Can I put mustard plaque on coughing

Can I put mustard plaque on cough?



Recipe N3. Inhalations with validol: stretch 1 tablet of validol, 7 drops of iodine, 1 hour. l. drinking soda. Boil 2 cups of water, pour in all the ingredients, stir. Pour hot mixture into teapot or inhaler. Breathe through the tip of the kettle with steam in the tech. 10 min. before bedtime. In 3 days even the most persistent cough will pass.
Recipe N4. Stewards of mashed potatoes: boil potatoes in a peel, peel, mash. Breast and back cover the paper and put a potato on it. Close the top with cellophane, wrap it. Keep until it cools.
Recipe N5. Infusion of raw onions: raw onion finely chopped and pour a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. To drink in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before a dream on a half-glass.
Recipe N8. Jam from the leaf of aloe: cut the leaves, carefully wash them, cut off the edge, weigh for every 400 gr. leaves add 400 gr. Sahara. A few leaves to pass through the meat grinder, put everything in a salad bowl, fall asleep overnight with sugar. Next day for every 400 gr. leaves add 4-6 glasses of water, cook like jam, strain and if possible wipe through a sieve (pure metal). Cool, put into half-liter jars, store as jam. Take 3 times a day on a teaspoon as from a simple cough and whooping cough, and at consumption, because aloe heals the wounds and even caverns in the lungs.

instagram viewer

Recipe N10. Pine honey: 1 part of the washed freshly picked pine kidneys, pour 2 parts of water. Blend the mixture on low heat in a closed enamel bowl 45-60 minutes. Decoction to filter. When stored, it is candied. Take 1 tbsp. l. with milk or tea with cough, diseases of the oropharynx.
Recipe N11. Setochka of iodine: take a cotton swab, moisten with alcohol tincture of iodine, draw on the patient's chest "mesh", each line is drawn at a distance of 1.5-2 cm.
Recipe N12. Lemon with glycerin: with chronic chronic cough - 1 lemon simmer for 10 minutes. When it becomes soft, squeeze the juice into a glass, add 2 tablespoons of purified glycerin (buy in a pharmacy) and carefully stir, then top up the melted and liquid honey - to a full glass.
If the cough is harsh, then take a mixture of 1 teaspoon per day. When a cough worries at night - 1 teaspoon per night and one more - at night. With a strong cough - 1 teaspoon in the morning, before dinner, after dinner and at night. With the weakening of cough, the number of receptions is reduced. Keep the mixture is not in the refrigerator, but simply in a cool place, shake before use.
Recipe N13. Beverage from burnt sugar: 1-2 tbsp. Spoons of sugar-sand put in a bowl of stainless steel, put on a small fire and slowly melt the sugar on fire, as for caramel. The color of the melted sugar should be from dark yellow to brown. Sugar should not burn and smoke! Melt sugar pour cold boiled water at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar for 1-2 glasses of water. Give the patient to drink a solution half a cup every time he starts coughing. Cough passes after such drinking for at least an hour.

Gennady Serpik

mustard - thermal procedure, can be used if the temperature is not higher than 37. Get well.

Sergey Petrov



if there is no temperature.. it is possible)


if there is no temperature stew


the main thing that would be the temperature nebylo


If there is no allergy to the hills, there is no damage to the skin, you can. Better the banks. But with no temperature.

Elena bandrikova

not necessary


I asked my mother, she says you can


Yes, but not at temperature

Personal Cabinet Removed

No! Only with diarrhea.


Necessary! Only if the temperature is small

Julia @ Julia

Only if there is no temperature!

lera lera

even need ..

tanya mosquito

Mukaltin cheap pills, but effective, are worth 2 or 3 packs, 4 tablespoons of warm water. And the scrapers can be staked, if the heart is working without rejection.

Where and how to put mustard plasters on coughing

Where to put mustard plasters on coughingMustard plasters are one of the cheapest and easiest cough remedies. Many of us have felt the healing power of these patches from a small age. For a huge amount of time they have proven themselves well and for many have become one of the main medicines for respiratory disorders.

But we all came across the unpleasant side of this remedy, sometimes having an easy, and in some cases even more complex, manifestation. If you do not know how to put mustard plasters, you can earn unbearable pain from the fact that they start to bake. To avoid this, we recommend that you read the recommendations for their use and learn how to put mustard on cough.

You can use this compress for any cough. An exception is respiratory attacks caused by an allergic reaction and tuberculosis. In other cases, this remedy will be effective, as it increases blood flow to the problem area and thereby activates cellular immunity.

The mustards are put in different forms of cough:

  • When dry. Improved blood circulation promotes productive coughing, and with a moist form of this respiratory disorder, it is much easier to fight than with a dry one.
  • When wet. With a wet cough, the procedure significantly speeds up the excretion of sputum from the body and contributes to an early improvement in well-being.

Where to put mustard plasters on coughing

When you cough, there are certain places on which to apply a compress. This not only helps improve the effectiveness of treatment, but also helps to get rid of unpleasant feelings. Among the places for compresses with cough use:

  • Chest - the standard place to use this remedy for coughing. The main thing is to avoid especially sensitive areas.
  • Back - when applying patches, you need to select the most relevant diagnosis of the zone. Most often this place is under the shoulder blades and along the spine.
  • The shins are an auxiliary zone for warming up when coughing.
  • Feet - as well as the tibia is a secondary place for mustard compress.

Regardless of the place of application, make sure that the skin is dry, without any wounds and irritations. This is very important for the application of this tool.

How to put mustard plasters on coughing

If you are convinced that this remedy is necessary for you in treatment, we will understand how to put mustard plasters correctly when coughing:

  • Mustard childrenFirst you need to prepare the place where you will perform the procedure. All the necessary must be at hand, so that nothing would interfere with when you put mustard on coughing.
  • To use this compress, you will need a bowl with warm water from 40 to 50 degrees, a moisturizer for the skin, a towel and a warm blanket.
  • We put the mustards into the water for 7-10 minutes and lay them on the patient's body. Apply a towel over the compress and cover with a blanket.
  • Keep the product you need about 10 minutes, but for each person the procedure time individually. To suffer a burning pain can be unbearable, but some time it needs to be done. If the pain is very severe, it is recommended to put a paper napkin under each sheet.
  • At the end of the procedure, you need to carefully remove the mustard plasters and absorb the excess moisture with a towel. Then rub the skin with lotion for the body and re-wrap the patient in a blanket. At this point, to improve the therapy will be especially useful all kinds of herbal teas, as well as hot drinks with honey and milk.

Recommendations for the use of mustard plasters for coughing

Like any remedy, these compresses need certain precautionary measures when applied:

  • Mustard cuffsMustard plasters can not be applied at elevated temperature, since after the procedure there is a risk to increase it even more. Allowable temperature, at which you can put a compress - 37 degrees or lower.
  • This remedy is not allowed for more than 4 consecutive days. If there is no improvement in the condition, then it is worth stopping such therapy. The reason for the lack of a positive trend in treatment may be a low sensitivity of the body to the active element or the disease has developed into something serious.
  • Excessive use of this compress causes severe irritation on the skin and individual intolerance. So do not abuse this tool.

It is best when all the funds are prescribed by a doctor, the only way to avoid various unpleasant symptoms.

Mustard children

mustard plaster for children

Many young parents have a problem in how to properly put the child mustard plasters. It seems that it can be difficult, but it's only until the matter goes to practice. In fact, there are a lot of nuances that are best to know if you have decided to treat a child with the help of mustard plasters. In this article I will try to answer the most exciting questions.

First, let's see if you can put mustard plasters on your child and at what age can they be used for children?

There are no age restrictions, you can bet and babies. If there is no allergy to mustard, a variety of skin rashes and body temperature does not exceed 37.5 ° C, then you can safely use them. After all, mustards only expand the blood vessels, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes. Mustard powder comes into contact with water and begins to irritate the skin. Due to this, the above actions occur.

How correctly to put mustard plasters?

After dipping a mustard into the hot water for a couple of seconds, attach it to the body with the "working" side. Cover the top with a towel and wrap the baby with a blanket. It is best to perform this procedure before going to bed. Since to fix the warming effect, it is necessary to be in the warmth under the blanket for at least an hour after completion.

Where should children put mustard plasters?

Mustards are applied to different parts of the body - depending on the disease.

  • with headaches you can put mustard around your neck;
  • mustard children in bronchitis put on the upper part of the breast, avoiding the area of ​​the mammary glands and heart, and on the back - under and between the shoulder blades;
  • with a dry cough - in front of the chest;
  • with a cold, mustards are put on the heels of children, then wrapped with food film (you can use ordinary bags) and put on socks on top;
  • to remove intestinal colic - on the stomach above or next to the navel;
  • with renal colic - on the lower back.

How much should I keep mustard plasters for children?

Babies up to a year will last 2-3 minutes, and those who are older - from 5 to 15 minutes. The older the child, the longer. But you have to be there and control the process. Periodically turn the edge of the mustard and check the condition of the skin. If there is a strong reddening, then it is necessary to remove the mustard application.

After removing the mustard plasters, wipe the child with a wet towel, removing the remains of mustard from the skin. Lubricate the place of application with baby cream or sunflower oil. Wearing a dry pajamas, send the patient under the blanket.

These procedures are conducted every day. And, as a rule, 4-5 sessions are enough for a cold to pass.

Quality of mustard plasters

The plates must be dry and smell slightly of mustard. If powder is scattered from them, or they are damp - you can safely throw it away. They will not bring benefits. And be sure, even in the pharmacy, check the expiration date (it usually is from 8 to 11 months) and the integrity of the package.

Mustards for children under one year old

As you know, the skin of small children is very thin and delicate, so you do not need to burn it with mustard powder, you can put mustard seeds active side up. Or put under it a thin layer of cotton fabric. And the smallest ones can be completely wrapped in a diaper soaked with mustard infusion, pre-covering the groin area. Since soon there will be a burning sensation under the mustard plaster, the mother of the baby will have to try very hard to distract the child. Try to dance something - usually the children look at the movements of adults with pleasure. Prepare toys that can interest a child.

We make mustard plaster ourselves

Is it possible to put mustard plaster for children

It happens that from home to the pharmacy is far away, but the child can not be left. In this case, I suggest you make mustard plasters by yourself. Mix one part of the mustard with three parts of the flour. Dilute everything with warm water and mix until a mushy condition. Apply a thin layer on a piece of tissue paper or cloth, cover with gauze. All - yellow card is ready. Only when applying homestead mustard, be careful, since it can be stronger than the purchased one. In this case, just before the usual time, remove the mustard application and well lubricate the skin with cream.

That's all the tricks about how to put a child mustard plasters. You just have to figure out how to persuade your child to suffer.

Mustard plaster with dry cough

When you can use a mustard for a dry coughThe mustard has been used for many years to combat coughing. They are used with equal success to treat both adults and children. There are no contraindications for their use with a dry cough, but there are some subtleties of their use that must be taken into account.

When is it not recommended to use mustard plasters?

A prolonged dry cough very often accompanies various acute respiratory diseases, bronchitis and tracheitis, in which the body temperature can rise to 38-39 degrees.In such cases, the procedure can not be carried out, as it can provoke a further increase in temperature and worsening of the patient's well-being.Experts do not recommend the use of mustard plasters in the event that the patient's temperature rose above 37.5 degrees.

You can not put them with allergies, bronchial asthma and tumorous diseases. And also this method is not applied for the treatment of patients with sleeking eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis and with pustular diseases in the place where they contact the skin.

Do not use mustard for more than four days in a row. After all, this can lead to the development of allergic reactions and irritation of the skin. If, after a four-day course, there is no improvement, it is better to see a doctor again.

Where can I put mustard plasters?

With a prolonged dry cough, you can place them on the chest or on the back, between and under the shoulder blades, and also to those places where the doctor advises. If the patient is worried about tracheitis, they are recommended to be placed on the sternum. If the patient has bronchitis, it is better to place them between the scapulae. It is permissible and alternation, that is, one day they are put between the shoulder blades, and on the other - already on the sternum.

With a dry cough of any etiology, you can make so-called mustard boots. To do this, the mustard plasters are placed on calves or feet of both legs and warm winter wool socks are put on top.

How to carry out the procedure correctly?

It will take a bowl of warm water (about 45 degrees), vaseline oil, a towel, a blanket. Within 5-10 minutes, the mustard is wetted in water, and then applied to the body of the sick person. On top it is necessary to put a towel, and the patient to wrap up a blanket.

After 5-15 minutes you need to remove the mustard plasters, and wipe the skin with a towel and grease it with vaseline oil. Then we must again wrap up the patient and give him tea with honey or raspberries.

How to treat cough with children using mustard plasters?

The skin of babies is very delicate and delicate, therefore, in order not to provoke its irritation, it is necessary to lay a thin cotton cloth between the mustard plaster and the body. That the child is not capricious during the procedure, you need to distract him, for example, read him a fairy tale.

For children, the procedure should be shortened according to their age. So, kids from one to three years put mustard for only 2-3 minutes, and children from 4 to 7 years - for 3-5 minutes. And the guys 8-12 years can hold out and 7-10 minutes. If during the procedure the baby began to complain of pain and severe burning, and if there was irritation or severe redness on the skin, it is necessary to stop the procedure informing the doctor about it.

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