Treatment of diseases of the spinal cord


  • 1Symptoms and treatment of spinal cord vascular disease
    • 1.1Signs of vascular diseases of the spinal cord
    • 1.2Types of violations
    • 1.3Manifestations of pathology and their dependence on types of disorders
    • 1.4Extramedullary disorders
    • 1.5Intramedullary disorders
    • 1.6Signs of vascular diseases of the spinal cord in children
    • 1.7Treatment of vascular diseases of the spinal cord
    • 1.8What are the components of the treatment?
    • 1.9Features of therapy of certain vascular pathologies of SM
  • 2Diseases of the spinal cord - the main types of diseases, symptoms and treatment
    • 2.1Symptoms and signs of diseases of the spinal cord
    • 2.2Compression diseases of the spinal cord
    • 2.3Tumors of the brain
    • 2.4Intervertebral hernia
    • 2.5Non-compressive neoplastic myelopathies
    • 2.6Spinal cord infarction
    • 2.7Inflammatory myelopathies
    • 2.8Chronic Myelopathy
    • 2.9Vascular diseases
  • 3What diseases can affect the spinal cord?
    • 3.1Acute protrusion of the disc
    • 3.2Hydromyelia
    • 3.3At the thoracic level
    • 3.4Spinal cord infarction
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.5Discogenic radiculopathy
    • 3.6Arteriovenous malformation
    • 3.7At the level of the waist
    • 3.8Vascular malformation
    • 3.9Arthritic diseases
    • 3.10"Symptoms of spinal cord injury"
  • 4Diseases of the spinal cord
  • 5Spinal Cord: Types of Disease and Methods of Treatment
    • 5.1Types and classification of diseases
    • 5.2Tramway
    • 5.3Transverse myelopathy
    • 5.4A purulent-inflammatory process
    • 5.5Tumor
    • 5.6Infectious and radial myelopathy
    • 5.7Vascular malformation
    • 5.8Chronic Paraparesis
    • 5.9Combined degeneration
    • 5.10Symptomatology
    • 5.11Diagnostic Methods
    • 5.12Treatment
    • 5.13Conservative therapy
    • 5.14Surgery
    • 5.15Prevention

Symptoms and treatment of spinal cord vascular disease

Specialists identify combined, ischemic (myelo-ischemia) and hemorrhagic vascular diseases of the spinal cord. Also, these diseases include a variety of malformations of the vascular system in the spinal cord, such as vascular malformations and aneurysms.

Signs of vascular diseases of the spinal cord

Vascular diseases of the spinal cord can develop for a variety of reasons - due to compression injury, acquired changes in the vascular wall, congenital abnormalities of blood vessels.

Types of violations

Diagnosis of vascular diseases of the spinal cord

Acute violation of the spinal circulation can be very diverse, so it can only be recognized by a qualified physician after using various diagnostic methods.

In some cases, the onset of symptoms of these diseases may be congenital anomalies of the structure of the vessels capillary, venous or arterial bed - they may not appear for many years, and the reasons for their progression - different.

Manifestations of a spinal cord infarction are diverse, since they directly depend on where the lesion is localized.

So, if there was a blockage of the anterior spinal artery, then necrosis will occur in the region of the anterior part of the spinal cord.

In this case, the patient subacute or acute develops lower spastic paraplegia, accompanied by a violation of the pelvic organs and a violation of sensitivity.

If the anterior spinal artery, located at the level of the cervical segments, is affected, limp paraparesis of the hands and spastic paraparesis of the legs will appear, accompanied by dissociated temperature and pain paranesthesia (i.e., loss of sensitivity in symmetrical areas of the body) and impaired functions pelvic organs. In the event that the lesion occurred in the area of ​​the lumbosacral segments, the lower flaccid will appear paraplegia, accompanied by areflexia, dissociated paranesthesia and disruption of the pelvic bodies.

Manifestations of pathology and their dependence on types of disorders

If there are any diseases of the spinal cord - the symptoms are likely to appear almost immediately.

For such diseases, the loss of sensitivity in the area below called "level of sensitivity disorders which is accompanied by spasticity of limbs and muscle weakness.

Sensitivity disorders are most often manifested in the form of paresthesias developing in both feet or in one of them.

Paresthesia can spread upwards.


The level of vibration and pain sensitivity, as a rule, coincides with the level of localization of the transverse lesion of the spinal cord.


Various vegetative dysfunctions are also characteristic of this type of disease. First of all, the patient should be alerted to acute or progressive urinary retention, which is accompanied by spasticity and a sensitivity disorder.

Tumor in the vessels

If there was a rupture of the corticospinal tract, the patient will experience quadriplegia or paraplegia, accompanied by increased muscle tone, increased tendon reflexes, as well as a positive symptom Babinsky. There are also segmental signs of the disease, which serve as an indicative measure of the level of damage.

One of the leading symptoms of this kind of disease is pain. Back pain, which is localized along the middle line, helps doctors determine the location where the lesion is localized.

Pain sensations between the shoulder blades can signal the compression of the spinal irradiation in the lower part back, this symptom can talk about the defeat of the medullary cone, that is, the terminal part of the dorsal the brain.

If there was a lesion at the L4 level of the vertebra or below it, the patient will have an asymmetrical flaccid paraparesis, accompanied by dysfunction of the rectum and bladder, lack of reflexes, loss of sensitivity (from level L).As a rule, patients complain of pain that radiates to the thigh and perineum. With the defeat of the medullary cone, pain is not observed, but rather quickly appears dysfunction of the rectum and bladder. If a person has simultaneously suffered compression injuries of the horse tail and cone, then he will show signs of peripheral motoneurons, hyperreflexia or a positive symptom Babinsky.

Extramedullary disorders

For extramedullary lesions are characterized by such signs as radicular pain, symptoms of asymmetric lesion lower motoneurons, Brown-Sekar syndrome, sacral loss of sensitivity, as well as early corticospinal symptoms.

If the defeat is localized at the level of Foramen magnum, then the person will be bothered by muscle weakness arms and shoulders, which is accompanied by ipsilateral, and then contralateral leg lesions, and later arms.

If Horner's syndrome is present, the doctor may assume that the cervical section is affected.

Intramedullary disorders

But intramedullary lesions are usually accompanied by very burning pains. And the localization of unpleasant sensations is difficult to determine.

Also, the patient has a loss of pain sensitivity (with a sense of joint position, sacral and perineal sensations persist) and mild corticospinal symptoms.

Signs of vascular diseases of the spinal cord in children

One of the methods of treatment

The clinic of the disease depends on how widespread the vascular pathology is across the length and length of the spinal cord, as well as on what level the lesion is localized.

Ischemia in the cervical region in children will manifest weakness of both or only one of the hands, as well as a decrease in their muscle tone.

If a child suddenly has a weakness in both legs, this may be a signal of a violation of blood supply to the lumbar or thoracic level of the spinal cord.

Sometimes weakness in the legs is accompanied by dysfunction of the pelvic organs, in particular, a violation of urination. Thus, it can be assumed that enuresis in some children may have a vascular origin.

Sometimes a feeling of weakness in the legs is observed in children only while walking. At the same time, rest or rest significantly improves the baby's well-being. Such a symptom is called "intermittent spinal lameness".

The arteriovenous malformation is characterized by a slow progression. The child gradually develops a feeling of weakness in the region of both legs, he is troubled by pains in the spine, radiating to the legs, and sometimes disturbances such as "intermittent claudication".

In order to diagnose a child of this kind of illness, it is necessary to consult a qualified specialist.


He will be able to determine which diagnostic procedures a child needs to undergo to make an accurate diagnosis.


It can be a computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, an analysis of cerebrospinal fluid and other methods of examination.

Treatment of vascular diseases of the spinal cord

Treatment of this kind of disease can only be done by a qualified doctor.

Attempts to self-medicate or prescribe medications and other types of therapy before diagnosis (at least preliminary) can lead to a sharp deterioration in the patient's state of health.

In detecting acute or rapidly progressive circulatory disorders in the vessels of the spinal cord, simultaneous carrying out diagnostic procedures, analyzes and prescribing drugs that improve the patient's condition regardless of his age.

What are the components of the treatment?

Medicamental treatment of this pathology provides for the use of almost all groups of pharmacological drugs known to modern medicine.

Medicines prescribed by a doctor can be prescribed as injections (mainly intramuscular or intravenous), and in the form of tablets (when the activity of the process stops).

In any case, the therapy program should consider:

  • use of drugs that improve microcirculation and collateral circulation, such as compliance, euphyllin, cavinton, nicotinic acid and dibazol;
  • the appointment of diuretics, for example, lasix;
  • use of antiplatelet agents (eg, acetylsalicylic acid);
  • the appointment of vitamins of group B and C.

Features of therapy of certain vascular pathologies of SM

In the recovery period, various physiotherapy procedures, therapeutic exercises and massage can be prescribed.

Often in the treatment of drugs used to stimulate the conductivity of nerve impulses (galantamine, proserin and others), as well as resorbants (cerebrolysin, aloe and so on).

Often doctors use medicines that reduce muscle tone (Relanium, Elenium, Phenibut and others).

Operative treatment is also required for acute protrusion of the disc, spinal fracture or displacement (spine trauma) - these pathologies are not vascular disorders, but impaired blood circulation remains one of the mandatory components of this state.

With an epidural abscess, irrespective of the cause of its development, urgent surgical intervention is performed to drain it, and also obtaining for bacteriological research purulent material, which is necessary in order to designate suitable antibiotics. With haematomyelia (epidural hemorrhage), the clot is removed. The causes of dyscrasia, which led to hemorrhage, must be identified and, if possible, eliminated. In this case, the appointment of drugs that affect the rheological properties and coagulability of the blood (only under the control of the coagulogram) is shown.

It should be noted that the spinal cord disease itself should not be treated. The fact is thatthis can lead only to an aggravation of the disease and to the appearance of various complications.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to consult a qualified neurologist as soon as possible. The prognosis of the disease depends on how extensive the defeat was and where it was localized.


As a rule, the earlier the right treatment was started, the more favorable the prognosis will be.


However, sometimes even with timely rendered medical care, the patient still remains persistent violations of the sensory and motor area, movement disorders and other residual symptoms.

So, vascular diseases affecting the spinal cord can lead to very serious consequences.

Therefore, people who have discovered their symptoms, you must always contact a qualified doctor in order to undergo diagnostics and treatment.

Inattention to one's own health, refusal to consult a doctor and failure to comply with his recommendations may cause a loss of ability to work in a patient.

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Diseases of the spinal cord - the main types of diseases, symptoms and treatment

Diseases of the spinal cord - this is a large group of various pathologies that differ in some ways. The spinal cord, located at the center of the spine, plays a huge role in the nervous system. Therefore, it is important to know the diseases themselves, their symptoms and start therapy on time.

Symptoms and signs of diseases of the spinal cord

Spinal cord diseases have many symptoms. This organ is divided into certain segments that are associated with a specific pair of nerve endings.

Each such pair is fully responsible for the work of certain bodies.

The fibers of gray matter are crossed, it is for this reason that the pathology on the left is a direct violation on the right.


Symptoms may vary. The lightest of them are dizziness and nausea, as well as tenderness in the muscles, which appears periodically. Depending on the intensity of the sensations, the condition may worsen.


Frequent and dangerous signs are motor impairments, that is, the limits of movement in total or partial paralysis. It is accompanied by an increased tone in the muscle tissue. Typically, such violations are symmetric, but in some cases there may be exceptions.

Disturbance of sensitivity depends on the location of the disease and its degree. It is superficial, temperature or pain. Vegetative disorders are accompanied by high fever and intense sweating.

At the same time, the metabolism is disturbed, the character of the stool and urination changes. When the nerves are squeezed, the pain symptoms go away. If the lumbar lesion has occurred, the pain will be felt in the lower limbs.

In addition to the main symptoms that accompany the disease, it should be expressed in:

  • uncontrolled emptying of the intestine;
  • soreness in the muscles;
  • muscle atrophy.

Compression diseases of the spinal cord

Some pathologies can cause the clamping of the spinal cord, which is called compression. In this case, the functions of this organ are always violated. This process can cause diseases such as otitis media, sinusitis.

With their prolonged course, meningitis and encephalitis appear. Also, the risk of compression is bleeding due to injuries or problems with the walls of the vessels.

In addition, tumors, osteochondrosis, hernia and arthritis are dangerous.

Tumors of the brain

Absolutely any neoplasms in the spinal cord are dangerous, therefore the greater value is given not to malignancy, but to the location of the tumor. Usually, three groups of such formations are distinguished: extradural, intradural and intramedullary.

Extradural are the most dangerous and progress faster than others. They appear in the vertebrae or hard tissue of the brain. Intradural appear under the hard tissue of the spinal cord. Intramedullary are located in the brain itself.

Tumors are treated only with the help of an operation that does not always go well. Restorative therapy is prescribed only after successful surgical intervention, otherwise it will be ineffective.

Intervertebral hernia

The most frequent among all diseases in the back are the intervertebral hernia. Initially, a protrusion is formed, but only after a time there is a hernia due to the fact that there is a rupture of the fibrous ring, which performs the fixing function of the nucleus of the disc.

After the rupture, the entire fluid begins to flow and, more often, it enters the spinal canal. If the disease affects the spinal cord, myelopathy begins to develop (the destruction of the spine substance).

There are cases when the disease does not manifest itself, and the patient feels fine, but when the spinal cord is involved in the disease, then such symptoms appear:

  • soreness in the affected area;
  • change in sensitivity;
  • loss of limb control;
  • weakness;
  • disruption of internal organs;
  • the pain extends from the waist to the patella.

These signs appear when the hernia reaches a huge size. For treatment, a therapeutic effect is applied, with the use of medications and physiotherapy.

Non-compressive neoplastic myelopathies

Radiation and paracarcinomatous myelopathy are considered diseases that are difficult to distinguish. During MRI, a strong swelling of the spinal cord is seen, which is treated with radiation therapy.

Necrotizing myelopathy at the time of exacerbation affects several parts at the same time in the spinal canal. The reason for this is strong cancerous growths, which are accompanied by inflammation. Patients may experience partial or complete paralysis, there may be a violation of the pelvic organs.

Carcinomatous meningitis arises from carcinoma. In some cases, it does not cause myelopathy, provided that the divergence in the nervous rootlets, which cause the infiltration of the spinal canal and provoke an acute compression.

Spinal cord infarction

The cause of a heart attack is often severe violation of spinal circulation, as a result which is a strong failure in the work of the spinal cord, because the blood comes to him with a strong difficulty. This can happen in any vertebral department. In that, which is more struck, the heart attack develops.

Most often, it is very difficult to determine the true cause of the infarction. But the most common is the formation of thrombi in small blood vessels. They supply blood to the spinal cord even when the extravertebral arteries are affected.

Most often such a violation affects people over the age of 50 years, and in patients under 40 years of age, the infarct occurs with aortic pathologies and vasculitis.

The development of a heart attack occurs with the formation of thrombosis or at the time of aortic dissection.

But it can also appear for other reasons - in arteritis and serum sickness. Ischemic infarction of the general type is often caused due to violation of the spinal circulatory circulation or in myelo-ischemia.

When a heart attack occurs, several departments are affected at once.

The cause for the development of a heart attack can be a minor injury, for example, when playing sports. In this case it is caused by a microparticle, which has split from the herniated intervertebral disc.

Symptoms of spinal cord diseases are very diverse. There is a strong soreness in the back area, sensitivity decreases, both pain and temperature.

In some cases, bilateral flaccid limb paralysis occurs.

Symptoms of a spinal infarct are permanent pain in the head, nausea and weakness, which are accompanied by fainting.

Inflammatory myelopathies

Diseases of the spinal cord are able to activate the inflammatory process. This syndrome usually develops within a few days or weeks. The most common cause is infectious disease.

If myelitis worsens, the patient complains of soreness in the back and a strong weakness in the muscular corset, which develops very quickly. In addition, there may be paresthesia in the lower limbs.

When the spinal cord is affected by the virus, specific types of myelitis can arise. Herpes zoster becomes a common cause of the disease.


Another disease is arachnoiditis - an inflammatory process in the spinal cord and brain. It is he that affects the arachnoid shell. The reasons for its appearance are many.


These are diseases of various types and severity, trauma and inflammation in the nasal sinuses.

With the appointment of treatment, the infectious source is first eliminated, antibiotics and various therapies are prescribed for this.

Chronic Myelopathy

Diseases of a chronic type can be localized in different areas and manifest themselves in different ways.

One common cause is spondylosis. It is dangerous because it can cause strong changes in the intervertebral discs. These disorders cause compression deviations in the spinal cord and nerve roots. It can be localized in the thoracic, cervical and lumbar regions.

Spondylosis becomes the cause of the deposition of salts, and they significantly narrow the channels of the spine and the holes between the vertebrae. Its complication is the formation of hernias between the vertebrae.

The disease itself is the next stage in the development of osteochondrosis and actively progresses with poor nutrition of the spine, injuries and physical exertion.

This disease is spread among the male population over 40 years of age. The key symptom is painfulness after stress, hypothermia and abrupt movements.

In some cases, movement of the spinal column may be restricted.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the degree and symptoms of the spinal cord disease, but it is always complex and aimed at slowing the course of the disease, removing pain and symptoms, as well as preventing possible complications. They use massage, physiotherapy and medicines.

Another chronic disease is lumbar stenosis. The disease causes the narrowing of the central canal in the spine, resulting in compression in the spine and nerve endings. Pathology is divided into two types:

  • Congenital stenosis. Appears due to a narrow passage in the spinal canal and certain features of the vertebrae and their anomalies.
  • Acquired stenosis. It is caused by displacement of vertebrae or their decrease, which occurred after trauma. Disease can cause tumors, disc protrusions, or the formation of hernias.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out with the help of MRI. A conservative method is used for treatment, and in some cases surgical intervention is possible.

Vascular diseases

Disease of the vessels of the spinal cord is caused by disturbances in the vascular system. They can develop with compression lesions or at the time of wall changes, as well as in congenital anomalies.

There are cases when the cause of vascular deviations are the anomalies in the structure of the capillaries themselves, as well as disturbances in the venous channels. Such deviations may not manifest themselves for many years. They can progress differently.

Treatment of these diseases is prescribed with extreme caution, and only after a complete examination with an accurate diagnosis. Improperly selected methods for the treatment of spinal cord disease can cause deterioration. In such cases, the disease begins to actively progress.


In addition to the standard complex treatment, surgical intervention is required in some cases, which restores blood circulation in the spinal cord.


If the examination revealed acute or complicated deviations in the circulatory and vascular system, further examination, a re-delivery of tests and drugs that will remove symptoms and improve the overall condition patient.

Deviations in the spinal cord, if not start timely treatment, can cause serious complications.

Doing self-treatment in this case is unacceptable, because you can worsen the condition.

It is recommended to undergo a complete examination, establish the true causes of the disease and begin treatment, which in some cases is assigned individually.

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What diseases can affect the spinal cord?

The pathology of the spinal cord at different levels is called myelopathy.

Myelopathy of the cervical spine is a very serious process, because as they are injured, the probability of death is high.

Operations in this department are very dangerous to conduct, they are carried out only if the risk is justified by the preservation of human life:

  • a hernia between the vertebrae;
  • myelitis;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • pinching;
  • displacement of the spine;
  • infection;
  • injury.
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For the optimal activity of the nervous system is responsible for the spinal cord. Of course, the myelopathy of the cervical department introduces negative corrections into it. Myelopathy of the neck is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • The appearance of severe pain in the neck, in the nape, between the shoulder blades;
  • there are spasms in the muscles;
  • they lose their hands;
  • involuntarily jerking upper limbs;
  • the skin of the hands and neck grow numb.

Therapy of myelopathy is required to be taken very seriously! If mindlessly refers to this disease, then the body will begin irreversible changes. There will be a complete atrophy of the spinal cord, paralyzing the limbs. And it will be almost impossible to restore their previous activities.

Acute protrusion of the disc

The protrusion of the spine of the cervical spine occurs after the infringement of the supply of nutrients to the intervertebral discs. If the power needed for normal operation is not present, then serious changes begin:

  • the structure of the nucleus is modified (the jelly-like state is highly compacted);
  • the fibrous membrane loses its elasticity;
  • the nucleus can not remain in a normal position;
  • the disc begins to shift, extending beyond the vertebrae;
  • depreciation worsens.

If the disc protrudes beyond the vertebrae even by one millimeter, then there can already be unpredictable consequences.

Perhaps, there will be a squeezing of roots of nerves, arteries of the spine, which will lead to inflammation, pain and blood circulation disorders.

The protrusion has symptoms that depend on how far the disc has protruded and on the degree of squeezing of the nerve roots:

  • mobility is limited;
  • pain in the cervical region;
  • spasms of the muscles of the neck;
  • a feeling of tingling;
  • weakness of muscle tissue in the arm;
  • numbness;
  • edema;
  • they hurt their hands, namely their muscles.


It is a congenital pathology characterized by an extension of the canal of the spinal cord. She hits his trunk and cervical section. Hydramia often accompanies hydrocephalus. The main cause of its appearance is a congenital anomaly of the canal.

Expansion of the canal of the spinal cord occurs, develops again after the influence of some pathological changes in the body.

Often, secondary hydramia develops due to the formation of excess fluid that occurs when the spinal cord or cerebellar tumor contracts.

The spinal canal in this disease is lined with ependyma, the canal borders are widened from the outside, inside the canal is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The development of hydromyelia often provokes thinning of the posterior columns of the spinal cord.

Sometimes, congenital malformation is accompanied by such diseases as lateral aperture 4 ventricles, atresia, middle and internal hydrocephalus.

Usually, hydromia flows without symptoms. Treat this disease only after determining the cause, which it provoked.

Completely it can be eliminated by surgical intervention.

At the thoracic level

Myelopathy at the level of the thoracic part appears very rarely, because, usually it causes the intervertebral hernia, affecting the disk of the thoracic spinal cord.In general, only 1% of the intervertebral hernias appear on this part of the spine.This is because of the special structure of the thoracic department.

Although, the treatment of it is also hampered by the specifics of the structure. He is treated most often by surgical intervention. Sometimes, the myelopathy of this department is mistaken for a tumor or for inflammation.

Thoracic myelopathy is common. It progresses in the thoracic spine. Usually her provocateur is a hernia in the lower part of the sternum or an abnormally narrow canal diameter in the spine. Especially dangerous if the constriction is in the place of blood supply.

Spinal cord infarction

An infarct can occur at different levels of the spinal cord.

Clinical picture determines the level of lesions and individual features of the blood supply, taking into account the localization of zones of adjacent blood supply.

If a person has arterial hypotension, then this ailment will appear in a site that is poorly supplied with blood.

It is usually caused by lesions of the arteries of the extavertebral. It is accompanied by such symptoms: sharp and strong pain syndrome in the back, decrease or even loss of sensitivity. Diagnosed with MRI. Treatment is most often symptomatic.

Discogenic radiculopathy

It is also called vertebral myelopathy. It is remarkable that it arises as one of the complications, which was provoked by the formation of intervertebral hernias.

It appears as a result of a long process of degeneration. There are hard disc hernias, which really are sprawling bone bodies of the vertebrae.

They strongly squeeze the dorsal arteries and spinal cord.

Sometimes, complications arise, and a hemorrhage in the spinal cord may begin.

Because the roots of the nerves are connected by tissues to the intra-abdominal organs, when they are squeezed, severe pains are felt.

They are similar to the pain syndrome during a spasm of the stomach, pancreas, liver and spleen.

To determine the cause of this discomfort, perform an unusual test. Change position, or sit directly on a chair, without feeling pain, turn your torso. If the cause is discogenic radiculopathy, then when you turn, you will feel pain.

Arteriovenous malformation

This is a very serious pathology of blood vessels. Often such vascular anomalies affect the body of young people.

Sometimes they are localized in the thoracic and cervical spine. An important symptom of the disease is severe headaches.

Concomitant are ringing in the ears, nausea, convulsions and vomiting.

Clearly the causes of the formation of vascular malformations of the spinal cord have not yet been clarified. It is suggested that disturbances in the vessels are an inherent problem, in the future, which progresses in this type of pathology.

At the level of the waist

This type of myelopathy is localized in the lumbar region and affects the spinal cord. Her syndromes and accompanying symptoms:

  1. When there is compression of the spinal cord between the first lumbar and the tenth thoracic vertebrae, the epiconus syndrome appears. It provokes pains of radicular nature in the lumbar region, near the hips and lower leg. Characterized by a slight weakness of the legs. At the same time, reflex abilities, such as achilles and plantar ones, decrease. The degradation of the sensitivity of the external posterior part of the foot and lower leg begins.
  2. When the compression is formed at the level of the 2nd lumbar vertebra, the cone syndrome begins to develop. Pain with it is not powerful, but there are irregularities in the functioning of the rectum and urogenital system. Sensitivity changes in the anogenital area. Bedsores can appear, and there is no anal reflex.
  3. When the compression of the 2nd disk and the lumbar spine, which are located lower than the vertebrae, progress, the horse tail syndrome develops. He is characterized by the strongest painful pain in the lower part of the body, they give in the limbs. There is a possibility of paralysis.

Vascular malformation

Pathology is the cause of hemorrhagic ischemic diseases. Venous hemangioma is a very common form of vascular malformation. It is accompanied by cramping pain, which increases when you lie. If there was a thrombosis of the vessels, then the symptomatology becomes worse.

In arteriovenous angiomas, the symptoms of the spinal cord disease take the form of slow compression of tissues in the tumor. When thrombosis occurs, acute soreness and motor and sensitive activity is disturbed. Treatment includes endovascular vascular methods of obliteration.

The processes of ischemia take precedence over hemorrhagic processes. In most cases, the vessels of the brain degrade. The clinical picture is interrelated with the compensatory possibilities of the blood flow. The lumbar and cervical parts suffer most often.

Arthritic diseases

Rheumatoid arthritis of the spine is a chronic inflammatory disease. It is characterized by a defeat of the connective tissue of the spine and causes damage to the spinal cord.

These diseases are characterized by two clinical forms. The first is a compression of the lumbar spinal cord or ankylosing spondylitis of the horse's tail.

The second - squeezing segments in the process of destruction of joints with rheumatoid arthritis.


Complications to the spinal cord, arise as a result of one of the elements of generalized joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis. This complication is often overlooked.


Any signs of illnesses do not have to be tolerated. If you notice any changes in your body, then consult a doctor.

It will help you not only to remove symptoms, but also to find out what's wrong with you for the disease.

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"Symptoms of spinal cord injury"

From this video, you will learn about the symptoms that speak of a lesion of the spinal cord.

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Diseases of the spinal cord

General issues. Despite the fact that spinal cord diseases in children are relatively rare, they should be recognized and treated as early as possible in order to avoid the development of persistent paraplegia and urinary incontinence.

The compression of the spinal cord is manifested by a characteristic clinical picture, varying depending on the localization of its damage.

It consists of local tension of the spine, pain and limitation of mobility, scoliosis, dysfunction the bladder, manifested at first by frequent and imperative urges, and then by its expansion and incontinence urine.

Often, the gait is disturbed; at first the child limps, later he develops paraplegia.

When involved in the process of the cervical segment develops tetraparesis, usually with muscular atrophy, areflexia and hypotension of the arm muscles and hyperreflexia and spasticity of the leg muscles.

At the level of damage, as a rule, paralysis and aref of lexia are noted, below it is spasticity. However, in acute cases, at all levels, flaccid paralysis develops as a result of a spinal "shock." The degree and nature of sensitivity disorders on the trunk is determined by the reaction to the prick and touch. Often, the actual level of damage is several segments above the upper level of sensitivity impairment.


Subacute or chronic dysfunction of the spinal cord is most often due to its tumor.


The most common types are gliomas, including astrocytoma and ependymoma, then the frequency follows neuroblastoma, one of the likely causes of compression of the spinal cord in an early child age.


With lymphoma, the compression of the spinal cord by tumor masses occurs from the side of the epidural space. Neurofibroma is often combined with a common neurofibromatosis.

To more rare tumors in children include teratomas, lipomas and cysts. Sometimes the compression of the spinal cord occurs with chronic hemolytic anemia as a result of hemopoiesis that has shifted to the extralateral space.

A thorough neurological examination of a child with unexplained lameness and bladder dysfunction is essential for the early diagnosis of a spinal cord tumor.

A great help is provided by the radiography of the spine; with slowly growing tumors in the lesion, the spinal canal is enlarged, the bones, especially the processes of the vertebrae, are eroded.

With tumors that represent a developmental defect, they detect defects in the vertebrae. In cases of obstruction of the spinal canal, CSF is characterized by xanthochromicity and high protein level.

To accurately localize the tumor, its extent and location outside the spinal canal or inside it, a myelography or magnetic resonance examination is necessary.

Tumors localized in the spinal canal are difficult to distinguish from syringomyelia, disease spinal cord of unknown etiology, accompanied by the formation of cavities in it, usually in the cervical department. Typical clinical signs include muscle atrophy and loss of pain sensitivity on the hands.

In most cases, urgent surgical intervention is indicated. When the spinal cord is compressed by lymphoma, local radiation therapy is the method of choice.


Trauma of the spinal cord. Most often, spinal cord injuries in children occur in labor during pelvic presentation of the fetus, during road accidents and during diving into water. Usually it is associated with a fracture or displacement of the vertebrae.


Displacement especially often occurs at the level of C__p in combination with a fracture of the tooth-shaped process, in the lower sciatic region and level TCh-Li. With a complete rupture of the spinal cord in the upper cervical region, death occurs immediately as a result of stopping respiration.


With less pronounced damage at this level, tetraplegia often develops with respiratory failure, and therefore artificial ventilation is required. It is very important that the child avoid movements. He is laid on a solid shield in a supine position.

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Transportation of the patient with damage to the cervical spine is useful, providing a weak neck extension. The total loss of function below the level of damage, lasting more than 24 hours, almost always irreversible.

In the hope of the slightest success, diagnostic surgical intervention must be performed in the first few hours.

Atlantoosevoe displacement. The displacement of the second cervical vertebra along the axis occurs outside of a clear connection with the trauma, especially when congenital malformations of the spine or such diseases of bones of a metabolic nature, as chondroids trophia.

At the patient thus head inclinations cause compression of a spinal cord. In the anamnesis there are indications of progressive weakness and gait disturbance.

The child develops spastic paresis of arms and legs, not accompanied by dysfunction of the cranial nerves.

This benign lesion must be distinguished from spastic cerebral palsy, leukodystrophy and demyelinating diseases. Treatment consists in stretching with subsequent immobilization of the cervical spine.

Abscess of epidural space

In the epidural space of the thoracic region pus accumulates behind the spinal cord. An abscess can develop acutely and, as a rule, is caused by a staphylococcal infection or subacute as a result of the spread of the process from the vertebral body to tuberculous osteomyelitis.

Abnormal soreness and tension are revealed above the abscess, which are revealed during percussion, the extensor rigidity of the spine.

Fast signs of dysfunction of the spinal cord, including paresis, dysfunction of the bladder and intestines, a violation of sensitivity on the skin of the trunk.


Symptoms of a systemic infection may be absent. Sometimes the diagnosis is established with spinal puncture, when pus enters the syringe under pressure even before the puncture of the dura mater.


Myelography is necessary to confirm the compression of the spinal cord.

In the abscess of spinal epidural space, an emergency neurosurgical intervention is required; immediate drainage of it prevents the development of persistent paraplegia.

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Spinal Cord: Types of Disease and Methods of Treatment

The spinal cord is the organ of the central nervous system, which participates in the formation of the reflex arc and the performance of other neurological functions.

The organ is located in the spinal canal of the spine, has a length of about 45 cm and a width of about 1 cm. From it, the roots of nerves leave.

Diseases of the spinal cord lead to disruption of the functions of this anatomical structure and the appearance of a pain syndrome of considerable severity.

The origin of the pathology may be different, but the symptomatic lesion is usually similar in all cases.

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Types and classification of diseases

Diseases of the considered group are classified mainly by the type of pathological process, which leads to damage to brain tissue. Distinguish the following varieties of pathology:

  • Vertical injuries of a traumatic nature;
  • Transverse myelopathy;
  • Purulent-inflammatory processes;
  • Tumor processes;
  • Infectious and radial myelopathy;
  • Vascular malformation;
  • Chronic paraparesis;
  • Combined degeneration.

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Vertical injuries are CM damage caused by compression of the spine (compression fractures).

In this case, compression of the nervous tissue occurs, its edema develops and functional malfunctions occur.

Damage at the level of the first cervical vertebra often leads to the death of the victim before the first medical aid is provided to him.

Transverse myelopathy

Myelopathy is a condition associated with the gradual atrophy of the spinal cord tissue that develops as a result of trophic disorders, toxic effects, dysmetabolic or ischemic events. An example of diseases leading to the appearance of myelopathy, can be tuberculosis, diabetes, osteomyelitis, oncological processes.

A purulent-inflammatory process

Among the purulent inflammatory processes include abscesses, arachnoiditis and other bacterial infections that occur in the zone of the spinal canal.

The disease leads to the appearance of severe symptoms, which in most cases is reversible and disappears completely after proper treatment.


Tumors can be located on the surface or inside the body, as well as in the epidural space.

The rate of appearance of signs of the disease depends on the rate of development of the neoplasm and the degree of sensitivity of the patient to pain.

Often, these diseases are incurable and lead to the death of the patient.

Infectious and radial myelopathy

Myelopathies of radiation origin often have iatrogenic character and develop after a course of radiotherapy, conducted for the treatment of oncological diseases.

Infectious disorders occur after the transmitted poliomyelitis, with the development of AIDS. The process is characterized by the appearance on the spinal cord of necrotic sites.

Vascular malformation

Vascular malformations occur when the vessels that feed the spine are affected (hemangioma, thrombosis, compression). Clinical manifestations of pathology are caused by ischemic events.

Chronic Paraparesis

Chronic paraparesis - a violation of the sensitivity of the limbs, caused by degenerative changes in the spinal cord. The disease develops as a consequence of stenosis of the spine, cervical spondylosis, transverse myelitis.

Combined degeneration

Combined degenerations of non-traumatic origin develop with a deficiency of vitamin B12. The essence of the disease is a complex lesion of the spinal cord.

Patients report a combination of ataxia, paraparesis and other pathological processes.

The disease develops gradually, so if the timely detection of the consequences of it can be completely eliminated.


Symptomocomplex, which occurs when the SM is affected, directly depends on which part of the organ the damage is located.

Thus, with lesions in the lower lumbar region, the patient is disrupted by the activity of the bladder, legs, anus, and large intestine.


If the lesion is located in the upper lumbar region or in the lower part of the thoracic region, the liver, stomach, gall bladder, small intestine, and kidneys are affected.


The spinal cord, damaged in the region of the upper humeral girdle, leads to heart failure, diaphragm, lungs. The neck department of the CM, innervating the hands, head and neck, causes violations in the work of these structures.

In addition to specific signs of damage to certain departments, the symptoms of the disease or damage to the spinal cord are as follows:

  1. Decreased muscle tone;
  2. Paresthesia;
  3. Paralysis, paresis;
  4. Decreased sensitivity in the focus of the disease located in the immediate vicinity of the spinal cord;
  5. Complete disappearance of sensitivity below the point of lesion of the spinal cord;
  6. Violation of trophic tissue;
  7. Painful sensations, with SM compression localized along the midline of the back, with compression or inflammation of the roots - in the zone innervated by them.

It is interesting that the symptoms of the affected structure appear on the side opposite the focus of the pathology. So, damage to the CM at the neck level to the right can cause monoparesis on the left and vice versa. This is because the roots of the spinal nerves are located crosswise.

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Diagnostic Methods

Diagnosis of neurological pathology is based primarily on visual examination and functional examination of the patient. In this case, the sensitivity of the skin, the motor functions of the limbs, is carefully studied, and the anamnesis is carefully collected.

An important diagnostic sign of damage to the spinal cord may be conditions that the patient himself does not considers related to CNS diseases and are embarrassed to report to the doctor (urinary incontinence, spontaneous defecation).

Therefore, the history should be carefully collected, taking into account the indirect signs of this or that pathology.

Of the apparatus techniques for diagnosing spinal cord diseases, radiographic methods of ultrasound and ultrasound are used.

With the help of ultrasound (dopplerography), a specialist can obtain data on the state of the vessels feeding the spinal cord and the speed of blood movement in them.

RG, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging allow you to visually determine the source of damage to the anatomical structure, its size and characteristics.

After collecting anamnesis and conducting hardware examinations, the patient is asked to fill out a special pain questionnaire, proposed by the professor Matveyev S.V. This document allows you to assess the patient's condition from his own point of view and compare it with the real pathology.

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Depending on the type of disease, the peculiarities of its course and the patient's condition, treatment can be conservative or operative.

In this case, operational techniques are more often used for mechanical damage to the body, as well as for tumors that do not affect the deep structure of the spinal cord.

Conservative therapy

Drug therapy of most diseases of the spinal cord is carried out as well as therapy of lesions of the spinal nerve trunks. The following pharmaceutical groups are used:

  • ganglion blockers (quateron, benzohexonium);
  • analgesics (ketorol, ketonal);
  • drugs that improve trophism of tissues (calcium pantothenate, multivitamins);
  • correctors of psychoemotional disorders (tizercin, haloperidol).

In addition to medicines, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures, including includes electrophoresis, radon baths, mud applications, massage in the absence of contraindications, UFO. Unprofitable oncological neoplasms require the appointment of radiation therapy and chemotherapeutic drugs.

Note: Recently, users of the World Wide Web have questions about the possibility of replacement blood transfusion for CM diseases. Therefore it is worth noting that with such a pathology as a spinal cord disease, the ZPK is not assigned. To the content of ↑


Surgical treatment is performed in those cases when conservative therapy is ineffective. First of all, the operative method restores the integrity of the organ in case of traumatic injuries.

The organ is put in place, sewed, after which the patient must adhere to a strict bed rest for a long time.

When removing tumors, the length of the patient's stay in bed is reduced, since most operative formations are located on the surface of the organ. Accordingly, the operation is less traumatic.

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Measures to prevent neurological diseases are primarily to prevent back injuries.

It is necessary to choose the correct mode of work and rest, avoid sports that can harm the body (weightlifting, acrobatics).

In addition to what has been said, it is recommended to regularly take multivitamin complexes to fill the vitamin deficiency and carry out activities, contributing to increased activity of the immune defense system: hardening, nutrition, morning exercises, prevention hypothermia. This will reduce the likelihood of tumor formation.

Diseases of the spinal cord are a serious pathology, the treatment of which can be performed only by a qualified specialist who is familiar with modern therapeutic and surgical techniques. Therefore, the use of folk remedies in this situation is unacceptable. At the first signs of illness, you should consult a doctor for examination and prescribing the necessary methods of therapy.

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