Keratitis: Symptoms and Treatment

Keratitis is one of the most common diseases of the anterior part of the eye.The inflammatory process, which affects the cornea (cornea) of the eyeball, causes the problem. The cornea is one of the main light-refracting media of the eye. The visual perception of a person depends to a great extent on the transparency, sphericity and uniformity of the cornea. The inflammatory process in this area leads to a clouding of the refractive medium, the appearance of ulcers. Changes occurring in the cornea are often irreversible, which can lead to severe vision loss and even development of blindness.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Types and Classifications
  • 3Causes
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Possible complications
  • 6Diagnostics
  • 7Treatment
    • 7.1Medicines
    • 7.2Folk remedies
    • 7.3Surgically
  • 8Prevention
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

Definition of disease

Keratitis is a severe and dangerous inflammatory process.To be engaged in treatment of this disease independently means to expose yourself to the risk of serious complications right up to loss of vision.

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Timely and correctly diagnosed with the appearance of signs of keratitis is very important.This disease is sometimes "masked" for allergic conjunctivitis. Accordingly, the choice of treatment methods may be incorrect. Inflammation can be caused by the presence of systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.), the use of psychotropic substances.

First of all, the doctor establishes the features of the clinical picture and collects the history data.

Types and Classifications

Keratites can be caused by external causes or develop as consequences of internal factors that arise in the human body.Inflammatory process can proceed in an easy form, be moderate or severe.
Depending on how affected the tissues of the eye, distinguish:

  • Superficial keratitis;
  • Deep keratitis.

In the first case, the inflammatory process affects only the upper layer of the cornea. This type of disease does not leave irreversible effects in the form of scars on the cornea.

Depending on the causes of the disease, the following types of keratitis are distinguished:

  1. Bacterial keratitis.Infection penetrates into the anterior parts of the eye of the cornea as a result of trauma or wearing contact lenses;
  2. Viral keratitis.In most cases, it is caused by the herpes virus;
  3. Fungal keratitis, provoked by parasitic fungi.This type of keratitis leads to the defeat of all layers of the cornea, sometimes affecting even the choroid. The result of fungal keratitis may be the appearance of a thorn;
  4. Keratitis, which is called: "creeping corneal ulcer."It can be provoked by the impact of small foreign bodies that cause superficial injuries of the cornea;
  5. Onchocerciasis keratitis.The development of inflammation provokes allergic reactions. This kind of keratitis can affect both the anterior and posterior parts of the eyes. Also, a severe allergic reaction can cause the so-called spring keratoconjunctivitis;
  6. Photokeratite- the consequence of the burn of the cornea and conjunctiva as a result of strong ultraviolet radiation;
  7. Non-ulcerative keratitis. Most often, it is the result of penetration of gram-negative bacteria in the eyes;
  8. Superficial marginal keratitis:complication of the inflammatory processes of the eyelids, the mucous membrane of the eyes, meibomite;
  9. Neurogenic keratitis.
  10. Acanthamoebic keratitis,which occurs against the backdrop of incorrect use of contact lenses.

Inflammation in the development of deep keratitis affects the inner layers of the cornea, which is then fraught with the formation of scars that reduce visual acuity.


The variety of keratitis is explained by a number of factors that cause the disease:

  • Penetration into the organs of vision of various types of infection (microbes, viruses, fungi);
  • Injuries and damages (mechanical, chemical, thermal);
  • Problems with innervation of the cornea;
  • Violation of metabolic processes;
  • Lagoftalm (impossibility of complete closure of the eyelids);
  • Hyper secretion of meibomian glands (glands secreting secret, which lubricates eyelids, protecting them from wetting with tear fluid);
  • Allergic reaction.
Causes of Keratitis

In some cases, the cause of the development of the inflammatory process affecting the cornea remains unclear.


Keratitis is manifested as follows:

  • Pain syndrome of varying severity;
  • Redness sclera;
  • Appearance of the surface of the cornea;
  • Decreased sensitivity of the cornea;
  • Persistent spastic closure of the eyelids (blepharospasm);
  • Photophobia;
  • Lachrymation.

Symptoms of keratitis may vary depending on the causes that cause it.

Fungal keratitis makes itself felt about two days after the infection has penetrated the body.The focus of inflammation in this case has significant dimensions, white (yellowish) hue. The surface of the affected area is dry, sometimes bumpy or curdled. On the circumference of the focus of inflammation there is a "roller which limits the infiltration zone.

The focus of inflammation in viral keratitis can be superficial, but sometimes affects the deep layers of the cornea. The cornea loses its transparency, possibly the necrosis of the tissues. On the surface there are eruptions (vesicles) in the place of which small ulcers can form. The cornea loses its sensitivity.

Ulcerative keratitis often ends with a complete loss of vision.On the cornea there is ulceration, ulcers vary in size and shape. The onset of the disease is accompanied by pain (stronger when blinking), tearing and photosensitivity. Sometimes there is pus. With traumatic keratitis, the process of ingrowth into the cornea of ​​the vessels is observed, and on the cornea erosion is formed. The disease causes pain, lacrimation, twitching of the upper eyelids. With the development of superficial point keratitis, the presence of a foreign body in the eye ("sand") is felt, increased lacrimation.

Possible complications

Complications arising in the course of the development of the disease:

  • Ulcerative lesion of the cornea;
  • Opacification of the cornea, the formation of a thorn;
  • Spikes formed in the pupil area;
  • Penetration of infection deep into the eye;
  • Iridocyclitis;
  • Uveitis;
  • Endophthalmitis;
  • Panophthalmit.
Complication after keratitis - uveitis

Under the condition of extremely severe development of the pathological process, the infection can very quickly "melt" the cornea.In this purulent process can move to other shells, which will result in the death of the eye.


To determine the disease and confirm the diagnosis, modern diagnostic methods are used:

  • Visometry;
  • Biomicroscopy;
  • Scraping from the cornea;
  • Biopsy;
  • Fluorescein test.
Checking visual acuity (visometry)

If it is not possible to determine the type of pathogen, the doctor recommends conducting a polymerase chain reaction method.This study allows you to more accurately prescribe medications.


The variety of keratitis species requires an attentive approach to the choice of therapeutic measures.Drugs and methods of treatment directly depend on the cause of inflammation, on the nature and severity of the disease.Treatment of keratitis should be comprehensive.

At the first symptoms of the disease, an ophthalmologist is needed. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the inflammatory process and prescribe the right treatment.


In the case of development of infectious keratitis, therapy is prescribed depending on the type of infection: antibacterial, antiviral or antifungal.The form of administration of drugs is determined by the patient's condition and the features of the disease. These can be eye drops, tablets, or medications are administered intravenously. If keratitis is caused by a virus, then drugs containing interferon, boric acid are prescribed. Also in this case, the so-called Artificial Tear drops are used.

The preparation "Artificial tear"

In case of detection of a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed. Use of steroid medicines can lead to dangerous exacerbation of keratitis, ulceration and even perforation of the cornea.

Given the course of the disease, the doctor can also use antiseptic solutions, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and novocaine blockade for treatment.An important role is played by the use of substances that stimulate the dilatation of the pupil.This can prevent the formation of adhesions within the eye.

Folk remedies

Despite the available recommendations on the treatment of keratitis with the help of traditional medicine methods, it is possible to start this kind of therapy only after an accurate diagnosis and consultation with an ophthalmologist.One of the remedies used in keratitis is sea buckthorn oil. As a result of its use, pain can disappear, and photophobia is lost. The oil is instilled by drop every hour. Subsequently, the number of procedures can be reduced: the sea buckthorn oil is digested after three hours.

Propolis and celandine are also used as medications. The juice of celandine is added to the aqueous extract of propolis in a ratio of one to three. Obtained remedy should be instilled in two drops in the affected eye at night. Aloe juice is combined with the mummy, mixed and used as drops for the eyes. Bury the drug one drop once a day.


With severe manifestations of keratitis, surgical methods of treatment are used.Surgical intervention is necessary with a purulent ulcer of the cornea. Excimer laser operations are performed with ulcerative forms of the disease of different etiology. Laser and microsurgical methods of treatment are also used to treat fungal keratitis.

Only the method of surgery treats this kind of keratitis as endothelial dystrophy of the cornea (a disease that affects the inner layer of the cornea). In this case, a corneal transplant is recommended, although there is a high risk of complications.

Surgical methods are used to prevent the spread of keratitis: the corneal epithelium is scraped, electrocoagulation, neurotomy, layered keratoplasty is performed.Laser coagulation may be prescribed. In some cases, the infiltrate resulting from inflammation of the cornea leaves opacities. If the cloudiness looks like a persistent thorn, the cornea is transplanted.

Laser Coagulation Procedure


Prevention of keratitis is protective measures that prevent infection and trauma to the organs of vision:

  • Strict observance of the rules of eye hygiene;
  • Use of eye protection devices, eye injury prevention
  • Prevention of all possibilities of chemical or physical eye burn.

It is important to avoid exposing the eyes to excessively intense irradiation of any kind.In the case of manifestations of initial symptoms of the disease, it is important to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations. This will prevent keratitis from moving into a heavier form (corneal ulcer).



Keratitis is a dangerous disease caused by inflammation in the cornea.Severe development of the disease can cause the appearance of scars on the cornea of ​​the eye, a significant decrease in visual acuity and even a complete loss of the ability to see.With the timely and effective treatment, keratitis is successfully cured without loss of vision. At the first signs of keratitis, you should urgently seek medical help.

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