We treat pain in the ear at home without any problems

Pain in the ear is one of the most powerful and difficult to bear. Most often it occurs because of various problems in the middle ear, in particular, because of the accumulation of fluid. But the causes of such pain can be different: cold, foreign objects, sulfur accumulation, mechanical damage. Whatever the cause, treatment of earaches at home should be done quickly and effectively.

  • Causes of pain in the ears
  • It's a dull pain
  • Pain when swallowing
  • What will help in the treatment of earaches at home
  • In pregnancy
  • Unrefined olive oil
  • Acute pain in the ear in a child
  • With colds
  • Shooting Pain
  • Throbbing pain
  • Traditional medicine
  • Garlic cloves
  • Onion
  • Hot water heating
  • Ginger root
  • Bishop's weed
  • Camphor oil
  • Grass Licorice
  • Boric alcohol
  • Soothing Mint
  • Ordinary radish
  • Using a hair dryer
  • Pain and obstruction in the ear
  • Drops for treatment
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Causes of pain in the ears

The pain in the ears is caused by various factors, it can be as diseases, inflammatory processes, and mechanical damages. Depending on what kind of pain, you can establish the cause.

Factors causing ear pain:

  • furunculosis, eczema and other inflammations of the external ear;
  • otitis media;
  • mechanical injuries, foreign body entry;
  • caries, aching teeth;
  • inflammation, nerve damage;
  • deforming osteoarthritis of the jaw joint;
  • abscess of the parotid gland;
  • inflammatory process of lymph nodes.

It's a dull pain

The main reasons for the appearance of aching pain and painful sensations can be:

  • mechanical damage;
  • bacterial purulent inflammation;
  • pathology of the jaw;
  • inflamed tonsils;
  • acute otitis media.

To treat aching pain is necessary with the help of drugs with analgesic effect, anti-inflammatory drugs, and at a temperature antipyretic are used.

Pain when swallowing

The appearance of such a symptom as pain in the ears during swallowing can mean that a person:

  • lowered immunity, SARS;
  • chronic diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • disease of the paranasal sinuses;
  • anatomical features;
  • otitis media;
  • otitis externa.

In order to choose the right treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause. When otitis is recommended taking Aspirin, Analgin. You can also insert turundum, moistened in boric alcohol 3%.

Interesting! More often pain for completely different reasons arise in kiddies than in adults. Many methods of traditional medicine help to effectively and quickly get rid of them.

What will help in the treatment of earaches at home

In pregnancy

Pregnant is to remember that many drugs are prohibited during this period, so treatment should be agreed with the doctor:

  • painkillers (Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen);
  • when the infection is prescribed antibiotics, which drank in parallel with bifidobacteria;
  • with the accumulation of earwax, stoppers - contact LOR for cleaning the ears;
  • if the cause is an allergy - antihistamines (Chloropyramine, Suprastin can be used in the second and third trimester, Cetirizine, Zirtek);
  • with edema of the nasopharynx (vasoconstrictor drugs Nazivin, Otrivin);
  • means of alternative medicine (squeeze out garlic, squeeze juice, drip 2-3 drops).

Unrefined olive oil

Olive oil is available in every kitchen, because it is ideal for salad dressing. If you have earaches, this ingredient will help to relieve them. Olive oil is a lubricant that relieves various infections. Particularly effective this component will be in the event that there are buzzing sounds.

Use cases:

  • a few droplets of heated and used as drops. That is, bury with oil the external ear canal;
  • in oil, you can soak a small piece of cotton wool. Make a swab out of it and put it in your ear.

Interesting! Olive oil for the treatment of ear pain at home can be successfully replaced with mustard oil.

In this case, the oil facilitates the well-being due to the warming action. Before using the product, a doctor should be examined, since the method is contraindicated in the perforation of the tympanic septum.

Acute pain in the ear in a child

If there is no possibility to call a doctor or go to a hospital, give the child first aid. For anesthesia and to quickly relieve pain in the ear of a child, it is necessary:

  • to drip the nose with vasoconstrictive drops to improve the patency of the auditory tube (Naftizin, Nazivin);
  • insert ear pads (moisten in boric alcohol warmed to room temperature);
  • to drip ears with drops (Otypaks);
  • apply a compress for 1-1,5 hours (brush the area around the ear with Vaseline, heat vodka to 36-37 degrees and moisten cotton cloth in it, squeeze out the material and put it around the ear, wrap it with polyethylene), this measure must be agreed with the doctor, so as not to aggravate the disease;
  • Give the child a febrifuge with analgesic and anti-inflammatory action (Ibuprofen, Panadol).

With colds

If it is necessary to relieve the pain in the ears and get rid of the inflammation that has occurred as a result of the common cold, it is recommended to use such means:

  • drops in the nose (Naphthyzin, Otrivin, Nasin, Xylen);
  • ear drops (Otipaks, Sofraks, Tsipromed);
  • painkillers (Paracetamol, Analgin, Spazgan);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Piroxicam);
  • In extreme cases, antibiotics are used on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • folk remedies (drip 2 drops of horseradish juice).

Shooting Pain

The popular way of treating shooting pain in the ears is quite effective:

  • twisted cotton wool moisten in camphor oil and insert into the ear canal, from above to wrap a scarf, the procedure to perform before a night sleep;
  • heat the salt, wrap in cotton cloth and attach to the sick ear for 15-20 minutes, then drip 2-3 drops of tea tree oil or any vegetable oil.

Ear drops that can be used: Otipax, Otinum, Okomistin.

Throbbing pain

With pulsatile pain, a common treatment regimen is used:

  • ear drops;
  • drops in the nose with vasoconstrictive effect;
  • washing with a solution with antiseptic effect;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • physiotherapy;
  • immunostimulants;
  • means for removing the inflammatory process;
  • warming compresses;

The folk medicine method that is used: pour the cumin seed into the cut head of the bulb and put it in the oven until it becomes soft, squeeze the juice from the baked bulb, drip the ears 3 times a day for 3 drops.

Traditional medicine

Garlic cloves

The main actions that garlic has on the body include anesthesia, as well as an antibacterial effect. So treatment with garlic will definitely ease the pain.

Use cases:

  • you will need two large spoons of sesame oil;
  • heat a small spoon containing the garlic passed through the press;
  • Garlic rub through gauze, mixed with prepared butter;
  • use in the form of drops in the external auditory canal with severe pain;
  • as an option, you can simply squeeze out garlic (several lobules) and juice, which will separate, bury without dilution in vegetable oil.


Cheap folk remedy for pain in the ear. It will help to remove the pain symptom, additionally it will have antiseptic and antibacterial action. During treatment, anti-inflammatory effect is manifested.

Use cases:

  • one onion to clean and crush;
  • wrap the crushed onion in a clean natural cloth;
  • Apply compress to the sick ear for 20 minutes;
  • such treatment can be done several times in one day;
  • use onion juice in the amount of one tablespoon. To warm and dig in a few drops.

Hot water heating

Take an ordinary plastic bottle and draw hot water into it. Apply to the ear that hurts from above by covering the bottle with a towel. Keep such an unusual compress for several minutes. Due to effective heating, the folk method of treatment can significantly reduce pain.

Ginger root

The main actions of the ingredient that need to be noted are anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. From ear infections, ginger helps perfectly, along the way, providing a good analgesic effect.

Use cases:

  • squeeze the juice from the purified root of ginger. Bury to relieve pain and reduce inflammation;
  • you can mix a large spoonful of fresh ginger juice with a quarter cup of warm sesame oil. But apply around the patient's ear only after the mixture has cooled sufficiently.

Bishop's weed

A natural method, which is precisely the use of oil of this weed. You need to mix a large spoon with two large spoons of sesame oil. Warm up over low heat and use the cooled mixture to bury the sick ears.

Camphor oil

Camphor oil is used in several forms:

  • compress (1 tbsp. l. oil heated on a water bath, folded gauze in several layers soak and attach to the ear for half an hour, after the time, carefully insert a dry cotton swab);
  • drops (drip 4 drops of camphor into the sore ear and close it with cotton wool, then lie down for 10-15 minutes, leave the tampon for the night).

Before use, check for an allergic reaction to camphor oil.

Grass Licorice

It will help to quickly relieve pain. It is necessary to crush a small amount of greenery in melted butter. Must be a paste, in consistency. This paste is applied around the diseased ear and left until the pain completely disappears.

Boric alcohol

Boric alcohol for cure is used in two ways:

  • turundas. Wet the damp in alcohol and insert into the ear at night. This method allows you to keep the warming effect and do not damage the eardrum. Contraindicated in case of complications;
  • drops. You need to put your head on one side, the patient with the ear up, drop a few drops of the drug and stay in this position for 10-15 minutes. Even with the disease of one ear it is required to drip both.

Soothing Mint

For this type of treatment, peppermint leaves are used. From the prepared washed leaves squeeze the juice and bury this sore sick ear, using a single dose of the agent.

Also, you can apply the product around the patient's ear, but then getting into the passage is not recommended. You can mix the oil of mint leaves with olive.

Ordinary radish

When implementing this method of treating pain in the ear at home, you need to cut one fresh radish finely. Then mix with the mustard oil and heat. Allow to cool, then strain and the resulting product to dig in several times a day.

Using a hair dryer

As we have already explained, warming up with pain in the ears relieves pain. So, you can use a normal hair dryer to warm up. After taking a shower with a hair dryer, you need to dry your ears by putting the device in the warm air mode. Warm hair dryer quickly dries moisture (dry the passage no more than 5 minutes). This method is used to prevent inflammation, but with a developed pathological process it is contraindicated, as it promotes the spread of infection and intensifies the pain.

Pain and obstruction in the ear

To help with such a symptom, it is necessary to establish the cause of congestion. The following measures will help ease the condition:

  1. With natural factors: move as if swallowing air, close the nose with your hands and squeeze the lip, then blow out, chew the chewing gum or chewing candy.
  2. If you got a foreign body, an insect: use a cosmetic stick, put your head so that the sick ear is up, pour a little warmed to room temperature vegetable oil and rinse with water of the same temperature.
  3. If you get a liquid: stir your ears and swallow saliva, jump on one leg, tilting your head toward the stuffed ear, use a cotton swab carefully.
  4. A sulfur plug, its treatment should be handled by a specialist: bury the ear with hydrogen peroxide, remove sulfur with a dry cotton swab, apply drops (AquaMaris Oto, A-Cerumen).
  5. The cause of coldness of the ear is cold: to drip the nose with vasoconstrictive drops (Nasin, Nazivin, Naphtizin, Otrivin), drink Ibuprofen.
  6. With chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, curvature of the nasal septum, otosclerosis and sensorineural hearing loss, surgical intervention is required.

Drops for treatment

The most common drops that are prescribed for ear pain:

  • Sophradex (relieves itching and inflammation, has an anti-allergic effect);
  • Polidexa (has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory properties, destroys bacteria);
  • Otofa (used against streptococci, staphylococci);
  • Otipaks (removes edema, inflammation has a disinfectant effect);
  • Otinum (anesthetizes and relieves inflammation);
  • Garazon (has anti-inflammatory effect);
  • Anauran (destroys the fungus, anesthetizes, relieves inflammation).

All means of treating pain in the ear at home have proven their effectiveness for more than one generation. But it is better to first go to the doctor and combine traditional methods of treatment with recipes of traditional medicine.