Episcleritis of the eye: causes and methods of treatment

Epicleritis is a benign inflammatory process located in the connective layer that connects the sclera and the mucous membrane of the eye (episcler).Pathology is always accompanied by severe hyperemia of one or both eyes with a characteristic red-violet hue, as well as strong pain sensations. Usually, the disease passes even without any treatment, but has a recurring character.Therapy at any stage of the disease is always effective, so the disease is not considered dangerous.


  • 1Description of the disease
  • 2Types and Classification
    • 2.1Nodal episcleritis
    • 2.2Migrating episcleritis
    • 2.3Rosacea-episcleritis
  • 3Causes
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Possible complications
  • 6Diagnostics
  • 7Treatment
  • 8Prevention
  • 9Video
  • 10conclusions

Description of the disease

The episcleral membrane of the eye is the surface part of the sclera.Has a loose structure with a large number of blood vessels in the surface and deep layers. Epicleritis is an inflammatory process of this part of the eye, in which strong redness is expressed. It has a benign nature and passes independently in 60% of cases. As a rule, the most pronounced hyperemia is expressed in areas in the corners of the eye between the eyelids. The affected area can have a different shade - from pink to purple, depending on the degree of inflammation.

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The disease does not threaten the visual processes, but it causes a lot of discomfortAnd, therefore it is recommended to consult a specialist at the first signs of ailment.

According to statistics, women after 40 years are 2 times more likely to suffer from this disease than men. The reasons for this spread are still unclear.

Types and Classification

There are two types of pathology - simple and nodular.Simple episcleritis occurs more often, and also responds much better to treatment. And the peculiarities of the manifestation are the migrating type and rosacea-episcleritis.

Nodal episcleritis

Almost always observed in the elderly due to the thinning of the structural elements of the visual system. Episerclar is slightly swollen, which causes unpleasant sensations.When you touch the affected area, there is a lot of pain, which directly depends on the degree of inflammation.Blood vessels greatly expand, forming firm or soft to the touch nodules up to 4 mm in diameter. Sometimes there are several swelling, which then merge into one node. This form of the disease lasts up to 3 weeks, in rare cases, inflammatory processes last up to several months.Nodular form of episcleritis, as a rule, affects both eyes, and after recovery the affected area has an aspid color.In addition, with this type of pathology, there is no pronounced photophobia and lacrimation.

Migrating episcleritis

Severe form of the nodular variety of the disease.It is characterized by strong painful sensations and a significant swelling in the eye. The focus of inflammation is usually localized near the limbus, so the ailment can affect visual functions.Often accompanied by angioedema and edema of the eyelids and headache.At the same time, migrating episcleritis lasts briefly - the disease passes for several days even without any treatment.


Subspecies of migratory form. The main difference is that there is a probability of corneal damage, so the ailment can be burdened by keratitis. Often during the time, pink acne on the face appears. There is a similar pathology less often than other types.

The defeat of the cornea in episcleritis is the most serious complication, which necessarily requires treatment, especially with a recurrent nature.


The reasons for the development of episcleritis are still unclear.It is believed that the inflammatory process spreads through the circulatory system in this area. In most cases, the disease is diagnosed in the elderly with systemic diseases. In addition, there are several risk factors:

  • Viral and bacterial infections, parasite infestation;
  • Foreign body on the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • Mechanical or chemical effects;
  • Autoimmune and rheumatoid diseases

According to research, one third of all cases of episcleritis occur in people with systemic diseases, in which there is an elevated level of uric acid in the blood.


The disease has characteristic symptoms, which differ depending on the severity of the pathology. Usually, with episcleritis, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Expressed hyperemia, the shade under which differs depending on the degree of inflammatory processes;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the eye, discomfort when blinking;
  • Abundant lacrimation(except nodular type);
  • Light sensitivity (except nodular type);
  • Edema of the eyelids;
  • The appearance of a specific acne rye pink;
  • Prolonged and chronic pain in the head.

Symptoms go away on their own for several days or weeks, but due to the fact that the disease tends to recur, there is a risk of transition of episcleritis to a chronic form.

Possible complications

Epicleritis does not pose a threat to visual function, but severe and chronic forms can accompanied by the development of keratitis, as well as the thinning of the episcleral membrane due to the constant inflammation.In addition, chronic episcleritis is a risk factor for the development of dangerous visual diseases - glaucoma and cataracts.


The disease has characteristic signs, so the diagnosis is not difficult.It is important to differentiate episcleritis from conjunctivitis and scleritis, which have a similar clinical picture. To do this, a visual inspection using special lighting is used, as well as eye ultrasound to study the condition of blood vessels.Regardless of the form of the disease, a clinical and biochemical blood test is assigned to study the level of uric acid and identify the cause that caused the pathology.Episleritis often develops on the background of other systemic or infectious diseases, therefore, consultation of other specialists may be necessary.

Conduction of ultrasound examination of the eyes


The inflammatory process in the episcler reacts well to medical and physiotherapy treatment.Great importance in this regard is given to the therapy of the primary disease that caused pathology from the eyes. Treatment is prescribed only if there is a pronounced hyperemia and pain in the eyes and head.For this, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the form of drops, as well as moisturizers.In the presence of a strong inflammatory process, passing into the cornea, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are prescribed.

Timolol - anti-inflammatory drops

Physiotherapeutic procedures play a great role in the treatment of the disease, they not only avoid complications, but also enhance the action of medications.As a rule, UHF-therapy is applied to the eye area. The prognosis for a full recovery is often favorable.

Apparatus for UHF therapy

With a mild form of episcleritis, no medication is prescribed. The disease passes by itself with a decrease in physical activity. To accelerate the healing process, it is recommended to take vitamin supplements in addition.


Warn the development of episcleritis is difficult, because the causes of the disease are unknown. It is important to consult a specialist on time in case of detection of characteristic signs, and also to undergo a full medical examination on a regular basis.To avoid injury to the eyes and reduce the impact of unfavorable factors, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment during operation.



Epicleritis is a common ophthalmic disease of an unclear nature.Often, the disease is diagnosed in the elderly against a background of systemic diseases and age-related visual abnormalities (presbyopia, turbidity lens), therefore after 40 years it is important to regularly be examined by specialists in order to detect the onset of the pathological process in time.The disease does not pose a danger to vision and can pass in a short time, however, when finding the characteristic signs, it is still recommended to consult a doctor.

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