Macular dystrophy of the retina: How dangerous is the disease and how to treat it?

If it seems to you that the notebook sheet is crooked in the cage, and the seams between the tiles in the bathroom suddenly become uneven and broken, then it's time to worry: something is wrong with your vision. It is possible that you have begun macular degeneration of the retina. What is this disease, is it treated? The peculiarities of this disease will be discussed in this article.


  • 1What it is?
  • 2Causes
  • 3Types of macular degeneration
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Diagnostics
  • 6Treatment of macular degeneration
  • 7Prevention of disease
  • 8Video
  • 9conclusions

What it is?

Macular degeneration of the retina is a chronic progressive disease in which the central zone of the retina and the choroid of the eye is affected. In this case, the cells and the intercellular space are damaged, which leads to a disruption of the central vision function.

Macular dystrophy is one of the leading causes of irreversible loss of vision and blindness among the population of the developed countries of the world at the age of 50 years.

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The problem of macular degeneration is becoming more urgent among the age group of the population. However, in recent years there has been a tendency to "rejuvenate" the disease.

Manifestation of macular degeneration


Violation of central vision occurs due to degeneration of the macula - the central part of the retina. Macula is a very important element.Due to its functioning, a person sees objects located at a very close distance from the eye, and can also read and write, to distinguish colors.Macular degeneration of the retina involves damage to the cells of the macula.

The exact cause of the development of this disease has not yet been established. Among all the alleged causes, scientists highlight the age of the patient. In addition, several risk factors have been identified, which, according to researchers, are a kind of trigger mechanism.

These include:

The central spot is macular degeneration
  • age (from 55 years and older);
  • sex (women are sick almost twice as often as men);
  • heredity (if close relatives suffer from macular degeneration, the chances of getting sick increase);
  • overweight;
  • smoking;
  • deficiency of vitamins;
  • prolonged and intense exposure to direct sunlight;
  • trauma to the eye;
  • bad ecology.

Types of macular degeneration

As the progression of macular degeneration can take place in different stages and forms. There are two types of disease:

  • Dry form of macular degeneration.This is the initial stage of the disease, it is the most common (about 90% of patients suffer). At this stage, the patient gradually loses central vision, but may not attach importance to this and even not notice any special changes. That is why it is so important to carry out periodic preventive visits to the oculist. During the examination, the specialist will not be able to identify macular dystrophy of the eye and determine its shape.
Manifestation of wet macular degeneration
  • Wet form of macular degeneration.If dry macular degeneration was not detected at an early stage and, accordingly, was not treated, the disease develops into a so-called wet form. Progression of degeneration is aggravated by the formation of new blood vessels, very fragile and brittle, which leads to hemorrhage and the formation of "drusov" (yellow clusters) in the retina. The moist form of macular degeneration develops rapidly, much faster than dry.

Dry form of macular dystrophy occurs much more often than wet, and is detected in 85-90% of all cases. In the macular area, yellowish spots are diagnosed.

Gradual loss of central vision limits the ability of patients: they can not distinguish between small parts. Dry form is not as severe as wet.However, after several years of disease progression and lack of treatment, gradual degradation of retinal cells can also lead to loss of vision.

The moist form of macular degeneration is represented in about 10-15% of cases.

The disease in this form is rapidly developing and often leads to a significant loss of central vision. When wet form begins the process of neovascularization - the growth of new vessels.The walls of such vessels are inferior and allow blood and fluid to accumulate in the space under the retina.This leakage causes frequent damage to the photosensitive cells of the retina, which die and create blind spots in the central vision.

Distorted vision as a result of macular degeneration


Macular dystrophy usually causes a slow, painless and irreversible loss of vision.In rare cases, blindness can occur suddenly and abruptly.

Early symptoms of macular degeneration are:

  • the appearance of dark spots in the central vision;
  • blurred image;
  • distortion of objects and images;
  • deterioration of color perception;
  • sharp deterioration of vision in the dark.

The simplest test for determining the manifestations of macular dystrophy is the Amsler test. The Amsler grid consists of intersecting straight lines with a central black dot in the middle. Patients with manifestations of retinal dystrophy can see that some lines appear blurred or wavy, broken, and dark spots appear in the field of vision.

The ophthalmologist can distinguish the signs of this disease even before the development of changes in the patient's vision and send it to additional examinations.


To confirm the diagnosis of macular degeneration of the retina, doctors use different types of examination. The main of them are:

  • Visometry, which helps determine the severity of central vision.
  • Ophthalmoscopy, which allows you to study the status of the retina and vessels of the fundus.
  • Biophthalmoscopy(used to examine the fundus).
  • Optical coherence tomography(OCT) is the most effective method of diagnosing macular degeneration, revealing the disease at the earliest stages.
  • Amsler test(the test can be carried out at home).
Amsler's test for carrying out at home

Treatment of macular degeneration

Unfortunately, macular degeneration of the retina does not lend itself to absolute treatment. Nevertheless, there are methods to achieve significant success in the fight against this disease.

  • Laser therapy.Treatment of dystrophy of the retina by the laser method allows to remove pathological blood vessels and to stop their progression.
  • Photodynamic laser therapy.The essence of this method is that a patient is injected into the blood with a special substance that penetrates into the affected vessels of the eye. Then a laser beam is used which activates the introduced substance and simultaneously affects newly formed pathological vessels.
  • Factors of anti-angiogenesis.This means the last generation, the reception of which stops the growth of pathological vessels.
  • Devices for poor vision.Because macular degeneration of the retina deprives the person of the opportunity to see normally, special Electronic devices and lenses compensate the losses to the person, creating enlarged pictures surrounding.

Treatment of macular degeneration can be carried out by experimental methods, which include:

  • submacular operation(pathological vessels are removed);
  • translocation of the retina, during which the affected vessels are removed under the retina.

In the treatment of dry forms of macular degeneration in order to normalize metabolic processes in the retina, it is recommended to conduct courses of antioxidant therapy.

According to the AREDS study, a good effect of taking antioxidants was observed in patients who were at an intermediate or late stage of the disease.Combined therapy with antioxidants, zinc and copper within five years reduced the incidence of late macular degeneration by 25%, and the risk of visual acuity loss by three percent or more.

It should be understood that substitution therapy for the prevention and treatment of dry forms of macular degeneration can not be a course, its use is possible only on an ongoing basis.

Treatment of a moist form of macular dystrophy is aimed at suppressing the growth of abnormal vessels.Today, there are already a number of drugs and techniques registered in Russia that can stop or reduce manifestations of abnormal neovascularization. This contributed to the improvement of vision in a significant number of people with a moist form of the disease.

Even if the treatment for macular degeneration has been effective, the macular degeneration may recur, so periodic observation by the ophthalmologist should become mandatory for the patient.

Prevention of disease

Macular dystrophy of the retina entails serious consequences, however, it is possible to "slow down" the development of the disease if one adheres to the following prevention standards:

  • Pass an annual examination with an ophthalmologist.
  • Use sunglasses.
  • Refuse to smoke.
  • Limit the consumption of fatty foods, enrich the diet with fruits, vegetables, fish.
  • Use a special complex of vitamins for the eyes.
  • To conduct an active way of life, to monitor the state of health.
  • In time, treat cardiovascular diseases.

>In this article you will find a list of vitamins that improve vision, and preventive methods to maintain the tone of the visual system.

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So, macular degeneration of the eye is an age-related disease that is not completely treatable. Macular degeneration of the eye can be stopped, but it is possible with strict implementation of the recommendations of the ophthalmologist.