Retinal detachment is a disease that threatens blindness

Detachment of the retina is one of the most terrible diagnoses in ophthalmology. Patients to whom he was prescribed recommended urgent laser or surgical treatment, because otherwise they can lose their sight at all. However, the chances for a successful cure for the disease are there, and with modern technology they are quite high. About the signs and symptoms of retinal detachment, and also how the retinal detachment can be treated, you will be told this material.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Retinal detachment is a pathological process in which the mesh tissue separates directly from the vascular tissue.It can occur for various reasons. As a rule, the ailment is more often diagnosed in people suffering from myopia, especially, to a high degree.

With such processes in the tissues of the eye photoreceptors cease to function normally, respectively, the quality of the visible image also decreases, and the captured area. The type of retinal detachment can be:

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  • traumatic - occurs directly with serious damage to the eye;
  • secondary - as a rule, is formed in serious inflammatory processes, chronic and acute;
  • rhegmatogenous - it is the primary, as a rule, occurs in violation of metabolism in the tissues of the eye, as well as increased stress.

The disease often affects patients older than 70 years, is rarely diagnosed in persons from 30 and older, but the likelihood of its occurrence is still there.

Patients of any age need to know well how to recognize this pathological process in order to be able to continue to receive effective treatment from it.

Treatment of rheumatogenic retinal detachment


In the overwhelming majority of cases, retinal detachment is caused by its numerous ruptures.They, in turn, provoke such factors:

  • chronic inflammatory processes in tissues;
  • atrophic changes at the bottom of the eye, which often give a high degree of myopia;
  • increased eye strain;
  • injuries of various nature;
  • eye diseases caused by other factors, for example, diabetes.

Additional risk factors for the development of such ailment are hypertension, increased physical activity, and pregnancy.

Despite the fact that retinal detachment can be caused by a variety of symptoms, almost all of them lead to a single unpleasant result: loss of vision, partial, or complete. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to treat extremely carefully the initial manifestations of such a disease.


Recognize the retinal detachment is simple for a number of characteristic features. Among them:

  • sharp drop in visual acuity;
  • the appearance of flies, or veils before the eyes;
  • formation of floating points;
  • reduction of the field of vision, including a sharp complete loss of lateral vision;
  • deformation, as well as an unstable image of visible objects.
Changes in the position of the retinal layers

Often, these symptoms manifest themselves in the aggregate, but more often only one of them is more pronounced.At occurrence of any such display to the patient it is especially important not delaying to address to the doctor, otherwise it can simply lose vision.


At the first suspicions of detachment of the retina, the patient should immediately consult a specialist in order to undergo a comprehensive examination and receive an accurate diagnosis.In this case, the diagnosis will include the following items:

  • examination of the fundus;
  • various types of ultrasound;
  • checking the patient's field of vision;
  • electrophysiological diagnostics.

Also, in addition to these methods, a physician can prescribe a checkup from a neurologist, cardiologist, or therapist if he has any suspicions of concomitant diseases. After that, the ophthalmologist will be able to make a complete picture of the disease and prescribe an adequate treatment.


If a detachment of the retina is detected, the doctor will definitely act urgently and advise you one of the most appropriate methods for treatment. It can be:

  • surgery;
  • laser therapy.

The first one achieves maximum retention of retinal tissues to the fundus.It takes place only for a day and thanks to modern technologies no longer requires hospitalization. The patient after it should only adhere to a gentle mode of work, in order to allow the eyes to recover.As a rule, it lasts a little more than a week or two, after which a person can return to normal life.

Laser treatment is somewhat different.Its goal is to ensure the strengthening of the retina and to achieve tissue coagulation.In the early stages can be used as an independent method, but later it is quite applicable along with surgical intervention to exclude the risk of complications.

Both the first and second techniques are usually accompanied by the intake of vitamins, as well as other general fortifying drugs that allow tissues to recover as quickly as possible.

Despite the fact that both of these techniques give quite high predictions for complete recovery, indeed they will be effective only if the patient timely drew attention to the available problem. Postponing its decision in the long box will certainly lead to the emergence of serious complications. That is why such a situation must be avoided with all the forces.


In the event that the patient does not take timely measures to combat retinal detachment, the ailment continues to progress and often leads to a number of very unpleasant consequences. Among them:

  • general decrease in visual acuity, development of high degree myopia;
  • inflammatory processes in the chambers of the eye;
  • blindness.

This type of complications can occur not only in the absence of treatment, but also when it is incorrect or untimely.

That's why patients who want to get the best result, it's so important to carefully choose a clinic and a doctor, and in the future to implement all of its recommendations. This is the only way to bypass the heavy consequences.

Traction retinal detachment


The main attention to the prevention of retinal detachment should be given to those people who are at risk of this disease.These are pregnant women, sportsmen, people with severe chronic diseases. They need:

  • optimize the load on the eyesight;
  • regularly come to the ophthalmologist and undergo a complete examination of the retina;
  • To reduce physical loads at occurrence of any discomfort from view;
  • optimize your diet, add as much vegetables, fruits and other useful substances as possible. This will help save the eyes.

In the event that you have already started the development of retinal detachment, another preventive measure can save the situation - laser treatment of tissue edges. It can also be performed by a specialist in the clinic.

Your task: to detect pathology so early that the given method could give the desired result. And for this you need increased attention to your own organism and regular visits to specialists.



In general, detachment of the retina is a very serious disease, which can lead to such dangerous consequences as loss of vision. And in this case they will be irreversible. That is why it is so important for the patient to monitor his health and, if necessary, to agree to surgical or laser treatment. Only this way he can protect his eyes from complete blindness or other, no less unpleasant complications.

How to treat retinal detachment with folk remedies read in this article.

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