Than to drip a nose at a genyantritis

What can be dripped in the nose for acute genyantritis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. The main cause of this ailment is considered to be an infection of the upper respiratory tract, which causes the inflammatory process. The usual symptoms of this disease are persistent headaches, swelling of the nasal mucosa, loss of smell, high fever, lacrimation.


  1. "Sinuforte" has proven itself in the fight against sinusitis. The drug is not absorbed into the blood and does not have a negative effect on the body. Drops act quickly - after the first days of application the patient will notice improvement of state of health, and in seven days after the beginning of treatment will forget what is genyantritis. Sinuphort should be injected into each nostril 1 time per day by one push on the dispenser. The course of treatment is 6-8 days.
  2. Drops of "Polidex" relieve inflammation, inhibit the activity of pathogenic bacteria, and also have a vasoconstrictive effect. After three days of use, headaches disappear, and nasal discharge decreases significantly. "Polidex" has a strengthening effect on the walls of the vessels, which helps to remove the edema of the mucosa. It should be noted that this drug can be used to treat sinusitis and in children. Adults should use drops of 1 injection 3-5 times a day in each nostril, children aged 2 to 15 years - 1 injection 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 6-8 days.
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  3. Drops of "Rinofluimucil" have vasoconstrictive, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. This drug perfectly removes the swelling of the nasal mucosa, reduces discharge from the nose and helps in a short time to get rid of the main symptoms of sinusitis. The drug should be taken topically by injecting into each nostril. Adults need two doses, i.e. two injections 3-4 times a day. Children need only one injection in each nostril 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment "Renofluimucil" should not exceed 7 days.
  4. It is possible to fight with sinusitis with the help of folk remedies. Take 4 tablespoons. finely chopped onions, pour 60 ml of warm boiled water and add 2 tsp. honey. All thoroughly stir and leave to infuse for 30-40 minutes. Prepare a ready mixture in each nostril for 6 drops 4 times a day.
  5. In sinusitis also helps celandine. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the swelling of the nasal mucosa, dilutes the accumulated mucus, which as a result is not suppressed and is better separated. The agent destroys pathogenic microorganisms, and also has a wound-healing effect, due to which the affected mucosa is restored. Just bury freshly squeezed juice from the leaves and flowers of celandine 1 drop 2 times a day in each nostril. The duration of treatment is 7-14 days.

Popular drops in the nose with genyantema

Treatment of any diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses is impossible without the use of special drops or sprays. Today, drops in the nose with genyantritis remain the most popular drugs. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses located on both sides of the nose in the bones of the upper jaw, causes swelling and increased mucus secretion, which is accompanied by a violation of normal nasal respiration.

For symptomatic treatment, vasoconstrictors, nasal antibacterial drops Isofra, in more complex cases - oil based on herbal preparations, such as Sinuforte. Also one more effective group of medicinal preparations at a genyantritis it is possible to consider drops Rinofluimucil containing sympathomimetics.

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Vasoconstrictor drops in the nose with genyantritis and other colds are considered the "standard" of treatment, they are prescribed at the first signs of the disease and they quite effectively cope with mucosal edema and obstructed breathing. The mechanism of action of the drugs "Naphthyzin "Sanorin "Nazivin" is based on their ability to cause constriction of blood vessels, which are very many in the mucous membrane of the nose. Reflex vasoconstriction reduces the amount of nasal secretions and relieves the swelling of the nasal mucosa, making breathing easier for the patient.

Rinoflumacilalso refers to this group of drugs, except vasoconstrictive effect, it also dilutes the mucus and facilitates its excretion, which is very important in the treatment of sinusitis. Unlike other vasoconstrictor drugs, Rinoflumucil has not only symptomatic, but also etiotropic effect. Acetylcysteine, which is part of its composition, has anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effects.

Like other vasoconstrictor drugs, Rinoflumucil should be used in the first 3-6 days of the disease and not more than 5-6 days in a row. ENT doctors do not recommend using this group for more than 3 days, as they not only addictive, but also greatly dry the mucous membrane.

Antibacterial drops

Often in the treatment of sinusitis, antibacterial drops are prescribed, many patients are suspicious of such medicines, but, in fact, their use has become a real discovery in the therapy of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

Because of the stagnation of mucus in the maxillary sinuses, even viral sinusitis is quickly complicated by the attachment of a bacterial infection, and it is very difficult to cure without antibiotics. Antibacterial agents such as Isofra, Polidex, destroying pathogens in the nasal passages and sinuses of the nose, do not enter the systemic circulation and do not adversely affect internal organs and system. Treatment with a local antibiotic allows you to quickly get rid of purulent maxillary sinusitis, even with the available contraindications to the use of antibiotic therapy, for example, during pregnancy or feeding the chest.

One of the best local antibiotics in treating sinusitis is the drugIsofra. It is an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group, actively used in otolaryngology, it has bactericidal action and successfully destroys the majority of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, most often pathogens disease. Isophra is a medicine with a minimum content of antibiotic, so it can be used for the treatment of young children, having consulted with a pediatrician beforehand.

Preparations on plant basis

Today, oil drops based on extracts of medicinal plants are considered one of the most popular means for treating sinusitis. Unlike usual vasoconstrictors, they do not cause addiction, do not dry the mucous membrane of the nose and do not contain antibiotics, while such medicines like Sinuporte or Sinupret quickly and effectively help to get rid not only of acute, but also of the chronic form of the disease. The oil base, when it enters the nasal passages and inside the paranasal sinuses, envelops the mucous membrane, reducing its irritation and dryness.

Drops in the nose with genyantritisSinuphortecan be called the most effective herbal preparation for the treatment of this disease, they do not contain antibiotics or adrenomimetics, and their main active substance is the juice of the roots of the cyclamen, a plant that has been used in ancient times in folk medicine.

The active components of the plant act on the nerve endings of the nasal mucosa, causing a profuse separation of mucus. If the use of other drops is usually aimed at reducing the amount of detachable, then Sinuforte, on the contrary, causes an increase in mucus produced. This helps to clear the paranasal sinuses, "wash" the accumulated bacteria from them, which several times speeds up the recovery.

Sinuphorte does not contain toxic substances and is not absorbed into the blood, acting solely in the nasal cavity. Its use in the early days of the disease allows you to cope with sinusitis without the use of antibiotics or other additional drugs. When treating a chronic disease or severe disease, Sinuphorte can be used as one of the components of complex therapy.

Among the minuses, Sinuforte can be called a high price and abundant discharge of mucus from the nose after application.

Sinupret- also a preparation on a plant basis,but unlike other drops for the nose, it should be taken orally, and not instilled in the nasal passages. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory effects, recommended to use in children older than 2 years and can be used as the main drug for the treatment of mild forms disease.

The use of any drops from sinusitis: Sinuforte, Isofra, Rinofluucimil, even Naphthyzin and Nazivin, should only be performed as prescribed by a doctor, do not try to cure this disease alone, only a qualified ENT doctor will be able to assess the condition of the maxillary sinuses and prescribe adequate treatment that can quickly rid the patient of inflammation and help avoid complications.

What kind of nasal drops are better for sinusitis?


viktor alimov

Better something on a buttery basis, so that the mucous does not dry... and wash your nose with sea water... she is also in the pharmacy in the form of a spray sold!


try nazivin

Merkel capote

Naftizin Toko look accustomed to !!

Anastasia Maksimova

We "tyzin" dripped and "naphthyzine and more heating did

☼ ḂαρɞɑǷα "ر

Rinoflumacil, Polidex.

vladimir jailbreakers

sinuporte!!! oherennyh drops! At me the identity was a genyantritis and proshol!!! truth drops dear


there is a wonderful remedy besides drops - a spoon of sea salt diluted in a glass of water. and wash your nose: one nostril plug with your finger, and the second draw in salt water. The procedure, of course, is not the most pleasant, but it is washed very well!

J. Pollack

earlier in pharmacies made to order made "collargola now probably the best puncture to do


If the drops, then nazivin. They not only drown out the process, but also cure. In general, it is best to wash the nose with sea water. True, we do not have a sea, I have adapted to etsentam # 17.

Piter Falk

Correctly said Victor, only a little add, it is better to wash first, and then drip... washing is usually children do not like, but the method is effective, but navigating... hard... although compared to the same marimer (sea water for washing) is cheap. in any case, we use the marimer as necessary

Tamara Yershakova-Almari

The best is pinasol, and in no case drugs with an end on -in-naphthysin, glazolin, etc. I thus only have earned a genyantritis-has reached or has even reached for piercing. And it's good to use ointments with menthol.

Salaam Aleikum

any, from which it is easier to breathe through the nose and pain does not increase. Pick up on experience - people are all different. I advise you to rinse first with salt water, then drip.
To do this, half a teaspoon of salt, preferably sea or iodized, must be dissolved in a glass of warm water. Rinse with a rubber pear, leaning over the sink to drain the liquid that flows from the nose. After typing the solution, insert the tip of the syringe into the nostril and, squeezing the balloon, direct the stream towards the nasopharynx along the bottom wall of the nasal cavity. The second half of the nose is also washed. Directing the jet up is not recommended, since there is a sensitive olfactory zone. Hold the breath while rinsing. After the procedure, it is advisable to breathe for a minute or two quietly, so that the viscous mucus had time to dissolve, "get wet and then you can blow your nose.
Do not be afraid, will not get into the windpipe - it will flow out into the usual swallowing throat (pharynx), or into another nostril, or it will pour out of the same. Rubber pear can be bought at the pharmacy.
To draw water with a nose is worse - it can get in sinuses.


washing with sea salt help, and from the drops the dependence can appear

ღღ ^ Leah ^ ღღ

NEONOX Cyclamen, sinusitis will be held on Day 2

What to choose drops in a nose from a genyantritis

Sinusitis is a disease whose improper treatment can lead to serious problems and even to meningitis. It is forbidden to treat this illness independently. Sinusitis is a disease that requires competent and complex therapy. Only the doctor-otolaryngologist can appoint the necessary treatment, which will be based on the use of antibiotics, nasal lavage, the use of vasoconstrictors. Drops in the nose from sinusitis - a mandatory point on the way to a speedy recovery. To date, the pharmaceutical market produces a huge number of topical drugs that help get rid of sinusitis. Today we learn which drops in the nose are effective in fighting this disease.

In what cases are antibiotics necessary?

The use of antibacterial drugs is justified only when the genyantritis is accompanied by a bacterial infection. Also, the use of such medications is necessary if the disease has already taken a severe form.

If the genyantritis is allergic, then the patient is prescribed antihistamines.

The main thing in the treatment of this ailment is to ensure a normal outflow of pus from the nose. This is done through the use of anti-edema and vasoconstrictor.

Drugs with antibiotics

Currently, sprays containing antibacterial substances are almost not used. Doctors more often try to prescribe at a genyantritis nyxes. But they resort to local antibacterial agents only in extreme cases, when the patient is contraindicated with injections for certain reasons. Now, however, there are medicines that have low toxicity and a minimum of undesirable effects. Pharmacologists successfully develop special drugs that only affect the focus of infection, and these are various sprays and drops in the nose. Antibiotics for sinusitis can have the name: "Isofra "Bioparox "Polidex". Each of these agents has different active substances and differently affects certain types of bacteria. Therefore, before using this or that antibiotic against sinusitis, you need to diagnose and find out what caused the appearance of this disease.

Means of "Isofra"

These drops in the nose from sinusitis are used in such cases:

- Allergic rhinitis.

- Acute sinusitis.

- Pharyngitis.

- Acute tonsillitis.

Streptococcal pharyngitis.

- Other ailments of the nose and nasal sinuses.

The composition of the drops of Isofra is as follows:

- The active ingredient is Framicetin.

- Auxiliary components - sodium chloride, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, purified water.

The dosage of the drug should be determined by the otolaryngologist. The duration of treatment with this drug can be from 7 to 10 days, not more. Otherwise, the body will stop taking this medicine, and the bacteria will become immune to it. If a person is better already on day 3 of therapy with these drops, then still need to continue treatment. Take breaks or stop using this antibiotic can not.

A positive point in the use of the drug "Isofra" is that there are almost no side effects after it, except for rare cases of individual intolerance. But if a person will use this medicine for longer than the prescribed time, he may develop a nasopharyngeal dysbacteriosis.

The cost of the means of "Isofra" ranges from 270-300 rubles.

The drug "Polidex"

It is a local antibiotic that helps a person cope with sinusitis. The composition of the preparation Polidex contains such components: neomycin sulfate, dexamethasone sodium metasulfobenzoate, polymyxin B sulfate, phenylephrine hydrochloride, lithium chloride, citric acid, macrogol, lithium hydroxide, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, polysorbate, water.

The nasal antibiotic "Polidex" is sold on average for 280-300 rubles per bottle with a volume of 15 ml.

Vasoconstrictive drugs

Undoubtedly, to achieve the result, you need to use drops in the nose from sinusitis with antibiotics. Most doctors prescribe injections with the help of such drugs as "Ceftriaxone "Gentamicin "Meropenem." But before the antibiotic in the form of injections will work, a person will suffer from a cold, it will be hard for him to breathe. Then without vasoconstrictor drops can not do. As the most common and suitable drugs, doctors prescribe the following drugs: "Rinostop "Galazolin "Nazivin". Such drugs will not relieve sinusitis, their mission is to facilitate the breathing of the patient. The actions of these drugs last for a short time, so they need to dig in their nose 3 times a day. However, before doing this, you need to thoroughly wash your nose, if possible, remove the accumulated mucus from there. And only then use vasoconstrictive drops, the price of which, by the way, will be affordable for everyone. So, for the tool "Rinostop" you only need to pay 100 rubles. The drug "Nazivin" costs no more than 120 rubles. A drop of "Galazolin" man will cost 40 rubles.

The preparation "Sinuforte"

This drug is intended for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis. These are good drops in the nose with sinusitis, which have a natural composition. So, the remedy consists of an extract of tubers of the European cyclamen. In the box with the medicine, water for injection is also included separately. The preparation "Sinuforte" is a lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution, which is done as follows:

  1. It is necessary to open the cap on the vial with the medicine, and also on the solvent itself. Pour water for injection into the container with the medicine.
  2. Close the vial and shake it thoroughly until the drug dissolves completely.

After that, you can use the medicine. Usually done by 1 injection in each nasal passage. You can use the drug once a day. The duration of treatment is usually 6 to 8 days.

On the question of what kind of drops in the nose with genyantritis to choose, in fact difficult to answer. After all, all drugs have different effects on the body. And so to think that there is some kind of superfood that is suitable for all patients, it is impossible. Even in spite of the fact that the drops of "Sinuforte" are completely natural and perfectly help a person with genyantritis, nevertheless they also have their contraindications and limitations.

So, you can not use this remedy for people with arterial hypertension, allergic reaction, polyps in the nose, as well as with individual intolerance of the drug. Also, these drops in the nose from sinusitis are forbidden to use for pregnant women, as well as for those who breastfeed babies.

Side effects that Sinuporte can cause: redness of the face, burning sensation in the sense of smell, excessive salivation, lacrimation.

This drug is not among the cheap. This is an expensive, but at the same time, effective tool. On average, it can be purchased at a price of 2200 rubles per bottle with a volume of 50 ml.

Nasal medicine "Rinofluimucil"

This is another effective drop in the nose for sinusitis, which have vasoconstrictive effect. The composition of the drug "Rinofluimucil" is quite large, but the active components of only 2 are acetylcysteine ​​and tuamine heptane sulfate. The first element of the drug liquefies purulent and mucous discharge. Also, acetylcysteine ​​has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. And the second element eliminates edema and hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ. These drops in the nose have one advantage over the Sinuphort. The drug "Rinofluimucil" is allowed to be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers. True, you need to do this only under the supervision of a doctor. But it's still a good treatment option. In fact, it is forbidden to use "Sinuporte" drops in such categories of patients.

Side effects of the drug "Rinofluimucil" also exist, and they are expressed in the following: allergic reactions, dryness of the nasal mucosa, mouth, tachycardia, palpitations, overexcitation, delay urination.

The cost of one bottle with this tool varies between 230 and 280 rubles.

What choice do you make?

What kind of drops in the nose is better with genyantritis: "Rinofluimucil" or "Sinuforte"? In fact, there is no clear answer to this question. Someone uses the medicine "Sinuforte and someone - the drug "Rinofluimucil." After all, no one canceled such a moment, as individual intolerance of components. And for one and the second remedy a person can have a negative reaction. Nevertheless, both drugs help to cope with sinusitis. They clear the nasal passages, so that it becomes easier for a person to breathe. Also, due to these drops, purulent plugs dissolve much faster. But at the same time, one can not think that any of these medicines is capable of curing the disease on its own. Only complex therapy will bring results. Rinsing the nose, instilling it with vasoconstrictors, taking antibiotics - only this will give an effect. And it is not necessary to choose which medication will be better. The patient should trust the professional and follow all his recommendations. And the doctor himself will determine which drug will suit this or that patient.

Opinions of doctors

Drops in the nose with genyantritis reviews of otolaryngologists are approving. The drugs "Rinofluimucil "Sinuforth "Polidex "Isofra" doctors are prescribed to their patients and believe that it is these drugs that help patients cope with the disease. Such medications relieve the condition of people with genyantritis. Despite the fact that doctors approve of such drugs, they still strongly recommend people to buy such drops only after the necessary examination and consultation.


From the article you learned which drops in the nose from the sinusitis are effective. Considered that there are local drugs with an antibiotic, and these are such means as "Isofra" and "Polidex". They realized that in the treatment of sinusitis it is necessary to use vasoconstrictive drops, such as "Rinostop "Galazolin "Nazivin "Rinofluimucil". And we examined a plant-derived preparation that perfectly copes with sinusitis, and this remedy is Sinuphorte. But before you go to buy such drops, you need to know exactly your diagnosis, and for this you should go to a consultation with an otolaryngologist and hand over all the necessary tests.

The ENT said not to drip the nose with vasoconstrictive drops in the genyantritis, to suffer when the nose is laid.



Vasodilating drops drip no more than 5 days! The ENT is right and said! Drops only narrow, but do not heal! Try the "dolphin" and he rinses and heals almost all the diseases of the nose!

Cowboy from Texas

I treated children with cuckoo. In an out-patient department in the ENT department there should be an apparatus that flushes the nose. I do not remember what it's called, I will describe the principle of action. The child lies down on the couch, m / s into one nostril pours in his miramistin or a solution of furatsilina, and from the other tube all this stretches. To prevent the liquid from falling into the throat, the child repeats the "kukukuku" during the procedure - hence the name. Three - four such procedures + physiotherapy, and sinusitis passes. Do not be ill!

Lenka Lenka

In genyantritis, on the contrary, it is better to drip with vasoconstrictor drops, in order that there is no swelling and pus accumulated... Cuckoo and dolphin only after vasoconstricting drops, otherwise you will puff yourself in all sinuses... so make it worse ...

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