Chondroprotectors for the hip joint, medication


  • 1Are chondroprotectors effective against coxarthrosis of the hip joints?
    • 1.1How exactly do chondroprotectors help?
    • 1.2Top-10: effective chondroprotectors
    • 1.3Alflutop
    • 1.4Sustilac
    • 1.5Rumanol
    • 1.6Elbona
    • 1.7Arteparon
    • 1.8Mukosat
    • 1.9Structum
    • 1.10Ostéal
    • 1.11Teraflex
    • 1.12Arthron Flex
    • 1.13Who should not be treated with chondroprotectors?
    • 1.14Are patients satisfied with such treatment? Reviews
  • 2Chondroprotectors in coxarthrosis of the hip joint
    • 2.1The effect of chondroprotectors in coxarthrosis
    • 2.2Chondroprotectors of 1st generation
    • 2.3Chondroprotectors 2 generations
    • 2.4Chondroprotectors of the new generation
    • 2.5Contraindications to the use of chondroprotectors
  • 3Chondroprotectors in coxarthrosis of the hip joint
    • 3.1Operating principle
    • 3.2Classification of drugs
    • 3.3Treatment Scheme
    • 3.4Contraindications for use
  • 4Chondroprotectors in coxarthrosis of the hip joint
    • 4.1The effect of chondroprotectors on cartilaginous tissue
    • 4.2Properties of active components
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.3List of the most effective drugs with coxarthrosis
    • 4.4The scheme of admission and duration of treatment course
    • 4.5Contraindications
    • 4.6The effectiveness of therapy at different stages of the disease
    • 4.7Coxarthrosis 1 degree
    • 4.8Coxarthrosis of 2nd degree
    • 4.9Coxarthrosis of 3rd degree
    • 4.10The use of chondroprotectors for prevention
    • 4.11How are prices for this group of medicines formed?
  • 5Chondroprotectors in coxarthrosis of the hip joint: a review of the best
    • 5.1How Chondroprotectors Work
    • 5.2The effect of the main active components of chondroprotectors
    • 5.3What drugs are prescribed for coxarthrosis?
    • 5.4By what scheme and how long are chondroprotectors taken
  • 6Chondroprotectors - indispensable for coxarthrosis of the hip joint
    • 6.1Pros of drugs
    • 6.2Minuses

Are chondroprotectors effective against coxarthrosis of the hip joints?

Chondroprotectors in coxarthrosis of the hip joint are well-known drugs against a devastating disease.

The pharmacies have a rich selection of drugs, so the question of which of them is better is relevant for each person affected by this ailment.

How exactly do chondroprotectors help?

Treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint primarily means taking medications.

Along with anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain, chondroprotectors are used - drugs for etiological treatment.

They have the following effect:

  • block the focus of coxarthrosis;
  • improve metabolic processes in the joint;
  • normalize the production of joint fluid.

Also in pharmacies you can buy chondroprotectors of complex effects - in combination with NSAIDs and anesthetics. Produce drugs in the following forms:

  • pills;
  • ointments, gels;
  • Solutions for intramuscular and intraarticular injections.

Such drugs should be used for a long time, with courses from 6 months. In this case, the effect of them occurs after a few months and lasts for a long time.

Top-10: effective chondroprotectors

Talk about what drugs are most effective for any organism, can only the attending physician. He on the basis of permanent studies of the hip joint determines whether coxarthrosis is progressing against the background of treatment or, conversely, the disease subsided.


The drug is a Romanian manufacturer for intramuscular and intraarticular administration based on a biological substance derived from small marine fish. Need 5 to 20 injections.

The drug not only restores damaged cartilage tissue, but also has an analgesic effect. There may be signs of rash, itching in the area of ​​administration.

It is worth noting that during the treatment period pain may increase.


The agent in tablets (capsules) with the active substance is glucosamine sulfate. Production of Russia. Prescribe usually on, r medicines per day, the duration of treatment depends on the individual case. If used improperly, the product may cause nausea, constipation, and allergy.


The medication is based on the bone marrow substances of calves, contains glucosamine sulfate, peptide compounds. Manufacturer - Russia. The treatment is carried out by intramuscular injection into the joint area three times a week. The product can cause burning, provoke the appearance of a rash on the skin.


Medication for intramuscular injection, contains glucosamine and lidocaine. Production of the USA. Has analgesic effect almost immediately. The medicine is administered three times a week, the course is up to 6 weeks, after which a break is necessary.

Because of the presence of lidocaine, the drug must be used with caution in patients with heart problems. Adverse reactions may include nausea, vomiting, headaches, allergies in the area of ​​administration.


Solution for intramuscular and intraarticular administration based on sulfuric acid mucopolysaccharide. The preparation of German manufacture. The medicine is used twice a week. With improper use, there may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, headaches, increased sweating.


The medicine of domestic production based on chondroitin, obtained from the bone marrow of cattle. Solution for intramuscular injection. Pricks put in a day. The dosage is determined by the attending physician. Allergic reactions are possible.


Capsules with chondroitin, a French manufacturer. Usually appoint 500 mcg per day. It is extremely rare to have adverse reactions in the form of allergies.


A drug manufactured in Australia in tablets. The active ingredients are chondroitin and glucosamine in equal amounts. Dosage - 1 tablet twice a day for 6 weeks. With an unreasonable continuation of medication, allergic reactions are likely.


The US developed these tablets based on glucosamine and chondroitin. Assign 1 tablet orally 3 times during the day. Adverse reactions can be headaches, swelling, nausea, diarrhea. Itching and burning on the skin can also appear during treatment.

Arthron Flex

Another tablet of American production. The active substance is glucosamine hydrochloride. Treatment is carried out, starting with 1 tablet, gradually increasing the amount of medication. With the wrong therapy, allergic reactions, digestive problems are possible.

Rheumatologist in case of patient complaints about any strong adverse reactions to the drug should replace the remedy with another medicine. It is impossible to change the program of treatment independently.

Who should not be treated with chondroprotectors?

Like all medicines, chondroprotectors have different active substances, because of this there may be contraindications to such treatment. Do not take chondroprotectors in the following cases:

  • period of pregnancy, lactation;
  • inflammatory processes in the joint region;
  • purulent formations on the skin;
  • allergy to substances.

When diabetes is also not recommended treatment with chondroprotectors, in the composition of which there is a glucose derivative - glucosamine. In rare cases, the use of glucosamine as a treatment may be permitted, but then the endocrinologist must adjust the dosage of insulin.

Are patients satisfied with such treatment? Reviews

Most reviews on the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint with chondroprotectors are neutral - patients do not notice any worsening or improvement of such therapy.

In addition, patients, due to lack of knowledge of treatment options and irresponsibility, stop taking medication after a week or a month because they do not see a positive result.

According to reviews it is clear that people suffering from coxarthrosis do not like the high cost of such drugs.

Elena, 48 years old.

The rheumatologist has appointed or nominated Alflutop, I go regularly on nyxes. At first I did not want to be treated this way - an expensive drug, but then I read reviews, I think I should help.

Katerina, 42 years old.

I was assigned Teraflex, and it is very expensive, domestic chondroitin usual is much cheaper, I accept it, I do not know if it will help. All itch for some reason, although the reviews are all good.

Maxim, 56 years old.

For a long time I have been treated with Rumanol, I was chosen together with a doctor, the reviews about him are good. The injections are sore, but they are worth it. It is better to be patient and move comfortably than to completely bend down and lie down with a vegetable.

A source:

Chondroprotectors in coxarthrosis of the hip joint

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint is a disease that is an irreversible process of destruction of the cartilaginous tissue. There are many ways to treat this ailment.

As for the medicamentous effect, one of the most effective groups of drugs are chondroprotectors in coxarthrosis of the hip joint.

How they affect this disease, should be considered in more detail.

The effect of chondroprotectors in coxarthrosis

This group of medications not only relieves painful feelings, but also aims to perform such functions:

  • inhibition of the process of destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint;
  • promotes an increase in the level of the joint fluid;
  • improves the elasticity and mobility of the affected joint;
  • normalizes the metabolism;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • helps restore cells of cartilaginous tissue.

Chondroprotectors of 1st generation

The effect of this group of drugs is the active production of collagen and hyaluronic acid.

In turn, they have a positive effect on the state of the cartilaginous tissue of the hip joint, and also relieve painful sensations and inflammatory processes.

Chondroprotectors of the first generation are usually used for coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 1st degree, since their effect is effective only at the initial stage of the disease development. Names of the most common 1st generation drugs:

  1. Alflutop. It improves the metabolic processes of the cartilaginous tissue, thereby contributing to its restoration. Produced in the form of injections, which are administered intramuscularly. The course of treatment usually lasts about 6 months. The price of the drug in Ukraine is on average 600 UAH. In Russia it can be purchased for 1400 rubles.
  2. Chondrolon. It is produced in the form of a powder, from which it is necessary to prepare a solution for injections. Has a restoring effect on the affected joint. Buy in Russia Hondrolon can be at an average price of 850 rubles. As for Ukraine, its cost is about 350 UAH.

Chondroprotectors of the 1st generation are currently used quite rarely, since they have, in the main, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Articular tissue is restored very slowly, so their effectiveness is observed at an early stage of the disease.

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Chondroprotectors 2 generations

This group of drugs has a longer and more productive effect than that of the 1st generation.

They improve the metabolic processes in the joint articular tissue of the affected joint, and also relieve pain and inflammation.

The most common means of the 2nd generation are:

  • Structrum. This drug is available in the form of capsules. Beneficially affects the metabolic processes in the cartilaginous tissue of the hip joint, removes inflammation and acute pain. Promotes faster recovery of cartilaginous tissue. The average price in Russia is 1250 rubles. In Ukraine, the drug can be purchased for 350 UAH.
  • Arthron Khondreks. It is produced as tablets. Promotes the regeneration of the cartilaginous tissue of the affected joint, calcium saturates the bone tissue. Improves the production of joint fluid, which gradually improves the mobility of the hip joint. The cost of Arthron Khondreks in Russia is 1300 rubles, in Ukraine - 520 UAH.
  • Mukosat. Issued as a solution for injection. Regular injections of Mucosate have an anti-inflammatory, protective and analgesic effect on the affected hip joint. Gradually restored its elasticity and mobility. The Ukrainian price of this drug is 400 UAH. In Russia you can buy Mukosat for 1350 UAH.
  • Adant. It is a solution for injections. Effectively removes inflammatory processes, and also with regular use improves mobility of the hip joint. The medicine is injected directly into the joint. Adant is used even in the treatment of coxarthrosis of the third degree hip joint. Buy this medication in Russia for an average of 2500 rubles. In Ukraine - 900 UAH.

Treatment with 2-generation drugs for the desired effect should be long, on average - 1 year. If the prescribed dosage was not disturbed, then after the time the patient starts to feel much better.

Chondroprotectors of the new generation

This group of drugs has many advantages over others, namely:

  1. with prolonged use, there is much less side effects;
  2. treatment with new-generation drugs is easily tolerated by patients;
  3. have anti-inflammatory, restorative and analgesic effect on the affected cartilaginous tissue;
  4. normalize metabolic processes;
  5. increase efficacy with the use of additional medications;
  6. improve the density of bone tissue;
  7. When using chondroprotectors of the new generation, the need for taking other medications is reduced.

Preparations of the new generation in modern times are the most effective means in the fight against coxarthrosis of the hip joint. Examples of such tools:

  • Chondroitin complex. The drug is available in the form of tablets. It removes inflammatory processes, which helps to restore the joint tissue. Relieves pain during exacerbation. The average cost of the drug in Ukraine is 200 UAH. For Russia, the price is about 500 rubles.
  • Arthron Triac. The medicine is available in the form of tablets. It is prescribed even when the form of joint coxarthrosis is started. Stimulates the normal functioning of the joint tissue. The price in Russia is approximately 200 rubles, in Ukraine - 60 UAH.

There are many analogues of new generation drugs, for example, Moveks, Teraflex, Advance and others. Select the most effective tool will help the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the course of the disease.

Contraindications to the use of chondroprotectors

These drugs have no special contraindications, but still refrain from treatment with chondroprotectors should be in such situations:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. individual intolerance, and also hypersensitivity to some components of the drug;
  3. regular hemorrhages;
  4. renal or heart failure of a chronic nature;
  5. diabetes;
  6. impaired functioning of the pancreas;
  7. peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.

If you have these ailments, you need to visit your doctor regularly. He will monitor the effectiveness of using other medicines. And also will advise, what medicines it is better to use at a joint coxarthrosis.

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Chondroprotectors in coxarthrosis of the hip joint

Chondroprotectors with coxarthrosis of the hip joint in modern medicine are often used, and are one of the methods of therapeutic treatment.

But the use of this group of drugs is advisable only in the first two stages of the development of the disease, when the hip joint is not yet severely deformed, and the person does not feel constant pain.

With the third degree of coxarthrosis, only surgical intervention is shown, which consists in replacing the damaged joint with an artificial prosthesis (endoprosthetics).

Operating principle

Coxarthrosis - deforming arthrosis, in which the cartilaginous tissue of the hip joint undergoes destructive structure of the process. To restore it in medical practice, chondroprotectors are used.

This group of drugs contributes to:

  • Resumption of the structure of the cartilaginous tissue of the affected joint and normalization of metabolic and enzymatic processes in it;
  • Increase the amount of collagen produced;
  • Slowing down destructive processes;
  • Increased mobility of the cartilage joint;
  • Stimulation of the development of synovia (mass filling the joint from the inside);
  • Reducing the friction of articular surfaces by increasing the amount of joint lubrication;
  • Withdrawal of inflammation.

Chondroprotectors are sources of glucosamine and chondroitin, which are naturally produced by the cartilaginous tissue of the joints.

The effectiveness of chondroprotectors is directly proportional to the volume of the preserved cartilage of the hip joint. With deep lesions, when there is no longer a cartilaginous tissue, one should look for other methods and methods of treatment.

Chondroprotectors also include medicines, which include hyaluronic acid - a natural component of cartilage and synovia.

Their action is to lubricate the joint surface and eliminate mechanical friction, thereby stopping its further degeneration.

Classification of drugs

All chondroprotectors that are used in coxarthrosis therapy, as well as osteochondrosis of the hip joint, are classified depending on the substance that is included in its composition.
Chondroprotectors are divided into the following groups:

  1. Containing glucosamine (Elbona, OsteoArtizi Active, Dona, Rumalon, Unium Arthron flex, Aminoartrin and others. )
  2. Containing chondroitin (Chondroxide, Chondroitin-AKOS, Alflutop, Structum, Mucosate, Chondrotec, Hondrolone, etc. )
  3. Containing hyaluronic acid (Coxartrum, Ostenil, Synvisc, Ortoviscus, Fermatron and others. )
  4. Combined preparations containing chondroitin and glucosamine (Osteoartizi Active Plus, KONDRONOV, Osteel, Chondro-Ritz, Teraflex, Chondroitin Complex, etc.) )
  5. Complex preparations containing chondroitin, glucosamine, as well as anti-inflammatory substances (Moveks Active, Arthron Triacive Forte, Flex-A-Min Complex, Teraflex Advance).

Medicinal forms of the release of chondroprotectors:

  • Solid (tablets, dragees, powders, sachets, capsules);
  • Soft (gels, ointments, creams);
  • Liquid (solutions for injection, including intraarticular, syrups).

For the manufacture of chondroprotectors use extracts from cartilaginous and bony tissues of large horned livestock, some families of fish (salmon), chitin of marine crustaceans, as well as extracts from plants (soy, avocado).

Treatment Scheme

The drug, its form of release, as well as the duration of the course of treatment can be different in each case.

Most often doctors prescribe to patients suffering from coxarthrosis, to take chondroprotectors daily, sometimes 2-3 times a day, for several months.

This course, as a rule, is repeated after 6 months. The daily dose of glucosamine, sufficient for the effective treatment of coxarthrosis, is 1000-1500 mg, and chondroitin 1000 mg.

Exceptions are intra-articular injections, which are injected directly into the affected areas. In such cases, to achieve the desired effect, a smaller dose is needed.

Single application of chondroprotectors will not bring results. The effect of taking drugs of this group is achieved only after 6-18 months from the time of regular reception.

In acute manifestations of coxarthrosis or osteochondrosis of the hip joint, the symptoms of which bring a strong discomfort to a person, treatment starts with injections - the fastest way to saturate the cartilage tissue with active substances.

After the manifestation of the effect of injections, the doctor transfers the patient to solid forms of release of drugs.

Medicines of local action (ointments) anesthetize, relieve inflammation and swelling.

But without simultaneous application together with oral chondroprotective agents they give only a temporary effect.

The derivatives of hyaluronic acid are used for the fastest restoration of synovia. The course of treatment with such chondroprotectors consists of 3-5 intra-articular injections, which should be repeated after 6 months.

Intra-articular injections are carried out only by an experienced specialist and only in medical institutions.

Contraindications for use

Chondroprotectors are contraindicated in such conditions:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Phenylketonuria;
  • Diabetes;
  • Hypersensitivity to composite components;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Frequent bleeding;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Chondroprotectors in coxarthrosis of the hip joint

Coxarthrosis (ostearthrosis, deforming arthrosis) of the hip joint is a disease of the musculoskeletal system.

With coxarthrosis in the cartilaginous tissue of the joint develops a degenerative-dystrophic process.

Chondroprotectors (from the Latin.

Chondr - cartilage and Protector - protector) - an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of coxarthrosis in the first and second stages of the disease.

The effect of chondroprotectors on cartilaginous tissue

The hip joint forms the mating femoral and iliac bones.

Durable, elastic and smooth articular cartilage excrete synovial fluid, which creates a protective film on the cartilage, providing its nutrition and lubrication.

Articular cartilage helps to absorb and correctly distribute loads during movement.

With coxarthrosis in the tissues of cartilage are destructive processes with subsequent changes in the bone surface of the joint.

In the complex treatment of coxarthrosis, doctors prescribe drugs containing chondroprotectors, the use of which:

  • inhibits the process of destruction of cartilaginous tissue;
  • improves metabolic processes in articular tissues;
  • stimulates the process of formation of articular lubrication, which contributes to the improvement of cartilage joint mobility.
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Chondroprotectors are sources of glucosamine and chondroitin, which are produced by the cartilaginous tissue of the joints.

Glucosamine and chondroitin feed the cartilage tissues from the inside. Chondroprotectors are close in composition to the human body and are safe.

In the production of chondroprotectors, the following are used:

  • Extraction of cartilage tissue of cattle (Rumalon drug);
  • extracts of marine invertebrates and fish (Alflutop);
  • components of vegetable raw materials: avocado, legumes.

Properties of active components


  • promotes the resumption of enzymatic processes in the cartilaginous tissue;
  • stimulates the production of synovial fluid;
  • improves the elasticity of the cartilaginous tissue;
  • inhibits degenerative processes.


  • is a building material for articular cartilaginous tissue;
  • oppresses enzymes that destroy cartilage;
  • strengthens the production of collagen;
  • stimulates the formation of chondrocytes and hyaluronic acid;
  • improves the mobility and flexibility of the cartilage joint;
  • improves blood circulation in cartilage tissues;
  • has anti-inflammatory effect.

List of the most effective drugs with coxarthrosis

In coxarthrosis of the hip joint, effective drugs based on glucosamine are:

  • Don (in powder, in capsules, in ampoules);
  • Arton flex (in tablets);
  • Elbon (in powder, in capsules, in ampoules).

For the treatment of coxarthrosis, the following preparations based on chondroitin are prescribed:

  • Mucosate (in tablets, in ampoules);
  • Arthron chondrex (in coated tablets);
  • Struktrum (in capsules);
  • Arthra chondroitin (capsules);
  • Arthral (in ampoules);
  • Chondroitin acos (ointment);
  • Chondroxide (ointment).

Popular with articular degenerative diseases, drugs containing a combination of glucosamine and chondroitin:

  • Rumalon (based on drawing cartilaginous tissue of cattle, in ampoules);
  • Aflutop (based on the drawing of sea fish, in ampoules);
  • Teraflex (capsules);
  • Hondroflex (capsules);
  • Arthra (in coated tablets).
  • Moveks comfort (in tablets);
  • Osteal (in tablets)
  • Protekon (in tablets).

Drugs are intra-articular fluid substitutes based on hyaluronic acid, in the form of a solution in syringes:

  • Fermatron;
  • Synwisk;
  • A syncope;
  • Ostenil.

The scheme of admission and duration of treatment course

The production of chondroprotectors is carried out in the form of capsules, tablets, in the form of a solution for injection, as well as in the form of gels, ointments and creams.

Capsules and tablets are usually prescribed in the early stages of coxarthrosis, in the absence of exacerbation.

The effect of injections manifests itself more quickly than from other dosage forms.

The course of treatment for exacerbation of the joint disease begins with injections, and then the doctor takes the patient to capsules and pills.

Ointments, gels and creams are used topically, they are applied to the area of ​​the affected joint.

Local medicines can extinguish pain, inflammation and swelling.

Starting to take chondroprotectors, it is necessary to understand:

  • Chondroprotectors - long-acting drugs designed to receive a course;
  • the first tangible results of treatment begin to appear somewhere about six months after the start of the treatment;
  • persistent effect is achieved with regular and long-term admission of the drug prescribed by the doctor;
  • the course of treatment, as a rule, lasts for one and a half to three months, and during the year it will take two or three complete courses;
  • after discontinuation of the drug, the regenerative processes in the cartilaginous tissue continue for some time;
  • if necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 6 months;
  • The treatment process will be effective only if the admission scheme is strictly observed.

The course of treatment with popular rumalon (20 injections) will last about six weeks.

Injections of the drug Don must be administered three times a week for four to six weeks, and Don capsules are taken 3 times a day for 1-2 times for four to six weeks.

Injections of the drug Mukosat are administered every other day, a course of treatment of 25-30 injections.

Injections into the region of the hip joint are administered only by a doctor and exclusively under the control of an X-ray.

The course - from three to five procedures, you can repeat the procedure no earlier than in six months.

Together with chondroprotectors, the complex treatment of coxarthrosis includes:

  • non-steroidal drugs for pain and inflammation;
  • vitamins;
  • massage courses, which has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, helps to relieve spasm, strengthens muscles;
  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • diet (with excessive weight, the load on the joint increases and blood circulation is disturbed);
  • physical exercises (with poorly developed gluteal and femoral muscles, correct movement of the joints is impossible, the more ideally the muscles work, the more circulating the blood, delivering to the cartilaginous joint the nutritious substance).
  • with reactive coxarthrosis, along with chondroprotectors and analgesics, antibiotics are prescribed that fight the infection and prevent it from entering the articular tissue.


Prescribe medicines can only be the attending physician.

Chondroprotectors are contraindicated:

  • pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding;
  • inflammatory process in articular tissues;
  • with allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
  • when gastrointestinal tractor deviates, chondroprotectors are prescribed with extreme caution;
  • in diabetes mellitus, glucose, which is contained in the hondoprotectors, must be compensated for by insulin, the doctor decides to take medication.

The effectiveness of therapy at different stages of the disease

Chondroprotectors should be started when the first signs of articular degenerative disease appear:

  • At the beginning of the disease the articular fluid changes its properties, becomes thick and viscous. Violated blood circulation, slowed down metabolic processes in the cartilaginous tissue and atrophy of the muscles.
  • Articular cartilage begins to dry, its surface is covered with cracks and becomes rough. The cartilage, unable to withstand increased friction during movement, begins to thin out, the pressure on the bones increases, which gradually deform.
  • During the period of reactive inflammation of the cartilaginous joint articular pains appear.

Coxarthrosis 1 degree

Characterized by mild periodic pain in the region of the hip joint (less often, in the region hip and knee), which occur with strong physical exertion and disappear in the state rest.

The head and neck of the femur are unchanged, but the articular fissure is narrowed already.

Regular reception of chondroprotectors in the complex treatment at the earliest stage of development of deforming arthrosis allows:

  • improve the motor activity of the joint;
  • stop the process of destruction of cartilaginous tissue;
  • stimulate the regeneration of the joint tissue;
  • fully retain the functions of the hip joint.

Coxarthrosis of 2nd degree

Characterized by increased pain in the cartilaginous joint, in the groin, in the knee, pain appears not only with loads, but also at rest.

Regular reception of chondroprotectors in the complex treatment at late stages of the disease:

  • improves the motor activity of the joint;
  • reduces pain;
  • allows you to keep working;
  • reduces the risk of complications.

Coxarthrosis of 3rd degree

Characterized by pain, which are permanent in nature.

At this stage, chondroprotectors are useless. Surgical treatment is recommended.

The use of chondroprotectors for prevention

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint is a very common disease among people over 45 years of age.

The use of chondroprotectors for prevention purposes minimizes the risk of its occurrence.

Reception of chondroprojectors for prophylactic purposes is shown:

  • those who carry heavy loads or are experiencing serious physical exertion;
  • people who have suffered joint trauma;
  • suffering from rheumatoid polyarthritis and inflammatory degenerative joint diseases.

How are prices for this group of medicines formed?

Medicinal substances, including chondroprotectors, differ in the presence and percentage of active components, the presence of various additives, the source and degree of purification of raw materials.

The cost of drugs includes the costs of clinical trials and the experimental study of the effectiveness of the positive effect.

Prices vary in this way:

Name of the preparation Active substances Cost of packing (rub.)
Don (injections) Glucosamine sulfate 1100 (6 ampoules)
Structum Chondroitin sulfate 1100 (60 capsules)
Teraflex Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate 900 (60 capsules)
Arthra Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate 1000 (60 tables)
Chondroitin AKOS Chondroitin sulfate 250 (60 capsules)

Chondroprotectors are successfully used for the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint in the early stages of the disease and are most effective in the complex treatment.

These drugs restore metabolism in the articular cartilage tissue, are able to stop or completely stop the process of its destruction.

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Chondroprotectors in coxarthrosis of the hip joint: a review of the best

Deforming arthrosis is one of the most common joint diseases in the world. Coxarthrosis is one of its forms, in which the tissues of the hip are affected.

First of all, the cartilage suffers - at first their structure is broken, the surface becomes rough, then, with the development of the disease, they become thinner and break down.

Chondroprotectors in coxarthrosis are drugs that promote the protection of the hip joint cartilage from destruction and stimulate their regeneration.

How Chondroprotectors Work

The basic elements of the hip are the iliac and femur. The head of the femur has the form of a ball - it enters the acetabulum of the ilium. Both the cavity and the head are covered with a layer of cartilaginous tissue.

Cartilage in the healthy joint is elastic and elastic, it provides an ideal slip of the hip joint elements relative to each other during movement.

But in order for the cartilage to fulfill its functions, while remaining elastic and smooth, it needs food.

He receives it from the synovial fluid that fills the bag of the joint.

If, under the influence of any factors, this liquid stops producing or thickens, the cartilage begins to dry out and collapse.

Doctors mandatory include in the list of medications chondroprotectors in coxarthrosis, successfully performing three tasks:

  • Stimulation of articular fluid production, so cartilaginous tissues are better nourished and lubricated;
  • Stabilization of metabolic processes in the tissues of the joint;
  • Protection of cartilage from destruction.
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Cartilage tissues of the hip joint synthesize two substances: chondroitin and glucosamine. They are contained in chondroprotectors. Because these drugs are considered completely safe for humans and have virtually no contraindications and side effects.

The only drawback of chondroprotectors is that they act very slowly, by accumulation.

A noticeable result is achieved only after several months of regular intake of these drugs.

Sometimes it takes several years to restore cartilage, in severe cases, patients take them all their lives.

In addition to chondroitin and glucosamine, chondroprotectors include:

  1. Extracts from the cartilage of cattle (gelatin) - in the preparation Rumalon.
  2. Extracts from sea fish and invertebrates - drug Aflutop.
  3. Oils of legumes and avocados.

The effect of the main active components of chondroprotectors

Chondroitin is the building material for the cartilage joint. It has a depressing effect on enzymes that destroy cartilaginous cells. In addition, it promotes the production of collagen fibers, hyaluronic acid and chondrocytes.

With the regular intake of this substance, the blood supply of the joint improves, the inflammatory process stops, mobility and flexibility improve.

Glucosamine helps increase the amount of synovial fluid and normalizes metabolic processes in the tissues of cartilage.

What drugs are prescribed for coxarthrosis?

If there is a lack of glucosamine, the most effective are such drugs:

  • Arton Flex - tablets;
  • Drug Don for joints - in powder, ampoules or tablets;
  • Elbon - also in powder, capsules or ampoules.

If it is necessary to fill the deficiency of chondroitin, then preference is given:

  1. Mucosate - in tablets or ampoules;
  2. Struktrum - in capsules;
  3. Arthron chondreme - in tablets;
  4. Artradol - in ampoules;
  5. Chondroitin and Chondroitin Acos are in the form of an ointment.

If, however, for the removal of symptoms, complex-action drugs with chondroitin, and glucosamine, such medications as Rumalon, Aflutop, Teraflex, Hondroflex, Arthra, Osteel, Protekon.

By what scheme and how long are chondroprotectors taken

Chondroprotectors are available in various forms: tablets, capsules, oral powders, liquid for injection, as well as gels, ointments and creams for external use.

Systemic drugs in the form of tablets or capsules are usually prescribed in the initial stages of coxarthrosis, when the disease is not exacerbated. During periods of exacerbation, the doctor can adjust the dosage and additionally recommend drugs that enhance the effect of chondroprotectors.

Injections are effective when the disease worsens and you need a quick action. Then injections are gradually replaced with tablets and capsules. A cream, ointment or gel for external use is prescribed in any form of coxarthrosis as an adjuvant local drug.

The effect after applying topical drugs comes immediately - pains go away, puffiness decreases. But it does not last long, for a lasting result it is necessary to combine them with medications of another form.

Chondroprotectors give tangible benefits only if they take them on a long course according to a certain scheme. The first results are noticeable only a few months after the start of treatment. The full course lasts 2-3 months, two or three such courses are conducted per year with approximately equal intervals.

The result of the course of treatment with chondroprotectors is estimated several months after the drug was discontinued - all this time the chondroprotectors continue to have their therapeutic effect. You can achieve success only if you do not deviate from the prescribed scheme.

  1. If Rumalon is prescribed in ampoules, the course of therapy includes 20 injections, which should be done within 6 weeks.
  2. Don in ampoules is administered three times a week for a course of 4 to 6 weeks, and in tablets the drug is taken 1-2 times three times a day for as long as 4-6 weeks.
  3. Mucosate in ampoules is administered every other day, the course of treatment includes 25 to 30 injections.

Those drugs that contain hyaluronic acid are for intraarticular injections. In this case, the course of therapy consists of a maximum of five procedures.

In this case, they are conducted only in the condition of a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. For full control, an X-ray machine is used.

You can repeat the course six months later.

In addition to chondroprotectors, the treatment program necessarily includes:

  • Admission of drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Vitaminotherapy;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Massotherapy;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Diet therapy, if the patient suffers from excessive weight, since extra pounds exert an increased burden on the joints;
  • Physiotherapy exercises - exercise promote blood circulation and support in tone the muscles of the thighs and buttocks surrounding the affected joint;
  • Antibiotic therapy if coxarthrosis is reactive and is required to prevent the spread of infection through the tissues of the joints.

Chondroprotectors are an effective tool in the treatment of coxarthrosis, but in some cases, their administration is contraindicated.

Such drugs are not prescribed to women during the period of bearing and breastfeeding, with individual intolerance to one of the components drug, diabetes mellitus (chondroprotectors contain glucose, which must be compensated for by insulin), with an acute inflammatory process in joints.

And with great care use for violations of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Chondroprotectors - indispensable for coxarthrosis of the hip joint

With the introduction into the clinical practice of chondroprotectors - the means restoring the cartilage - the former opinion on the incurability of coxarthrosis of the hip joint has become a thing of the past.

These are mandatory drugs in the treatment of coxarthrosis, because their systematic and correct use facilitates symptoms of the disease, improves the quality of life of patients and increases their opportunities for independent and active movement.


  • stop the destruction of cartilage tissue;
  • stimulate the processes of metabolism in cartilaginous tissues;
  • promote the synthesis of articular lubrication and fluid retention in cartilage.

Teraflex is a chondroprotector that stimulates the production of intraarticular fluid and improves its lubricating properties

To maintain the normal condition of the cartilage tissues of the joints, a sufficient amount of chondroitin (a component of the cartilage) and glucosamine (a component of chondroitin) is necessary. In a healthy young body, these substances are produced by cartilaginous tissues. But with age, their synthesis is reduced, which gradually destroys the joints.

Chondroprotectors are the result of processing cartilaginous tissues of fish and invertebrates; they are as close as possible by composition to human tissues, therefore absolutely safe and effective in the treatment of diseases joints.

Regular reception of chondroprotectors saturates cells of cartilage tissues with necessary nutrients substances, which increases the resistance of cartilages to overloads and prevents premature aging these tissues.

Chondroprotectors are produced in the following dosage forms:

  1. solution for intramuscular injection;
  2. intraarticular solution;
  3. pills;
  4. ointments, gels.

In severe hip injury, the drug "Alflutop for injection" can be administered intra-articularly every three days. After six such injections, the patient is transferred to an intramuscular injection

The intake of only one chondroprotector will not give the desired result. In the treatment scheme, they occupy a leading position, but "helpers" are also needed:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
  • painkillers,
  • antibiotics in the inflammatory process,
  • vitamins.
  1. With coxarthrosis, chondroprotectors in the form of gels, creams and ointments do not apply, because they are ineffective because of their low permeability in the hip joint tissue (and this is a deep-lying joint).
  2. These drugs are slow acting. A change in the condition for the better can be expected no earlier than six months after the start of the course of treatment. A significant improvement comes after passing two or three courses, that is, not less than, in a year. The lack of a rapid effect of this treatment of coxarthrosis is explained by the large articular surface of the hip joint and the slow restoration of cartilaginous tissues.
  3. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the systematic introduction of chondroprotectors directly into the intraarticular cavity (with coxarthrosis, the number of injection courses can reach three per year - and these injections must be done with the hip arthrosis). In the intervals between such injections, the drugs are regularly taken orally in the form of capsules or powders.

There are no specific chondroprotectors for coxarthrosis - these funds are the same for arthrosis of any localization.

Pros of drugs

Chondroprotectors affect the very cause of the disease: they prevent the destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the hip joint.

The effect of chondroprotectors of different species is different. Apply two main groups of tools:

  • When the joint moves, the cartilage changes its shape;
  • This is facilitated by the presence of special "springs" - chondroitin and glucosamine


Chondroprotectors are effective for treating only the first and second degree of coxarthrosis of the hip joint, when the destruction of the cartilage has not reached a critical state. With coxarthrosis of the third stage of cartilaginous tissues, there is no longer any left in the joint, and the chondroprotectors are powerless.

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