate pain in the knee, not much at it spending.

The alkalizing properties of apple cider vinegar help reduce painful pain in the knees. It is able to dissolve harmful toxins in the knee joints, and lubricate the joints, improving their mobility.


  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 glass of water


Add the vinegar to the water, and mix well. Drink this solution once a day.


  • 2 cups of apple cider vinegar
  • Hot water (bath)


Add the vinegar to a bath filled with hot water, and mix well with hands. Put your knees in water and leave for half an hour. Do this once a day for several days to reduce pain in the knee.


  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil


Combine both ingredients and apply the mixture to the front and back areas of the knees. Leave it for half an hour, and then rinse the mixture with clean water. Thus, you can ease the pain that you feel in this area.

The active component of turmeric curcumin has an anti-inflammatory effect that effectively removes the internal and external pain in the knee. This remedy is one of the most effective in combating pain in the knees.

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  • , a tablespoon of chopped ginger
  • , a tablespoon of turmeric
  • 2 drops of honey
  • 1 glass of water


Add all ingredients in water and boil over medium heat for ten minutes. Allow the mixture to cool for ten minutes, and strain. Immediately drink liquid. Do this twice a day to eliminate pain in the knees.


  • 1 tablespoon turmeric
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 2 drops of honey


In warm milk, add turmeric and honey. Take this medication once a day, it will also help relieve pain in the knees and joints.

Capsaicin, contained in cayenne pepper, creates a sensation of heat around the sore spot, thereby easing the pain and reducing swelling.


  • 2 tablespoons cayenne pepper
  • 1, 5 cups of olive oil


Prepare the pasta by mixing these ingredients and apply it to the knee area where you feel pain. Do this twice a day for a week, after which you will feel considerable relief.


  • , a tablespoon of cayenne pepper
  • A cup of apple cider vinegar


Mix the ingredients and pour the mixture into a bath with water. You should soak your knees in this water for about 20 minutes. Do this every day to reduce inflammation and relieve severe pain in the knees.

The anti-inflammatory property of ginger is one of the most powerful when it comes to relieving pain and swelling of the knees.


  • , spoons of crushed ginger
  • Glass of water
  • 2 drops of honey
  • 2 drops of lemon juice


Mix all the ingredients and boil for ten minutes. Strain and drink ginger tea while it is still hot. Take it daily to eliminate acute pain in the knees.


  • 2-4 tablespoons of ginger oil


Apply the oil directly to the affected areas of the knee with your fingers. Allow the oil to remain on your knees for about half an hour, and then rinse it off. Do this every day to reduce pain in the knee.

Citric acid, contained in lemons, dissolves uric acid crystals, which are the main cause of the appearance of arthritis. Therefore, the use of this fruit can be an excellent natural remedy for eliminating knee pain caused by arthritis.


  • 1 lemon
  • , sesame oil
  • 1 gauze


Cut the lemon into small pieces and put it on gauze. Tie it and put it in sesame oil for a few minutes. Then put the tissue on the affected area of ​​the knee, and let stand for about ten minutes. Do this twice a day to eliminate pain in the knee.

Alternative option- Dilute a little lemon juice in a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach to relieve pain in the knee.

The anti-inflammatory properties of fenugreek seeds will help relieve pain in the knee. These seeds are one of the most effective home remedies for pain in the knees and joints, due to their warming nature.


  • 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds
  • 1 glass of water


Soak the seeds in a cup of water overnight. The next morning, strain the seeds and eat them. Eat them once a day to relieve severe knee pain.


  • 5 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds
  • , water


Fry the seeds and, as soon as they cool to room temperature, pound them into powder.

Then add five tablespoons of powdered semen into the water to prepare a homogeneous paste. Apply it to a painful place and leave for half an hour.

Then rinse with warm water. Do this regularly to eliminate pain in the knee.

This oil improves blood circulation around the knees. Use it to reduce pain and inflammation in the knees that happen when you crouch, run or jump.


  • 2 tablespoons mustard oil
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • Hot water
  • Towel


Heat the oil over medium heat and add crushed cloves. Heat the mixture for 15 minutes until the oil becomes warm, and then apply it on the knee. Leave the oil for an hour.

The next thing to do is to dip the towel in hot water and then squeeze to remove excess water. Place the towel on your knee to reduce severe pain.

Do this twice a week.

The English salt contains a large number of natural muscle relaxants - magnesium sulfate. It relieves excess fluid in the tissues, thereby reducing pain and swelling in the knees.


  • A cup of English salt
  • Hot water (hot bath)


Add the English salt to the bath filled with hot water. Soak your knees for 15 minutes, and repeat the procedure twice a week. Thus, you will reduce pain and inflammation in the knee area.

note- If you suffer from diabetes, you have heart problems or blood pressure, avoid salt.

This simple home treatment helps compress blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the affected area of ​​the knee, thereby reducing edema.


  • 5-6 ice cubes
  • Towel


Wrap the ice cubes in a towel and place it on the affected area of ​​the knee joint. Allow him to stay for 10-20 minutes. Repeat this simple treatment daily to eliminate pain in the knee.

The analgesic properties of eucalyptus oil have a calming effect on knee pain. This oil penetrates deep into the skin, providing relief from mild and severe pain in the knees.


  • 5 drops of eucalyptus oil
  • 5 drops of peppermint oil
  • 2 drops of olive oil
  • Small glass bottle


Put mint and eucalyptus oil in a bottle and add olive oil. Mix well, and keep the bottle away from sunlight.

When you feel pain in the knee joints, apply a little oil mixture to the affected area. Leave it for an hour, and then rinse.

Continue to repeat this treatment until you feel better.

This oil is a quick and natural remedy that improves the condition of aching and swollen knees.


  • 2-3 drops of olive oil


Apply a few drops of olive oil to the affected areas of the knee with your fingers. Leave the oil for an hour, and then rinse. Do this once a day to reduce pain in the knee.

The abundance of vitamins A and C in dandelion leaves strengthen blood circulation and tissue functioning in the knee area.


  • 3 tablespoons chopped dandelion leaves
  • Glass of water
  • 4 drops of honey


Add a glass of water to the dandelion leaves and boil over medium heat. You can add a little honey to the mixture for taste. Strain the liquid and drink. Repeat this three times a week to eliminate severe knee pain.

Salicyin, contained in a white willow, quickly removes unpleasant pain in the knee.


  • 2 tablespoons chopped white willow bark
  • Glass of water
  • 4 drops of honey


Boil the water over medium heat, and add crushed willow bark. Leave the bark in the water for 10-15 minutes, and then remove the pan from the fire. Add honey to taste. Strain the mixture and drink it twice a week to relieve pain in the knee.

This tea is an excellent remedy for relieving pain in the knee caused by arthritis. It also reduces swelling and inflammation.


  • 1 tablespoon dried juniper berries
  • Glass of water
  • 3 drops of honey


Boil water and add dried berries. Leave them in water for about 15 minutes, and then add honey. Strain and drink tea while it is hot. Use this tea daily to eliminate pain in the knee.

Note:Pregnant women should not use this tea.

This remedy is an excellent and quick way to reduce pain in the knee and cure sick knee joints.


  • 3 cups of grape juice
  • , spoons of pectin


Mix the ingredients well, and drink twice a day for 2 weeks.

Coconut oil is famous for its numerous healing properties, one of which is the reduction of pain in the knee.



Boil half a cup of coconut oil over medium heat for about three minutes. Then use your fingers to apply warm oil to the affected knees. Leave it for 2-3 hours, and then rinse. Repeat this treatment twice a day to eliminate discomfort and pain in the knee.

16 Tips for Relieving Pain in the Knee

These tips will help prevent and heal the pain in the knee:

1. Avoid activities that strain your legs in your lap
2. Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes
3. Excess weight increases the load on the legs. Therefore, try to lose those extra pounds.

Eat fruits and vegetables with a high content of magnesium
5. Do 15-minute walks every day, so that your leg muscles perform regular movements
6. Do exercises that target the knee joints

Increase the movement of the legs
8. Try to wear comfortable shoes
9. Smoking exacerbates inflammation and slows the healing process. Therefore quit smoking

To relieve severe pain in the knee, use a frozen compress
11. Reduce pain and swelling in the knee joints with a hot compress
12. Healing knees also help massage

Always let your feet rest to get rid of the pain in your knee.
14. Try not to stand for a long period of time, since this only increases the pain

If you have a knee injury, you should take proper care to prevent inflammation, swelling and pain.
16. If you suffer from knee pain, do not lift the weight

Use these home remedies and tips to quickly and effectively get rid of the pain in your knees!

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Why knees ache: causes and treatment of folk remedies

If you encounter sudden pain in the knee, then the first thing to understand, what caused this problem, because this symptom can occur with more than 200 different diseases.

Most of them are associated with joints, which concern more than half of humanity. Why is there pain in the knees, and how can I cope with it?

Possible reasons

In many cases, pain in the knee indicates the damage to the joints themselves. However, this does not always happen. The main reasons, which can cause unpleasant sensations, are:

  • Osteoarthritis of the knee joint. This is the process of destruction of joint tissues, which, with a long current, can cause deformation and loss of joint mobility.
  • Arthritis of the knee joint. An inflammatory disease that can be both independent and a sign or complication of other diseases. You can read about the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in this article.
  • Meniscopathy. If the meniscus is damaged, severe pain appears, and the cause may be trauma, sometimes very insignificant. If the problem is not fixed in time, it can become a chronic form and cause a deforming arthrosis.
  • Vascular pain. This is not an articular pathology, but approximately 10% of patients visit the orthopedist with this particular problem. The cause is a violation of blood circulation in the joints. Pain in the vessels can manifest throughout the life of a person.
  • Inflammation of tendons in the knee joint, known asperiarthritis. In this case, the discomfort is felt in the inner side of the knee, and it increases with ascending and descending the stairs. Women are most affected by the disease for 40 with overweight.
  • "Reflected pains" that manifest themselvesfor arthrosis of the hip joint. The knees themselves will not suffer in this case, and the volume of movement in them does not change at all, on the x-ray of the pathology, too, will not be found.

In addition, the pain in the knee may manifest due to stretching or normal fatigue as a result of too active physical exertion.

What can be the pain?

For correct diagnosis in the case of manifestations of pain in the knee, you need to determine the nature of the pain, which may differ:

  • A sudden sudden pain. It can be a sign of a recent injury, blockage of the joint and the appearance in the soft tissues of acute bone growth.
  • It's a dull pain. He talks about the chronic nature of problems in the joints. It can be inflammation, the onset of arthrosis, as well as the manifestation of meteodependence in vascular disorders.
  • Shooting Pain. May occur if inflammation or a serious stage of arthrosis affects nerve endings.
  • Very severe pain.Evidence of a pinched nerve, blockade of blood vessels and other acute injuries of this leg zone. It can occur with a fracture, acute inflammation and the last stages of ostearthrosis.
  • Regular pain. In most cases, its causes lie in the spasms of nearby muscles, synovitis, neuropathies and fibrosis capsules.
  • Cutting painful pain in all movements. It can be a symptom of a meniscus rupture and blockade of the joints or pinching of the nerve, possibly in the spine.
  • Nagging pain. Can manifest itself with almost all pathologies of the knee joint.

What to do?

If this unpleasant problem arises, you should contact your orthopedist or neurologist as soon as possible. The exact cause, and based on it and the methods of treatment, will be determined during the diagnosis.

Removing knee pain can also be helped by popular folk recipes that can be used for both internal and external use.


Compresses are the most popular folk remedies in this case, which quickly relieve pain in the knees and prevent its occurrence in the future.

  • Useful natural yellow clay, in which there are many curative minerals that enter the affected area and alleviate pain symptoms. It is necessary to make a thick mixture of clay and warm water and apply it over the sick zone with a thick layer. Warm the film and something wool, leave for the night. In the morning, rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure is recommended daily for a week. For preventive purposes, it will be enough two times a week.
  • You need to take the same number of flowers of dandelion, chestnut and lilac, and densely put them in a glass container. Then pour the vodka and insist for two weeks. To use, you need to moisten this tincture with a gauze napkin and apply it to the diseased knee. Also warm it and hold it all night. For a couple of times using this procedure, you can eliminate even the most severe pain.
  • The compress based on lard fats perfectly. A thin slice of fat should be applied to the knee and secured with natural cloth, then apply a warm woolen cloth. Keep it for 10-12 hours. The course of treatment is from seven days.


  • It is necessary to mix 100 g of honey and 5 g of mummy and rub this mixture into the diseased area every day for 10-15 minutes. Do the procedure better before going to bed.
  • Add in 100 grams of honey, a teaspoon of salt, baking soda and dried mustard powder. Use the ointment once a day in the evening. Five procedures will be enough to relieve the pain.
  • It is necessary to grind 50 g of celandine leaves and place in a glass container of a volume, liter, which must be poured into the top with sunflower or olive oil. The product should be infused for two weeks, then it must be filtered through gauze in several layers. Use the ointment two to three times a day, applying it to a large area with cautious massage movements.

Infusions for internal reception

Such tinctures have a powerful anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. They improve the metabolism in the tissues of the joints, which makes it possible to get rid of the pain qualitatively and quickly:

  • On the grater you need to rub the horseradish root and pour it with 200 ml of boiling water, then let it rest on the water bath for 20 minutes. Drink a tablespoon two or three times a day for 21 days.
  • You need to rinse 50 g of bay leaf and put it in a small enameled container, then add about 250 ml of clean water, simmer slowly, then allow to cool and drain. What happened, divide into 4 equal parts and drink for four days in small sips between meals. You can repeat the course anew not earlier than in six months.
  • Mix the same amount of willow bark, parsley root and dried nettle. A tablespoon of this mixture should be insisted in a thermos, filling it with 200 ml of boiling water. Eat twice a day for 100 ml after a meal in a warm form.

What is not recommended?

Although the above methods of treatment are reliable and tested for years, nevertheless, they can not be used without consulting a medical specialist and resolving it. The misuse and combination of folk remedies can not only be ineffective, but also seriously exacerbate the situation.

Proper physical activity can be useful for pain in the knees, but, nevertheless, it is important not to overdo it.

Too much activity can only aggravate the situation.It is important to find an exercise program that is safe, and stick to it.

If you yourself can not do this, it makes sense to see a doctor or a physiotherapist.

Problems with knees increaserisks of falls, which can provoke aggravation of the situation. These risks should be minimized, using only reliable ladders, holding on to the handrails and taking care with ice or other slippery surfaces.


Also complicate the situationoverweight.It is not necessary to strive for an ideal thinness, but in the presence of extra pounds it is recommended to get rid of them with the help of proper physical activity and a balanced diet.


With pain in the knee an important role playsshoes that you wear. Do not wear tight and uncomfortable shoes or shoes, women are not recommended high heels. Ideally, you need to use special orthopedic insoles.

Preventive measures

The first thing to do to prevent pain in the knees -normalize your weight. Each weight dropped significantly reduces the load on the joints.

Competent diet and moderate physicalactivity is useful for weight loss, and to improve the condition of knee joints in general. In sports, you need to try to work on strengthening the muscles that support the knee joints.

Another measure to prevent pain in the knees -to give up smoking. Chemicals that are full of tobacco smoke, negatively affect the restoration of ligaments, and it is their ruptures that are the popular causes of pain in the knees.

If you are going on a long trip on foot or by bike, try to bring along a piece of gauze or a small towel.

When you feel a strong tension in your knees, moisten it and wrap the knee, this will help prevent severe pain.

If you are often in a sitting position, try not to bend your knees too much - periodically straighten them.

If you have pain in the knees, and you managed to get rid of them, return to the usual way of life smoothly and gradually. First, resume your normal household chores, but do so in such a way as to avoid discomfort.

Somewhat later, the load can be increased - for example, jogging regularly. In this case, you should stop taking analgesics if you have done this earlier, because you risk greatly overstraining the knee, and the pain will start to bother you again.

See a video of what can be done at home if the knees ache:

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The knees ache greatly, folk remedies for knee joint treatment

From time to time, practically every person, for one reason or another, has knee joints in front or behind.

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Pain can increase with running, walking, just bending or other loads on the front or inside. Often, pain is a sign of a beginning illness.

In any case, unpleasant feelings worsen the quality of life, because a person can not think of anything other than pain and methods how to get rid of it.

Pain in the knee is a serious trouble for a person

The causes of pain in the knees

  • bruises;
  • dislocations, sprain of ligaments, exit of the meniscus;
  • supercooling;
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • the beginning of osteochondrosis.

Based on these reasons, treatment is determined. But whatever the reason, always with the main medicines you can use traditional medicine.

Folk recipes can significantly reduce pain when flexing front or back and accelerate recovery.

Such means as burdock, horseradish, Kalanchoe, cabbage leaves, wormwood, everyone can find and prepare a miracle cure.

Traditional medicine

Folk recipes have several types: compresses, ointments, tinctures for indoor and outdoor use.


Relaxing compresses can quickly relieve the pain. Such recipes are very popular.

  • Yellow clay, the medicinal substances of which are able to penetrate the focus of the affected area and greatly alleviate the pain. And they make a compress like this: dry clay is bred with warm boiled water so that a very thick mixture is obtained, which is applied thickly to the diseased joint both in front and behind. On top wrap the food film and wrap it with a warm wool cloth. The compress should be kept all night. The next morning the mixture is washed off with warm water. The duration of the procedure is 7 days. Also, this procedure can be done prophylactically twice a week.
  • Lard. Compress of fat has a warming effect. A thin plate is cut from the fresh fat, applied to the sore spot, both front and back, and wrapped with a cotton cloth. On top of the compress can be wrapped with a cloth of natural wool. Duration of holding 10-12 hours. To significantly ease the condition, you need 7 procedures.
  • Flowers of dandelion, blue lilac and chestnut. A mixture of flowers taken in equal proportions densely packed in a jar of glass and poured vodka. The bank is kept in a cool, preferably dark place for two weeks. Next, you need to moisten the gauze with this drug and apply it to the sore spot. On all sides the knee is wrapped with a film and a dense warm cloth. The medicine lasts until morning. For treatment, only 2-3 procedures are needed and even severe pain will subside.
  • At night, a cabbage leaf is attached to the knee. A good effect is obtained by kneading the knee with cabbage juice. Cabbage juice is used fresh.
  • Well derive salt from the joint tissues horseradish leaves. The sheet is applied to the sore spot and fixed with a woolen cloth for the night. In the morning, under the horseradish sheet, you can see a white coating that came out with salt. To recover, it will take about 10 procedures that are done every day. Horseradish leaves should be used fresh.
  • Also, the pain of burdock leaves is good. They simply should be applied to the affected sites 2 or 3 times a day and the pain during flexion will pass.
  • Another effective recipe from a burdock leaf. It is necessary to collect 30 large pieces of burdock. Rinse well in running water and divide into 3 parts of 10 pieces. Strongly warm the water (80-90 ° C), lower 10 sheets for 8-10 minutes, remove, shake off, attach all sheets to the affected joint and tie them with a warm cloth. The cooling compress should be removed and the next 10 heated sheets applied, and then the remaining 10 sheets of burdock. The next day, collect 20 sheets. And on the third day again 10.

Burdock is an excellent tool for the treatment of joints

  • For compresses use the newly torn grass wormwood bitter. From it prepare the juice or infusion. Wormwood is a very good remedy, which is used for the fastest recovery. Pay attention, whether there is no allegri on wormwood.

Tinctures for external use

Recipes based on herbs, well relieve inflammation, and are able to quickly alleviate the condition of the patient. These drugs can be used for a long time.

  • Mushrooms of the ordinary mushroom. Hats must be crushed and filled with a dark glass bottle to half. Next, the caps are poured with vodka and insisted in a cool place for 1 month. When the pain begins in the knee, just rub the joint twice daily.
  • Chestnut horse. For the medicine, 5 large chestnuts are rubbed on a fine grater and mixed with 200 milliliters of turpentine. The drug is aged 14 days in a cool place. Used for grinding joints in front and back.

Use the horse chestnut and stay healthy

  • Flowers of potatoes. You need to take 4 tablespoons. just torn off the potato color, peeled from the green part. Flowers are poured in 200 ml of 70% alcohol and infused for 10 days in a cold place or refrigerator. The medicine is rubbed 2-3 times a day until the discomfort disappears completely when flexing. The procedure is done for several days.
  • To treat pain, Kalanchoe is often used. Kalanchoe can greatly relieve unpleasant sensations. It is necessary to pass the leaves of the Kalanchoe through the meat grinder., kg of crushed Kalanchoe is poured with 1 liter of vodka. The mixture is infused for 5 days. Ready infusion rubbed into the joints before bed. After 3-4 weeks, the pain will completely stop.
  • According to another recipe, the Kalanchoe does not need to be ground, but simply cut into large, folded into a liter jar and pour vodka to the top. The drug is medicated in a dark place for 1 week. From time to time a bottle of Kalanchoe should be shaken. For treatment, the ready-made infusion is rubbed into sore spots. Using Kalanchoe, like other traditional medicine, you need to follow to avoid allergies.

Home Ointments

Excellent medications are ointments, prepared with their own hands.

  • Take 100 grams of liquid honey and 5 grams of mummy, mix. The mixture is rubbed into the problem spots daily by massaging the knee 10-15 minutes.
  • Mix on, tsp. dry mustard powder, salt and soda. Add 100 grams of honey to the mixture and mix. Since this ointment warms well, it is enough to lubricate the patient's joint at night. To facilitate the state, 5 procedures are sufficient, which must be done every day or every other day.
  • 50 grams of fresh, finely chopped, celandine leaves put in a glass, liter jar. The top of the pot is filled with fresh unrefined sunflower or olive oil, preferably cold pressed. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks, the drug must be filtered further. To do this, you can use gauze, folded into several layers. Ointment is applied by massage movements 2-3 times a day.
  • You need to take 1 tsp. powdered dry powder of St. John's wort, nettle and yarrow. In the mixture of herbs, a tablespoon of melted petrolatum is added and mixed. Knees are lubricated with this remedy before bedtime. Treatment continues until full recovery.
  • The melted goat or badger fat is mixed with honey and rubbed into a sore spot to ease the bending condition.
  • Burdock, comfrey and elecampane. 100 g of fresh burdock roots, elecampane and comfrey can be finely chopped through a meat grinder, add 400 grams of internal fat. The mixture lies in a clay pot, covered with a lid and languish in the oven over a small fire for about 2 hours. Next, the pot must be wrapped and insisted. After 6 hours, the mixture is filtered, wrung out, and 10 ml of oily solutions of vitamin A and E. The resulting ointment is rubbed into the joints at night.

Infusions for oral administration

Such infusions have an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. In the tissues of the joints, metabolic processes are improved. The pain passes quickly and for a long time.

  • Grated horseradish root is poured into 200 ml of hot water. The horseradish root is infused in a water bath for 20 minutes. Infusion is taken on a tablespoon 2-3 times throughout the day. The course of treatment with horsemeat root is 21 days.

Horseshoe root for joints

  • Wash 50 grams of laurel leaves in an enamel saucepan and add 250 milliliters of boiled cold water. On not high fire bring to a boil. Then cool and drain. The infusion is divided into 4 parts. One part is drunk in one day. Drink small sips before meals for 4 days. An additional course of treatment can be done after 6 months.
  • Mix dry grass nettle, willow bark and parsley root in equal proportions. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into 200 milliliters of boiling water and infused in a thermos bottle. To drink, infuse a warm 100 ml after eating twice a day.
  • 1 tbsp. finely sliced ​​root burdock should be insisted 1-2 hours in a glass of boiling water. Infusion drink 2 tablespoons. spoons 3-5 times a day. Make the medicine you need from fresh burdock root should be fresh.

It happens that the pain began after a long stay in the cold. In this case, it is useful to take a hot bath with the addition of sea salt or to rub the knee well with camphor alcohol.
And for the prevention of any kind of pain you need to eat a black radish with honey.

It is important to know that there is no need to massively knee because pain can be a sign of a more serious illness and the tumor will only increase from a strong pressure. In any case, do not delay the visit to the doctor, because only the doctor will be able to determine the cause of the disease and choose an effective treatment.

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