Which doctor treats the hernia of the spine?


  • 1Which doctor heals the spinal cord?
    • 1.1Therapist
    • 1.2Vertebrologist
    • 1.3Traumatologist
    • 1.4Neuropathologist
    • 1.5Osteopath
    • 1.6Surgeon
  • 2Which doctor treats the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region?
    • 2.1The nature of the problem
    • 2.2How is the examination conducted
    • 2.3Providing treatment for pathology
  • 3Intervertebral hernia
    • 3.1How to recognize pathology?
    • 3.2Who treats the hernia of the spine?
    • 3.3Specialists who treat an intervertebral hernia:
    • 3.4Principles of therapy
    • 3.5When to contact a doctor
    • 3.6Consequences of the disease
    • 3.7Diagnosis of the disease
    • 3.8Treatment
  • 4What kind of a doctor should I consult with a hernia?
    • 4.1How is the diagnosis of the hernia of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine
    • 4.2Treatment of Schmorl's hernia
    • 4.3Diagnosis of inguinal hernia in men
    • 4.4Diagnosis of umbilical hernia
    • 4.5Diagnosis of a hernia of the abdomen
    • 4.6Diagnosis of hernia of the esophagus
  • 5The doctor who treats the hernia of the spine: where to turn first
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1Where to start: a therapist's appointment
    • 5.2Orthopedist (vertebrologist)
    • 5.3Traumatologist
    • 5.4Neuropathologist
    • 5.5Osteopath
    • 5.6Surgeon
    • 5.7Physiotherapist
    • 5.8Chiropractor
    • 5.9Physician LFK

Which doctor heals the spinal cord?

If you suddenly suspected the probability of a vertebral hernia, you do not need to look for methods of self-treatment on the Internet, because the diseases associated with the spine are very serious.

Self-diagnosis can not be true, because similar symptoms in many ailments. The consequences of improper treatment are extremely dangerous for the patient.

For this reason, the first step is to contact the clinic to determine the diagnosis.

The struggle with such a serious illness as a vertebral hernia takes a long period and consists of several stages. During them the patient visits different specialists. Which doctor treats the hernia of the spine?


The patient comes to the reception of the local therapist for diagnosis, if he is confirmed, directs him to a professional of narrow specialization. About this in order.

First, the doctor will find out which complaints are present, and on their basis will assign the delivery of certain tests. After their results become known, it will be determined by the fact which specialist will prescribe the medicines.

On this consultation with the therapist will be completed.


Most likely, the patient with suspicion of a herniated spine will be sent for examination to the orthopedist (vertebrologist).This doctor specializes in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in particular - the spine. He will locate the disease, identifying the focus of the problem.

This is achieved by asking the patient about the nature, frequency, and place of pain, and also - based on the results of previous analyzes. Before the appointment of treatment, the doctor will send for more detailed analysis in the form of an X-ray or MRI.

It all depends on what equipment is available in the medical institution.


It is likely that the therapist will not refer the patient to the orthopedist. This is due to a shortage of medical personnel. Such a doctor in the clinic may simply not be, especially if the city is small.

But nothing terrible will happen if the patient receives a neuropathologist, and sometimes a traumatologist. The neuropathologist's specialization also extends to problems with the spine and the nervous system.

Traumatologist is no worse versed in the diseases of the spine, because hernia can be a consequence of back injuries.


In the event that the manual therapist was not able to provide adequate help, he, most likely, will send you to the neurologist according to the appointment.

What for? Often a hernia disrupts the functioning of the spinal cord, and it is simply not possible to conduct productive treatment without complex measures.

The neurologist will check if the nerves are pinched, and whether the blood circulation is normal in the back. Perhaps he will be able to determine the cause of the hernia.


In extremely rare cases, an osteopath can appoint you to a doctor. He, like a therapist, can prescribe a course of individual physiotherapy (cardinally different from the usual exercise therapy), as well as write out a set of experimental tools.

To osteopaths send only in the event that this is the last frontier before surgical intervention.Experimental methods help to cure a vertebral hernia in 35% of cases, which allows to avoid a scalpel.

In 10% of cases, osteopathy allows to avoid relapses of hernia.


If you were referred to a surgeon - you know, everything is bad! In rare cases, surgeons help to cure a hernia without surgery. But often this is the most effective method to avoid such relapses, because hernia of the spine:

  • It can pinch the nerve, causing constant painful sensations while walking, sitting, sleeping;
  • May disrupt the position of the vertebrae, thereby causing lordosis. Curvature of the spine is much more difficult to cure than to operate a hernia;
  • Can lead to disability, in view of inflammation of the spinal cord tissue.

Any of these outcomes is unpleasant for the patient. The surgeon appoints a comprehensive examination and conducts preoperative therapy. If she did not give results - there is only one way out, she lays down for the operation.

  • Recommended reading: exercises with hernias

Depending on your state of health and neglect of the condition, you will be sent to different specialists. Remember that a small hernia that has arisen as a result of simple overstrain can be cured.

But if the relapse is repeated regularly, you may have to cut it. In particular, this often affects weightlifters.

Do not run yourself to a critical state, and then your therapist will be engaged by the therapist, not the surgeon.

by HyperComments

A source: https://pozvonochnik.guru/gryzha/kakoj-vrach-lechit-gryzhu-pozvonochnika.html

Which doctor treats the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region?

What kind of doctor should I use when I have a herniated spine? This issue often puzzles people suffering from pain in the back, neck, waist.

First of all, you should clearly understand that you can not go with such pains to healers, and you need to visit a medical institution.

Only there specialists will be able to make an accurate diagnosis, establish the causes of pathology and prescribe adequate treatment.

When identifying and treating the disease, different specialists may be involved, but it is important that they rely on scientific and traditional methods. The launched disease can become the center of serious complications - then it will not be possible to do without a surgeon.

The nature of the problem

Herniated hernia is the destruction of cartilaginous tissue with the extrusion of intervertebral discs beyond the vertebrae. It can develop in different departments, but the manifestation of a hernia of the lumbar region is most often recorded.

What are the symptoms of a sick person? First of all, he is concerned about pain of varying intensity in the back, along the spinal column.

When the disease develops, there is a restriction of mobility, numbness of the limbs, general weakness, a decrease in working capacity.

Significant progression of the pathology leads to the irradiation of the pain syndrome to other parts of the body, the appearance of signs of dysfunction of the digestive organs, lungs, and heart.


There is a natural question: which doctor treats the problem? The fact is that these symptoms can characterize many diseases, and the sick person feels uncertain about the answer to this question. Given the complexity of self-evaluation of their condition, you should first consult a therapist.


It is the therapist who can put the initial diagnosis, differentiating the intervertebral hernia from other diseases. To do this, X-rays are taken, blood and urine tests are submitted. At a primary diagnosis it is necessary to exclude such pathologies, having similar displays:

  • diseases of the intestines, lungs, heart, in which the pain symptom irradiates into the back;
  • infectious bone diseases, in particular, bone tuberculosis;
  • pathology of the endocrine nature with an effect on the nervous system that cause vertebral problems (diabetes mellitus) and are classified as diabetic neuropathies;
  • nerve diseases (intercostal neuralgia).

How is the examination conducted

When sick people turn to the therapist, the doctor puts the initial diagnosis - intervertebral hernia. He then directs the patient to in-depth examinations to the orthopedist.

There is another option: the cause of the problem with the spinal column is trauma, which provokes posttraumatic arthrosis with overgrowing into a hernia. In this case, it makes sense to immediately turn to a traumatologist, tk.

the patient suspects the traumatic nature of the etiological mechanism of the disease. And already the traumatologist - himself or with the help of an orthopedist - establishes a specified diagnosis.

The greatest initial information is given by the radiograph, that is, it is impossible to do without such a specialist as a radiologist.

It is he who surveys the affected area in 3 directions and gives his interpretation of the results obtained.

The picture shows a narrowing of the joint gap and the growth of osteophytes, deformation of the joint, destruction and protrusion of the disc. Analyzes of blood and urine can determine the presence of an inflammatory process.

In-depth examinations conducted to determine the degree of destruction of tissues, the presence of complicating factors are carried out using:

  • Ultrasound;
  • computed tomography;
  • MRI.

Providing treatment for pathology

Which doctor treats the hernia of the spine? This issue requires special consideration. The above-mentioned specialists develop the main treatment regimen and provide medication.

On the question of which doctor is treating the intervertebral hernia, you can respond in other ways. In modern medicine, taking into account the importance of the problem under consideration, special attention is paid to vertebral pathologies.


Many tasks are at the junction of different medical directions, and therefore a specialized medical section is currently being selected - vertebrology. It is the doctors-vertebrologists who provide the spine treatment in its entirety, combining knowledge in this field.


True, it should be noted that such specialists are only in large and special medical institutions.

In addition to basic therapy, the treatment of vertebral hernia includes other techniques. The selection of methods and the correctness of their implementation are provided by specialists of this profile:

  1. Physiotherapist. This specialist can carry out such procedures: magnetotherapy, laser irradiation, UHF therapy, electrophoresis with the introduction of a drug, phonophoresis, stimulation with electrical impulses. The doctor of this specialty should evaluate possible contraindications and prescribe the most optimal mode of exposure.
  2. Chiropractor. The recommendations for manual therapy are given by the attending physician, but the procedures themselves should be carried out by a specialist in this particular field. Do not use the services of non-traditional healers, only the doctor provides an effective and safe treatment for hernia.
  3. Specialist in curative gymnastics. Exercise therapy in vertebral hernia becomes an important element of complex therapy, but only with the right choice of exercises, loads, regimen and duration of training. A doctor of this specialization assigns an individual plan of occupations taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism, age and sex. It is better if he will supervise and conduct classes, at least at the initial stage.
  4. Masseur. Therapeutic massage with vertebral hernia - this is a fairly responsible exercise, and improperly conducting it can lead to an exacerbation of the disease. This procedure should be carried out by a specialist who is familiar with the problems of the spine.
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With the advanced stages of the pathology in question, complications can affect other organs.

In the presence of complications in other systems, the therapist conducts appropriate treatment or involves physicians specializing in on violations in specific systems, for example, a cardiologist may be involved if there are problems with cardiovascular system.

Herniated spine at 3-4 stages is treated mainly by the operative method. The surgeon determines the need for surgery. In large clinics, operations on the spine are administered by a neurosurgeon.

Specialists of this profile perform surgical intervention, if necessary, make disc plasty, perform decompression of nerve fibers.

It is important that they, as well as the reanimatologist, monitor and post-operative recovery.

After considering the principles of diagnosis and treatment of pathology, a definite conclusion can be drawn. In the fight against vertebral hernia, different doctors should participate. He should start with the therapist, and after the initial tests he will refer the patient to a specialist of a narrower profile.

All the set of necessary specialists and equipment are provided by specialized medical centers, where the sick person should go.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/pozvonochnik/gryzha/k-kakomu-vrachu-obrashhatsya.html

Intervertebral hernia

The spine of a person performs a supporting function and contains a lot of nerve endings. It consists of vertebrae and intervertebral discs between them, which promote the mobility of the ridge.

The appearance of a hernia leads to the disruption of the conduction of nerve impulses.

For example, the appearance of the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region will lead to problems with the functioning of the pelvic organs.

The longer the disease is not treated, the more likely the development of irreversible changes in the nerves.

How to recognize pathology?

The clinical picture of the disease depends on the localization of the lesion. But in whatever section the hernia arises, in adults the symptoms will always be combined with pain in the back of different intensity.

For the defeat of the cervical spine, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • soreness in the nape;
  • limitation of mobility of the neck;
  • dizziness;
  • problems with pressure;
  • numbness of fingers on hands;
  • spreading pain from the neck to the arm and shoulder.

The intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • soreness in the lumbar region (intensity increases with loads);
  • soreness in the buttock, thigh, leg;
  • numbness of the lower limb;
  • weakness in the legs;
  • problems with the functioning of the pelvic organs (violations of the act of urination, defecation and so on).

The thoracic region is characterized by pains in this area and various curvatures of the spine.

Who treats the hernia of the spine?

An unequivocal answer to the question of which doctor treats the disease does not exist, since several specialists participate in the therapy. First, you should consult a therapist who will preset a diagnosis and write a referral to a narrow-profile physician.

Specialists who treat an intervertebral hernia:

  • Neuropathologist. The doctor deals with all problems associated with the nervous system, as well as diseases of the spine. The neurologist will appoint the required complex of examinations, carry out differential diagnostics and draw up a scheme for the most effective treatment.
  • Vertebrologist. A highly specialized doctor who deals exclusively with the backbone. His competence includes such pathologies as osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, various bends, injuries. However, this doctor is not in all medical institutions.
  • Chiropractor. For the treatment of a herniated spine, a general practitioner can recommend a visit to the chiropractor. His specialty is the treatment of back problems with the help of physiotherapy methods. The basis of therapy for this doctor is massage. A manual therapist must be a professional physician, since physical impact on the spine can be dangerous.

Doing self-medication with the intervertebral hernia is strictly contraindicated. The Internet describes a variety of methods of therapy, listed medicines, but using them without prescribing a doctor, the patient will only hurt his health even more.

Principles of therapy

The only thing that a patient can do independently before visiting a doctor is to relieve pain.

Refer to a specialist with a hernia of the spine should be as early as possible, while the affected nerve endings are not completely destroyed.

The faster the patient begins treatment, the less likely the appointment of an operation.

Depending on the degree of severity of the pathology, therapy can be conservative or surgical. Very often, gentle treatment is a preparatory stage before the operation.

Conservative therapy includes:

  • Medicines. When a doctor is treating a hernia, he should pay some attention to the symptoms of the pathology and facilitate the life of the patient. For the purpose of removing discomfort, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics are prescribed. Any other groups of drugs are considered ineffective.
  • Blockades. Minimally invasive procedure, which is performed if the drugs do not give an effect. It is carried out under local anesthesia and consists of delivering painkillers and hormones to the strangulated nerve to relieve inflammation.
  • Physiotherapy. Various massages, reflexotherapy and other similar procedures help to temporarily remove the effect on the nerve root. However, they do not solve the problem with hernia. The doctor recommends such treatment only as an auxiliary therapy.

To permanently cure a spinal hernia, an operation is prescribed. It is carried out with ineffectiveness of the above conservative methods. Surgical intervention is a little traumatic and consists in the removal of the hernia.

The appearance of any changes in the skin and underlying tissues in the inguinal area should alert both men and women. Hernias of the inguinal canal are considered a very common problem among the male population.

The appearance of any changes in the skin and underlying tissues in the inguinal area should alert both men and women. Hernias of the inguinal canal are considered a very common problem among the male population.

It is a mistake to believe that such a state of the body is harmless and will not entail serious consequences. If you notice the appearance of a tumor (or cone) in the groin, you should immediately consult a doctor.


First, you need to find out which specialist to contact, and also how the process of diagnosis and treatment of this pathological condition occurs.If you find the main symptoms of inguinal hernia immediately consult a surgeon for a survey.

When to contact a doctor

Doctors distinguish two types of hernia of the inguinal canal in men - oblique and straight. However, regardless of the species, the main manifestations of this pathological condition are:

  • The appearance of a neoplasm in the groin area (right or left). In the initial stages, the hernial protrusion looks like an ordinary swelling, but over time the cone can acquire considerable dimensions. In prone position, protrusion usually disappears (if there is no infringement of the hernial sac).
  • The feeling of pain or burning in the place of protrusion, discomfort increases during physical exertion.
  • Restriction of movement and mobility in the femoral joint is most often observed in patients with neglected forms of the disease, when the hernia becomes very large.

You need to go to the doctor right after you notice a swelling or bulging in the groin. Do not self-medicate or try to fix the hernia yourself, as this can lead to serious complications.

Consequences of the disease

With such a pathological condition as a hernia of the inguinal canal, the following complications may develop:

  • inflammatory diseases of the testicles (due to a violation of normal microcirculation of the blood);
  • inflammation of the hernial sac;
  • infringement;
  • the appearance of symptoms of intestinal obstruction.

If you have severe pain in the area of ​​protrusion, an increase in body temperature or skin changes over the tumor, you should immediately call your doctor or call an ambulance.

Diagnosis of the disease

Inguinal hernia in men is not considered a rare pathology.

This disease can develop due to the following provoking factors and causes:

  • features of the anatomical structure of the inguinal canal;
  • pathological changes in the muscular system (for autoimmune or hereditary diseases);
  • intensive physical activity: in men, the symptoms of a hernia usually appear during heavy work associated with lifting weights;
  • propensity to constipation, chronic diseases of the respiratory system: with prolonged coughing or natuzhivanii in the process of defecation, there is a significant increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, which leads to the formation of hernias;
  • postoperative surgeries in the groin;

The doctor diagnoses the hernia by questioning the patient and examining the affected area. For the diagnostic process, the patient may be asked to cough, tense, take a horizontal position.

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The doctor also performs palpation of the hernial protrusion, draws attention to soreness, temperature and color of the tissues over the hernia.

The doctor carries out a trial correction of the hernial sac and examination of the external opening of the inguinal canal.

Since the appearance of protrusion can occur in other diseases, doctors sometimes resort to ultrasound examination of the tumor.


The doctor treats inguinal hernia exclusively surgically. The operation is not particularly complicated and does not present a problem for an experienced surgeon.

By performing sequential surgical manipulations, the doctor dissects the hernial sac and its contents back into the abdominal cavity.

To strengthen the inguinal canal, special nets of synthetic material are used, which are sewn to living tissues. The final stage of surgical intervention is suturing the operating wound.

With the development of such a formidable complication, as an infringement of a hernia, urgent operation is necessary.


If the contents of the hernial sac were necrotic, the doctors make complete removal of the hernial bag within the viable tissues.


In the postoperative period, it is important to avoid heavy physical exertion and prevent the appearance of constipation.

In some cases, men have serious contraindications to surgery (severe respiratory or cardiovascular disease).

Therefore, to improve their condition, doctors recommend the use of special support bandages.

Wearing a bandage is also mandatory for men who underwent operative intervention on the inguinal canal.

A source: http://KtoVrach.ru/54-mezhpozvonochnaya-gryzha.html

What kind of a doctor should I consult with a hernia?

The appearance of the first symptoms of a hernia is not always accompanied by visualization of the disease, sometimes the disease can proceed secretly, giving complications to other internal organs.

Pain at the site of the hernia can be acute or aching, increasing with physical exertion, coughing and straining. To put the correct diagnosis and proceed to treatment, you need to see a doctor and undergo a complete examination of the body.

To what kind of doctor should I go for hernia, we will consider in more detail.

First of all, for the initial diagnosis and the subsequent examination,you need to contact the district therapist.

They will be assigned a mandatory blood and urine test, on the basis of which the patient will be referred to a profile doctor and to further diagnostic procedures.

How is the diagnosis of the hernia of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine

At the first stages of the onset of the disease, the patient complains of back pain, which can be localized in different parts of it. Numbness of the lower extremities, weakness, changes in the gait and "fettering" of the back testify to the formation of an intervertebral hernia.

In some cases, the disease can cause pathological processes from the intestine, pelvic organs, heart, lungs and accompanied by migraine.

Often enough, a primary examination of the therapist, the results of the tests and a radiologic examination of the spine is sufficient to determine the diagnosis of the hernia of the spine.


Before starting treatment, the patient should be examined by an orthopedist, since it is he who treats diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system.


Having an X-ray, the patient must undergo magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound. These diagnostic methods will not only show the exact location of the hernia, but also the size of the formation.

If the patient has accompanying diseases that can be provoked by a hernia, it is not superfluous to consult a traumatologist and neurologist.

In addition to medical treatment of hernia, the patient needs special therapeutic preventive physical education, massage, manual therapy course.

Selection of exercises for the restoration of damaged parts of the spine is performed by a physiotherapist, and a massage therapist is conducted by a professional masseur.

In the case of complications of the intervertebral hernia and the ineffectiveness of conservative treatments, the patient is referred to a surgeon who specializes in vertebral surgery.

If the patient suffers from a clubfoot, flat feet or poor posture, it is necessary to observe the osteopath.

Treatment of Schmorl's hernia

Hernia Schmorlja is accompanied by pathological changes in the spine and adversely affects the vital activity of a person.

Back pain, gait changes, fatigue and changes in the center of gravity are the main symptoms of the disease.

The list of specialists involved in the treatment of Schmorl's hernia is almost identical, as in the diagnosis of vertebral hernia.

Initial examination is carried out by the therapist, who prescribes the direction for the delivery of tests and the passage of radiography.


Further, the patient addresses to the orthopedist who will spend additional diagnostics of an organism and will appoint necessary treatment.


Along with this, the patient can receive advice from neuropathologists and the osteopath.

The main methods of investigating Schmorl's hernia are magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound. With their help, you can confirm or deny the diagnosis.

If the background of the hernia, there are a number of concomitant disorders, use additional diagnostic measures: electromyography, discography, electroneurography or myelography.

Treatment of hernia Shmorlja can deal with a doctor vertebrologist, but because of the novelty of specialization, not every village has a doctor of this profile. Its functions are performed by an orthopedist.

Diagnosis of inguinal hernia in men

Inguinal hernia in men is easily visualized with the naked eye.

Convexity in the groin area is difficult not to notice, especially since the neoplasm causes discomfort when walking.

In addition, the patient complains of pain when urinating, constipation, fever, vomiting, nausea. Only in rare cases, inguinal hernia can be asymptomatic.

When an inguinal hernia is found, it is necessary to consult the therapist without delay. After examining the symptoms of the disease and conducting a physical examination, the patient must submit a general analysis of urine and blood, as well as an analysis of stool for the presence of blood in them.

Further treatment of the patient will be handled by a surgeon who prescribes additional diagnostic measures: ultrasound of the scrotum and inguinal canal, abdominal cavity and bladder. To obtain more accurate characteristics of the hernia, an X-ray with contrast enhancement is performed.

When a hernia occurs in an adult, the only way to get rid of it is surgical intervention.

Conservative methods of treatment and traditional medicine are only able to remove symptoms, but fully protrude will not go away.

In children inguinal hernia is often congenital in nature and has a propensity for self-healing. If the child does not improve by the age of two, an operation is performed.

Diagnosis of umbilical hernia

The emergence of umbilical hernia in adults is not always accompanied by pronounced symptomatology.

Bulging in the navel does not interfere with the habitual way of life, it does not cause discomfort and can easily be adjusted.

When the hernia begins to grow in size, the normal functioning of the internal organs is disrupted and the contents of the hernial sac may be infringed. To prevent tissue necrosis, an operation is performed.


Umbilical hernia in adults, unlike children, has no propensity to self-cure. To completely eliminate the pathology, surgical intervention is necessary.


When the peritoneal organs come out through the umbilical ring, the hernia is hard to miss.

However, to get a more accurate diagnosis, you need to go to the doctor without delay. The primary examination is conducted by the district therapist, the patient must then pass all the tests and, with the results of a general analysis of blood and urine, receive a surgeon's consultation.

For the diagnosis of umbilical hernia, the patient is given an X-ray or ultrasound examination of the digestive system. When identifying associated diseases, a person undergoes an examination with a gastroenterologist.

Since the umbilical hernia is treated exclusively surgically, the patient is under the constant supervision of the surgeon. After carrying out all diagnostic measures, the patient is operated on.

Umbilical hernia in children is a fairly frequent pathology. The protrusion can appear in the first days of life because of constant straining of the abdominal muscles during screaming, or pathological weakness of the connective tissues.

Hernia in children is diagnosed by a pediatrician during a planned examination of the child. At an early age, the umbilical hernia has the property of passing by itself, when the child reaches 3-5 years of protrusion, it can disappear.

All this period the child should be observed at the surgeon to control the size of the hernia and not to lose the aggravation of the disease.

If, after five years, the hernia has not disappeared from the child, but, on the contrary, continues to grow, surgery is performed.

Diagnosis of a hernia of the abdomen

The appearance of protrusion in the abdominal region indicates the formation of a hernia, which requires immediate treatment.

At the first stages of the development of the disease, there is practically no symptomatology, the hernia easily refreshes and does not interfere with the habitual way of life of a person. Over time, there may be pain in the place of protrusion, nausea, gastrointestinal disorders, fever.

In order not to aggravate the course of the disease and prevent the growth of education, the patient needs qualified medical care.


The first method is performed by the therapist, prescribes the necessary tests and conducts the palpation of protrusion.


To obtain complete information about the hernia, its size, location and condition of the hernial gates, ultrasound of the anterior abdominal wall is performed.

Consultation of the gastroenterologist is mandatory, as it is necessary to examine the organs of the gastrointestinal tract for inflammation and related diseases.

Hernia can only be cured by surgery.

Conservative methods of treatment are ineffective, they help to remove symptoms and improve the overall well-being of the patient.

The surgeon, after studying the protrusion, assigns a scheduled operation. If a hernia at the time of contact with a doctor is hurt - an emergency surgical procedure is performed.

Diagnosis of hernia of the esophagus

The hernia of the esophagus or esophagus of the diaphragm is accompanied by problems both from the gastrointestinal tract and cardiological problems.

The patient complains of heartburn, nausea, difficulty with swallowing food and pain in the thoracic part.

To confirm the diagnosis and obtain further guidelines for treatment, you should consult a therapist.


To diagnose the disease, radiography is carried out on the basis of barium contrast. This method allows you to obtain an accurate image of a hernial protrusion. Fibrogastroscopy shows the state of the stomach and esophagus, and pH-metry determine the level of acidity in the stomach.


Hernia of the diaphragm is treated with conservative methods, only with their ineffectiveness is scheduled surgery.

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The patient should be observed at the gastroenterologist during the entire treatment period, and examined by a cardiologist.

Since the treatment includes adherence to proper nutrition, you will need a dietician consultation. If after a few months the disease does not recede, the patient is referred to the surgeon.

Treatment of hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm surgically.

Many patients who are not related to medicine do not know which specialist should be contacted first. The first reception is conducted by the therapist, and further diagnostics and treatment will be appointed by the district doctor.

A source: http://grizh.net/lechenie/kakoj-vrach-lechit-gryzhu.html

The doctor who treats the hernia of the spine: where to turn first

Patients experiencing back problems (pain, numbness of limbs and other disorders), often suspect a diagnosis such as a hernia of the spine.

Thus at once there is a question where it is necessary to address first of all, what doctor treats a hernia of a backbone.

To correctly respond to it, you must first get to the therapist and undergo all the necessary diagnostic procedures.

Where to start: a therapist's appointment

Intervertebral hernia is formed due to injuries or due to prolonged pressure of the vertebrae on the disc, which subsequently begins to flatten. The central part of the disk goes beyond the normal position and begins to press on the blood vessels and nerve fibers of the spinal cord.

As a result, a person almost always experiences painful symptoms, which can:

  • have both a regular and a rather rare, non-systemic character;
  • be aching or harsh, even shooting;
  • sharply strengthened with a change in the pose, even a little physical exertion;
  • not give a normal standing on your feet, take gravity.

These symptoms are often supplemented by other signs:

  • there is numbness in the hands and / or legs;
  • feeling of weakness, general deterioration of health;
  • dizziness, blood pressure jumps;
  • in neglected cases - violations by other organs (for example, hernia lumbar often lead to violations of acts of urination and defecation).


Do not make a diagnosis yourself and even more so conduct your own treatment. In most cases, the patients simply lose time, and the disease begins to develop even more. If you contact a doctor with a hernia of the spine as early as possible, then the chance of a full recovery is much higher.

The first thing a person should do is contact his district doctor who will study the patient's medical history and complaints.

It is important to answer the questions:

  • how long has been a pain;
  • which part of the spine it hurts;
  • what character it has (noisy, sharp, regular, rare);
  • as a result of which pain increases (after prolonged standing, physical activity, change of posture, after night rest);
  • what is the nature of the work;
  • whether there were traumas of a backbone.

The therapist attentively examines and listens to the patient with the intervertebral hernia, makes a presumptive diagnosis, and then sends him to a specialist.

Orthopedist (vertebrologist)

The main hernia doctor is an orthopedist who accepts people with various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including suspected intervertebral hernias.

The orthopedist examines the patient, analyzes the medical history and complaints.

After that, diagnostic procedures are almost always assigned for precise confirmation diagnosis and the appointment of a correct treatment (X-ray, MRI, computed tomography and other methods survey).


If there are hernias of the spine, a general practitioner (therapist) can refer to such a specialist as a traumatologist.

This practice is common in small towns, where there are not enough specialists.

To him, a person can go with suspicion of various types of violations, and especially often if the origin of pain and other symptoms is directly related to trauma.

Often the negative impact has a sharp jerk when lifting weights, a sports injury turns in an uncomfortable position and other rapid movements, leading to an intensification of an already developing disease. Therefore, if we talk about what kind of doctor to turn to in case of injuries, in most cases it will be just a traumatologist.


In cases of spine diseases, the therapist decides which doctor to apply for in turn. Often he sends a person immediately to a neurologist.

Studying the results of the examinations (MRI, computed tomography,

), a specialist determines how tightly the rootlets of nerve fibers are clamped, whether they can be cured without surgery or without it can not be avoided.

PLEASE NOTE - With a herniated spine, the patient is often sent to a neurologist to make a final decision on whether it is possible to do without an operation.

In neglected cases, when conservative treatment does not work, it is the neuropathologist's decision that can lead to both surgical intervention and rejection of it.


If you need to know which doctor heals the spinal cord, then the osteopath will definitely not be the first in the list of specialists.

To him the patient is sent extremely rarely.

He can prescribe a course of physiotherapeutic procedures, and if they do not give the desired effect, the patient will only have to go for surgery


Patient statistics, who visited the osteopath, indicate that the effectiveness of the prescribed course of therapy is manifested only in 33-35% of all cases. Therefore, when a spinal hernia after an osteopath is most often sent to a surgeon, then they perform an intervention.


If the therapist or another specialist immediately sends the patient to the surgeon, this means that the case is quite severe, neglected, and the vertebral hernia is supposed to be treated only by surgery. There are times when even surgeons prescribe a course of conservative (without intervention) treatment, which really leads to recovery, but more often than not, it is just an operation.

The reason for the need for intervention is that, unless urgent measures are taken, then:

  1. As a result of the development of the disease, pinching of the spinal cord of nerve cells can occur, resulting in paralysis of the lower extremities, and the patient will lose his ability to work.
  2. If you have spinal diseases, do not go to a doctor, get the diagnosis as soon as possible. If the person has clearly launched his health, conservative treatment will not help - you will have to remove the damaged area for surgery.
  3. If the pinched nerves start to become inflamed, the pain will become intolerable, and even strong painkillers may not lead to the desired effect. Thus, in such cases, the operation is almost inevitable.


If you ask a question about which doctor to use for hernia, then in the case of a physiotherapist, it is no longer a diagnosis, but a specific course of conservative treatment.The course is prescribed by an orthopedist or neurologist, and the physiotherapist carries out the appropriate procedures:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • UHF;
  • electromyostimulation;
  • phono and electrophoresis.

Read the same: What is a dangerous hernia: why you can not start a disease


This specialist treats the special effects of the hands on the back - just like a massage therapist does.

However, in response to a question about which doctor is treating the intervertebral hernia, the manual therapist does not exactly come first.

In addition, this type of treatment is contraindicated, if it is a question of acute manifestations of the disease, progressing for a long time.

Manual therapy can be used if the direction is given by the therapist.

In addition, it is important to take into account such requirements:

  1. The therapist must have an appropriate certificate confirming his qualifications.
  2. After the procedure, the pain should weaken, the overall sensation should give comfortable feelings.
  3. Manual therapy can not be the only method of treatment, and even more so - an alternative to surgery, if the surgeon or neurologist has decided specifically on the intervention.

NOTE - Although massage does have a beneficial effect on the body, only a professional can give it to a patient with a hernia. In other cases, risk is unacceptable, because inept actions can only harm a person.

Physician LFK

If you ask yourself which doctor to go to during the recovery from surgery or to treat the disease without surgical intervention, then the answer will be the same: this is a doctor who helps to engage in therapeutic physical culture lessons. The specialist assigns the necessary set of exercises, recommends certain types of activities at home or in the gym, as well as in the swimming pool (therapeutic swimming).

Thus, to which doctor to go with a hernial formation - this issue is decided by the therapist. The first task of man is to get to the reception for him. It should be done as quickly as possible, because the pain symptoms alone will not pass, and time only works against the patient.

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A source: https://spinous.ru/diseases/rupture/kakoj-vrach-lechit-gryzhu-pozvonochnika.html