The child has a stomach ache with fever: why, why, what to do at home

All children sometimes complain of abdominal pain, which most often presents no danger. But when the child has a stomach ache and the temperature is higher than normal, a serious illness should be suspected. After all, high body temperature tells us that the human body - children and adults - is struggling with viruses and bacteria, effective care can be provided only by a doctor!

Approximately every tenth child occasionally has a passing small pain in the abdomen without harmful consequences. Let's take a simple example: after eating unripe apples, the stool can be normal or there will be a single diarrhea. But the pain, combined with an increased body temperature, always indicates the presence of an acute disease or exacerbation of a chronic pathological process.

Then the children lose their activity, they have no appetite, there is diarrhea or vice versa, stool retardation, nausea, vomiting, pallor of the skin. With severe pain in the abdomen, the skin becomes sweaty.

Learn what to do when a child has a stomach ache and body temperature, what are the causes of this phenomenon and what should parents do at home.

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Why the child has a stomach ache and the temperature rises: causes


Appendicitis( inflammation of the appendix of the appendix of the cecum, or appendix).It occurs in children and adults, but more often - in 9-12 years.

In children under 3 years, the temperature often rises to 39.5 degrees, there is a rapid deterioration in the general condition, the child does not touch the stomach.

A child of 3-7 years old has a high fever( up to 37.5 degrees, but can be normal) and a stomach ache in the navel. Then the pain spreads to the right side. He takes a characteristic forced posture - lying on his right side, bending his legs, there may be a single vomiting.

When switching to purulent inflammation, the baby experiences severe thirst, the skin and mucous membranes are dry. In combination with viral infections( hepatitis, measles) and intestinal infections, vomiting, diarrhea( diarrhea) and nausea are observed.

Call the ambulance urgently! Peritonitis

Peritonitis( streptococcal, pneumococcal).Inflammation of the serous cover of the abdominal cavity affects girls 4-9 years old more often. The disease develops within a few hours, the child has a high fever( up to 40 degrees) and has a stomach ache in all its departments.

Skin pale, white coating on the tongue, the baby is clearly suffering. There may be diarrhea( the contents of the intestine are yellow-green with a very unpleasant odor).

With such symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help, call an ambulance!

Acute diverticulitis

Inflammation of Meckel's diverticulum( protrusion of the wall of the colon, left as a result of a defect in the uterine development) is accompanied by fever, vomiting, constipation and general anxiety. Soreness is more often observed in the navel or lower abdomen( above the pubis).Symptoms are very similar to acute appendicitis, but in any case, hospitalization is necessary!

Acute cholecystitis

Inflammation of the gallbladder in children is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature( up to 38-40 degrees), the stomach hurts in the upper right quadrant, when pressed, the child pulls your hand.

The child can note that pain gives to the right side of the waist and right arm. There is anxiety, refusal to eat, nausea, vomiting( in the vomit masses can be seen an admixture of bile), diarrhea or constipation, the tongue is covered with greyish-white bloom, the mucous membrane of the mouth is dry, the stomach is slightly inflated, hard to the touch.

Acute pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas is a common disease in childhood. It begins acutely - there is a characteristic girdling pain, fever to 37 degrees, nausea, diarrhea and frequent vomiting, refusal to eat. Pale skin, dry mucous membranes of the mouth, the tongue is covered with white coating.

Intestinal infections

Acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, in which the child has a violated stool( severe diarrhea, constipation), nausea, vomiting, high fever and abdominal pain. Possible confusion, hallucinations against a background of severe fever.

This condition causes typhoid fever, acute enterocolitis, dysentery, salmonellosis and other bacterial infections. Because of the very loose stool and vomiting, the risk of rapid dehydration is high, so it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible.

Abdominal pain, not associated with abdominal pathology

In viral and bacterial infections( tonsillitis, measles, whooping cough, ARI and others), inflammation of the lymph nodes, including the abdominal ones, often occurs.

Characteristic sign - the pain increases with inspiration, since the descending diaphragm presses on the abdominal lymph nodes.

Pain in the abdomen of a psychological origin

Very emotional children may have abdominal pain and combine with a fever, constipation or diarrhea, migraine headache, retardation, pallor of the skin or its redness. Sometimes confusion, auditory hallucinations, and visual impairment are added.

Between these bouts the child feels completely normal. This phenomenon can be observed in children growing up in a tense psychological environment, and children, to whom parents or teachers make high demands.

If the pain in the abdomen of a child lasts more than two hours, accompanied by fever, refusal of food, apathy, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - it is necessary to call an ambulance. If such phenomena are observed in the baby, then help is required immediately, since even two hours of dehydration for infants is extremely dangerous.

What to do: how to recognize a dangerous condition!

When a child has a stomach ache and fever, it is very important to diagnose as soon as possible. Seek medical help immediately if:

  1. is less than three months old, has diarrhea and vomiting;
  2. is currently undergoing a course of treatment for an oncological disease;
  3. there is vomiting without diarrhea( and it is not possible to empty the intestine);
  4. blood in vomit masses and stools( especially if the blood is very dark or tarry-black);
  5. intense abdominal pain that occurs suddenly;
  6. abdominal muscles tense;
  7. frequent, shallow breathing;
  8. recently had a stomach injury;
  9. burning during urination.

What can not be done with acute conditions

No matter how you want to ease the condition of your baby before the arrival of physicians, do not make independent decisions about treatment when it comes to acute condition. With abdominal pain is strictly prohibited:

  1. give medicines to .Do not give painkillers and laxatives - this can worsen the condition and, most importantly, greatly complicate the diagnosis and even lead to an erroneous diagnosis;
  2. warming stomach , doing the enema .Local increase in temperature and water infusion can increase inflammation and lead to more serious consequences;
  3. to water and to feed .If the hospital requires anesthesia, food and water in the stomach will cause vomiting.

What prevention of diseases of the abdominal cavity is possible

You can never know in advance what kind of trouble with your baby's health can arise. But you can always minimize their likelihood. In the prevention of diseases of the abdominal cavity a few tips will help:

  1. try to give the child less fatty and fried foods;
  2. monitor the consumption of liquid - it should not be too small;
  3. feed the baby more often and in small portions( there is nothing wrong with small snacks);
  4. restrict the consumption of carbonated beverages;
  5. make sure that the baby's nutrition is balanced and high in fiber;
  6. exercise daily exercise;
  7. teach your baby from an early age personal hygiene to prevent intestinal infections;
  8. provide a quiet environment in the house, because nervous tension often leads to somatic diseases.

If the child has a stomach ache and fever, do not wait until it goes by itself. The presence of a fever always indicates that an acute inflammatory process is underway, and urgent medical consultation is needed. Untimely seeking medical help in such a situation can lead to serious consequences.

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Source: author of the material pediatrician Zinoviev NA - http: // bolit-zhivot-i-temperatura /