Cold at 6 weeks of pregnancy

Diseases at the 6th week of pregnancy

Spontaneous miscarriage can occur for several reasons. The embryo is especially vulnerable when it's 6 weeks pregnant. At high temperatures, at such early periods, the embryo can die in the womb.

Temperature at 6 weeks gestation

Almost all women notice an increase in temperature at the beginning of pregnancy (within 37-3 degrees). In medicine, such a rise in temperature is considered quite normal and is associated with the presence of a yellow body in the body of a woman. However, consult a specialist and, if necessary, take tests, will not be superfluous. When the temperature rises, first of all, there is no need to panic, especially if in addition to the temperature there are no more symptoms (for example, with colds, the temperature is accompanied by weakness, fever, sore throat, coughing, etc.).

Particular importance should be given to basal temperature. A future mother in the first trimester should keep a schedule, and if she noticed a decline in indicators (below 37 degrees), this already indicates a threat of miscarriage and appropriate measures should be taken.

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Cold at 6 weeks of pregnancy

It has long been known that a woman during pregnancy should be extremely cautious. Colds in early pregnancy, in particular, when it's 6 weeks pregnant, can have a significant impact on the development of the child. At this time, the laying and development of all vital organs and systems takes place, therefore, the use of medicines for a pregnant woman is prohibited. Even herbal remedies should be taken only with the appointment of a doctor. But if the cold does not heal, it can lead to the death of the fetus. Therefore, if a woman falls ill with a cold at the 6th week of pregnancy, she needs to ensure complete rest, the use of certain traditional medicine is permitted, but is strictly dosage. It is good for a cold to drink hot tea with raspberries (the use of viburnum during pregnancy is prohibited, as it provokes bleeding), with rose hips. With nasal congestion, you can wash the mucous membrane with sea water. If there is a fever, the doctor may recommend the use of baby candles.

In some cases, a doctor recommends a woman to artificially terminate the pregnancy, explaining this by the fact that a cold could cause severe malformations. However, many women who had a cold in the first trimester, then gave birth to healthy children.

Bleeding at 6 weeks gestation

6th week of pregnancy is the most dangerous period, as the risk of bleeding increases.

The most common causes of discharge are:

  • ectopic pregnancy, the risk rises in that group of women who use intrauterine spirals. The causes of ectopic pregnancy are most often inflammatory processes in the ovaries, adhesions or scars in the oviduct. According to statistics, every 1000th pregnancy develops in the fallopian tubes. Usually, along with blood discharges, a woman feels cramping pains in the lower abdomen. With ectopic pregnancy, the only way is surgical removal of the fetal egg, otherwise pipe rupture and infertility in the future;
  • a miscarriage, which together with heavy bleeding is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen. Pains are very similar not premenstrual, only appear more strongly. In this state, it is necessary to consult a doctor, if you provide medical assistance in a timely manner, the chance to save the child will increase;
  • trauma of uterine pharynx, which becomes more sensitive during pregnancy, it increases blood circulation. Reinforced physical exercises, intimate intimacy can break the blood vessels. Bleeding during a uterine throat injury usually lasts no more than 6 hours, the allocation is not abundant. In this condition, it is necessary to comply with bed rest, avoid loading;
  • insufficient amount in the body of progesterone. The risk group includes pregnant women who previously underwent a course of treatment for infertility, women who do not have a regular menstrual cycle. The ovaries produce insufficient volume of the hormone and there is rejection of the fetus, which is accompanied by bleeding. This condition in medicine is called detachment of the fetal egg. In some cases, severe bleeding occurs. When this hormone is deficient, the hormone is administered in the form of injections, tablets, and suppositories.

Nausea at week 6 of pregnancy

The 6th week of pregnancy often becomes the onset of toxicosis, a condition in which a woman begins to experience morning sickness, malaise. This condition during pregnancy is a completely natural reaction of the body to changes in the hormonal background of a woman. In some cases, pregnant women suffer from quite severe forms of toxicosis, sometimes the woman's nausea and vomiting is so strong that a strong loss in weight, dehydration of the body, weakness, arrhythmia, all this has a negative impact on the future child, who receives less nutrients in this period. As a rule, in case of severe manifestations of toxicosis, hospital treatment is recommended.

It is not possible to establish the cause of such severe conditions with confidence in pregnant women until now. It is assumed that too young a woman's age, excess weight, the first pregnancy are factors predisposing to severe toxicosis. Inpatient treatment is necessary in order for a woman to restore the level of fluid in the body, to supply vitamins and additional nutrients that are important during this period for the development of child.

Diarrhea at 6 weeks gestation

The poor state of health experienced by a woman at the beginning of pregnancy is associated with the manifestation of toxicosis - a natural reaction of the body to the preparation for the bearing of the child and subsequent childbirth. 6th week of pregnancy is about the time when a woman first experiences pregnancy. This condition is more or less affected by almost all women in the situation. The newly formed yellow body begins an active production of hormones necessary to maintain pregnancy. But hormones affect the whole body and all the internal organs of a woman without exception. First of all, it affects the gastrointestinal tract, the secretory activity of which is significantly reduced. Also, the liver and gallbladder under the action of hormones can not fully perform their functions. Usually, due to a decrease in the disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation appears in pregnant women, since a decrease in the contractions of the smooth muscles of the intestine slows down the passage of food. However, in some cases, a woman, under the influence of all the same hormones, there is diarrhea, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy. Diarrhea can be mild or severe, requiring medical attention to prevent dehydration of the body and washing out of it the nutrients that the woman and her developing baby. Diarrhea due to hormonal changes in the body can torment a woman for about 12 weeks, until the toxicosis passes.

Sometimes diarrhea can occur due to improper eating, since the appetite of a pregnant woman under the influence of hormones can be unpredictable and not completely understandable. Such food experiments often lead to diarrhea due to a malfunction in the digestive system.

In case of poisoning, a woman may also develop diarrhea, in which case it is necessary to apply for medical because the action of toxic substances can lead to very bad consequences, both for the mother and her future child.

5-6 Week of pregnancy - cold


Olympic hope

from the common cold pinosol or euclease


Get rid of the flu faster. At this time it is very dangerous to get sick. Very much affects the development of the fetus.

Salaam Aleikum

it will not be reflected in any way, it is not necessary to drink tablets, and to be treated by rinsings of a nose and warm drink, green tea with a lemon is better.
Rhinitis is an intensified discharge of mucus from the nose. With his help, the nose is cleaned of viruses. Therefore, one should not suppress the runny nose, but help the body to clear faster - and the rhinitis will pass by itself.
1. Wash your nose with salt water, Aquamaris or sea from Dolphin.
A solution can be made by yourself. To do this, 1 / 4-1 / 3 teaspoon of table salt, preferably sea or iodized, must be dissolved in a glass of pleasantly warm water. A more concentrated salt solution (1 / 2-3 / 4-1 teaspoon per glass of water) is used if there is no discharge from the nose, but its inner shell is swollen and difficult to breathe through the nose.
Drawing water from the palm, that is, with a stream of air, is unsafe: it can get into the maxillary and other paranasal sinuses and cause their inflammation.
You can flush with a special device DOLPHIN, or a rubber canister-pear, or a syringe WITHOUT NEEDLE, which you buy at the pharmacy. Babies need to drip a few drops in each nostril from the pipette. To wash your nose to a child under 3 years old with a clyster is not worth it. In children, the fluid easily passes from the nose to the Eustachian tube, connecting the nose and ear. This can cause inflammation in the middle ear (otitis).
Pears in infants can suck off excess mucus from the nose, but only before bed and if they interfere with breathing. Overdrying the nose is harmful.
1) After typing the solution, insert the tip of the syringe into the nostril, 2) bend over the sink to drain the effluent from the nose liquid, 3) and, squeezing the balloon, direct the jet towards the nasopharynx (deep) along the bottom wall of the nasal cavity (nostrils). The second half of the nose is also washed. Directing the jet up is not recommended, since there is a sensitive olfactory zone. Hold the breath while rinsing. After the procedure, preferably a minute or two, wait until the viscous mucus has dissolved, "get wet and then you can blow your nose.
Do not be afraid, will not get into the windpipe - it will flow out into the usual swallowing throat (pharynx), or into another nostril, or it will pour out of the same.


your cold on the baby can not be reflected, but if you drink antibiotics, then they will reflect on it, so buy ocilococcum - homeopathic preporat, it is pregnant and during lactation it can be drunk, I was prescribed by a doctor, she was treated during pregnancy, it is completely safe, on grasses, so go ahead in pharmacy.


I was sick during the first pregnancy, I was treated with cranberry juice! On the second day, there was no temperature. And medicines only with a doctor should be consulted!

What can be dangerous cold at 6-7 midwifery week of pregnancy?



Yes nothing will be, to the doctor something though have addressed with this problem? The doctor should be aware of and watch over you. You will be prescribed safe during pregnancy and folk methods. More positive emotions and mood, you will quickly recover then.. Walk more often outdoors, eat vitamins, ventilate the room, and so on ..

olka viktorna

generally certainly undesirable. I, for example, up to 15 weeks managed to get sick 3 times. Well and in general on uzi all is normal


Almost everyone is put in the exchange of ARI in the early stages, or anything terrible, you will do ultrasound and all will tell you, good luck.


Nothing wrong. Immunity on the background of pregnancy is weakened.

Victor Demenok

In the best case, nothing. In the worst - the death of a pregnant woman. The rest with fifty complications somewhere in the middle... Are you interested in something specific, or do you list everything? :)))
Do not hammer your head, but tell your doctor to pay attention ...

Karelia Story

In many ways, the fetus begins to form.

Margo Margo

The fetus is the central nervous system. And, during a cold, the virus can prevent proper bookmarking. Do ultrasound and be examined in the genetic center. Good luck.


Well, looking like a cold, I was also sick at this time, thank God it cost)

Maria Tofan

Any cold at any time can be dangerous, I was sick for the whole pregnancy 2 times, I was lucky, no consequences


The cold in principle is not dangerous, if, of course, it's a cold, i.e., ARI, not the flu or ARVI. If there is no temperature, do not panic. But it is better to go to the therapist.

I'm 6 weeks pregnant with a cold. pregnancy first. I'm afraid for the baby ((



Drink plenty of fluids, fruits, juices, and lie down.

Alina Voloshina

Go to the hospital, do not deal with the treatment itself and never take antibiotics! the baby's body is too weak and antibiotics will only worsen the wiped process of pregnancy


Everything will be fine. Your baby is loved by your mother, he is expected and taken care of. Bed rest, increased drinking of tea with lemon, honey. Cedar oil in a teaspoon 2 times a day, cedar nuts. Let the mother or husband rub your back, the legs of the cedar oleoresin 15%. Nosik bury the gill 2 = 5%. Many = many fruits, juices, fresh curds. Recover. Your baby will help with vitamins and everything will cost.. Remember that in the early stages of pregnancy is very dangerous RED, this is really for the baby is very, very dangerous. And with the common cold you will all cope. Health to you and a healthy, beloved baby!

Katyusha Afanasyeva

Drink cranberries, very well helps itself so was cured

Tereza Horhes

Take hospital, lie as much as possible, drink warm drink, mors

Lady Tref

Be sure to take a sick leave, go to the therapist, tell me, then 6 weeks pregnant. In all prescribed medications, read the instructions carefully. In no case can you tolerate a cold on your feet. But in general, there is nothing terrible in the common cold.
I was sick at that time, it was cold, but even then there were no antibiotics, the main thing is to be at home, to avoid drafts, eat fruit, vitamins. By the way, being at home you can do without people's means, without drugs.

Cold during pregnancy - 1 term

Each woman during pregnancy experiences not only about her child, but also about not getting sick herself, because it also directly affects the fetus in the womb. Especially, if it is a question of 1 trimester of pregnancy, when the child is the most vulnerable and he has internal organs. Avoiding colds during pregnancy is not always possible, so a woman needs to know how to eliminate the first symptoms of a cold.

The risk of a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy

The greatest danger during pregnancy is an unwanted and serious cold in the first trimester. A woman needs to know that any unwanted cold can lead to complications in the development and formation of the fetus. It is also necessary to understand that the treatment of a pregnant woman also needs to be approached fairly seriously and carefully.

Remember that in the cold season you need to dress warmly, and do not forget to saturate your body with vitamins and minerals. Do not put and various vitamin complexes. But, even 100% compliance with all these rules can not protect the future mother from a cold, because the virus can enter the house together with family members. In addition, if a woman initially became pregnant with a weakened immune system, this would negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

If you are already ill with a cold on the 1st trimester of pregnancy, do not use medications for treatment at all. The active substances of most antibiotics lead to a spontaneous miscarriage, that is, you can lose a child. It is strictly forbidden to take any medication in the first trimester of pregnancy! If only they are prescribed by a doctor and refusing to take them can harm you or the child. Also, it is very carefully and carefully to take the so-called phytopreparations. Sometimes medicinal herbal remedies are much more powerful than conventional antibiotics.

Phytomixtures for the treatment of colds

The most proven folk method for treating colds during the first trimester of pregnancy is horseradish juice, which is rubbed on a grater and mixed with sugar. This is a good herbal remedy, which promotes increase and stimulation of immunity. And, horseradish and sugar do not harm the young mother, nor her child.

So, how to prepare a remedy? Horseradish should be grated on a fine grater and then sprinkled with plenty of sugar. After, this gruel should be kept at room temperature for about 2 hours and then taken as a medicine for 1 tsp. before each meal. The course of treatment is 3 days and then a short break. There are no side effects of this medication, so it is ideal for treating acute colds.

The second common drug is a variety of alcohol tinctures. For example, alcohol can be insisted on licorice, lemongrass, levse, as well as echinacea and ginseng. If you do not want to make a tincture at home, you can buy ready-made tinctures in the pharmacy.

The above alcohol tinctures significantly increase the pressure, which entails increasing the burden on the heart of the future mother. This brings pressure to bear upon the child's cardiovascular system, too. After all, the tiny heart of a child works in a very frenzied rhythm, for example, the speed of the strokes of a healthy, fully developed baby exceeds 200 beats per minute. Still, you should not load the heart of the child. This can speed up the process of wear of the heart muscle. So, before taking this or another remedy, make sure that it does not carry any harmful effects on the heart muscle.

Preventing colds at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy

A cold that affects a pregnant woman for 5-6 weeks of pregnancy is often enough. The reason for this phenomenon is a decrease in immunity, which negatively affects both development and further bearing of the child.

Immunity mother and so begins to decline greatly during pregnancy. In some cases, there is a risk of the onset of immunosuppression, then this is a rapid decline in the protective functions of the body. This is due to the extremely inadequate response of the mother's organism to the birth of a new life in it. In some cases, even the rejection of the fetus may begin, indicating that the males and females are highly incompatible. Such a clinical situation requires direct medical intervention.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, some women deliberately avoid public places so as not to get infected. But, where is the guarantee that your loved ones will not bring an infection to your house? Therefore, the best prevention of catarrhal diseases in pregnant women is hardening and vitamin therapy. If you are already ill, then do not self-medicate, but without fail, consult a doctor and strictly follow all his recommendations.

As a standard vitamin prevention, you can start taking ascorbic acid, namely ascorutin. This drug is aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels and as a result, the risk of bleeding during pregnancy decreases.

But, nevertheless, it is desirable, even to take vitamins after consulting a doctor. Thus, you can make up for the deficiency of vitamins and prevent hypervitaminosis. After all, not all women know that an excess of vitamin A at an early pregnancy leads to the development of vices in fetus, and if you overdo with the dosage of vitamins C and D, then this will lead to premature aging the placenta. It is better to take not synthetic pharmacy vitamin complexes, but fresh vegetables, fruits, and juices.

In no event should you resort to common thermal procedures during the first trimester of pregnancy. It is prohibited to soar your legs, as this can lead to the termination of pregnancy or to early childbirth.

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