Aniseed drops from cough instructions price

Narrow-anise drops from cough: how to take adults, instruction

Cough is a severe symptom of many colds and any treatment is based on its elimination. The narrative anise drops from cough are released in different capacities of 15, 25, 40 and 100 milliliters.

Usually, these are glass bottles, which are necessarily opaque. The medicated medicine is afraid of sunlight, so keep it away from them.

Drops look like a transparent, yellowish liquid, smelling strongly of ammonia. This is a very concentrated medicine with the following composition:

  • , a gram of anise oil;
  • 16, 7 grams of ammonia solution;
  • Ninety percent alcohol in the amount of eighty grams.

Drops have a distinct sweetish smell of anise, and someone will be interested to know what kind of plant it is. It looks like dill. He even seeds are ripening the same way, in umbrellas, directed towards the sun.

By the way, the main content of medicinal substances is the same in them. This is an anethole, known for its properties, which is abundantly contained in anise oil. The action of anethole is as follows:

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  1. Has an expectorant property, which is the main "weapon" in the fight against dry cough. Anethol liquefies and removes phlegm from the bronchi, facilitating a speedy recovery;
  2. Reduces temperature;
  3. Beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, thanks to which it perfectly helps with flatulence;
  4. Helps with severe attacks of vomiting and nausea;
  5. Perfectly removes constipation;
  6. Removes inflammation.

Action of the medicine

A narcotic anise drug in the form of drops is used to treat many respiratory diseases. It is safely absorbed by the body through the gastrointestinal tract and with proper administration does not cause any harm.

On the contrary, getting to the respiratory organs through the blood stream considerably facilitates the work of the organism.

Anise oil, contained in the drops, performs the following functions:

  • Helps liquefy sputum;
  • Significantly improves the work of the stomach and intestines;
  • Has a bactericidal effect;
  • Accelerates cleansing of the respiratory tract;
  • Promotes the renewal of the mucosa;
  • Reduces pain in dry cough;

Nashatirno anise drops are very popular in the treatment of cough, and have good reviews. They act as a kind of expectorant against coughing at home.

The medicine has some advantages that allow it to advance on pharmacy counters:

  1. First, a very affordable price. ammonia anise drops are an analogue of some expensive drugs;
  2. Clear instructions and free access to pharmacies. This medicine can be released without a doctor's prescription. But despite this, the first time to use it better by consulting with a specialist;
  3. You can take it, both adults and children;
  4. This medicine is not available in tablets. Perhaps this is a plus, because drops are much easier to perceive in the treatment of cough.

Diseases in which amateous anise drops are prescribed

Drops are used mainly for the treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory system. The main symptom with which this medicine is fighting is a dry cough. In addition, it perfectly copes with all its consequences: from pain in the throat, to inflammation of the mucosa. The main diseases in which it is necessary to pay attention to ammonia anise drops are only six:

  1. Bronchitis;
  2. Pharyngitis;
  3. Tracheitis;
  4. Laryngitis;
  5. Bronchopneumonia;
  6. Whooping cough.

But apart from them, drops can be used to treat a specific symptom - dry cough, regardless of the disease that causes it.

Let us dwell on specific diseases.

Bronchitis affects the bronchi more. Progressive reproduction of a viral or bacterial infection causes severe irritation of the mucosa, its swelling and inflammation. As a consequence, a large amount of mucus is formed, which must be urgently removed from the clogged bronchioles.

Bronchitis causes severe attacks of cough, accompanied by pain in the chest and throat. This cough is very important to cure quickly and to the end. Many, waiting for the relief of the condition, abandon treatment, earning chronic forms of the disease, which in no case can not be done. In addition, it is useful to know how to treat bronchitis in adults at home.

Laryngitis plays out mainly on the larynx and is the cause of a cold or flu. He never comes alone, often accompanies many diseases that weaken the immune system. Laryngitis often causes hoarseness of the voice, or even a complete loss of it. Without prompt treatment can cause a deplorable life complication.

If, for any reason, a person inhales for a long time the contaminated, cold or hot air, background of dehumidification and irritation of respiratory tract irritants, a disease develops as pharyngitis. The patient experiences pain and dryness in the throat, frequent desires of dry cough. Sometimes, pharyngitis comes as a side-effect of colds.

The diseases listed above almost always accompany the tracheitis. This is a strong inflammation of the mucosa of the trachea, causing wavy coughing attacks, rolling in at night and early in the morning. Tracheitis exhausts the body, preventing it from resting during sleep.

Focal pneumonia is one of the most dangerous catarrhal diseases. It often entails many side-effects and is difficult to treat. Quickly it is almost impossible to recover. As a fact, immunity worsens greatly, which makes the body vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. Therefore, parallel to drug treatment, it is important to take vitamins and minerals to strengthen the immune system.

The disease, perhaps the most infectious of all these is pertussis. It hits the respiratory tract, causing severe inflammation and swelling.

More often than not, children under nine years of age fall ill, and in the infancy, whooping cough can be fatal.

Method of administration, dosage and contraindications

The instruction, attached to the medicine, obliges to take drops three times a day, in two ways:

  1. In a diluted form. Usually they need to be diluted with warm water, but you can add drops to any beverages;
  2. In addition, the instruction suggests taking ammonia anise drops in the form of inhalation. Although this method is not so common, it has good reviews.
The affordable price of this medication attracts a large number of buyers, but do not forget that without consulting a doctor, taking any medication can cause trouble. Therefore, no matter how attractive the price or good reviews, do not buy drugs, based solely on these factors. Even the most harmless drugs have contraindications.

Moist-anise drops are no exception. Although they gain good reviews, as one of the safest drugs, one should be careful with the following indicators:

  • Gastritis and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Sensitivity and allergy to active substances of the drug;
  • Pregnancy and the period of feeding;
  • Diseases of the liver;
  • Craniocerebral injury;
  • Alcoholism.

In addition, it is important not to mix the intake of ammonia anise drops with drugs that suppress cough.

Possible side effects and analogues

It is not excluded the appearance of allergic reactions and side effects, expressed in:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Long coughing attacks;
  • Deterioration of concentration of attention;
  • Decreased psychomotor reactions.

There are many analogues of the drug, and with intolerance to its components, you can switch to another medicine, for example Ambroxol, Macrotusin or Pertusin. In addition, the eucalyptus infusion has excellent reviews. we recommend to compulsorily watch the video in this article about the useful properties of anise.

How to use ammonia aniseed drops from cough?

Many people remember from childhood an ammonia-anise drop from a cough. Usually, pediatricians prescribe them in the treatment of cough and bronchitis. They are effective in combating both dry and wet cough. And a few days after the start of treatment, the patient felt better. The drug is favorably distinguished by the lack of a lusciously sweet taste that adults and children like. Also there are no harmful chemical impurities in it. Pleasantly pleased with the price. In drugstores, the drug is difficult to find, because it is not profitable for pharmacologists to trade in cheap goods.

Historical reference

The first mention of "drops of the Danish king" (as writers sometimes call anise drops) was found in the first pharmaceutical directory "Pharmacopoea Danica issued in 1772 in Denmark.

Later in many Danish, Dutch and German pharmacopoeias, a recipe for drops was repeated: liquorice extract, dill water and an ammonia solution of anise oil.

But in these directories there was no additional information and one can only assume that a certain Ringelman, whose name is listed in the title, was the developer of these drops or was engaged in their manufacture. Many historians assumed that this elixir was brought to Russia at the end of the nineteenth century from Germany. But the theory is not true. A few years after the appearance of "Pharmacopoea Danica" by the Russian State Medical College, a handbook was published that was called "Evaluation of medicines". He was also called the "Statute of the Apothecary, Charter of Midwives "Statute of due pay for medical ranks". Among many items you can see and "Elixir Pectorale Regis Daniae,.. Elixir of the thoracic king of Danish ".

The recipe for anise drops was almost unchanged for several centuries. Only in the first half of the twentieth century, instead of dill water, the usual was added.Elixir has remained famous and popular due to its excellent expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Composition and dosage form

The anatomical anise drops (Liquor ammonii anisatus) are produced in opaque brown bottles of 15, 25, 40 and 100 ml. The properties of glass protect the medicine from the harmful effects of sunlight and other external factors. Anise drops are a clear, colorless or light yellow liquid with a pronounced smell of ammonia and anise. In 100 g of drops contains:

  • anise oil g;
  • ammonia solution - 1, g;
  • alcohol 90% - 80 g.
Anis belongs to the family of umbrellas. Outwardly, it resembles dill. In the seeds of this plant contains anise oil, in which there is a large amount of anethole. Thanks to this substance the plant has pronounced therapeutic properties.

Anise oil, on the basis of which droplets are made, has not only an expectorant effect, but also contributes to a decrease in temperature. It also improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates intestinal motility, has a carminative effect, which improves the patient's condition with flatulence. It helps to relieve attacks of vomiting and nausea that have arisen on the nerves. In some cases, treatment with anise oil relieves constipation. In addition, the essential oil of anise has an anti-inflammatory effect that favorably affects the kidneys and bladder.

Action of the medicine

Anise drops are intended for the treatment of respiratory diseases. When ingestion there is a rapid absorption in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It enters the bronchopulmonary system through the blood vessels. The active components of the drug help the sputum liquefaction. Anise oil improves the work of bronchial glands, gastrointestinal tract, in addition, has a mild bactericidal effect.

Narrative anise drops from wet cough due to active substances accelerate the process of natural cleansing of the bronchi. From this, viscous sputum dilutes and is more easily excreted from the patient's body. In the treatment of anise drops of relapses and complications of the disease is practically not observed. They also contribute to the rapid regeneration of the mucous respiratory tract.

This medicine is effective and with a dry cough, because it helps to reduce pain. This contributes to a speedy recovery in the treatment of complex forms of colds.

Diseases in which amniotic anise drops are prescribed

Narrow-anis drops are prescribed for adults and children in the complex treatment of respiratory diseases of various genesis.

  1. Bronchitis is a disease of the respiratory tract, in which inflammation affects the bronchi. There is irritation and edema of the mucous membranes, a large amount of thick mucus is released, which clogs the small bronchioles. Because of this, the patient has coughing attacks, during which the sputum is separated. In most cases, it is accompanied by shortness of breath. Most often, the cause of the development of bronchitis is the activity of a bacterial, viral or atypical microflora. In rare cases, the disease is caused by a fungal infection.
  2. Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, which manifests itself against the background of colds or acute viral infections. Sometimes it develops simultaneously with whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever. May occur in acute or chronic form. With this disease, the patient has a loss of voice, difficulty breathing and a "barking" cough. Without drug treatment, life-threatening complications can develop.
  3. Pharyngitis. This name has a disease of the respiratory tract, which inflames the mucous and lymphoid tissues of the pharynx. The patient complains of discomfort and sore throat, perspiration and dryness. The main causes of the development of the disease include the inhalation of hot, cold or polluted air, chemical irritation. Sometimes it is caused by the development of pathogenic viruses or bacteria.
  4. Tracheitis is a disease of the upper respiratory tract, which causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea. Rarely occurs as an independent ailment, usually accompanied by laryngitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis. The main sign of tracheitis is a dry cough at night and in the morning.
  5. Bronchopneumonia (focal pneumonia) is an acute inflammation of the walls of bronchioles. Affects a small area of ​​the lung. Symptomatology can be different in severity, the healing process goes on for a long time. In many cases, relapses occur. Most often it is diagnosed in children of the first years of life and elderly patients. It is caused by influenza virus, mixed infection or cocci.
  6. Pertussis is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract. Has a high infectiousness. It is caused by special microorganisms Bordetella pertussis. Most often it is diagnosed in preschool and primary school children. Children under 2 years of age can endanger life.

Dosing and Administration

Moist-anise drops should be taken three times a day. Strictly prohibited reception in undiluted form. A high alcohol content can cause burns of mucous membranes and poisoning. According to the instructions, the drops should be diluted with warm water. For adults, a single dose is 15 drops, children are prescribed an amount corresponding to the age of the child. You can add sugar to the solution. For example, a three-year-old child is given 3 drops three times a day. Do not engage in self-healing and take anise drops without consulting your doctor.

Allowed the use of ammonia anise drops for inhalation.

Contraindications for use

Elixir is considered one of the safest, but it also has its contraindications. It is not recommended to take when:

  • gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substances of the drug;
  • with liver diseases;
  • alcoholism;
  • craniocerebral trauma.

Do not use simultaneously with medicines that have the opposite effect and suppress cough. Use with caution in the treatment of young children.

Possible side effects and analogues

In rare cases, hypersensitivity to the drug allergic reactions occur. Sometimes there may be nausea, vomiting, bronchospasm. May worsen the concentration of attention and reduce the speed of psychomotor reactions.

There is no drug completely identical with ammonia-anise drops. But many medicines have a similar therapeutic effect. These include:

  1. Tincture of eucalyptus. Applied with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and in the treatment of laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis. It can be used for the treatment of mild forms of neurotic disorders and skin lesions.
  2. Breast gathering. Has a good expectorant effect in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.
  3. Ambroxol. Applied in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system (cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis, asthma).
  4. Pertussin. Assign in the treatment of pneumonia, whooping cough and other inflammations of the upper respiratory tract.
  5. Macrotussin. Accepted for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, which are caused by microflora, sensitive to erythromycin.

Store aniseed drops of cough in a cool, hard-to-reach place for children in containers with ground glass stoppers, the shelf life is 2 years.

Drops of ammonia-anise

Anthrax anise drops are a popular cough remedy for catarrhal diseases.

Drops of ammonia-anise instructions

These drops are an expectorant. They perfectly help, cope with cold diseases, which are accompanied by a cough of various kinds. Quite often ammonia anise drops are prescribed by specialists for the treatment of bronchitis. Also, ammonia-anise drops perfectly remove the inflammatory processes that occur in diseases of acute respiratory infections.

Anise oil has an antiseptic effect, greatly improves digestion. Ammonia, which is contained in the drops, helps to thin the sputum, and they easily exit the bronchi.

Drops are good help, cope with a dry cough. Although they can also be used with a wet cough.

The composition of ammonia anise drops includes:

  • , 1 gram of anise oil;
  • 15 milliliters of ammonia;
  • ethyl alcohol (auxiliary substance).

The drug should not be taken to patients who have an allergic reaction to one of the components that make up the ammonia anise drops. It is also forbidden to take drops to pregnant women, and mothers who breastfeed.

Application of ammonia anise drops

As it was said above, ammonia-anise drops help, cope with various colds. They are recommended to take, for treatment: bronchitis, pleurisy, tracheitis, pharyngitis, bronchopneumonia.

Adults need to take the drug, 15 drops 3 times a day.

Drops are well tolerated by the human body. Very rarely, the patient may experience: diarrhea, a fit of vomiting, nausea, excitation of the central nervous system, dizziness.

Drops of ammonia and anise to children

This drug is used to treat colds, children, if other drugs do not help, cope with the disease. The drug is not recommended for children, since it contains ethyl alcohol. But, nevertheless in some cases the preparation is prescribed by specialists. Take it strictly according to the instructions.

  • Children aged 1 to 2 years - 2 drops;
  • Children from 3 to 4 years old - 4 drops;
  • Children from 5 to 6 years-6 drops;
  • Children from 7 to 9 years old - 8 drops;
  • Children from 10 to 14 years - 12 drops of the drug, diluted with boiled water.

If the child showed side effects, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor.

Drops of ammonia-anise price

The drug is not very expensive. Its cost is about $. You can buy ammonia-anise drops in any pharmacy and medical institution. This drug is sold without a prescription. But, before buying a drug to treat a cold, you should consult a specialist. Since self-medication can lead to bad consequences.

Drops of ammonia-anise

- I often have colds in early spring. But, I can not take most of the medications, as many components, I have an allergic reaction. My attending physician, offered to try to treat dry cough, with bronchitis, ammonia-anise drops. Has bought or purchased, and already in couple of days after reception of a medicine, illness or disease has receded. I recommend this drug to all.

- Our child, quite often began to get sick, after he went to the kindergarten. Colds often occurred in the spring and autumn. For their treatment, they bought expensive drugs. Once we were advised to buy ammonia-anise drops. Looking at the price, I did not believe in their effectiveness. And what was my surprise when, after three days of taking the drug, our cough disappeared, and the kid with new powers went to the kindergarten. I recommend this drug to all.

How to use anise beads

Anise drops are a remedy that is effectively used in the treatment of various diseases, including cough and gastrointestinal diseases. Also, this remedy is often used in the treatment and prevention of childhood diseases.


  1. The narrative aniseed tincture (aniseed drops) has long helped to cope with the symptoms of coughing and inflammation in the throat. Despite a large range of drugs that help with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the demand in pharmacies for ammonium anise drops remains high.
  2. Side effects when taking anise drops are minimal. However, consult with an expert if you have never used ammonium anise drops before. This will help to avoid unpleasant consequences, such as allergies to individual components of this medication. In case of an overdose, a person may experience such phenomena as nausea, bronchospasm, or vomiting. To avoid accidents, keep the anise drops away from children.
  3. The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to its most important components - alcoholic anise extract and ammonia. Seeds of anise, which is a plant from the family of umbrellas, are rich in essential oils. These essential oils contain a special substance - anethole. This compound is responsible for the characteristic properties of an anise ethereal extract. Preparations based on anise have a pronounced expectorant effect, relieve the symptoms of inflammation. Stimulating the secretion of the glands of the bronchial tree, anise drops actively contribute to the evacuation of sputum from the respiratory tract. You can do inhalation with the addition of anise drops. Refer to your doctor for dosage.
  4. Similarly, the action of ammonia on the airways. Due to the diluting effect on the pathological secretion of glands located in the bronchi, ammonia contributes effective purification of the latter, thereby accelerating the regenerative processes in the epithelial layer of the mucosa shell. The synergistic effect of ammonia and essential oils of anise is widely used in the therapy of various inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. The tactics of treatment are quite simple: several times a day, you need to dissolve a piece of sugar with 10-15 drops of medicine applied.
  5. Nashatno-aniseed drops have received application and in pediatrics, beneficially influencing processes gazoobrazovanija and evacuation of contents of a gastrointestinal tract at children. It is remarkable that it is possible to apply drops with anise in the first year of the child's life, however, in the dosage of not more than 1 drop. In the future - additionally 1 drop for each subsequent year of life. Before use, dilute the drops with one tablespoon of warm boiled water.

Aniseed drops from cough

One of the most popular drugs in the medicine cabinet of our grandmothers has always been ammonia-anise drops from cough. This is an excellent tool that helps with various forms of respiratory diseases, effectively suppresses symptoms and leads to a quick recovery.

A distinctive feature of ammonia-anise drops from cough is a very attractive price. The incredible availability of this medicine makes us think about his return to the treatment of not only adults but also children.

Composition and dosage form of ammonium anise drops from cough

This drug is sold in an unattractive brown jar, which is easily confused with a bubble of pharmacy tincture. But it helps to protect the drug from the harmful effects of sunlight and other external factors.

The composition of ammonia-anise drops from cough is not rich in ingredients, but their effectiveness completely compensates for this. The list of components of this medication includes:

  • Anise oil is a natural remedy that helps to translate a cough from a dry form into a wet one. Active components of this substance help not only to withdraw phlegm, but also prevents the spread of infection throughout the body.
  • Ammonia, which is ammonia, helps to dissolve sputum and rapidly remove it from the respiratory tract.

In complex, these substances have an excellent expectorant effect, which helps to pass the cough into a productive form. Reviews of ammonium anise drops from cough are only positive. If you ask any person who used them, you will learn only a lot of good.

Treatment with ammonium anise drops from cough

Despite its apparent simplicity at first glance, ammonia-anise drops from coughing require special conditions for treatment and use:

  • It is strictly forbidden to use this product in its pure form, since it is possible not only to get poisoned, but also to get a burn of the oral mucosa.
  • For use as a treatment it will be enough to dissolve about 15 drops in a few spoons of clean drinking water.
  • As the reviews on ammonium anise drops say, in the treatment of children it is best to use an amount corresponding to the age of the child. For example, a five-year-old child should be given only 5 drops of this drug, dissolved in warm water.
  • When using this medication, contraindications, including peptic ulcer and all kinds of gastritis, should be considered.
  • In spite of the fact that droplets dissolve in water, it is very important to use a lot of liquid during treatment with this drug.
  • Do not use this medication without first consulting a specialist.

This tool is very effective in treating reflex acts caused by various ailments.

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