Very sore throat

The throat hurts very much, what to do or make?

Severe sore throat is one with frequent and common patient complaints. It can be sick for various reasons, but most often severe pain occurs due to a virus-respiratory infection. Of course, you should immediately go to a doctor who will write a course of treatment. If necessary, antibiotics and the necessary procedures. Each person in life at least once, but the throat was very sore, there was a strong burning sensation, discomfort, which led to the fact that a person could not swallow.

Feelings of pain can also occur when talking. Because a person needs to try as little as possible at this moment to talk, so as not to put his voice completely. If you contact a doctor on time, your problem will be resolved in just two days, he will see redness, swelling, a rash or plaque in the throat.

Before answering the question of what to do when the throat hurts, you need to figure out why it can hurt? The human body often gets a lot of viruses and bacteria, they can develop in damp air, in food. If you have pain, it means that the virus or bacterium has become a causative agent in your throat.

instagram viewer

If the pain in the throat is of an infectious nature, other symptoms are added to it:
1. The temperature rises, there is a fever, a strong sweating.
2. The disease is accompanied by chills.
3. In some diseases, a skin rash occurs.
4. Very severe headache.
5. Coryza.
6. Weakness.
7. Man loses his appetite.
8. There is a cough.

A common cause of sore throat is a virus-respiratory infection, the inflammation develops gradually, and painful acuity develops. What diseases cause a sore throat?
1. Flu.

2. ARVI.
3. Chickenpox.
4. Measles.
5. Mononucleosis.

If the sore throat is caused by bacteria, it immediately begins in a very strong and acute form. Most of the throat disease appears due to bacteria and streptococcus. But the reason can be found out only by the doctor, after the spent analyzes, one of them is considered a smear from fauces.

The throat hurts very much, what to do or make? The first thing is to see a doctor. In cases where the pain is not accompanied by fever, and there are no complex symptoms, you can try to cure the sore throat with the help of home remedies. To do this, you need to drink warm water, constantly rinse with this solution: a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of soda and 5 drops of iodine.

If after that the pain for two days you did not pass, immediately go to the hospital. It is impossible to engage in amateur activity, because some medications can only exacerbate the situation, there will be an edema of the larynx, and this is very dangerous for your life.

Do not try to use antibiotics without prescribing a doctor. For example, if you have pharyngitis or a common cold, antibiotics are not appropriate here, they will only weaken your immune system and will not help. In cases of tonsillitis, it is urgent to start taking antibiotics, it will not go away.

It is also tedious to remember that a viral infection can activate some bacteria, then special antibacterial drugs must be used. Only a doctor can see the true cause of the illness in the patient, he will diagnose you and help you choose an effective treatment package for you.

Often in medical practice there are cases when the pain in the throat is a sign of very different diseases, then you need to first cure a certain system in the body and all the pain will pass away.

When is it urgent to see a doctor?
1. If severe pain lasts more than two days, and you treat it.
2. The pain is very strong, it's hard for you to swallow, open your mouth.
3. There was an incomprehensible rash on the skin.
4. A few days keeps the heat.

Having determined the cause of the pain, and where it occurs on the back wall of the pharynx, tonsils, the doctor will diagnose pharyngitis, sore throat or laryngitis. But remember, with angina, there is always a high temperature, because you already need to navigate and for this.

Universal means that are suitable in any situation, can help reduce severe sore throat are such:

1. Gargle (more than six times a day) tincture of calendula (a glass of water + 6 drops of tincture), soda, a solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile broth, peroxide. Very good solution of furatsilina (one tablet needs to dissolve in a glass of water). These drugs give a good antiseptic effect, but we must not forget to alternate them.

2. Absorbing medicinal candy can also help you with the pain. For example - Faryngosept, Septotelet.

3. The ideal option is inhalation with the help of mineral water, herbs and soda.

4. The main rule, as much as possible to drink warm drink, the more you drink, the faster the infection and inflammation from the body.

5. With sore throat it is recommended to use throat lubrication with Lugol solution or green.

But still do not pull the visit to the doctor. So, the problem with severe sore throat will be solved much faster and easier!

Help!!! A terrible throat! painful to swallow and talk!! Advise ways of treatment in the house. conditions. Thank you in advance!



Than to treat a throat, if laziness to go to a drugstore?

There are a lot of ways and each of them is good in its own way. Surprisingly the opponents of traditional medicine, almost all of them help, it remains only to choose which one you prefer. Therefore, so that you do not get confused in the Internet, I offer you a list of the best ways to treat a sore throat at home.
From own experience:

Method 1. "With me" Pour milk into the glass, add a teaspoon of honey and a small slice of butter. The glass is placed in a microwave, heated to heat the milk and the butter to melt. Stir until the honey dissolves, and then drink necessarily through the tube with small sips

Method 2. "Pop" An abundant drink of hot tea with honey and lemon. Honey can be replaced with raspberry jam.

Method 3 "Basque rests" As soon as you feel that you start to ache a bit - sing, better note Sol. Loudly sing, do not be shy. And do not be surprised, this is a very effective way, singing enhances the circulation of the pharynx and larynx, and hence the immune cells resorts more to the place of recovery.

Method 4. "The warmest" This procedure is best done at night. We need a bag for breakfast ), a long woolen scarf, cotton wool and vodka. We make a compress. We put a sachet on the scarf, top the cotton wool and water the vat with vodka. Then we apply this design to the front surface of the neck and reel, and winding along with the ears, that is, one turn must be made from the chin to the nape. Personally, I still stuff a cotton wool in my ears, slightly moistened with a tincture of propolis, so my ears usually begin to ache with my throat. In the morning you wake up usually healthy and happy =))).

Method 5. "Well, of course rinses! "Rinse your throat, almost anything. Saline solutions, soda, onion tea, all sorts of folk tinctures such as calendula, even garlic heard. In general, than you want, within reason

Method 6. "Babushkin" This method is most likely used after the hypothermia occurred and you are afraid of getting sick. My grandmother and I used to do this with my brother, after every winter walk. Take the knitted (better grandmother and better loved one color) woolen socks, there is filled with ground mustard (you can tear the packet with a mustard plaster) and pour it right into sock. The sock is also put on the bed for the night.

Method 7. "Mr. Potato" Boil the potatoes in a peel, pre-wash well. Then we take a big towel and how in a tent in it we breathe a mouth with potato steams. Children like much more than gargling.
The Earth rumors are full of (she did not try):

1. Rinse your throat with a warm beer.

2. Leaf the cabbage to the throat and wrap it in a scarf, overnight.

3. Put under the tongue of honey, a teaspoon, and do not swallow, but let it resolve.

4. Hot water + salt + 2-4 drops of iodine, and rinse.

5. Rinse several times with a throat with vodka or cognac, preferably swallowed. And, if there is a lemon at home - eat them.

6. Make green tea with honey + half a lemon + garlic. Lemon practically kills the smell of garlic.

7. Feet in the pelvis with water temperature of 38 degrees, for 10-15 minutes. Then grind the contents of the pelvis of the lower leg, feet. Dry your feet with a towel.

8. If you are too lazy to go to the pharmacy, then in principle you can not go out for a few days. And if so, then make yourself comfortable, turn on comedies and get pleasure. And you will not notice how you will recover.


Brush the throat with kerosene. It's disgusting, but the effect is 100 %%.

Vrednoe Solnyshko

Tie a warm scarf around your throat.
Maybe it's a laryngologist with a cold.
Plus do not interfere with teas on herbs

Uncle Misha!

two tablets fursilina dissolve in warm boiling water, place and gargle 3 times a day!
after it is advisable not to smoke, drink, eat.


Has she caught a cold? Poor thing... Tie a scarf. Drink plenty, hot tea with lemon and honey, legs in warm toes, sweater and under blankets

Crozensius Fabian

Eat pills, honey and tea with lemon. Proven! The result is 99% !!)))

Vladimir Kopelev

The American method is much tastier and more effective. Drink ice cola (or any other soda water). Ice will slow down the growth of bacteria, and soda water will wash them off. Checked. The result in a couple of hours.

Miroslav Alexandrovich

Warm beer (though, it is disgusting) but the result is at what soon.

Dina Erbit

Gargle with lemon juice and honey, honey must be previously dissolved in lemon juice, then as long as possible, with head thrown back, hold the mixture in the throat.


Volodya, but you will not die after such a rinse with kerosene, hrypnash so all remember how called hehe

Aalbert Sakov

Buy either Hecoral or strepsils plus with Lidocaine! Then take a steel spatula in the drugstore and move the bow of the tonsils. The tonsils are in the recesses between the anterior and posterior palatines, if there are Traffic white and, stinky, it's tonsillitis. To the doctor nor che for a long time does not help.. I know all about it.

Mila Krokova

What kind of kerosene? We live in the 21st century. The pharmacy is full of all sorts of sprays, pills and other things. I take Tonzilotren tablets with the first symptoms of tonsillitis. Assigned a good homeopath. Help to remove pain in a short time. In a complex with a rinse of a throat sea water I act even faster.


rinse the soda + salt

Naila Galieva

I could not swallow, I can not speak, I could not be treated as best I could. I went to Laura. The doctor said not a cold, but cervical osteochondrosis for massage. My throat still hurts.

Matvey Doroshevich

insane you dolban, he said to cover and do not rinse the idiot

Oleg Bocharnikov

Strepsils buy!!! It works very well.


Gramidin with antiseptic helps me with a sore throat

Kristina Isaeva

To the doctor!

Severely sore throat, painful swallowing and talking: proper treatment

Each person throughout his life encountered discomfort in the throat. Some experience such problems only occasionally, others quite regularly. And they often begin in different ways. There may be perspiration, hoarseness, general malaise. And in some cases the mucous membrane immediately becomes inflamed. Despite the different manifestations of the symptomatology, all the pathologies are united by a common problem: the throat is sore, it is painful to swallow and talk. Even a drop of water can provoke serious pain and become a real test for the patient. How to get rid of painful discomfort?

The main causes of discomfort

Patients who have a sore throat, painful swallowing and talking, it is necessary to take extremely careful attention to such anxious signs. Since even minor, at first glance, symptoms can lead to the development of unpleasant diseases in the future.

Sore throat sometimes signals not only a cold. Sometimes it indicates the development in the body of a bacterial infection or an allergic reaction. Of course, each pathology needs individual adequate treatment. To pick up it is possible, only having found out, why the throat strongly hurts.

The main causes of discomfort are:

  1. Viruses. The patient may have fever. Often there is a runny nose. This symptomatology is sometimes accompanied by inflammation of the mucosa. The mouth feels dry. The patient experiences acute burning sensation near the larynx. Such sensations are greatly enhanced during swallowing. Periodically they are capable of giving into the head. Diseases can be triggered by respiratory viruses. But sometimes pathologies occur against a background of more serious causes. To cause sore throat viruses of measles, chicken pox, influenza, infectious mononucleosis. It is very important not to allow the aggravation of the disease and the development of its complications.
  2. Allergy. Pathology can provoke inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. As a result of skin irritation, the patient experiences pain during swallowing. This is a rather dangerous pathology. Because an allergic attack can cause serious negative consequences. In this case, specialists are required.
  3. Angina. Tonsillitis is a disease that always causes severe pain in the throat. Especially increases discomfort during swallowing. To recognize pathology it is possible and for a number of other symptoms that accompany angina, it is inflammation of the tonsils, swelling in the throat. In addition, often the patient feels a lump in the throat, which makes it difficult to drink water, swallow food.
  4. Foreign body.Quite by chance, a person can swallow a foreign object, and sometimes a piece of food that provokes throat irritation. In this case, the pain intensifies with every minute. The foreign body scratches the shell of the throat, causing the patient extremely unpleasant sensations.
  5. Cold. This pathology is often accompanied by a cough and fever, a runny nose. Sometimes a common cold causes unbearable pain while swallowing. In this case, you need to use special drugs that can reduce discomfort.

This is not the only reason why the throat is very sore. Sometimes discomfort can be provoked:

  • bacterial diseases - influenza, pharyngitis;
  • dry air;
  • contamination or irritants;
  • muscular tension (after the speech);
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • a tumor;
  • HIV infections.

When self-treatment is unacceptable?

Insidious bacteria and viruses, if not on time to take action against them, are able to affect any human system. Infection that spreads into the lungs can provoke pneumonia, and if it reaches the brain it can cause meningitis. When lowering it into the kidneys, the patient may develop pyelonephritis.

But, unfortunately, most people postpone the visit to the doctor. If the throat is badly sore, it is painful to swallow and talk, patients often make attempts at self-treatment. However, there are certain signs accompanying discomfort during swallowing, which indicates the need for medical intervention.

As soon as possible, consult a doctor if the sore throat is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • weight loss;
  • severe dizziness;
  • occurrence on a skin of a rash of red color;
  • increased lymph nodes;
  • increased heart rate;
  • labored breathing;
  • joint pain;
  • the appearance of blood veins in saliva and sputum;
  • education on tonsils whitish plaque;
  • temperature exceeding 3 degrees;
  • ear pain;
  • swelling in the throat and on the neck;
  • painful discomfort, dividing more than 1 week.

Pregnant women who have a sore throat, painful swallowing and talking, must definitely see a doctor. This recommendation is also relevant for those people who once were treated for rheumatism.

Where should we start?

People who have a sore throat when swallowing can significantly reduce discomfort if they listen to the recommendations of doctors:

  1. Try to minimize motor activity and mental stress. It is advisable for a while to completely disconnect from home, work problems. In this case, the body will direct all its resources to fight the disease. Consequently, recovery will come quickly enough. But in a furious modern pace, few people follow this advice. If the sore throat arose as a result of a cold, many prefer unpleasant symptoms to relieve symptomatic means. The danger of this approach to treatment is that often symptomatic preparations for cold contain phenylephrine - a substance that increases blood pressure and causes the heart to work for wear. In order to avoid complications of colds, you need to choose medicines without components of this kind. For example, "Antigrippin" (better from "Natur-product") is a preparation for cold without phenylephrine, which eliminates unpleasant symptoms of ARVI, without provoking an increase in pressure and without harming the cardiac muscle.
  2. Smoking with severe discomfort in the throat is not the best solution. Say goodbye to your bad habit at least for the period of treatment.
  3. Be sure to rinse your throat. For these purposes, you can buy in the pharmacy special compounds or use folk remedies. This procedure should be repeated more often. Rinse will calm the mucous membrane, in addition, eliminate the microbes. Severe pain will gradually subside.
  4. With discomfort in the throat, it is recommended to talk less. It is best to remain silent during an illness. This will give the necessary rest to the vocal cords.
  5. Very warm neutral drinks are very useful. You can eat mors, water, juice, tea, mineral water (still), herbal decoctions. These drinks will fill the lack of fluid in the body and soften the dry throat. The recommended norm is 8-10 glasses.
  6. In case of severe pain, the doctor will prescribe pain medication for use.
  7. Your throat needs warmth. Therefore, tie the neck with a warm scarf. Such manipulation will warm your throat and significantly reduce pain.
  8. Moisten the air. The procedure can be performed by any available methods. It is useful to use a humidifier. If it does not exist, you can put a container of water in the room or hang wet sheets and towels. Remember, dry air for the throat is extremely damaging.

Symptoms of pharyngitis

This pathology often occurs in the case of viral respiratory tract infection. The patient feels that he has a runny nose and has a sore throat. This may slightly increase the body temperature (3, - 3, degrees). Discomfort in the throat has the character of perspiration, tingling. Especially it intensifies during the swallowing of saliva.

Fighting the Disease

Do not forget, if pharyngitis is very sore throat, than to treat this disease, the doctor will tell. Often, therapy is based on the following recommendations:

  1. Application of antiseptic drugs.They are used for irrigation of the throat, rinsing. Positive effect will provide resorption in the mouth of a lozenge, a tablet. You can use natural remedies: tinctures and decoctions of marigold, oak bark, sage. No less useful are synthetic preparations: "Furacilin "Miramistin "Dioxydin "Chlorhexidine". A favorable result will be provided by combined medicines, such as Strepsils. It is recommended to apply these funds up to 10 times a day.
  2. Inhalation. For their carrying out you can use oil of cedar, eucalyptus, grapefruit, lavender, tea tree.
  3. Preparations for pain relief.If the patient experiences severe discomfort, it is recommended to use medicines combining antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic components. Excellent agents of such drugs are preparations "Strepfen "Tantum Verde".
  4. Antibacterial preparations.Drugs from this group can be prescribed only by a doctor in case of bacterial infection. Often used medicines for irrigation of the pharynx: "Framitcetin "Bioparox".
  5. Complex preparations.They enter into therapy only at the expressed symptomatology of an intoxication - the temperature is raised, the throat and a head hurts strongly, the general delicacy, sensation of a dyscomfort in eyeballs is observed. To alleviate this condition, drugs "Coldrex "Maxgripp".

Signs of sore throat

Acute infectious pathology is caused by bacteria - streptococci, staphylococci, and sometimes other microorganisms. Severe intoxication, inflammation of the tonsils - the classic signs that accompany the sore throat. Severely sore throat, hyperthermia, weakness, weakness - these are the most common complaints of such patients. There may be discomfort in the joints, lower back. Often with angina headache. A person experiences a feeling of dryness in the mouth.

At the same time, many patients feel how badly the throat and ear ache. Unfortunately, in this case we are talking about the spread of the pathological process in the body. Self-medication here is completely unacceptable, because the infectious and inflammatory process can also affect the brain.

Treatment of sore throats

This requires radical therapies. After all, the area of ​​the tonsils is very sore, the throat is red, besides, a white coating has formed in it. With this symptomatology the doctor will recommend the following treatment:

  1. Effective and safe means "Lugol".It is used to lubricate or irrigate the glands. This medicine is an excellent remedy if your throat is very sore. Red, covered with abscesses, it is cured in just a few days. Similar procedures are recommended to be repeated about 3-4 times a day. After treating the surface of the throat, you can not drink anything and eat for an hour.
  2. Rinsing. This procedure with angina is mandatory. You can use tinctures of chamomile, eucalyptus, propolis or a solution of salt and soda. Such an event should be repeated every, hour.
  3. Pastilles, lollipops.It is useful to calm the sore throat with drugs "Tharyngept "Antiangin "Stopangin "Tantum Verde "Hexoral".
  4. Antibiotics. They are almost always included in the treatment regimen for angina. An effective medicine can be prescribed only by a doctor. Often, antibiotics "Ampicillin "Cephalexin "Extensillin "Amoxicilin" are used.

Symptoms of laryngitis

This pathology characterizes the inflammation of the larynx. With laryngitis the patient is usually harassed by two symptoms - a sore throat and cough, dry enough, barking. Breathing in the disease is wheezing, very difficult. The voice becomes hoarse, can become extremely rude or completely disappear.

Sometimes laryngitis is accompanied by a low fever, a headache. In the throat, dryness, perspiration is felt. Almost always there is pain when swallowing.

Therapy with laryngitis

With laryngitis, very often the throat is very sore. Than to treat an illness? In most cases, the therapy is based on the following recommendations:

  1. Voice mode. Silence is best.
  2. Humidification of air.
  3. Abundant drink (preferably herbal teas from chamomile, thyme, sage, lemon balm).
  4. Hot foot baths. They can reduce the puffiness of the larynx.
  5. Rinses. It is recommended not less than 5-7 times a day to use solutions of sea salt, soda, herbal decoctions.
  6. Inhalations. They can be carried out directly over the pan, covered with a towel. For the procedure, use mineral water "Essentuki "Borjomi herbal decoctions, a few drops of essential oils.

Features of treating babies

Redness of the throat in the child is the first signal about the inflammatory process in the child's body. Most often, such a clinic is observed in bacterial and viral pathologies. In such cases, the pediatrician will appoint crumbs, along with irrigation and rinsing, certain antibiotics or antiviral drugs.

However, if the child has a sore throat, the reasons for this symptomatology are not always found in viral or bacterial diseases. Sometimes this sign can be a harbinger of quite dangerous diseases. Do not forget that the throat can blush with a variety of childhood diseases, such as measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria.

That is why it is not recommended to treat the child on their own. It is best to contact the doctors and get qualified timely help.

Effective rinsing: salt, soda, iodine

It is extremely important to start treatment in time. In this case, the main place in therapy for any pathology, accompanied by a sore throat, is rinsed. This is not surprising, because this procedure significantly reduces pain, eliminates inflammation, promotes recovery. Consider if your throat hurts rather than rinse it.

There are many excellent recipes to get the desired result. Below are some of them.

Salt, soda, iodine - this solution is considered the best disinfectant and anesthetic. It improves sputum evacuation. That is why this solution is recommended as the first remedy for sore throat.

For the production you need purified or warm boiled water. In a large cup of liquid, add half a teaspoon of salt and soda. Increase the effectiveness of this tool allows iodine. This component should be added 5 drops. It perfectly eliminates any inflammatory processes and helps to relieve pain.

This product rinses at least 6 times a day.

Herbal infusions

Very effectively used phytotherapy for those patients who have a sore throat. Folk remedies, including medicinal herbs, allow you to fight infection, colds. They perfectly eliminate the pain.

For broth it is recommended to take chamomile, plantain, sage, elderberry, eucalyptus, calendula. A collection of several herbs is quite effective.

If you use one herb for broth - it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon to a glass of boiling water. When using several components at once, you need to take a teaspoonful of each. The product should be infused for 10 minutes.

The sore throat should be rinsed with the received herbal decoction at least 4 times a day. If the discomfort is accompanied by a strong hoarseness and a dry cough, then a spoonful of honey should be added to this remedy.

Rinse with tea

This drink cleanses, tones well, anesthetizes the throat. For rinsing, you will need ordinary tea (you can use both green and black), brewed in a kettle. To enhance the effectiveness of this tool, it is recommended to add one spoonful of salt. The resulting solution should be carefully rinsed throat.

When intoxication is recommended to use a drink with raspberry leaves. Such tea allows you to excrete toxins from the body perfectly. To make this solution, you need dry raspberry leaves in the amount of 2 teaspoons. They should be filled with one glass of boiling water. After infusion (about 10 minutes), the product is filtered. Cold tea is recommended to gargle every 2-3 hours.

Tea with blueberries is very useful. This drink is enriched with tannins, which contribute to the elimination of the inflammatory process. It is necessary to pour dried berries of blueberries (, glasses) with water (2 glasses). Such ingredients should be cooked on low heat for about half an hour. After filtering and cooling, the product is ready to rinse. During the procedure, it is recommended to hold the liquid for 30 seconds in the throat. This will make rinsing as effective as possible.

Warm drinking

In addition to rinsing, it is recommended to drink medicinal drink. Achieve the perfect result and significantly reduce the pain in the throat allows the next drink.

Preheat one glass of milk. To a warm liquid, add a small piece of butter (1 h. spoon) and as much lime honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

The product should be taken in small sips. In doing so, it must necessarily be warm.

Excellent helps to soften and anesthetize the throat of warmed beer or wine. Such recipes were used by people from ancient times for colds.

Very sore throat, painful to swallow ((Than it rinse at home If medication is not (



To start without iodine. And it is better to salt))))
If the calendula is alcoholic, then 10 drops per 100 ml of water


Drink hot milk with a slice of butter (butter to put when heated in milk), two to three glasses of milk and your throat will be as fresh as new.
P.S. Milk I do not like, but when it hurts my throat I grumble like a medicine, because it really helps.


On a glass of very warm water add a teaspoon of soda. Rinse every hour

Tatyana ***

On a glass of warm boiled water:
1t spoon of salt
1h spoon of soda
5 drops of iodine.
Mix, rinse once a day.


You know everything yourself. Take warm water, stir in it salt, soda and add a few drops of iodine. And calendula, too, add a few drops of warm water. You can also eucalyptus on the same recipe.


You need to drink plenty of warm water, chicken soup can be chilled.


There is a simple tool that has been used in Russia since ancient times, and perhaps in other countries. This remedy is a thirty percent solution of citric acid for mouth rinsing.
To do this, the head should be thrown back and exhaled, so that the solution bubbles in the throat. Rinse every hour during the day. The solution perfectly helps with any diseases of the throat in their initial stage.
In the absence of such a solution, you can take two or three slices of lemon, after peeling off the skin, and one by one to keep in your mouth, trying to keep them near the throat. Slices should be sucked, and then swallowed. So you have to act every hour until you feel relieved. But if the disease is not captured at the beginning, the lemon is already useless and we must use citric acid


You can iodine + soda in a glass of warm water!!! But I have frequent angina, so I'm saving this: 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and rinse every 30 minutes! Muck, but bearable! I cure an angina in 2 days!!! Good luck and be healthy!


You can iodine 3-5 drops + soda and salt in a glass of warm water
and grease with kerosene
so too they treated


about the salt with the Ida already said, but as a professional for angina I advise you to rinse properly: do not dial the solution into your mouth and boil them there! it is necessary to wash off everything from the throat - almost swallow, stop, spit out and so on a glass EVERY HOUR OF THE HOUR!!! by the evening must pass


half a teaspoon of soda, a half teaspoon of salt - dissolve in very warm water.

The throat hurts very much. It's impossible to sleep! The saliva to swallow is very painful already 3 day. Help or assist than can: (



Angina is an infectious disease in which palatine tonsils are affected.
Traditional methods of treatment: In the first days of the disease you must always observe bed rest. You need a lot of drinking, gargling. With severe inflammation, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Mix the carrot juice diluted with water, with 1 tablespoon of honey. Gargle.
2) In 1 glass of fresh carrot juice add 2-3 cloves of grated garlic and drink 40 minutes before eating 2 times a day for 2-3 days. At the same time, you should observe bed rest, even after the temperature is normal.
3) Mix the onion, mashed into a gruel, in the ratio: with honey. Take onions honey mixture for 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes before meals. The mixture will be more effective if you use onion juice instead of gruel.
4) Mix 1 cup of cranberry juice with 3 tablespoons of honey and gargle. After each rinse, drink 2 tablespoons of this mixture.
5) Grind 500gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook over low heat in 1L. water for 3 hours. Then cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
6) Cut into small cubes a black radish and put in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day and at night before going to bed.
7) Wipe through a sieve ripe bananas and put them in a pan with hot water, at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 cup of boiled water with sugar, warm and drink this mixture.
8) Pour 2 tablespoons of dry crushed herb St. John's wort 1 cup of boiling water. Keep in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool to room temperature and strain. Gargle.
9) Pour 1 tablespoon chamomile flowers into a pharmacy 1 cup boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes and strain. Apply in the form of rinses, lotions and compresses with angina. Simultaneously, take the infusion inside as a chamomile tea with honey and lemon several times a day.
10) Razdrobit branches of birch together with the kidneys, pour boiling water and insist for 1 hour. Take 1-2 glasses a day inside.
11) Pour in equal parts grass celandine and herbs chamomile, a glass of boiling water, insist and strain. Rinse with this infusion of the throat.
12) Dry figs boil in milk: 4-6 pieces for 1 glass of milk. Milk to drink and eat figs before bedtime.
13) Prepare a decoction of leaves and stems of raspberries, let them brew and strain. Decoction to drink before going to bed, beware of drafts. You can add honey to the broth.
14) With a sore throat, gargle with a 30% solution of citric acid. Rinse every hour during the day.
15) In case of sore throat, it is recommended to chew raw lemon, especially its yellow zest. After that, the hour is nothing, allowing essential oils and citric acid to affect the mucous membrane of the throat.
16) With tonsillitis, compress from cottage cheese is good. Usually cold curds are spread on a handkerchief and wrap the neck for 1-2 hours.
17) Lubricate the tonsils with alcohol or oil infusion of propolis.
18) The simplest inhaler: prepare a bandage or gauze in size 10 to 40 cm. Grate a few cloves of garlic on the grater and grease the entire surface of the bandage with gruel. Then quickly lower the bandage to the bottom of the empty kettle and close the lid. Take the tip of the teapot into your mouth and, with your fingers nostrils, slowly inhale the mouth with garlic flavor. Exhales through the nose, into the kettle, the exhaled air should not fall.
19) Pour 1 tablespoon of herbs calendula officinalis 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes and drain. Rinse with this infusion of the throat.
20) Pour 2 tablespoons of blackberry leaves, l. boiling water and insist for 1 hour. Drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day before meals.


Have you ever been ill? Rinse your throat. Call the doctor

Faster. Higher. Worse

cook potatoes_ cover with a blanket and get a hot steam. .
lemon, honey, raspberry vine is all with hot tea for the night ..


Look in the mirror of your throat... if there is no sore throat, e. only redness, rinse, various of pharmacy sprays (say with eucalyptus), with angina other.

Sofiya Skobelev's

Do you have no doctors at all or are they basically not treating you? There are ulcers? If so, then ang. We need an antibiotic. Azithromycin. 1 tablet 3 days. There will be a week. It's better to be on the 2nd day. If there are no abscesses, then rinse often.


Rinse your throat up to 6 times a day with a solution - 1 tsp. salt + 1 hour. l. Soda to a glass of hot water + 5 drops of 5% iodine
Be healthy !


In the Internet, read about the yoga "pose of a lion." Do exercises, pain retreats. Do not exclude other procedures.

In ..

If good aerosols for injecting into the throat with local antibiotics, there is an analgesic effect.. but the best remedy is milk hot with honey and butter.. only after the honey to leave the house is not recommended.. compresses alcoholic on the neck area.. remember what in childhood you were treated by your mother when your throat hurt.


antibiotic azithromycin, 3 days on a pill, pain and inflammation of ibuklin tablets, well relieve pain, absorbing tablets hexoral, or a spray with the same name

How to cure, if the throat is very sore (impossible to swallow) and it hurts very much under the knees



Do not practice self-treatment and go to the doctor :) Perhaps you need to drink a course of antibiotics.

anna blunt

smear lugol though it is disgusting and treat angina


Symptoms are similar to FLU! To dohtoru, pliz ...


Gargle often. can be in an hour or two. Soda. salt (2-3 drops)

Lenusjka Lenusjkina

from pains in the throat, gloss, ntibiotics spra, the doctor must write out that you are more suited, oli under the knees, then also to the doctor, there may be different reasons


nashet gorla ...
Legkiy sposob eto na stakan soli polozhit okolo lozhki soli (bol'she polozhesh, luchshe budet) i takzhe mozhno lozhku sodi pitevoy (chaynuu lozhku). i potom poloskay gorlo. Delay skol'ko hochesh raz v den '. Mne pomoglo.

Ekaterina Anashkina

If it hurts so much, it can be from a folicular sore throat to an abscess of the throat. Do not risk, go to the doctor.

Dmitry Elizarov

In such cases, only biseptol helps me... 2 tablets at once with a lot of water.. .
But biseptol is an antibiotic, so decide for yourself ...

Marina Toropchina

For the throat is the best - inhalation (breathe over hot potatoes), under the knees pain removes the cream "SOFIA" for the feet, tested by many

Friend of human

Consider that the doctor is already here. If the disease began acutely, it proceeds with a high temperature and intoxication, and pain when swallowing accompanied by an enlargement and reddening of one or both tonsils, this is most likely an infectious angina. Treatment, in the first place, includes antibiotics: ampicillin, (500 mg) 4 times a day, or flemoxin-solutab in the same dosage 3 times a day. Recollect, whether is not present at you an allergy on penicillins (all preparations concern to the given group). If so, you can use erythromycin 500 mg 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days or 3 days after the temperature normalization. Other methods of treatment are auxiliary. To the doctor to address nevertheless it is necessary, since. you probably have pain and joints, and this can be one of the complications of angina. A month later, there may also be inflammation of the heart muscle or kidneys, so now and after 30 days it is necessary to do: a general analysis of blood, urine, ECG. If necessary, and other studies (blood biochemistry, ultrasound of the heart and kidneys). Get well. Good luck.

Dmitriy ***************

We must drink Ursul and Detox. To do this, open the capsules and pour the contents into a glass with warm water. Add a teaspoon of honey and drink. Take it every 2 hours.
Dmitry Vladimirovich

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