Runny nose with pregnancy 1 term

Runny nose during pregnancy: 1, 2, 3 trimesters than to treat rhinorrhea (snot), what is dangerous is rhinitis during pregnancy

With a cold at least once in life, every person came across. The phenomenon is rather unpleasant, but easily tolerable. But what if the rhinitis occurred in a pregnant woman? It is believed that for the entire period of gestation, the expectant mother will inevitably encounter rhinitis in varying degrees. But during pregnancy, the cold can not be treated "devil-may-care since it threatens complications not only for the woman, but for her future baby. Moreover, one can not uncontrolledly use various drugs from the common cold, because many of the usual means are contraindicated and even dangerous during gestation.

Runny nose: its essence and types

A rhinitis or rhinitis is called such a condition of the nasal mucosa, when it becomes inflamed, and abundant mucus is released from the nasal cavity. As a result of this process, the nasal mucosa significantly increases (swells), which makes breathing more difficult.

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Distinguish between acute and chronic rhinitis. In turn, chronic rhinitis is divided into several types:

  • atrophic, when the mucosa of the nasal cavity is thinned;
  • hypertrophic, with a thickening of the mucosa, which leads to a narrowing of the nasal passages;
  • allergic, the body responds to various stimuli inadequate reaction, that is, allergic.

There are also other types of rhinitis:

  • medicamentous - with prolonged and uncontrolled reception of vasoconstrictor for nose;
  • traumatic - due to any injury (burn, shock and other);
  • vasomotor - occurs after stress or due to hormonal changes, or after eating spicy foods or external stimuli (smoke).


In expectant mothers, the common cold appears as a result of the following factors:


During gestation, the level of estrogen significantly increases, due to which the production of mucus increases, and the mucous membranes become swollen, which naturally affects the nasal mucosa. A similar cold is called a vasomotor rhinitis.


The existing allergy to various external irritants, such as plant pollen or animal hair provokes the development of an allergic rhinitis during pregnancy. Allergy may be absent before pregnancy and will appear with its onset, which is promoted by a decrease in immunity in pregnant women.


A different infection, be it viruses or bacteria, makes it much easier to expect future mothers than ordinary people. This is facilitated by a weakening of protective forces during gestation.

In addition, the following circumstances can provoke the appearance of rhinitis in pregnant women:

  • curvature of the septum of the nose;
  • predisposition to frequent colds;
  • taking contraceptive pills before pregnancy;
  • a number of endocrine diseases;
  • disturbed ecology;
  • excessively dry climate;
  • emotionally labile women with frequent mood changes;
  • polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • adenoids;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • spicy dishes;
  • stress and strong emotional experience;
  • different tumors.

Common causes of rhinitis in humans

In "ordinary" people, the causes of the common cold are as numerous and varied as in pregnant women. These are all the same factors:

  • bacterial and viral infections (various SARS);
  • supercooling;
  • an allergic reaction to various stimuli;
  • nervous and endocrine pathology;
  • surgical interventions in the nasal cavity, trauma;
  • infatuation with vasoconstrictor;
  • atrophy of the nasal mucosa (chemical production and other harmful working conditions);
  • displacement of the nasal septum;
  • "Special" climatic conditions (for example, increased dryness);
  • adenoids and polyps;
  • reduction of the body's defenses.

In its development, the disease passes through 3 stages. On the first - a reflex discharge from the nose is absent, and on examination the mucous is pale and dryish. On the second - catarrhal, there is a rhinorrhea - abundant discharge of watery-transparent mucus, and the mucous membrane of the nose is bright red. In the third - the final stage, there are dense and thick discharge, the so-called "snot which turn yellow or green.

Bloody discharge, or even bleeding, is characteristic of atrophic rhinitis. What is connected with the drying and damage to the nasal mucosa.


Manifestations of the disease, too, like the reasons, are very diverse. The main signs of rhinitis are (absolutely not necessarily that there will be all at once, perhaps a combination of two or three symptoms followed by the addition of the others):

  • it is noted that the nose is laid, the voice becomes deaf, as if speaking through cotton wool;
  • constant sniffle, associated with nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, is especially amplified during physical load and in a horizontal position (usually typical for late periods pregnancy);
  • it becomes difficult to breathe, which only worsens the mood;
  • rhinorrhea (mucous or thick discharge from the nose);
  • sudden rise in temperature
  • a feeling of constant headache (due to difficulties with breathing);
  • decrease in smell, that is, loss of "scent
  • constant and frequent sneezing (irritation and swelling of the nasal mucosa);
  • decreased appetite due to impaired breathing;
  • the feeling of a foreign body in the nose, the nose is constantly itching;
  • disturbed sleep.

Bacterial rhinitis, as a rule, is associated with catarrhal diseases, and begins with the characteristic signs of acute respiratory viral infection. Suddenly, in addition to the cold, fever rises, throat pershit and cough appear, and headaches and muscle pain are also possible. The rhinitis is characterized by an abundant discharge from the nose of watery discharge, which is transparent and mucous in consistency. Because of the mucosal edema, difficulty breathing is added, which disturbs sleep. At the final stage, the "snot" becomes sticky and yellowish green.

For allergic rhinitis is characterized by a lack of temperature against the background of sudden signs:

  • nasal itching;
  • constant sneezing;
  • nose plentiful transparent and watery discharge;
  • breathing is disturbed;
  • increased nasal congestion during sleep.

If the pregnant woman had an allergy before conception, then it would easily connect the appearance of the symptoms of the disease with contact with allergens. Allergens can be pollen flowers, pets (wool, ticks and insects in it), house dust, certain foods and medicines. In addition, with allergic rhinitis, the appearance of the future mother also changes. Characterized by puffiness of the face, reddened eyes, constantly open mouth (breathing mouth), involuntary lacrimation.

Vasomotor rhinitis, which is very common in women waiting for a child and associated with hormonal changes, can begin at any time of pregnancy, including in the first trimester, and proceed to the moment of delivery. Symptoms of the disease may be mild or significant. Allocations are meager or abundant, fluid and transparent, permanent nasal congestion and impaired breathing contribute to insomnia and worsen the mood.

What is fraught with rhinitis during gestation

Coryza threatens not only the condition of the pregnant woman, but also the health of her unborn baby. Constant nasal obstruction causes the mouth to breathe through the mouth, which drains the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, and against the background of and reduced immunity, makes the mucosa susceptible to infections, which can lead to pharyngitis or angina. A runny nose of an infectious genesis can become the reason of development of a sinusitis, a genyantritis or an otitis.

In addition, rhinitis caused by bacteria or viruses is very dangerous for the unborn child. In the early stages of pregnancy, it can become the cause of its "fading and in later stages lead to intrauterine malformations of the fetus. In the third trimester infectious rhinitis is fraught with intrauterine infection of the fetus.

In any case, rhinitis, no matter what origin, contributes to the violation of breathing in women, which is fraught with the development of fetoplacental insufficiency and hypoxia of the fetus. In the future, these complications of pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortion or premature birth, or the birth of a small (hypotrophic) child.

Treatment of rhinitis during gestation

Do not rely on "people's wisdom which states that the treatment of a runny nose is a week, and in the absence of treatment in just 7 days. Runny nose during pregnancy is not only possible, but also needs to be treated, since it does not cause any inconvenience to a woman, how much is dangerous for a future baby. But in no case should one engage in self-medication, very many and habitual preparations from rhinitis are contraindicated in pregnancy. Therefore, the solution to the problem should begin with a visit to the doctor, it is he who will determine the form of the cold and recommend effective therapy.

Cold drops

When there was a rhinitis, many rush to the "wand-zashchalochke that is, special drugs - drops in the nose. Before you begin treating the common cold during pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor, what drops you can, and how to apply them. Categorically prohibited drugs that have a vasoconstrictive effect, especially in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The most common of these are:

  • naphthyzine;
  • naphazolin;
  • galazolin;
  • oxymetazoline and others.

Unquestionably, vasoconstrictive drops have a good effect, and literally in a few minutes eliminate the "flood" from the nose. But they can not be used for pregnant women for several reasons:

  • the vasoconstrictor effect extends to the placental vessels, which means that the spasm of the blood vessels in the placenta depresses the delivery of oxygen to the fetus, which will cause its hypoxia;
  • these drops cause rapid addiction, so they become ineffective after a short time, which requires an increase in the dosage of the drug, and thus aggravates the fetal hypoxia;
  • drops are able to increase blood pressure, especially in pregnant women, whose pressure is labile and prone to increase (usually in 2 to 3 trimesters);
  • vasoconstrictor drops due to vasospasm in the nose overdry the mucous membrane and nose, and the nasopharynx, which makes it susceptible to infections.

With a considerably pronounced rhinorrhea, the doctor can prescribe medications with vasoconstrictive effect, but only for a short time (no more than 3 days), at night (if necessary up to 2 - 3 times a day). These are children's drops Nazol Baby or Nazole Kids, which include phenylephrine, less dangerous during gestation than the above drugs.

It is allowed to drip in the nose preparation Pinosol, consisting of oils of pine, peppermint and eucalyptus. This drug facilitates breathing, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, accelerates the healing of the nasal mucosa and is absolutely safe in the period of gestation.

Rinsing of the nose

Very good effect has the procedure of washing the nasal passages. During this procedure, mucus, dust and other foreign particles, as well as microbial agents, are removed from the nose. For washing, you can use saline or preparations that include sea salt (Humer and Dolphin, Aquamaris and Akvalor, Salin and Marimer). Preparing saline solutions for washing at home is not recommended, since it is very difficult to keep the dosage. But it is allowed to wash the nose with infusion of chamomile pharmacy (brew 1 tablespoon in a liter of boiling water and insist for an hour, strain and cool to room temperature).

Thermal procedures

Of the thermal procedures, the warming up of the nose has proved to be very good. To the wings of the nose on both sides are attached 2 welded eggs, wrapped in a cloth, bags with heated stones, sand or salt. This method increases blood circulation in the nasal mucosa, which improves blood flow and dilutes mucus. As a result, the nasal passages are cleared, and breathing is facilitated. But it is forbidden to heat your nose in case of high temperature.

You can also warm your feet, but in a "dry" way. That is, in the case of a cold, a pregnant woman should walk in woolen socks.


No less effective are steam inhalations, which should also be performed against the background of normal temperature. 10-15 drops of eucalyptus oil, peppermint, sage or tea tree are added to the boiling water. Covering your head with a towel, you need to breathe steam for 5 - 7 minutes. You can use medicinal herbs (chamomile, ledum, mint or sage) or breathe over boiled potatoes or potato peelings.

But it is desirable to carry out the procedure with the help of a nebulizer (the composition of the solution will be prescribed by a doctor).

Drinking regime and nutrition

It is very important to observe the drinking regimen in the described disease. Abundant discharge from the nose is a loss of fluid, which is very dangerous during pregnancy. The volume of liquid to be drunk must be at least two liters per day. Preference should be given to herbal teas and infusions (tea from chamomile, dog rose), morsam (cranberry, currant), still water and milk.

It is necessary to revise the food. It is necessary to exclude spicy dishes and seasonings, possible food allergens (honey, citrus, nuts).

Folk remedies

Widely used in the fight against the common cold folk remedies that are safe during pregnancy and are quite effective:

Onion and garlic

You can simply grind the onion head and a few cloves of garlic and inhale the vapors containing phytoncides that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. You can use these vegetables for steam inhalations (in boiling water lower the onion and garlic), or squeeze out juice, dilute with boiled water in the ratio: and dig in a few drops in each nostril three times in day.

Carrots and beets

Finely grate carrot or beetroot squeezed through gauze or strain through a strainer, and the resulting juice diluted with boiled water in the ratio:. Prepared drops are buried in the nose up to 4 - 5 times a day (up to 6 - 8 drops).

Sodovo-tannic drops

To prepare these drops, add 1 teaspoon of black tea to the beaker with boiling water, and then the resulting infusion is evaporated over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Strain the broth, add a teaspoon of soda. The resulting preparation drips into the nose a few drops three times a day.

Horseradish root

On a fine grater, rub the horseradish root and apple in the ratio add a teaspoon of sugar and stir. The resulting vitamin mixture should be taken 1 teaspoon twice a day. The mixture has anti-edematous effect, which means it improves breathing. In addition, this mixture stimulates immunity.


It will help to cope with nasal congestion and self-massage of reflex zones. It should be massaged (light circular pressure), bridge of nose and area under the nose. It is also possible to tap the nasal bone from both sides, massage of the maxillary sinuses (infraorbital area) and the zone above the eyebrows.

Vitamin extract

To stimulate immunity, prepare a vitamin infusion. Mix 2 tablespoons of psyllium and St. John's wort, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 2 hours. Strain and drink in a few tricks. The infusion is prepared several times, the general course is 5 to 7 days.

Viral rhinitis

In the treatment of viral rhinitis, all the methods described above are used. In addition, antiviral drugs should also be used:

  • Oxoline ointment (lubricate 2 - 3 times a day nasal passages);
  • ointment Viferon (applied to the nasal mucosa three times a day);
  • dragee Derinat (consists of their extracts of herbs, has anti-inflammatory and anti-decongesting effect), take 2 tablets three times a day.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

In case of an allergic rhinitis, first, if possible, eliminate allergens (food, blooming plants in the house, domestic animals). Secondly, the methods described above (nose washing, inhalation with essential oils) are applied. With a significant rhinorrhea, the doctor can prescribe funds with a vasoconstrictive effect. Admission of antihistamines during fetal gestation is contraindicated, but third-generation antiallergic pills, for example, Telfast, are allowed. Or non-aggressive drugs are prescribed, such as Nasalval spray (contains mint extract) or Cromoglycate sodium in the form of a spray (contraindicated in 1 trimester).

Other procedures

  • airing the room;
  • wet house cleaning;
  • Use in the room aroma lamp with essential oils;
  • avoid overheating of the body (aggravates the course of rhinitis);
  • correct breathing (to do shallow and long breaths and exhalations, to breathe smoothly and evenly);
  • during sleep, put an extra pillow (sleep half-sitting), which removes the stuffiness of the nose:
  • avoid nasopharyngeal irritants (cigarette smoke and exhaust fumes);
  • to put on the wings of the nose balsams "star" or "Doctor Mom" ​​(help to remove puffiness and stuffiness of the nose).

Question answer

Can a pregnant woman with a runny nose warm her feet or put mustard plasters?

Answer: No. Categorically forbidden such thermal procedures, as they can cause a threat of interruption or premature birth.

How is the nose washed?

Answer: In the first 2 - 3 days, flushing disorders are performed up to 5-6 times a day, then their quantity can be reduced to 3-4 times. It is possible to wash the nasal passages with a syringe, a small kettle or special appliances that are attached to the preparations for washing.

Aloe juice can be used as a folk remedy for snuffling in the nose?

Answer: No, absolutely not. The juice of aloe increases the tone of the uterus, which provokes the interruption of pregnancy.

What are allergic tests and can they be carried out during pregnancy?

Answer: Allergoproby is an intradermal injection of allergens. After that, the local reaction is evaluated and the allergen is set, to which the subject is sensitive. During pregnancy, it is impossible to carry out allergic tests, allergic rhinitis is diagnosed by blood analysis (the determination of specific immunoglobulins G to certain irritants).

The doctor says that my cold will disappear after childbirth. How soon after delivery will it take place?

Answer: The doctor is right, the "runny nose" of pregnant women passes after the birth of the baby, but, of course, this takes time. As a rule, the rhinitis disappears on the 7th - 10th day of the postpartum period.

How can you prevent the emergence of an infectious cold?

Answer: First, to exclude visits to crowded places, especially during the epidemic of influenza and colds. Secondly, you should dress for the weather, do not overcool and do not get wet feet. If possible, avoid contact with allergens and irritants. You should also adhere to a rational diet rich in vitamins. AND. of course, take walks in the fresh air, avoiding gassy places.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Sozinova

Runny nose in pregnancy

Runny nose during pregnancy is quite common. Often, future mothers experience this ailment in connection with the restructuring of the body at the hormonal level, resulting in swelling of the nasal membranes and other mucous membranes.

This is to blame for progesterone and estrogen - hormones, the level of which rises in the blood of a pregnant woman, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the thickness of the mucous membrane and its swelling.

Runny nose during pregnancy can develop due to sinusitis, nasopharyngeal polyps, proliferation of adenoids, or curvature of the nasal septum. It can cause low levels of humidity, allergies, as well as infection. To prevent a woman's ailment, before going pregnant, it is recommended to visit the ENT doctor's office and eliminate the existing problems. This recommendation is due to the fact that almost all drops from the common cold are contraindicated to pregnant women, since they are contraindicated. they have a vasoconstrictive effect.

ICD-10 code J31.0 Chronic rhinitis J00 Acute nasopharyngitis runny nose

Causes of a cold in pregnancy

Runny nose during pregnancy can occur for a number of reasons. In any case, when an illness occurs, a pregnant woman needs a doctor's consultation, since such a a harmless, at first glance, symptom can cause many complications and adversely affect the course pregnancy.

Causes of a cold in pregnancy, in the first place, are hidden in the weakened immunity of a woman. Colds or infections with respiratory infections are very common for expectant mothers, and the common cold is almost always a bright symptom associated with these diseases. In this case, treatment should be carried out necessarily, as the infection can harm the child.

Often, a runny nose in pregnant women occurs against hormonal changes in the body. Such non-infectious phenomenon in medicine is called "vasomotor rhinitis". As a result of its development in the pregnant woman, there is swelling of the nasal mucosa, which provokes congestion of the nose, as well as abundant discharge of mucus from it. Most often vasomotor rhinitis occurs in the second and third semesters of pregnancy and disappears after childbirth. This kind of cold does not require any special treatment, but, of course, it is necessary to take measures to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman.

An allergic appearance of the common cold is characterized by a sudden onset with sneezing, tearing and abundant discharge from the nose. Often allergic rhinitis in pregnant women is seasonal and manifests itself during the flowering of certain types of grasses, plants and trees. This rhinitis can also be provoked by a number of other factors: house dust, perfume or animal hair. In this case, the expectant mother needs to urgently consult an allergist.

Among other causes of development of the common cold, physicians also distinguish:

  • presence of adenoids;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • benign and malignant tumors (carcinomas);
  • displacement of the nasal septum.

With any kind of rhinitis a pregnant woman needs to seek help from a doctor. Do not engage in self-medication, much less take medications, including drops that can have the opposite effect.

Chronic rhinitis during pregnancy

Runny nose during pregnancy can get chronic form if it does not pass for a long period of time. The causes of the development of chronic rhinitis, in particular, can be:

  • general diseases of the body (the presence of adenoids, VSD, neuroses, stress, heart failure, etc.);
  • displacement of the nasal septum;
  • hormonal changes in the body,
  • polyps, the presence of tumors in the nasal cavity;
  • long-term use of medications from the common cold;
  • poor working conditions (dust, dry air, temperature contrast, gas contamination, etc.);
  • presence of latent or neglected infection in the body.

Chronic rhinitis during pregnancy can cause an untreated or neglected infection. Most often, the main nidi of a chronic infection are the organs of the nasopharynx. Against the background of weakened immunity, pregnant women often manifest and exacerbate sinusitis, pharyngitis tonsillitis and rhinitis. If the future mother knows about the presence of this or that chronic disease in her body, this is necessary tell the doctor, and at the first symptoms of the manifestation of the disease to take measures for their speedy elimination.

Chronic rhinitis during pregnancy adversely affects the quality of sleep of a pregnant woman. Because of difficulty breathing, it is difficult to get enough sleep, resulting in rapid fatigue, headache, fatigue. The presence of a chronic infection in the body of a future mother is dangerous in terms of reducing immunity and negative impact on the development of the fetus. In particular, its intrauterine infection is possible, as a result of which miscarriage may occur, or premature birth may begin. A stale infection in the body of a future mother can lead to the formation of various complications Pregnancy: gestosis, toxicosis, deterioration of the general well-being of a woman, as well as the birth of a patient child. That is why, before conceiving a child, the expectant mother must take care of her health in advance and visit the ENT doctor if she already had problems with diseases of the nasopharyngeal organs. The active course of immunomodulators and treatment of chronic pathology will help the body cope with the forthcoming task - pregnancy, and reliably strengthen immunity.

Identification of infections of the nasopharyngeal organs (so-called. "Sanation of the foci") usually occurs with the help of sowings from the nasopharynx, which results in antibacterial therapy, as well as extensive use of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment. An important factor for the elimination of infections is the treatment of carious teeth. Caries can provoke an exacerbation of sinusitis, tonsillitis and other problems associated with the oral cavity and nasopharynx. Therefore, the future mother should be treated with teeth in advance in order to avoid all sorts of complications during the period of gestation.

Constant rhinitis during pregnancy

Runny nose during pregnancy can be permanent. In this case, we are talking about the vasomotor rhinitis - a condition in which there is a constant nasal congestion. The causes of the appearance of such a cold may remain unknown.

Constant rhinitis during pregnancy signals a possible presence in the future mother of vasomotor rhinitis, which is extremely undesirable. Usually a persistent runny nose is accompanied by an unpleasant tickle in the nose, a need to sneeze a lot. The development of a vasomotor runny nose often leads to the fact that the breathing process is carried out only by the mouth. Risk factors for developing a persistent cold can be:

  • bad habits, in particular, smoking;
  • too dry or polluted air in the room;
  • the body's reaction to individual smells;
  • development of asthma;
  • various injuries to the nose;
  • emotional stress, stress;
  • hormonal changes in the body (in particular, during the carrying of the child).

If the pregnant woman has a persistent runny nose, it is necessary to contact the medical institution as soon as possible to conduct the diagnosis. Since there are quite a lot of reasons for the occurrence of vasomotor rhinitis, it is necessary to exclude the infectious nature of the development of the disease. A pregnant woman should consult her gynecologist who will refer her to a competent medical specialist - an allergist, an endocrinologist, or an otolaryngologist. For effective treatment of vasomotor rhinitis, the doctor must establish its origin (etiology). The choice of medicines for the treatment of persistent runny nose in a future mother should be carried out especially carefully, taking into account possible risks to the fetus.

Constant rhinitis during pregnancy is dangerous because it can cause a number of negative consequences:

  • Nasal congestion leads to disruption of oxygen circulation in the respiratory system, resulting in hypoxia in the tissues nasopharynx, which can provoke a conditionally pathogenic microflora, which is always present in the human body in permissible norms, actively pathogenic. This is fraught with the development of rhinosinusitis - a condition that requires a thorough, carefully thought out and long treatment.
  • Against the background of a permanent cold, the brain tissue is poorly supplied with oxygen. Because of this, the pregnant woman has frequent headaches, dizziness, fatigue, lethargy and fatigue. In addition, the manifestations of neurotic symptoms are likely: apathy, tearfulness, neurosis, irritability and sleep disorders.
  • Continuous breathing through the mouth due to rhinitis causes the spread of infection to the lower respiratory tract, which can lead to complications in the form of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and the like.

To prevent a pregnant woman from developing complications associated with a persistent runny nose, treating rhinitis during pregnancy should be as prompt, competent and safe as possible, and also have a powerful preventive aspect.

Coryza in the first trimester of pregnancy

Runny nose during pregnancy at the initial stage of bearing a baby often occurs due to hormonal changes in the female body - a sharp rise in the blood levels of progesterone and estrogen. The result of this process is edema and thinning of the nasal mucosa. Usually such a runny nose goes away soon after childbirth, and so that he does not bother the future mother, she should increase the intake of vitamin C, after consulting with a doctor.

Coryza in the first trimester of pregnancy of a vasomotor character does not require special treatment, but it is necessary to alleviate the condition, otherwise it will be difficult for the pregnant woman to breathe, because of what hypoxia can develop, which is extremely undesirable for both the future mother and her the kid. Often, the common cold may occur as a result of a cold, which is very common in pregnant women due to weakened immunity. Obligatory consultation with a doctor requires a runny nose, accompanied by headache, fever, throat and coughing. Surely it is a virus that can have a very negative impact on the health of the future mother and the intrauterine development of the baby.

Coryza in the first trimester of pregnancy can have other causes. In any case, for an accurate diagnosis it is necessary to have an examination with a doctor. Often, pregnancy causes an allergic rhinitis, especially in spring, when there is an active flowering of plants. The main thing - to determine the diagnosis and as soon as possible to eliminate the disease, otherwise a strong, debilitating cold on early pregnancy can provoke a miscarriage, because in the first weeks the developing embryo is too vulnerable.

After determining the causes of a runny nose in pregnancy, the expectant mother should strictly follow all the doctor's instructions. In the first trimester it is not recommended to treat rhinitis with chemical preparations, as well as uncontrolled eating honey, drinking vitamins and taking hot baths. With cold cold it is useful to dry heat, herbal tea and bed rest.

Coryza in the second trimester of pregnancy

Runny nose during pregnancy can bother the expectant mother at both early and late gestation of the baby. In any case, this is a very dangerous symptom, since nasal congestion causes difficulty in breathing and so most prevents the intake of the necessary amount of oxygen, which is very important for proper development the kid.

Rhinitis in the second trimester of pregnancy is not as dangerous as in the first trimester, when due to various adverse factors there is a threat of miscarriage. At this stage of pregnancy, developmental malformations in the child are practically impossible, but a runny nose cold, can have a very negative impact on the child, especially if the future mother is not treated and launched a painful state. Because of the common cold, complications can occur in the form of:

  • fetoplacental insufficiency, when the placenta does not sufficiently cope with its functions and poorly provides the fetus with oxygen and nutrients;
  • disorders of the nervous system of the child, tk. its active development falls precisely on the second trimester;
  • the likelihood of premature birth of a child, as well as the low weight of the baby (in the case of uncontrolled use of drugs and severe disease).

It should be noted that a strong and debilitating rhinitis in the second trimester of pregnancy (especially in 19-20 weeks) is capable of provoking malfunctions in the development of eggs. If a pregnant woman is expecting a girl, she should pay special attention to this factor, since the baby may later be infertile.

Before you start taking medications from the common cold, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor to determine the underlying cause of rhinitis. During pregnancy, it is not recommended to take drugs of chemical origin, so the doctor should think over a treatment that in no way will harm the baby.

It should be remembered that a runny nose, flowing in mild form, in case of its neglect can provoke the development of serious diseases:

  • bronchitis,
  • sinusitis, as well as other types of sinusitis,
  • pneumonia.

The treatment of such ailments is very long and requires the use of medications, which is highly undesirable in the formation of the fetus. That is why it is so important not to allow the development of the inflammatory process and to start treating the rhinitis in good time, having consulted a doctor beforehand.

Coryza in the third trimester of pregnancy

Runny nose during pregnancy can pose a threat to the fetus at any gestation period. The development of rhinitis in the last months of pregnancy can be caused by hormonal changes, which increase the volume of circulating blood and cause swelling of mucous membranes. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the hygiene of the room: to ventilate the room, to conduct a wet cleaning. A pregnant woman should walk as often as possible in the open air, less to sit out indoors. Moderate loads are very useful for expectant mothers.

Rhinitis in the third trimester of pregnancy can be a symptom of a cold disease, which often results in complications such as:

  • premature delivery;
  • aging of the placenta, because of which the fruit is deprived of reliable protection;
  • violation of the hormonal background, which complicates the process of producing breast milk at week 34;
  • the possibility of infection in the amniotic fluid used by the child.

That is why it is so important to recognize the onset of the development of a cold disease, the main symptom of which is a severe cold. But even rhinitis in mild form at the 37th week of pregnancy can signal the presence in the body of a future mother of a latent infection. Therefore, it is important to apply to a medical institution in a timely manner and hand over blood and urine tests, as soon as possible to identify the causative agent of infection and take the necessary measures for its elimination.

The development of rhinitis at the 38th week of pregnancy should alert the future mother, since at birth the baby can immediately get into the "world of infection". Unfortunately, the weak organism of the newborn is not always able to cope with the infection. Therefore, after delivery, it is isolated from the mother, which has pronounced signs of a cold, including a bad cold. Do not expose an unborn baby to danger, and if there is even a slight rhinitis A pregnant woman should consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of the disease.

Coryza in the early stages of pregnancy

Runny nose during pregnancy should not go unnoticed, because the cause of its appearance can become a viral infection, which is very undesirable for both the future mother and her child. Among other causes of the onset of the common cold, hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman can be noted, which cause swelling of mucous membranes, resulting in a runny nose, or an allergic reaction of the body to some stimulus.

Runny nose in early pregnancy may have a different etiology, but if it is caused by an infection, the position of the pregnant woman becomes more dangerous. Penetrating into the body of a woman, the virus is lightly transported through the blood to all organs, including the uterus. Thus, infection of the baby can occur. Inflammatory process often provokes miscarriage, and also causes a number of complications. That's why a cold should alert a pregnant woman, and if with it other symptoms of a cold are observed: the headache pain, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, sneezing and dry cough, etc., the expectant mother should immediately turn to the doctor.

Rhinitis in the early stages of pregnancy with a cold is especially dangerous in the first weeks of pregnancy, when the initial formation of all organs and systems of the embryo. In addition to possible complications due to infection, abundant secretions from the nose and its persistent obstruction complicates the nasal breathing process in the future mother. The duration of this phenomenon can lead to oxygen starvation, and then hypoxia of the fetus.

It should be noted that the treatment of the common cold in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy should be as gentle as possible. It is forbidden to use pregnant women with vasoconstrictive drugs (Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Nazivin, Sanorin, etc.), since they can thin the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, resulting in the development of atrophy of the olfactory nerve endings. Any medicine can cause harm to the child, therefore at the first symptoms of a cold, including runny nose, a pregnant woman should seek medical help as soon as possible. institution.

Coryza in late pregnancy

Runny nose during pregnancy occurs, usually in the first weeks after conception and is mainly associated with hormonal changes in the organism of the future mother. However, if a pregnant woman observes a severe runny nose in the third semester of pregnancy, this can be a warning signal. So a viral infection can manifest itself, especially if, in addition to rhinitis, the pregnant woman has other unpleasant symptoms, including a fever.

Coryza in late pregnancy can be triggered by a cold. According to the doctors, catarrhal diseases in late pregnancy do not entail any serious consequences, since all the organs of the child are already formed, and the placenta is a reliable barrier to getting into the uterus of various microorganisms. However, this does not mean that the cold can be allowed to run its course. The health of the future mother should be in the first place, because the outcome of the upcoming birth and the condition of the baby depend on this factor.

A pregnant woman needs to remember that catarrhal diseases, a frequent symptom of which is a strong runny nose, in the last months of bearing a baby can adversely affect the course and outcome of the ancestral activities. Especially dangerous is the situation, if during the delivery there is an infection of the child from the mother. The likelihood of transmission of the virus to the baby as it passes through the birth canal increases.

Runny nose on late pregnancy leads to unpleasant sensations, including difficulty breathing. Due to the fact that the nose is permanently embedded, it is difficult for a pregnant woman to fall asleep, she often faces such problems as insomnia, fatigue, dizziness. This is due to the lack of oxygen in the brain tissue. The congestion of the nose of a future mother can lead to an oxygen starvation of a child. If this process is started, you can note such complications as placental insufficiency and even premature onset of labor. Certainly, the risk is not great, but it does exist. That is why it is so important for the expectant mother to pay attention to even such a seemingly mere trifle as a cold. In any case, the responsibility for the health of the child should be much higher than doubts and independent uncontrolled actions. Therefore, with a strong cold, a pregnant woman needs to turn to a gynecologist, who, depending on the situation, directs her to a narrowly specialized medical specialist to clarify the diagnosis.

Severe runny nose in pregnancy

Runny nose in pregnancy is a symptom that has a different nature of origin, but more often than not, severe rhinitis is a consequence of a viral infection. To avoid the development of a dangerous disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner, otherwise because of a common cold, to be more precise, a virus that has got into the organism of a future mother, may well suffer child.

A severe runny nose during pregnancy should be treated immediately, otherwise, if you start a painful condition, the harm to the fetus will increase significantly. Difficulty breathing, which arose in the pregnant woman due to stuffy nose, can lead to a lack of oxygen, and subsequently - hypoxia of the child. Because of a strong cold, the pregnant woman is forced to breathe through the mouth, and this is fraught with consequences in the form of a cold, especially if it's cold outside.

Infectious rhinitis occurs in any infectious disease (ODS, acute respiratory viral infection, influenza), as well as in case of a common cold. Why does a bad cold appear? This process is caused by the ingress and destructive effects of pathogens, various bacteria and viruses on the nasal mucosa. Their rapid multiplication provokes damage to the mucosa, resulting in exfoliation of the upper layer of the epithelium. There is burning in the nasal passages, nasal congestion, abundant discharge of mucus, as well as changes in voice and difficulty breathing. This is how the protective function of the human body works: together with abundant phlegm from the nose, pathogenic microorganisms are excreted. If the diagnosis of "infectious rhinitis" is confirmed, the pregnant woman should urgently provide medical care, taking the necessary measures to effectively localize the disease.

A severe runny nose during pregnancy, which is caused by an infection, indicates its possible spread to the lower respiratory organs. In this case, the bronchi and lungs may suffer, and the inflammatory process in the organism of the future mother may be bad for the child. In the early stages of pregnancy, it is fraught with miscarriages or abnormalities in the baby's fetal development. Therefore, it is very important for a pregnant woman to immediately begin treatment of any diseases, including a severe cold, without delay. After all, if the rhinitis goes into a chronic form, the treatment will be more serious and prolonged.

Runny nose in pregnancy: how to protect yourself and prevent the development of complications? In order not to suffer from this symptom, a pregnant woman should follow important recommendations:

  • to strengthen their immunity, controlling the lifestyle, nutrition and intake of vitamins;
  • do not overcool, dress according to the weather;
  • In case of visiting a public place (shopping center, office, cinema, shop, etc.) lubricate the nostrils from the inside with a thin layer of oxolin ointment, especially in the autumn-winter period, when the incidence of disease influenza;
  • maximum limit contact with a sick family member using a respirator;
  • immediately seek medical attention in the event of the appearance of the slightest symptoms that indicate health problems, including when rhinitis occurs.

The main rule for a future mother is not to self-medicate! In case of nasal congestion and a severe cold (especially if these symptoms do not pass through for several days), a pregnant woman must necessarily turn to a medical specialist.

What is dangerous for the runny nose during pregnancy?

Runny nose during pregnancy, in addition to giving a woman discomfort, can be very dangerous, especially in the early months of fetal development. With a cold in a pregnant woman, breathing difficulties most often occur, and, accordingly, the supply of female body oxygen, which is very undesirable during pregnancy, because it can cause oxygen starvation the fetus. Nasal congestion, provoked by a runny nose, causes forced breathing through the mouth, and this adversely affects the protection of the body from the attack of microbes. After all, it is known that many microbes stay in the nose - thanks to the unique structure of the mucous membrane, lined with villi, which detain the smallest particles of dust and microscopic substances inhaled with air.

What is dangerous for the runny nose during pregnancy? First and foremost, the fact that his treatment requires a special approach and the choice of means, since pregnant women are contraindicated with any drops from the common cold, because they are not affected by the infection. they provoke narrowing of the vessels. If the runny nose is of a viral nature, then there is a probability of getting the virus through the blood of a future mother to an unborn baby. This can cause a miscarriage - spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

Both hormonal, and allergic or cold coryza can significantly undermine the immunity of the female body, and also develop into a chronic form of the disease thereby harm the baby. Cold coryza of an infectious nature can adversely affect the intrauterine development of the baby, especially in the first 3 months when all vital organs and functions of the embryo are formed, and any infection is extremely undesirable for this process. Therefore, treatment of the common cold during pregnancy should be given special attention.

Any disease that is accompanied by a runny nose in a pregnant woman is complicated by the restriction in the use of many effective medications for drug therapy. However, do not panic or feel depressed - it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. The intake of vitamins, breathing exercises, the use of herbal products - these are the components of literate treatment that will lead to immediate recovery.

Who to contact?


Treatment of a cold in pregnancy

Runny nose during pregnancy can cause a number of complications, so treatment should be started as soon as possible. To begin treatment it is necessary with visiting of the doctor who will examine the pregnant woman and will spend diagnostics for statement of the exact diagnosis of disease.

Treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy should be comprehensive and include drugs that in no way affect the correct course of pregnancy. The most common remedy, which is most often used by expectant mothers in the event of a severe cold, are vasoconstrictive drops from the common cold, the action of which is aimed at the rapid disposal of nasal congestion and discharge of mucus. Unfortunately, the drops themselves do not cope with the cause of the rhinitis, but only remove this symptom. In addition, their long-term use can lead to addiction, increased blood pressure, overdrying the nasal mucosa, and most importantly - to cause a sharp narrowing of the vessels of the female organs - the placenta and the uterus. The latter factor often leads to fetal hypoxia. Therefore, for greater safety, medical specialists recommend that pregnant women use drops not more than 3 days, only before going to bed, i.e. once a day. In addition, the treatment should be prescribed by the doctor, since many of these drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

When treating a cold in pregnant women, it is best to use folk methods. For example, such as:

  • washing of the nasal passages with saline solution or herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, plantain);
  • warming up the nose with a boiled egg, warm pouches with salt or buckwheat;
  • abundant drinking (at least 2 liters per day);
  • short herbal inhalations;
  • use of ointment "Asterisk etc. procedures.

Treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy should be determined by the doctor depending on the main causes of the onset of this symptom and the condition of the pregnant woman. Self-medication can harm both the future mother and her child, so it is so important not to avoid a visit to a medical specialist.

Allergic rhinitis is most often caused by seasonal flowering of plant-allergens. The main principle of treating such a cold is preventing the pregnant woman from contacting the allergen. It is necessary to eliminate pets, whose hair can also provoke an allergy and cause a protective reaction of the body. It is necessary to make more frequent wet cleaning of the premises, and also, if necessary, to install air filters.

If a cold is caused by an acute respiratory infection, it is very important to observe the rules of indoor hygiene. It is necessary that the air in the room is well-hydrated and fresh. This factor will facilitate the easy removal of slime accumulating in the nasal sinuses, as well as the establishment of the work of all mucous membranes. To this end, you should use a special device - an air humidifier. It can also be used as an inhaler, adding several drops of eucalyptus essential oil, tea tree, juniper or mint to the water tank. Thus, the air in the room is saturated with useful medicinal substances.

Runny nose during pregnancy is effectively treated with inhalation. For a separate procedure, it is recommended to use inhalers (nebulizers), but if there is no such device, you can try inhalation open method. Warm vapors with therapeutic substance favorably affect the nasal mucosa and evenly warm up the nasal cavity.

A good way to relieve the condition with a strong cold is a so-called massage. "Reflex" zones. The procedure is to simultaneously massage the bridge of the nose and the zone above the upper lip. Massaging these points effectively relieves nasal congestion. Other ways of this massage are light tapping of the nasal bone from both sides, as well as massaging the maxillary sinuses and the area above the brow ridges.

Abundant drink is an important point in the complex treatment of the common cold. Of drinks to a pregnant woman is best suited compotes, herbal teas, warm milk, fruit drinks, teas, mineral water without gas. It is also useful compote of currant and broth of wild rose, tk. they contain vitamin C, which is necessary for effective control of the infection. To properly prepare a decoction of rosehip, it is necessary to boil slightly dried inflorescences for 5 minutes, adding a small amount of sugar to the water.

It is necessary to create a favorable microclimate in the room, i.e. to ensure optimum humidity (about 60%) and air temperature (18-20 ° C). It is also important to ventilate the room more often and carry out a wet cleaning. You can periodically ignite the aroma lamp using the same essential oils as for steam inhalations.

A pregnant woman needs to take a close look at her breathing with a cold. It is necessary to try to breathe shallowly, but smoothly, slightly drawing in a breath in and out. Such exercises help to quickly get rid of annoying cold.

Runny nose during pregnancy is a symptom that should not leave a future mother unattended. Difficulty breathing a pregnant woman provokes a decrease in the amount of oxygen coming to the baby. Every woman should know about this, because she is responsible for the crumbs she carries under her heart.

In addition to treatment

Antibiotics for colds

How and how to treat a cold in the 1st trimester of pregnancy?

Any painful condition at this important stage of life is alarming. Runny nose in pregnancy is a common phenomenon that can be caused by a number of reasons, but the more dangerous. How to classify such conditions and possible methods of treatment in the first trimester - all the information in our article.

Causes of a cold

The most common cause of any cold is colds. As already known, all these diseases can be divided into two groups.

Classification of colds

  1. Viral infections: it is necessary to take special antiviral drugs, fortifying agents and drugs to relieve local symptoms (sore throat, runny nose, temperature).
  2. Bacterial infections: caused by ingestion of harmful microbes. In severe conditions, such ailments can not be cured without the use of antibiotics. Antiviral therapy will not bring results.

Runny nose may occur against any of these types of diseases. Depending on the nature of the pathogen, the doctor will prescribe treatment and possible procedures.


During pregnancy, an allergy can make itself felt by unpleasant symptoms. For this type of cold there are also many drugs, the use of which must be agreed with the doctor.

Quite a unique case, nevertheless, sometimes in the form of a cold and permanent stuffiness of the nose is a toxicosis.This phenomenon was called "rhinitis of pregnant women" and practically does not give in to treatment. Pregnancy for any organism is perceived as an invasion of a foreign organism, so nature has taken care of the necessary protection for the unborn child, reducing the immunity of the mother.

In this ambiguous phenomenon, especially in the first months of pregnancy, it is recommended to take non-strong vasoconstrictor drops and regularly wash the nose with sea water to protect against congestion of mucus and the origin of the outbreak infections.

Learn how to distinguish an allergic rhinitis.

It describes the symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in a child of 3 years.

Approximate prices for cough syrup Erespal:

Features of treatment

What is dangerous for the common cold during pregnancy? The danger of a common cold during pregnancy is not limited to the probability of disease progression. By itself, this symptom signals that the body "has entered into a fight" with the disease and successfully confronts it. A characteristic feature of the common cold in this period is the impossibility of traditional treatment: many pharmacy and home methods for treating colds and cold will be dangerous for the baby.

The first trimester is also a very unstable time, when the risk of rejection of the fetus is still very high. Even the most insignificant external factors can provoke this process, so treatment should be chosen very sparing.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a decrease in immunity is often observed, which can lead to infection. Often a woman still does not know about her special status and can start treatment with conventional drugs that are not intended for this purpose.

The video tells how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy in the first trimester:

If the nasal passages are constantly clogged, sooner or later a woman begins oxygen starvation, which can lead to a lack of oxygen for the baby.Severe conditions can affect the normal development of the fetus and lead to injuries.

To avoid these serious consequences, you should immediately seek help from a specialist who will make the necessary treatment plan. Do not also forget about the basic rules of hygiene: regular airing will help to avoid too dry air in the room (also a common cause of the common cold).

To begin with, it is necessary to understand what forms drugs are against the common cold and what impact they have on the mucous surface of the nose.

What are the means

The smallest patients, as well as women in the "interesting position" are recommended to use such drugs in the form of nasal drops. Calculate the dosage is not difficult, and the soft tip - the pipette does not hurt the sensitive surface of the nasal cavity.

Children from the age of six can useunique gels for the nasopharynx. A mild formulation formula will easily remove dried crusts in the internal cavity, and a specific consistency is absorbed without residue. The gel can also be used by adults, especially if there are problems with a curved nasal septum, polyps, or mucosal damage.

Spray for nasal administration is prescribed from one year (many drugs not earlier than six years). Usually, this dosage form is characterized by a greater concentration of active ingredient and a more convenient injection system. The spray is very convenient for adult patients, but for too young children there is a possibility of rather unpleasant sensations.

By the nature of the effect of the remedy against the common cold, there are:

  1. Moisturizers: the most harmless and natural. Usually these are saline solutions, whose action is aimed at cleansing the mucous membrane and restoring the normal environment. This helps to establish work and to cope with the infection more quickly. Often, these drugs are prescribed for daily hygiene, for example, infants. A great advantage of such tools is the lack of addiction, so saline solutions can be used for a long time without harm to the body.
  2. Vasoconstrictive drugs: differ more complex chemical composition, affect the swelling of the mucosa and help to remove allergic congestion. For relief of cold symptoms are prescribed in the first three days of the disease. After the remedy must be replaced, otherwise there is a risk of addiction. The negative consequences of this phenomenon will not only decrease the utility, but also the "boomerang effect when the symptoms return to a larger extent and additional treatment will be required.
  3. Anti-inflammatory dropsAre intended for destruction of pathogenic microorganisms: microbes, viruses and a fungus. The composition of the drug will depend on the causes of the disease, the appointment is made only by the doctor and after special examinations. The effectiveness of the drug is determined by the main active ingredients and individual susceptibility.

Timely diagnosis and choice of the drug determine the correctness of treatment and the speed of recovery. Do not neglect the study of instructions and possible contraindications. As a rule, an open bottle of nasal drops is not stored for more than a month, so do not buy medicines for future use or use a spoiled tool, the consequences of such acts may be unpredictable.

What is permitted to pregnant women in the first trimester

What to cure a cold at pregnant? the main rule: no initiative! With this it is difficult to get used to, but now you are responsible not only for your health, but for the life of the most expensive man in the world. Most drugs are not recommended during pregnancy, but the doctor can prescribe them to you if other drugs are useless. According to the above classification, you can identify all categories of drugs with which you can get rid of this unpleasant symptom.


  • Aqua Maris,
  • But Salt,
  • Humer,
  • Akvalor,
  • Dolphin,
  • Marimer,
  • Otrivin.

Vasoconstrictive drugs:

  • Nazol-Baby,
  • Nazol-Kids,
  • Nasik - Spray,
  • Naphthysine,
  • Glazolin,
  • Pharmazoline.

Anti-inflammatory drops:

  • Pinosol (here you can read the instruction on the use of Pinosol spray during pregnancy, also use Pinosol ointment during pregnancy),
  • Euphorbium Compositum,
  • Grippferon.


  • Nasawal,
  • Alcedin,
  • Nazonex.

Do not forget that the common cold is just a reaction of the body to a more serious impact. It can be a viral and bacterial infection, the first sign of exacerbation of sinus or an allergic reaction.

All drugs during pregnancy must be agreed with the doctor, as well as the use of folk methods. Do not engage in self-medication and practice non-traditional medicine.

The best way for you will be preventive measures, avoiding contacts with people who fall ill as much as possible and mass gathering of people during the epidemic of ARVI. Pregnancy is too wonderful and inimitable time to spend it on illness! Here it is written, whether it is possible to use drops of Derinatum at pregnancy. Also read how to treat a cold in the second trimester of pregnancy. It describes the treatment of a common cold in pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. Perhaps you will also be useful information about what you can drink from a cough during pregnancy.

How and what to treat a common cold in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

Rhinitis is not a very dangerous symptom, only not in the case of pregnant women. Very often it affects the body of a future mother, but a particularly dangerous cold is considered in the 2nd trimester. It would seem that the symptomatology and course of it do not differ from rhinitis in earlier terms. But there are differences. In the first trimester, the symptoms are caused by colds and infectious ailments. As for the 2nd trimester, the hormonal changes in the body can provoke a runny nose. If you do not start treatment, then this can lead to serious consequences.

What is the danger of a cold in pregnant women?

What is dangerous for the runny nose during pregnancy? In the second trimester, this symptom itself carries a danger. During this period, the child's tissues form and grow. The baby absorbs more oxygen, because the mother can not make full breaths because of the common cold, restricting herself to the chest breathing. As a result, the baby begins to develop hypoxia. With insufficient breathing, the child experiences a delay in development and the formation of various systems and organs is disrupted.

The next danger of a common cold during pregnancy is that it can contribute to the development of ARVI.

The future mother breathes in the air through the mouth, and so it weakens and heals itself from the pathogens present in it.In this case, a woman may have complications of an infectious disease, and the virus is able to inflict damage directly on the child.

The danger of a cold in this period of pregnancy is that many mothers do not pay much attention to this condition and resort to self-therapy. In the 2nd trimester, self-medication has a very negative effect on the fetal condition, as a result of which various anomalies and underdevelopment of individual organs and systems can form. Sometimes, self-confidence leads to the death of the baby and various forms of abortion. It is worth noting that the probability of a certain effect on the fetus in the second trimetre is approximately the same. Based on this, a runny nose should be treated only after consulting a doctor.


What is possible from a cold in pregnancy? The first step is to consider those methods of treatment, which under no circumstances should not be used during pregnancy. Forbidden preparations are antibacterial. Also, future mothers can forget about hot baths, steam rooms, foot baths. To reduce the temperature that occurred during the runny nose, you can not use aspirin and the medications in which it is contained. You can take such preparations to Koldreks, Efferalgan. Also, you can not wipe the body with pregnant alcohol. Wool socks are the best option for reducing temperature performance.

During a runny nose, a pregnant woman should not use vasoconstrictive drops without the knowledge of the doctor.Prescribe these drugs can only be the attending physician for certain indications.

Now we turn to medicines that can effectively overcome the ailment. When a runny nose is accompanied by a rise in temperature, it can be reduced with the help of ordinary warm water, which is worth wiping the body. To achieve maximum effect at high temperature, you can add a few drops of vinegar into the water.

The video tells about the treatment of a cold in pregnancy in the 2nd trimester:

Also, to eliminate heat, medication can be used. But they are allowed to use at temperatures above 38 degrees. If the indicators are lower, then this indicates that the body is trying to eliminate the infection on its own. The reason is that as the temperature rises in the body, a substance such as interferon is released. It is he who actively struggles with pathogenic microorganisms.

However, it is not necessary to expose the child to the increased indicators that women hold for more than 2 days.This can cause a violation of metabolic processes.Before using vasoconstrictive drops, it is always worth cleaning the nasal passages.

For these purposes, ready-made salt solutions perfectly help:

  • Dolphin,
  • Aquamaris (here you will find the instruction and price for the nasal spray Aqua Maris),
  • Salin

You can use saline solution or decoctions of chamomile and sage.

The most useful and reliable are the drops, which contain natural components. Such a drug is Pinosol Spray during pregnancy. You can also use the Euphorbium Compositum Spray, Evamenol Ointment, in the therapeutic process.

Folk recipes

When there is a cold, then it is possible to eliminate it from a pregnant woman with the help of folk methods. Their main advantage lies in the fact that they have a positive effect on the body of the future mother and do not harm the baby's health. But even this does not allow patients to use them without the knowledge of the doctor.


It is best to help inhalation on the basis of eucalyptus, decoctions of medicinal herbs, tinctures of calendula. To lead the procedure, you need to bring the liquid to a boil, and then bend over the steam and inhale them for 25-30 cm. Follow the procedure should be very careful not to burn the nasal mucosa. Carry out inhalation after 2-3 hours.

On the video - more information on how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester:

An excellent effect is achieved when using onion-garlic inhalation.To do this, put finely chopped onion and garlic in a kettle.Add to them boiling water and perform alternate inhalation of steam from each nostril.

For inhalation, pregnant women can use menthol oil and infusions of herbs. If you perform the procedure within 3-4 days, after this time you can significantly improve the condition of the future mother.

Nutrition and Drinking

With a common cold during the 2 nd trimester of pregnancy, it is very important to keep a steam bath.It is very important to maintain a balance here.It is necessary to include in the diet of vitamin complexes, sour-milk products, low-fat broths, soups. Of course, during a cold, the patient's appetite is not very, but in this case, it's worth thinking about the baby, because every day he should receive the necessary amount of nutrients.

As for drinking, a woman should consume 2 liters a day. It is the liquid that allows the rapid evacuation of toxic substances. You can take such drinks during pregnancy:

  • not strong tea with lemon;
  • broth of dogrose;
  • Morse from fruits of a cranberry and a cowberry;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • alkaline mineral water.

But for a pregnant woman it is very important to control the amount of fluid delivered and the volume of the outflow. If there is edema or gestosis, it is worthwhile to carry out treatment in a hospital. There the doctor will be able to carry out detoxification. Take diuretics yourself is prohibited.

As a drink, you can try the following remedy: take 2 tablespoons of psyllium and St. John's wort, add 200 ml of boiling water. Wait until the broth is fed. Give a note and take it for 2 sets.


In addition to drugs sold in the pharmacy, natural drops will help to ease nasal breathing in the second trimester. Their composition has a safe effect, since natural ingredients are used for cooking. The most famous are such recipes for cooking domestic drops:

  1. Carrot. Get fresh juice from one carrot and drip your nose in an amount of 2 drops.
  2. Apple. Carrots and apple drops have an excellent effect. To remove inflammation, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs. Drip each nostril for 6-8 drops 3 times a day.
  3. Soda0-tannin. Soda-tannin drops are safe and effective. For their preparation you need to take a teaspoon of tea and place it in a glass with hot water. Evaporate for 15 minutes, strain and dissolve the dessert spoon of soda. Drip each nasal passage for 1-2 pipettes 3 times a day.

Thermal procedures

As already mentioned above, you can not soar your legs and conduct many other thermal manipulations during pregnancy. But local heat will not be superfluous.It is enough simply to wear warm socks, the sinuses of the nose can be warmed with boiled eggs, a bag of salt.But it is necessary to carry out such measures carefully so as not to get a burn. Replace all these procedures can be warmed up using a blue lamp.

Comfortable conditions

During a runny nose in a pregnant woman, it is very important that the air in the room is always fresh. Ventilate the room regularly. The exception is the situation when a woman has allergic rhinitis, and poplar blossoms outside the window.

For a comfortable sleep, you need to put the pillow higher and put it under another one. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the mucous edema, improve breathing and the quality of sleep of the future mummy.

Read how to treat sore throat during pregnancy.

Find out what to do if the Pershit is in the throat during pregnancy.

Reviews on the treatment of cough during pregnancy:


It is possible to overcome the obstruction of the nose and normalize breathing by massage. To do this, you need to massage the pads of the index fingers with that area of ​​the face where they are located at the outer base of the nostrils. For these purposes, the ointment Doctor Mohm or an ordinary star is very suitable. Balm is applied to the area of ​​the nose and those areas of the face where discomfort is felt.This procedure can be performed several times a day.

Rhinitis in pregnant women in the 2nd trimester is a common symptom, but also very dangerous. The resulting pathological process can cause a number of complications and affect the development of the baby. To quickly eliminate the disease, you must immediately perform the therapeutic measures prescribed by your doctor. It describes the treatment of the common cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. Also, see if Miramistin is a cold from pregnancy.

Cough during pregnancy (1 term) than to cure: tips

With the acquisition of a new status of a future mother, a woman begins to pay special attention to her health. However, this can not save her from colds and viral diseases. With the onset of pregnancy, the immune defense of the body decreases. This is an absolutely normal consequence of the new situation. Often, future moms complain of sore throat, fever and runny nose. This article will focus on how to treat a cough during pregnancy (1 trimester is a particularly dangerous time for the onset of this symptom). You will learn what the causes of this phenomenon may be.

Cough during pregnancy (1 trimester): what is dangerous?

Often, expectant mothers in the very beginning of pregnancy suffer from various diseases, the symptom of which is cough. It should be noted that it can be dry or wet. In the second case, the larynx is not irritated so much and there is no particularly severe discomfort.

Wet cough during pregnancy (1 trimester) can be dangerous because bacteria along with phlegm drop into the bronchi and lungs. All this can cause acute bronchitis and pneumonia. For the treatment of these pathologies, antibacterial and antimicrobial agents are used, which are categorically contraindicated at the very beginning of pregnancy. Reception of such medicines may entail defects in the development of the system and organs in the baby.

Dry cough during pregnancy (1 term) may have consequences in the form of a threat of interruption of the fetus. The thing is that with a strong irritation of the throat and coughing there is a tension of the anterior abdominal wall. This leads to an increased tone of the uterus. In particularly severe cases, this phenomenon can lead to detachment of the membranes of the fetal egg.

Why does a cough appear in pregnant women?

So, you were struck by a cough during pregnancy (1st trimester). Than to treat this symptom? To begin with it is necessary to address to the expert. Only a physician can correctly diagnose and prescribe a suitable correction. Cough during pregnancy (1st trimester) causes can have the following:

  • wrong way of life;
  • dry air in the room;
  • allergic reaction;
  • cold;
  • coryza;
  • viral and bacterial infections.

It is worth noting that in all cases, the treatment is used differently. What will help with an allergic cough, is absolutely not suitable for correcting a cold. Consider what can help to eliminate cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), than to treat the symptom in different cases.

Allergic irritation of the larynx

Do you have a cough during pregnancy (1 trimester) than treat it if the cause is an allergy? According to the rules of such correction, you need to take antihistamines. For ease of use, they are available in the form of syrups, suspensions, tablets and nasal preparations. However, future mothers are categorically contraindicated in such medications. Especially when it comes to the first weeks after conception. What to do in this case? Than to treat a cough during pregnancy (1 trimester) of an allergic type?

To begin with it is necessary to visit the profile doctor and hand over some analyzes. The allergist will easily determine what exactly this reaction has come about. Only after this the doctor can evaluate the complexity of the situation and choose the appropriate treatment. Most often prescribed drugs such as "Vibrocil "Tavegil "Finestil "Zirtek". Use them can only be recommended by a specialist after assessing all risks. Remember that you can not exceed this dosage yourself. In the absence of the effect of treatment, you should consult a doctor for additional advice.

Viral infection

If there was a cold cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), than to treat it? Drugs are very effective in this case. However, they can only be used with the permission of the doctor. Most often, doctors in the first trimester of pregnancy prescribe immunostimulating drugs of a new generation. These include: "Interferon "Viferon "Gripferon "Cycloferon" and so on. In some cases, the medicine "Arbidol "Isoprinosine" and others can be used.

Remember that the dosage should be selected individually and after assessing the risks to the fetus. Most often, doctors recommend using a preventive dose of medication.

Bacterial infection

If there was a bacterial cough during pregnancy (1 trimester) treatment should include antimicrobial therapy. However, almost all drugs in this category are contraindicated for expectant mothers at the beginning of the term. For this reason, doctors prescribe safe syrups and throat treatment.

Oral administration of liquid medicines is carried out in the prescribed dosage in compliance with all rules. This includes the medicine "Bromgexin "Doctor Mom "Herbion "Ambrobene" and so on. For local effects on bacteria, Chlorophyllipt, Lugol, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin and others are prescribed.

To use antibiotics of a wide spectrum of influence it is possible only in the second third of pregnancy. It is then that the fetus will be reliably protected by the placenta, and its organs and systems will already be formed.

Runny nose

If a woman has a mucous discharge from the nose and a dry cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), than to treat these symptoms? Often the cause of irritation of the larynx is a common cold. Especially the anxiety manifests itself when the future mother takes a horizontal position. To treat in this case it is necessary not a symptom, but its reason. Contact your otorhinolaryngologist for appointments.

Most common cold in the first trimester of pregnancy is treated by washing the nasal sinuses and instilling immunostimulating drugs. These include "Gripferon "Interferon "Derinat" and others. With nasal congestion, the spray "Nazivin "Snoop" and others can be recommended. However, they should be used very carefully, since vasoconstrictive drugs can adversely affect the baby's future.

Dry air

If you have a dry cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), treatment can be the most banal. Often the cause of irritation of the larynx is dry air in the room. At the same time, on the street, a woman feels fine and does not feel any discomfort.

Treatment is not assigned. To eliminate the symptom, simply moisten the air. You can do it with a special device or with improvised means. Arrange a container of water around the house and hang wet towels. In a few hours you will feel much better.

Application of grandmother's recipes

If there was a throat irritation and cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), than to treat? Folk remedies can provide first aid in eliminating a symptom. Here are a few proven and effective ways to cure yourself:

  • brew raspberry jam in a glass of boiling water and drink it before going to bed;
  • warm the milk to a temperature of 40 degrees and put in it two tablespoons of honey, then use the composition;
  • rinse the throat with a decoction of chamomile and sage three times a day;
  • Try to avoid cold temperatures and do not strain the vocal cords;
  • Make a warm compress of camphor oil on the outer larynx;
  • more often drink tea with several slices of lemon.

There are a great many councils for treating a cough. However, before using these or other recipes, you need to remember your situation. Do not abuse herbs. Some of them can negatively affect the health of the future baby.

Use of inhalation

What should I do if I have a cough during pregnancy (1st trimester)? Reviews of women and doctors say that an excellent assistant in the fight against the symptom is inhalation. However, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to conduct such procedures at high temperature.

Inhalations are carried out with the help of a special device or with improvised means. In the latter case, you can use boiled hot potatoes or boiling kettle. After the procedure, you must avoid stress on the vocal cords and be in a warm room.

What to do after cough treatment?

So, you cured a dry cough during pregnancy (1st trimester). The doctors say that after each illness, it is necessary to check the condition of the fetus. If the therapy had to use medicines, they could affect the development of the baby. To exclude pathology, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound. It is especially important to diagnose when a viral or bacterial disease has been transmitted, accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Some future mothers prefer not to attach importance to the disease. It is worth noting that in some cases this can lead to unexpected consequences and diagnoses.


You now know how you can cure a cough during pregnancy. Remember that the first trimester is the most dangerous for any medical manipulation and taking medications. That's why you should not self-medicate. Ask your doctor for help and get suitable appointments. Only in this case you can maximally secure your future baby from the possible consequences of the disease.

Try to protect yourself as much as possible from colds in the first weeks of bearing a baby. It is better to prevent the disease than to treat it with prohibited means. Be healthy!

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