Respiratory gymnastics for pneumonia

How is respiratory gymnastics performed with pneumonia?

Respiratory gymnastics with pneumonia is one of the stages of treatment and recovery of the lungs.It is used in the medical-physical complex (LFK) as an effective addition to medicinal treatment, strengthening of immunity, massage.Pneumonia - a serious disease, for the effective and complete cure of which requires the consistent application of a number of therapeutic measures.

It is important for the patient to perform the exercises in case of pneumonia correctly and in a timely manner. Only a medical specialist can provide this. Apply complex without the supervision of a doctor is unacceptable, you can harm the weakened body.

Contraindications: cardiovascular failure, high fever, exhaustion of the body.

Main characteristics of the disease

Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the respiratory parts of the lungs, accompanied by the accumulation of fluid (exudate) due to increased vascular permeability. The most common cause is infection.

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Affected areas thicken and lose the ability to gas exchange, the general surface of the respiratory tissue is reduced, for full breathing it is not enough. Part of the blood passing through the packed alveoli remains venous and "dilutes" the arterial, exacerbating the insufficiency of supplying the body with oxygen.

The pathological process leads to a physical weakening of the diseased. The amplitude of the movements of the chest during breathing decreases, the forces for effective coughing are also not enough. As a result, stagnation in the lungs is inevitable, the bronchi are clogged with mucus, the foci of inflammation multiply and can merge, up to a collapse (loss of airiness), which is very dangerous.

Proper use of exercise therapy in acute pneumonia is the most important factor in reducing the risk of serious complications.

Why is exercise therapy with respiratory gymnastics effective?

Methodical implementation leads to increased circulation and drainage of the lymphatic fluid. As a result, the exudate quickly resolves, the sputum escapes.

Classes help to establish a good rhythm of breathing patient and increase the amplitude of movements of the chest and diaphragm. The capacity and respiratory volume of the lungs are restored, gas exchange in the alveoli is normalized.

Combination with a therapeutic massage will accelerate the improvement of well-being.

How to start respiratory gymnastics correctly

Start the exercises carefully, with the least effort. Add the load gradually. Overexertion can lead to deterioration of the state instead of relief.

Respiratory gymnastics precedes therapeutic exercise. To begin exercises it is possible, if the body temperature has approached to normal, the frequency of cardiac contractions has decreased enough, the intoxication has decreased. Begin with procedures for cleaning small bronchi, duration - no more than 3 minutes every hour, in a prone position. The patient's elongated breath is combined with a light vibrating massage.

If the pneumonia is one-sided, then it is better to perform gymnastics lying on the affected side. This will reduce the burden on the patient's lung, and pain in exercising will increase efficiency for a healthy one.

All the exercises must be temporarily discontinued if there is a worsening of the condition, an increase in body temperature.

Initial set of exercises

Laying on the back, arms stretched along the body.
  1. Relax and breathe quietly. Make 40-60 breaths-exhalations.
  2. Put your palms on the rib, your thumbs should look up, the rest - forward. Turn the brush around its axis so that the palms are facing down (pronation), then reverse movement - up to the position with the palms facing upwards (supination). Run 6-8 times.
  3. Smoothly raise both hands - inhale, lower - exhale. Do 3-4 times.
  4. 8-10 times smoothly bend and unbend the foot.
  5. Movement with arms outstretched parallel to the half - breath. Hands come back - exhale. Run slowly, 3-4 times.
  6. Put your hands on your waist, slowly pull up one leg, bending at the knee, do not tear off the heel. Then the same way - the second leg. Do not tie to breathing, do 3-4 times.
  7. Bend your hands, lean on your elbows. Inhale - slowly prognut thoracic spine, without tearing the back of the head. Exhale - go down. Run 3-4 times.
  8. For rest, repeat the first exercise.
  9. Clasp your hands. Raise your hands up and, without opening your eyes, turn your palms outwards - inhale. Back - exhalation. Run 3-4 times.
  10. Alternately, move the legs to the sides parallel to the floor. Perform slowly, 3-4 times.
  11. Recreation. Repeat the first exercise. 30-40 breathing in and out.
  12. Each hand in turn to reach the object outside the bed. Slowly, 3-4 times.
  13. With your right hand, take the right shoulder, left - left. Dilute to the sides - inhale, return - exhale. Slowly, 3-4 times.
  14. Recreation. Repeat exercise 11.
  15. Slow turns of the straight legs. Do not tie to the inhale-exhalation. Run 2-3 times.
  16. Slowly raise arms outstretched, winding his head, inhaling, returning - exhalation.
  17. In conclusion, repeat the first exercise.

How to increase the load

With the process of recovery, the load gradually increases due to repetition. Add exercises in the position of sitting first, then standing on the muscles of the shoulder girdle, trunk, legs. Exercises alternate with respiratory gymnastics for the gradual adaptation of the body to physical exertion. Respiratory exercises should be twice as fast as general restorative. The duration of one set of exercises is brought to 10-15 minutes.

At the next stage, classes are held in rehabilitation departments, exercises with weights, on the Swedish wall and with a bench, walking are added.

In the presence of atelectasis, special exercises are performed in the position lying on a healthy side. If the patient is uncomfortable, you can use a roller. The help of the methodologist is necessary at employment.

1st exercise. In the position lying on a healthy side, arms are stretched along the body. Lifting of the upper arm - inhale, the hand descends and presses together with the methodologist to the surface of the chest over the patient lung - exhalation. Breathing should be as deep as the patient can.

2nd exercise. The same position on the platen. A very deep breath, with an exhalation, the leg bends and is pressed to the stomach as much as possible, while the patient, together with the methodologist, presses on the chest above the sick lung.

Perform repeats 5-6 times. One day before 9 approaches within 3-4 days.

Breathing exercises for cough relief

Cough is an important mechanism of the body for cleaning the bronchi. When pneumonia in the bronchi accumulates a lot of mucus, and the cough is very weak or absent altogether. If there are at least the weakest coughing movements, they need to be strengthened and used with the help of special exercises.


Before performing, the patient should cough, if possible, and inhale as deeply as possible. Breathing is delayed for a few seconds, at this time a vibratory chest massage is performed, and on exhalation, pressure is applied to the lower part.

The importance of therapeutic gymnastics

Physiotherapy and breathing exercises should be an integral part of the entire treatment. Correct application allows to avoid complications, leads to a significant acceleration of the healing process and shortens the rehabilitation period.

After pneumonia, it is recommended to periodically repeat exercise courses for general improvement of lung health.

General benefit of respiratory gymnastics for health

Even healthy people often tend to have shallow shallow breathing. This is due to hypotension and stress. As a result, the lower parts of the lungs deteriorate blood circulation and stagnant processes may occur.


Breathing exercises avoid problems with lung health, are very useful in the common cold and frequent colds.

With their help, you can strengthen the immunity in children and adults. Improved metabolic processes, the work of the heart and blood vessels, relieves fatigue, relieve depressed states. If you follow a diet for weight loss, this is an excellent supplement to improve the result.

Before applying gymnastics, every person should consult a doctor. There are contraindications.

Physiotherapy, exercise therapy, respiratory gymnastics with pneumonia

Physiotherapy stimulates the mechanisms of recovery in acute pneumonia. With severe intoxication and fever, physiotherapy is not carried out, only mustard plasters, cans, alcohol-oil compresses are allowed.

Inhalation therapy

Inhalation therapy can be used to improve the drainage function of the bronchi, the ventilation function of the lungs, and also with an anti-inflammatory effect. It should be prescribed inhalation taking into account individual tolerance and not in the most acute period. However, inhalation bronchodilators can be used in the case of bronchospastic reactions, regardless of the period of the disease.

With anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, bioparox can be recommended. It is a dosed aerosol preparation with a wide spectrum of action (effective for Gram-positive and Gram-negative cocci flora, Gram-positive sticks, mycoplasma). Bioparox reduces hypersecretion and reduces productive cough in bronchitis, reduces the irritative cough with laryngitis and tracheitis. The drug is inhaled every 4 hours for 4 breaths per inhalation.

You can use anti-inflammatory herbal teas (chamomile, St. John's wort) in the form of inhalations. To remove bronchospasm and improve the drainage function of the bronchi, inhalations of euphyllin, euphyrine, novorrine, solutane and others are used. (cm. "Treatment of chronic bronchitis").

For dilution and better separation of sputum, inhalation of acetylcysteine ​​is used. For the preparation of aerosols, ultrasonic inhalers should be used.

In the period of the planned recovery, aeroionotherapy with negatively charged ions is suitable (they increase ventilation, increase oxygen consumption, and have a desensitizing effect).


With an anti-inflammatory purpose and to accelerate the resorption of the inflammatory focus, electrophoresis of calcium chloride, potassium iodide, lidase, heparin is applied to the area of ​​localization of the pneumonia focus.

In the case of bronchospastic syndrome, electrophoresis is prescribed for euphyllin, platyphylline, magnesium sulfate on the chest, for cough and chest pain, electrophoresis of novocaine, and dicain.

The electric field of UHF

The electric field of UHF accelerates the resorption of the inflammatory focus, reduces exudation, strengthens the capillary circulation, has a bacteriostatic effect, reduces intoxication. UHF is assigned to an inflammatory focus in a low-heat dose and combined or alternated with calcium chloride or potassium iodide electrophoresis.

It should be remembered that the currents of UHF contribute to the development of pneumosclerosis. Consequently, with the development of pneumonia in the background of chronic bronchitis, the UHF field is contraindicated.


Inductothermy - the effect on the body of a high-frequency magnetic field (short-wave diathermy). The procedure strengthens blood and lymph circulation, increases metabolism, relaxes smooth and striated muscles, has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Inductothermy is administered to patients with a common inflammatory process in the lungs. With prolonged pneumonia, combine or alternate inductothermy on the chest and adrenal glands.

After inductothermy, it is expedient to prescribe electrophoresis of heparin, nicotinic acid for the quick resolution of the inflammatory infiltrate.

Ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic field (microwave therapy)

Microwave oscillations are used in two ranges - centimeter (CMV-therapy) and decimeter (DMV-therapy).

SMV-therapy is performed by the apparatus "Luch-58" and promotes the resolution of inflammatory infiltrate in the lungs. The depth of penetration into the tissue is 3-5 cm. Foci, located at a greater depth, are not available to the effect. CMV-therapy is often poorly tolerated by patients with ischemic heart disease.

The DMV therapy is produced by the "Volna-2" Camomile "Ranet" and has advantages over other methods.

In the treatment of decimeter waves on the tissue, an electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency (433-460 MHz) and low power (up to 70-100 W) is applied. For DMV-therapy is characterized by a high degree of absorption of ultrahigh-frequency energy, a deep penetration into the tissue (7-9 cm), which provides a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and a positive effect on the function of the external respiration. DMV-therapy allows you to concentrate parallel beams and provide only local effects. The procedure is well tolerated even in patients with IHD.

DMV-therapy can be prescribed in the first 2-7 days after lowering body temperature to normal or low-grade figures. Affect the chest in the projection of the inflammatory focus for 10-15 minutes daily. The course of treatment - 19-12 procedures.

Applications, acupuncture

In the resolution phase of pneumonia, the patient is recommended paraffin, ozocerite, mud applications, as well as various methods of acupuncture: acupuncture, electro acupuncture, laser puncture. Under the influence of acupuncture, vegetative-somatic disorders are normalized, the compensatory-adaptive capabilities of the organism are increased, which promotes the fastest resolution of the inflammatory focus, the elimination of bronchospastic manifestations, the normalization of mucociliary function apparatus.

Needle reflexotherapy is not indicated for patients with fever, intoxication, pulmonary and cardiac failure, with pronounced morphological changes in the lungs.

Healing Fitness

When exercising exercise therapy, the mobility of the chest improves, the Jelness increases, the circulatory system improves and supplying tissues with oxygen, improving the protective capacity of the body, improving ventilation and drainage function bronchi. All this ultimately accelerates the resorption of the inflammatory focus in the lungs.

LFK appointed on the 2-3rd day of lower body temperature, with a satisfactory state of the patient.

In the acute period of pneumonia, treatment is carried out by position. The patient is recommended to lie on a healthy side 3-4 hours a day. This situation improves the aeration of the sick lung. To reduce the formation of adhesions in the diaphragm-rib corner, it is recommended to lie on a healthy side with a roller under the rib cage. The position on the abdomen reduces the formation of adhesions between the diaphragmatic pleura and the posterior thoracic wall, the position on the back is between the diaphragm pleura and the anterior thoracic wall.

Thus, in the acute period of the disease, it is necessary to change the position during the day.

During the stay of the patient on a bed rest, with a decrease in body temperature, static breathing exercises are appointed to enhance inhalation and exhalation and improvement of sputum discharge (deep nose inhalation and slow exhalation, lightly pressing the arms on the chest and upper abdomen to enhance exhalation).

As the patient's condition improves, breathing exercises are combined with exercises for the limbs and trunk, then respiratory exercises with resistance to increase the strength of the respiratory muscles. Dosed squeezing of this or that part of the chest corresponding to the initial strength of the respiratory muscles is performed.

Breathing exercises are best performed in a sitting or standing position.

As the clinical state of the patient improves, general restorative physical exercises are prescribed, in further include walking, sports and applied exercises (walking, ball games, fitness equipment, a bike).

In all exercises of therapeutic gymnastics necessarily includes a set of breathing exercises, taking into account the following rules: the breath corresponds to the straightening of the body, the dilution or raising of hands, the exhalation - bending the body, note or lowering hands.

Very important is the training of diaphragmatic breathing in the supine or standing position. The patient stands with widely spaced legs; pulling his hands to the sides, takes a breath, then, moving his hands forward and bending down, produces a slow exhalation, during which it is necessary to draw in the abdominal muscles.

If the patient lies on his back, he puts his hands on his stomach and makes a long exhalation, blowing the air with his mouth; With his hands at this time, he pushes the front abdominal wall, exhaling.

Breathing exercises to increase the strength of the diaphragm is advisable to accompany sounds or short, following one another a series of exhalation movements (tremors), during which the abdominal muscles tense and at the same time there is a reduction aperture.

Massage of a difficult cell

Chest massage significantly improves microcirculation in the lungs, drainage function of the bronchi, promotes resorption of inflammatory infiltration in the lungs. Massage is used at all stages of the disease, taking into account body temperature, intoxication, and the state of the cardiovascular system.

Respiratory gymnastics for pneumonia: the benefits of gymnastics

Help to improve the condition with pneumonia can be normal breathing exercises. After all, when performing simple exercises, the lungs begin to be intensively cleaned. They improve lymph flow, and the circulatory system receives an increased amount of oxygen.

Potential benefits of exercise

Respiratory gymnastics with pneumonia promotes faster recovery. It can also minimize the likelihood of complications. Use exercises can be with inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis or a common cold. After all, the respiratory load performs such functions:
  1. Helps restore the functions of the lungs, which were broken in the disease.
  2. Improves the adaptive ability of the body to exercise.
  3. Stimulates the work of defensive forces.
  4. Reduces the probability of deformation of the chest, the development of atelectasis, the formation of adhesions, emphysema of the lungs.

Respiratory exercises in bronchitis and pneumonia should be carried out regularly. It helps the body to get used to the right breathing with the participation of the diaphragm. This allows you to saturate all tissues and organs with oxygen. You can start exercising after the body temperature stops rising. Do it better in a well-ventilated room or on the street.


Before you figure out how respiratory gymnastics is performed with pneumonia, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of situations in which it is not advisable to do it. These factors include:

  • depleted patient;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • the occurrence of fever;
  • presence of rest at rest, progression of respiratory failure;
  • mental illness, which does not allow the patient to correctly perform the exercises.

You can not start gymnastics during the acute stage of the disease. It is better to start doing it when the condition is normalized.

What is the purpose of gymnastics?

Many people underestimate the importance of breathing exercises, believing that they can not be done. But only a few minutes a day will reduce the likelihood of complications of varying severity by 80%. People who figured out how to do respiratory gymnastics with pneumonia were saved from such troubles as emphysema of the lungs, adhesive process. In short, the correct execution of exercises allows:
  1. Increase the working volume of the lungs.
  2. Normalize the natural ventilation in the body.
  3. Restore the correct rhythm of breathing.
  4. Ensure airway drainage.
  5. Improve the excursion of the diaphragm (its movement).

All this activates the gas exchange in the tissues of the lungs.

Beginning of the exercises

As soon as the patient stops fever, he can start to implement special complexes. The simplest breathing exercises are done with pneumonia. She is sitting on the edge of the bed or lying down.

The first exercises can be like this. The patient breathes the air in a relaxed state with his nose. 3 seconds after the end of the inspiration, exhalation begins. It is done through the compressed lips. It is important that a person can make an obstacle to the escape of oxygen. It is also useful to clean breathing exercises with pneumonia. Exercises for it are performed as follows. The patient quietly inhales and stops for 3 seconds. After that, he releases the air with small jolts through his mouth. Also to the exercises of the cleansing type is referred to the breath, in which the person simultaneously sings vowels. The sound must be pronounced on every jolt as you exhale. This can remove the spasm that has developed in the bronchi.

The Strelnikov Method

In medical institutions use a special complex, which allows you to combine exercise therapy and respiratory gymnastics. It was developed by Professor Strelnikova AN. to accelerate the recovery period. If you use its complex, then you can activate the lymphatic supply of lung tissue in a short time, noticeably improve the blood flow. In this case, drainage is improved in the focus of inflammation. This helps prevent stagnant phenomena. Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova with pneumonia allows you to normalize the ventilation of the lungs and ensure the normal operation of the diaphragm. Under conditions of treatment in a hospital, this gymnastics is recommended to combine with a therapeutic massage of the chest. This allows a significant increase in the effectiveness of restorative therapy.

Exercises Strelnikova

Everyone can try to do respiratory gymnastics in combination with the physical therapy at home. But it is better to make the first training under the supervision of a specialist. After all, it is necessary for someone to monitor the respiratory function. Gymnastics should not be started if the patient in a relaxed position makes more than 60 breaths per minute. Normally, this indicator should be in the range of 40-60.

The complex includes the following exercises. They must be done lying, each of them repeated 3-4 times.

  1. Hands are located along the body: on exhalation they rise, on inhalation - drop.
  2. At an average rate, with arbitrary breathing, the patient flexes and unbends the feet.
  3. On exhalation, arms are divorced to the sides, on inhalation - they approach the body.
  4. With arbitrary breathing, the patient alternately pulls his left and right leg toward him, bending them in the knee, sliding on the surface of the bed or rug. Hands are on the belt.
  5. The patient rests on the bent elbows and the back of the head in bed and flexes the upper part of the spine on inspiration. On exhalation, you must go down.
  6. The brushes are compressed into the lock and lifted palms upward at the entrance, when exhaled, they come back down.
  7. The arms are bent at the elbows, and the palms are pressed to the shoulders. Hands are bred to the sides and back.
  8. The patient should raise his hands up and reach for the back of the bed at the entrance, when exhaled, he returns to his normal position.
  9. The patient alternately lifts his left and right leg up, watching his breathing.

Load increase

Despite the seeming simplicity of the exercises, during the acute course of the disease, the patient is allowed to do them no more than 15 minutes a day. Respiratory exercises in pneumonia in some cases should be selected individually. If the patient's pathological changes are observed only on one side of the lung, then the main load is given just for her.

You can do so. It is necessary to lie on a healthy side on the roller. Initially, the patient takes a deep breath, and when exhaled pulls up the hip to the stomach. At the same time, the LFK instructor should squeeze the thorax. In the same pose, another exercise is being done. The patient takes a breath and raises his hand. On exhalation the instructor presses on the anterolateral surface of the sternum. These exercises are repeated 10 times. Doing them takes about 5 days. Respiratory gymnastics for pneumonia in children is performed according to the same scheme.

General exercises developed by Strelnikova

To consolidate the result of the facilitated variant of gymnastics it is possible during the general restoration. For these purposes, adults and children can do special exercises that improve the function of external respiration. At performance of each of them it is necessary to breathe actively a nose.

  1. "Ladoshki." In the standing position, patients actively bend their fingers, forming a fist, hands at the same time bent at the elbows.
  2. «Pogonchiki». The palms are compressed into fists, the brushes are raised to the level of the belt. Hands fall down, palms open, fingers spread out.
  3. "Pump". The patient leans forward slightly and makes movement movements that resemble pump inflating with a hand pump.
  4. "Cat". The patient alternately turns to the left and right side, slightly squatting.
  5. "Embrace of the shoulder." The patient holds his hands, bent at the elbows, at shoulder level. At the entrance, he embraces himself with his hands, while they do not cross, but are parallel to each other.
  6. "Pendulum". Bend on the inspiration forward and pull your hands to the floor, then return to the starting position, hug your shoulders.
  7. "Carousel". Rotations of the head on inspiration left and right, the exit is made between turns.
  8. "Ears". The head alternately tilts to the left and right shoulder, breathing as in exercise number 8.
  9. "The pendulum head." She leans forward and back, breathing as in exercise number 8.
  10. "Rounds". The left leg is put forward, the right leg is bent at the knee and placed on the toe. A shallow squatting is performed on the left foot at the entrance. Then the weight is transferred to the right leg and another squat is done.
  11. "Steps". The bent leg rises to the level of the abdomen, on the right leg you need to sit down slightly and take the initial position. Then the legs change.

This is an effective respiratory gymnastics after pneumonia. But doing such exercises is not necessary during the acute phase of the disease, but during recovery.

Other variants of exercises

Understanding how breathing exercises are done after pneumonia in the home, you can focus not only on the complex developed by Strelnikova, but also on other exercises. In the sitting position, you can make the following complex. Repeat every move you need 8-10 times:

  • Breathing with diaphragm: it is necessary to sit on the edge of the chair, lean back on his back and stretch out his legs. The palms should be placed on the stomach: when inhaled, it rises, when exhaled - it retracts.
  • At the entrance the hand is diverted to the side and placed on the opposite shoulder, at the exit in this position, the slope is made.
  • Sitting on the edge of the chair, you need to take on his back and bend so that the shoulder blades approach each other on the breath, on exhalation you need to relax.
  • On the inhalation, hands rise to the shoulders, on exhalation - they kneel down.
  • Hands are put behind the head, elbows - are divorced. In this position, an inhalation is made, while tilting forward - the exit and elbows are brought together.

Exercises for children

Parents of carpuses that suffer from frequent ARI and their complications leading to the development of bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs should pay special attention to respiratory gymnastics. The smallest one can be asked to just make the slopes in the standing position. When coughing, parents can carry out chest massage. Babies older can already explain how the breathing exercises for children look like after pneumonia. They need to do the same exercises as adults. If a child does not have the strength to perform a complex exercise therapy, then the effect of breathing can be strengthened with simple tongue twisters. The longer they are, the more their pronunciation will be more useful.

How to recover breathing after pneumonia?


Sergey Filchenko

We'll sort it out in order.

1. Pulmonary tissue is not restored.
This means that the dead tissues of the lungs will never be resumed afterwards.
This is such a deplorable fact. You will live with it for the rest of your life.

2. Shortness of breath after pneumonia is the result of two factors.
The first of these is damage to the lungs. The body has not yet had time to adjust to a lower intake of oxygen with the same rhythm of breathing.
The second of these is hypodynamia (absence or limitation of mobility) as a result of prolonged forestation.
The heart was slightly atrophied without load.

3. You will not be able to grow new lungs. But!
And now the most interesting.
You can develop them by increasing their volume.
In many swimmers, runners, skiers, the volume of lungs in... 3 times exceeds the volume of the lung untrained person.
This can be achieved by any person. This is the secret of longevity of many patients, whose lungs almost completely "ate" tuberculosis, pneumonia.

4. Increase the volume of the lungs at any age.
Just for one breath you will draw as much air as you are now pulling in two breaths.
Dyspnea disappears completely.

5. Achieve this doctor advise daily exercise.
Most effective:
a) walking (not less than an hour);
b) jogging (not less than half an hour);
c) inflating of rigid rubber balls (this is the most effective and simple method, recognized by medical practice of rehabilitation of consequences of the transferred pneumonia of any severity).

6. Dyspnea will go away by itself even without exercise.
But, if you want to improve your health and feel healthy and full-fledged person - train, and every day for six months.
The result will be satisfied.

7. Restoring damaged areas of the lungs is most effectively helped by fat. And the refractory fat of mammals (in the first place) and fish oil (fatty fish).
Drink fat badger, goat (loy), bearish, mutton spoons daily. Reconsider disgust. Add it to tea, as in Tibet, smear on bread, add to the day, porridge. As much as possible and regularly.
Lungs love fat!

That's all the recommendations known to science to date.
I wish you good luck and a speedy recovery.
(Itself has suffered in its time).


Inflate the air balloons!


you probably do not have fibroids. and pulmonary fibrosis-like the effects of inflammation, connective tissue develops. helps breathing exercises, read those about gymnastics Strelnikova, sing, inflate balls, walk more often


Respiratory gymnastics is very useful and effective, if with it to take a course of stay in salt caves. The natural marine climate has a restorative effect, giving a positive dynamics in problems with ENT organs. Thus, firstly strengthening the general immune system and expanding the broncho-pulmonary part in the body. Secondly, the body receives oxygen that is fully saturated with microelements, which makes an invisible barrier for different respiratory diseases, both in children and adults.

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