Eye drops Kataraks - an effective remedy for cataracts

Eye drops Kataraks appoint patients with glaucoma and cataracts of different etiologies. The basis of the action of this drug is the influence on the reaction of transparent proteins of the lens with dangerous substances - quinones, which turn them into impermeable structures for light. Apply the drug long courses, despite the positive effect of treatment.What are the features of using Katarax drops?


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications for use
    • 3.1Dosing and Administration
    • 3.2Contraindications
    • 3.3Pregnancy and lactation
    • 3.4Children
    • 3.5special instructions
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
    • 4.1Overdose
    • 4.2Storage conditions
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

The preparation Kataraks is issued in the form of eye drops of bright red color with concentration of a solution, 15%.

The drug contains an active ingredient: sodium azapentacene polysulfone in an amount of 150 μg in each ml of the solution.

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Among the auxiliary components of the drug:

  • Sodium tetraborate;
  • Boric acid;
  • Thimerosal;
  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • Methylparahydroxybenzoate;
  • Purified water.

The drug solution is packed in polyethylene bottles of 15 ml, which are placed in cardboard boxes.

Pharmacological action and group

Katarax drops are prescribed for people with glaucoma or cataracts. Its active substance is a phenoxazone derivative. It inhibits the reaction between soluble proteins and quinone, which leads to a slowing down of the destruction of the lens material and a slight increase in its transparency.

Azadentacene is a synthetic derivative of phenoxazone.Its main effect is to inhibit the reaction between quinone derivatives and soluble proteins, leading to a clouding of the lens. Kataras inhibits the destruction of the lens, preventing or slowing the development of cataracts. According to the "quinoid" theory of cataract development, the SH-radical of the soluble protein contained in the lens of the eye degenerates and oxidized under the action of a quinoid substance formed as a result of an abnormal metabolism of aromatic amino acids, such as tryptophan and tyrosine.Azadentacene is close to the SH-radical of the soluble protein contained in the lens of the eye, it protects it from the negative effect of the quinoid substance.In addition, it has been proven that it is able to increase the activity of the proteolytic enzyme present in the intraocular fluid in the anterior chamber of the eye.

The preparation Kataraks prevents the destructive influence of quinoids on the substance of the lens. Also, with the use of drops, the activity of the proteolytic enzyme of the aqueous humor increases. This mechanism also slows the formation of cataracts.

Indications and contraindications for use

Qatarax is prescribed as therapy or prophylactic measures for such pathologies as:

  • Congenital cataract;
  • Traumatic cataract;
  • Star cataract;
  • Secondary cataract.

Dosing and Administration

The drug Kataraks prescribed in a dose of 1-2 drops 5-6 times a day.To reduce systemic exposure, it is necessary to reduce the amount of the drug that enters the nasolacrimal canal.To do this, for some time after instillation, tighten the entrance to the canal in the region of the inner corner of the eye.

The course of treatment with the drug Kataraks is quite long; It is not allowed to interrupt the course independently even with a good clinical result.


The use of Cataract is contraindicated:

  • In severe forms of opacity of the lens, if surgical treatment of cataract is preferred.
  • If the eye is hard hit;
  • With ulceration of the cornea;
  • In case of individual intolerance of the components of the drug.

For women during pregnancy and lactation, the administration of Katarax is associated with certain risks that should be taken into account and evaluated before administration.

Pregnancy and lactation

There is no sufficient experience in the use of Cataract during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding). Possible use of this drug in pregnant women and nursing mothers in the case when the expected The therapeutic effect exceeds the potential risk of developing possible side effects in the fetus or child.In this regard, Katarcas drops should be used in pregnant women and nursing only in case of emergency, when the expected therapeutic effect is higher than the existing potential risk of adverse consequences.

For the duration of treatment with Katarak drops, it is recommended that women stop breastfeeding.


Eye drops of Kataraks are not used in pediatrics because of the lack of sufficient clinical experience of treating children. However, in cases where the expected benefit to the patient is higher than the existing risk of adverse effects, drops of Catharax can be administered under the strict supervision of an ophthalmologist.

special instructions

If the patient, except for drops of Kataraks, uses other medicinal ophthalmic agents local use, then it should maintain an interval (about a quarter of an hour) between the reception of different preparations.

Users of contact optics should remove the lens before instillation, as they can become colored.

Cataract drops are suitable for topical application only.The drug is not allowed to enter subconjunctival or into the cavity of the anterior chamber of the eyeball.

Treatment with Qatarax drops should be continued for a long time, despite a good clinical outcome. Before use, wash hands thoroughly with disinfectants.

After instillation of the drug in many patients there is a transient reduction in visual acuity, and therefore it is necessary to wait for time before driving a car or working with dangerous mechanisms.

Possible complications caused by the drug

Basically, the drug Kataraks does not cause complications. Side effects occur very rarely (? / 10 000). It can be a burning sensation or itching after instillation.


If you accidentally get inside, you must rinse your stomach.If under the conjunctiva of the eye there is too much solution, the excess can be removed from the eye with the help of warm running water.

Patients who, after injection of the conjunctive drug, are temporarily impaired visually, it is not recommended to drive or work with complex equipment, machines or some other complex equipment that requires clear vision immediately after instillation preparation.

Storage conditions

Kataras should be stored at 15-25 ° C in its original packaging, out of the reach of children.Shelf life is 3 years when stored in closed original packaging.After opening the bottle, the drops should be used within 4 weeks. The drug is dispensed from pharmacies on prescription.


Drops for eyes from conjunctivitis with antibiotic

The preparation Indomethacin in the form of eye drops is described here.

Eye drops from redness and fatigue http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/krasnye-pyatna-pod-glazami/glaznye-kapli-ot-pokrasneniya-i-ustalosti-vybor-i-osobennosti-primeneniya.html


Analogs of the medicine Katarax:

  • Emoxipine;
  • Quinax;
  • Taufon;
  • Vita-Yodourol.

Benefits for the eyes from the drop Taurine

All about eye drops Tsipromed is written in this article.

Eye drops Floscal http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/kapli-dlya-glaz-floksal-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu.html




So, eye drops Kataraks - this is a very effective tool, used for glaucoma and various types of cataracts. The drug has a minimum of side effects and virtually no complications. It is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children. Use of Katarix drops follows the prescription of an ophthalmologist.

Read how glaucoma and cataract are interrelated.

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