What is an allergy and why does it occur?

From redness of skin and tear to problems with breathing and irritability. According to statistics, about twenty percent of the population is predisposed... So, what is an allergy and how does it occur? Too strong reaction of the body to an external stimulus becomes its cause, causing patients to feel discomfort.

  • Types of allergies and the causes of allergies
  • Food allergy
  • Respiratory allergy
  • Medicinal allergy
  • Injected allergy
  • Prevention
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Why does an allergy occur? Guilt lies on the immune system. The risk group includes people who do not follow the state of health. But everywhere the golden mean is needed: abuse, misuse of medicines cause an allergic reaction.

A patient with an allergy is a person whose body, for certain reasons, is sensitive to certain irritants.

Types of allergies and the causes of allergies

It is advisable to divide the allergy into groups:

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  • food;
  • respiratory;
  • medicinal;
  • Injected.

There are several common causes that do not depend on a particular species - the genetic factor; acquired (secondary) allergy.

Important!Adults have much less chance of becoming ill than children. Mothers often wonder whether an allergy from boiler water may occur, because this is a common problem. The child most often has poor immunity. The reaction is manifested by the appearance of spots on the skin, the weakness of the body.

Food allergy

From what arises? First of all, the reason is the use of allergenic supplements, which the body simply does not perceive:

  • emulsifiers;
  • dyes of synthetic (sometimes natural) origin;
  • baking powder;
  • thickeners;
  • flavoring;
  • flavor enhancers.

But even if the product is harmless, reaction to it can still develop. You can not leave this without due attention, because the consequences - problems with the stomach and digestion, breathing (irritant causes swelling of the throat and spasms). Asthma is provoked. Ichthyosis is possible with food allergies: skin problems begin - scales appear, later they are scaly.

Most often the reaction occurs:

  • on dairy products, eggs;
  • on citrus fruit;
  • on sweet, chocolate;
  • on nuts.

Important!Most flavors do not benefit the body, only harm. They destroy the liver and other organs, worsen the person's health. Trust the substances obtained by natural means - at home.

Respiratory allergy

This species is common among people who have to inhale many substances together with air - from chemists, pharmacists. Often the respiratory reaction echoes the food, drug. It is most common in spring, summer and autumn, because at this time the plants bloom. A few more reasons:

  • dust;
  • animal hair (reaction to cats and dogs);
  • poisonous spores of fungi.

The culprit of respiratory allergy is an ecological situation, refusal to observe elementary safety rules when working with chemicals. Often people make their own problems: if you rarely clean the house, in wet places a fungus is planted. Dust with a 100% chance provokes an ailment.

Only the doctor can provide competent help, because the symptoms of respiratory allergy are similar to colds. These include:

  • tear;
  • photophobia;
  • cough, swelling in the throat;
  • edema of mucous membranes, runny nose;
  • throbbing pain in the head, temples.

Important!Possible complications are problems with the respiratory tract. You need to contact a specialist in time to not provoke the development of asthma, attacks of suffocation.

Medicinal allergy

Common causes of this type of allergy:

  • use of substandard drugs;
  • the use of antibiotics, hormones.

Most often, the drug allergy is treated with antihistamines. What is it? Medications that reduce the amount of a special substance, histamine, and quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

However, any medicine should now be approached with caution and only with the permission of the doctor, as the patient's card writes what and when the reaction occurred. Independent use of medicines with forbidden components will lead to terrible complications - up to a lethal outcome.


  • edema Quincke (accumulation of histamine in the blood);
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • rash, itching, redness of the skin, rashes.

Injected allergy

The body reacts to the bites of insects, as well as to particles of their bodies and the remains of products of vital activity. In the treatment it is important to follow a special diet that will exclude the further development of insect allergy and its connection with other types, especially food and medication.

In addition, during the spring and summer periods the patient is forbidden to use strongly smelling perfume, and also to wear unduly open clothes in places of accumulation of irritants. If this is an evening, and the terrain is damp, you can not go out without protection, because some insects (including mosquitoes) are active in this environment.

Sprays from insects should be used neatly, especially for patients with suspected drug allergies.

Important!Treatment is possible only if the diagnosis is sure, and when the patient is removed from the source of the problem.


Preventive measures that will help prevent the emergence of allergies:

  1. Carry out a general cleaning - the house needs to be cleaned of old things (foci of dust) and from overdue drugs.
  2. If possible, get rid of duvets and pillows - there are mites.
  3. Ask your doctor about taking vitamins to boost your immune system.
  4. At the slightest suspicious symptom, go to a specialist. Further contact with the allergen should be limited.
  5. Revise your diet, limit the consumption of sweet, spicy and salty. Consult a professional dietitian.

Do not underestimate the importance of prevention. Often it helped to prevent the onset of symptoms and made life easier for many. Allergy is a terrible disease, but not a verdict. With a careful approach, even it can be defeated.