How to cure a throat

Throat cough: causes and methods of treatment

Coughing is a common symptom of many diseases of the respiratory system, and it can have a different character. Sometimes children and adults have a throat cough, which gives them a lot of unpleasant sensations. As a rule, it is dry, "barking it develops when the inflammatory process is formed in the larynx or on its back wall.

Causes of development of a throat cough

The reasons for the development of a throat cough are many, among the main of them can be identified such factors:

  1. Tobacco smoking.Absolutely healthy people who regularly use nicotine face a problem such as dry cough. Nicotine gums irritate the mucous throat, as well as receptors, which cause coughing attacks. In the summer, cough is rare among smokers, and in season-winter season there is a seasonal exacerbation.
  2. Colds.The occurrence of a laryngeal cough is often associated with the development of colds. With weakened immunity, the infection penetrates into the bronchi, as a result of which a person begins to worry about coughing attacks. Prolonged bronchitis, which is hard to treat, is accompanied by a constant dry cough.
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    Wrong or ineffective treatment, in which it is not possible to get rid of this symptom, causes deformation of the bronchial walls. Such a process can lead to the development of asthma, pneumonia or lung abscess.

  3. Chronic pharyngitis.A persistent laryngeal cough with a sore throat is a sign of chronic pharyngitis.
  4. Pertussis and bronchial asthma.In the case when the cough reflex manifests itself only at night, and in the daytime it does not disturb the patient, whooping cough or bronchial asthma may develop.
  5. Allergy.A constant dry cough that does not respond to treatment and has a seasonal nature may be the cause of allergic reactions of the body.

This sign can also indicate the presence in the body of inflammatory processes known in medicine under such names as tracheitis or laryngitis.

When complaining of a laryngeal dry cough, it is necessary to undergo a thoracic cavity examination, since such a sign can be the cause of tumoral formations.

How to treat?

Applying for help to a specialist, you can find out how to cure dry throat cough, until it causes serious complications. First of all, the doctor must find the causative agent of such an organism reaction, it can be microorganisms of fungal, viral and bacterial origin. Based on the nature of the disease, drugs of antifungal, antiviral or antibacterial action are prescribed. Treatment of guttural cough in children and adults is significantly different, primarily in the provision of therapeutic procedures and the choice of medications.

Treatment of children

Dry coughing for children brings many more unpleasant sensations than adults. However, small patients are prescribed predominantly sparing drugs, and only in case of their inefficiency or neglect of the disease, the use of more powerful actions.

The optimal option will be the use of anti-inflammatory drugs in small doses, produced in the form of syrup, and having a plant-based origin. The most popular products are baby syrups and "Lazolvan" and "Doctor Mom" ​​suspensions. In the case of bacterial origin of the disease, Biseptol or its analogs are often prescribed.

When treating a throaty cough in a child, when it is painful, it becomes advisable to use Panadol or Nurofen. Antibiotics can be prescribed only by a pediatrician, he also determines the dosage and course of treatment. The popular children's preparations of antibacterial origin are Summamed and Cefodox. Simultaneously with antibiotics, it is necessary to take probiotics aimed at restoring the microflora of the infantile intestine:

  • Bifiform;
  • Linex;
  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Lactovite.

To help the baby's organism to cope with infection more quickly, it is possible to regularly ventilate the room, making it a wet cleaning, to provide the child with an abundant warm drink.

Treatment of adults

Among antifungal drugs, adults usually administer Thermicon or Nystanine in the treatment of throat cough. In the case of the development of a viral infection that caused laryngeal cough, Azithromycin, Zatrolide, Summed. All these medicines are assigned to each patient individually, taking into account the peculiarities of his organism.

Treatment of a laryngeal cough is carried out by eliminating the causes of the development of the disease, as well as its symptoms. For this purpose, also used mucolytic and expectorant drugs - Flavamed, Bromhexin, Lazolvan, Mukaltin, ATSTS, Koreni alteja, they promote the formation of sputum and the removal of it on the surface of respiratory ways. Such actions facilitate the patient's condition and accelerate the process of recovery.

If the cause of dry cough is an allergic reaction of the body to a certain pathogen, then simultaneously these mucolytic drugs are prescribed antihistamines. Effective against allergies are Loratadine, Suprastin, Erius, Claritin, Zirtek.

To facilitate the state of both adults and children, such actions will help:
  • taking a hot steam shower;
  • drinking hot tea or milk;
  • carrying out of steam inhalations;
  • sucking sugar candies;
  • gargling with saline and decoctions of herbs.

Knowing how to help a patient and how to treat a throat cough can avoid the development of unpleasant consequences, which entails the disease.

Dry throat cough: causes, treatment

Dry throat cough may indicate the development of various infectious and non-infectious diseases. If this symptom lasts a long time and causes severe anxiety to the patient, then the doctor should be instructed to establish the cause of its occurrence.

Throat cough with asthma

Bronchial asthma refers to obstructive airway disease. Asthma attacks disturb a person mostly in the evening and at night, but may occur in the daytime. Most often this happens when the patient takes a horizontal position and the bronchi can not cope with the volume of air that enters them.

Obstructive changes in asthma that cause this symptom in extremely rare cases are completely. Most often, a person with such a disease has to undergo treatment throughout his life.

Cough throat in allergic reactions

With allergies, a reflex act of this nature persecutes a person constantly. But this ailment is also accompanied by other reactions of the body. With this disease there is also a runny nose with frequent sneezing, sometimes itching. An allergic reaction with improper treatment or lack of it can lead to a deadly edema of the larynx.

Throat cough, causes can be covered in infectious diseases

Sometimes such a symptom occurs when a person is infected with an acute respiratory infection. When it occurs on the mucosa of the respiratory tract, the pathogenic bacteria that carry the virus actively multiply. SARS are often accompanied by a runny nose, chest pains and fever. With intestinal flu, the patient also has symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.

Throat cough, whooping cough symptoms

In addition to throat cough in whooping cough, the patient has weakness, elevated (often subfebrile) temperature, nervous excitability, sweating and general fatigue. The main paroxysmal barking symptom is the most painful in this list. He does not subside either in the daytime or in the evening, and, even with proper treatment, the reflex act can last about three to four weeks.

Pertussis is most often affected by children under the age of three. Sometimes it occurs in adults.

How to cure a throat

Treatment of this symptom directly depends on what kind of disease was provoked by its occurrence. In asthma, the patient is prescribed special inhalers, and strong attacks are removed by injection through a dropper or intramuscular hormonal drugs.

The allergy is treated with antihistamines. In whooping cough, the patient is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics and antitussive drugs.

Remember that ineffective or untimely treatment started can lead to serious consequences. Try to consult a doctor even if you do not have a fever, but a throat cough does not go away for a long time.

Pershing and coughing

Many people think that perspiration and coughing are a sign of ARVI or colds. But this is not always the case. Persecution can occur as a reaction to household dust, wool or pollen. If a person does not know why he has a cough and starts treating himself with medicines from various illnesses, he can only worsen his state of health. An incorrectly diagnosed diagnosis leads to incorrect treatment.

It is important!

When the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are affected by viruses and bacteria, a person has a cough. Mucous dries, there are edemas and hyperemia. In order to get rid of dryness, the body begins to cough, in order to add to the dried airway a little secret from the bronchi. Slime in the bronchi is small, so the cough acquires a paroxysmal character. If nothing is done with this problem, the seizures will only intensify and interfere not only with the patient, but also with others.

In order to get rid of cough and perspiration, you need to make some effort. First, you need to eliminate the pathogen. Secondly, anesthetize the mucous membrane. Thirdly, just soften your throat.

If the cause of the cough is some kind of allergen, then you need to understand which one. Persecution occurs because the throat swells and the mucous secretes histamine. This is a narrowing of the airways. If it's all about the allergy, then you need to start taking Diazolin, Fenistila or Suprastin. From a cough you can drink "Kodelak". If the cough is not too strong, and, perhaps, allergic, it is not worth taking medications that dilute sputum, because this can lead to the infection penetrating into the upper respiratory tract.

What is Pershing?

Pershing is the body's reaction to an allergen or bacterium. Sometimes a sore throat suggests that a person has diabetes. After all, high sugar levels dry the mucous membranes. If the solution helps water, then you need to check the blood sugar level. If antihistamines have helped, you should look for the source of the allergy in your apartment. After all, if you do nothing and wait until everything goes by itself, you can earn bronchial asthma.

Mucous membranes protect the body against colds, so they should be taken care of. Infection in the first place beats precisely on them. If the throat pershit because of a cold, you should rinse it with chamomile. Sea buckthorn and olive oil will also help. Some are helped by sprays, sold in huge quantities in pharmacies. Do not gargle with a solution of iodine, soda or salt, because this further damages the mucous membrane.

With the beginning of the heating season in our apartments it becomes difficult to breathe, because the air is so dries out that a person swallows less often the saliva, thereby contributing to the fact that the throat does not is wetted.

Persecution in the throat causes coughing

When a person has a cold, he begins coughing, a runny nose, a tickle and a sore throat. Pershenie in the throat passes into a dry, and then into a wet cough.

Treatment of Persecution

Cold usually begins with a sore throat, dryness and burning in the nose. In the room where the patient is, there must be moist, clean and cool air. It is necessary to drink a lot of warm liquid: tea, mors, milk or broths of herbs. Irritated mucous larynx well calms warm milk with honey or butter.

Persecution in the throat causes a cough. In order that the disease does not disperse, it is necessary, at its first signs, to start gargling with a soda solution with salt and iodine, a decoction of chamomile is suitable for rinsing. Half an hour after rinsing, it is possible to treat the mucous surface with an inhalation spray "Ingalipt "Proposol" or "Oracept".

At the first signs of a cold, you need to start taking immunostimulating drugs or traditional medicine. Help to cope with any disease tea from rose hips and ginger tea.

Folk Remedies for Persecution in the Throat

In order to get rid of persecution, you need to prepare a medicine from onions and oils. A glass of oil is poured into a pan and two finely chopped onion heads are thrown. After the onion is cooked, the oil is cooled and filtered. With this oil, you need to rinse your throat when necessary.

With acute pharyngitis, there is often a sharp perspiration in the throat, which is accompanied by a cough and runny nose. If you do not start timely treatment, complications may occur.

When apart from persecution, also the voice disappears, you should try to talk as little as possible, do not drink strong tea and coffee, do not smoke, do not eat spicy and do not take alcoholic beverages. A warm, soft tea with raspberries and honey is allowed. Within five days, you need to gargle with something anti-inflammatory, soar your legs and do inhalations with a medicine or decoction of herbs.

Fans of traditional medicine believe that the sperm in the throat will help juice of carrots and beets. Half a cup of carrot and a half glass of beet juice should take a tablespoon of honey. Drink before going to sleep in small sips. The slower the thirst, the better for the throat.

The throat is helped by black currant juice or cherry juice. In a glass of juice, you need to add a spoonful of honey and drink in small sips.

A good medicine is the juice of black radish with milk. Half a cup of milk should take a glass of black radish juice, add a little honey and take it in a warm form after eating. Dosage - three tablespoons.

Gargle with the peppermint infusion. Twenty grams of mint should be poured into a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for about an hour, then strain and gargle three times a day after meals.

If the voice is gone, the throat can be rinsed with beet juice, to which apple cider vinegar should be added. You need to rinse after eating three times a day.

In order to restore the voice, you need to gargle with an infusion of anise seeds. A spoonful of seeds should be poured a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat, then cool and cool the broth. Add a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of cognac. Take every fifteen minutes on a tablespoon until until the finished product is finished. The voice will return and the persecution will pass.

Inhalation in throat swelling

If there is a perspiration in the throat, you should immediately do inhalation. Essential oils will quickly remove the inflammation and kill the bacteria that have settled in the throat. To carry out inhalation with essential oils, you do not need to buy special devices. It is enough to take a small saucepan and a towel. You need to boil water in a saucepan, drip lavender, eucalyptus or clove oil there, pour in sea salt, cover your head with a towel and breathe.

Some instead of essential oils are poured into boiling water crushed eucalyptus leaves, briquettes of pine extract or pine branches, finely chopped onions and garlic.

How to help?

In order to get rid of the perspiration, it is necessary to finely chop two onions and pour them a glass of vegetable oil. This mixture should be put on a hot pan and fry until a crust is formed. Further, the oil is filtered through cheesecloth and cool. In order to get rid of dry cough and perspiration, several times a day gargle with this oil.

If the cause of dryness is pharyngitis, then you should try not to strain the ligament and not talk to anyone for several days. In the diet should not be spicy food, coffee, alcohol, tea and cigarettes. It is better to drink herbal teas with raspberries and honey. Of great importance is gargling, for this you need to rinse it with anti-inflammatory infusions five times a day. Before bedtime, inhalations based on herbs are mandatory.

Carrots and beet juices are excellent. They need to be mixed in equal parts, so that a glass is obtained. After this, add a tablespoon of honey and drink in small sips during the day, preferably in those moments when there are seizures.

Still with honey it is possible to mix cherry or currant juice. Drink in small sips, you can even instead of tea.

Black radish is a salvation for the respiratory tract. Recipes with it there is a huge amount. In order to get rid of the perspiration, one part of the radish juice should be mixed with one part of the milk, add honey and drink after eating.

If you rinse your throat with peppermint, the perspiration will disappear before you start. In order to prepare it you need 20 grams of mint leaves and a glass of boiling water. Mix the ingredients and pour into the thermos, insist thirty minutes. After this, strain and gargle three times a day.

You can also rinse your throat with raspberry and lime. In order to prepare the infusion you need 20 grams of lime flowers and as many leaves of raspberries. This dry mixture should be put in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. After an hour, the thermos can be opened and filtered out the resulting infusion. The throat should be rinsed after eating, but at least three times a day.

If the voice is completely gone, you need to make a glass of beet juice and add a spoonful of vinegar. This juice should gargle three times a day.

Inhalation helps with persecution. If the throat is just beginning to perspire, you can immediately breathe essential oils that quickly cope with bacteria. For this procedure, you need boiling water, a tablespoon of sea salt, a bit of lavender, eucalyptus or clove oil. All these ingredients must be poured into a bowl, lowered over her head and covered with a towel. Persification will disappear after several procedures.

In order to get rid of perspiration, it is necessary to try to maximally moisten the dry throat. Some argue that hot drinks help with persecution, but this is not the case. Hot liquid irritates the damaged mucous membrane. Drinking a lot, but it should be at room temperature. At the same time, you need to drink something that is not sour, because beverages with high acidity contribute to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. The most irritated throat is alcohol and carbonated drinks. When gliding, it is better to use herbal decoctions, water, compotes and teas.

It will prompt, as better to treat the residual cough in a 6-year-old child (cough is dry, as if throaty).


Svetlana Rybnikova

Of course, it's better to see a doctor! The reasons for this cough can be very different. But now, until Monday is far away, I will give advice: one medium-sized onion to grind with the husks, pour into a glass and add this glass to the top with boiling water. Nothing to cover the glass is not necessary. Insist 12 minutes. During this time, the child to prepare for bed. It is better to put on your pajamas and cover with a blanket, as it dries heavily. After 12 minutes drain, add, if there is no allergy, a spoon of honey and drink for 2-3 minutes. After 15 minutes, the phytoncides in the onions will already be destroyed. The drink turns out pleasant: not hot, not bitter, sweetish. Has experienced repeatedly on their children. It helps! By morning, the cough relaxes, it will be easier to clear the throat. Get well!


go to the pediatrician - he will tell you... .
self-treatment DANGER!

Natalia Lisitsyna

sodium aloe (preferably 3 years old) on the grater add honey (50/50) 30 minutes cook on a water bath, strain, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.


I treated my children with oats. Half a glass of oats per liter of milk and a small fire for an hour. Strain and drink warm. Oat in pet stores happens. Only to no additives.

Oksana Moseychuk QIP-497289973

And I think that herbs (decoctions)

Evgenia Rodionova

I went to work on the bus today and two women were talking about this topic. she advised her to grate the onion finely with honey. -can try, because the child should not be stuffed with different chemical preparations ...

Svetlana *******

do inhalations with herbs, eucalyptus. Milk with a pinch of soda drink. warming ointment on the chest before going to bed. and the sauna is also good (checked). of medicines with a dry cough appoint a cadet or syrup herbion with plantain.

# Searching #

Badger fat - cures all that is associated with the lungs and bronchi (in the flesh to tuberculosis)

Elena Gorbacheva

We drank elecampane and sage, for the night rubbed the legs with turpentine ointment, and even the mummy with milk.

Olga Timofeeva

radish with honey-well cushions cough


At me the daughter is exact so after illness or disease has coughed. She parried her legs, made compresses of potatoes, mustard, honey and vegetable oil. It helped, but still cough. And I bought a black radish, laid honey in it and forgot about the cough for 3 days.

Cough and sore throat - reasons, treatment

One of the most unpleasant symptoms is a perspiration in the throat accompanied by a cough. Such attacks instantly cause tears and deprive the person of the opportunity to speak. Of course, such a few will like it. Let's try to understand why this is happening and what to do about it.

Causes of Persecution and Coughing

In fact, there are many reasons. Someone can catch a cold, and someone may become a victim of an allergy. However, approximately all reasons can be divided into two groups: inflammatory and non-inflammatory.

The first group includes:




During these diseases, characteristic inflammatory processes take place in the pharynx, which cause these unpleasant sensations. If you do not start treatment on time, the infection will pass to the trachea, bronchi and lungs. Then the discomfort and pain will increase several times, it can even reach a bloody cough.

Consider the second group of causes that cause perspiration and cough.

-pharyngeal neurosis

Nerve damage is caused by this condition. This, in turn, innervates the pharynx and or centers located in the brain. Therefore, in addition to coughing and perspiration, a person can feel sore throats, giving in the tongue and ears, numbness or tingling, lump in the throat. When eating, it's painful to swallow, it's easy to choke. Such symptoms are peculiar to such diseases as syphilis, CNS disorder, brain tumor.


Often the fault is allergic reactions to anything. Often the irritant is dust, animal hair, pollen of plants. When directly interacting with the source of irritation, the body immediately "turns on" its reaction, which is manifested in a strong cough, "fighting" persecution and the urge to drink water.

-disease of a professional nature

The described symptoms are often peculiar to people whose occupations are related to metallurgy. Suffer from cough and miners, slingers. This is due to the constant exposure to the body of dust and high temperatures. In works where you constantly need to strain your voice device, loudly shouting also has a risk of getting chronic persecution along with a cough. This is, first of all, teachers, singers, etc.

-Thyroid gland diseases

This disease involves the manifestation of the described symptoms. However, they usually arise when the disease is accompanied by the development of nodes. In other cases, it can do without persecution.

-reflux esophagitis

During this disease, the acid content of the stomach goes up. Therefore, after eating, discomfort is felt, the pharynx is irritated and there is a sensation of perspiration.


This disease often has symptoms such as perspiration. This is due to the fact that the sugar dries the mucous membranes. As a consequence of this, a person suffers from a dry cough. If it dies down after taking water or any other liquid, it's best to check the blood for sugar. Most likely, the diagnosis with diabetes is correct.


Of course, this bad habit can not help but make itself felt in the form of unpleasant sensations in the throat. Smokers probably already noticed this for a long time. And if you have not seen such manifestations yet, this does not mean that they will pass you by. So think again, do you need this bad habit.


Children often suffer from persecution because of too active games. They like to be worn as restless, while breathing with their mouths and screaming. As a result, the following symptoms appear. Therefore, before the time is not necessary to breed a panic. The main thing is do not let the child drink anything cold. But if after a while the persecution does not go anywhere, then maybe the child is sick.

If the perspiration in the throat has been bothering you for a long time, immediately contact a specialist without delay. Perhaps, it makes itself felt by some kind of disease. Especially if discomfort is disturbed in the lying position, after eating. Then it will be an excuse to worry, because such symptoms are often inherent in the hernia of the esophagus, gastritis and other gastric diseases. In this case, the sooner you start treatment, the faster you will get rid of the disease.

How to cure pershenia?

There is no universal method. This will be confirmed by any specialist who knows his business. Treatment in any case will depend on the causes of the onset of symptoms. Therefore, the first task will be to determine these very reasons.

If the cause of the inflammatory nature, it is usually prescribed antiseptics like falimint, inhalipt or libexin. In bacterial infections, treatment will be based on bioparox. Also actively used anti-inflammatory drugs on medicinal herbs: infusions of chamomile, sage, calendula, etc. Among home remedies, it is worth emphasizing warm drinks. So drink more tea with honey or raspberries, milk. Of course, the smoking and drinking spirits will have to be forgotten. In addition, reduce the intake of salt and spicy food. And in general, revise your diet. Fried, flour and fatty dishes for you while under the ban. Food should not be too hot or too cold.

When perspiration occurs as a result of the action of allergens, it is necessary to undergo a course of antihistamines. In a number of such put tavegil, suprastin and analogues. Of course, try not to contact with allergens, otherwise the treatment will lose all meaning. Often clean the house, if the cause of your allergy is dust, solve the problem with pets.

The fight against the neurological imbalance of folk remedies is ineffective. Without supervision of the doctor and his recommendations can not do, so do not delay the visit to a specialist.

If you do not have time to go to the examination or there is no extra money for this, you will have to turn to folk medicine. There are simple enough, but effective recipes to get rid of the disease.

The simplest option is mint candies. You can at any moment be able to calm a fit of coughing, if in your pocket there will be a mint candy. Cheap and angry.

You can buy in the pharmacy, olive, sea buckthorn or dog rose oil. To drip it it is necessary in a nose, it will go down on a back wall of a pharynx and will calm a tussis.

Also, with such symptoms helps onions. Take two medium bulbs, finely chop and fry in sunflower oil until a golden crust appears. At the same time, the oil should not be boiled. On cooking, strain the oil through the cheesecloth, cool it and rinse the throat. Onion can be added to a dish and eaten.

Very useful in the coughing and coughing of juices. Among them, carrot, currant, cherry. The old grandfather's remedy, the juice of black radish with honey, will also come in handy. The truth with the last option is not to get involved, there are enough and three spoons before bed.

But from what you need to warn, so it is from mouth rinsing with salt, soda and iodine. Contrary to popular belief, this explosive mixture will have the opposite effect and will only irritate the irritated mucous membranes.

But once again: if cough and perspiration torment you for a long time, do not limit yourself to folk remedies. They can be used only to calm down unpleasant sensations. It is necessary to treat the very problem, not its manifestations.

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