6 diet for gout: a full menu for the week, recipes

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  • 1Diet 6 for gout - a detailed table for seven days, the permitted foods and recipes of dishes with a photo
    • 1.1Menu for patients with gout
    • 1.2General rules
    • 1.3Varieties
    • 1.4Permitted products
    • 1.5Totally or partially limited products
    • 1.6Prohibited products
    • 1.7Menu for the week with diet 6
    • 1.8Dish recipes
  • 2Diet for gout: table number 6
    • 2.1Why is diet no. 6 necessary for gout?
    • 2.2What is diet number 6
    • 2.3Examples of dishes and menus for every day in the treatment of gout
  • 3Dietary table number 6: menu for the week for gout patients
    • 3.1Basic principles of therapeutic and preventive nutrition
    • 3.2List of Prohibited Products
    • 3.3Approximate weekly menu table 6 for gout
    • 3.4Monday
    • 3.5Tuesday
    • 3.6Wednesday
    • 3.7Thursday
    • 3.8Friday
    • 3.9Saturday
    • 3.10Sunday
  • 4Gout: diet for gout № 6 for Pevzner
    • 4.1When the therapeutic diet for Pevzner №6 is applied
    • 4.2Diet number 6 for gout: full menu
    • 4.3Table 6 on Pevzner: features
    • 4.4Diet 6: proper nutrition for gout
    • 4.5Prohibited foods for gout
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.6Menu for gout: some recipes
    • 4.7Vegetarian Soup Recipe
    • 4.8Recipe for a quick and tasty milk drink
  • 56 diet for gout: a full menu for the week, recipes
    • 5.1Diets
    • 5.2Gout
    • 5.3The Sixth Table
    • 5.4Prohibited products
    • 5.5Restricted limited products
    • 5.6Recommended Products
    • 5.7Weekly menu
  • 6Diet number 6 for gout: a full menu for a week and a table of products
    • 6.1Characteristics of gout
    • 6.2The gout clinic
    • 6.3Diet number 6 for gout
    • 6.4Mode of reception of food
    • 6.5Table of permitted, restricted and prohibited products
    • 6.6Weekly menu for gout
    • 6.7What is dietotherapy for gout?
    • 6.8What is with an exacerbation of gout?
    • 6.9Nutrition recommendations
  • 7Classical diet number 6 for gout: a seven-day menu the sixth table
    • 7.1Classical diet for gout - basic principles
    • 7.2Sample menu for patients with gout
    • 7.3Sample menu
  • 8Diet number 6 for gout
    • 8.1Clinical manifestations
    • 8.2Why you need dietotherapy
    • 8.3Characteristics of diet therapy
    • 8.4Mode of eating food
    • 8.5What you can eat
    • 8.6What you can not eat
    • 8.7Approximate dietary diet

Diet 6 for gout - a detailed table for seven days, the permitted foods and recipes of dishes with a photo

Hypouuricemic diet 6 with Pevzner's gout includes a list of allowed and forbidden foods, with it required to follow the menu for a week to succeed.

The diet is designed to correct the course of the disease, to eliminate the negative manifestation of symptoms, to alleviate the condition of the patient.

Read how to observe table 6 on Pevzner for gout.

Menu for patients with gout

The menu principle is based on the exclusion from the diet of food with a high content of purines and oxalic acid. The restriction is imposed on the use of salt - no more than 10 g per day.

Simultaneously, the menu includes products that are capable of producing an alkaline effect (vegetables, milk). The number of proteins consumed should not be more than 80 g. Fats can be consumed no more than 90 g. Carbohydrates should be limited to a limit of 400 g. Consumption of liquid - from 2 liters.

Nutrition for gout occurs five times a day, a total of 2000-3000 kcal.

The principle of the hypo-purine diet is to normalize the exchange of purines (organic nitrogen-containing compounds) and to achieve decrease in the body of uric acid salts, which are formed as a result of a shift in the alkaline direction of the urine reaction, as well as metabolism purines. As a result of a diet with gout, an increase in alkalinization of urine and an increase in the solubility of uric acid crystals, which are deposited in the joints and kidneys.

General rules

The rules are of a general nature, but it is extremely important to adhere to their complex execution. There are a number of rules, the implementation of which allows you to make a hypopuric diet with a gout effective:

  1. Meat can only be consumed cooked. After 10-15 minutes of cooking you need to drain the first broth, which will significantly reduce the level of purine substances in the prepared dish.
  2. Fish and meat can be consumed two or three times a week in quantities of not more than 170 gr.
  3. With exacerbation of gout, meat and fish are not recommended to be consumed, it is required to switch to a vegetarian diet.
  4. One day a week should be unloading. On this day, the food should consist of vegetables, fruits, kefir and cottage cheese. Water consumption should be increased.


Patients diagnosed with obesity or with a sick gout at the time of exacerbation are given a type of diet - 6E, which is of a short-term nature.

Its rules provide for a reduction in the daily value of the energy value of food to , 00 kcal.The consumption of proteins (up to 70 g), fats (up to 80 g) and simple carbohydrates (up to 250 g) decreases.

Food is translated into a strictly fractional principle: in small portions. The abundant drink is shown, the consumption of salt is limited.

Permitted products

It is necessary to develop a taste and a habit of eating certain foods, which make a decisive contribution to the effectiveness of the hypopuric diet and the normalization of the patient's condition. For convenience, the list of approved dietary products for gout is presented in the form of a table:

Category Products |
Greens and vegetables Potatoes, aubergines, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes
Fruit Oranges, plums, pears, apples, apricots
Nuts, dried fruits Prunes
Bread With bran, wheaten
Confectionery products Pastilla, marshmallow, jam
Dairy Milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, yoghurt
Cottage cheese and cheeses Suluguni, cottage cheese
Meat Rabbit
Bird Turkey, chicken
Eggs Eggs with chicken
Oils Creamy, linseed, olive oil, vegetable fats
Juices Tomato, apple

Totally or partially limited products

Table 6 with gout completely or partially excludes certain foods from the diet. Under the ban on diet are:

  • red meat;
  • by-products;
  • fatty, salty and fried fish;
  • caviar, canned fish, shrimp, shellfish, smoked meat;
  • protein vegetable food - legumes (beans, lentils, peas, beans, soybeans);
  • spices (horseradish, mustard, pepper);
  • sharp, salty cheeses;
  • grapes, raspberries, figs, cranberries;
  • red wine, cognac, beer.

Restrictions are imposed on the following products included in the list of partially banned on a diet, they can be eaten rarely, after agreement with the doctor:

  • all kinds of cereals;
  • coffee, cocoa, tea;
  • pig, lamb, beef and other cooking fats;
  • bread, pasta, porridge on meat broth;
  • cauliflower, rhubarb, asparagus;
  • celery, spinach, sorrel, radish, sweet pepper.

Prohibited products

Diet number 6 for gout is not without the prohibited products, which for convenience are presented in the table by group:

Category Products |
Meat dishes, fish, poultry Fatty grades of meat, poultry, salted fish dishes, caviar, fish oil, smoked meat, soups on meat, offal
Protein Products Salted cheese, broth
Vegetables Rhubarb, pickled, salted, mushrooms and broths from them
Berries Figs, raspberries, viburnum
Bakery products Baking, cakes
Other Sauces, margarine, alcohol, spices, spices

Menu for the week with diet 6

To make the classic diet of Pevzner 6 easier, you need to make a weekly menu with a meal plan by the hour. An approximate seven-day diet for patients with gout is indicated below:

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday Cut bread with a thin layer of butter, scrambled eggs, chicory drink Buckwheat porridge with milk, apricot juice Vegetable soup-puree, soufflé from boiled chicken, vermicelli, cabbage salad with cucumbers and dill, compote Casserole from cottage cheese with yogurt, boar Baked pumpkin, biscuits, salad of dried apricots, prunes and passion fruit with lemon juice, mate
Tuesday Milk soup with vermicelli, cookies, tea with lemon Apple and Banana Puree Borsch without meat, mashed potatoes, boiled fish with carrots, vinaigrette, compote Cottage cheese with fermented milk and honey, rice soup Souffle of cottage cheese, sour cream, a sandwich with butter and unsalted cheese, lemon infusion
Wednesday Cheesecakes, honey, chamomile broth Prunes, compote Soup with rice and vegetables, mashed potatoes with boiled meat, a slice of bread Broth from the dog rose Grilled vegetables, boiled beef
Thursday Oatmeal with banana and apple, chicory drink Toast with jam, alkaline mineral water Milk Vermicelli Soup, Vegetable Salad Natural yoghurt Boiled fish, stewed carrots, zucchini, bread
Friday Soft-boiled eggs, boiled sausage, fresh cucumber, chicory drink Cottage cheese with fresh fruit Vegetarian soup with sour cream, pasta with chicken cutlets Broth chamomile Potato casserole with unsalted cheese
Saturday Potato pancakes, green tea Cottage cheese with prunes and nuts, milk Rice soup with vegetables, vinaigrette, steam meatballs, bread Broth wheaten Fish cutlets, steam carrots
Sunday Omelette with milk, vegetable salad, tea Smoothies of fresh vegetables, walnuts Borsch without meat, sour cream, buckwheat porridge Milk Pilaf with prunes, juice

Dish recipes

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 60 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Purine diet for gout involves the use of light foods that are quickly digested without stress on the digestive tract. Vegetable soup puree is perfect for breakfast or snack.

As a dressing it is good to use lemon juice and sunflower oil, and for flavor you can add a little natural cream. A blender is required for production.


  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp;
  • sugar - ½ tsp;
  • Sunflower oil - 20 ml;
  • cream - 30 ml;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Vegetables wash, peel, finely chop, dip into boiling water and cook for 15 minutes.
  2. Season with salt, a mixture of herbs and pepper, cook until ready for about 8 minutes.
  3. Blend until smooth, add lemon juice.
  4. Serve with cream.

The following recipe can be used as a dessert or main course. Do not have to cook separately from the family - casserole like the whole family.

  • Time: 45 minutes.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 110 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Diet table 6 for gout should include a lot of cottage cheese, because calcium contained there has a positive effect on the health of joints.

Such a curd casserole will be suitable for dessert or as a snack.

For its production it is better to choose a low-fat 1% curd, for sweetness it is allowed to add a little dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots or prunes.


  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • semolina - 100 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • cottage cheese - 2 packs;
  • low-fat sour cream - 1 cup;
  • dried fruit - a handful;
  • salt - to taste;
  • slaked with lemon juice soda - on the tip of the knife.

Cooking method:

  1. Thoroughly rub all the ingredients, add soda, dried fruits.
  2. Put the mixture in the baking dish.
  3. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees until a light ruddy brown.

A source: http://sovets.net/15134-dieta-6-pri-podagre.html

Diet for gout: table number 6

Gout is a type of arthritis that occurs when there is an excess of uric acid in the body. Effective treatment is promoted by diet for gout type 6, along with physiotherapy and the use of medications.

The disease most quickly lends itself to complex treatment, when the attending physician recommends the patient the use of several therapeutic methods in the fight against pathology.

Particular nutrition in the treatment of gout plays not a key, but very important role.

Since the cause of this pathology is excessive accumulation in the body of uric acid, the patient's diet must be adjusted in such a way that it minimizes the products with derivatives of this substance.

Why is diet no. 6 necessary for gout?

In the last century, the Soviet dietician Mikhail Pevsner developed 15 types of diets, which must be observed by the patient during the treatment of various diseases. The table for gout corresponds to a diet under number 6, and the rules of nutrition, compiled several decades ago, remain relevant to this day.

Dietary diet contributes not only to rapid recovery, but also helps to remove the severe pain syndrome that often worries patients with gout.

Pain causes a large concentration of uric acid in the body or a slow excretion of it by the kidneys. In this case, uric acid will be deposited in the joints in a solid aggregate state (in the form of crystals).

Such pathology often develops in people with impaired renal function or taking certain medications.

Diet number 6 for gout is based on the exclusion of foods enriched with purines. They are after a series of biochemical transformations in the body become uric acid. In addition, a patient with gout should limit the intake of sodium and fat-containing products.

It is very important to observe a special diet for this disease, but in no case to starve.

Starvation will lead to an aggravation of the problem, namely, it will increase the concentration of uric acid in the body, which can provoke an attack in the patient.

Another aggravating factor for gout can be obesity, because excessive body weight carries a greater strain on the joints. Therefore, it is so important to observe a therapeutic diet for gout for complete recovery.

What is diet number 6

With gout on the legs in the diet, some products can be restricted in use, and others should be excluded altogether. So, the patient needs to eat less:

  • baking, prepared from butter and puff pastry;
  • pickled, salted and stewed vegetables;
  • salads made from fresh vegetables;
  • citrus, since they can cause an allergic reaction.

Diet 6 for gout requires a complete removal of the menu:

  • smoked products;
  • meat and fish fatty varieties;
  • beans, kidney beans, peas;
  • fresh greens, cabbage;
  • raspberries;
  • chocolate, black tea, coffee, cocoa;
  • alcohol.

The sixth therapeutic diet involves eating the following foods:

  • stale bread with bran;
  • beef, poultry, lean fish;
  • seafood (shrimp, squid, etc.);
  • low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • soups on vegetable broth;
  • eggs, but not more than 1 piece per day;
  • vegetable oil (you can add it to vegetable salads);
  • porridge in small quantities;
  • berries (except raspberries), fruits, marmalade, pastille, marshmallow;
  • kvass, fruit juice, fruit juice, mineral water with alkaline reaction.

Examples of dishes and menus for every day in the treatment of gout

When treating gout with diet 6, the classic seven-day menu can look like this:

  1. Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with fresh fruit salad, green tea.
  2. First snack: 1 apple.
  3. Lunch: soup on vegetable broth without meat, chicken breast (boiled, baked or steamed), not strong tea with milk.
  4. The second snack: kefir low fat with bran, 1 baked apple.
  5. Dinner: fish of low-fat varieties on steamed or boiled, salad from vegetables, jelly. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of yogurt.
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The interval between two meals should not exceed 6 hours. Food should not be too hot or too chilled.

Also table 6 of the patient with gout may be as follows:

  1. Breakfast: apple pudding, soft-boiled egg, vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
  2. Lunch: milk soup, bits of potatoes, kissel.
  3. Snack: 1 apple.
  4. Supper: cabbage rolls with vegetable filling, baked syrniki, not strong tea. Before going to bed, you can drink a decoction of wheat bran.

A full menu for each day should be made with your doctor. Below is a couple of recipes useful in the treatment of arthritis dishes.

Recipe 1 - apple mousse. For cooking, you need 50 g of apples, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and the same amount of semolina. Fruits rinse, peel and core. Pour them a little hot water and cook until done. After cooling, grate on a large grater.

To the apples add sugar and semolina, put the mixture on the stove and cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, allow to cool slightly, then beat with a mixer until creamy. Mousse distribute on kremankami and put in the refrigerator.

The dish is ready for use.

Recipe 2 - rice soup on vegetable broth. For him, you need to take 100 grams of rice, a quarter kilogram of carrots and parsley root, 250 ml of milk, 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 50 grams of low-fat sour cream, a little fresh greens.

It is necessary to clean the root of parsley and carrots and grate them on a grater. The resulting mixture is poured with water, boiled until cooked and filtered (but do not throw away the vegetables). To this broth add rice and cook over low heat.

Boil the carrots and parsley root with a blender until smooth. Put it in broth with rice, add sour cream and cook until boiling.

Egg yolks need to be mixed with butter and also added to the soup along with shredded greens.

Do not neglect the proper diet during the treatment of gout. It is not for nothing that it is said that we are what we eat, and therefore we should take responsibility for choosing our diet.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/podagra/dieta-stol-6.html

Dietary table number 6: menu for the week for gout patients

Recommendations of orthopedist and rheumatologist ...

According to statistics, more than half of patients with a diagnosis of "gout" have concomitant renal pathologies.

The metabolic disturbance often leads to a tendency to stone formation in the organs of the urinary system.

Diet 6 with gout is appointed to prevent exacerbation of pathology.

Basic principles of therapeutic and preventive nutrition

information for reading

In the presence of gouty changes in the joints or the presence of urolithiasis, in particular, with uraturia it is recommended to exclude from the diet products with high content of purines. They are the reason for the increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood. This leads to the deposition of its salts (urates) in various tissues of the body.

purines in some foods
Product name Approximate amount of purines, mg per 100 g of product
Cocoa 1900
Liver 300
Veal 150
Carp 135
Sardines 120
Herring 120
Chicken 110
Rice 110
Fresh peas 100
Beef 40-100
Sprats 82
Rabbit 60
Chocolate white 62
Language 55
Pike 48
Beans 44
Asparagus 30
Spinach 23
Radish 10

Table: purines in some foods

Diet 6 with gout contains the optimal amount of essential substances for normal functioning of the body. At the same time, it excludes products that promote the formation of uric acid crystals.

The distribution of chemicals in the daily diet of a patient with gout should occur as follows:

  • protein compounds (from dairy products) in the amount of 70-90 g;
  • carbohydrates - 350-400 g;
  • fats, mainly of vegetable origin - 80-90 g;
  • table salt - up to 10 g;
  • liquid (water - 60-70%, the rest - soups, compotes, fruit drinks, juices, decoctions) - not less than 2 liters.

The calorie content of the therapeutic diet 6 for gout is about, kcal.

Fractional food - the best option for health

With gout, in addition to eliminating foods high in purine compounds, it is recommended that you limit the intake of table salt and be sure to follow the drinking regimen. Also, it is necessary to reduce the intake of proteins and fats of animal origin, combined mixtures, rapidly digestible carbohydrates.

Lean meat (fillet of a bird) is better for boiling or steaming, and it is forbidden to use broth. Meat and fish dishes, according to diet 6, with gout are included in the diet 2-3 times a week.

One day a week should be made unloading. It is allowed to eat low-fat dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese), vegetables, fruits. Also do not forget about the abundant drink (not less than 2 liters of liquid per day).

Diet number 6 for gout includes the following foods:

  • bakery products from wholemeal flour (wheat, rye);
  • vegetables - fresh, sour (limited), boiled, in the soup, borscht;
  • sour-milk, dairy products with low fat content;
  • fruits, berries, dried fruits - fresh, baked, canned, as a part of compotes, kissels, fruit drinks, juices;

Berry jelly - a useful drink at any time of year

  • lean meat, fish - no more than 3 times a week;
  • cereals - in a small amount;
  • eggs - no more than 1 per day (optimally every other day);
  • herbal teas, light green (rarely - black) tea with honey, jam, sugar;
  • coffee, cocoa with milk - limited (especially during the period of exacerbation).

List of Prohibited Products

Table 6 with gout excludes from the ration of the patient the following positions:

  • broths (meat, fish, mushroom, except for vegetable);
  • meat and fish in smoked, dried, dried, canned, light-salted, frozen;
  • by-products and dishes from them (pate, stew, etc.);
  • Legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas);
  • sorrel, lettuce, spinach, rhubarb;
  • some cabbage - Brussels, color, broccoli;
  • mushrooms;
  • culinary, refractory fat;
  • strong coffee, tea;
  • muffins, confectionery (cakes, pastries, buns, etc.);
  • alcohol.

Alcohol detrimental to metabolic processes in the body

Approximate weekly menu table 6 for gout

The diet of the patient should be useful and diverse. In this case, do not forget that the food should have a mouth watering and be tasty.

Prepared meals for gout are better on the same day, so they are fresh and do not lose their useful and taste properties.

Soup can be cooked for two days.

The daily volume of food is divided into 4 meals: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner.


  1. Herb tea. Vegetable salad (boiled carrots, beets, potatoes, vegetable oil, dill greens, parsley). Boiled egg. A piece of bread with bran.
  2. Vegetable soup. Boiled meat, buckwheat porridge. Green tea.
  3. Fruit salad or jelly.
  4. Low-fat cottage cheese. Oat cookies. Berry fruit drink.


  1. Oatmeal with milk, cereal dietary cookies. Green tea.
  2. Borsch with low-fat sour cream. A slice of rye bread. Chicken steamed chops with mashed potatoes. A fresh vegetable salad. Compote.

Chicken cutlets steamed, steamed

  1. Kefir. Fruit.
  2. Rice pudding with fruit. Herb tea.


  1. Omelette with vegetables. Cottage cheese with chopped herbs, smeared on a piece of rye bread. Green tea with honey.
  2. Soup with vermicelli. Fish for a couple with potatoes. Salad with sauerkraut and green onions.
  3. Berry jelly.
  4. Cottage cheese casserole with berries. Compote.


  1. Salad from boiled beets with nuts, vegetable oil. Bun from the bran flour. Herbal tea with honey.
  2. Shchi. Boiled fish. Baked vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, onions, carrots). Rye bread. Green tea with lemon.
  3. Fruit salad. Broth of dogrose.
  4. Low-fat cottage cheese with greens. Herb tea.


  1. Millet porridge. Boiled egg. Rye-wheat bread. Tea with lemon.
  2. Vegetable soup. Lenten cabbage rolls with lean sour cream. Slice of bread. Green tea.
  3. Kissel. Grain biscuits.
  4. Vegetable casserole. Kefir.


  1. Omelette with herbs. Cut bread with soft cottage cheese. Herbal tea with honey.
  2. Soup with meatballs. Buckwheat with vegetable salad. Bread. Tea.
  3. Kefir. Fruit.
  4. Low-fat cottage cheese. Compote.


  1. Cottage cheese with yogurt. Baked apple.
  2. Milk soup. Vegetable salad with cottage cheese and greens. Broth of dogrose.
  3. Kefir with berries.
  4. Cottage cheese casserole. Berry fruit drink.

On a fasting day, it is allowed to eat dairy products with low fat content

Dietary nutrition for gout has a huge impact on the condition of the joints and the body as a whole.

Following the recommendations of a nutritionist, you can significantly improve your health, stop the development of the disease.

The patient needs to monitor the daily caloric intake of the diet, so as not to overload the joints by extra weight.

A source: http://SustavInfo.com/bolezni/podagra/dieta-6-pri-podagre/

Gout: diet for gout № 6 for Pevzner

Kind time of the day, reader! Disturbances in the metabolism and balance of acids and alkalis lead to health problems.

So, for example, with excessive acidification of the body there is acidosis, which can be provoked by an incorrect diet with a predominance of dishes of red meat, excessive passion for alcoholic beverages, as well as overweight rights.

These conditions can lead to the development of various metabolic (metabolic) diseases, causing serious suffering to patients. Such patients are prescribed special treatment, which includes the use of a special diet - medicinal nutrition number 6. So, the topic of the conversation is gout. Diet for gout № 6 for Pevzner.

When the therapeutic diet for Pevzner №6 is applied

This food is used for conditions caused by problems of protein metabolism, often triggered by excessive use of meat and fish. These include the following diseases:

  • Gout with various manifestations.
  • Idiopathic and symptomatic hyperuricemia.
  • Urolithiasis with the appearance of oxalate stones.
  • Urine acid diathesis.
  • Erythremia.

Here is a useful video on our topic:

The task of dietary nutrition is to reduce the pressure on the body and release it from the accumulated metabolic products that adversely affect his health.

Diet number 6 for gout: full menu

Table number 6 according to Pevzner is a physiologically correct, balanced diet. In it, in a good ratio are proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The level of animal proteins is reduced with replacement by equivalent proteins of plants.

If the diet is intended for people with excessive body weight, the diet further reduces the carbohydrate content in order to reduce the calorie content of food.

Salt in the menu is present, but in limited quantities, for the purpose of alkalizing the body, foods that have an alkaline reaction, such as milk, vegetables, berries and fruits, are used. All products containing purine bases are prohibited. It is recommended to increase the amount of liquid drunk, preferably due to not too acidic natural juices.

Table 6 on Pevzner: features

The total calorie content of foods consumed per day should not exceed, thousands of kilocalories, and for people with excess fat accumulation - within the limits of thousands of kilocalories. The menu must be balanced and consist of the following components:

  • Fats - 110 grams.
  • Carbohydrates - 400 grams.
  • Proteins - 100 grams (with the predominance of proteins of vegetable origin).

For products and dishes, standard culinary processing is used, with preference for boiling or steaming, grinding or some special processing methods is not required.

It assumes minimal use of fried foods, a reduced amount of table salt in dishes.

The temperature regime of food intake is also standard - not from the refrigerator and not boiling from the stove, pleasantly warm dishes.

All the number of products per day should be divided into five receptions, if necessary before going to bed you can drink a glass of milk.

Diet 6: proper nutrition for gout

The menu for this type of food is quite extensive and varied, so usually this diet is well tolerated and can be followed for a long time. In the menu for gout, the following ingredients are used:

  • Soups - lean, based on vegetables, fruits, cereals, on milk, served with different temperatures.
  • Meat and fish are lean, no more than three times a week, 15 grams of boiled meat, or 170 grams of boiled fish. After cooking, they can be subjected to additional frying or stewing to enhance the taste.
  • Cereals are within the norm for carbohydrates, for enriching the menu, as side dishes or on their own.
  • Vegetables - only fresh or processed.
  • Fresh spicy greens go to all food.
  • Eggs chicken can be eaten within one piece daily, the type of cooking does not matter.
  • It is allowed to use high-quality vegetable oils, good fresh and ghee from cow's milk.
  • Milk, sour-milk products, cottage cheese and dishes from it, sour cream, moderately fat mild and unsalted cheese.
  • Natural drinks in a wide range: tea and coffee (not strong) with milk, non-acidic fruit and vegetable juices, broth from the hips, dried fruits, kissels from bran (wheat and oat), compotes, fruit drinks.
  • Fresh fruits and berries, dried fruits - raw or cooked in various ways.
  • Natural quality honey, marshmallows, pastilles, jams, jams and jam, marmalade, a little candy, except for chocolate.
  • Bread of good quality, better bezdozhzhevoy, of white and dark flour, mixed, bran.

In order that the patient does not "break" and do not use forbidden food, the menu should be well-formed, diverse, consist of pleasant dishes of high quality.

Prohibited foods for gout

Absolutely prohibited:

  • Meat with a high percentage of fat.
  • Fish fatty species.
  • Any broth, especially rich.
  • Soups on any broth, except vegetable.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Cheese - fatty, spicy and salty.
  • Baking, pastry, sweets from fatty dough.
  • All kinds of bean vegetables.
  • Sorrel, spinach and rhubarb (due to the high content of acids).
  • Red cabbage (contains purines).
  • Cranberries, raspberries and figs (figs).
  • Sauces, including ready-made, shop.
  • Smoked meats of all kinds.
  • Pickles.
  • Marinades.
  • Kvasshenye products.
  • Snacks with spicy and spicy taste.
  • Alcohol.
  • Artificial drinks (sweet fizzy water, soluble drinks, tonics and energy drinks).

It is advisable during the use of the diet table to give up smoking and spend more time in the fresh air, to increase physical activity, if the attending physician allows.

Menu for gout: some recipes

Even a medical menu simply has to be tasty and useful.

An example of this may be a recipe for a simple, but very tasty vegetarian soup.

Vegetarian Soup Recipe


  • White cabbage - ¼ of a small fork.
  • Potato - 2 - 3 medium tubers.
  • Carrot fresh red - 1 small.
  • Bulb white turnip - 1 piece.
  • Garlic - 1 - 2 small chives.
  • Tomato ripe sweet - 1 piece.
  • Dill and parsley greens - to taste.
  • Pearl barley - 1 cup.


  • Rinse the pearl barley, pour water and cook in a separate bowl.
  • Put the pan with water on the fire, bring to a boil.
  • Peel and cut the carrots with straw, lower it into boiling water, reduce fire.
  • Finely chop the onion and send it to the carrots.
  • Clean, thoroughly wash and cut into cubes potatoes, put it in a pan with the rest of the products.
  • When the potatoes are cooked almost to the ready, put in the soup chopped white cabbage.
  • At this time, the pearl barley should already be cooked, it must be thoroughly washed and transferred to a pan with soup.
  • When the soup is almost ready, add the finely chopped ripe sweet tomato, the garlic, and bring it to a boil.
  • Put the crushed spicy herbs, lightly salt and pepper, remove from heat.

A simple "village" soup turns out to be very tasty and useful, contains many useful ingredients and perfectly sates.

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Recipe for a quick and tasty milk drink

As a base, any drink is used - sour milk, kefir, unleavened yoghurt, narine, ayran and so on.

You can add any soft berries or fruits, fresh mint leaves, a little sugar, better cane, or honey.

The ingredients are placed in a blender-glass, whisked, poured and immediately put on a table. In the heat, it is best to cool all the ingredients beforehand.

A good combination of sour milk drinks with strawberries or strawberries, bananas and mint. It turns out delicious, useful and very satisfying, the main thing is not to overdo it with sweetness.

Now you know how to eat with gout.

If desired, it is easy to find many such recipes that can be used to make the diet for gout and urolithiasis was not perceived as a punishment, but passed easily, pleasantly and with great benefit to the body patient. Friends! If you have gout, eat right. Believe me: the diet for gout № 6 in Pevzner works wonders!

A source: http://tatianaottepel.ru/podagra-dieta-pri-podagre-nomer-6-po-pevzneru.html

6 diet for gout: a full menu for the week, recipes

Nutrition is the most important element of human life. From the right diet depends not only physical health, but also mood, ability to resist stress, working capacity. Hungry or suffering from poor-quality food can be recognized even in appearance.

But sometimes nutrition is also a therapy of various diseases. Not without reason in medicine there is a concept of diets or medical tables.


Traditionally, doctors have 15 dietary tables. Familiar with them are not only gastroenterologists, but also therapists, endocrinologists, cardiologists and even phthisiatric doctors. Thanks to this separation of diets, it is easy to organize meals in hospitals, maternity homes, sanatoriums.

Recommendations for therapeutic nutrition can be found in discharge epicrisis after treatment in the hospital. And the local doctor any therapy precedes the appointment of a certain dietary table.

Why are diets paid so much attention? The speed of the patient's recovery depends on the type of products and the quality of their treatment.

For example, with gastritis or peptic ulcer, heat treatment of food, its grinding is important.

Kidney disease implies strict restriction of certain foods in the diet, which can seriously aggravate the pathological process.

Particular attention is paid to dismetabolic diseases - metabolic disorders. These include gout.


Gout is a systemic disease affecting almost all organs. The idea of ​​gout as a defeat of only the knees and feet is incorrect. This pathological process destroys joints, heart, kidneys, vessels.

What is the basis of the disease? The main mechanism is a violation of the exchange of uric acid, its accumulation in the body and the deposition in the form of special crystals. This phenomenon is called hyperuricemia.

However, in some cases, the level of uric acid in the body remains within normal limits, but the bright characteristic clinical picture still indicates gout.

This happens when the kidneys are broken, they become unable to remove even a normal amount of uric acid.

To suspicious of gout symptoms include:

  • Arthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the first toe.
  • Knee injury.
  • Formation throughout the body of seals, cones - tophus.
  • Wavy course of the disease with periodic or frequent exacerbations.
  • Deterioration of well-being after taking certain foods.

Since uric acid is formed in the human body from certain substances, dietary nutrition will be an essential element of treatment. With gout, regardless of stage, all patients are assigned table number 6.

The Sixth Table

Diet therapy before the emergence of effective medication was the main method to combat this serious disease. And even in modern medicine, it periodically comes to the fore - with ineffective action of drugs, their side effects or allergic reactions.

Classical diet number 6 for gout implies a menu with a strict reduction in the diet of foods rich in special substances - purines. They lead to excessive production of uric acid in the body. Therapeutic diet for gout is based on the following principles:

  • Significant reduction in the intake of purines with food.
  • Saturation of the diet products with a reduced concentration of precursors of uric acid, which are primarily cereals and milk.
  • Adequate water regime. The amount of fluid consumed is desirable to increase in the absence of contraindications.
  • Weight loss.

Food products with gout are divided into prohibited, allowed limited and recommended.

Prohibited products

When gout is very important to know those dishes that can trigger an exacerbation. They should be completely excluded from the diet or used in small quantities.

What kind of food is imposed a complete ban? If 100 g of the product contain about 150 mg or more of purine bases, it should be discarded. Basically, such products are so rich in purines:

  • The intestines are beef or sheep, which include not only the liver or kidneys, but also the brains, as well as the glands.
  • Thick, rich broths - because of the large number of extractives.
  • Seafood - in particular, anchovies and shrimps, mackerel, sardines and sardines. The ban also applies to canned fish.
  • Legumes in fried form and dried - lima beans.
  • Smoked meat and various canned goods, including vegetables.
  • Ice cream and vegetables.
  • Alcohol in all kinds. Most gouty attacks cause dark beer and red wine, but the use of other alcoholic beverages is also highly undesirable.
  • All dried cereals, excluding purified wheat and rice.
  • All dried fruits. The only exception is prunes.
  • Cauliflower, raspberry and fig.
  • Sorrel and spinach.
  • Mustard and ketchup.
  • Olives and a variety of pickles.
  • Spicy sauces.
  • Coffee, strong tea, cocoa and chocolate.

Restricted limited products

If purines are kept in moderation in food, it can be consumed, but occasionally and in small quantities. These restrictions apply to products containing purine bases of 50 to 150 mg per 100 g. The consumption should be reduced:

  • Beef and lamb - once or twice a week.
  • Poultry meat - up to two times a week.
  • Fish.
  • Cancers and crustaceans.
  • Beans (lentils, peas and beans).

Also, do not forget that much more purines are found in the meat of young animals. And if beef and mutton you can periodically afford, but veal and lamb meat in the diet of the patient with gout is not the place.

Foods rich in saturated, or animal fats - oil, eggs, lard should be limited.

Which diet is preferred for gout patients?

Recommended Products

Since gout is an exchange disease, its prognosis can be improved by limiting the intake of purines in the body with food. In such patients, doctors recommend a hypopuric diet or a table 6. What foods are poor in these substances? They include:

  • Wheat and rye bread, stale - yesterday's baking.
  • Fruit and vegetable, as well as milk soups.
  • Boiled meat of low-fat varieties, no more than twice a week.
  • Any vegetables as a side dish or snacks.
  • Salads from fresh vegetables, squash and eggplant caviar, vinaigrette.
  • Dishes from croup. The number of them in the diet should be moderate, but recipes can be used any.
  • Sweets - jelly, marmalade, pastille.
  • Milk and sour-milk products, cheese.
  • Morse, juice, alkaline water, weak tea.
  • Egg - no more than one per day, preferably boiled or omelet.

The menu for diet 6 should be varied. It is advisable to apply different recipes - using not only steaming, but also quenching or baking. Such a dietary table will not oppress patients or cause desires to try prohibited foods.

During the exacerbation of the menu is more limited. For products with a moderate content of purines, a complete ban is imposed.

Weekly menu

To ensure that the food was pleasant and varied, you can prepare a menu in advance for a week.

Variants of recommended dishes by day are presented in the table.

Porridge buckwheat with the addition of oil, salad of fresh carrots and cabbage, tea is not strong.

Milk rice porridge, tea, a slice of bread and jam.

Pumpkin porridge, tea or milk.

Vinaigrette, steam cutlet, tea.

Boiled egg, salad of fresh vegetables, mors.

Casserole from cottage cheese with raisins, tea.

Baked pumpkin, raisins, kefir.

Gout requires a significant change in lifestyle and nutrition. But a properly selected diet is a guarantee of health in the future and prevention of complications.

A source: http://life4well.ru/zabolevaniya-spiny/oporno-dvigatelnyj-apparat/110729-6-dieta-pri-podagre-polnoe-menyu-na-nedelyu-retsepty

Diet number 6 for gout: a full menu for a week and a table of products

Gout- a disease associated with increased levels of uric acid in the blood, its deposition in the joints and kidneys, caused by a violation of purine metabolism. Most people become chronic.

Characteristics of gout

There are two forms of this ailment:

Primary gout- associated with the deformation of enzymes at the genetic level, which is why the synthesis of uric acid is disrupted.

  • There are manifestationsin childhood.
  • Heredity plays a great role- approximately 25% probability of getting sick if there is gout in the family.

Secondary gout- occurs as a complication after the disease.

Call for secondary gout:

  • Diseases of the blood
  • Intoxication (lead intoxication)
  • Medications
  • Stress
  • Kidney Diseases
  • Alcohol dependence
  • Diabetes

To keep the disease under control,you need to monitor the level of uric acid in the blood. Normal for men, 2 mmol / l, for women, 6 mmol / l.

And if there is a hereditary predisposition, then it is necessary to observe the doctor and regularly take tests.
According to statistics, gout is most likely in men from 40 to 50 years, less often in women over 60, least in children and adolescents.

The gout clinic

Uric acid can begin to accumulate even in youth, the development of hyperuricemia is completely painless and asymptomatic.

Symptoms start with an attack of acute arthritis:

  • Most people have a seizure at night or near morning.
  • There is acute pain in the region of the big toe (monoarthritis), ankle or heel (polyarthritis).

Signs of acute arthritis:

  • Chills, fever.
  • Swelling of the joint, marked redness and shine, indicates a purulent inflammation.
  • Movement of the joint is limited.
  • Period from one to several days.

Factors that stimulate an attack:

  • Injuries.
  • Acceptance of alcohol
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Diuretics
  • Overeating and hunger
  • Acute infections

It is necessary to begin immediate treatment as the second attack can come in a year, only will be already new joints are deformed, accompanied with the formation of tofus (condensations arising from congestion uric acid). Most often, tofuses are formed in the ears, elbows, in the area of ​​the calcaneal tendon.

It is very important to monitor the health of the kidneys, 20% of patients with gout have kidney stones

So, analyzing the above, you can identify the successive stages of this disease:

  1. Hyperuricemia- asymptomatic and painless.
  2. Acute arthritis- Severe and very severe pain.
  3. Temporary reliefbetween seizures.
  4. A second attack,the formation of tofus, the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Diet number 6 for gout

goal in the fight against gout- minimize lactic acid in the blood, so doctors prescribe a special diet. Especially for this ailment developed an antipuric diet - diet number 6.

The fact is that the purine contained in the products actively interacts with uric acid and thereby harms the body, leads to an exacerbation of the disease

the peculiarity of this diet is to limit consumption of fish and meat, but it is very balanced, with the predominance of vegetable fats over animal fats. Also the presence of salt in dishes is minimal.

Advantages of this dietary table:

  • Balanced diet, based on the principles of proper nutrition.
  • Complete alkalinization.
  • Dissolution of kidney stones.
  • Does not give the disease progress.

Mode of reception of food

Observe it is not difficult, but necessary. And most importantly, such a regime will not let you be hungry.

Basic principles:

  1. Fractionality of power,5 times a day, should be balanced, have in its composition hot meals, vegetables, fruits, drinks, but under no circumstances can not overeat.
  2. Drinking lots of fluidsbetween meals, at least three liters. It cleanses the body of lactic acid.
  3. Calorie countingin the daily ration (no more than 3000 kcal).
  4. Proper processing of products,nothing fried, steamed.
  5. Once a weekfasting day.

Table of permitted, restricted and prohibited products

Allowed Restricted Allowed Prohibited
Vegetables (raw, stewed, boiled, soup salads) 1 serving per day Fruit jam (very small portion) Not more than once a day. Vegetables will be excluded: piñata, asparagus, cabbageAll legumes
Fruits (raw, boiled, compotes without sugar) 1 serving per day Chicken, rabbit, turkey, only in boiled form (150 g.) 3 times a week Fruit will exclude: hives, dates, avocado banana
Cereals (soups, cereals) 2-3 servings per day Fish, seafood Only in boiled form (165 g) 3 times a week Fish will be excluded: ardin, herring, cod, fish, salmon caviar, canned food
Bread (black and white) MilkOnly diluted with waterNot more than a liter a day Chocolate, cakes and pastries
Low-fat cheeses and cottage cheese2-3 servings per day Candies without chocolate, dry liver, seeds, nuts. Limitations on weight, if the weight is normal 1 small portion per day. Fatty meat (veal, pork, lamb) and by-products (liver, lungs, kidneys) Broths
Eggs (boiled, scrambled eggs) 1 serving a day or 1 pc. Mineral water Only with a reduced content of alkali Sausage products and canned food
Drinks (tea, mors, compote, jelly, juice, kvass) 2-3 liters per day. MedSportny product, significantly restrict Drinks excluded: strong tea, coffee, alcohol, energy

It is worth noting that if alcoholic beverages are especially dangerous beer (even non-alcoholic) and strong alcohol, but a little dry wine will not do harm, since it causes the lowest level of dairy acid.

Weekly menu for gout

Here is an example of a weekly menu to better understand the diet. Note that six meals a day, the food is not only correct, but also varied.


Breakfast:Pumpkin porridge and slice of unleavened bread
Snack:Natural yogurt with fresh berries
Dinner:Vegetable soup, chicken steamed steak, bread from bran
Snack:apple compote, bun (not rich)
Dinner: Boiled buckwheat with vegetables on the grill
Overnight:A glass of yogurt


Breakfast:Oatmeal milk porridge with dried apricots and raisins, tea without sugar with a slice of lemon
Snack:one egg
Dinner:Vegetarian borscht with a spoon of sour cream and croutons, vegetable salad
Snack:Tea with a spoonful of condensed milk and a slice of cheese
Dinner:Baked pot of potato, pumpkin, cheese and sour cream, vegetable salad
Overnight:A glass of curdled milk

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Breakfast: fruit salad dressed with low-fat yogurt, a cup of green tea
Snack:a couple of watermelon slices
Dinner:Pearl soup with boiled chicken and stewed zucchini Snack glass of milk oatmeal cookies

Dinner:Vegetable stew with a turkey steak and a glass of jelly

Overnight:Yoghurt with bran


Breakfast:a portion of sour cream with sour cream, a cup of tea
Snack:Pastille and a glass of compote
Dinner:Vareniki with potatoes and sour cream, a piece of bread
Snack:apple, citrus juice
Dinner:Cottage cheese with fruit and berries, a glass of jelly
Overnight:Milk with cookies


Breakfast:Toasts with cheese, chicory drink, 1 banana
Snack:Fresh cucumber salad with sour cream
Dinner:Vermicell soup with vegetable broth, turkey meatballs with a slice of rye bread
Snack:Hips from briar, curd mixture
Dinner:Potato slices with sour cream sauce, vinaigrette, a glass of herbal tea

Overnight:A glass of ryazhenka


Breakfast:Omelette from two eggs, some fresh vegetables
Snack:baked apple, jelly glass
Dinner:Soup with buckwheat, pumpkin pancakes, carrot salad and radishes, a glass of mors
Snack:fruit juice
Dinner:rice stewed with vegetables and steamed fish slice
Overnight:A glass of "snowball"


Fasting day
Eat rice (75 gr.) And apples (fresh, compote)

What is dietotherapy for gout?

As already mentioned, adherence to a diet is a direct way to drown out the disease, to prevent it from developing. Therefore, along with taking medication, you need to eat right, only then there will be a result.

Diet therapy generally improves metabolism (including purine), discharges the body, treats diseases (not only gout), helps to normalize weight.

Since the purine inflicts irreparable harm to health, the diet must be observed and actively monitor their diet.

What is with an exacerbation of gout?

During an exacerbation, the first thing to do is to reduce the calorific value to less than 2000 calories per day.

Very useful days are for unloading and cleaning the body (it is advisable to eat or drink only one product), with sufficient fluid intake.

Completely exclude fish and meat, but we make sure that the patient remains full.

With the exacerbation of gout, a more severe diet is prescribed, lasting about two weeks. The food should be more liquid, a special preference for giving milk and regularly drinking alkaline mineral water

List of products for gout during an exacerbation period:
Allowed Restricted Allowed Prohibited
potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, beets, pumpkin, Leafy vegetables Meat and fish products
Porridge from different groats Tomatoes Chocolate, cakes and pastries
Sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt Butter Honey
Onions, garlic, dill Plums Legumes, radish
Watermelon, lemon, other fruits Alcohol, coffee

Nutrition recommendations

Summing up the short summary, we will define general recommendations:

  • Full compliance with the prescribed diet, and with an aggravation in general, to abandon fish and meat products.
  • Eat at least five meals a day in small portions.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Refuse alcohol.
  • Do not be hungry and do not pass.
  • The menu should be balanced, filled with all vital nutrients necessary for the body quantity.
  • Give up fast food and soda.

A source: http://prosustavi.com/bolezni/podagra/dieta-6.html

Classical diet number 6 for gout: a seven-day menu the sixth table

Gout is one of those diseases, the treatment of which will never be effective without following a diet. If the patient really wants to defeat his illness, he will have to stick to some limitations in his habitual diet until the end of his life.

The cause of pain and swelling with gout is a high content of uric acid and purines in the body. They get into the body together with food.

If correctly to make the menu of the patient suffering from gout, you can significantly reduce the flow of purines and at the same time speed up the removal of already deposited in the tissues of the joints.

Physicians have long been studying the issue of how food affects the dynamics and treatment of gout, and developed a special menu - this is the so-called diet number 6 for gout.

Classical diet for gout - basic principles

The table of the patient with gout should be diverse, saturated with vitamins and microelements, but at the same time low-calorie, with a minimum of fats and carbohydrates. The following basic rules are observed:

  1. A minimum of protein products - meat of any sorts, liver.
  2. In a limited number of refractory fats.
  3. A complete rejection of products containing oxalic acid.
  4. Switch to vegetable oils, in extreme cases - to a creamy creamy.
  5. Absolute taboos on meat, fish and mushroom broths.
  6. Exclusion of salt, better completely, the allowable amount per day - no more than 8 gr.
  7. Use at least 2 liters of clean water a day, rich in alkalis.

Many patients such a list can scare and alert - and what then includes the table of a gouty patient? The diet for gout is really tough, but effective, and there are enough products to make a varied and useful menu for gout. In addition, strictly adhere to the diet is necessary during periods of exacerbation.

If gout is in the stage of prolonged calm, you can make some exceptions.

For example, proteins predominantly enter the body from sub- and meat products - any meat, giblets, lard, as well as eggs and fatty fish. During an attack, this food is banned.

But during the remission period, the table can be varied twice a week with a dish of lean meat or eggs.

What kind of meat and fish to choose? In the menu 1-2 times a week you can include:

  • Rabbit or turkey meat without skin;
  • Lean beef (not veal);
  • Sprats, pike perch, cod.

Naturally, these products should be boiled or stewed, baked on the grill or in the oven, but in no case should not fry in oil and sprinkle abundantly with salt and spices. Also, it is not necessary to serve beans - beans, peas, asparagus, lentils, on the table of a man suffering from gout.

Vegetables are all except tomatoes, sorrel, spinach and cauliflower. The menu can include any cereal, except oatmeal - it can be consumed not more often than once a week, and it is better to replace some other one. Of dairy products, the taboo is superimposed on:

  1. Spicy and salty cheeses;
  2. Solid and fatty cheeses;
  3. Whole milk.

On the table it is better to serve sour-milk products of low fat content - kefir, yogurt, yogurts.

The menu categorically should not be any pickles and marinades, including preserving the home cooking, smoked products, preserves, canned food and sausages, any caffeinated products, soda and alcohol.

As a dessert on the table you can serve various jelly, dried fruits, honey, nuts, fresh fruits and berries (except for figs and raspberries).

All confectionery, buns, sweets, jams and jam from the menu are excluded.

Permitted drinks: loose tea, broth of wild rose, herbal infusions, compotes, fruit drinks.

Sample menu for patients with gout

The diet should consist of such products:

  1. Bakery products - every day, in minimum quantities (several slices).
  2. Soups - daily, but not on meat, fish or mushroom broth.
  3. Meat and fish of low-fat varieties - 1-2 times a week during remission.
  4. Fresh fruits, vegetables and greens - unlimited, except for legumes.
  5. Sour milk products - unlimited, low in fat.

White bread is excluded, preference is given to whole-grain baking, rye bread with bran. In soups you can add any cereals, oatmeal - with restriction. But they need to be cooked on the water. If jelly and desserts are prepared on the basis of milk, it should be diluted with water.

Of the fruits with caution, you need to take only citrus fruits, which often cause allergic reactions. Very useful apples and sour-milk products - this combination perfectly cleans the body of toxins.

A day must necessarily drink a lot of liquid. An hour before meals it is recommended to drink a glass of pure, mineral water with alkalis. Another good tip - food should not be too hot, but not cold. To eat is better fractional, up to 5 times a day.

Sample menu

This is only an approximate selection of dishes and foods, which is adjusted by the doctor depending on the physiological characteristics of the patient and his lifestyle.

Breakfast - cottage cheese with fruit or vegetable salad with sour cream, rye bread, tea.

The second breakfast - any porridge, soft-boiled egg, juice or kissel;

Lunch - vegetarian or dairy soup, potatoes stewed with meat, sauerkraut, compote.

Snack - any fresh fruit or vegetables, kefir.

Dinner - curd or vegetable casserole, kefir, kissel.

Between meals should drink a decoction of dogrose, wheat bran, herbal infusions.

A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/podagra/dieta-pri-podagre-stol-6.html

Diet number 6 for gout

Gout (dr.-Greek. πο? ρα - foot trap from π? - leg and? Γρα - seizure) - a disease that arises from a metabolic disturbance characterized by the deposition of urate (uric acid) in the joints.

The provoking factor of the onset of an illness is the accumulation of uric acid (the final product of purine exchange) and a decrease in renal function for its excretion, which leads to an increase in the level of urate in the blood plasma (hyperuricemia).

In most patients, gout is chronic.

Disease of the gout

Clinical manifestations

Gout is manifested in the form of recurrent arthritis, which proceeds in an acute form with the formation of granulation-scar tissue (tofus or gouty nodes).

Why you need dietotherapy

Because of the deposition of uric acid in the joints in humans, the disease begins to progress and causes severe pain in the affected areas. In most cases, this is due to malnutrition. Therefore, it is very important that in case of gout, the patients undergo a nutrition adjustment (diet).

It is necessary to maintain a diet for the disease

Correctly selected diet and diet improves the current state of the patient and contributes to cure not only of gout, but also of various diseases.

In the modern literature, you can find recipes for treating various ailments with the help of a dietary diet and properly selected foods.

And in fact, almost always, if a person observes a dietary food table, the ailment recedes.

Characteristics of diet therapy

Dietary table number 6 contributes to the restoration of purine metabolism, reduces the level of urinary acid, as well as its salts, formed in the human body, normalizes the alkaline composition urine.

Uric acid is interrelated with the level of purine in food, so it can have a detrimental effect on the patient's body and provoke the transition of the disease to the stage of exacerbation.

The diet obliges the patients to confine themselves to eating fish and meat.

It is necessary to reduce the consumption of meat

Mode of eating food

The intake of food in the patient should occur in fractional and small portions. During the day - at least 5-6 times, and between meals should drink liquid. You can not overeat.

Food served on the table should be at room temperature and in no case - too cold or hot. It is very important for gout to use liquid in large quantities.

For example, if a healthy person has enough to drink two liters of fluid throughout the day, then a patient with this diagnosis should drink at least three liters.

What you can eat

Diet table number 6 provides for a daily diet and a menu with a full content of nutritional elements and in the necessary amount of energy value. From the diet to the patient it is necessary to exclude products with a high content of oxalic acid and purine bases.

Diet No. 6 is indicated for gout

During cooking all meat and fish products should be boiled.

At a dietary table № 6 it is authorized to eat:

  • bakery products from whole grained rye and coarse flour grinding;
  • various soups on non-meat broth;
  • dietary kinds of meat of poultry and fish. One portion of meat from a bird should be from 140-160 grams and from fish - 150-170 grams. Boiled dietary meat of fish and poultry should be eaten no more than three times a week.
  • dairy products;
  • eggs (chicken, quail) in raw and cooked form, but no more than one in knocking;
  • various cereals;
  • practically all types of vegetable crops, both raw and cooked. Not allowed vegetables with a high content of purine: cauliflower, spinach, celery, asparagus, radish, etc .;
  • vegetable caviar;
  • fruit. Fruits of fruit trees and berries in the patient's menu should be kept in large quantities, fresh and cooked;
  • sauces. You can milk, sour and tomato;
  • beverages. From drinks you can have a weak tea with lemon, freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and berries, mors, kvass and decoctions.

Diet No. 6 allows you to drink tea (not strong)

What you can not eat

With gout on the legs, the patient must necessarily know what to exclude from his menu.Diet table number 6 does not recommend eating:

  • soup with mushrooms and broths with fatty meat varieties;
  • sausages;
  • canned fish and meat;
  • cheeses of sharp and salty varieties;
  • beans;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • spicy sauces and condiments;
  • chocolate;
  • flour confectionery.

Approximate dietary diet

The dietary table should be properly composed by the patient for the whole week.Anticipatory antipuric classic diet:

  • Breakfast.Menu: oatmeal with milk, vegetable salad with vegetable oil, soft tea.
  • Lunch.Curd and broth from wheat bran.
  • Dinner.Vegetarian soup, casserole from cottage cheese, baked vegetables, jelly.
  • Snack.Fresh or baked apple and juice.
  • Dinner.Lenten cabbage rolls with rice and vegetables, syrniki, tea.
  • Before a night's sleep.Kefir or broth.

On an example of a classical diet to the person it is possible to make to itself the approximate menu for all week, thus adding dishes from various groats, vegetables and fruit.

Low calorie diet due to the right combination of fiber in the daily diet of human fat and protein has a positive effect on the work of all organs.

A source: https://osustave.ru/dieta-nomer-6-pri-podagre