Conjunctivitis in pregnancy: how to respond and how to treat?

When a woman is in an interesting position, she should be especially attentive to her health. Even an ordinary cold can adversely affect the development of the fetus.The most dangerous can be called viral diseases of the eyes. Often when pregnant with a future mother appears conjunctivitis. In general, the disease is not dangerous, but the peculiarity of his treatment is the prohibition of most control measures.By itself, conjunctivitis does not harm the fetus, unless you use those medications that are strictly contraindicated to women during the period of carrying and feeding the baby.


  • 1What is conjunctivitis?
  • 2Features of manifestation in pregnancy
  • 3Methods of treatment
  • 4Prevention
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

What is conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process that occurs on the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva) and is caused by allergens or infections (viral and bacterial).

The disease can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • irritation of the eye mucosa;
  • redness;
  • lacrimation;
  • mucous and purulent discharge.
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An ophthalmologist can use the blood test to diagnose and diagnose the etiology of conjunctivitis.The correct definition of the form of conjunctivitis is already half a battle over it. There are three types of disease:

  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • allergic.

The bacterial form of conjunctivitis is the easiest: the inflammation itself passes in a few days. With the allergic variety struggling, limiting contact with the allergen.

But viral conjunctivitis will require treatment through ointments and drops containing antibiotics.During pregnancy, antihistamines are prohibited, which can affect a child's health. And only as a last resort it is possible to resort to medicines of such plan.

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Features of manifestation in pregnancy

Fetal fetalization is often accompanied by a decrease in immune defense and a weakening of the woman's body.Against this background, conjunctivitis may appear under the influence of provoking factors:

  • catarrhal infections, which are the cause for viral damage;
  • lack of vitamins that provide eye nutrition;
  • violations of hygiene;
  • pronounced nearsightedness;
  • improper wearing of contact lenses;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the ear, throat and nose;
  • from hypothermia;
  • physical or chemical influences (smoke, dust, heat, cold wind).

During pregnancy, against a background of reduced immunity, it is very easy to catch an infection. The main symptoms of conjunctivitis in pregnancy are the same as in normal cases: irritation and reddening of the eyes, tear, abundant secretion of purulent and lacrimal formations, swelling of the eyelids.

When carrying a baby, a woman can manifest one of three forms of the disease - bacterial, allergic or viral conjunctivitis.The most dangerous during this period are inflammation of the eyes caused by bacteria and viruses. They are transmitted by household and airborne droplets, which greatly increases the risk of infection with the infection.Allergy in pregnant women can also provoke the development of inflammatory processes on the eye mucosa.And here it is very important to determine the allergen, to eliminate contact with it and, thus, to arrest the disease.

Conjunctivitis during pregnancy, as a rule, does not harm the fetus. However, if it is not cured, the disease can pass to the newborn. Most often it happens when you get gonorrhea.

In newborns, conjunctivitis should be treated immediately to avoid serious eye damage and to keep the child's eyesight.To prevent eye infections, newborns are usually instilled in the eye drops - Albucidum 20%.

Viral conjunctivitis affects both eyes.The incubation period usually lasts 4-8 days with the adenoviral form of the disease and 4-48 hours with the enteroviral form of the viral conjunctivitis.

Methods of treatment

If the doctor diagnoses conjunctivitis during pregnancy, treatment should be safe for the unborn child. Often women resort to traditional medicine.But first thing is to run to the doctor to determine the form and get medication.As a rule, conjunctivitis is not dangerous for the future mother and her baby, nevertheless, his symptoms cause a number of inconveniences.

In addition to drug therapy, home remedies can be used. The warm and cold compresses will help to alleviate the symptoms. To do this, you need a small piece of clean cloth or a towel dampened with water, which is applied to the eyelids for 5-10 minutes. Instead of water it is better to use a decoction of chamomile, sage or mint.

In the morning on the eyelids and eyelashes can accumulate dried plaque, which should be carefully removed with warm water.If the disease is accompanied by itching, do not rub your eyes: it will only exacerbate the situation and prolong the healing process.To remove inflammation, swelling and redness, doctors usually prescribe drops of conjunctivitis, the so-called "artificial tears."

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With bacterial conjunctivitis, antibiotics can be prescribed for treatment.But this is only done if pregnant women do not experience improvement within a week or the patient suffers from immunodeficiency and there is a risk of complications.The most dangerous form of conjunctivitis is Chlamydia. In this case, the treatment should be approached with particular attention, since it can be dangerous not only for the future mother, but also for her baby. With chlamydial conjunctivitis, both a woman and her partner are treated.And until the time of full recovery, both should refrain from sexual contacts in order to prevent re-infection.

In the case of determining allergic conjunctivitis, pregnant women are often prescribed drops for the eyes. They are absolutely safe for the child and can be used even during lactation.

Allergic diagnosis during pregnancy is possible only by blood tests (blood on IgE). Usually they try to carry out harsh measures to reduce contact with allergens.Local treatment is limited to derivatives of sodium cromoglycate. In the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis in pregnant women adhere to the principle of maximum restriction of antihistamines because of their potential effect on the fetus.

If necessary, preference is given to third-generation drugs (telphase) in minimal dosages. Sometimes sorbents are introduced into the treatment regimen for up to two weeks.

Acceptance of any medicines should be prescribed and monitored only by the attending physician. Also it should be remembered that the toxic effect of medicines on the baby is still possible, but only when using drugs prohibited for this period of life of a woman.

Regardless of the form of the disease, you must strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene to stop the spread of infection.Use a personal towel, wash your hands more often, especially before and after. Protect relatives from close contact until the conjunctivitis recedes.Separate dishes, cutlery, pillowcases and towels are often washed in hot water, preferably using high-quality hypoallergenic detergents.From cosmetics and contact lenses for this period is better to refuse.


Catarrhal diseases are the most common cause of conjunctivitis in pregnancy.A complex effect on the organism of the future mother is necessary. Usually, the doctor gives the following recommendations:

  • taking multivitamin preparations;
  • treatment of inflammatory diseases (otitis media, pharyngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis);
  • clear compliance with the rules of wearing contact lenses;
  • correction of visual acuity;
  • protection of the eyes from harmful environmental factors.

To increase immunity in pregnant women is impossible, so the main task is to be careful, do not overcool, do not rub eyes and wash hands regularly.If everything is done correctly, conjunctivitis in pregnancy will not become a serious problem for the vision of a woman and for the health of the baby.


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Pregnancy is a wonderful time in the life of every woman.Try not to overshadow it with a disease such as conjunctivitis. But if, after all, such an ailment has overtaken you, at the first signs consult a doctor and follow all the recommendations of a specialist.Timely response and competent treatment will help you quickly cope with the disease, and nothing will overshadow your joy from the expectation of the baby.

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