Where and how does it hurt in case of pneumonia?
Temperature, severe cough.
severe dry cough, persistent fever
At me not where did not hurt or be ill; be sick.. . there was a temperature and a cough began
Lyudmila Petlitskaya
The back hurts, it can be hard to breathe. And sometimes it does not hurt at all
dr. Drew
"Typical" pneumonia is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature, a cough with profuse discharge of purulent sputum and in some cases pleural pain. In the study: shortening of percussion sound, hard breathing, bronchophonia, intensified vocal tremor, first dry, and then wet, crepitating rales, darkening on the roentgenogram. Such pneumonia is caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae.
"Atypical" pneumonia is characterized by a gradual onset, a dry, unproductive cough, a predominance in the clinical picture of secondary symptoms - headache, myalgia, pain and sore throat, weakness and malaise with minimal changes on the radiograph. This type of pneumonia causes, as a rule, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Pneumocystis carini.
baba yaga
Strong cough, high fever. Cough then passes and the disease can then take a chronic form, with a subfebrile temperature. Be sure to do a fluorography.
PASHTET (Pasha888)
Where and how does it hurt in case of pneumonia? = In the lungs!
What other signs? = Death four days after the start! (if not - then carried by!)
What are the symptoms of pneumonia?
Weakness, the heat does not last long, at night you sweat heavily and a paroxysmal cough.
Daria Grigorieva
temperature 37 and 5, you can not breathe in full, because you immediately cough.
The main signs of pneumonia (pneumonia) are:
• Cough.
Usually cough is accompanied by any respiratory (catarrhal) disease, with the child coughing more at night and in the morning. The cough is more often dry, it lasts for 7-10 days. With pneumonia, cough is almost constant, nasal, with sputum (young children often swallow it). Can be a rusty shade in older children.
• Rapid breathing, when at rest the respiratory rate is higher than the norm: - up to 2 months. - it's 60 or more respiratory movements (counting or inhaling or exhaling);
- from 2 months. up to 12 months. - it is 50 and more respiratory movements;
- from 12 months. up to 5 years is 40 or more respiratory movements.
• Appearance of a difficult, sometimes moaning breathing with visible retraction of the subcostal or supraclavicular parts of the thorax. The child, as it were, "turns on" all the muscles of the chest to facilitate breathing.
• Cyanotic shade around the mouth, sometimes the face.
• Toddlers - swelling of the wings of the nose.
• Increase in temperature to high figures with chills, sometimes sweating.
• Pain in the chest if lung inflammation passes to the pleura.
• Pain in the abdomen, with inflammation of the lower parts of the lungs (sometimes mistakenly refer to surgical care).
• Headache with irritation of the membranes of the brain. Older children complain of severe pain in the chest and abdomen, which is caused by muscle re-contractions due to persistent, painful cough. Children may have general weakness, lethargy, deterioration of appetite, sometimes refusal of food, sometimes confusion, vomiting, etc. Special caution is necessary if pneumonia affects the children of the first months (the first year) of life. The smaller the baby, the less obvious signs: there is no temperature, a typical cough. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the general condition of the child, who may have the following symptoms of pneumonia:
- Pronounced lethargy, even immobility.
- Noticeable swelling of the wings of the nose with a blue around the nose and lips.
- '' Grunting '' breathing with entanglements.
These are very dangerous signs of pneumonia and need immediate treatment in the hospital.
Zubakina Elena
Common symptoms for all focal inflammations of the lungs are general malaise, less acute than with croupous inflammation lungs, the beginning; sometimes - headaches, coughing with mucopurulent sputum, an increase in body temperature to 37-39? C;
Ksyusha Ksyusha
so that's why you asked about the pulmanologist. in fact, you now write so many symptoms that you will not be happy. and the funniest thing is that you will find them all at home. better not to guess, but go to the pulmanologist, he will say everything... and do not be afraid of anything, in our time everything is being treated, and everything will be fine. Health to you!
What if the pain is in the right lung after a history of pneumonia?
Takeshi Kitano
Do not read bad habit.... she's not right.
Pain in the lungs can be caused by pleural spikes, you need to see the therapist for auscultation (although-it) -it's easy to listen to the lungs.
By the way, as a pneumonia survivor, you are subject to the dynamic supervision of the doctor at the place of residence. You were supposed to appoint a day of appearance in the clinic ...
Vrednaya Privichka
nevozmozhno oschutit 'fizicheskuyu bol' v legkih
idite k svoemu ftiziatru i delaite rengen
ya lechila ochag dva goda nazad
Denj dobrij! 1) sami ljogkije ne boljat, mne tak samoj moj lechaschij vrach govorila), kogda u menja bilo tjazelejsheje vospalenije verhnevo segmenta levogo legkogo, ja bila v bolnice 45 dnej i u menja v studencheskije godi na polgoda bilo osvobozdenije ot fizkulturi... 2) jesli jestj boli to znachit Vi dejtvitelo mnogo kashljali i kashljajete i poetomu boletj mozet vsja diafragma i plevra, mozet bitj malenkoje srastanije tkanej plevri. U menja samoj vospalenije bilo v levom legkom, a boli, takije, chto daze dihanije zazimajet bili v niznej chasti pravogo ljogkogo. Provertesj u Vracha, pustj proslushajet Vas!!! 3) Vam sejtchas nuzno prinimatj otharkivajuschije preparati, kotorije oblegchat othod mokroti, potomuchto jesli Vi kashljajete, znachit mokrota jescho jestj v logkih i v bronhah... Samij mjagkij othod mokroti Vi mozete dobitsa prostim SIROPOM PERTUSINOM ILI ACETYLCISTEIN RASTVORIMIE TABLETKI "ACC-200MG" DVA RAZA V DENJ UTROM I VECHEROM- POTOMU CHTO OTKASHLIVATJ LUTSHE DNJOM, NA NOCH PRINIMAJTE KACHEL OSTANAVLIVAJUSCHIJE PREPARATI.TAK ZE PROSTOJ RECEPT - DVE BOLSHIJE KARTOSHKI HOROSHO PROMITIJE, NEOCHISCHENNIJE OTVARITJ BEZ SOLI I PITJ KAK CHAJ ORVAR KARTOSHKI TAK ZE UTROM I DNJOM / VESJ SEKRET V ETOM PROSTOM RECEPTE, CHTO, KOGDA MI NE DOBAVLJAJEM SOLJ V OTVARE SOHRANJAJUTSA SOEDINEJA SOLEI KALIJA-ETO I HOROSHEJE OTHARKIVAJUSCHEJE SREDSTVO I TAK ZE HOROSHO DLJA UKREPLENIJA SERDECHNOJ DEJATELNOSTI, POSLE PERENESJONNOGO VOSPALENIJA / TAK ZE NEZABIVAJTE KUSHATJ UTROM OBIKNOVENNUJU OVSJANKU SVARENNUJU NA MOLOKE I S MASLOM)) 4) Pokupajete-prostije naduvnije shariki i 3 raza v denj naduvajete po 1 shariku. KAZDIJ RAZ BERJOTE NOVIJ SHARIK, NADUVAJETE I VIBRASIVAJETE.
N.B.!!! Preduprezdaju, chto sejtchas Vash organizm oslablen i pervuju nedeliu Vam daze mozet kruzitsa golova I PRI PERVIH NADUVANIJAH VI SRAZU ZAKASHLJAJETESJ... poetomu naduvajte shariki po mere vozmoznosti ne do konca, neperegruzajtesj... Eto upraznenije raspravit alveoli- puzirki liogkih.
5) Uznajte-GDE NACHODITSA REABILITACIONNIJ CENTR, GDE VI MOGLI BI KAZDOJE UTRO PRINIMATJ ILI VO VREMJA PERERIVA NA OBED-VOZDUSHNIJE KOKTEJLI, ETO-DLJA NORMALIZACIJI DEJATELNOSTI LIOGKIH.6) ETO MOJ The best answer Vilma indrelite Master (1091) 2 weeks ago: Denj dobrij! Eta ochenj opasnaja forma vospalenija ljogkih! Chasche zabolevajut ili ochenj molodije, no oslablennije, ili ochenj starije liudi. Mozet net temperaturi, no obilnoe potootdelenije, daze pri prostom prijome gorjachego chaja ili supa, a tak ze posle sna vsja postel i postelnoje beljo i Vashe nizneje beljo bukvalno kak posle dusha- mokrije. Pot lipkij, ne normalno silno pahnuschij ili na oborot sovsem bez zapaha. Mozet ne bitj temperaturi, no srazu ze, jesli sdelajete analiz krovi mozet bitj tak, chto pokazateli leikocitov i SOE / SKOROSTJ OSEDANIJA ERITROCITOV / = BUDUT ZASHKALIVATJ V PREVISHENII NORM.MOZETE PODKASHLIVATJ TOLKO NAPRIMER PO UTRAM CHASOV TAK V 5-6 I VECHEROM CHASOV TAK V19-21.Mozet bitj slabostj do obmorochnogo sostojanija i blednostj kozi. K VRACHU I NEMEDLENNO!
Pri slabosti- PITJ zirnije slivki, sok ili teplij mors iz chernoj smorodini ili kliukvi, JESTJ: nastojaschije, bez "kubikov" otvarnije supi-buljoni na govjadine, kurjatine i jagnjatine S OVOSCHAMI, CHESNAKOM, LUKOM I ZELENJU i v buljon jescho obilno narezte kusochki otvasrnogo mjasa ili kurici. NORMALNOJE PITANIJE! TAK ZE NEKOTORIJE UCHONIJE OTMECHALI, CHTO PRI SLABOSTI LOGKIH NABLIUDAJETSA SLABAJA DEJATELNOSTJ PODZELUDOCHNOJ ZELEZI, TAK CHTO PROVERTE SAHAR V KROVI I JESLI POVISHEN, TO NA KONSULTACIJU K ENDOKRINOLOGU!!! UDACHI VAM I POZALUISTA BEZ SAMOLECHENIJA! VSIO PO PREDPISANIJAM VRACHA!
P.S. Ja sama provizor-ekspert s17letnim stazem i sama bolela vospalenijem logkih, nastojashaja popravka cherez 8 mesjacev!!! Da ja zabila jescho skazatj ja v studencheskije godi pela v hore nashej Medicinskoj Aksdemiji i pela sama, t.k. sochinjaju i igraju na gitare i akkordeone, tak chto penije, toze pomoglo popravitsa :-))
The inflammatory processes in the lungs include bronchitis and pneumonia. To get rid of inflammatory processes it is necessary, first of all, to stimulate immunity both antimicrobial and antiviral. The more pronounced inflammation processes, the more intense the massage (rubbing of hands, feet, tapping the head up to 5-8-10 times a day). At a high temperature, pay special attention to rubbing the legs, hands up to 5-8 times a day.
Local effect in the projection of the lungs from the front: intensively rub the chest with the palm 2-3-5 times a day, tap on the sternum in the projection of the trachea and lungs. Coughing so immediately and knock for 1-2 minutes, massage the point of bronchitis (third-fourth intercostal space to the right of the sternum by 1-2 centimeters). Local impact in the projection of the lungs from the back: a back massage in the projection of the lungs (grinding, kneading, vibrations in the form of tapping with the ribs of the palms). Independently, a back massage, you can do about the door jamb. Vibrations are performed by a rolling pin with a rubber extruder ring on it. In a painful, hysterical, painful cough, carry out an intensive action on the point of bronchitis, tapping the sternum with the fist and projection of the lungs in front and behind, tapping the blade with the scapula.
It is important, during the massage of the chest, to identify painful areas in the projection of the lungs and to act on them day in and day out until painfulness disappears in them. Recovery comes in two to three days.
ewgeny gasnikov
About 10 years ago there was such a case for me. It was treated simply:
1 tablet mum on 1/2 cup honey water (1 teaspoon honey dissolve in 1/2 cup hot water). Mumie stir before dissolving in
water. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening (2 weeks).
Pain in the lungs after pneumonia
Pain in the lungs after pneumonia - what could be the reason? And the reason often lies in the inadequate attention to one's health. Often, we do not even think about the consequences of pneumonia, not treated or transferred on the feet, and the ignored rules of rehabilitation after pneumonia. Alas, in our modern life, the first place for many is the availability of uninterrupted serviceability.

We go out to work during illness, we carry the virus "on our feet" and very often we are proud of it. Pain in the lungs after pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs) is precisely the reaction of the body to our frivolous attitude to this serious illness.
Symptoms of pain in the lungs after pneumonia
Patients are troubled by seizures that occur when inhaled and manifest as minor tingling, or acute attacks. These attacks can sometimes be accompanied by shortness of breath and palpitations. In this case, the degree of pain, depends on the severity of the disease, the speed and quality of its treatment.
The symptoms listed above most often indicate the presence of an adhesion process in the body.
Spikes are a pathological fusion of organs. Spikes are formed as a result of chronic infectious pathologies, as well as mechanical injuries or internal bleeding.
In a patient with pneumonia, adhesions (adhesions) can occur between the pleura sheets, one of which lining the lungs and the other - the thorax. When inflammation of the pleura or the flow of inflammation from the lungs to the pleura, the release of fibrin, gluing the pleura with each other. The area of the glued leaflets of the pleura is called spike.
Spikes are divided into two types - single and multiple. In critical cases, they envelop the pleura whole, causing its displacement and deformation and thus making breathing difficult. This pathology has a very severe course, sometimes aggravated by acute respiratory failure. Limited mobility of respiratory organs, frequent acute attacks of pain during breathing, the presence of mechanical obstruction - require immediate surgical intervention.
Multiple spikes in the pleural cavity can sometimes support a slow inflammatory process. This happens if the spikes limit the inflamed area from all sides, forming a capsule around it.
Adhesive pathology that causes pain in the lungs after pneumonia is a serious enough process, so the doctor should determine the diagnosis and treatment.
Doctors detect the presence of adhesions in the lung area by X-ray examination of the chest, CT or MRI of the thoracic cavity.
The course of therapy for adhesions is determined by the doctor and depends on the degree of its manifestation. In the presence of adhesions in the lungs, medicamental treatment is most often attributed, and surgical intervention is undertaken only when the patient's life is in danger.
Who should I contact if you have pain in the lungs after pneumonia?
Everyone should remember that the lungs are the most important organ of human life, responsible for the circulation of oxygen in the body. Therefore, patients should abandon attempts to self-diagnosis and self-treatment, as well as rely on intuition, knowledge in this area, advice of unqualified in the field of medicine acquaintances! Carry out the necessary diagnostics and prescribe the treatment you can therapist, family doctor, phthisiatrist.
Treatment of pain in the lungs after pneumonia
In modern medicine, the main methods of drug treatment of adhesive pathology in the lungs are heating and electrophoresis. The heating of the respiratory system can be paraffin, clay or mud.
For the treatment of pain in the lungs after pneumonia, an important role is played by the patient's response rate to the pain symptom, the patient's awareness and the urgency of the prescribed treatment. Only timely begun therapy can guarantee the complete cure of the patient. To exclude the complication after the inflammation of the lungs, to restore the weakened from the transferred organism, the right rehabilitation will help. The main function of rehabilitation measures is restoration of respiratory organs, exclusion of the possibility of development of chronic bronchial and pulmonary pathology.
To recover from pneumonia, it is often advisable to visit health resorts, massage certain points of the chest, oxygen respiratory insufficiency, electrotherapy, artificial ventilation of the lungs, complete cessation of smoking, fortifying and tempering procedures, physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy. In addition, the patient must protect the body against colds, especially during the two months after the transferred illness, to refuse to stay in places of occupational pollution.