How Women Reduce Cholesterol After 50 Years

The period of menopause affects the work of many systems of the female body. A common and characteristic symptom of hormonal changes is high cholesterol. When his blood level is high, this can not be ignored. Otherwise, complications often occur in the form of diseases of the heart and other body systems. How to reduce cholesterol in the blood of women after 50 years to normal?

  • The norms of cholesterol in 50 years
  • What products reduce
  • Diet
  • Folk remedies
  • Medicines
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The norms of cholesterol in 50 years

There are clearly established norms for the content of this substance. In men, the indices are unchanged throughout life, for women the norm varies with age. The main reason for this is hormonal changes that occur throughout life. In women after 50 years, the general norm is 4.20 - 7.38 mmol / l, and after 60 - 4.45-7.69 mmol / l.

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There are several reasons that cause an increase in cholesterol, not all of them are associated with hormonal changes. If the blood test index exceeds the norm, this can be caused by the following factors:

  1. The level of estrogen. In menopause, the amount of this substance decreases, this is natural. Often, when the increase in cholesterol is associated with this phenomenon, drug therapy is not required, and lowering its level can be balanced, proper nutrition, physical exertion, the rejection of bad habits.
  2. Lack of sport. Every second person in our country leads a sedentary lifestyle, which over time has a negative effect on health. Many women at the age of 50 years have two interrelated problems - overweight and increased cholesterol.
  3. Incorrect food. Many, without hesitation, eat foods high in fat. If in youth the consequences of this are not strongly felt, then over the years they create more and more problems. By the period of menopause in women, metabolism is disrupted.
  4. Excess weight. With obesity, the main condition for lowering cholesterol is getting rid of excess kilograms.

Important! The reasons given are the most common among women of mature age! Sometimes an increase in cholesterol levels is triggered by other individual factors, so you should always seek medical diagnosis.

What products reduce

To the question: "Can I lower the level of cholesterol without drugs?" Doctors respond positively. It is important to know what foods to eat every day. If the increase in cholesterol is caused by serious hormonal changes or other causes, you can not do without pills. With such therapy, diet control is also required.

What foods reduce cholesterol? These are those that contain the minimum amount of fat:

  • beans;
  • nuts;
  • fruits vegetables;
  • berries;
  • bran rice, wheat;
  • sunflower, olive oil;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • oatmeal;
  • garlic;
  • green tea.

So, in order to understand what foods you need to eat, you need to study their composition. From those that contain fats of animal origin, should be discarded. The basis of the diet should be vegetables, fruits, vegetable fats.

Advice! Among foods that reduce cholesterol, berries are especially useful, preferably at least 150 grams a day! Best for therapeutic purposes are cranberries, blueberries, blueberries, mountain ash, cranberries.


It is not enough to know what foods to eat to reduce cholesterol. It is important to understand what kind of food is strictly forbidden, how to cook the allowed products correctly. The diet excludes the use of such foods and dishes:

  • pies, bread, all flour;
  • dairy products with a fat content of more than 1.5%;
  • fatty meat;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • mayonnaise;
  • smoked products;
  • fast food.

In a weekly diet, there must be a fish, preferably a sea one. It can be baked, stewed, boiled, made by ear. It is undesirable to use salted fish, because salt raises blood pressure, worsens the condition of blood vessels. Together with hyperlipidemia, this increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Particularly useful marine product for reducing cholesterol is fish oil - a natural statin, which has the ability to regulate the amount of lipids in the body.

Advice! When frying, the useful fatty acids in the fish are quickly destroyed, such a dish will only bring harm! Steam cooking, quenching, baking - this heat treatment promotes the preservation of useful properties.

Another useful product is garlic. Every day you need to use 2-3 cloves, adding them fresh in different dishes. Many people like vegetable salads with garlic and lemon. This filling is not only useful, but also delicious.

All dishes must be stewed, boiled or baked. It is strictly forbidden to fry and smoke meat. Take food should be at least 4-5 times a day in small portions. Observance of such a diet helps to normalize the body weight, as well as the cholesterol and blood sugar.

Folk remedies

Before lowering cholesterol at home with folk remedies, you need to make sure of its high level. People's way of treatment will become a bad helper if applied to a healthy organism. Therefore, in the beginning, a doctor's consultation and blood test are required.

Doctors advise using home remedies as an additional method of treatment. Folk recipes do not imply a rejection of the diet or from medications prescribed by specialists, but they can be an auxiliary method for normalizing the level of cholesterol. Such efficiency was shown by such means:

  1. Flax-seed. You can buy it in any pharmacy, and you need to consume in a single form 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals. It is also possible to combine flax with kefir: pre-grind it and fill it with a small amount of liquid, the dosage remains the same.
  2. Golden mustache. It is a domestic plant used for many diseases. To prepare, take 1 sheet (usually about 20-25 cm), grind, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for a day. The drug is taken 1 teaspoon before meals three times a day.
  3. Garlic and lemon. These foods contain many vitamins, so they are especially useful. To make a drink, take 0.5 liters of fresh lemon juice, mix with 100 g of garlic mush. Infused for 3 days, taken 1 teaspoon before each meal.

In pharmacies, fees that contain herbs for the normalization of lipid metabolism are sold. Their application is also effective.

Advice! It is better to ask the doctor what folk remedies can be supplemented with therapy! It is dangerous to engage in self-medication, this affects not only the level of cholesterol, but also the work of internal organs.


If you can not do without medication, you need to know what drugs will be effective. Usually, medication therapy is prescribed when the cholesterol level is exceeded much and urgent help is required. Drug treatment is accompanied by a doctor. Can be prescribed lipid-lowering drugs and without statins. Here are their main groups:

  1. Statin. These include Simvastatin, Pravastatin, Lovastatin, and Rosuvastatin. They are fast-acting tablets that reduce the level of cholesterol in the plasma by suppressing the synthesis of this substance by the liver.
  2. Sequestants of bile acids. These include Holestipol, Cholestyramin and others. These are medicines that get into the intestines, bind bile acids, promote their elimination by natural means.
  3. Fibrates. These include Gemfibrozil, Lopid, Fenofibrate and others. They reduce cholesterol by reducing the number of very low density lipoproteins.

When treating high cholesterol with medicines, regularity and precise compliance with the prescription of the doctor are important, since one-time use of the medication will not be enough.

Important! Some drugs have a similar composition, but different names! For example, Simvastatin is known under other commercial names - Simvor, Ovikor, Holvasim. Knowing this, you can buy an analogue of the appointed product cheaper, but the same effective.

Thus, diet therapy is the basis for treating high cholesterol levels in the blood. It implies the maximum possible replacement of animal fat with vegetable lipids, as well as the use of products that directly reduce cholesterol. Such treatment can be supplemented with folk recipes. But if the cholesterol content in the blood is significantly increased, drug-free therapy can not be avoided.