How to cure a cold at home

How to cure a cold a day: proven methods

With chills and mild ailments, from which in most cases a cold starts, emergency measures should be taken - if in your plans are not to get sick and sit for a couple of days with a temperature, and then another week to walk, without parting with the nasal handkerchief.

Toto cure a cold in one day, it is best to hold it at home and not go anywhere. But this day we should use the maximum benefit for our health and dedicate it to the fight against a beginning cold, as well as ARI and ARVI. In this we will be helped not only by pharmacy products, but also by tried home remedies: lime blossom, raspberry tea, hot milk with honey, onions, garlic and mustard. We'll start with it ...

Cold treatment for one day: warm up and sweat

If you are frozen, then first thing you need to keep warm. Frozen feet will perfectly warm hot tub with mustard - something that we simply call "get your feet". In a basin with hot water (not lower than +40-42 ° C), dissolve a spoonful and a half of mustard powder and keep the feet for 15 minutes, when necessary pouring hot water. After that, you need to wipe your feet thoroughly, put on woolen socks and lie under a warm blanket. You can just pour a mustard powder into your socks instead of a hot hot tub and go to bed. And if you did not have dry mustard on hand, rub your feet with vodka and put on warm socks.

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Cold hands warmed under a stream of hot water: five minutes, raising the temperature from pleasantly warm to hot (+ 42-43 ° C). Then dry up our hands and put on something warm with long sleeves. To enhance the effect, you can put warm mittens on your hands and spend the next 60 minutes wrapped in a woolen blanket.

To sweat, and, therefore, get rid of toxins and try to cure a cold for the day, the body needs more fluid than usual. Therefore, we will drink - exclusively in hot form: tea with raspberry jam, tea with lemon and honey, decoction of lime blossom, thyme, chamomile or elderberry flowers with mint. Prepare the broths of medicinal plants is simple: a glass of boiling water take 2 tbsp. spoons of dried flowers or herbs, brewed with steep boiling water, covered with a lid and allowed to stand for 15-20 minutes. Herbal teas for a cold drink on, liter per day. And the total daily volume of fluid with symptoms of a cold or ODS should be at least two liters.

"Just in case" you measured the temperature and saw that the thermometer's column went up - do not panic. If the body temperature does not exceed + 38 ° C, then doctors do not advise her to shoot down, because a rise in temperature is evidence that human immunity began to fight the disease. And we can and should help him cure a cold in one day, for example, after drinking hot tea with the root of ginger, which strengthens the body's immune system and prevents infection from developing. To make ginger tea, a piece of 2 cm long root is peeled, finely chopped, put together with tea brew into a cup, pour 200-250 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. In this healing drink you can add a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of natural honey.

By the way, after you have drunk, be sure to wipe the skin with a well-pressed hot towel - to remove the toxins that have emerged, and change to dry.

How quickly to cure a cold with a cold?

If the cold has made itself known about the stuffiness of the nose, you need to take the initiative on yourself and apply the methods proven by generations to combat the first symptoms of the common cold.

Among the multitude of folk remedies for treating colds with colds is a sufficient amount of very effective - especially at the initial stage of the disease.

It is recommended to lubricate the nose with the Kalanchoe juice 2-3 times a day (or bury 2 drops of juice in each nostril). Often used table salt, which is mixed with butter. This home-made ointment (a third of a teaspoon of oil mixed with the same amount of salt and slightly warmed up) lubricates the nose from the outside. And to wash the nose, which moistens the mucous and facilitates nasal breathing, a teaspoon of salt is dissolved in a glass of warm water. Rinsing is carried out as follows: one nostril is closed with a finger, and the second is drawn into the nose by a solution of salt (the same is done by the second nostril).

An ancient folk remedy for a common cold with a cold is a common onion.

It is enough to cut the bulb in half and breathe phytoncides that stand out from the cut. Phytoncids onions have a bactericidal property and are able to neutralize even the diphtheria bacillus and the causative agent of tuberculosis Koch's wand. So with a cold they can cope easily: you need several times a day for 10 minutes to keep in the nostrils of cotton swabs, moistened with onion juice.

Effective remedy for colds for colds - bury your nose with any warm oil (for example, olive, sea-buckthorn, menthol) or oil solution of retinol acetate (vitamin A). Should also help the balm "Star if they have to cover the nose and the wings of the nose before going to bed.

Of the pharmacies nasal drugs with a blocked nose, the drops "Galazolin "Naphtizin "Nazol "Nazivin" and sprays "Sanorin Otryvin Vibrocil Delufen etc.,

How for a day to cure a cough for a cold?

When a cough is the first sign that you are trapped in a cold, you need to start by rubbing your back and chest cells with ointments, which contain essential oils, and which have a disinfecting, distracting and irritating effect act.

You can rub over the chest for the night with a mixture of castor oil (2 tbsp. spoons) with turpentine (1 tbsp. spoon) or finished medicinal turpentine ointment. This tool is rubbed into the skin of the chest (except the heart area) and the soles of the feet, warmly wrapped. With the help of two or three rubbing, you can cure a cough for almost a day for a cold. But it should be borne in mind that such procedures can not be carried out at elevated temperature.

An irreplaceable cough remedy (and not only) has proven badger fat. Due to its composition, badger fat has a restorative, anti-inflammatory and even immunostimulating effect on the human body. With this fat, you need to rub your back and chest for the night. And in folk medicine is very popular such a recipe: for 100 g of badger fat, honey and cocoa powder mixed with 50 g of butter and 50 g of crushed leaves of aloe (centennial). Add 5 g of mummy and propolis, as well as 50 g of medical alcohol. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

For the treatment of cough for a cold 1 hour. A spoonful of this mixture is bred in a glass of water and rubbed for the night back, chest and calf muscles of the legs. And for internal use - as a powerful fortifying agent - 1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture dissolve in a glass of hot milk and drink in small sips (before eating).

Instead of tea to cough for colds, you must drink broths from medicinal herbs: oregano, mother-and-stepmother, elecampane, sweet clover, thyme, peppermint. A glass of boiling water is taken by a handful of herbs and brewed like tea, which after 15 minutes of insisting is ready for use - a glass three times a day. Special chest coughs are sold in pharmacies. For example, in "Breast Collection No. 1" contains the root of the althea, the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother and the ore of the oregano; and in "Breast Collection No. 2" - the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother, the leaves of the plantain and the root of licorice. These phytopreparations are produced in filter bags and are easily brewed.

A good remedy for a strong cough is the fresh juice of black radish, which has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Radish needs to be washed, peeled and finely chopped. Then mix with granulated sugar in the proportion: and put in a jar, tightly closing the lid. After 4-5 hours radish will give healing juice, which should be taken - 1 tablespoon at least three times during the day.

One of the effective methods of cough treatment is steam inhalations. For example, with oil of eucalyptus, mint, juniper or pine. Drip a few drops of oil in a bowl of boiling water, sit down, tilt your head above the container, cover with a towel and breathe steam. These simple home procedures have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and bronchodilator effect.

Aerosol inhalations are also useful, which are carried out with the help of pocket inhalers. Most often, essential oils (menthol, anise, eucalyptus, peach), as well as natural honey and propolis (alcohol solution) are included in the mixtures. Here is the recipe for honey inhalation with propolis: 1-2 teaspoons of honey dissolved in a glass of boiled water and drop 6-8 drops of propolis. Water can be replaced by a% solution of furacilin. Duration of the procedure is 5 minutes.

If we talk about pharmaceuticals for cough, then drugs such as Glauvent, Libexin or Tusuprex inhibit the cough reflex, but do not depress respiration. And "Tusuprex" has not only an antitussive effect, but also a weak expectorant. These drugs doctors recommend taking three times a day for one tablet.

To the group of drugs that have enveloping, expectorating and mucolytic (diluting sputum) effects are "Acetylcysteine "Bromgexin "Ambroxol" (a synonym for "Lazolvan"), etc. Remember that many medications have a side effect and often not one. It is for this reason that medications for treating a cough for colds are recommended after consultation with a doctor.

How for a day to cure a throat for a cold?

Rinsing is the first emergency method with perspiration and pain in the throat for colds. The most effective for gargles for a long time are considered decoctions of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort and three-color violets. Prepare them is not difficult: 1 tbsp. Spoon the herbs with 1 cup of boiling water, put on fire, bring to a boil and immediately remove from the plate. The broth should be insisted in a sealed container for 15-20 minutes. Gargle should be often and warm decoction, it will remove inflammation of the mucosa and help for a day to cure a cold.

Sore throat is very useful to rinse with this composition: in 200 ml of warm boiled water, dissolve a teaspoon of table salt and soda, add 8-10 drops of iodine. And even such a solution: for a glass of warm water take 2 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice.

For a day to cure a cold is not easy, but honey and lemon always come to our rescue. At the first hints of sore throat cut a circle of lemon, put on top a teaspoon of honey - and in the mouth! And chew! And then swallow. Every hour the procedure can be repeated.

Do you trust drugstores more? On health! In the pharmacy, a large selection of all sorts of lollipops from the pain in the throat, for example, "Strepsils" and "Koldakt Lorkpils based on a chemical such as antiseptic amylmetacresol. And in candies "Strepsils plus" there is an anesthetic - lidocaine. Tablets under the tongue of "Septefril" contain the strongest antiseptic substance decamethoxin, which It is used in the treatment of purulent and fungal skin lesions, as well as for the treatment of the hands and the operated site in surgery.

And in "Tharyngepte which removes perspiration in the throat and discomfort when swallowing, the main active substance is the drug ambazone with a strong bacteriostatic effect. Doctors prescribe ambazone in the treatment of acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, etc.).

Cold treatment for one day with medications

At the first symptoms of a cold, people often take advertised medicines. For example, "Arbidol which is considered an antiviral agent that increases immunity. It contains the active ingredient umifenovir, as well as inorganic pigment titanium dioxide (E 171) and yellow food coloring "sunset sunset" - E 110. The latter has a negative effect on the human body, therefore it is banned in the US and some countries of Europe. It should also be noted that the drug "Arbidol" (Russian production), the World Health Organization (WHO) does not consider as a promising antiviral drug, but The US Food and Drug Administration refused to register it in the United States as a medicinal product preparation.

One can not but rejoice at the quick action of preparations such as "Coldrex Hotem" or "Teraflu used to treat a cold in one day. Their effectiveness has been tried by many, but not everyone knows that the therapeutic effect of powders on colds is due to the presence in their composition of a maximum single dose of paracetamol - a popular antipyretic and analgesic all over the world preparation. With prolonged use and in high doses, paracetamol can cause allergic reactions, as well as toxic effects on the liver and kidneys.

In addition to paracetamol, cold powder from different brands contain phenylephrine hydrochloride, which narrows the vessels of the nasal mucosa. So do not be surprised if after 3-4 days of taking an anti-cold powder you will feel a burning sensation, dryness or tingling in the nose. This is the action of phenylephrine. And in the list of its side effects are listed: thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, skin rash, angioedema, increased blood pressure and palpitations.

How quickly to treat a cold at home? Doctor's advice and folk recipes

How to be treated for a cold at home? This question was asked, perhaps, by every person. All because all colds are susceptible to all people from small to large. The treatment of colds with folk remedies (at home) is increasingly gaining popularity in recent years. However, this is not the safest method. Abandonment of the use of medications can lead to quite serious consequences. There are several ways to get rid of colds at home. This article will tell you about the basic methods and tell some recipes of traditional medicine.

Before you cure a cold at home ...

Certainly, the sick person wants to get rid of the cold symptoms and eliminate the ailment as soon as possible. However, do not immediately grab for known drugs and thoughtlessly take medicine. Before you start the correction, it is worth to visit a doctor. The doctor will be able to accurately determine the causes of your illness. After that, the specialist will prescribe you a complex treatment, the effect of which will not take long.

Before the beginning of treatment it is necessary to determine the cause of the appearance of the common cold. It can be reduced immunity, bacterial infection, viral pathology or inflammatory process. Also, a cold can occur due to an exacerbation of one of the chronic diseases. In all these cases, treatment is chosen individually. Consider the basic advice of physicians who will help get rid of the common cold.

Viral defeat

How quickly to treat a cold at home if it is caused by the multiplication of viruses? In this case, drugs are used to enhance the body's immune defenses. Also, many of them have antiviral activity. It is worth noting that the common cold caused by viruses is transmitted by air and by drip. This means that you could get it in a normal conversation with an infected person.

Than to treat a cold at home? The most popular drugs are the following: tablets "Ergoferon" and "Anaferon powders for the preparation of solution "Reaferon" and "Interferon rectal suppositories "Kipferon" and "Genferon". Also often physicians prescribe such compounds as "Ocillococcinum "Arbidol "Isoprinozin". All of them affect immunity and contribute to its increase. In addition, drugs fight viruses. They stop the reproduction of microorganisms and remove them from the human body. It is worth noting that all of these medicines have an individual intake scheme. That is why, before using them, you should carefully study the instructions for use.

Bacterial infection

How quickly to treat a cold at home if it is caused by the reproduction of a bacterial flora? In this case, doctors prescribe medications to which the detected microorganisms are sensitive. It is worth saying that before treating a bacterial infection it is worth giving a certain analysis. For this, a material can be taken from the pharynx, vein or bladder. Sometimes sputum or mucus secreted from the nasal passages is used for the study. Infection with this type of cold can occur through saliva or with household contact.

Than to treat a cold at home in this case? If you do not have the opportunity to conduct a bacteriological study and identify the drug, which are sensitive to the obtained microorganisms, then it is necessary to use antibiotics of a wide range actions. These include "Summamed "Amoxiclav "Biseptol "Macropen" and so on. It is worth saying that the relief of the pathological condition should come on the third day of treatment. Otherwise, we can assume that the selected drug is simply inefficient in your case. It must be replaced with a medicament with another active substance. At the same time, one must always remember that antibacterial medicines greatly influence immunity by suppressing it. This is due to the oppression of normal flora. To restore the protective functions of the body, it is necessary after the treatment to conduct a course of intake of beneficial bacteria. It can be "Linex "Acipol "Normobakt "Enterol" and so on.

Temperature increase

How quickly to treat a cold at home, if it is accompanied by a fever? Currently, pharmaceutical companies offer such compounds as "Teraflu "Ferveks "Koldact" and so on. They are all based on paracetamol. That is why it is advisable to take this medication to lower the temperature. Also, remedies for fever, chills and headache are based on ibuprofen. These include "Nurofen "Ibufen" and so on. They can look like a suspension, tablets and rectal suppositories. No less effective are preparations containing nimesulide. These include "Nyz" and "Nimulid". It is worth noting that the latest drugs also have anti-inflammatory activity.

Decrease in temperature at home should be started only after the graduation mark crosses the division of 38 degrees. If you normally carry this condition, then doctors recommend waiting until 3 degrees. It is in this temperature environment that most pathological microorganisms die. It should be noted that some babies are prone to seizures. They antipyretic are required already at a temperature of 3 degrees. That is why, before you cure a cold at home, the child, you need to visit a doctor and get appointments.

Effective fight against colds

Almost always with colds there is separation of the mucous fluid from the nasal passages. This brings a lot of discomfort. Complicating this condition is also the fact that the nasal congestion may appear. In this case, a person can not practically breathe. Internal tissues become highly inflamed and swell. What to do in this case? How quickly to treat a cold at home?

First you need to clean the nasal passages and rinse them. Blow your nose thoroughly. If the pathology has occurred in a small child, then it makes sense to use an aspirator. After removing the mucus, flush the walls of the inner cavity of the nose. This can be done with the help of drugs such as "Akvalor "Aquamaris". Also doctors sometimes advise to apply usual saline solution. Enter a few drops into each nasal passage, then repeat the cleansing procedure. There are several ways to treat a runny nose. one of the most effective and popular in recent years is "Pinosol". It should be said that it is made on the basis of herbal oils. That's why it can be used even during pregnancy.

If your cold has a viral origin, then it is advisable to use such compounds as Irs-19, Derinat, Grippferon, and so on. All of them are active against many viruses, and also contribute to increasing the body's immune defenses.

In bacterial pathology, doctors often recommend such drugs as Isofra, Polidexa, Protargol or Sialor. In this case, before each administration of the composition, it is necessary to clean the nasal mucosa from the dead microorganisms by washing.

Elimination of sore throat and perspiration

How to cure a cold at home? Very often, this condition is accompanied by painful sensations in the pharynx. At the same time, the nature of the pathology does not affect this symptom at all. Removing the pain in the throat can be medications for topical use. These can be sprays that need to be sprayed directly on the larynx or tonsils. Also, physicians often recommend the use of solutions for the treatment of pharynx and glands. A more convenient form for use are tablets, which need to be absorbed.

Among the effective drugs can be identified "Chlorophyllipt" or "Lugol". These compounds are applied to the tonsils. They are very effective for bacterial colds. Also, doctors appoint the following nebulizers: "Tantum Verde "Ingalipt "Cameton "Miramistin" and so on. These medicines not only eliminate bacteria, but also fight with fungal lesions. A more pronounced analgesic effect has a capsule for resorption. Among them are "Stop Angin "Gammidin "Strepsils" and so on. They have anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect. Separately, it should be said about the drug "Lizobakt which can be used for young children and pregnant women.

Combating cough of various kinds

What should I do for a cold at home? This condition is often accompanied by a cough. However, it can be wet or dry. Often with such a symptom, doctors prescribe the following medicines: "Doctor Mom "Ambrobene "Sinekod "Herbion "Kodelak" and many others. Before using them, you should carefully read the instructions. Use only the medication that suits your cough.

We can not say about inhalations. This method is very good and in a short time eliminates cough. For the procedure, doctors prescribe the following drugs: Berodual, Pulmicort, Lazolvan, and regular saline. Remember that you always need to keep the dosage and strictly limit the number of inhalations per day.

Get rid of toxins in your body

Whatever you choose a remedy for a cold, at home it should be used strictly according to the instructions. Each medicine can adversely affect the liver and stomach. This only aggravates the course of the disease. What to do in this case? Doctors recommend using sorbents. These drugs will help to remove toxins from the body and clean it from infected microorganisms, which can also cause fever.

Effective sorbents include Enterosgel, Polysorb, Activated Carbon, Smektu and others. When using them, one very important rule must be observed. Never use these drugs at the same time as other medicines. The break between them must be at least two hours. Otherwise, the medicine for cold may simply not work.

Abundant drink

Treating a cold with folk remedies at home always involves consuming a large amount of fluids. During the use of medication correction, abundant drinking will also contribute to a speedy recovery.

The average daily rate for a person is 2 liters of water. In babies this volume is calculated in a different way. For every kilogram of weight a child needs 100 milliliters of water. Simultaneously with a simple drinking liquid you need to use warm teas and fruit drinks. If you have a sore throat, then give up hot drinks. They can further damage the inflamed area of ​​the larynx.

Hunger is the path to recovery.

How to recover from a cold at home? Very often, during an illness a person's appetite disappears. At the same time, many people use food forcefully and are surprised that the cold does not retreat for a long time. In fact, everything is very simple here. The organism throws the basic forces on struggle against bacteria or viruses. This contributes to the fact that a person's appetite disappears. Doctors say that you should not force yourself to eat. A couple of days of hunger will not lead to anything critical. However, the body can quickly and effectively overcome the pathology.

Remember that giving up food does not mean that you need to limit drinking. The liquid must continuously enter the patient's body. So he can make up for his losses, which occur during a cold and sweating.

Folk recipes and proven methods

How to clean a cold at home? Many patients prefer to use traditional medicine and grandmother's recipes. However, these methods are not always effective. That is why it is worthwhile to see a doctor if your treatment does not give a positive result within three days.

  • As a febrifuge, you can use raspberries. You can eat a decoction from the leaves of the plant or make tea with jam from berries. Also, the temperature of wiping the vodka is very good. To do this, dilute alcohol with water in a one to one ratio. After that, the whole body is rubbed abundantly.
  • From a sore throat very hot milk with honey helps or assists. To do this, heat milk to a comfortable temperature and add 2 teaspoons of honey. The effect will increase several times if the additional component is butter.
  • You can treat a cold with onions or garlic. These products are a natural antibiotic. Squeeze out the juice from garlic and onions. Then add a few drops of olive oil and one milliliter of saline. Enter into each nostril two drops every six hours.
  • In the fight against viral infections, a decoction of echinacea is very helpful. Get a dry herb and use it as a tea. You can also drink a ginger drink. To do this, grind the root of the ginger and boil it with boiling water.
  • Such means as mustard plasters, cans, baths and other warming can be used only in the absence of temperature. After that, it is desirable to wrap yourself in a blanket and sleep. You can enhance the effect of various herbal teas. Good inflammation of the chamomile and thyme, sage and calendula.

How to cure a cold on the lip at home?

Often the infection affects mucous membranes and tissues. The cold that appeared on the lips is often called herpes. It's a virus. That is why to eliminate it, it is necessary to take antiviral and immunomodulating compounds. Currently, there are medicines for topical application. Among them we can distinguish "Zovirax "Acyclovir "Viferon".

To treat a cold on the lip at home can be folk recipes. Thus, frequent lubrication of the affected area with toothpaste promotes drying. At the same time you can rinse a cold chamomile broth or oil celandine.

A small conclusion

You now know how to treat colds at home. Doctors strongly do not recommend the use of medications without a doctor's recommendation. However, often a person prefers to cope with pathology independently, rather than contact a medical institution. Remember that such tactics can cause complications. If after the treatment you do not feel better within three days, then you should immediately seek medical help.

Remember that antibacterial drugs are not capable of eliminating viral infections. The same can be said about immunomodulators. Antiviral drugs are not capable of eliminating bacterial pathology. Often, doctors prescribe both of these drugs. This leads to a rapid recovery and recovery of immunity. Get well and do not get sick!

How to quickly cure a runny nose at home

Worst of all, when the banal runny nose spoils some vital moments. But it can be quickly dealt with even at home! We disassemble in detail how to do this.

The appearance of the common cold is one of the first symptoms of colds that accompanies the course of the disease. Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa that can lead to swelling and discharge of mucous secretions. When the nasal mucus clogs the sinuses of the nose, respiratory functions become more difficult. How to quickly cure a runny nose in the home - this issue is our current material.

Do not rush to bury your nose with vasoconstrictor! The fact that with the mucus from the body are derived toxic substances, which in turn is good. But this does not mean that the disease must be allowed to run its course. Complications of the mucosal edema can lead to more serious diseases, such as otitis media, conjunctivitis, sinusitis and so on.

To cure a runny nose without negative consequences, you need to approach this problem in a comprehensive manner, from all sides. First, create a positive microclimate in the house. The room temperature should not exceed 22 ° C. Due to the fact that the common cold usually occurs during heating seasons, monitor the humidity and do not forget to ventilate the room.

Secondly, in the runny nose, keep your limbs warm. Wear gloves or mittens, do not wash the dishes with cold water. Try not to overeat your feet, do not walk barefoot on the floor. Observance of these rules will help you not to worsen the general condition. And, thirdly, these are the methods of treatment themselves, of which there are a great many. Let's get acquainted with some of them closer.

How to cure a runny nose in the initial stages of the disease

To cure the disease quickly, it is necessary to start treating it from the moment you felt the first symptoms. Immediately after you have chilled your feet, felt weak or sneezed - at night, strew your feet with mustard or sea salt.

In the basin with hot water, add a spoonful of dry mustard powder, drop your legs and cover everything with a blanket, so the water will stay hot longer. To achieve a curative effect, the water temperature should be as hot as possible. Place a teapot next to the boiling water and, as it cools, add a little bit of boiling water.

Soar your feet for at least 15 minutes. Strengthen the effect of coniferous extract added to water. If you have problems with pressure or varicose veins, do a dry warming of the legs. To do this, heat the brick, wrap it with a cloth, so as not to burn yourself. After warming, put on woolen or terry socks. You can put a mustard on your feet or add a bit of mustard to your socks.

In addition to warming the feet, the first symptoms of the common cold are perfectly eliminated by heating the maxillary sinuses. This should be done with the help of boiled eggs, potatoes, heated salt, grains or sand. Dry heat should not be too hot, so wrap the selected object for warming up in several layers. As the cooling cools, you need to remove the layers. The whole procedure lasts 30 minutes.

Any heating should be done only at the initial stages of the common cold in the absence of high fever and extraneous symptoms in the form of pain near the nose, eyes, eyebrows or forehead. Otherwise, a reverse reaction is possible, in the form of increased inflammation.

Rinsing of the nose

How to quickly cure a runny nose at home? With the help of a nose wash! This method is effective not only in the early stages, but also with a runny nose. To perform this procedure, we will need a teapot with a narrow nose or a small syringe, sea salt or any herbal decoction.

Pour 1/3 of a teaspoon of sea salt onto a glass of warm boiled water. Rinse your nose, tilt and turn your head in the side. The solution is poured into the upper nostril. Then turn the head and do the same with the other nostril. This method of treatment is completely safe in the absence of injuries, nosebleeds and inflammation of the middle ear.

Do not wash the nose with cold or very hot water, and there should be no foreign particles in the solution. If you use a decoction or infusion, pre-strain it.

To achieve a positive therapeutic effect, rinse your nose every two hours. When pouring the solution, the liquid should flow freely into the lower nostril. If not, consult an otolaryngologist.

Traditional methods of treating a common cold

An excellent alternative to pharmacy drops will be aloe juice, menthol or tuya oils and diluted lemon juice. In addition, the following folk remedy copes wonderfully with the common cold. Mix freshly squeezed carrot juice and olive oil in the proportions:. To this mixture, add 3 drops of garlic juice. Drip your nose 3 times a day.

Perfectly fight with edema of mucus inhalation. Use for this purpose special devices purchased at the pharmacy, or thermoses, kettles, plates or pans. You need to breathe over a couple of infusions of herbs and essential oils. Do not make too concentrated solutions to avoid burning the airways.

Kill dry microbes dry inhalation. Place a chopped onion or garlic next to you. Miraculous means - onion compress at night. Use aroma lamps or special medallions with antibacterial essential oils.

Abundant drink will help to cope not only with the common cold, but also with the common cold. Strengthen the immunity will help teas with the addition of raspberries, lemon, black currant, honey, ginger or mint.

How to effectively cure a runny nose in a child at home

To snot from the baby did not stagnate, do the following procedure. Create a room with wet steam, for this, turn on the hot water in the tub. Every 30 minutes you go into such a room, from a couple the baby will have snot that needs to be washed off with water.

Washing with grass infusions is possible. Mint, thyme, calendula, chamomile or sage - perfectly suited for these purposes. One teaspoon of herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water, allow the liquid to infuse. Before use, strain the infusion, and cool it to 37 ° C. Place the baby so that the head is slightly thrown back. Dip the nose out of the pipette, then lift the baby so that it can blow your nose. If the child does not know how to blow his nose, put the baby on his side, and use a syringe to remove mucus from the nose.

Also use herbal bathing. Make an infusion of marigold, chamomile or sage, strain it. Pour the broth into the tub, dilute it with water so that the temperature of the bathing liquid is 36 ° C. Bathe the baby for 20 minutes. Then, wrap it and put on the legs of woolen socks.

How to quickly cure a cold

To treat a cold you need from the first day of infection. Drink more liquid, especially compotes of dried fruits and herbal teas. Give up heavy food, give preference to fresh vegetables. Soups on chicken broth should be the basis of your food.

Take a shock dose of vitamin C, it is better to use ascorbic powder, no more than 3 sachets a day. Drink it better with milk. If you have any abnormalities in the work of the gastrointestinal tract - give up the shock dose. Use vitamin C only from fruits.

During the whole illness, keep bed rest, it will help to recover faster and eliminate complications. Do not neglect medical care if the temperature is above 3, it lasts more than 3 days (for children - 24 hours). When there is sputum with blood, shortness of breath or swallowing - consult a therapist. For severe headaches, pain in the maxillary sinuses or near the eyes, consult an otolaryngologist.

Learn how to quickly get rid of nasal congestion and be healthy!

How to cure a cold at home?



If you cure cold, then it passes for a week, if treated, then for 7 days.

But seriously, only bed rest, plentiful drink, symptomatic treatment: if the throat hurts - spray sprays or take resorptive sweets, cough - antitussive drugs, etc. etc.). If the temperature is higher than 38-3, then antipyretic, for example, paracetamol. If the temperature is lower - do not knock.

There are no effective drugs against viral colds.


bed rest, plenty of drinking and so that no one and nothing bothered))
this is provided that with immunity everything is in order ...

Anna Winter

honey, lemon, tea with raspberries and a "star"


A cold with treatment lasts 7 days, and without treatment a week. Choose!

Timofeeva Evgenia

It depends on what's gotten cold!

Charismatic Charm

Than to be treated, if you were ill? First, call the doctor and give a blood test for a bacterial infection. Then, after listening to the doctor's recommendations, start treatment, not forgetting about folk medicine.

If tormenting cough - will help cloudberry. In the treatment, petioles from her berries are used - they are dried for a long winter and, boiling with boiling water, they drink hot instead of tea. Also from coughs honey from spruce cones is good. The cones are collected early in the summer, green and cooked in the pelvis for 3 hours with sugar. The received medicine not only can cure even the initial stage of tuberculosis, but it is also very pleasant to taste - it is a pleasure to drink tea with such a jam.

Everyone knows the healing properties of linden - her flowers are dried, and in the winter they make tea like tea. Such drink perfectly helps with colds, it is used as a light antipyretic.

Watch your health and do not be ill!

Irina Shipunova

The common cold usually cures))))) If there are certainly no complications, God forbid, of course.


tea with lemon, mors ...

Ekaterina Burzalova




Sergey Belousov

breathe a steaming potato


That are treated, that do not be treated, week and so. So quickly in any way.


and I drink teraffly for 3 days
quickly and permanently

Valentin Shuvalov

a proven way for years:
150 vodka + 150 strong black tea + a tablespoon of honey.
stir (but do not shake: D), warm up to the barely possible to drink and drink.
under the blanket and sweat.
note: only if there is still no temperature !!!

Elena Miller

20-25 drops of alcohol tincture of propolis in half a glass of warm milk in the morning and in the evening

Ira Nagibina

Honey, raspberries, strong tea with milk. And at night Teraflu.

Personal Cabinet Removed

As often as possible, drink hot fresh strong tea with lemon or herbal tea with cloudberries, cranberries, cranberries.


In the home in any way, if quickly... Go to the pharmacy... Buy "Arbidol dear, it is true, zarrrraza this...: (((((But very effective... With the flu for a couple of days on his feet puts... And with a cold... So, do not panic, it's not antibiotics and all that, it's just a drug that catches up and makes your sleeping immune system move faster, and everything... His even infants can... One package for a simple cold is enough for a half a pint... .
And so, without chemistry... Woolen socks with dry mustard, inhalations over potatoes, soda, warm clothing to sweat, sore throat - milk is bitter with honey, cough - radish with honey... .
* remembered * Also very effective, provided that you do not have a temperature above 37... Maximum... Otherwise, do not... A bottle of beer warms, squeezes a lemon, a few spoons of honey, mixes, drinks, and then you sweat silently under the blanket, unintelligible to open!!! Then you change into dry clothes and peacefully fall asleep until morning... Cucumber in the morning! :)))
Health to you! )

olga kiseleva

Hot tea with raspberries, a glass of warm milk with a spoon of honey and a spoonful of plums. oil.


Squeeze the juice of one lemon, two tablespoons of honey, mix and immediately drink.


Capsule "Koldakt flu plus in 12 hours one more. The truth does not help everyone. Or just a bulb without bread to eat (if the stomach is healthy)

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