Berodual with a dry cough in a child's inhalation

From what cough to take "Berodual"

"Berodual" is a bronchodilator containing ipratropium bromide and fenoterol, as well as auxiliary substances. Directed action of complementary components allows the use of a medicament for the rapid removal of bronchospasm in obstructive bronchitis, asthma, and lung emphysema.

The action of the drug "Berodual" with a dry and moist cough

Use "Berodual" can be with a dry and moist cough with hard-to-separate sputum, shortness of breath, bronchial spasms caused by exposure to tobacco smoke, cold air. Ipratropium bromide has a blocking effect on cholinergic receptors, which makes it possible to inhibit reflexes in the irritating action of the vagus nerve. In turn, this significantly reduces the bronchospasm in any form of cough, reduces the secretion of a secret secret glands, including bronchial secretions.

Relaxation of the muscles of the bronchi contributes to an increase in expectoration of accumulated mucus with a moist cough with difficult to separate sputum and prevents spastic contraction of the smooth muscles of the bronchi in a dry coughing.

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Fenoterol in a therapeutic dose stimulates b2-adrenoreceptors. At use of high doses of a preparation stimulating influence appears on b1-adrenoreceptors. Relaxation of the bronchi and vessels interferes with bronchospasm arising on the background of exposure to cold air, allergens, histamine or methacholine.

Mukolitsiarny clearance occurs at a dose of 600 mcg. The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is released from the mucus accumulation, it becomes much easier to breathe.

The systemic effect of the drug "Berodual" is accompanied by minimal side effects, since a minimal dose of fenoterol and ipratropium bromide is absorbed into the bloodstream. However, use of aerosol is only necessary for the purpose and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Doses of Berodual

Spray "Berodual" is produced in metal cans and is designed for 200 doses. With a damp cough with hard-to-separate sputum, dry cough, an asthma attack, two inhalation doses are used. If within 5-7 minutes there is no desired effect, it is permissible to conduct 2 more inhalations. The maximum allowable number of inhalations per day should not exceed eight.

The solution for use in nebulizers is available in 20 ml vials. At an acute attack of bronchial asthma in adults, 20 drops of Berodual are used. The maximum permissible daily dose should not exceed 160 drops. Drops are diluted with 4 mg of saline and inhaled for seven minutes. The interval between re-inhalation should not be less than 4 hours. Along with the use of Berodual, a comprehensive, comprehensive treatment of the disease should be prescribed, which caused bronchospasm or attacks of dry cough.

Inhalations with dry cough general recommendations

In cold weather, it is very difficult not to get colds or ARVI, and young children, especially if they visit a kindergarten, can "please" their parents several times a month.

Modern pharmaceutical companies offer a huge number of different antiviral, antitussive, expectorant and anti-inflammatory drugs, but each medicine has its own contraindications, and to overload the body with chemicals is also not I want to.

To avoid all these problems, you can use proven methods of treatment - inhalation with a dry cough, with solutions of medicinal herbs, soda, saline or medicinal preparations: ambroben, lazolvanom, berodualom and so Further.

Inhalation - why it is useful

Inhalation is the administration of medicinal substances and biologically active substances in air particles (in the form of vapor) through the respiratory tract. This procedure allows you to moisturize and soften the irritated mucous membrane, quickly "delivers" the medication to the source of the disease and does not have a systemic effect on the entire body. This reduces the viscosity of phlegm, and it is easier to remove from the patient's airways.

Steam or heat and moisture inhalation with dry cough have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, expectorant or bronchodilator effects simultaneously. Also, when using medicines, for example, the ambroben, their effectiveness increases several times due to directional action on the affected organs.

Inhalation is recommended for children and adults at the first signs of the disease, as soon as the patient complains of pain and "scratching" in the throat or he has a dry cough. This is one of the most simple and affordable ways to treat bronchitis, colds or other colds.

Using a nebulizer, at home, you can carry out not only simple steam inhalations with decoctions of herbs or alkaline with soda and saline, but inhalation with berodual and lazolvanom, ambroben and other medicinal means.

Inhalations are recommended for:

  • with acute and chronic diseases of the larynx, bronchi and lungs - tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and some kinds of pneumonia;
  • with occupational diseases of the respiratory tract - laryngitis of singers or teachers, bronchitis and pneumonia in people working in chemical plants, in quarries or mines;
  • diseases of the middle ear - otitis;
  • diseases of the nasal and paranasal sinuses - rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • viral infections - rhinovirus, adenovirus, reovirus and others;
  • bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis;
  • for the prevention of catarrhal diseases and complications after the transferred diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.


Inhalations should be administered as directed and under the supervision of the attending physician, especially in young children.

There are also general contraindications to inhalation:

  1. increased body temperature;
  2. acute inflammatory or purulent process;
  3. nosebleeds and tendency to them;
  4. high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases;
  5. pulmonary tuberculosis or emphysema.

Types of inhalation

There are several main types of inhalations: they can be carried out at home by a nebulizer or simply steam, with various medicinal substances, medicinal herbs or essential oils.

Inhalation with a nebulizer with a dry cough is carried out with the help of special apparatuses, spraying molecules of medicinal substances with the help of ultrasound or using a jet of compressed air. With nebulizer it is convenient to carry out inhalations to small children or if frequent procedures are necessary. Inhalation nebulizer should be carried out only for the purpose and under the supervision of a doctor, since in each case, you need to individually select the dose and drug.

The following medicines are used for treatment with a nebulizer:

  1. With a dry cough or bronchospasm, bronchodilators are used: inhalations with salbutamol, berotek, berodual, atrovent;
  2. In severe cases, with bronho-obstruction, hormonal drugs are used: pulmicort, prednisolone;
  3. For the treatment of bacterial diseases - antibiotics and antiseptics: flumutin, gentamicin, furacilin;
  4. For liquefaction of sputum and its excretion - inhalations with mucolytics: with lazolvanom, ambroben, fluimutsilom, pulmozimom;
  5. For moisturizing and softening the mucous membrane: with saline solution, soda or mineral water;
  6. Various phytopreparations and essential oils.

Types of inhalation according to the physical state of substances:

  1. Heat-wave inhalations are the most popular, they help moisturize the mucous membrane, while warming it up and promoting liquefaction and removal of mucus from the bronchi. For inhalation use a solution of alkali, antibiotics, hormones, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs. The time of such inhalation is 8-10 minutes.
  2. Steam - these inhalations can be easily carried out at home, it is enough to put on a teapot with a hot decoction of medicinal herbs or a solution with a medicine, a funnel made of paper and a nose or mouth to breathe medicinal ferry. Another way to do inhalation at home is to prepare a hot solution, pour it into suitable capacity - a large cup or basin, cover your head with a towel or sheet and breathe over the cup. Such inhalations with dry cough promote mucosal healing, improve blood circulation and metabolism in affected organs and have analgesic effect.
  3. Oil inhalations are an excellent tool for the treatment of dry cough, help to soften irritated mucous membranes and reduce edema, and thanks to the healing properties of the oils used, have an anti-inflammatory and expectorant act.

Basic principles of inhalation:

  1. Prepare the solution with the drug immediately before the inhalation;
  2. The procedure should not be earlier than 40-60 minutes after eating, in comfortable clothes that do not constrain chest, and after inhalation try not to talk and not eat for another 1 hours;
  3. Inhalation of the solution in the treatment of cough should be through the mouth, slowly and exhale through the nose, and with diseases of the nasal passages or sinuses - on the contrary;
  4. At the rate of treatment is recommended at least 10 procedures, you can repeat them 3-4, and if necessary, 1-2 hours during the day.

Simple recipes at home

  • One of the simplest and most effective inhalations is an alkaline or saline solution. To do this, dissolve, tsp soda in 200 ml of hot water and breathe on steam or pour saline in hot water at the rate:.
  • Inhalations with essential oils - on, l of hot water use 1-2 drops of eucalyptus, fir, menthol, tea tree. The amount of oil should not exceed 3-4 drops, and the inhalation time - 3-5 minutes.
  • When coughing is useful solution of medicinal herbs - sage, eucalyptus, linden, calendula, St. John's wort and others.
  • Effective use of onions and garlic for inhalation.

Share your experience... dry "barking" cough in a child.



Antibiotics - yes, inhalations - yes (I do not remember what we did, already in the hospital case it was), still prescribed antihistamines. In occasion of azts - the child was not prescribed it, but personally I once helped him with a terrible dry, persistent cough.

God's Karofa

we after such a cough during the day and appointments of our doctor, called an ambulance at night and left with cereals in a hospital ...

Mamzel Elena

Treat as a doctor appointed, the more you trust. We, too, with such a cough in the hospital were lying with stenosis of the larynx taken away. But there they treated only with inhalations with fiz. solution.

Ekaterina Volkova

At us such was, have caused or called the doctor-it has appeared a tracheitis! Heal, bask, and do not start!

Alesya Milenkova

With Lazolvanom I would not be in a hurry, coughing until dry, from the foolish child will cough even more, but while there is no phlegm, the cough becomes exhausting.
Keep track of the child's condition, let's have a warm drink, you can make herbs brew chamomile, linden. If cough during the day remains dry, it is better to hospitalize.


I, if I hear a child breathing with a whistle, immediately do inhalation with berodualom and give suprastin. antibiotic, however, only after the visit of a doctor, but has never been without him. We were with him twice in the hospital and then several more times. expectorants have always been prescribed in the form of syrup or potashllya

Alla Sheveleva

I already have an adult daughter and experience a lot in childhood illnesses. I will not bother with my memories and assessments of the work of pediatricians. They can be understood, but if it's not about your own child. If the child has a high temperature, above 38 C, then of course you need to use antipyretic drugs, maybe antibiotics or sulfonamides (if you yourself do not understand them, then a clear recommendation of the doctor for application). Do not be lazy to read the instructions. Antibiotics are often prescribed after a meal, under the influence of gastric juice they lose therapeutic effect. For the time while my daughter was ill, no doctor bothered to say this! VERY CAREFULLY READ INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLY ANY MEDICINE! Necessarily warm, not boiling water, drinking. Raspberry tea, milk with a snack with honey, if health allows. And when there is no high temperature, apply dry heat to the chest. This means in a frying pan heat the salt or clean sand, pour it into a bag of natural cotton cloth, tie it. After carrying out of medical procedures, it is better before a dream to put a pouch on a thorax to the child. You can use two bags at once, on the chest and under the back. Avoiding the heart area. I hope to write about the fact that the heat should be comfortable for the child, the bag should not crumble, that is, observe all safety rules. My deceased mother-in-law always said before giving or doing anything to a child, try on yourself. And I'm grateful for her advice. Dry heat I apply for the treatment of the whole family, if it is rational. Very often this is the most effective method.


we too so treated. and in the hospital, there may not even be medicines, the same beroduala... ((im there generally on figs ((


An antibiotic for prophylaxis that "I would not fall down at all is not clear to me. He will not affect, in any way, wheezing or coughing. He can not be a preventative. This is only in case you drink it, inflammation, and he quickly extinguished this inflammation... and if the inflammation starts with bacteria that are already resistant to this antibiotic, because you are already drinking it. Then you have to drink one more, stronger. In my opinion it is easier to try to moisten the cough, by all the ways you know. That the sputum was liquid, and the inflammation did not begin. An antibiotic can not prevent inflammation. bearded with lazolvanom do not bother me, just Lazolvan - mucolytic, theoretically must dilute sputum. Inhalations - it's what would get to the bronchi got, ferodural - it's from the bronchospasm, then ACTS - it's still extra reinsurance. In general, I would be in your place, if there is no temperature, put the child on the street, until it clears up (but if you are so afraid, then do not, I would do so). And I would drink as much as possible. Would give everything, except an antibiotic. If a child is up to 3 years old, a false croup can begin at night - it's just a dry, barking cough with whistling (in the elder it happens, but less often), with the croup the first aid is immediately on the street, or the window is wide open, that there would be air, cool and fresh. Well, fast, of course.
In general, I was confused only by reinsurance with an antibiotic. This, if you can not manage it, and the complications will begin - then you will have to. And the reception in advance does not affect that. whether they start or not.

Danya Pozitivchik

Effectively with such a cough, if there is no temperature, soar your legs in mustard, and make a compress on your chest and back with dimexide diluted with water: top polyethylene and warm scarf, for 4 hours + inhalation with Borjomi... Necessarily antiallergic and Noshpu for the removal of spasm. Lazolvan and ATSTS in such cases usually do not appoint, t. To. They will strengthen a cough... you need to soften the cough first by inhalations the same, it's very good to give the Atma drop scheme.

Berodual for inhalations

For the therapy of certain diseases of the respiratory system with symptoms of obstruction of the bronchi and lungs, today all modern pulmonologists and pediatricians recommend a modern drug - Berodual.

For inhalations through a nebulizer or other inhalers, it is available in the form of a solution, suffering from bronchial asthma, are manufactured in the form of pocket aerosol inhalers, which is also very conveniently. Among other bronchodilators, he leads the number of sales and popularity.

Even the most famous and popular medicine has a lot of side effects, to whom it categorically can not be used, and for some people, side effects can be very serious. Berodual has a lot of positive properties, and ease of use, and relatively low price, and a unique bronchodilator property.

No drug, no matter how it is advertised, is absolutely safe for everyone without exception. Use Berodual is possible only on strict indications, in a dosage established by the attending physician. Applying it without prescribing a doctor, especially for young children, is unacceptable.

Indications for use Berduala for inhalations

The main action of Berodual is due to its constituent components - Ipratropium bromide and Fenoterol. Namely, this bronchodilator normalizes the production of mucus in the lower respiratory tract and relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi.

Berodual is indicated for symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma, emphysema, COPD, for the prevention of obstructive diseases with reversible bronchospasm.

Convenience and positive aspects of its application:

Berodual is unique in that it is produced in a form that is convenient for asthmatics - an aerosol inhaler, and in a form in which it is convenient to use it nebulizer in the form of a solution for inhalation is an invaluable convenience for helpless small children suffering from bronchial asthma, as well as for the elderly weakened people. Moreover, the effectiveness of both forms of Berodual is the same.

  • Also, the advantage is its quick enough effect, after 15 minutes it becomes easier for the patient to breathe, the maximum impact comes after 2 hours and the effect lasts up to 6 hours.
  • The effect of the drug is valuable in that it stimulates breathing, relieves bronchospasm, relaxes the musculature of blood vessels and bronchi, reduces the secretion of glands. At the same time, it has no negative effect on gas exchange and mucociliary clearance in the human respiratory tract.
  • Berodual is also used in the complex therapy of broncho-pulmonary diseases and as a monotherapy of respiratory system diseases.
  • It is used to relieve coughing attacks with obstructive bronchitis, COPD, to relieve seizures patients with bronchial asthma, for the removal of obstructive syndrome in patients with bronchial tuberculosis and lungs.
  • It is allowed to use Berodual for inhalation to persons with heart and vascular disease, only with caution.

To whom is contraindicated the use of Berodual - the instruction

  • It can not be used by people with severe cardiovascular diseases - such as tachyarrhythmia, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, coronary insufficiency, after myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension
  • With caution, Berodual is prescribed for obstruction of the neck of the bladder, cystic fibrosis, hyperthyroidism, pheochromocytoma, and closed-angle glaucoma.
  • With diabetes, prostatic hyperplasia
  • During pregnancy, especially in the 3rd trimester, with breastfeeding and children under 6 years.
  • And also with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

What side effects may occur with inhalations of Berodual in children and adults

Based on the data of Berodual's instructions - a solution for inhalations, the most frequent and negative side effect is:

  • Dry mouth
  • Increased nervousness
  • Tremor of skeletal musculature

More rare side effects:

  • Headache
  • Palpitation
  • Tachycardia
  • Dizziness

Other side effects according to the instructions for use are:

  • Respiratory system: irritation in the respiratory tract, causing a strong cough.
  • Digestive system: vomiting, dysfunction of motility of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea.
  • Cardiovascular system: arrhythmias, lowering of lower pressure (diastolic), increase of upper arterial pressure (systolic).
  • Vision: In the event of a solution falling into the eye, the clearness of vision, the pain in the eyes, the appearance of stains, a halo before the eyes, congestion hyperemia, as well as a reversible increase in intraocular pressure, disorders accommodation.
  • Allergic reactions:there are rarely reactions in the form of rashes, swelling of the lips, face, tongue, urticaria.
  • Other: increased sweating, hypokalemia, general weakness, muscle cramps, problems with delayed urination, changes in the psyche.

Dosage regimen for children and adults

To date, a global violation of the planet's ecology, an abundance of chemicals, polluted air with industrial waste and exhaust gases, an increased radiation background, a powerful electromagnetic field around a person destroys the normal immune system of both adults and children and now diagnosis - obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, COPD - not uncommon, and every year the number of patients with these diagnoses increases with catastrophic speed. The worst thing is that children suffer from asthma from a small age.

Use of an aerosol can

When using Beroduala balloon - the dosage for children and adults is the same in this case - you should do 1-2 injections of the drug 3p / day. In the case when the child or adult has a significant risk of developing respiratory failure, then two doses of Berodual should be injected, and after 5 minutes two more doses. The following use can not be started before 2 hours later.

How to breed Berodual for inhalations

  • Berodual-Dosage for children under 6 years of age, with a body weight of less than 22 kg. To date, there is no qualitative research on the safety of Berodual's application to babies, so use of the drug should be limited or eliminated. However, under medical supervision, it is possible to use Berodual at a rate of 25 μg of ipratropium bromide, 50 μg of fenoterol hydrobromide per kilogram of the child's weight, i.e. 1 drop per 2 kg of weight. Inhalation by berodual for children under 6 years can be done up to 3 times a day, starting with a minimal dose (, ml. is equal to 10 drops). The maximum daily dose, ml.
  • Usually, the dose of Berodual in small children is taken at the rate of 2 kg of weight - one drop, diluted in 2 ml of saline. You should always start treatment with a minimum trial dose and follow the reaction of the baby, usually prescribed 2 r / day, in severe cases is allowed up to 4 times. After half an hour from the produced inhalation with berodualom in case of an infectious disease, inhalation with lazolvanum can be made, on average, the course is no more than 5 days. The reaction in children is always individual, someone is helped only by inhalation with berodualom, to someone only lazolvan. In some babies, Berodual causes a violent cough, and the lazolvan facilitates the condition, and vice versa.

The table shows the dosages, how to dilute for inhalation Berodual according to the instructions, taking into account the age and severity of the disease.

Children from 6 to 12 years old Children from 12 years and adults Aged people
In the case of moderate bronchospasm
0.5 ml 10 cap. 0.5 ml 10 cap.
In acute mild to moderate asthma attacks
0.5-1 ml 10-20 cap. 1 ml 20 cap.
In severe cases, intensive care doses increase
up to 2 ml 40 cap. up to 2.5 ml 50 cap.
In particularly severe cases, the maximum dose
3 ml 60 cap. 4 ml 80 cap. 4 ml 80 cap.
For long-term and long-term treatment
0.5-1 ml 10-20 cap. 4 r / day, the maximum daily dose - 4 ml. 1-2 ml 20-40 cap. 4 r / day, the maximum daily dose - 8 ml.

How to use inhalation with Berodual according to the instructions

  • The dose indicated by the doctor should be diluted only with physiological solution to a volume of 3-4 ml, and inhalation with a nebulizer until the solution is complete.
  • Do not dilute the medicine with distilled water.
  • Do not use the remnants of the previously diluted solution, and each time only use a freshly prepared solution.
  • The duration of inhalation may depend on the type of nebulizer and on the inhalation method, the main thing is that the entire solution is used up in a dose.
special instructions

Regular use of increasing doses of Berodual and other preparations containing β 2 -adrenomimetics to stop obstruction leads to uncontrolled deterioration of the course of the disease. An increase in the dose with increased bronchial obstruction above the recommended is unacceptable, not justified and dangerous. To prevent the deterioration of the course of the disease and to prevent a life-threatening condition of the patient, the physician should time to revise the patient's treatment plan with substitution for adequate anti-inflammatory therapy with inhalation corticosteroids.

The average price Beroduala for inhalations in pharmacies 270-300 rub.

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