Diagnosis of osteoporosis: analyzes and instrumental examinations


  • 1What tests are used to diagnose osteoporosis?
    • 1.1X-ray method
    • 1.2The advantages and disadvantages of the method
    • 1.3Characteristics of the methods used
    • 1.4Advantages and disadvantages of the method
    • 1.5Ultrasonic quantitative densitometry
    • 1.6Quantitative Computed Tomography
    • 1.7Methods of laboratory research
  • 2Osteoporosis: Diagnosis and analysis of osteoporosis
    • 2.1Causes and Symptoms
    • 2.2Blood test
    • 2.3Osteocalcin
    • 2.4Inorganic phosphorus
    • 2.5Calcium
    • 2.6D-Cross Laps
    • 2.7Alkaline phosphatase enzyme
    • 2.8Genetic research
    • 2.9Analysis of urine
    • 2.10Ultrasound
    • 2.11Radio-Sensometry
    • 2.12CT-densitometry
    • 2.13MRI
    • 2.14Prevention of osteoporosis
  • 3What tests are used to diagnose osteoporosis?
    • 3.1Caution: osteoporosis!
    • 3.2Diagnostics
    • 3.3Instrumental methods
    • 3.4Laboratory methods
  • 4Analgesia for osteoporosis in Moscow
    • 4.1How are osteoporosis tests performed?
    • 4.2Instrumental diagnosis of osteoporosis
    • 4.3Analysis for osteoporosis in the "Open Clinic"
  • 5What tests should I take for osteoporosis
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What tests are used to diagnose osteoporosis?

Diagnosis of osteoporosis is of great importance not only for differentiation of diagnosis, but also for establishing pathology in the absence of signs of disease. Scientists have determined that the mechanism of osteoporosis is ambiguous, therefore, to determine the appropriate treatment, it is necessary to clarify the cause of the pathology.

X-ray method

Radiography is one of the most accessible and informative diagnostic methods for osteoporosis. With its help you can:

  • with a high degree of probability to judge the presence or absence of pathology;
  • precisely localize the pathological process;
  • determine its prevalence in the skeleton;
  • establish the nature of its flow and form of manifestation.

A picture of bone osteoporosis on X-ray films can be seen as spotted or diffuse bone rasterisation.

A common radiologic sign of pathology for both forms of osteoporosis is a high degree of transparency for the X-rays of skeletal bone patterns.

Depending on the shape, these areas can be arranged in the form of lighter islands against the background of normal or slightly modified bone tissue (spotted form), or the bone can be completely light (with diffuse form).

Radiography shows a thinning of individual bone plates, and the network of bone structure looks broad-pitted, that is, with enlarged cells.

With this form of pathology, the outer layer (cortical) of the bones does not become thinner, in some cases the loosening of the inner layer and its transformation into spongy bone tissue can be observed.

X-ray examination in the diffuse form of osteoporosis shows a change in spongy tissue. It consists of rare and barely noticeable beams that almost do not retain X-rays.

At an extreme degree of resorption, the bones in the image look "vitreous" and do not differ from the underlying tissues.


The cortical layer is very thin throughout the bone, and longitudinal striation can be seen from the side of the inner cavity.


The outer layer of the cortical substance gives such a dense shadow in the image that the bones seem to be surrounded by black ink.

The advantages and disadvantages of the method

X-ray examination in osteoporosis is the main method of diagnosing the disease. On the roentgenogram, changes in the structure of the skeleton become noticeable with a loss of 20-30% of the bone substance. The advantage of R-graphics is:

  • accessibility - the method does not require special equipment;
  • simplicity - examination does not require preliminary preparation of the patient;
  • rapidity - radiography, even when performed in several projections, takes no more than 10-20 minutes.

There is an X-ray in every village, which allows to cover a significant part of the population and to conduct osteoporosis screening in at-risk groups.

Irreplaceable R-graphy in the complication of osteoporosis: fractures of bone as a result of bone resorption.

A great diagnostic value is microradioscopy, which is used to investigate changes occurring in metacarpal bones.

This method of radiography allows for a long time to monitor the therapeutic effect.

Characteristics of the methods used

The study of the human bone system was supplemented by new methods, which are considered more informative than radiography. Osteodensitometry includes the following methods of instrumental diagnostics:

  • double x-ray absorptiometry;
  • quantitative ultrasound densitometry;
  • quantitative CT;
  • MRI.

Dual X-ray absorptiometry is based on x-ray radiation.

To visualize the changes taking place in bone tissue, special X-ray densitometers are used - complexes capable of measuring bone density not only in the central axis of the skeleton, but also on its periphery. Surveys are conducted using two methods:

  • single-energy X-ray absorptiometry - to study distal segments of the bone system (bones of the upper limb and calcaneus);
  • dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry - is used to estimate the level of mineralization of the bones of the entire skeleton.

The dual-energy X-ray densitometer operates on the same principle as the X-ray machine, but there are also significant differences.

The beam of rays has 2 maxima on different radiation bands.

With the help of mathematical calculations, the difference between these values ​​is determined and the mass of the mineral substance is determined in the area of ​​the skeleton that is being examined.

For accurate diagnosis of osteoporosis, it is sufficient to study two areas of the skeleton: the head of the femur and the adjacent area and vertebrae in the lumbar region of the spine.

However, modern densitometric units have a built-in "whole body" program that allows to estimate the level of mineralization of bone tissue in the entire skeleton or in a single region.

Diagnosis of osteoporosis in women with the help of this program allows not only to evaluate resorption bone tissue, but also to assess the distribution of fat and lean body mass at different stages postmenopause.

The facilities are equipped with a computerized analysis of the scan, which allows to reduce the influence of the human factor on the evaluation of the result.

The "Comparative Analysis" program allows you to evaluate the changes in the skeleton of the method by applying a previously performed scanner and at a certain stage of the study.

Assessment of the risk of osteoporosis is carried out by two criteria:

  • T - when the comparison of the mineralization level of the bones of the subject's skeleton is compared with the control index corresponding to the level of MC in a young person of a similar gender;
  • Z - comparison is carried out with a sample of the same age group, gender and constitution.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The undeniable advantage of the method is a low dose of radiation, which is 10 times smaller than the standard one used in R-graphics. However, the result of the analysis is influenced by several factors:

  • to obtain reliable results, it is necessary to carry out a survey on the same apparatus, since various evaluation criteria can be used to calibrate the densitometer;
  • When using the "Whole body" program, the patient's position is important, even a small offset can distort the result, since the comparison produces a computer;
  • when using the "Comparative analysis" program, the individual characteristics of the patient are not taken into account, therefore, experienced specialists are forced to manually configure the program;
  • requires bulky, expensive equipment and a specially equipped room;
  • For maintenance (adjustment, adjustment) and analysis of the results, specially trained specialists are required.

Thanks to the improvement of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry systems, the error in examination for osteoporosis compared with radiography and single-energy X-ray absorptiometry before, %. This allows us to consider this method highly informative and reliable.

Ultrasonic quantitative densitometry

Densitometric analysis of the state of the bones of the skeleton and determining the risk of fractures in osteoporosis by ultrasound is based on the passage and reflection of sound waves through tissues with different densities. This method allows not only to determine the degree of bone mineralization, but also its elasticity, resistance to mechanical action.

Because of the small size of the apparatus, the study is performed on the distal parts of the skeleton and small bones (except for tibia).


When studying the condition of the calcaneus, the degree of signal weakening is also examined, which allows us to estimate not only density of bones, but also the state, orientation, presence of microdamages of trabeculae - the main element of architectonics bones.


By combining the results, one can evaluate the mechanical characteristics of bone tissue and predict the risk of fractures. The advantage of the method are:

  • low cost;
  • availability;
  • compactness and mobility of the installation;
  • quickness of the result;
  • absence of ionizing radiation.

One of the few disadvantages is that the peripheral bones of the skeleton are being examined while the central departments are affected at the initial stage of the pathology.

Therefore, this method is called screening, as it allows to conduct a survey of a large number of patients.

In-depth studies are carried out using other diagnostic methods.

Quantitative Computed Tomography

Computer tomography allows you to obtain a 3D image of the skeleton. With the help of CCP, you can determine:

  • mineral density is isolated for each layer of bone;
  • conduct a study of bone density and anatomical location of the spinal column;
  • when dual-energy QCT is used, the content of minerals in bone tissue can be determined with a high degree of accuracy;
  • degree of deformation of vertebral bodies.

In comparison with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and ultrasonic quantitative densitometry, the result has a higher validity.

The disadvantage of the method is that the result is influenced by the content of adipose tissue in the bone marrow, the percentage of which increases with the age of the patient. With a long-term study using CCP, there is a risk of receiving a high dose of radiation, in addition, studies are expensive and not always available.

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Methods of laboratory research

Laboratory diagnostics of osteoporosis is used in conjunction with instrumental research. By means of biochemical analyzes:

  • differentiate osteoporosis from other pathologies;
  • help identify the cause of the occurrence;
  • there is an opportunity to trace the activity of pathology.

The following methods are used:

  • Assessment of the calcium-phosphorus balance and determination of the activity of hormones regulating calcium metabolism;
  • a study of the presence and level of markers of bone homeostasis;
  • additional methods aimed at identifying the causes of secondary osteoporosis.

A blood test for osteoporosis is performed to determine the balance of calcium / phosphorus and the content of these minerals.

To assess the risk of progression of pathology determine the level of hormones of parathyroid hormone and calcitonin, for the assimilation of minerals by the body, maintaining a balance between bone resorption and the formation of new structures. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not able to detect osteoporosis in the early stages.

In order to diagnose osteoporosis, analyzes should include studies on the identification of specific markers that appear when bone tissue is destroyed or formed:

  • markers, indicating the formation of bone tissue: alkaline phosphatase, procellagen propeptide 1 type, osteocalcin;
  • markers arising in the morning portion of urine, indicating the demineralization of bones: oxyproline, pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase, cross-linking peptides Collagen type 1.

Biochemical assays are able to evaluate the effectiveness of the applied therapeutic effect.

Laboratory studies of markers of bone resorption allow us to establish the beginning of the process much earlier than the instrumental ones.

Checking the content of markers in biological fluids allows to establish the degree of microarhite tectonic disturbance and to calculate the risk of fractures.

Biochemical analysis for osteoporosis, densitometry and radiography allow to determine with an exactitude the early stage of the disease progression.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/osteoporoz/diagnostika.html

Osteoporosis: Diagnosis and analysis of osteoporosis

Causes and Symptoms

Diagnosis of osteoporosis is important to hold even before the appearance of external signs, which indicate a severe form of the disease.

This pathology is characterized by increased fragility of bones due to calcium deficiency.

To detect a violation, it is necessary to take tests for osteoporosis, to undergo ultrasound and other additional examinations of the body.

In women and, more rarely, men with suspected disease, blood is taken for biochemical and specific tests to detect signs of osteoporosis, urine and densitometry are also analyzed. Additional diagnostic methods include genetic research, MRI and CT-densitometry.

Osteoporosis occurs due to a deficiency or a violation of the absorption of calcium in the body. The risk group includes women during the menopause and men after 40 years.

For a long time the disease proceeds without clinical manifestations, which complicates its detection.

In osteoporosis, bone tissue is brittle, brittle, and the risk of fracture increases, even with minor injuries.

Risk factors:

  • insufficient intake of vitamin D;
  • the course of hormone therapy;
  • hypodynamia, sedentary lifestyle and smoking;
  • pathology of the adrenal glands and other endocrine glands.

The main symptoms are:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • convulsions of the lower limbs;
  • plaque deposition on tooth enamel and periodontitis;
  • delamination of nails;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • a violation of the function of the digestive tract

It is necessary to consult a doctor when such signs appear:

  • feeling of discomfort and pain in the area of ​​scapula;
  • curvature of the spinal column;
  • several cases of fracture of bones in a short period of time;
  • general weakness, change in growth.

Blood test

To assess the calcium-phosphorus metabolism is carried out a blood test. This is the main method of diagnosing osteoporosis, which will show the presence of a problem.

Venous blood is collected for this study. After that, the content of each substance is studied according to different methods.

Preparation for the surrender of blood:

  • for a few days the doctor cancels certain medicines;
  • the use of fatty foods is limited;
  • alcohol and smoking are excluded;
  • blood surrenders in the morning on an empty stomach.


The main collagenous bone protein is osteocalcin. Its definition is carried out by the RIA and ECLA methodology.

Increased protein content indicates the initial development of hyperthyroidism, osteodystrophy and postmenopausal osteoporosis.

At the child the substance is raised or increased during active development, at adults depends on an accessory to a floor.

Norm on the ECHLA:

  • in men 18-30 years - 22-70, in women - 1, -4
  • for men and women 30-50 years - 1, -43;
  • in men 50-70 years - 15-47, in women - 1, -47.

Inorganic phosphorus

The level of phosphorus inorganic depends on the process of remineralization. Determined by colorimetry.

Elevated levels suggest an excess of vitamin D, acromegaly, decay of bone tissue and osteoporosis. Reduced content indicates a possible rickets, hypercalcemia, a lack of somatotropin, a metabolic failure.

Norm (mmol / l):

  • in children under two years of age
  • from 2 to 12 years old
  • up to 60 years old
  • after 60 years - in women, in men, 5.


The level of calcium, the main component of bone, is determined by the method of calorimetry.

The increased content speaks of hypervitaminosis D, an overdose of diuretics, the development of hyperparathyroidism. A decrease in the norm is observed in children's rickets, osteomalacia in adults, with hypoparathyroidism.

Norm (mmol / l):

  • in children under 2 years of age
  • from 2 to 13 years old
  • from 13 to 17 years 5;
  • from 17 to 60 years old
  • after 60 years 5, 5.

D-Cross Laps

The marker indicates the level of leaching of minerals. An increased index is observed with menopause, hyperparathyroidism, arthritis, including rheumatoid form and osteopathy.

Norm (ng / l):

  • up to 49 years - higher, 9;
  • up to 56 years - higher, 8;
  • from 56 to 70 years - for men above, 09, for women above
  • after 70 years - higher,.

Alkaline phosphatase enzyme

High activity of alkaline phosphatase indicates the appearance of bone disease. The concentration is determined by the method of aminomethyl proponolone buffer.

Increased content indicates osteomalacia, rickets, oncology, the process of bone healing.

Norm (E / L):

  • from 3 to 7 years - above 644;
  • from 7 to 13 years - above 720;
  • from 13 to 18 years - girls from 448, boys from 936;
  • after 18 years - in women above 105, in men above 115.

Genetic research

A comprehensive genetic study for osteoporosis involves the detection of collagen, collagenase, calcitonin, a vitamin D receptor.

This study assesses the risk of development of pathology, the degree of predisposition to fractures.


Genetic analysis helps to prevent the development of osteoporosis or to prescribe the right treatment, depending on individual characteristics.


The study shows a low, medium or high risk of osteoporosis. In the course of the study, gene mutations that can or have become the cause of the disease are identified.

Analysis of urine

The analysis of urine shows phosphorus inorganic and deoxypyridinoline (DPID).

The value of phosphorus is 13 to 43 mmol / day.

Elevated levels indicate an overdose of vitamin D, rickets, the formation of kidney stones, and the limitation of mobility in fractures. Reduced levels indicate atrophic processes, bone metastases, acromegaly, or an infectious focus in the body.

The norm of DPID in the blood is the indicator, -4 for women and, for men.

High content indicates osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, Paget's pathology, metastases. Low content is characteristic for the recovery of the body after the disease.

Preparation for the study is standard. Morning piss is coming. 48 hours before the procedure, alcohol, smoking and some medicines are excluded.


With the help of ultrasound, the analysis of the qualitative composition of bone tissue is carried out. The study also reveals areas of impaired density.

Most of all, the technique is suitable for preventive examination every 3 years for the timely detection of the disease during the onset of menopause and in men after 40 years.

During the scan, the doctor evaluates the elasticity, strength, and other mechanical properties of the bone. The method is not mandatory, does not provide comprehensive information about the causes, form and severity of osteoporosis.


The gold standard for diagnosis is the examination of bones by means of bioenergetic absorptiometry or radio-densitometry.

During scanning of a single section of the skeleton, the device compares the reference value and the result obtained.

This technique is used to examine the vertebrae, the distal and proximal region of the forearm and the neck of the thigh.

The doctor receives two indicators - T and Z. The T value indicates a violation of tissue density in adults, Z indicates a deviation in the child.

Normally, T is 1. The disease is diagnosed at a rate of -1 to. If the value is even lower, this indicates a severe stage of osteoporosis.

The norm of Z is also 1. With a strong deviation in either direction, there is a suspicion of dystrophy and osteoporosis, therefore additional diagnostic methods are prescribed.


The CT-densitometry method gives a three-dimensional image of the hotel section of the skeleton. For this, a peripheral scanner is used that determines the mineral composition. The method is indicated for the study of a limited area of ​​bone tissue.

Preparation for the study:

  • stop taking calcium supplements a day before the procedure;
  • pregnancy is excluded;
  • the doctor finds out whether studies have been conducted using contrast.


Magnetic resonance imaging for examination in osteoporosis is rarely used. An MRI study is shown to obtain a three-dimensional image and a comprehensive assessment of the internal organs.

Diagnosis shows high efficiency for the purpose of determining bone structure density.


After receiving the image, the specialist deciphers and sends the result to the treating doctor for diagnosis.


Special preparation for the procedure is not required. It is necessary to remove all metal ornaments, elements of clothing. During the scan, you need to be in the scanner motionless.

Prevention of osteoporosis

Measures of primary prevention of osteoporosis:

  • full nutrition with vitamin D, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus content;
  • reception of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements;
  • moderate physical activity.

Women in the menopause period should undergo a regular examination and take a blood test. The same applies to men after 40 years. Given that the disease for several years can progress without symptoms, its early diagnosis will help to begin treatment sooner to prevent complications.

A source: https://www. SdamAnaliz.ru/analizy-dlya-razlichnyh-sostoyanij/diagnostika-i-analizy-pri-osteoporoze.html

What tests are used to diagnose osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease associated with changes in bone structure.

Reduced bone density leads to a high risk of pathological fractures.

Injuries arise from the usual effects - sudden movements, minor falls, even from a cough. Often the bones of the spine, hips, ribs, wrists suffer.

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Caution: osteoporosis!

The disease is called a silent epidemic of our century. After all, the disease proceeds without symptoms, does not hurt, does not cause deformations of the musculoskeletal system, and its existence is recognized by patients after the development of complications.

According to statistics, every third woman and every fifth man over 40 years old suffers from osteoporosis. The frequency of the disease is approaching the occurrence of strokes, heart attacks and oncology.

And osteoporotic fractures are becoming a big problem for doctors and their patients.

Skeletal injuries significantly impair the lives of patients, and sometimes cause disability and death in older people. Treatment of pathological fractures is long and costly.

That is why timely and early diagnosis of osteoporosis becomes a matter not only for a single patient, but for the state as a whole.

In the body processes of formation (remodeling) and destruction (resorption) of bone tissue are continuously proceeding. In a healthy person, these processes are balanced.

And with pathology, resorption and bone building are not coordinated, which leads to loss of bone mass and the release of biochemical substances.

Their determination in serum serves as a basis for early detection of the disease.


Diagnosis of osteoporosis is based on a number of non-invasive studies that are safe, not difficult to perform and, if necessary, carried out several times in one patient.

The methods of diagnosis include:

  • X-ray examination;
  • bone densitometry;
  • biochemical analysis of specific markers of pathology.

Instrumental methods

Radiography is a little informative method of diagnosis, as it only allows you to suspect pathological processes in the bone by the characteristic features in the picture.

Densitometry is a number of technologies that can determine the density of bone tissue. There are X-ray, ultrasound and computer tomography densitometry.


Data obtained with densitometry undergo computer analysis, in the process of which the dimensions, thickness, porosity of bones are calculated, their bulk density is determined.


Densitometry with the help of ultrasound has a number of advantages in the diagnosis of osteoporosis: it does not require much time, does not contain radiation, is used in children and expectant mothers.

Laboratory methods

An important role in establishing the diagnosis is the analysis of blood for osteoporosis. In the patient's blood, special markers are determined, which allow to determine the severity and degree of progression of the disease.

How to determine osteoporosis by blood test? It is enough to define the following indicators:

  1. Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme contained in osteoblasts. Serves as an indicator of bone destruction.
  2. Osteocalcin is a protein that is a specific marker of bone tissue formation.
  3. General calcium is a macronutrient, an important component in the construction of the skeleton. The degrees of osteoporosis are manifested by various fluctuations in the concentration of calcium in the blood serum.
  4. Inorganic phosphorus is one of the main components of bone. Salts of phosphorus are involved in mineral metabolism. Changes in the phosphorus content are observed with different pathologies, including in the case of osteoporosis.
  5. Parathormone regulates the exchange of phosphate salts and calcium ions in the body.
  6. Hormones of the thyroid gland: TTG, T4.
  7. Sex hormones (testosterone, estradiol).

A highly specific indicator of the metabolic processes of bone tissue is Deoxypyridonoline (DPID), a marker of bone destruction that is found in the urine.

People older than 50 years, patients suffering from rheumatic and endocrine pathologies using glucocorticoid drugs, women during menopause need regular examination.

What tests to hand over, the therapist or the endocrinologist will prompt the doctor.

In some laboratories, for example, in Invitro, special profiles are available, which include a biochemical analysis of blood and urine in osteoporosis.

The indicators of metabolic processes in the bone allow:

  • timely identify patients with impaired bone metabolism in a preventive examination;
  • predict the level of bone destruction and change in its density;
  • evaluate the effectiveness and monitor the prescribed therapy.

A source: https://vashaspina.ru/kakie-analizy-primenyayut-dlya-diagnostiki-osteoporoza/

Analgesia for osteoporosis in Moscow

Osteoporosis is a disease of the skeleton, in which there is a decrease in bone mineral density, a violation of the architectonics of the bone.

As a result of the development of this pathology, the risk of pathological fractures increases.

The most severe fractures leading to prolonged disability of patients are vertebral and hip fractures.

Due to the high prevalence of osteoporosis, worldwide attention is paid to early diagnosis of this disease.

In most cases, osteoporosis is asymptomatic, and the disease is diagnosed in cases where frequent fractures occur.

It is very important not only to establish the diagnosis of osteoporosis, but also to identify the cause of its development: senile, postmenopausal, metabolic ...

Diagnosis of osteoporosis includes the following types of examination:

  • Laboratory;
  • Instrumental;
  • Clinical symptoms.

As we have already said, the clinic of osteoporosis is erased or weakly expressed. Most patients complain of a weak pain syndrome in the back.

The localization of pain will depend on the area of ​​the process, most often the lumbar spine.

Therefore, the main focus is on the analysis of osteoporosis.

How are osteoporosis tests performed?

For the laboratory diagnosis of osteoporosis, many different markers are used, each of which carries its own information load:

    Markers of metabolic processes:
    • Osteocalcin - speaks about the formation of bone;
    • Deoxypyridinoline - speaks about the resorption of bone tissue;
    • Alkaline phosphatase - indicates the degree of destruction of bone tissue.


    • Estrogens;
    • Thyroid hormone;
    • Parathyroid;
    • Calcitonin.


  • Vitamin D.
  • Urinary N-telopeptide collagen type I.

Analysis of osteoporosis allows to identify the markers for the development of this disease, to predict the development of the pathological process, and to effectively evaluate the quality of the treatment. After a few months of therapy for osteoporosis, the above indicators change, which allows you to monitor and regulate the treatment process.

Instrumental diagnosis of osteoporosis

Unlike analyzes, instrumental diagnostics of osteoporosis allows not only to identify the markers of the disease, but visualize the pathological process and quantify the severity of the disease and predict its further flow.

The most common method is radiography, but it allows us to detect osteoporosis at a stage when the bone mass reduction has already reached 25-30%. Therefore, in this case, it is not necessary to talk about early diagnosis of the disease.

Densitometry is a modern standard for early diagnosis of osteoporosis. There are several different types of research, but they study one indicator - bone mineral density.

  • X-ray densitometry - is based on the passage of an X-ray beam through dense bone tissue. The denser the bone, the less the degree of passage of the ray. This diagnosis is highly informative, painless, not invasive, and the minimum dose of radiation is used.
  • Ultrasonic densitometry is also based on the fact that ultrasonic waves are differently carried through tissues. This method is most often used to assess the effectiveness of treatment, as well as osteoporosis tests.
  • CT or MRI - measure bone density, but for the diagnosis of osteoporosis are used less often, since these are more expensive procedures, and CT uses a much higher dose of radiation.

Analysis for osteoporosis in the "Open Clinic"

The "Open Clinic" uses modern standards for the diagnosis of osteoporosis: laboratory and instrumental examination. In the center modern densitometric equipment is installed, which makes it possible to diagnose at the stage of bone demineralization from 3%.

Choosing where to do the analysis for the diagnosis of osteoporosis, patients, first of all, pay attention to the price. Densitometry in our center costs , 00 rubles, the cost of the tests depends on the amount of research appointed at the reception by a specialist.

We recommend starting the examination with a doctor's appointment, as there is no need to diagnose every marker of osteoporosis. Depending on the severity of clinical symptoms, the estimated cause of osteoporosis development, our specialists will compile an individual survey schedule.

Types of densitometry:

  • X-ray densitometry
  • Ultrasound densitometry

Entry to the Kuntsevo Center: +7 (495) 419-98-78
Entry to the Presnensky Center: +7 (495) 255-36-36

A source: https://www.dikul.org/diagnostycs/densitometriya/analizy-na-osteoporoz/

What tests should I take for osteoporosis

To pass the analysis on an osteoporosis is necessary for all people of advanced age, especially to women during a menopause.

What kinds of diagnostics of the problem state of bone tissue are offered by modern medicine? How many laboratory tests do you need to go through to get reliable results? We offer to know everything about the procedures necessary before the diagnosis.

We will not open America, if we say that without an analysis it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. Examination for osteoporosis is no exception, and the sooner it is carried out, the faster it will be possible to start treating the disease associated with the destruction of bone structure.

Osteoporosis is a disease of the bone tissue, in which its structure changes: the bones become porous and brittle, so they easily break even from a slight load.

Of course, the obvious manifestations of the disease may indicate the development of osteoporosis:earlier the appearance of gray hair, aching pain in the bones, especially with weather changes, plaque formation and frequent treatment of periodontitis, rapid fatigue and heart palpitations.However, these symptoms are not direct evidence that bones attack osteoporosis, and a diagnosis is needed to make the diagnosis, which includes:

  • blood test - biochemical and hormones;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • analysis to determine the state of the bone structure.
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We propose to look more closely at each type of analysis, and then study the rules of preparation for diagnosis, compliance with which will help to obtain the most reliable results.

The processes occurring in the blood are able to demonstrate the general state of the body, including the exchange of phosphorus and calcium. As is known, during osteoporosis, elements important for the structure of bones (calcium, phosphorus) are "washed out" from the body.

How does this happen? In the bone tissue, the processes of renewal of the cellular structure are constantly going on.

For the death of the cells that have worked their life, the osteoclasts with which the osteoblasts resist are responsible, namely, they excrete phosphates, which "bind" with calcium.

With osteoporosis, the existing balance is broken:osteoclasts begin to destroy the old cells so quickly that osteoblasts do not have time to replace them with new ones.Because of this, the structure of the bones becomes porous and brittle.

Characterize the processes of mineralization of bone tissue is helped by a blood test, which in the presence of the disease will indirectly indicate osteoporosis.

Patients are asked to submit two types of blood tests - biochemical and hormones.

After receiving the results of a biochemical blood test, it is possible to determine the level of osteocalcin - not collagen bone protein, which is produced by osteoblasts.

Methods of electrochemical lysis of tumors and radioimmune analysis are used - exceeding the norm in their results may indicate the presence of osteoporosis.

Norms of osteocalcin in the blood (ng / ml):


0-6 years - 39-121; 7-9 years old - 66-182; 10-12 years old - 85-232; 13-15 years old - 70-336; 16-17 years old - 43-237; 18-35 years old - 24-70; 35-50 years - 14-42, over 50 years - 14-46.


0-6 years - 44-130; 7-9 years old - 73-206; 10-12 years - 77-262; 13-15 years old - 33-222; 16-17 years old - 24-99; from 18 years to menopause - 11-43; after menopause - 15-46.

The main objective of phosphorus is to ensure the growth of bone tissue and maintain its integrity.

By the content of inorganic phosphorus in the blood, one can understand the rate at which it is absorbed into the intestine, the amount vitamin D, the efficiency of the kidneys and synthesizing parathyroid hormones (parathyroid hormone regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus).

The norms of inorganic phosphorus are as follows (mol / l):

  • children under 2 years 5, 6;
  • children 2-12 years old 5 8;
  • adolescents from 12 years and adults up to 60 years 7 5;
  • women from 60 years 0 2;
  • men from 60 years 4.

Calcium is the main component of bone tissue, so when examining bones for osteoporosis, its indices are extremely important.

The normal calcium content (mol / l) is as follows:

  • 10 days from the moment of birth 0 9;
  • from 10 days to 2 years 7 5;
  • 2-12 years old 0 0;
  • 12-18 years old 0 5;
  • 18-60 years old 5 6;
  • from 60 years 5, 5.

The marker shows how quickly the minerals needed for bone are washed out. Normal measures are (ng / l):

up to 50 years - less than, 80;

50-70 years - less than, 00;

from 70 years - less, 54.

up to 55 years - less, 73;

50-70 years - less than, 08.

Exceeding this rate also means the onset of menopause, rheumatoid arthritis or metabolic osteopathy.

Excess of the norm indicates the development of various pathologies of bone tissue, as well as a number of kidney diseases that are caused by the clogging of the bile ducts.

Norms of the enzyme (e / l):

3-6 years - less than 644;

6-12 years - less than 720;

12-17 years - less than 936;

from 17 years - less than 115.

12-17 years - less than 448;

from 17 years - less than 105.

The second type of blood diagnosis is a laboratory analysis to determine the level of content of various types of hormones.

In the thyroid gland, parathyroid hormone is formed, whichtakes a direct part in the mineral metabolism.

Its norms for men and women are the same (pg / ml):

  • up to 20-22 years - 12-95;
  • 23-70 years old, -75;
  • over 70 years old, -117.

The only thing to consider is that during pregnancy, the level of parathyroid hormone can fluctuate within, up to 75 pg / ml.

In the metabolic processes of the female body, oestrogen hormone also actively participates. His rate depends on the menstrual cycle (pg / pl), as well as the onset of menopause:

  • the phase of maturation of the follicle - 69-1270;
  • ovulation - 132-1656;
  • luteal phase - 92-862;
  • menopause is less than 74.

Excess of the norm can speak of cirrhosis of the liver, tumors on the female genitalia and obesity.

In the male and female body should contain the same norms of cortisol - the hormone of the adrenal glands, which is responsible for the breakdown of fats and proteins. The norm depends only on the age: up to 16 years - 83-580 nmol / l, after 16 years - 138-635 nmol.

During pregnancy, the content of this hormone can be 5 times higher than the permissible values, which is considered the norm.

Genital organs and adrenals produce testosterone - a hormone,which also regulates metabolism in the body and affects the normal formation of bone tissue.

Usually, men try to determine its number, but it is also necessary for women to check for osteoporosis.

The normal content of testosterone (ng / l) in men is 390-1000, in women it is 20-80.

The next type of laboratory diagnosis is the analysis of urine, during which the content is determined:

  • inorganic phosphorus (the norm for adults is 15-42 mmol / day);
  • deoxypyridinoline (shows the amount of collagen in bone-connective tissues and is considered the main marker, capable of demonstrating their destruction): the norm for women is 3 pyrid.mol / creatine mole; norm for men .

To understand the state of the patient's bones, doctors use several types of diagnostics.

Firstly, it is densitometry, which helps to fix the density of bones, to calculate the risk of fractures and to prescribe effective treatment of osteoporosis.

The study can be performed using an ultrasonic densitometer (it is possible to obtain more accurate results because of the high sensitivity of the device) or X-ray (it is possible to measure only the surface density of bone tissue).


Secondly, modern diagnostics uses the method of radioisotope scanning, during which a radioactive substance is introduced into the bloodstream, which shows the sites with the greatest lesion. The method is characterized by high accuracy.


Finally, thistrepanobiopsy - a method that involves the extraction of bone tissue for bone marrow research.

It is important to understand that each diagnostic method has its drawbacks, for example, densitometry It allows diagnosing the disease only at the stage when the change in density has already begun bones.

It also does not allow to predict the course of the course of the disease with confidence and to promptly adjust the therapy.

It is because of the shortcomings in each method of research recommended a comprehensive diagnosis, when the results of one survey are confirmed by another.

This allows you to make a more accurate diagnosis, more clearly see the picture of the processes occurring in the bone tissues and timely correct the treatment methods, achieving a high effect.

To get the most truthful picture of the condition of bones, it is necessary not only to conduct a comprehensive examination, but also before passing the tests and visiting the procedures to perform a number of simple rules.

  • Biochemical blood test is given on an empty stomach in the morning hours (from 7 to 10 hours). The last meal should not be earlier than 12 hours before taking blood.
  • On the eve before the surrender of blood should refrain from excessive consumption of fatty foods, but there is no ban on drinking water. Fasting is prohibited.
  • Do not drink too much or too little water. It is necessary to consume liquid in the volumes in which you drink it normally.
  • It is forbidden to take any antimicrobial medicines.
  • It is recommended to refrain from sex at least 12 hours before the test.
  • Contraindication for the delivery of urine in women are monthly.

Early stages of osteoporosis do not have pronounced, characteristic symptoms, so after 40 years, regular examinations should be carried out. Despite the fact that the disease affects women more often, once a year, the diagnostic center should be followed by men.

If you notice the signs that we mentioned at the beginning, immediatelyseek advice and take preventive examination.

Any disease is always easier to win at the very beginning than to spend years and a lot of money to treat a neglected disease.

A source: https://medeok.ru/osteoporoz/kakie-analizy-nuzhno-sdavat-na-osteoporoz