Nyxes and tablets Mexidol: instructions for use

Mexidol is a popular medicinal product that was developed in 1996 by Russian scientists.

Refers to antioxidants of a new generation, used to improve cerebral circulation in children and adults. It is part of the group of nootropic drugs, whose action is aimed at their protection from free radicals and the normalization of metabolic processes in the brain cells. Such effects make it possible to widely use Mexidol in neurological practice.

Nootropic effect of the drug is due to the activation of mental activity, increasing the ability to learn and assimilate information, improve memory. As an antioxidant, the drug protects body cells from excessive oxidation, reduces harmful the effect of free radicals, slows down aging and increases the resistance of organs and tissues to oxygen starvation.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Antioxidant drug.

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

It is released on prescription.

Price list

How much does Mexidol cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of280 rubles for pills and 450 rubles for a solution.

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Form of issue and composition

Packing: Tablets 0.125 g. in a contour acheikova pack, a pack of cardboard.

1 tablet contains:

  • active substance: ethyl methyl hydroxypyridine succinate 125 mg.
  • auxiliary substances: lactose monohydrate 9, mg; Povidone 25 mg; magnesium stearate, mg
    film membrane: Opadrai II white mg (hypromellose - 3 mg, titanium dioxide 75 mg, lactose monohydrate 75 mg, polyethylene glycol (macrogol) mg, triacetin 5 mg).

Mexidol in ampoules of 2 or 5 ml. - the solution is colorless or slightly yellowish, transparent. Solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection, 50 mg / ml.

  • 1 ml. solution contains: active substance - ethyl methyl hydroxypyridine succinate 50 mg., auxiliary substance - water for injection.

Packing: 1 or 2 contour packs are placed in a pack of cardboard; 4, 10 or 20 contour packs are placed in a pack of cardboard box.

Pharmacological effect

Mexidol is used in medical practice to activate blood supply and normalize the metabolic process in the brain. The drug is characterized by the following pharmacological properties:

  • antioxidant;
  • membranoprotective;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • hypolipidemic;
  • antihypoxic;
  • nootropic;
  • anxiolytic.

After a course of treatment with Mexidol (intravenously, intramuscularly or orally):

  • increases the content of dopamine in the brain;
  • the course of metabolic processes in the brain is normalized;
  • normalized cerebral blood supply;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • improve the rheological parameters of the blood;
  • platelet aggregation decreases;
  • the synthesis of energy by cellular mitochondria is activated;
  • cell membranes are stabilized;
  • the course of metabolic processes in the affected areas of the myocardium is normalized;
  • the area of ​​the necrosis zone decreases;
  • blood flow increases in ischemia affected areas of the myocardium;
  • membranes of post-cellular structures of blood (erythrocytes and platelets) under hemolysis are stabilized;
  • decrease in the content of total cholesterol;
  • the levels of LDL are decreasing;
  • the severity of symptoms of pancreatogenic toxemia (total blood poisoning) decreases;
  • the severity of the syndrome of endogenous intoxication due to acute pancreatitis decreases;
  • increased compensatory activity of aerobic glycolysis;
  • in conditions of oxygen starvation, the degree of inhibition of oxidative processes in the cycle of tricarboxylic acids (Krebs cycle) decreases;
  • the content of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphoric acid (creatine phosphate) increases;
  • decreases the severity of the consequences of reperfusion syndrome caused by acute coronary insufficiency;
  • the electrical activity of the heart and its contractility are restored and improved (in patients with cardiac dysfunction of reversible type).

Treatment with Meksidol iv / in or / m allows you to keep ganglion cells, as well as nerve fibers sensitive cells of the retina of the eye to patients with progressive forms of neuropathy caused by ischemic disease and hypoxia.

In this case, patients noticeably increase the functional activity of the retina of the eye and optic nerve, and increase visual acuity.

Anti-stress effect from Mexidol tablets treatment is expressed as:

  • restoration (partial or complete) of disrupted learning abilities;
  • memory recovery;
  • decrease in the severity of dystrophic and morphological changes in various parts of the brain;
  • normalization of behavior after the transferred stress;
  • disappearance of symptoms of somatovegetative disorders;
  • normalization of cycles of sleep and wakefulness.

Also, Mexidol is a remedy that effectively eliminates the symptoms that arise with abstinence conditions.

Indications for use

What helps? Mexidol is used as an antioxidant in neurology, cardiology and psychiatry. Indications for use in the drug are:

  1. Panic attack;
  2. Cognitive impairment against cerebrosclerosis;
  3. Psychopathy, withdrawal syndrome;
  4. Acute intoxication with psychotropic drugs;
  5. Neurasthenic conditions after strong physical exertion;
  6. Concussion of the brain, the consequences of head injuries;
  7. Acute and chronic encephalopathy;
  8. Vegetative dysfunction;
  9. Neuro-like conditions;
  10. Acute violations of coronary circulation, as an additional therapy;
  11. In surgery after surgery, purulent inflammation of the peritoneum and pancreatitis;
  12. Residual effects after strokes, as well as with transient ischemia of the brain to prevent exacerbation;
  13. For prevention before extreme loads.


There are a number of contraindications to the use of the drug:

  1. Acute kidney failure.
  2. Allergic reactions to the drug.
  3. Pediatric practice.
  4. Pregnancy and lactation.

It is also undesirable to use Mexidol for significant violations of liver function.

Use in pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding (due to the lack of clinical data).

Dosage and route of administration

The instructions for use indicate that Mexidol tablets are taken orally 125-250 mg 3 times / day; the maximum daily dose is 800 mg (6 tablets). Duration of treatment is 2-6 weeks; for relief of alcohol withdrawal - 5-7 days. Treatment is stopped gradually, reducing the dose within 2-3 days.

The initial dose is 125-250 mg (1-2 tablets) 1-2 times / day with a gradual increase to obtain a therapeutic effect; the maximum daily dose is 800 mg (6 tablets).

The duration of the course of therapy in patients with IHD is at least 1.5-2 months. Repeated courses (on the recommendation of a doctor) it is desirable to conduct in the spring-autumn periods.

Injections Mexidol

Mexidol is injected in / m or intravenously (drip or drip). To prepare a solution for infusion, the drug should be diluted in 0.9% solution of sodium chloride.

Jet Mexidol injected slowly for 5-7 minutes, drip - at a speed of 40-60 drops / min. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 1200 mg.

  1. In case of craniocerebral trauma and consequences of craniocerebral injuriesapply for 10-15 days in / in the drip of 200-500 mg 2-4 times / day.
  2. In acute disorders of cerebral circulationapply in the first 10-14 days IV drip in 200-500 mg 2-4 times / day, then - in / m 200-250 mg 2-3 times / day for 2 weeks.
  3. For the course of prophylaxis of dyscirculatory encephalopathyEnter in / m at a dose of 200-250 mg 2 times / day for 10-14 days.
  4. With discirculatory encephalopathy in the phase of decompensationapplied intravenously in drill or dropwise at a dose of 200-500 mg 1-2 times / day for 14 days, then in / m at 100-250 mg / day for the next 2 weeks.
  5. With mild cognitive impairment in elderly patients and with anxiety disordersinjected in / m at a dose of 100-300 mg / day for 14-30 days.
  6. With open-angle glaucoma of various stagesin the complex therapy is administered in / m at 100-300 mg / day 1-3 times / day for 14 days.
  7. With abstinence alcohol syndromeinjected at a dose of 200-500 mg iv in drip or in / m 2-3 times / day for 5-7 days.
  8. When acute intoxication with antipsychotic agentsinjected iv in a dose of 200-500 mg / day for 7-14 days.
  9. With necrotic mild pancreatitisappoint 100-200 mg 3 times a day in / in drip (in isotonic sodium chloride solution) and / m.
  10. In acute edematous (interstitial) pancreatitisprescribe 200-500 mg 3 times / day iv drip (in isotonic sodium chloride solution) and / m.
  11. With necrotic pancreatitis of moderate severity- 200 mg 3 times / day in / in drip (in isotonic sodium chloride solution).
  12. With necrotic pancreatitis of severe course- in the pulse dosage of 800 mg in the first day, with a double mode of administration, then - 200-500 mg 2 times / day with a gradual decrease in the daily dose.
  13. With acute purulent-inflammatory processes of the abdominal cavity(acute necrotic pancreatitis, peritonitis) Mexidol is prescribed on the first day in both the preoperative and postoperative period. The administered doses depend on the form and severity of the disease, the prevalence of the process, the variants of the clinical course. The drug should be withdrawn gradually, only after a stable positive clinical and laboratory effect.
  14. With the extremely severe form of necrotizing pancreatitisthe initial dose of 800 mg / day until the stable arrest of manifestations of pancreatogenic shock, to stabilize the state - 300-500 mg 2 times / day intravenously (in 0.9% solution of sodium chloride) with a gradual decrease in daily dosage.
  15. With acute myocardial infarctionAs part of complex therapy, Mexidol is administered iv or I for 14 days, against the background of traditional therapy of myocardial infarction, including nitrates, beta-adrenoblockers, ACE inhibitors, thrombolytics, anticoagulant and antiplatelet agents, and symptomatic agents for indications. In the first 5 days, to achieve maximum effect, the drug is preferably administered intravenously, in the following 9 days, Mexidol can be given in / m. In / in the introduction of the drug is produced by dropwise infusion, slowly (to avoid side effects) on 0.9% solution of sodium chloride or 5% solution of dextrose (glucose) in a volume of 100-150 ml for 30-90 min. If necessary, a slow jet injection of a preparation lasting not less than 5 minutes is possible. Administration of the drug (iv or IM) is carried out 3 times / day every 8 hours. The daily therapeutic dose is 6-9 mg / kg body weight / day, single dose - 2-3 mg / kg body weight. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 800 mg, single dose - 250 mg.

Side effects

  • change in taste;
  • dry mouth;
  • dyspepsia;
  • allergic manifestations.

No drug cancellation is required, undesirable effects stop without taking action. To eliminate the metallic taste in the mouth with intravenous infusion, it is necessary to reduce the rate of administration.


At a significant excess of the recommended therapeutic dose for the solution Mexidol develops pronounced drowsiness. In this case, its administration is stopped and symptomatic therapy is performed.

special instructions

In some cases, especially in predisposed patients with bronchial asthma with increased sensitivity to sulfites, it is possible to develop severe hypersensitivity reactions.

During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and occupying others Potentially hazardous activities requiring increased concentration and speed psychomotor reactions.

Drug Interactions

Mexidol strengthens the action of anxiolytics of benzodiazepine derivatives, antiparkinsonian (levodopa) and anticonvulsant (carbamazepine) drugs.

Mexidol reduces the toxic effects of ethyl alcohol.


We picked up some reviews of people taking the drug Mexidol:

  1. Sergei. Heard a lot of positive reviews about this drug: side effects are very rare, mostly the drug is well tolerated, moreover, mexidol - is quite effective for various disorders of the brain blood circulation. The combination of these factors already allows the doctor without special hesitation to prescribe it for complex therapy.
  2. Elena. I drank the pills during the winter session to activate the brain. The doctor did not prohibit, the price is affordable for the student. I noticed that the hair grew better, the nails became stronger, the memory problems disappeared. The dose was moderate, the course - 14 days. If there are no contraindications, all students recommend their own way of preparation.
  3. Jeanne. Excellent pills for the nerve system. Of the tablets, the best that came across dystonia. Does it help? Definitely! All the symptoms of the VSD I personally slept. But, after the course of admission, most of the symptoms will return. Praised as a cardiologist and a neurologist, i.e. tablets are versatile enough. They are officially sold by prescription, but almost everywhere they sell without it. I ate the pills, I think the shots will be much better.
  4. Andrei. I took 10 droppers of mexidol. how it was born again! Head as fresh as 18 years old! And I'm 48. It's after 2 aneurysms cloned, one of them that exploded three years ago! I myself after taking Mexidol Chusovoy fresh and my head opened completely. I advise ...


We present to your attention a list of common analogs and their average cost:

  • Mexident from 53 rubles. for 1 amp .;
  • Mexipur from 180 rubles;
  • Medomixi from 161 rubles. for 1 amp .;
  • Cerekard from 160 rubles. for 5 amp. 5 ml each;
  • Neurox from 39 rubles. for 1 amp .;
  • Mexifin from 157 rubles. for 1 amp .;
  • Mexicor from 175 rubles.

For comparison: 1 ampoule of 50 mg to 2 ml costs from 52 rubles.

To similar means that have a different chemical composition, but are used in the treatment of the same diseases, include:

  • Instenon;
  • Glycine;
  • Cortexin;
  • Nootropil;
  • Piracetam;
  • Armadine;
  • Antifront;
  • Actovegin;
  • Cavinton.

There are schemes when 2 drugs are prescribed (not structural analogues!) At the same time. This is fully justified, so the effect is carried out on different mechanisms of pathogenesis.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Mexidol or Mildronate?

Mildronate (trimethylhydrazinium propionate) - a vasodilator, improves the supply of tissues with oxygen, increases humoral and tissue immunity, lowers blood pressure, is used in the treatment of ischemic disease.

It can be administered in conjunction with Mexidon with abstinence syndrome, cerebral blood flow disorders, as the drugs complement each other.

Mexidol or Cavinton?

The active substance Cavinton is a semisynthetic derivative of vincamine (devinkana) contained in the periwinkle - vinpocetine. It is a vasodilator used to improve the blood circulation of the brain. Slightly reduces blood pressure, improves the supply of glucose and oxygen to the brain. Also used in ophthalmology, and treatment of age-related diseases of the ENT organs.

Both drugs complement each other and are often used together in the treatment of problems of cerebral circulation. It is undesirable to mix these drugs in a single dropper, it is better to inject separately.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding + 25 ° С.

Shelf life - 3 years.

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