Infectious "barley" on the eye: the causes of the disease and ways of treatment

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The disease, which is an acute inflammatory process in the hair bulb of the eyelashes, flowing with the formation of an abscess, in medicine is designated by the term "hordeolum" (hordeolum). This name is less known than the common notion of "barley which is one of the most common eye diseases. "Barley" is found in the form of a small seal, either on the edge of the eyelid, or on its inner part. That is, in those places where the sebaceous glands or lobules of the meibomian gland are located. Not many people know why barley appears on the eye. Depending on which of the glands is inflamed and suppurated, the doctor diagnoses the disease as external or internal barley.


    • 0.1Determination of the disease
  • 1Causes
    • 1.1Symptoms
    • 1.2Possible complications
    • 1.3Treatment
      • 1.3.1Medication
      • 1.3.2Surgically
      • 1.3.3People's means
    • 1.4Prevention
    • 1.5Video
    • 1.6conclusions

Determination of the disease

The most common type of "barley" is the outer one. This is an abscess, localized at the edge of the eyelid from the outside of the eye. P

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As the inflammatory process progresses, the hair bag of the eyelash increases, pus is formed in it. Internal barley is an abscess located on the inner surface of the eyelid.It is formed as a result of inflammation of the lobule of the meibomian gland (a modified sebaceous gland opening at the edge of the century). In most cases, the inner barley on the upper eyelid is formed on the inner surface.


The inflammatory process, called gordoleum ("barley"), is of an infectious nature, that is, it is caused by pathogens.In most cases, the causative agent of the disease becomes Staphylococcus aureus, that is, the cause of ulcers on the eyelids - bacterial infection.However, the specific for the disease gordoleum is that the development of the abscess occurs in the case of not only an infection, but also a number of attendant factors. Such factors can be:

  • Disorders in the work of the immune system;
  • Strong hypothermia (both local and general);
  • Stress, excessive strain of the body;
  • Inadequate nutrition, which causes a lack of vitamins or minerals in the body;
  • Postponed in the recent past, an infectious disease.

"Promotes" the development of gordoleum the presence of a number of diseases:

  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Problems in the digestive system;
  • Infection with worms;
  • Multiple eruption of boils;
  • Blepharitis;
  • Demodecosis (a disease caused by an eye mite) and a number of other skin infections.

In the presence of such factors, simple domestic causes provoke the development of "barley". The problem is caused by insufficiently qualitatively washed hands or a cosmetic product that has not been washed away before going to bed.

If the disease "barley" occurs frequently, this may indicate the presence of a "provoking" disease. In order to get rid of gordoleuma you will have to treat the main disease.


Both external and internal "barley" are painful and acute. At the beginning of the development of the inflammatory process in the upper or lower eyelid, there is swelling and a limited swelling.This is accompanied by a sensation of itching and pain. Sometimes the swelling of the eyelids is so strong that it becomes difficult even to open your eyes.Conjunctiva of the century blushes. The patient may have fever, headache, lymph nodes, other signs of infection and general intoxication of the body.

Internal barley is characterized by slow development. However, the pain at this type of disease is extremely strong. Inflammation is localized on the inner surface of the eyelid.Pulling off the eyelid, you can find redness, in the center of which a yellow stain stands out. After a short time (from two to four days) in the place of swelling manifests an abscess with a head of yellowish color.

The abscess is usually opened spontaneously, the pus flows out. After the "breakthrough" there is a rapid improvement in the patient's condition. This development of the disease is typical for both external and internal "barley".

Possible complications

Despite the painful sensations and the presence of an abscess, "barley" is not perceived as a serious ophthalmic problem. The ailment is short-lived (less than a week), although it is unpleasant, but it passes by itself. This idea of ​​gordoleuma is dangerous, as it provokes the sick not to seek medical help, but to follow the advice of "knowledgeable people". This is fraught with the development of a number of diseases and deadly complications. Incorrect treatment of "barley" can result in the following severe conditions:

  • The infection extends to the surrounding abscess of the tissue, causing multiple abscesses.
  • The chronic inflammatory process in the region of the edge and cartilage of the century (haljazion) develops.
  • There is a chronic infectious process, which causes a general weakness of the body, which provokes frequent colds.
  • Thrombophlebitis of the orbital age develops.
  • The infection spreads to the orbit of the eye (phlegmon of the orbit).
  • The sepsis of blood develops.

The inflammatory process in severe cases provokes meningitis.


Gordoleum is not a problem that requires an indispensable medical intervention. If the disease does not last long, does not cause severe conditions of the body, the patient often manages measures of a hygienic nature. However, in some cases, medical procedures are needed to help cope with the disease.Most often the treatment of "barley" is conducted in conservative ways. But if the abscess is very large, or conservative treatment does not help to cope with the problem, an autopsy is recommended. This should be done by a doctor in an ophthalmological room.After the procedure, it is necessary to perform local or systemic therapy with antibacterial drugs.


The greatest number of problems in patients occurs due to improper treatment of gordoleum. If the inflammatory process develops on the eyelids, it is necessary to know the basic rules of treating the disease:

  • Surgery for removing pus can be performed only by a doctor.Self-opening an abscess can cause deadly complications;
  • You can not treat "barley imposing wet patches on the swollen and inflamed area of ​​the eye.Wetting the skin can lead to the penetration of bacteria into the holes of the excretory ducts of other sebaceous glands.
  • The heating of the barley area is prohibited;
  • With aggravation of the disease state(increased body temperature, severe headache, development of symptoms of general intoxication) it is important to turn to a specialist in time.

The correct methods of treatment of "barley" - this is the basis for rapid recovery and prevention of complications. Methods differ depending on the stage of development of the abscess. At the initial stages, the site of inflammation can be treated with disinfectants:

  • Ethyl alcohol;
  • Alcohol solution of iodine;
  • Alcohol tincture of calendula.

If the patient does not experience a fever, the doctor can recommend physiotherapeutic procedures: tube-quartz or UHF. If "barley" causes a rise in temperature and other common symptoms, antibacterial drugs are not only applied topically, but are also given in the form of tablets or intramuscular injections.

This article will tell you which ointments can be used in the treatment of barley.


After the area of ​​the abscess is opened (spontaneously) and released from the pus, treatment with antibacterial eye drops or ointments continues as prescribed by the doctor.If inflammatory processes are repeated often, the patient is prescribed medicines that activate the immune system of the body: adaptogens, vitamins, yeast preparations.In some cases autohemotherapy is indicated. Seeking medical help is extremely necessary in the case of:

  • A sharp increase in temperature (38 degrees);
  • The onset of severe malaise;
  • Multiple foci of inflammation;
  • Deep penetration of the abscess into the tissues of the eyelid;
  • A severe headache that develops after the dissection of the abscess;
  • Inflammation that extends to the eye area or the presence of pain behind the eye socket.

After that, antibacterial drugs in the form of drops or an ophthalmic ointment containing an antibiotic can be prescribed.

People's means

Treatment of gordoleum is simple and there are many "proven" methods of healing from ailment. However, the serious danger of the development of complications of this infectious disease requires with great caution the people's methods. Especially to strange and inexplicable.Many practices make the patient's condition even more difficult, in some cases exposing a person to mortal danger.This is due to the use of warming compresses, moist lotions, unprofessional "surgical" interference. The use of certain traditional medicine should be discussed with an ophthalmologist.

The use of antiseptic infusions and other traditional methods is not the reason for abandoning antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.


Preventive measures for most diseases caused by infection, suggest the prevention of infection and methods to strengthen the body's immune system.If it is a question of a gordoleum, then the question of infection with other people or the possibility of getting infected from the patient is rather vague."Barley" is caused by a bacterial infection, so the possibility of transmitting pathogenic microbes when the abscess is opened exists. However, there is no need to isolate the sick person.It is important to just follow the hygiene rules:

  • For a patient with barley, it is important for a person to use personal personal hygiene products (for example, towels;
  • Do not use cosmetics and facial care products belonging to the ill;
  • After contact with the patient, you should wash your hands. Ill "barley it is also important to wash your hands as much as possible;
  • If the pus after an opening abscess hit the clothes, then it must be boiled.Clothes and towels of the patient are erased separately from the things of the rest of the family.

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In connection with the fact that in the development of the disease an important role is played by the accompanying factors (weak immunity, diseases of other organs or systems), preventive measures preventing the emergence of "barley" may be such:

  • Strengthening of the body, activities that contribute to the normalization of the immune system;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Prevention of hypothermia;
  • Prevention of physical and neural strain;
  • Treatment of the main diseases that caused the development of "barley".

It is also important to observe the principles of eye hygiene.



"Barley" is a simple ailment that can cause life-threatening complications. Therefore, it is important to prevent its occurrence and observe the rules of medical treatment. In order to avoid painful sensations it is important to strengthen immunity, timely and correctly treat eye diseases, to prevent the transition of infectious diseases to the stage of chronic infection. When dealing with a person who has fallen ill with barley, it is important to avoid contact with the source of pus and strictly observe the rules of hygiene. Before using traditional recipes for treatment, you need to get a doctor's consultation.

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