Itching of fingers: the causes of irritation and redness of the skin, treatment with ointments and folk remedies

The fingers are scratching on the hands of any person for various reasons: allergic reactions of the skin on the hands, dermatological diseases, the influence of external factors, which make the skin itch and itch, sometimes the skin can peel off, gnaw, may appear on it cracks, blisters and blemishes.

Symptoms of itchy skin can be temporary( episodic) or chronic( long-lasting).Let's consider, whether it is possible to carry out treatment of a skin on arms or hand in house conditions by means of ointments and national agents.


Why the fingers are pricked on the hands: the causes of itching

Often, when any manifestation on the skin is a symptom of the disease. If your hands itch, it is necessary to search for the cause, which leads to itching on the skin and eliminate it, because treating external symptoms of the disease is unpromising, and sometimes even dangerous.

The main reasons why the skin is scratched between the fingers:

  1. Allergic reaction : food allergy, cold and contact, caused by external stimuli in the form of low temperature or skin contact with any substances of household or chemical origin.
  2. Dermatological diseases .One of the most common reasons why the fingers are itchy. If you see redness on the skin, its cover dries up, cracked, you need to go to the dermatologist. The most common diseases affecting the skin: urticaria, neurodermatitis, scabies, pediculosis, eczema.
  3. Exposure to external factors .This option is indicated above, because the environment has a direct effect on the skin: temperature, chemical, mechanical. For example, many people, when in contact with woolen or synthetic clothing, develop skin pruritus or because of the inability to sweat normal, prolonged exposure to cold or heat. This is especially true for people with sensitive, dry skin. Another name is contact dermatitis. Internal Diseases .Body systems are linked, so skin problems can become a sign of a disease of the lymphatic system, thyroid, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys.
  4. Emotional overvoltage .At easily excitable, emotional people symptoms can appear, which are caused by imaginary sensations, for example, scabies of fingers or between them.
  5. Medications .Itching becomes one of the side effects of the action of certain medicines in the form of ointments, pills, and injections.

Video: Causes of itching hands, three tests for those with itching

itching and red spots appear

appearance on the skin of small or large rash, redness and itching on the hands is associated with a variety of factors, all of which can trigger a separate datasigns and symptoms. Usually, the hands are scratched and red spots appear:

  1. in case of allergic reactions to household chemicals, hygiene, medicines, clothes, food;
  2. for infectious pathologies: lichen, fungus and other, these tumors begin to peel, itch and change its size;
  3. at temperature fluctuations, especially in the winter can call reddening of a skin;
  4. with unstable psychoemotional state of the nervous system: lack of sleep, prolonged exercise, chronic fatigue, stress, frequent causes of itching on the hands;
  5. with an inefficient power supply.

In some cases, watery formations appear on the hands. For reasons of origin, there are two provoking groups: external and internal. Bubbles on the fingers are itchy for the following reasons:

External exposure:

  1. household chemicals, building mixtures, chemicals;
  2. dust and dirt;
  3. severe frost, excessive humidity or dryness at different times of the year;
  4. prolonged contact with water.

Exposure to internal factors:

  1. Infection with an itch mite, fungal infection, rubella, measles, chicken pox cause small watery pimples;
  2. pronounced emotional states, nervously overstrained;
  3. disorders of the digestive system;
  4. weakening of immune defense, beriberi;
  5. lack of sleep, wrong lifestyle;
  6. burns some plants( cow, cow, hemlock, nettle);
  7. taking certain medications.

If the hands itch and crack

Similar manifestations may occur due to adverse environmental effects. The hands are itchy and cracked with daily use of household chemicals, while on overdried or frosty air.

It causes itching of the fingers, improper use of cosmetics and any other allergens that adversely affect the condition of the skin of a person.

For proper therapy, it is necessary to establish the cause of the symptoms, so you should immediately contact a specialist( dermatologist), rather than self-medicate.

Unpleasant sensations in case of incorrect treatment will develop, foci increase and occupy a large surface of the skin. Often suffer from cracked skin people who work in dusty conditions: pavement pavers, miners, builders.

Allergy between the fingers of the hand

The immune system, when ingested into an allergen, begins to neutralize this process by producing specific antibodies. The emergence of an allergy between the fingers of the hands - the body's reaction to stimuli of different nature.

The worst variant of development, if watery bubbles start to burst, it will bring great discomfort to the person. The tips of the fingers are scratched on the hands, as a rule, when reacting to a very high temperature or cold, with the pads starting to swell.

The most common causes of an allergic reaction:

  1. Close contact with household chemical products, cleaning agents.
  2. Genetic predisposition of the body, allergic reaction to cold, wind, rain.
  3. Provoking an allergic rash may result in a stressful situation, contact with water, ground or increased sweating.

Dermatological diseases

Skin diseases can appear on any part of the body and fingers are no exception.

Causes of the reaction are diverse, cause pimples, spots in the form of spots and itching the following dermatological diseases:

  1. Eczema is characterized by peeling, reddening of the skin, cracks and swelling.
  2. Contact dermatitis. It appears after direct stimulus action on the skin, in some cases it is accompanied not only by itching, but also by blisters.
  3. Psoriasis. Fingers scratch, there are red, scaly rashes.
  4. Scabies. It provokes her itch mite, moistened redness and painful itching appear. The disease is contagious.
  5. Sweat. It appears in the form of small nodules on the skin due to prolonged exposure to perspiration.
  6. Transient from domestic animals deprive.
  7. A fungal infection that causes itching on the skin.

Feeled fingers on fingers: treatment of irritation between fingers

Ignore pathology is impossible, because it can go into a chronic form. Treatment of irritation between the fingers is prescribed individually by the doctor. Appeal to a specialist depends on the nature of the disease.

For example:

  1. if the provoking factor is a problem with the gastrointestinal tract, then you should go to the gastroenterologist;
  2. if a person is an allergic person, a doctor-therapist or an allergist prescribes antihistamine medications.

There are general recommendations for the treatment of pruritus of hands, palms and fingers:

  1. Soothing baths with decoction of chamomile, oak bark, chamomile herbs recommend to do if it was not possible to identify the root cause of the pathology.
  2. If the rash and itching have affected not only the hands, the doctor will recommend taking antihistamines, vitamins, common calcium preparations.
  3. In the elderly, iodine medications will help you get rid of the itch.
  4. In case of severe disease, corticosteroid ointments, gels and preparations, which are designed to relieve inflammation, irritation, may be prescribed.

Ointment from itching on the hands

For the removal of symptoms often use local drugs.

Itching between the fingers is often a sign of another disease, so the use of such medications only gives temporary relief if you do not treat the underlying ailment.

Each ointment from itching on hands includes additional emollients, petroleum jelly, which interact with the main active substance.

It is not recommended to engage in self-medication, you should show a rash to a specialist and consult with him. He will be able to prescribe adequate treatment and prescribe suitable medications, tell you how to smear damaged areas. To ease the condition, you can use drugs with the following main components:

  1. Carbolic acid .This is a cost-effective tool, ointments based on this component provide temporary relief, reduce the level of discomfort when direct sunlight hits, contact with insects, allergens. Contraindications include the age of children under 3 years old.
  2. Dimedrol .
  3. D-panthenol .This remedy can be used when breast feeding, pregnancy, and is suitable even for babies. Helps cope with the irritation that appears against the backdrop of a reaction to food, with allergies. The medication contains substances that reduce the degree of itching, strengthen the regeneration of cells.
  4. Anestezin .
  5. Menthol .This substance is a part of many medicinal ointments, helps to provide cooling effect, does not contain hormones. Helps reduce itching, irritation on the skin, apply such ointments for atopic neurodermatitis, insect bites. The most popular drugs: Boromentol, Menthol oil, Bom Bong.
  6. Betulin .Used for itching of fingers, contains antihistamine complex and does not contain hormones. Medications with this component are well suited for neurodermatitis, dermatitis, wounds, insect bites and mosquitoes. It can not be used by pregnant women who are nursing mothers. After application in a minute, the itching starts to decrease.

Folk remedies for skin on hands, feet at home

Home remedies for dry skin and cracking.

Dry skin peels off and often seems taut. Because of the lack of a protective layer of sebum, it reacts strongly to temperature changes. On dry skin less often than on greasy, there are pimples, but it is less durable, easily cracked, coarsens, flakes.

How to treat the skin with excessive dryness

In the spring, after winter cold, the skin often dries and flakes. Grate the carrots, mix with 2 tablespoons of potato flour and 1 raw egg yolk and apply the resulting mixture. After 20 minutes, rinse. This mask can be done often, it is good for any skin.

  1. For dry skin, good effect is produced by starch-tomato masks. Grind the flesh of a small tomato on a grater, mix with potato starch to form a mushy mass and add 4-7 drops of vegetable oil( sunflower, corn, olive).After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, apply this compound to your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with boiled water. The course of treatment is 10-15 masks.
  2. Mix honey with an equal amount of milk( sour cream) and lubricate the skin of the face. This is a good emollient.
  3. Well grind 100 g of honey, 2 egg yolks, 100 ml of vegetable oil and slightly heat. Apply the mask in several layers. Wash off with a cotton swab dipped in a lime decoction.
  4. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of oat or wheat flakes with hot milk. The resulting mass is applied to the skin of the face, rinse with warm water.
  5. Grind in a coffee grinder or grind dry mint leaves. Pour 2 tablespoons of powder with so much water to make a messy mass. Warm it up to 60-70 degrees, cool slightly, and then apply to a well-cleaned face. Top with a soft cloth with slits for the eyes, nose and mouth. On closed eyes put the cotton swabs soaked in warm tea. Lie down for 15-20 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm boiled water.

Cracks in the skin: how to treat

Cracks in the skin or mucous membrane occur with excessive dryness of the skin, loss of elasticity, or inflammatory infiltration. Most often they are formed in the area of ​​natural folds: in the corners of the mouth, behind the auricles, as well as in places that are subject to traumatization, for example, on the palms, soles.

Through deep cracks in the body can penetrate the infection. Common symptoms: deep cracks are painful, bleeding;after healing, scars can form.

Wipe the green onion feathers in a gruel and apply to cracks on the skin. Make compresses at night.

Mix in equal parts by volume onion juice, aloe juice, cod liver oil, pour in flour, make a flat cake and attach to the crack on the heel. You can leave the cake for the night. In the morning remove the cake, rub the feet with decoction of oak bark or calendula, do not wipe, allow to dry, then lubricate with a nutritious cream.

With deep cracks, make a tray of starch: stir 1 tablespoon of potato starch in 1 liter of water. Such baths are performed daily for 30 minutes( preferably at bedtime) until the cracks disappear completely( usually 7-12 procedures are required).After the tray, the cracks are greased with a fat cream or glycerin.

Boil the potato peelings and soak in the broth of the hands and feet. Duration of the procedure is 20-25 minutes. After the procedure, hands and feet should be rinsed with clean warm water and greased with castor oil.

If you are inclined to cracks in your heels, you should enter in your daily diet products containing vitamins A, B, C.

With cracks on the heel, you can apply the following remedy: pour 1 tablespoon of marigold flowers with a small amount of water( only to make flowers covered with water) and boilfor 5 minutes over low heat. A small onion to grind to a mushy state, crush 1 tablespoon of Kalanchoe. All these components are mixed and this mass is applied to the cracks. Keep no more than 3 hours. This same mixture cleans well the keratinized spots on the skin. Eliminates corns. The course of treatment should be carried out within 2-3 weeks.

With cracks on the soles of the feet, add a handful of flaxseed and as much finely ground potato peel with 0.5 liters of water and cook until a thick slurry forms. Cool to a temperature of 38- 42 degrees and keep your feet in gruel for 15-20 minutes. After this, rinse them with warm water and carefully cut off the coarsened skin on the edges of the cracks. Lubricate the cracks with 2% iodine tincture, and then rub over the entire foot cream.


  1. http: // 11328-cheshutsya-palcy-na-rukah.html
  2. Herbalist: golden recipes of folk medicine / Comp. A. Markov.- M.: Eksmo;The Forum, 2007. - 928 p.

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