Six Effective Ways to Improve Circulatory Blood Circulation

From this article you will learn: how to improve the blood circulation of the brain, in which cases and for what it should be done. How the deterioration of blood circulation affects the work of the brain, several effective ways to improve it.

  1. Drugs and biologically active additives
  2. Vitamins
  3. Balanced diet
  4. Drinking mode
  5. Exercise package
  6. Healthy lifestyle

The brain is responsible for the reactions of inhibition and excitation, regulates the work of all organs and systems of the body. The cause of disruption of the brain usually becomes vascular pathologies( 85%), because it is through the vessels that the substances( oxygen, vitamins, amino acids) enter the cells( or do not receive) necessary for their growth, division and fulfillment of the incorporated functions.

When is it necessary to improve the blood supply to the brain? At any diseases, pathologies and conditions, capable to provoke narrowing of the vessels providing blood supply of the organ.

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The cause of the narrowing of the vessels How does the blood flow disorders affect the
The arterial hypertension of the The response of the vascular walls to high blood pressure in the bed becomes stable spasm and thickening( build-up of the layer inside)
Lipid metabolism disorders( hypercholesterolemia) Elevated cholesterol provokes the formation of atherosclerotic vesselsplaques that increase and are able to completely or partially cover the channel. Atherosclerosis is one of the most common causes of blood supply disorders
Thrombosis Thrombi form on the internal surfaces of vascular walls due to damage and cracks, able to completely or partially cover the vessel. Promotes the process of increased blood viscosity
Diabetes mellitus Elevated blood glucose level provokes thickening of the vascular walls
Osteochondrosis The vertebral artery is one of the large blood vessels that supply the brain with blood. In case of osteochondrosis( changes in the cartilaginous tissue), the spinal discs move and squeeze it.
Neurocirculatory dystonia Violations of the mechanism of regulation of the autonomic nervous system and vascular spasm develop due to a complex of causes - constant stresses, excessive mental and physical exertion, unbalanced diet, complex influence of factors( climate, smoking, hormonal failure)

Why improve cerebral circulation? The constant lack of nutrients and oxygen leads to a gradual "falling asleep" of brain cells, its tissue becomes "sparse", from it, as it were, "drop out" small parts, the connections between the control departments are broken. In this mode, it is unable to perform its basic functions( transmission and inhibition of nerve impulses), the memory gradually weakens, mental tension causes headache, fatigue and drowsiness, coordination of movements is disrupted.

Acute oxygen starvation can provoke a massive death of brain cells and the appearance of large or small foci of necrosis. In this case, the disturbances in the blood supply are sharper( vague speech, paralysis of the organs of motion, etc.).

Even with severe disorders( hemorrhagic stroke), measures to restore blood circulation allow us to normalize the patient's condition, restore speech, and lose self-service skills. For healthy people who live and work in a mode of nervous stress, mental and physical stress and eat monotonous food, this is an opportunity to prevent the appearance of pathology, restore sleep, improve memory and brain function.

What can I do to improve blood supply? We need a set of measures and methods:

  • preparations and biologically active additives that can improve metabolism, enhance the utilization of glucose, increase the resistance of brain cells in conditions of oxygen starvation;
  • vitamins necessary for metabolism, normal functioning of brain cells and vascular walls;
  • balanced diet and drinking regimen;
  • complex of exercises, which will help to increase metabolism, oxidation-reduction processes, the influx of oxygen to the tissues;
  • a healthy lifestyle( refusal from smoking, alcohol).

Part of the methods( vitamins, diet, healthy lifestyle) is also effective in disorders of blood supply of peripheral( remote from the heart) departments. Some drugs( glycine) and a set of exercises for the neck and head act narrowly.

From drugs, biologically active additives and vitamins a noticeable result will come in a month or two of regular use. They can not treat severe symptoms and acute disorders of cerebral circulation, they are effective at the initial stages, with insignificant manifestations( weakening of memory, fatigue from mental stress), with nervous stress and various "brain" storms.

Essentially, methods that improve the blood supply of any part of the body differ little from each other, the main principle is to prevent vasoconstriction and normalize the nutrition of cells.

Before using medicines and active supplements, you should consult a physician-therapist.

Read on - an overview of 6 ways to improve cerebral circulation.

1. Drugs and biologically active additives

It is better to consult a physician-therapist before using medicines or biological supplements.

The name of the drug What is the effect of
Glycine The drug contains the amino acid glycine, which actively participates in metabolism, enhances the utilization of glucose in cells, neutralizes toxins, regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition( has a calming effect).Increases the viability and functional activity of brain cells in conditions of oxygen starvation
Ginkgo biloba Biologically active supplement based on the plant extract of leaves of the Ginkgo plant. It restores the walls of vessels, improves their elasticity and reduces permeability due to the presence of bioflavonoids( natural phytohormones).The active substances of the drug reduce the spasm of the vascular walls and dilute the blood, preventing thrombosis. Increase the resistance of cells in conditions of oxygen starvation
Omakor The complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and vitamin E, with constant application normalizes the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in the walls of blood vessels, is able to slightly lower blood pressure andfavorably influence homeostasis( blood clotting)
Dihydroquercetin Natural bioflavonoid, close to routine( vitamin P), biologicallysu- substance. Normalizes the level of triglycerides and cholesterol, protecting vessels from the formation of cholesterol plaques, reduces the permeability of the vascular walls and improves their elasticity.

2. Vitamins

Vitamins and vitamin complexes are indispensable for the restoration of damaged vascular walls and brain cells, they are necessary for normal functioning and functioning of tissues.

What is the effect of
Vitamins of group B Participate in protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism, are necessary for the normal functioning of nerve fibers, stimulate the growth and division of epithelial cells from which the inner walls of the vessels form. Ascorbic acid( C) Is a strong antioxidant(due to oxidation, useful substances entering the body, quickly lose their properties, ascorbic acid delays this process), enhances the action of vitamin P
Vitamin PP( nicotine(acts on small, peripheral capillaries, improving blood supply and nutrition of tissues), regulates blood lipid levels
Rutin Bioflavonoid, a natural phytohormone, strengthens and restores vascularwalls, reducing their permeability. In the complex, rutin and ascorbic acid are contained in the preparation "Ascorutin"
Complex of trace elements( phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, zinc) Participate in the metabolism necessary for the normal functioning and functioning of brain cells

3. Balanced diet

Diet will improve blood supply and workthe brain does not immediately. The effect of a balanced diet is no less pronounced than on taking medications, but it will come after a while.

To properly determine the dietary diet and place the necessary accents( reduce the amount of sugar, salt, reduce the amount of animal fat), you first need:

  • daily monitoring of blood pressure;
  • blood test for cholesterol in the blood;
  • blood test for glucose;
  • coagulogram.

Based on these indicators, you can adjust the power:

  1. With arterial hypertension should not eat more than 4.5 grams of salt per day, based on this norm, limit the use of salty, smoked, canned foods.
  2. When hypercholesterolemia - to limit the amount of animal fat( butter, milk and fatty milk products, fat, fatty meat, fried foods), bringing the daily rate to 1 gram per kilogram of weight.
  3. At an increased level of glucose - to reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates( monosaccharides, which are quickly absorbed and greatly increase the level of glucose in the blood - sugar, sweets, confectionery, buns), preferring slow carbohydrates( porridges, macaroni of solid varieties).
  4. Increased blood clotting reduces the intake of foods with a high content of vitamin K( improves blood clotting, found in green tea, white cabbage, broccoli, spinach, green lettuce, dairy products, eggs, soy).
  5. Without accompanying pathologies, to improve the blood circulation of the brain, you need: amino acids of animal and vegetable origin( lean meat, legumes), seafood( mussels, shrimps), sea fish( mackerel), vegetables and fruits( high in vitamins B, C, bioflavonoids), porridge, vegetable oil, nuts, seeds and bitter chocolate.

These foods duplicate( amino acid glycine, minerals, vitamins, omega-3, bioflavonoids) and enhance the action of pharmaceuticals.

4. Drinking regimen

Thrombosis is one of the most common causes of blood flow disorders in the brain. It is absolutely counter-indicative to take antiplatelet or anticoagulant without doctor's prescription, but the situation can be improved: blood perfectly dilutes ordinary water without gas. For the desired effect a day, you need to drink from 1.5 to 2.5 liters of water.

5. Complex of exercises

The complex of exercises should be done slowly and smoothly, without sudden movements, from standing or sitting position, straightening the spine:

  • looking straight ahead, turn the head to the left, and then to the right( at 45 °);
  • do rotational movements of the head to the left and then to the right;
  • tilt the head forward so that the chin touches the chest, and toss it back so that the chin is facing upwards;
  • tilt the head alternately left and right so that the ear touches the shoulder.

Gymnastics relaxes muscles, compressing blood vessels, and improves blood flow to the head( including with osteochondrosis), all exercises need to be done daily, repeating 10-15 times. With the same sedentary work in the office( static position of the body and inclination of the head), you can repeat the complex 2-3 times a day.

6. Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle assumes:

  • is a complete cessation of smoking and alcohol( nicotine and alcohol are factors that increase the risk of vascular pathology in 80% of cases);
  • an active lifestyle( the movement improves the metabolism and blood supply of tissues and organs, including the brain);
  • preventive maintenance of the diseases, capable to cause narrowing of vessels of a brain( a hypertonia, an atherosclerosis, a diabetes, an osteochondrosis).

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