Persistent Cough Causes

What does a constant cough in an adult mean?

A constant cough in an adult: normal or pathological? Any cough, which for a long time does not pass, for example, for a month or more, should alert everyone. Coughing in an adult is a protective reaction of the body that occurs for a certain reason, therefore, every conscious person must determine the provoking factor and choose options for it elimination.

In most cases, people turn to a doctor when already diagnosed with serious, neglected diseases, and the cough turns into a prolonged one, and the person can not even clear his throat.

What can provoke a prolonged cough?

In medical practice, it is common to distinguish between the infectious and non-infectious cause of the development of a strong cough.

Non-infectious diseases include:
  1. Chronic forms of rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, in which the nasal mucosa is constantly swollen. Sputum does not go outside and falls into the bronchi and trachea.
  2. Because of the excessive amount of spices in the stomach, acidity may increase and heartburn may occur. It can manifest as a cough.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. Allergic reactions of the body to irritants. In this case, the cough will be dry and prolonged.
  5. The reaction of the body to certain medications that have already caused addiction.
  6. Contaminated air in the workplace or in the village.
  7. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  8. Presence of tumors in the airways or lungs.

Varieties of prolonged cough in adults

With any cough, the manifestations will be different. Therefore, it is worthwhile to know that there are several types of pathology:

Intrusive. It is characteristic for diseases or inflammations in the larynx. Such a cough usually lasts long, appears at the initial stage of the cold. When the patient recovered, and the immunity did not recover, the cough continues to manifest and is more a protective reaction of the body.

If at this stage, not to help restore the immune system, then cough is a direct way to the bronchi. This leads to the development of acute bronchitis, which is treated for a long time, and in many cases takes a chronic form. If you do not organize the correct treatment, then a prolonged cough causes deformation of the bronchial walls, this leads to asthma, lung abscesses and pneumonia.

Many patients at the doctor's appointment indicate pain in the side, shortness of breath, fever, which accompany the main symptom.

A cough with wheezing or whistling is characteristic of whooping cough.

Barking - tracheitis or laryngitis.

Vocal cords are inflamed, in the chest you can clearly hear bubbling breath.

Most often this cough torments the patient at night or early in the morning. There have been cases when choking occurs with improper treatment or neglect. A bout of dry cough with tracheitis or laryngitis can last up to 1 hour.

If the cough provokes a fever, a decrease in the tone of the voice, then this may indicate the development of tuberculosis.

ARI, ARVI has an obsessive cough.

Cough in the morning is typical for bronchial asthma. There are attacks of suffocation. Doctors emphasize that this kind of cough should only be treated, as it can lead to death.

Mental disorders are characterized by a metallic dry cough during eating, talking and have the effect of suddenness.

Treatment of dry cough in adults

Cough smoker

Almost all smokers are diagnosed with chronic obstructive disease, which can cause lung cancer.

Tobacco smoke contains a large number of harmful substances, many of them are diagnosed as poisons for the human body. When the smoke is inhaled, irritation of the bronchial mucosa occurs, while the part remains inside and settles on the organ itself. This provokes oppression of the normal operation of the epithelium. After a short period of time, the epithelium generally ceases to fulfill its function of expelling harmful substances to the surface, and the bronchi absorb everything that gives them the smoke of a cigarette.

This situation leads to chronic inflammation of non-infectious bronchial tubes.

Given that the bronchi lose their normal ability to fight and clear, joining any infection will not cause any special difficulties. Smokers have many cases of combining infectious and chronic bronchitis, which are superimposed on each other. These circumstances cause a prolonged course of the illness and the very recovery.

There are several options for treating a cough from a smoker. When using traditional medicine, it is necessary to get a consultation with a pulmonary physician. In general, mucolytics, expectorants are used for treatment. If a patient is diagnosed with an infection, then a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

You can use folk methods for treatment. It is enough to use herbal preparations from oregano, mother-and-stepmother, thyme, licorice root, marshmallow, plantain, calendula.

Good warming and grinding help.

Visiting a Russian bath, therapy with the use of essential oils help to remove an irritating cough.

Cure a smoker's cough completely can only give up cigarettes.

Cough dry for allergic reactions, tracheitis and laryngitis

In order to successfully treat a prolonged cough due to such manifestations, it is necessary to find out exactly the causes. All activities should be performed only after consultation with the doctor.

Patients with prolonged cough need to ensure:

  • constant drinking, preferably decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • for the removal of spasm can be stocked with medical candy, which includes components for the activation of the glands and the ingestion of saliva;
  • administration of inhalation with saline solutions;
  • to carry out regular airing and wet cleaning at home, so that the air in the room is constantly moistened.

As drugs, it is recommended to take mucolytic drugs, in severe cases, narcotic drugs may be prescribed to stop severe attacks of cough.

Worth knowing! It is forbidden to take both antitussive and expectorant drugs at the same time, as there are cases of cupping sputum in the bronchi. This leads to the development of inflammatory processes.

From folk medicine can be used inhalation. With caution, you need to choose solutions for inhalation with an allergic cough. Herbs and oils can provoke additional allergic reactions and only worsen the patient's condition.

For everyone, inhalation with a soda solution is good. They help to translate dry cough into wet, dilute sputum and discharge them outside.


What is dangerous is the lack of treatment for a prolonged cough?

Prolonged reflex coughs of various types are dangerous for the human body and can lead to serious complications:

  1. Myocardial infarction. Since a prolonged cough affects the work of the bronchi adversely, an infectious disease develops or becomes chronic in them. Inflammatory processes in the bronchi affect the organs that are near.
  2. Such manifestations can cause psychological and psychosocial problems. It is difficult for a person to stay for a long time in public places, at work. If it is necessary to work in a voice, then it generally becomes impossible.
  3. A long cough in most cases causes shortness of breath, so physical activity decreases, which leads to other diseases in the body.
  4. Strong attacks can provoke a hemorrhage in the brain. Due to the fact that the patient constantly strains muscles, vessels in the head and body, the vessels of the brain lose the ability to work correctly.
  5. May cause inguinal and umbilical hernias.

Despite the fact that cough at first glance seems a non-serious disease, it can cause complications and a bunch of problems. Therefore, only timely treatment and diagnosis can return the body to a normal life without an unpleasant symptom.

Possible causes of persistent dry cough

A constant dry cough, uninterrupted for a long time, should alert the patient and the people around him.This condition can be a sign of dangerous diseases of the respiratory system in adults: chronic bronchitis, pleurisy or pulmonary tuberculosis or a symptom of allergic reactions in a child.

Non-infectious causes

  1. Rhinitis, sinusitis or sinusitis can provoke the appearance of postnatal wilt syndrome, when Nasal discharge flows down the posterior surface of the pharynx, irritates the mucous membrane and causes a permanent dry cough. Another reason can be the use of vasoconstrictive or antihistamines, causing dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane.
  2. Gastro-esophageal reflux - heartburn also can provoke the appearance of a cough that increases for no apparent reason. If the contents of the stomach get into the esophagus into the oral cavity, irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx occurs, which causes a sensation in the throat and a desire to clear the throat. It intensifies after eating fatty or fried foods and is not accompanied by other symptoms of a cold. This condition is typical for adults suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Allergic reactions - if a constant dry cough for several months torments the child and the usual methods of treating colds do not help, it is necessary to undergo an examination with an allergist. Allergies can occur suddenly, in a child or adult, and at the initial stages of manifesting cough, nasal congestion, lacrimation and sneezing, then shortness of breath, chest pain, shortness of breath and other signs of respiratory insufficiency. With allergic diseases in the throat of the patient there are no signs of inflammation, and the symptoms of the disease increase at night or in the mornings.
  4. Taking medication - taking certain medicines, such as ACE inhibitors, can provoke the appearance of a sore throat and dry persistent cough.
  5. Contaminated air and various irritants cause irritation of the respiratory system, this condition is typical for smokers, people working in chemical plants or constantly breathing polluted air with impurities of various substances. This pathology is often found in young children, if the child has a tendency to develop allergic diseases. When examined, there are no signs of the disease in the patient's throat, and the symptomatology intensifies always under certain conditions: in the workplace, during smoking or while walking on the street.
  6. Cardiovascular diseases - this can lead to respiratory failure, pulmonary edema and, as a consequence, a constant dry cough.
  7. Airway compression - when the trachea or bronchi is compressed by enlarged lymph nodes, mediastinal tumors or aortic aneurysm, a strong persistent cough can also occur. In this case, the patient has other symptoms of the disease - permanent weakness, dyspnea, fever body, a sharp loss of weight and so on, and when examining the ENT organs, in the patient's throat, there are no changes.

Infectious Diseases

  1. Diseases of the respiratory system - a constant dry cough in a child can be a sign of developing bronchitis or pneumonia. With weakened immunity, improper or insufficient treatment, a common cold or SARS may be complicated by the development of pulmonary diseases.
  2. Glistovye invasions - due to the migration of parasites to the respiratory system, the child periodically has irritation of the mucous membrane and cough, also there is a decrease or vice versa, a sharp increase in appetite, weakness, irritability, pallor of the skin and rashes on body.
  3. Pertussis - a severe permanent dry cough in a child may occur due to pertussis. This infectious disease usually proceeds in a mild form, but complications can sometimes occur.
  4. Tuberculosis infection - a permanent dry cough without other signs of the disease, which lasts for six months or more, may be a sign of pulmonary tuberculosis. In this case, the patient may not have other symptoms of the disease, and the cause of the cough can be determined only by additional methods of investigation.

A persistent dry or wet cough that does not respond to treatment in the usual way is a serious reason to consult a doctor and you can be sure of the absence of serious diseases and pathologies in organism.

Concerned about the persistent cough in the child what causes?

Most of all with catarrhal diseases, a persistent cough in a child whose cause is unknown is alarming. And with the application of a set of medical procedures, cough may not pass. This is unpleasant not only for the child, but also brings a lot of troubles and worries to the parents. A prolonged cough exhausts the child's body, interferes with its activity and full physical development. To know exactly what treatment to take and make an optimal prognosis for recovery, you need to find out its cause. What is a cough and what does it signal? For what reason can occur? What changes in the child's body are observed with an impassable cough?

What is a cough?

Involuntary stimulation of bronchial, nasopharyngeal and pulmonary tissue receptors in medicine is called a cough. In this case, characteristic sounds arise as a result of the passage of the air mass along the narrowed respiratory tract.At its core, cough is a sharp breathing movement that clears the airways of abundant mucus, contaminants and dust, as well as from small foreign bodies that come by negligence into the body rights.As a symptom is manifested in respiratory diseases, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, allergic reactions and neurological diseases. In some cases, its intensity may increase and provoke hoarseness, vomiting and involuntary urination. Long-lasting coughing in a child affects the disturbance of the psychoemotional state: the child is capricious, loses his appetite, cries and can not fall asleep.

The nature of the cough may be different. Acute cough for colds lasts up to 2 weeks. The protracted character lasts from 2 weeks to 2-3 months. The chronic form lasts up to 1 year. The intensity of coughing is varied: from a slight cough, which is like perspiration, to a hysterectomy. According to the consistency of the mucus secreted, the lingering cough is divided into dry and moist. With a dry cough, phlegm almost does not happen. It can occur suddenly, and the mucus that is released in small amounts is viscous.

Moist cough is considered productive. In this case, a large amount of mucus is released through the oral cavity. Its intensity can be accompanied by whistling, wheezing and characteristic gurgling sounds. Mucous sputum is viscous and colorless, this is observed with acute bronchitis. Sputum purulent in adults in green, and in children - white. With bronchopneumonia and chronic bronchitis, sputum is greenish-yellow in color. Slime with blood splashes is observed in influenza and pneumonia. Greyish, foamy sputum character is observed with prolonged bronchitis. Almost transparent, vitreous sputum is secreted with a cough in bronchial asthma.

The appearance of a cough is associated with irritation of the mucous tissues of the respiratory system. At the same time, "bumpy" receptors, which are located in the tissues, transfer the signal to the respiratory center of the brain. From there he returns and is fixed in the form of a cough. Receptors react not only to viral and bacteriological centers, but also to odors from outside, mechanical damage and chemical reagents that a person breathes. For babies, not very frequent coughs are considered normal. So the child reacts to the ingress of dust in the respiratory tract or the accumulation of mucus. Doctors say that the number 15 is the norm. Its intensity is observed in the morning. The naturalness of this process lies in the fact that a lot of mucus has accumulated during the night in the trachea and bronchi of the child.

Causes of protracted cough

The function of coughing is not to let pathogenic substances into the body and, together with mucus, remove them from the human body. But what if the child coughs for a long time? First you need to find out the cause of such a symptom. A long cough in a child's history may indicate:
  1. Catarrhal diseases. More than half of the protracted coughs in a child are due to viral or bacteriological infections. Concomitant symptoms in this case may be a rise in body temperature, headaches, feverish conditions. When he does not pass for a long time, you need to contact the pediatrician. Probably, the child has acute respiratory viral infection with pneumonia or another no less severe respiratory disease.
  2. Presence of worms. If their number is exceeded, they can form "colonies" and block the airways.
  3. Stenosis of blood vessels. It is caused by heart congenital pathology and heart defects. The lungs do not get enough oxygen, and as a result of oxygen starvation, a cough begins.
  4. Stagnation in a small circle of blood circulation, diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  5. Asthmatic bronchitis and asthma. There is a protracted paroxysmal cough.
  6. Conditions of nervous overwork or stress.
  7. Diseases of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx lesions and large adenoids.

An unprecedented etiology of cough is very important for determining an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, when collecting an anamnesis, you need to study in detail all the symptoms. Immediate treatment of doctors requires a situation with a fit of coughing when a foreign body enters the trachea.


Causes of paroxysmal coughing can be the smell of cosmetics, cigarette smoke, sudden changes in air (from hot to cold).

First aid for prolonged cough

A prolonged sudden cough can be dangerous for the child. It indicates an allergic reaction, an attack of bronchial asthma or ingress of an alien body into the bronchi. As for the latter, its character is dry and paroxysmal. In this case, you need to call an ambulance immediately. No less dangerous for a child is coughing with bronchial asthma or with the appearance of blood in the mucus. If in the first case it is enough to seat the child comfortably and give him a medicine or an inhaler, then in the second case one should immediately consult a doctor. As a rule, in such situations, the child's body temperature rises, dyspnea, paleness of the skin, dizziness, and in some cases the consciousness is disturbed.

With a constant cough, which, despite the treatment, does not go away, you need to find out its cause. To do this, you need to make a bacteriological study of blood, urine and feces. You also need to undergo ultrasound examination of the heart and lungs.

Children often realize that with the help of a cough they can manipulate people around them. Such a cough can be caused by stressful states during disturbances and only in the waking state of the child. At night it does not happen. It can be provoked by physical violence, cries and in a situation where the child is forced to do what he does not want. Children are often affected by them, who pay little attention to or consciously ignore the child's feelings and desires. Medicine here is powerless. Parents need to instill confidence skills in the child and pay more attention to its development.

The etiology of the appearance of a cough has been sufficiently studied.

In diseases with the symptom of a protracted persistent cough, one should not self-medicate both adults and parents in relation to a sick child.


Correctly studied history of the disease will allow an experienced doctor to establish the true cause and prescribe effective treatment.

Symptom of which diseases can be a cough

In response to the irritation of sensitive respiratory receptors, the human physiological system responds to reflex spasms, and, more simply, cough. This phenomenon is quite useful for the body. Cough, as a symptom of various pathological conditions and diseases, signals that certain disruptions have arisen in the body and the person should look for the cause that provokes a response.

Reflex spasms of the respiratory tract can be a symptom of dozens of different diseases and pathological conditions. Let's get acquainted with some of them.

Dry cough - a symptom of many diseases

Unproductive spastic exhalations are carried by a person very painfully. They do not bring any relief to the body. Such bronchospasm are quite harmful, since they do not contribute to the escape of sputum containing harmful microorganisms, and, therefore, do not contribute to the purification of the respiratory system.

Dry cough is not always a symptom of the onset or course of an illness. It can indicate the ingress of smoke and chemicals into the lungs and bronchi.

Non-productive spastic exhalations can be caused by the appearance of an allergic reaction of the body to various stimuli. They are:

  • Products.
  • Smells.
  • Pollen.
  • Pooh.
  • Wool.
  • Dust and many other provocateurs.

Often dry cough is a symptom of the onset of the initial stage of such diseases:

  • Bronchitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Colds.

In these cases, with the first symptoms of cough, there are also additional symptoms:

  • Increased temperature.
  • Headache.
  • Weakness.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Nausea.

Dry cough without other symptoms can be a sign of the following diseases:

  • Stenosis of the trachea.
  • Lesions of the pleura.
  • Pathological processes occurring in neighboring organs and affecting bronchi and respiratory organs (squeezing them with various formations, lymph nodes, heart).

What symptom is a wet cough?

Wet bronchospasm for the body is much more useful than dry ones. They help to remove from the respiratory system mucus, consisting of a pathogenic microflora, which is a breeding ground for viruses, bacteria, and also containing products of their vital activity.

Wet bronchospasm is a symptom of many diseases. Among them on the first place there are illnesses of catarrhal and inflammatory character:

  • ARVI.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.

With catarrhal and inflammatory diseases, there are often such additional symptoms of a damp cough as:

  • Dyspnea.
  • Heat.
  • Sputum white, green, yellow.
  • Refusal of food.

A productive cough without cold symptoms is also not uncommon. It can be a sign of quite serious illnesses, for example:

  • Heart failure.
  • Cancer.
  • Abscess of the lung
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery.

Diseases of the lungs with a cough are very dangerous for the body. They require immediate treatment, otherwise the forecast may be the most unfavorable.

Nervous cough - symptoms

Reflex spasms of the respiratory tract can be caused not only by irritants having a physical effect on the respiratory system. Often they arise on nervous grounds or are a sign of psychosomatic illnesses. Such spastic exhalations have quite distinctive features from other types of unpleasant phenomenon.

Psychogenic cough - symptoms:

  • Unexpected intense beginning.
  • Termination after the disappearance of the emotional stimulus.
  • Possible presence of other nerve signs (eg, tick).
  • Absence of phlegm.
  • Normal physiological parameters during the examinations.
  • Complete cessation during sleep.

Diseases and symptoms: persistent cough

Reflex spasms of the respiratory tract can be not only paroxysmal, tormenting a person periodically. Often they are long, permanent. There are many diseases and conditions, the sign of which is a chronic cough (the symptoms that are additional to the phenomenon may be completely absent):

  • Sinusitis.
  • Gastric reflux.
  • Asthma.
  • Allergy.
  • Neurosis.
  • Smoking.
  • Chronic inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract.

Disease and symptom: night cough

Reflex spasms of the respiratory tract occur not only during the waking of a person. Often attacks do not allow to sleep, they begin after stay of the patient some time in a supine position.

Night bronchospasm can indicate the presence of heart disease, and the symptom itself is caused by stagnation in a small venous circle. Also such an unpleasant phenomenon occurs during illnesses with a cold, and bronchitis.

Cough: symptoms, treatment

Depending on the causes that cause reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, methods of controlling them are also prescribed. And, of course, this should only happen after visiting a doctor, conducting appropriate examinations and making an accurate diagnosis (identifying a disease or other cause). There are several basic methods for dealing with an unpleasant phenomenon.

Cough - symptoms and treatment:

  • Dry reflex spasms must necessarily be transferred to wet. For this, you need to drink a lot of liquid (milk, herbal teas, water).
  • To reduce the intensity of an unpleasant symptom, the doctor can prescribe drugs that suppress the cough center.
  • Remove the perspiration in the throat, causing cough, help special candies, sea buckthorn oil, honey.
  • Reduce the intensity of wet spastic exhalations allow inhalation, warming, rubbing.
  • For the removal of bronchospasm attacks, doctors widely use medications of different spectrum of action: antispasmodics, expectorants, anti-inflammatory and others.
  • An irreplaceable remedy are the compounds taken from traditional medicine.

If a cough begins, the symptoms, its accompanying (or lack thereof), can tell the doctor about many things. However, a person who does not have a special medical education, it is difficult to understand what causes reflex spasms of the respiratory tract and how to treat them. But the methods of combating an unpleasant phenomenon should not only be symptomatic, but also remove the main cause of its occurrence - a disease.

That is why all specialists insist on the strictest prohibition of self-treatment and strongly recommend that when the first signs of coughing appear, consult a doctor for qualified counseling.

Pershit in the throat and dry cough: what to do and how to treat

Pershit in the throat from time to time every person. If this symptom quickly passes by itself, the patient does not bother.

But if pershit strongly in the throat for a long time, there is a constant dry cough, the throat hurts, you need to start treatment.

Causes of Persecution in the Throat

Sore throat and cough are most often symptoms of inflammation of the respiratory system, but there are other causes. The causes of inflammation are usually in infectious diseases of the upper or lower respiratory tract:

  • Angina;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Tracheitis;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Pneumonia.
But there are other reasons, as we have already said, for which a dry and strong cough and a swelling in the throat can occur. Pharyngeal neuralgia is one of them. This condition occurs in patients with a malfunction in the functions of the swallowing apparatus, which in turn is caused by the inferior work of the CNS or nerve receptors in the brain.

Accordingly, you need to know how to get rid of it and what medicines to take.

In this case, the patient not only has a perspiration in his throat, but also a burning sensation, a loss of sensitivity mucous, or, conversely, its increased sensitivity, a sensation of a lump in the throat, pain that is given in the ear or sublingual area.

Causes of pharyngeal neuralgia:

  1. Syphilis.
  2. Tumors of any nature in the body.
  3. Pathologies of the nervous system, mental disorders.

Often, prolonged perspiration in the throat and coughing causes an allergy. In this case, irritants can be house and book dust, animal fur, duvets and pillows, medicines, food or pollen of plants during flowering.

If pershit in the throat, but it does not hurt much, and there are no other symptoms, most likely, the reasons are in allergic reactions. Remove this phenomenon can only antihistamines.

Sometimes he throats with constant pressure on the vocal cords associated with professional activities - for example, when working as a television announcer, teacher or lecturer. In this case, the best remedy for persecution in the throat - at least temporarily change the profession.

Other reasons that pershit throat - the pathology of the digestive system. It:

  • Gastritis;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Irritation of the mucosa of the esophagus, which causes the release of acidic digested food from the stomach with reflux gastroesophagitis;
  • Herniated in the larynx or esophagus.

At hormonal failures the thyroid gland increases, on it nodules are formed. They press on the trachea and cause irritation of the larynx - as a result of the patient's pershit in the throat. He loses his appetite, grows thin or vice versa, sharply becomes fuller, becomes sluggish and irritable. A very strong throat in the mornings of heavy smokers.

The reasons for the sore throat are very different, they are often associated with serious chronic diseases of the internal organs.

Therefore, treatment with folk remedies is not always effective: the herbal broth will soften the throat, but it will not help get rid of the factor that caused this symptom.

How to recognize and get rid of a sore throat

Treatment of perspiration in the throat is selected depending on the severity of the disease that caused it. In itself, it is not a disease, but only its sign. Under the influence of certain factors, the patient feels like tickling in the throat, a desire to clear his throat well.

The cough can be wet or dry. A dry, persistent cough does not contribute to mucus secretion, which could soften the larynx and slightly relieve irritation.

That's why my throat hurts even more. Usually, dry cough is characteristic for infectious and viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract. At the same time, other typical symptoms of colds or influenza are added to the dyspnea:

  1. Headache.
  2. Chills.
  3. Coryza.
  4. Lethargy.
  5. Increased body temperature.

If you can not get rid of dry cough and perspiration for a long time, the pills from the throat swelling and treatment with folk remedies, we can say that the pathology has passed into a chronic form and treatment requires adjustments.

Often patients complain that they have a stronger throat at night. Why is this happening and what to do in this case? The reasons are usually that during the night sleep muscles of the larynx and nasopharynx relax, blood circulation slows down, and sputum is not separated, but thickens and accumulates in the upper respiratory tract.

Sticking to the walls of the larynx, they irritate the mucous and cause coughing attacks, also it can be pus in the throat. Treatment in this case is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and excretion of sputum from the bronchi. It is not necessarily a cold or flu, chronic respiratory pathologies, allergies or vocal cord strain at work.

One should not forget about bad habits - the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes can cause chronic persecution. And sometimes a foreign body gets into the throat - for example, a fish or meat bone - and thereby provokes a constant cough and discomfort.

Because the treatment will not be effective, and neither tablets nor folk recipes will help, until the provoking factor is eliminated.

Than to treat pershenie in a throat

Treatment is required complex - local remedies will soften and soothe the mucous membrane, and the drugs of systemic action will help to cope with the underlying disease.

In the first case, you can take pills and lozenges for resorption, rinse or inhalation from a sore throat. Such medications are popular.


This drug is available in the pharmacy in various pharmaceutical forms. In the form of a solution it is used for rinsing. They should be done after meals, three to four times a day. The duration of the procedure is 3-4 minutes. And the treatment itself can last up to ten days.

In the form of a spray, the drug is used twice a day, spraying it in the larynx for at least two seconds. The medicine can cause allergic reactions, if the mucosal edema becomes stronger, there is a rash, a cough intensifies, treatment should be stopped.


These tablets should not be absorbed until after fifteen minutes after ingestion. You can do the procedure up to five times a day. After taking the pill is not recommended to drink and eat for two hours to keep the effect of its action.


This drug belongs to the group of antibiotics. Dosage is determined in an individual order, as a rule, not more than 4 gr. per day, breaking this amount into several 250-mg doses.


It is prescribed today rarely, in those cases when the reception of other drugs is contraindicated because of individual patient intolerance to its components. Adults appoint 100-150 mg at a time up to six times a day. Take the pill should be no later than half an hour before meals.


This is a preparation in the form of a spray, Bioparox should be used to irrigate the oral cavity and larynx. The procedure is carried out up to five times a day, after meals. The course of treatment lasts about seven days.


This is a common and affordable antihistamine. It is used to treat cough and sore throat caused by allergies. First of all, you need to moisten the air in the room and eliminate the irritant. It is necessary to ventilate the rooms well. Tavegil is taken 1 mg twice daily before meals. The daily dose should not exceed 6 mg.

It is possible to reduce perspiration and sore throats with folk remedies. Such herbs and plants help:

  • Oak bark;
  • Chamomile;
  • Sage;
  • Tincture of calendula for gargling;
  • Thyme.

You can do rinses or inhalations for the throat, using folk remedies. But it is necessary to combine them with medicamental treatment, otherwise the effect will be short and the disease can go on into a chronic form.

What else should I do? Doctors recommend to follow a diet. To refuse it is necessary from salty, acidic, sharp dishes and drinks, too hot or cold, naturally, alcohol and cigarettes are now out of place.

Rinsings and other products from throat swelling

In the pharmacy, you can find a variety of means from persheniya in the throat. If the disease has just begun, you can try to cure it with folk remedies. If the herbs were ineffective, and the disease worsened, you should choose stronger medications.

For example, Angilex is very effective - it is a rinse solution, but it must be diluted before use. For a quarter of a glass of warm water you need to take two teaspoons of the solution. Before the procedure, rinse your mouth with plain clean water. Then use Angilex.

Rinses are done up to four times a day, the duration of the course of treatment is five days. An alternative is the drug Givalex. It is also a rinse solution, which must be diluted with water. In the package, along with the solution is a measuring cup. First, pour two teaspoons of the drug into the cup - 10 ml.

Then add another 50 ml of water at a temperature of 30-35 degrees. After that, the solution is ready for use. But it can not be done in advance, it must be used immediately.

For resorption it is convenient to use tablets that have softening, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Angissept and Septifril are popular. They are placed in the mouth and slowly dissolve until completely dissolved. Apply these drugs 4-6 times a day. The course of treatment does not exceed seven days.

It is convenient to carry aerosols for irrigation of the larynx - Ingalipt and Cameton. They are sprayed onto the mucosa for 1-2 seconds. Repeat the procedure can be up to four times a day.

Even very strong perspiration can be removed at home with inhalation. Of the folk remedies, soda or sea salt, a decoction of marigold and chamomile, an infusion of eucalyptus. You can buy Inhalar in pharmacies. This preparation is added to the inhaler or to a container of hot water. Do inhalation twice a day.

An approximate scheme of treatment of a sore throat: carrying out inhalations twice a day, resorption of pastilles or tablets throughout the day, if required - taking antibiotics in the dosage indicated by your doctor, or antihistamines means. It is recommended to observe a sparing diet and avoid bad habits.

What happens in the throat, will roll in the video in this article Elena Malysheva.

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