Gorchiki with bronchitis where to put photos

Gorchiki in bronchitis: can I bet, how to put and where (photo)

Mustards are usually recommended to children. However, due to the excellent expectorant effect, this method easily copes with the treatment of patients of all age groups.

With the help of mustard plasters, you can get rid of bronchitis, pneumonia, colds, pleurisy.

What is bronchitis?

Bronchitis should be understood as a disease, which is based on the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree. The appearance of an ailment is promoted by endogenous and exogenous factors affecting the mucosa.

Medicine identifies two types of bronchitis:

  1. acute;
  2. chronic.
In acute form, diffuse inflammation occurs. It is manifested by hypersecretion, which provokes a cough and plentiful discharge of phlegm.

If bronchitis occurs in the chronicle, there is a restructuring of excretory processes. The functioning of protective mechanisms is disrupted, and sputum production increases.

The cause of bronchitis can be viral or bacterial factors. Not the last role is given to fungi and allergic agents. The disease begins with a dry intense cough that occurs at night. After that:

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  • sputum actively withdraws,
  • hyperemia develops;
  • there is a general intoxication of the body.

Duration of bronchitis from a week to two. If you do not cope with the disease in its acute stage, there is a risk of the transition of the inflammatory process to a chronic form.

It is very difficult to recover from such a pathology.

Main properties of mustard plasters

Previously, the mustard for bronchitis consisted of flour, mustard and water. Such a mixture was applied a thin layer on the tissue and applied to the covers of the back, chest. Modern mustard plasters can be purchased in ready-made form. The therapeutic mixture in them is located between two sheets of paper. To put mustard plasters in bronchitis, they are put in warm water, and then put on the necessary place.

As a result of chemical reactions occurring on the patient's skin:

  1. receptors are irritated;
  2. blood circulation increases;
  3. metabolism is accelerated.

In addition, under the influence of mustard plasters, the protective and restorative mechanisms that help fight coughing are activated. Thanks to the expansion of the blood vessels, the coughing becomes more productive, the lumens of the bronchi get rid of the surplus of sputum.

If you do not have a mustard plaster on hand, you can make the application yourself. You will need to take:

  • 2 teaspoons of flour;
  • 2 tablespoons mustard powder;
  • warm water.

Put a powder in the plate, add water gradually until a uniform mush. Such homemade mustard plasters are left for 2 hours to insist. Then add the flour, mix thoroughly.

The resulting mass is applied to prepared sheets of thick paper or cotton cloth. On top of applying the same sheet. A mustard is ready. It can be used for adults and children.

How to bet?

Before treatment, you should know how to put mustard plasters in bronchitis. In fact, everything is very simple. To do this, you need to pour a small amount of warm water. After 5-10 minutes, the mustard plasters are placed on the chest, back. In this case, the heart area should be avoided. By the way, the same requires pepper bandage when coughing.

Mustards sometimes can injure covers. Especially the problem is relevant for children of small age and patients with too sensitive skin. To prevent this, use a protective material. Good for this purpose is medical gauze and an additional layer of heavy paper.

After some time, the patient will feel pleasant warmth in places where mustard sheets are attached. But they need to be removed only after 10 minutes or after the appearance of hyperemia on the skin.

Do not use mustard for bronchitis, if the skin is damaged, it is inflamed. In this case, the progression of the disease can begin.

Children instead of mustard plasters can make mustard wraps. Required:

  • cut the cotton cloth with a mustard solution;
  • squeeze and put in the right place;
  • fix one more piece of cloth.

After the procedure, it is necessary to remove all the remains of mustard powder. To do this, the skin is wiped with a damp warm towel.

Treatment with mustard powder may not be suitable for everyone. So, the remedy is not allowed in case of acute inflammatory process, increased overall body temperature, suspicion of cancer or tuberculosis infection in adults.

Also, the method should be abandoned in case of allergic reaction, cardiovascular disorders in the stage of decompensation, defects of the heart valve apparatus.

Mustard must not be put to children under 3 years old.

Unsuitable for use mustard plaster if:

  1. from them the powder is showered;
  2. expired.
Good applications before wetting with water should not have a smell, while carrying out the warming of the chest with a cough.

Where to put mustard plasters in bronchitis? This is also an urgent issue. Since the disease develops in the upper respiratory tract, the sheets should be placed on the upper back, near the alleged site of inflammation.

The ideal place for staging a mustard is the upper part of the sternum and the interscapular region. If the effect occurs precisely on these areas, the metabolism becomes more active, it is possible to stabilize the regenerative processes.

As noted, the yellow card is not put on the area:

  • heart;
  • projections of the kidneys;
  • mammary gland.

The skin after removing mustard plasters should be moderately red. However, hyperemia of bright scarlet color, blisters is unacceptable.

In this case, it is an individual intolerance or a burn.

Gorchichniki and pregnancy

Particular attention should be given to pregnancy. In this particular state, any irritating factors can cause severe consequences. Therefore, a pregnant woman before applying mustard plasters should weigh all the pros and cons of the procedure. Treatment should be done with extreme caution. Some doctors are against mustard applications and other similar warming procedures during pregnancy.

They can become a provocative factor:

  1. spontaneous abortion;
  2. beginning of premature birth.

Doctors explain this reaction simply. In places of setting mustard plots, there is an increase in blood circulation. In turn, there is an outflow of blood from the tissues of the uterus, a short-term oxygen starvation of a future child.

Another thing to be aware of is that some substances contained in mustard may themselves be a prerequisite for abortion.

The reader is recommended to watch the video in this article, in which an analysis of the need and technique of using a mustard is done in detail.


Tips: how and where to put mustard plasters in bronchitis

The mustard for bronchitis is mainly used to treat children, but thanks to its expectorant, distracting and other therapeutic methods, this method of therapy took its place as a simple and affordable way for therapy of people of all age categories. With the help of mustard plasters, you can treat not only bronchitis, but also pneumonia, pleurisy, myositis, radiculitis, intercostal neuralgia.

What is bronchitis?

Bronchitis is a disease that is based on the inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tree.

Most of the disease occurs in childhood and the elderly, but in the mature, there is also a risk. The appearance is facilitated by exogenous and endogenous factors that affect the mucous membranes.

Types of bronchitis:

  • acute - develops as a result of diffuse inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the bronchi, manifests itself as hypersecretion, which leads to coughing and sputum excretion;
  • chronic - develops as a result of diffuse progressive inflammatory processes in the bronchial tree, occurs alteration of the excretory mechanisms of bronchial mucosa, increased sputum production, disruption of protective mechanisms.

The disease can provoke viral and bacterial factors, fungi and allergic agents also play a role. The disease begins with a dry cough, often occurring at night and often its nature is quite intense. After this, sputum begins to depart, there is hyperthermia, a common intoxication syndrome. Duration of the disease from one to two weeks.

Properties of mustards

In the last years of the twentieth century, the mustard plaster included flour, mustard and water. This mixture was applied by a thin ball on poorly permeable tissues and applied to the surface of the skin of a specific part of the body. At the present time, you can buy mustard plasters with an already prepared mixture located between two sheets of paper, and Apply them according to the instructions - put it in water for a certain time, then apply it to the required a place.

Due to chemical reactions that occur on the skin of the patient, skinny recipes are irritated, blood circulation metabolic processes are accelerated, protective and restorative mechanisms are disease.

A more detailed and step-by-step mechanism of action:

  • in the place of contact of the mustard mixture with the skin, there is an increase in blood circulation;
  • from inflamed and irritated skin receptors, the impulse goes to the sympathetic nervous system, this increases its functioning;
  • there is a release of more adrenaline into the bloodstream and activation of the body's immune system;
  • strengthened protective mechanisms;
  • there is an expansion of the blood vessels, the coughing becomes more intense, the clearance of the bronchi from the surplus of sputum is cleared.

How to put mustard plasters?

How to put mustards correctly - a question that interests many people. To do this, pour a small amount of warm water on them for ten minutes. Place mustard plasters on the chest, in the chest or back, trying not to get into the projection of the heart.Gorchiki with bronchitis in childhood can injure the skin and lead to burns to protect Your child should use protective material - the usual gauze with an additional layer of dense paper.In a few minutes the patient will feel heat in the place of applying mustard plasters, but they need to be removed after about ten minutes. Remove mustard plasters when there is hyperemia on the horse cover. Do not use them in places where the skin is damaged, or an inflammatory process occurs on it, it can provoke the progression of the pathology.

Very young children are recommended to carry mustard wraps instead of staging mustard plasters. To do this, the fabric is impregnated in mustard solution, pressed and placed on the desired area of ​​the body, and then fixed from above with another layer of warm tissue. After the end of these manipulations, it is necessary to remove the mustard residues from the skin, for this purpose, the places of application of mustard plasters are wiped with a damp warm towel.

Contraindications to the use of mustard plasters:
  • increased body temperature, the presence of an acute inflammatory process;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • any skin disease;
  • allergic reactions to substances that are part of mustard plasters;
  • suspicion of tuberculosis infection or oncological pathology;
  • cardiovascular diseases in the stage of decompensation, valvular heart disease;
  • the child's age is up to three years.

Gorchiki for bronchitis in children

The use of this procedure for patients of young age has its own peculiarities. Children with difficulty tolerate irritation and heating of the skin under the mustard plasters, they resist when staging, arrange hysterics. But even if the child tolerates this kind of treatment, you should follow certain rules when setting up mustard plasters at this age. To begin with, you need only use a quality product - mustards with a normal shelf life, integrity of which is not broken. If the mustard plaster is damaged in some place, and its contents will spill onto the baby's skin, a burn may develop. On the chest of the child, only one mustard plaster will be enough. You do not need to densely cover the skin with several mustard plasters. In the abdomen and ribs they will not have their therapeutic effect, in the area of ​​the heart their use is contraindicated.

The duration of the application of mustard plaques in children is less than that of adults. The skin of a child has its own specifics, it is more sensitive and susceptible to damaging factors, which may become too long duration of this procedure. Before applying mustard plasters, it is recommended to treat the skin with a child's oily ointment.

Where to put mustard plasters in bronchitis?

Where to put mustard plasters so that treatment is effective? Since bronchitis develops in the upper respiratory tract, it is recommended that the mustard plaster be placed on the upper back, near the intended site of the pathology.

The best places for setting mustard plaques are the interscapular area and the upper part of the thorax.

When exposed to these areas, metabolic activation and regenerative processes take place at the desired location. As already noted above, mustard plasters can not be placed on the heart area, as well as on the area of ​​the projection of the kidneys and mammary glands.

Preparation of mustard plasters at home

If you still prefer not to trust the manufacturers of medical products, you can make a short trip in time and make mustard by the old recipe yourself.

To do this, take two teaspoons of flour, two tablespoons of mustard and warm water. Mix mustard with water until smooth, then cover and insist for about two hours. Then add flour to this mixture and stir. Then apply this to pre-prepared thick paper or cloth. Top with another layer of fabric.


Use of mustard plasters during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a state of the female body in which even minor irritating factors can lead to severe consequences, the poet must be approached by a mustard woman with a pregnant woman caution. In general, it is not recommended to perform warming procedures during pregnancy.

This may be a provoking factor in the development of spontaneous abortion or the onset of premature birth. Since there is an increase in blood circulation in the place of setting of mustard plots, an increase in the flow of blood, there is an outflow of blood from the tissues of the uterus, the result of which will be a short-term oxygen starvation of the fetus.

You should be aware that substances contained in mustard can themselves provoke an abortion. It should be concluded: mustard for bronchitis pregnant are contraindicated.


Given the above reasons, you should always be aware of the advisability of this procedure and before self-medication you need to consult a specialist.


Where is better to put mustard plasters with bronchitis


Charismatic Charm

A long-standing but still relevant remedy for lung diseases and various inflammations in the chest area - mustard plasters facilitate the condition of an unhealthy person before the doctor comes. Help mustard plasters for bronchitis and pneumonia, pleurisy and myositis. Even intercostal neuralgia slightly calms this simple remedy.

But the rules are important and with the simplest medical means. It is necessary to know precisely, in what place and at what disease the mustard plaster is put. If the upper respiratory tract are treated, then the place of the mustard plaster is the sternum and the calf muscles. With neuralgia, the most painful place will be the best point for a mustard plaster.

To put mustard plasters with bronchitis should be strictly above the chest and between the shoulder blades. You can also remove a headache by placing a yellow card below the nape.

Do not put mustard plasters on diseased or damaged skin, at a temperature above normal, with malignant neoplasms.

Marie Luo

On the shoulder blades. Only not in front of the heart.

Irina Chernyshova

To the lungs from the sides of the back.

Elena ))))))))))

just above the chest. where the esophagus. and on the back above the scapula in the center.

Passion dance


Olga Malykhina

on the back above the scapula, and above the chest on the bronchus, on either side of the esophagus


On the sternum and on the back.

clay solid

Thank you, I did so.

Is it possible to put mustard and cans for bronchitis and pneumonia

Gorchichniki and medical banks are non-pharmacological, auxiliary methods of therapy of bronchopulmonary system diseases, but not the main treatment. Gorchikniki act on the reflex level, and medical banks are comparable in action with autohemotherapy.

Some people consider these treatments to be excesses of the past, others still use them effectively. Like other methods of treatment, the use of mustard plasters and cans has its contraindications, indications, course of therapy.

The mechanism of action of cans and mustard plasters

Medical Banks

What is it: these are small glass vessels with a rounded bottom and thickened edges. The capacity of the cans is 30-70 ml. Reduction of pain, resorption of inflammatory processes.

Mechanism of action: Combustion of oxygen in the bank leads to the creation of negative pressure, i.e. vacuum, the skin and subcutaneous tissue is absorbed into the cavity of the can. There is a local rush of blood and lymph in the skin from the underlying tissues and organs. There is a rupture of the smallest vessels - multiple hemorrhages form in the thickness of the skin. Gradually, the blood decays, and the products of blood decay - biologically active substances - are absorbed into the blood. This has a simulating effect on a number of organs and tissues.

The result: reduction of pain, resorption of inflammatory processes.

The mustard

What is this: it is a remedy in the form of a sheet of thick paper with a layer of defatted mustard seed powder or a packet of mustard powder, consisting of porous cells (4 or 2).

Mechanism of action: essential oil of mustard irritates the skin, there is local hyperemia, which leads to vasodilation and activation of blood circulation in this place. In parallel, irritation of the skin receptors occurs, which leads to an increase in the excitability of the sympathetic division of the central nervous system. Adrenaline and sympathin accumulates in the blood, resulting in an increase in the phagocytic reaction of the immune system.

The result: a reduction in pain, an increase in trophism and tissue warming, an increase in the protective function of immune cells. Active passage of the mucous secretion of the bronchi.

Contraindications to their use

Both mustard plasters and cans are contraindicated in:

  • High body temperature and another day after its normalization
  • Diseases of the skin, especially pustular and traumatic
  • Signs of increased bleeding
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Oncological diseases
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs and spine
  • Mental excitement of patients
  • Convulsions

In addition, such procedures are contraindicated when:

Medical Banks

The mustard

  • Children under 3 years old
  • General depletion of the body
  • Diseases of the blood
  • CCC diseases: hypertension, IHD, heart defects, heart failure
  • Sclerosis and vascular thrombosis
  • Insomnia
  • Children up to 1 year. Up to 3 years, mustard plasters are allowed for use only by the inactive side to the skin or through a gasket (bandage, napkin)
  • Allergic diseases
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Psoriasis

When to wait for the effect?

Do yellowberries and cans help with inflammation of the respiratory system? Of course, one can not rely on these methods of treating such serious diseases as acute bronchitis and pneumonia, without recovery from antibiotic therapy it is impossible (cf. treatment of bronchitis in the home, treatment of pneumonia in the child).

Important in the treatment of pulmonary pathology is massage (especially in infants and bedridden patients) and respiratory gymnastics, respectively, they are taken very seriously and not ignored.

Improvement after cans and mustard plasters, together with the main treatment should be observed after 2-3 procedures, in the absence of positive dynamics of expediency in this treatment there.

Banks for the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia

These two, without exaggeration, serious illnesses last for a long time and in some cases with complications. The danger of using medical cans for pneumonia is the possible rupture of nearby layers of lung tissue, so this method of additional treatment should be agreed with the doctor!

Is it possible to put cans in bronchitis? With pneumonia and bronchitis, the use of medical cans is justified only at the stage of recovery at absence of signs of respiratory insufficiency, intoxication and fever at least several days.

How to put cans on the back

Banks put on the back, depending on the localization of the focus of inflammation. Where to put: under the shoulder blades and between the shoulder blades, under the collarbone, at the waist. Choose places with a thick muscular and fatty layer, avoiding bone protrusions and not affecting the area of ​​the projection of the heart. For each site put 5-6 cans. For the procedure, you will need:

  • a set of clean and dry jars
  • clamp or tweezers
  • cotton wool, alcohol
  • petrolatum and matches

The patient lies on his stomach, his back is rubbed with alcohol and smeared with a small amount of petroleum jelly. On the clamp or tweezers wind cotton wool and dunk it in alcohol, lightly squeezed and ignited. The can is held with the right hand, quickly inserted into its cavity a clamp with cotton for 1-2 seconds and immediately put the jar to the skin.

With correctly placed banks, the following occurs:

  • skin and subcutaneous tissue are absorbed into the cavity of the can and can be seen in the form of a towering roundness;
  • the color of the skin varies from bright pink to crimson;
  • The patient feels the tension of the tissues and the heat, but not the pain.

When all the banks are delivered, the patient is covered with a blanket and waiting for the necessary time. The first procedure lasts 1-5 minutes, then the time is increased to 15-20 minutes with a repetition in 1-2 days, but already in other parts of the skin.

After the time has elapsed, the jar is slightly tilted to the side and pressed against the skin next to the edge of the jar so that air gets into it and the vacuum disappears. The skin is wiped and the patient is left to rest for 1 hour. After the cans on the skin are red or purple, purple-purple spots, which gradually resolve.

Gorchiki for bronchitis and pneumonia

Like banks, it is possible to use mustard plasters during bronchitis already at the stage of recovery and without signs of intoxication and hyperthermia and with the permission of the doctor (especially children). Very good mustard has proven itself in the fight against a strong and painful dry cough - a constant a companion of pneumonia, bronchopneumonia and bronchitis, which for a very long time worries the patient even after recovery. Gorcini contribute to the elimination of stagnant phenomena in the lungs by pulling blood from the anastomoses from the affected area of ​​the lung into the subcutaneous vessels. They help mustard plasters and promptly remove sputum from the bronchi, and also strengthen immunity.

  • With bronchitis, you can put mustard plaster a day after normalizing the temperature.
  • To put mustard plasters in pneumonia can be after 2 days of normal temperature, as it is possible imaginary improvement, and mustard plasters only aggravate the disease.

How to put mustard plasters

Gorchiki with bronchitis and pneumonia can be placed on the upper part of the sternum, on one or two sides of the chest, between and under the shoulder blades, as well as on the calves and heels. You can not put mustard plasters on the bony projections, birthmarks, you should avoid the area of ​​the heart, kidneys and mammary glands. Mustards must not touch one another.

For the procedure, you will need:

  • bowl with water 40-45 degrees
  • mustard plasters (preferably packages)
  • towel
  • napkin

The patient conveniently fits on the stomach or back (depending on the location of the mustard plaster).

The mustard plaster is completely immersed in water and pressed against the skin, gently smoothed around the perimeter. After staging all the mustard plasters, the body surface is covered with a towel and the person calmly lies for 5-15 minutes. You can repeat the procedure up to 4 consecutive days.

In children under 5 years old and patients with sensitive skin between the mustard plaster and the skin, it is recommended to lay a strip of several layers of bandage or tissue napkin in order to avoid skin burns. On sale there are special children's mustards, less aggressive than usual.

With correctly placed mustard plasters:

  • a person feels heat after 2 minutes after applying a mustard leaf;
  • a person can feel a burning sensation, but the absence of such is not a sign that the mustard plasters are bad or do not work;
  • there should be no pain, no burning.

When the procedure time has expired, the mustard plasters are removed and the skin is wiped clean with a damp cloth until all traces of mustard have been eliminated. You can lubricate the skin with neutral baby oil, but alcohol rubs after mustard plasters are forbidden. The skin remains reddened to several days, but not bright red - this is evidence of the individual intolerance of the procedure.

When should I stop using cans and mustard plasters?

In addition to direct contraindications, these auxiliary treatments should be discontinued if there is a pronounced discomfort during the procedure, both physical and psychological, the appearance of pain and severe burning during and after procedures.


Rules for the application and setting of mustard plaits for coughing

Mustard plasters are a cheap and effective remedy for coughing. Many people very often experienced the power of these bandages. Over the past decades, they have proven themselves on the very best side. But at the same time not a small number of patients became known for their "burning "sharp" and "biting" nature.In this regard, you can not use mustard for coughing, if a person has elevated body temperature.Before this, the heat must necessarily be knocked down to at least 3 degrees, otherwise the body will experience a heavy load.

Features of use

Mustards are not recommended to be put on regularly. The maximum of them can be imposed for a cough 4 days in a row. In this case, use them preferably every day, one time, without interruption. In the event that a child or an adult does not become easier after such treatment, it is better to stop these procedures. Perhaps, the patient's body is not sensitive to such therapy or the existing disease has developed into something more.

If you repeatedly put a child or adult man mustard patches (every day several times during long time), it can lead to the formation of severe allergic reactions or individual intolerance.

Listen to what Dr. Komarovsky says about this, maybe you'll change your mind about putting them.


Such a remedy, like mustard patches, is allowed for use only with wet or dry cough, especially if this deviation is of a protracted and severe nature. They are also actively used as an anti-inflammatory external drug in the occurrence of many other diseases (neuralgia, pneumonia, myositis, bronchitis, headache, laryngotracheitis and etc.).

In rare cases, such an effective agent is used for angina pectoris. However, it is recommended to do this depending on the degree of severity of ischemic heart disease.


Caffeine should not be used when coughing is accompanied by acute respiratory infections, which began to actively manifest themselves (for example, the body temperature increased, weakness appeared, and also chills).

Contraindications to the use of such "burning" patches are the following deviations:

  • increased individual sensitivity to the agent;
  • any skin diseases, in particular pustular, in the place of contact with the cards;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • asthma;
  • weeping eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • tumor diseases.

Rules of setting

For greater effectiveness, mustard cough is desirable to set correctly. And where to put them, so that the result of the treatment did not take long to wait, we will consider just below.

In order to correctly place medical cards, you must first prepare all the required attributes. To do this, take yourself mustard, a shallow bowl with warm water, the temperature of which does not exceed 43 ° C, terry towel, greasy body cream or plain vegetable oil, as well as a blanket or thick plaid.

Before placing mustard plasters on the patient's body, they should be completely dipped in a bowl of water and held there for no more than 5-8 seconds. After that, the soaked cards must be immediately applied to the skin. Above them, you must always put a terry towel, and the patient well wrapped in a blanket or a thick plaid.

The time that mustard patches should be on the body of an unhealthy person, individually. But still there are some recommendations. If the cards are installed correctly, they should be kept for about 5-15 minutes (with a dry and strong cough for at least 9-10 minutes), but not more than a quarter of an hour. If the patient can not tolerate the "burning" and "biting" effect of this remedy, then it can be removed after 5-7 minutes.

It is extremely important not to confuse the proper effect of mustard cards with a strong allergic reaction or individual intolerance. If there is no allergy, but the burning is unbearable after 2 or 3 minutes, then it is allowed to put a single-layer gauze or a thin napkin between the burning medicine and the body to reduce it.

At the end of the procedure, the used remedy should be removed from the patient, and then gently and gently wipe skin with a clean towel, oil it with oil and again wrap the child or adult in a warm blanket, ensuring it is full peace. At this time, freshly made tea with milk or raspberry fruit juice with lime honey will be especially effective.


Mustard plasters should never be placed on sensitive areas of the body or in places where there are any damages to the skin.

So, where can they be placed for effective impact?Most often, such a remedy for coughing is placed on the chest, upper back, between the shoulder blades and under them.

Also, these burning cards are applied to the feet of both feet or to the calves (it can be both there and there simultaneously). It is recommended to put warm and thick woolen socks on top of the superimposed medical product. Unofficially, this technique is called "mustard boots."

In rare cases, mustard plasters are applied to the surface of the palms under the thumb. According to experts, this zone corresponds to easy.

Can I use children

Such a remedy is permitted to be used to treat a child, if he is strong in spirit. However, the time of this procedure should be reduced to 4-6 minutes.

Mustard cards for children can be replaced by an appropriate wrap. For this, it is necessary to prepare dry mustard (, large spoons) and a small film. The product should be filled with warm water, cover and insist for 20 minutes. After that, in a mixture with a pungent odor, you need to pour in 1 liter of unsweetened boiling water. In the received liquid it is necessary to moisten the film, and then wrap it with the baby's chest and wrap it well. Then the procedure is similar to the one that was presented just above.


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