Antibiotics for arthritis


  • 1Choosing effective antibiotics for rheumatoid arthritis
    • 1.1Differential diagnosis of joint damage
    • 1.2Antibiotics for inflammation of the joints
    • 1.3Tetracyclines
    • 1.4Side effect
    • 1.5Sulfonamides
    • 1.6Sulfasalazine
    • 1.7Features of application and side effects
    • 1.8Schemes of application of sulfasalazine
    • 1.9Antibiotics for knee arthritis of infectious etiology
    • 1.10Cephalosporins
    • 1.11Antibiotics for arthrosis of the knee joint of post-traumatic etiology
    • 1.12Surgical treatment of purulent arthritis
    • 1.13Complex approach to the therapy of rheumatoid arthritis
    • 1.14NSAIDs
    • 1.15Glucocorticosteroids
    • 1.16Yet
  • 2Antibiotics for arthritis and arthrosis: specific treatment
    • 2.1Features of joint diseases
    • 2.2Symptoms of Arthritis
    • 2.3Principles of treatment of lesions of joints
    • 2.4Antibiotic therapy for joint damage, choice of antibiotic
    • 2.5Scheme of antibiotic treatment
    • 2.6Antibiotics in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
    • 2.7Side effects of antibiotics
  • 3Antibiotics for arthrosis and arthritis - effective drugs, a regimen of admission and side effects, reviews of the results of treatment
    instagram viewer
    • 3.1Can I take antibiotics for arthritis and arthrosis?
    • 3.2Scheme of antibiotic treatment
    • 3.3Side effects
    • 3.4Feedback on results after treatment
  • 4Antibiotics for arthritis
    • 4.1Gonorrheal type, infectious and reactive arthritis
    • 4.2Purulent type
    • 4.3Tubercular type
    • 4.4Rheumatoid type
    • 4.5When it is not necessary to destroy internal bacteria?
  • 5How to take azithromycin with arthritis: principles of treatment
    • 5.1Types of arthritis in which azithromycin is prescribed
    • 5.2Principles of treatment of arthritis
    • 5.3The use of azithromycin

Choosing effective antibiotics for rheumatoid arthritis

Arthritis is a collective term that characterizes the defeat of joints of various etiologies.The disease is accompanied by pain and limited mobility of the joints.

The causes of the inflammatory process can be:

  • immunogenetic disorders (rheumatoid arthritis);
  • intestinal and urogenital infection (reactive joint damage)
  • other diseases (lupus, gouty, psoriatic arthritis);
  • injection injection into the joint cavity of steroid agents;
  • septic processes in the body.

In most cases, inflammation is aseptic.

Purulent arthritis develops as a result of acute posttraumatic bursitis, accompanied by necrosis and melting of the walls of the joint bag, with the breakthrough of its contents into the cavity of the adjacent joint.

Differential diagnosis of joint damage

Arthritis Symptoms
Rheumatoid The disease is of an autoimmune nature. Lesions of joints bilateral. Typical morning stiffness in the movements, the presence of rheumatoid nodules and extra-articular manifestations (vasculitis, neuropathy, pleurisy, acquired heart defects).
Reactive Associated with a transferred intestinal or urogenital infection within six months before the onset of inflammation. Causes: chlamydia, iersinia, shigella, salmonella. Arthritis is asymmetrical, with predominant lesion of the lower limbs, often combined with urethritis, cervicitis and conjunctivitis.
Post-traumatic Unsymmetric purulent lesion of large joints.
Psoriatic Unsymmetric arthritis involving many joints, defeat of the ligament apparatus, nails and skin (keratoderma).
Gouty Symmetrical defeat of hands and feet with the formation of tofus. Characterized by pronounced night pain.
Lupus Non-deforming arthritis of brushes, wrist and knee joints, associated with systemic lupus erythematosus.

Antibiotics for inflammation of the joints

The drugs are selected taking into account the trigger infection, which caused joint damage.


The most justified will be the administration of tetracycline drugs. They have high activity against chlamydial and enterococcal flora, they are well distributed in bone tissue.

Antibiotics of the tetracycline series in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis are not etiotropic therapy.

However, the use of minocycline and doxycycline (200 mg twice daily) reduces activity damaging cartilage tissue of enzymes, slow down degenerative processes in the joint, reduce edema and reduce pain syndrome.

Read more: Ideal selection of modern analogues of doxycycline

Side effect

With prolonged use:

  • have a pronounced hepatotoxic effect, with a risk of developing fatty liver disease;
  • violate protein metabolism, are contraindicated in patients with renal insufficiency, lead to azotemia;
  • may cause an increase in intracranial pressure;

Not recommended for use in children:

  1. disturb the formation of bone tissue;
  2. slow the linear growth of bones;
  3. damage tooth enamel.

Prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating women, as they can accumulate in the fetal skeleton and provoke congenital malformations.


It is important to remember that antibiotics for arthritis of rheumatoid aetiology do not replace non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroids, immunosuppressants and cytostatics.

However, the effect of taking Sulfasalazine, in fact, is not inferior to that of cytostatics, which makes it possible to use this drug in the basic therapy of rheumatoid arthritis, especially if there are contraindications to the use Methotrexate.



  • marked antimicrobial activity;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

It is well distributed in the body, penetrates through tissue barriers, accumulates in connective tissue and synovial (joint) fluid.

Features of application and side effects

When carrying out therapy with sulfonamides, it is recommended to avoid ultraviolet irradiation. It is also necessary to ensure a sufficient drinking regime (at least two liters of water per day).

These antibiotics for bones and joints are not used in pregnant women, due to teratogenic effects on the fetus. Prohibited to take during lactation. Penetrate into breast milk, provoke nuclear jaundice and hemolytic anemia of newborns.

Sulfonamides do not combine with estrogen-containing contraceptives and can cause uterine bleeding.

Do not apply in the presence of renal, hepatic insufficiency in patients with a deficiency of folic acid and megaloblastic anemia.

With prolonged use, bone marrow function is suppressed (agranulocytosis), can result in exfoliative dermatitis, infertility and reversible oligospermia.

Schemes of application of sulfasalazine

Week of therapy 1 2 3 4
Dose 500 mg 1000 mg 1500 mg 2000 mg

The recommended dose for long-term therapy is 40 mg / kg (2 g per day, 1 g twice daily) from the fourth week of treatment.

Read more: Consequences and treatment of antibiotic overdose

Antibiotics for knee arthritis of infectious etiology

Apply cephalosporins of the third and fourth generations, aminoglycosides, sulfonamides, macrolides and penicillins.


The third generation is used orally:

In the case of a severe inflammatory process, Parenteral Tsefepim (4th generation) is administered parenterally.

A drug Adults Children
Cefixime (Cefspane, Suprax) 400 mg for two doses 8 mg / kg for two doses
Ceftibuten (Tzedek) 400 mg once a day 9 mg / kg in two doses
Cefipim (Maksipim) 1 g twice a day 100 mg / kg for two administrations

These antibiotics are effective for arthritis and arthrosis of staphylo strepto- and gonococcal etiology.

For the treatment of arthritis chlamydial etiology is effective use of macrolides in daily dosages. Antibiotics for arthritis in tablets:

  1. Azithromycin: 500-1000 mg.
  2. Roxithromycin: 300 mg.
  3. Clarithromycin: 500 mg.

With prolonged use of Erythromycin, jaundice may occur, as a consequence of the development of cholestatic hepatitis. Characterized by the appearance: abdominal pain, icterus of the skin and mucous membranes, severe itching, an increase in hepatic transaminases in the biochemical blood test.

Rarely, the administration of high doses of Clarithromycin in patients with renal insufficiency leads to reversible hearing impairment.

Roxithromycin is contraindicated during pregnancy. It is permissible, with caution, to use Clarithromycin and Azithromycin (strictly under the supervision of a specialist).

The use of Erythromycin and Jozamycin is permitted.

Antibiotics for arthrosis of the knee joint of post-traumatic etiology

In the destructive lesion of the joint, associated with purulent bursitis, fluoroquinolones are used.

  • Ciprofloxacin 1500 mg;
  • Ofloxacin 600 mg;
  • Lomefloxacin 800 mg.

Surgical treatment of purulent arthritis

Treatment of purulent inflammation of the joints is carried out in the conditions of a surgical hospital.

Operative intervention, as a rule, is of an emergency nature, due to untimely treatment of the patient for medical care and prolonged self-treatment.

Surgical intervention is performed under general anesthesia.

The volume of preoperative preparation depends on the patient's condition, hemodynamic level and the severity of symptoms of general intoxication.


After the puncture of the affected joint, drainage and lavage of its cavity with solutions of antibacterial drugs are performed.


With massive purulent infiltration of soft tissues, necrotic areas are excised.

In cases of adherence of osteomyelitis, purulent-necrotic destruction and bone sequestration, surgical intervention implies radical resection of the destroyed joint.

Indications for carrying out arthrotomy are the rapid worsening of the patient's condition and the lack of improvement against the background of the puncture.

Subsequent antibiotic therapy is carried out empirically, taking into account the alleged pathogens of purulent inflammation. When receiving seeding data (aspirated pus), it is possible to administer pathogenetic, narrowly directed therapy.

Complex approach to the therapy of rheumatoid arthritis


To reduce the pain syndrome and the severity of edema, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (hereinafter referred to as NSAIDs) are used. It is preferable to begin treatment no later than three months from the diagnosis.

They use: diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen.

At a heavy current appoint or nominate meloksikam.

It is important to remember that NSAIDs do not affect the progression of destructive processes in the joints.


The effect of using glucocorticosteroid therapy is higher, however, it has more complications and side effects. The use of hormones slows down the destruction in the joints with an easy flow of arthritis.

Assign: methylprednisolone, dexamethasone, prednisolone.

A visual video about arthritis:


The main thing in the treatment of rheumatic joint damage is the selection of cytostatic therapy. These drugs slow the progression of joint destruction, and in the light current can stop the process of destruction.

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Maximally effective use of Methotrexate, Actemra, Rituximab, Arava.

Infectious disease doctor Chernenko A. L.

Read further: What drugs are taken with antibiotics from dysbiosis

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Antibiotics for arthritis and arthrosis: specific treatment

Arthrosis, arthritis refers to pathologies that result from a sedentary lifestyle, improper metabolism, traumatizing articulations.

Sometimes antibiotics are used for arthritis and arthrosis.

But the treatment regimen should be appointed by a specialist who works for more than one day with different medications, who knows their positive properties, possible side effects.

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Features of joint diseases

Arthritis is a disease of joints (large, small) inflammatory. Therefore, many patients think what antibiotics to drink when inflammation articulations, whether antibiotics are necessary for this pathology?

Antibacterial drugs contain chemical agents that inhibit the growth of bacteria. They need to be used to combat many diseases of articulations:

  • purulent;
  • allergic;
  • infectious;
  • reactive.

Experts have identified many types of arthritis, but they are all divided into 2 groups:

  1. Aseptic. They are provoked by malfunctions of the immune system. The destruction of cartilaginous tissues occurs under the influence of antigens produced by the body itself. Antibiotic therapy for such forms of the disease is ineffective.
  2. Infectious. Occurs because of an infection that has entered the body. It includes a purulent, reactive, postinfectious form of joint damage. Here, treatment with antimicrobial agents is simply necessary to eliminate the root cause of pathology.

Treatment of arthrosis also requires the use of antimicrobial agents. Doctors prescribe them when arthrosis appeared against the background of arthritis.

After all, the destruction of cartilage is not always accompanied by inflammation. This joint disease is characterized by a degenerative process.

Antimicrobial agents are recommended in the presence of infection within the body, the affected joint.

Symptoms of Arthritis

Very often rheumatologists fix the inflammation of the following joints:

  • ulna;
  • knee;
  • the spine;
  • hip;
  • phalangeal connections of feet, hands;
  • ankle.

The disease is usually observed in older people (35 - 50 years). But even small children can not be an exception.

The patient is usually concerned about such symptoms:

  1. Pain localized around the affected joint. Initially, it occurs after loads, performing movements. At later stages of the disease, the pain syndrome becomes permanent.
  2. Stiffness of the joint.
  3. Edema of articulation.
  4. Forced position of the affected limb.
  5. Reddening of the dermis, increased local temperature.
  6. Deterioration of general condition.
  7. Loss of natural joint mobility.

Principles of treatment of lesions of joints

Therapy of affected joints should be carried out in a complex manner. This principle speeds up the recovery of the patient, helps to cope more quickly with unpleasant symptoms. It is the basis for the treatment of any joint damage and includes such therapeutic methods:

  • taking medications;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage (contraindicated in case of exacerbation);
  • Spa treatment;
  • methods of alternative therapy;
  • folk remedies.

In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, a rheumatologist selects a scheme, corresponding to the stage of development of the lesion, to the characteristics of the patient's body. He uses a variety of tablets, ointments:

  1. Analgesics.
  2. NSAIDs.
  3. Corticosteroids.
  4. Immunosuppressive drugs.
  5. Chondroprotectors.
  6. Antibiotics.
  7. Modifiers of biological response.
  8. Glucocorticoids.

The use of tablets, ointments, injections, together with the procedures, increases the effectiveness of the medicines used. So doctors can quickly eliminate pain, inflammation, swelling.

Osteoarthritis causes not only the inflammation of the joint, but the destruction of the articular cartilage. Therapy of such joint damage is not without the use of such medications:

  1. Chondroprotectors (Rumalon, Dona, Glucosamine).
  2. NSAIDs (Movalis, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Orthofen).
  3. Vasodilators (Trental, Cinnarizine, Nicotinic Acid).
  4. Miorelaxants ("Sirdalud "Baclofen "Midokalm").

Antibiotics in the presence of arthrosis is prescribed only after complications, the development of the septic form of the disease. The remaining stages of development of pathology need not be treated with antimicrobial medications, because this disease is non-infectious.

Antibiotic therapy for joint damage, choice of antibiotic

Considering the nature of the inflammatory process, the doctor chooses a course of treatment.

If the cause of inflammation are autoimmune reactions, antimicrobial drugs do not apply.

When a compound that has arisen as a result of an infectious infection of the body is affected, it is possible and necessary to recommend antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action.

Antibacterial pills are not able to eliminate the symptoms of acute inflammation. They do not take away the pain syndrome. The effect of these drugs is directed to:

  • favorable prognosis of treatment;
  • prevention of relapse;
  • an increase in the period of remission.

If the doctors could not determine the exact cause of the disease, the patient may be prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy. It is then canceled after a precise diagnosis.

The course of antibiotic therapy is usually 7 days. The dosage is set individually in each case. For the dose setting, the degree of development of the lesion must be considered.

Simultaneously with antibiotics for arthritis and arthrosis, drugs must be taken to eliminate the negative effects of the active components of antimicrobials.

Antibiotics for arthritis and arthrosis are chosen taking into account the way of penetration of the infection into the body, the sensitivity of the causative agent of the pathology to the active substances of medicines.

We will specify antibiotics for arthritis and arthrosis, which are used depending on the mode of infection:

  1. Fluorooxyquinolones, tetracyclines, macrolides. Medications from these groups are used when the infection is spread by the genito-urinary tract. The most commonly prescribed are Minocycline, Tetracycline, Doxycycline, and Azithromycin.
  2. Medicines penicillin, macrolide, cephalosporin series. They are prescribed in the event that the cause of infection is the upper respiratory tract. The most popular are "Erythromycin "Amoxicillin "Cefotaxime "Ampicillin "Roxithromycin "Cefazolin".
  3. Fluorooxyquinolones. They are used for infection through the digestive system. From this group can appoint "Lomefloxacin "Ofloxacin "Sparfloxacin".

Scheme of antibiotic treatment

To achieve maximum effect in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, in addition to antimicrobial agents, the specialist necessarily prescribes restoring, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic medicines.

Complex treatment can last up to several months. Antimicrobial tablets are also recommended for use throughout the week.

They together with rheumatoid preparations are necessary for destruction of the center of an infection.

Rheumatologists can offer such a regimen of antibiotic therapy:

  1. "Azithromycin". It is taken once, the action lasts for a week.
  2. Doxycycline. Used in the form of tablets. Recommended for use twice a day for one tablet. Taking medicine is worth every day.
  3. "Erythromycin "Ofloxacin". A complex of these drugs is prescribed if it is impossible to eliminate the focus of inflammation.
  4. "Amoxicillin." This drug can be prescribed to strengthen therapy. Take should be 2 tablets at a time. Three medications a day for a week.

Antibiotics in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Specialists use antibiotics for baseline therapy of rheumatoid arthritis. The basis of basic treatment is the use of biologically active disease-modifying agents. Specialists can use:

  1. Cytostatics "Cyclophosphan "Azathioprine "Konsupren".
  2. Antimalarial drugs. They should be used for almost half a year. This is due to the feature that antimalarial drugs have a slow effect. From this group doctors appoint "Immard "Plakvenil "Delagil".
  3. Preparations from the class of sulfonamides (sulfasalazine). The duration of the therapeutic course can be about a year.
  4. Penicillins (tauredon, kurrenyl, krisanol). Tablets of this class are prescribed in the case when other medications from basic therapy have proved ineffective.

Side effects of antibiotics

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You can not abuse antibacterial pills.

Also, do not prescribe antibiotics yourself, take medications recommended by friends.

Irrational use of this group of drugs can turn against you. Preparations from this class have a number of negative effects:

  1. Reducing the body's resistance to various infections.
  2. Inhibition of immunity.
  3. Failures in the work of the digestive system.
  4. Destruction of useful microbes that protect the body from the penetration, reproduction of pathogens.
  5. Disturbances in the work of the hematopoiesis system.
  6. Violations of the functioning of the nervous system.

With antibacterial pills, ointments need to be very careful. Abuse of these drugs is just as dangerous as refusing to use them in the treatment of articular diseases. Refusal of these drugs can worsen the prognosis of the disease, cause death.

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Antibiotics for arthrosis and arthritis - effective drugs, a regimen of admission and side effects, reviews of the results of treatment

Diseases that can be caused not only by a sedentary lifestyle, but also by different bacteria - arthrosis and arthritis. In some cases, the treatment of these ailments necessarily involves the use of antibiotics.

However, this is not an ordinary case, so it is important to find out the main cause of this disease. Without consulting a doctor, you can not establish the correct diagnosis and apply the necessary treatment scheme yourself.

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Therefore, read more about what antibiotics to drink and whether it is possible to do it at all with joint diseases.

Can I take antibiotics for arthritis and arthrosis?

There are certain types of joint diseases that involve treatment with antimicrobial agents. This group includes septic (purulent) arthritis, in which pathogens penetrate into the joint and cause various pathologies.

This includes inflammatory arthritis, infectious, allergic, and reactive. With this diagnosis, cartilage disease can not only accelerate its development, but cause flu, Lyme disease, acute intestinal infections. Here, antibiotics can not be dispensed with.

In other cases, antimicrobial treatment is not provided.

In most cases, when a person comes for help to a doctor, then arthritis gives maximum about himself and is accompanied by severe pain. Therefore, it is very important to establish a diagnosis in a short time and to select effective drugs for treatment.

However, it is not so easy to immediately improve the patient's condition, since it is necessary to observe the reaction of his body to a particular medicine. The doctor selects an antibiotic, based on the possible ways through which the infection could get into the joint.

For example:

  • Infection penetrated the joint as a result of urogenital diseases. In this case, selected drugs related to the tetracycline series. Among these medicines, the following are widely known: Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Oxytetracycline, Metacyclin, Minocycline. Additionally, preparations with fluoroquinolone (Lomefloxacin, Ofloxacin) or macrolide (Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Roxithromycin) are prescribed. These drugs block the process of protein synthesis in bacterial cells.
  • If the patient suffering from joint disease is paralyzed by infections of the upper respiratory tract, he will most likely be prescribed drugs with semisynthetic penicillins (Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Carbenicillin), cephalosporins (Cefazolin, Cefotaxime) or macrolides (Erythromycin, Roxithromycin). These drugs are able to eliminate the resulting cellular mesh of bacteria, gradually destroying them completely. Well tolerated by the human body, have a minimum of side effects.
  • In the case of intestinal infection, preparations containing fluoroxyquinolones (Ofloxacin, Lomefloxacin, Sparfloxacin) are prescribed. They have a wide spectrum of action, they destroy the metabolism of bacterial DNA.

Scheme of antibiotic treatment

For antimicrobial therapy to be effective, it must be supplemented with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and restorative drugs.

The duration of complex treatment can last up to several months, but this does not apply to antibiotics.

During the post-infection period of the patient (for example, he suffered a severe purulent sore throat), too prescribe antibiotics, in parallel with rheumatoid drugs for complete destruction of the outbreak infection. See the antimicrobial treatment of reactive arthritis:

  • Azithromycin - is taken once in tablets and is valid for a week.
  • Doxycycline in tablets - appoint one twice a week, daily.
  • The course of treatment, as a rule, lasts up to 7 days.
  • If the inflammatory focus is not eliminated, then another set of antibiotics is appointed, for example, Erythromycin or Ofloxacin.
  • In addition, treatment can strengthen the appointment of Amoxicillin two tablets three times a day, drink a week.

Side effects

Antibiotics of all groups, one way or another, affect the human body, so side effects are unavoidable. Many drugs have their own substitutes and differ in the intensity of exposure to the human body.

Some patients have an individual intolerance or sensitivity to individual components of medications - this should also be taken into consideration during the therapy of arthrosis or arthritis with antibiotics.

Consider the following examples of side effects on specific drugs:

  • The action, for example, of Erythromycin is less effective than Azithromycin, and the effect on the digestive system often leads to a forced abandonment of its use. If you do not want to give up, try combining it with probiotics.
  • Roxithromycin with Clarithromycin is rapidly eliminated from the body, so it has less pronounced side effects. Patients often choose these drugs.
  • Pregnant should refuse from treatment ofloxacin or doxycycline.
  • In the bulk of antibiotics lower the level of immunity of the body, thereby reducing the ability to resist a variety of infections.
  • Some strong-acting drugs are capable of causing problems on the part of the circulation and the processes of the nervous system.

Feedback on results after treatment

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Antibiotics for arthritis

Arthritis is a biological disease of the joints that can be chronically present in the body, unnoticed, and suddenly inflame. There are infectious diseases of the joints, which are not associated with inflammation. Therapy of species is different, the drugs taken differ.

Dosage of antibacterial drugs is established by the doctor individually.

In arthritis, therapy includes broad-spectrum biological antibiotics and new generation drugs, for example:

  • Azithromycin;
  • Doxycycline;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Erythromycin.

Sometimes the drug treatment of inflammation or infection stops at the reception of antibiotics. More often, additional therapy is prescribed, which includes procedures, starting with exercise therapy and ending with the annual course of rehabilitation.

Antibacterial drugs are aimed at destroying the original cause of the lesion.

Antibiotics are prescribed by the doctor individually after the tests for sensitivity.


Determine the type of arthritis and the root cause is not immediately, so doctors prescribe drugs that are canceled later, with the establishment of an accurate diagnosis.


It is not recommended to abuse medicines and use yourself - it can do harm.

Gonorrheal type, infectious and reactive arthritis

Gonorrheal type occurs in young people who actively lead sex life. It is necessary to take penicillin drugs. Duration of treatment and dosage will be prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, the disease will take a chronic form and lead to disability.

Battling with microbes, immunity does not cope because of the lack of a special gene, then the therapy of taking funds from bacteria is necessary for the restoration of the immune system, after the doctor decides the validity of this treatment.

The choice of method of treatment depends on the path of infection in the body and what internal organ it struck. In this case, prescribe preparations of a group of fluoroxyquinolones, macrolides or tetracyclone series.

Purulent type

Against the background of rheumatoid arthritis there is another form: purulent. Antibiotics for purulent arthritis - the very first method of treatment. Infection comes through:

  • Blood;
  • Lymphatic pathways;
  • Surgical intervention;
  • Injury.

Getting into the synovial cavity, the infection becomes the cause of accumulation of fluid inside the joint and causes internal pain. In the internal canals there are many leukocytes and bacteria. If they are not removed on time, the infection will spread through the blood and the body, causing serious illness.

An antibiotic prescribed to get rid of the walls of the joint from the pus should have a wide spectrum of action in order to destroy a larger number of microbes.

Spinal puncture is common and recommended: doctors examine the accumulated fluid for suitability for the appearance of microbes in it.

After that, drugs should be directed to the extermination of microbes and bacteria that can reproduce in the investigated medium. Treatment should be done quickly, so that the drug does not accumulate in the synovial tissue.

Arthritis of an infectious nature will not do without taking medication to fight bacteria.

Symptoms of purulent arthritis:

  • Increased hyperthermia;
  • Pain in the joint;
  • Edemas, redness of the skin.

Tubercular type

The defeat of the joints is a consequence of another disease, such as tuberculosis. At which the risk of joint damage is very high. Taking medications lasts from 6 to 8 months. The bed rest is maintained, and after recovery, anti-relapse therapy is prescribed: 2 times a year for 2 months.

With tuberculosis, foci of origin appear in the respiratory tract. The choice of medicine depends on the path of infection of the organism.

Tubercular arthritis is reactive and the antibiotic is assigned accordingly.

Because of the defeat of the respiratory tract, appoint macrolides, cephalosporins or semisynthetic penicillins.

Rheumatoid type

Patients are interested in this form, since it is the most common. It is necessary to establish in clinical conditions, how much the effect of the disease on the affected joint.

Do not recommend drugs on an immune basis - they destroy the positive effect of protective cells trying to save the walls of the vessels of the joint.

Doctors pay attention to bacteria rarely, and rheumatoid arthritis of the knee is a serious disease that creates an unfavorable atmosphere in the body. But the treatment affects the joints, forgetting about the state of the body.


The biological properties of antibacterial agents cause the death of bacteria that help the body fight inflammation of the joint.


Rheumatoid-type therapy should not include such drugs, so as not to cause unnecessary health problems: this type often causes deterioration of the body.

Rheumatoid type is a consequence of inflammation of chronic disease:

  • Bronchitis;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Tonsillitis;
  • Pyelonephritis and others.

Bronchitis as the cause of arthritis

It is necessary to understand the principle of inflammation of the joints and the principle of the work of antibiotics. Antibacterial drugs depress the body's natural immunity, making it vulnerable to infections and inflammations. Disappear useful microbes, responsible for ridding the body of inflammation.

With rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint antibacterial drugs should be used:

  • After recovery, appointed for prevention;
  • With inflammation of chronic diseases listed above;
  • With a lack of immunity, due to the therapy of rheumatoid arthritis.
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Inflamed cells are destroyed by microbes, and immune complexes stimulate their work.

Rheumatoid arthritis of the knee belongs to the inflammatory type, inflammation occurs after a malfunction of the immune system.

The course on fighting bacteria is not assigned. Combine in the treatment of getting rid of immunity and its build up is strange.

After getting rid of rheumatoid arthritis, the knee has to restore the immune system in other ways, because during the course of the disease such drugs interfere with the positive action of the antibodies.

When it is not necessary to destroy internal bacteria?

For example, psoriatic and gouty type, any arthritis related to inflammatory. Inflammation occurs when there is something wrong in the immune system, so when healing it is necessary to restore it. If it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics, this is decided separately.

It all depends on the nature of arthritis, its root cause. Preparations of a new generation kill immunity and useful microbes that help to cure the body of inflammation.

Microbes perform the primary function, so antibiotics are not prescribed.

With infectious and reactive arthritis, when the disease appears after infection enters the body, infectious agents are exterminated with the help of antibiotics, so their intake is inevitable.

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How to take azithromycin with arthritis: principles of treatment

To date, macrolides remain the most used antibacterial drugs.

This is attributed to the fact that in recent years new macrolides have been introduced into clinical practice, including azithromycin, a drug from the subclass of azalides.

The recommended materials on what antibiotics to drink with arthritis, therefore, azithromycin is increasingly used in the treatment of such diseases.

Azithromycin has a high antimicrobial activity and a wide range of pharmacokinetic properties.

In addition, it is well tolerated by the body at any age, which allows the use of the drug in pediatric practice.

Before deciding on antibiotic treatment for arthritis and other infections in children and adults, the characteristics of the drug should be considered.

Types of arthritis in which azithromycin is prescribed

The onset of inflammation in arthritis, or oligoarthritis, manifests itself in an acute form, expressed in the form of exudative manifestations. At teenagers and young men there is a high temperature, at women - a subfebrile condition.

At this stage of the disease, the joints of the feet, shins and knees, as well as periarticular tissues, are affected, which causes the sausage-like deformation of the toes.


The lesions appear stepwise and asymmetrically, such enzopathies as subclavian bursitis and achillodynia appear on the surface.


With urogenital arthritis, Ileosacral articulations are involved in the development of the disease, rapid development of amyotrophy in the affected joint areas is observed. With successful treatment, these symptoms disappear, and vitamins play a significant role in this.

Urogenic arthritis outside the joints manifests itself in the form of lesions of the skin, internal organs, urinary tract, mucous eyes and mouth.

Anterior urethritis is manifested at the onset of the disease and precedes the joint syndrome.

Since its course does not cause acute symptoms, most patients do not notice the lesion and do not seek help from a doctor.

Passing to the chronic stage, urethritis takes a total form, complications appear in the form of epididymitis and chronic prostatitis in men and endocervicitis in women.

Genitourinary infection also manifests itself in the form of chronic pyelonephritis and cystitis. It is at this stage, most often women turn to the gynecologist with complaints of a violation of the cycle of menstruation, chronic adnexitis and infertility.

During the onset of the disease, the appearance of conjunctivitis can go unnoticed. Symptoms are poorly expressed, last no more than 2 days, appear in the form of itching and a slight reddening, so they are more often referred to as an allergic reaction.

With urogenital arthritis, such lesions of the oral mucosa as glossitis and stomatitis of erosive or aphthous type can be observed. On the ground, lesions of mucous membranes and skin occur balanitis and balanoposthitis, on the scalp - psoriatic plaques.

Azithromycin is prescribed for both reactive and juvenile chronic arthritis, caused by chlamydial infection.In any case, after observation and according to the analysis, the doctor will indicate which regimen should be used.

Principles of treatment of arthritis

In practical rheumatology, the problem of the effectiveness of treatment of urogenital arthritis is one of the most urgent. Therapy for arthritis caused by infectious diseases is based on the mechanisms of development and the course of the joint syndrome.

First of all it is necessary to sanitize the focus of infection of the urogenital tract. In parallel, it is necessary to carry out pathogenetic treatment for arthritis. At this stage, anti-inflammatory and local therapy is performed, basic drugs and immunomodulators are used.

In order to sanitize the infectious focus of the urogenital tract, antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action are used.


Typically, use macrolides, fluoroquinolones and macrolides, rarer - rifampicin or chloramphenicol.


The exact choice of the preparation of antibiotic action is determined by such criteria as the type of pathogen, the peculiarities of individual tolerance and economy.

There are a number of general requirements that antibiotics that are effective in treating infections of the urogenital type must match.

These include:

  • a high degree of activity against ureaplasmas and chlamydia, which are the causative agents of the disease;
  • high level of concentration in tissues;
  • high level of permeability inside cells;
  • ease of use;
  • low toxicity;
  • the cost is within reasonable limits.

The conducted researches showed that with antibacterial treatment of urogenital arthritis, among the most effective drugs, azithromycin, belonging to the group of azalides, appeared.

Now he occupies the main place in the therapeutic antibacterial effect on urogenital infections.

This drug is preferred by domestic and foreign doctors in the treatment of ureaplasmosis and urogenital chlamydia.

Treatment of arthritis of any type implies a wide range of measures and methods used. It is mandatory to take vitamins, which will strengthen the body and increase its resistance to the disease. What kind of vitamins are required for arthritis of one type or another, the attending physician will indicate.

The use of azithromycin

The form in which azithromycin is produced: tablets, 25 g - 6 pieces per package, g - 3 pieces. Azithromycin can be produced in the form of capsules or syrup.

Considering the effectiveness of such a drug as azithromycin, in the treatment of arthritis, one should pay attention to its advantages in comparison with other drugs of this group. For example, erythromycin is also active against mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas and chlamydia.

Azithromycin on the importance of the clinical effect has such pharmacokinetic properties as high bioavailability (i.e. gastric juice does not affect azithromycin, destructive action), high lipophilicity, which increases the concentration of nutrients in tissues tens of times as compared with their content in plasma. The half-life of the drug azithromycin from the body is 3 days, that is, its intracellular accumulation is high enough, and the post-antibiotic effect is more prolonged.

Since azithromycin has the property of actively accumulating in phagocytes, it allows it to be selectively distributed in the foci of infectious inflammation. Even a single intake of 1 tablet can be sufficient for the desired concentration of the beneficial substance in the tissues for 5 days.

The drug is easily tolerated by the body. Statistics show only 6% of the occurrence of side effects, which are usually manifested in dyspeptic disorders.

Thanks to this, azithromycin is widely used in obstetrics, gynecology and pediatrics.

In what form it is better to take the medicine - pills, capsules or syrup - the doctor can offer at the request of the patient.


The use of a drug such as azithromycin in the treatment of urogenital arthritis requires higher doses.


As a rule, the intake schedule is calculated for 26 days depending on the degree of the disease, take 9-12 g at different intervals.

In addition, you should regularly drink vitamins, as well as apply physiotherapy, massage, physical therapy.

When treating arthritis, drink more fluid, it will help to remove excess salts from the body. Any tablets should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor.

Numerous studies show that methods such as antibiotic treatment are most effective in combating joint diseases at any stage of development.

Be sure to consult a doctor before treatment of illnesses. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude the negative interactions of the drugs. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is provided for informational purposes and is not a medical benefit. All responsibility for the application lies with you.

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