Eye anti-inflammatory drops

Inflammation is a natural reaction of the body to extraneous stimuli or internal pathological processes. Inflammation in the eyes signals to us that something is wrong with the eyes and it's time to take action. However, the list of anti-inflammatory drugs is quite extensive, and it is possible to find out what medications for which inflammations should be used after consultation with an ophthalmologist.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List
    • 3.1Antibacterial
    • 3.2Antiviral drugs
    • 3.3Anti-allergic
    • 3.4Artificial humidifiers:
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Most often, eye drops from inflammation are in demand drugs with the following diseases:

  • Blepharitis- the concept unites a number of diseases characterized by an inflammatory process on the edges of the eyelids and most often caused by the Demodex mite. Although there are other pathogens: bacterial, viral, fungal, allergic. Sometimes inflammation can be caused by systemic impairment;
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  • Conjunctivitis- the most common cause of infection, inflammation of the conjunctiva. It can also have very different nature;
  • Dacryocystitis- Inflammation of lacrimal ducts, one of the most rare types of infectious inflammation. Most often it is a consequence of chronic inflammation in the nasal cavity;
  • Endophthalmitis- inflammation inside the eyeball, is a secondary infection and develops against the background of inflammation of the retina and vascular, with severe corneal ulcers, as well as as a result of trauma or surgical interventions;
  • Keratite- Inflammation in the cornea, which is accompanied by its turbidity, the appearance of ulcers and pain. The process can begin both under the influence of infectious nature, and be caused by systemic causes;
  • Sclerite- inflammation in the sclera, the protein coat of the eye. In most cases, the cause of scleritis is the development of rheumatological processes, but it can also be infectious or post-traumatic in nature;
  • Iridocyclitis- inflammation of the vessels in the anterior part of the eyeball, which includes the iris and ciliary body. In addition to infectious agents or systemic diseases, the process can be triggered by microbial inflammation in nearby areas: the nasopharynx, nasal cavity, teeth;
  • Uveitis eyes- inflammation of the choroid of the eye. Pathology develops relatively infrequently (in 5-7%) and can have both infectious and non-infectious nature;
  • Neuritis of the optic nerve- Primary inflammation of the optic nerve, caused, in most cases, by diseases of the nervous system. Sometimes pathology can be triggered by infectious processes in the paranasal sinuses or the orbit, as well as progressive meningitis;
  • Barley- Purulent inflammation of the sebaceous gland or hair follicles of the eyelash. The onset of the inflammatory process is due to bacterial infection against a background of weakened immunity.

All these processes can proceed in a mixed form, in this case, the most optimal option will be the use of combined agents that have additional medicinal properties.

Features of preparations

Depending on the mechanism of action, all anti-inflammatory drops for the eyes are divided into two large groups:

  • NSAIDs(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) - have a directional analgesic effect;
  • GCS(glucocorticosteroids) - have a universal effect on the hormonal level, but can not be used by all and not always, because they have a number of contraindications and side effects.

In addition, drops differ depending on the cause of inflammation and are divided into several well-known groups:

  • Antibacterial. It is an eye drop with an antibiotic, usually a broad spectrum of action. Medications are used in the treatment of infectious diseases caused by microorganisms that are sensitive to the drug;
  • Antiviral.The main active substance of these drugs are interferon preparations, para-amino benzoic acid (vitamin B10), polyriboadenic acid, etc. Their function is to suppress the development of viruses and to activate immunity;
  • Anti-allergic.The active substances of these drops help to neutralize the effect of allergens and increase immunity. These are azelastine, olopathodine, cromoglycic acid, disodium salt, etc. ;
  • Artificial Moisturizers. Are intended for restoration of a tear film and protection of a cover of an eye from external irritants. Most often used in the syndrome of "dry" eyes, as well as with eye strain or mild irritations.


Depending on the mechanism of action and the cause of inflammation, the following groups of eye drops can be used in treatment:


  • Aminoglycosides:Tobrex, Dilaterol, Gentamicin;
  • Levomycetins:Chloramphenicol, Levomycetin;
  • Fluoroquinolones: Tsipromed, Floksal, Signtsef.

We recommend that you read the instructions for the use of eye drops Signitsef and the instructions for eye drops Levomycetin.

The most popular are sulfonamide preparations, although they were introduced into ophthalmic practice as one of the first. Among the most famous means belongs to Albucid (drops eye sodium sulfacil, sulfacyl soluble). Also, ointments for the eyes are used for inflammation.

Antiviral drugs

  • Virulicidal:Oftan I'm going. Used for herpes infections;
  • Interferons: Ophthalmoferon. They are natural proteins that have antiviral and immunostimulating activity;
  • Interferon Inductors: Actipol, Poludan. Contain substances that stimulate the production of immune cells.

The drugs have a number of contraindications and can have side effects. With special care, drops that affect the immune system are used.


  • Lecrolin.The active substance is sodium cromoglycate. Has a membrane-stabilizing effect and prevents the release of histamine;
  • Opatanol.The active substance is olopatadine hydrochloride. It is a strong selective antihistamine drug, prevents the formation of histamine-induced inflammatory cytokines by epithelial cells;
  • Cromohexal.The active substance, the disodium salt of cromoglycic acid, has a membrane-stabilizing effect and prevents the release of histamine, bradykinin, and others. ;
  • Allergodyl.The active substance is azelastine hydrochloride, which selectively blocks H1 receptors, preventing the release of leukotriene, histamine, etc.

Artificial humidifiers:

  • Chilozar-chest of drawers;
  • Lycontin;
  • Othtolik;
  • Inox;
  • Oxyal;
  • Visomithin.

The preparations contain two main components: saline and artificial moisturizers.Are the most harmless means and can be used independently at weak inflammation caused by eye strain, age-related changes, adverse external conditions, etc.

Recommendations for use

What kind of eye anti-inflammatory drugs should be used depends on the reason for the diagnosis. It is only the physician who is competent to prescribe the type of medicine that is appropriate in each particular situation.

In addition to the diagnosis, when choosing a medicine, the severity of lesions, age, and the presence of chronic diseases (ophthalmic and systemic) are assessed.

When the drug is prescribed, always check the expiration date and accessory: some drops with different purposes (from the common cold, ear) are produced under with the same name.

Before the instillation procedure:

  • Wash your hands with soap and wipe your eyes with chlorhexidine solution (, 2 or, 5%) to disinfect the eyelid surface;
  • With one hand, gently pull the lower eyelid and drip 1 drop of the drug;
  • With a strong systemic absorption, it is recommended to pinch the lacrimal duct (inner corner);
  • If you need to drip 2 or more drops, take a break for at least 1 min to allow the medication to be absorbed;
  • If you need to use several drugs, take a break between the procedures for at least 15 minutes.

If the discomfort after the procedure lasts more than 15 minutes, you need to get additional medical advice. Perhaps you should change your medicine.

Before appointment, make sure that the ophthalmologist is notified if at this time you are taking Other medications to avoid overdose or weakening (strengthening) of the action preparation.

Consider the possibility of reducing visual acuity after instillation, especially when it is necessary to perform activities requiring increased attention.


Iridin eye drops with instructions

Anoxic drops for Inox's eyes are described in this article.

How to cure astigmatism http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/astigmatizm/metody-korrekcii-i-lecheniya-v-domashnix-usloviyax.html




Pharmaceutical industry offers the buyer a fairly extensive list of drugs that are effective in inflammatory processes. However, they have different directions, because the nature of inflammation can be both the most harmless, and a serious threat to the health of the eyes.

Therefore, self-treatment (with the exception of moistening drops) is unacceptable. You can choose a suitable medicine only under the supervision of an ophthalmologist and after a careful study of the causes of inflammation.

Read also about such drugs as Dexa-Gentamicin Ointment and Drops from Glaucoma DuoTrav.

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