Tonsillitis and angina in what's the difference

Angina and tonsillitis - this is not the same thing? What is the difference?


Marina Kozlova

Tonzilit (the correct name of tonsillitis) is a disease characterized by inflammation of one or more lymphoid the formation of the pharyngeal ring (often palatine tonsils) and belongs to the number of widespread infections of the upper respiratory ways.

Tonzilitis is acute and chronic. Acute tonsillitis is known as angina.

The most significant bacterial pathogen of acute tonsillitis is hemolytic streptococcus of group A. Less common acute tonsillitis is caused by viruses and other streptococci, extremely rarely - mycoplasma and chlamydia.
In addition, angina (acute tonsillitis) is an acute infectious disease characterized by inflammation of lymphoid formations pharyngeal ring, most often - tonsils (in common parlance "glands" - located on the sides of the entrance to the pharynx and are clearly visible if you look in open mouth) .


No, these are two different diseases. in simple terms, angina is an inflammation of the tonsils, and tonsillitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses. (this greatly simplifies).

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Alexey Ovsyannikov

Angina and tonsillitis are one and the same, an acute common infectious disease with a predominant lesion of palatine tonsils. Simply tonsillitis is the Latin name of tonsils (which first inflame) and this term is used by doctors, and in the people more often tonsils, or sore throat.
But there is also the concept of chronic tonsillitis - this is another disease associated with chronic inflammation, due to the weakness of the immune system.

*** just me

Of course not. angina it hurts the throat. and tonsillitis-nose


TONSILIT - Inflammation and infection of the tonsils is most common in childhood and young age. Previously, doctors had a tendency to remove tonsils, now they believe that it is better to keep them, unless they are become infected constantly and do not turn into a chronic source of infections for others bodies. Their condition is an early indicator of reducing the body's vital forces, and if this first line of defense is not available, other hidden foci of infection may appear with age.

TONSILLITE CHRONIC - inflammation of the tonsils; both adults and children are ill.

The cause is repeated angina, less often other acute infectious diseases (scarlet fever, measles, diphtheria). The development of chronic tonsillitis is promoted by persistent disruption of nasal breathing (adenoids, curvature of the nasal septa), diseases of the paranasal sinuses, carious teeth, alveolar pyorrhea, chronic catarrhal pharyngitis, chronic rhinitis.
Angina (acute tonsillitis) is an acute infectious disease, which is characterized by inflammation of the lymphoid formations of the pharyngeal rings, more often - tonsils (in common parlance "glands" - are located on the sides of the entrance to the pharynx and are clearly visible if you look into the open mouth).

Lyudmila Lazareva

Angta is an infectious disease of the tonsils, which can be caused by various pathogens. Tonsillitis is a chronic disease, can be after the transfer of a large number of angina. It is characterized by proliferation of lymphoid tissue at the onset of the disease, then in connection with the formation of scars by their decrease. With tonsillitis in tonsils, the process then abates, then again manifests itself, i.e., The causative agent is always in the body. In occasion of removal of tonsils it is better to receive consultation of ENT-doctor. T. To. At a tonsillitis there can be complications - a myocarditis, diseases of kidneys or joints.


The answers are exhaustive, although contradictory. .
I wish you a speedy recovery!

What distinguishes tonsillitis from sore throat: differences and differences

Some people mistakenly believe that tonsillitis and tonsillitis are one and the same disease.

However, these ailments differ from each other. What is the difference? But it must be known, in order to conduct proper treatment.

Wrong therapy can lead to complications, which are often much harder to treat and longer than the primary disease.

Tonsillitis and angina - definition and features of the course

What is the difference between tonsillitis and tonsillitis and what is the cause of these ailments? Usually, these diseases occur during the autumn-winter period. At this time, human immunity is weakened and vulnerable.

To distinguish one disease from another, you need to know the definition of each of them.

Tonsillitis is called inflammation of the tonsils (usually the palatine). More often, tonsillitis occurs against a background of a bacterial or viral infection. The causative agents of the disease are usually streptococci and much less frequently - other types of pathogenic microorganisms.

Cases of angina are most often observed because of low immunity, banal hypothermia or against the background of colds. To complications of ARI, tonsillitis itself does not apply.

Tonsillitis occurs in two forms - acute and chronic. The people accepted the acute form of the disease as angina. It is a bacterial infection that affects the tonsils of the palate. It is manifested by a purulent coating and stoppers.

It is important to understand that angina is dangerous for its serious complications, so treatment should come as early as possible, and it should be correct. If a doctor diagnoses a patient with acute tonsillitis or tonsillitis, he recommends isolating the patient, since healthy people can get it from him.

Despite the fact that tonsillitis and tonsillitis are not the same, both diseases are very similar.

М Slow inflammation of the tonsils, which occurs with tonsillitis, is usually a consequence of untreated frequent angina.

The main causes of disease

The causes of both ailments are very numerous. Observing their patients, doctors distinguish three main types of provoking factors:

  1. Primary.
  2. Secondary.
  3. Specific.
In their origin, angina refers to infectious diseases, so most often the disease provokes a viral pathogen - streptococcus. You can get infected if you eat unwashed fruits and vegetables; products that do not undergo the correct heat treatment.

In addition, the virus spreads by airborne droplets, that is, they can get infected from a sick person.

Unlike tonsillitis, tonsillitis can be triggered by a viral infection, a complication of some forms of influenza and sinusitis.

The most common causes of tonsillitis:

  • Weakened immune system.
  • Severe hypothermia of the body.
  • Defective or improper nutrition.
  • Consequences of stressful situations.
  • Fatigue of the body.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.

Sometimes chronic tonsillitis can have consequences in the form of angina, and frequent tonsillitis leads to the development of chronic tonsillitis. Thus, one disease often follows from another.

Types of angina

Depending on the type of causative agent of angina there are several types. Most often met:

  1. Phlegmonous.
  2. Catarrhal.
  3. Lacunar angina.
  4. Follicular.
  5. Fibrous.
  6. Fungal.
  7. Herpetic.
  8. Ulcerative-necrotic.

These anginas differ from each other in their course and symptoms.

  • For example, catarrhal angina is accompanied by a sore throat, pain sensations, subfebrile temperature, or passes without it at all. Such a disease usually has no complications and ends in 3-5 days.
  • A more serious form of the disease is phlegmonous, in which there is purulent melting of the tissues of the lymph nodes. As a rule, the inflammation affects only one side, but the second one does not.
  • Follicular angina is characterized by high fever and intense sore throat. In the process of the disease on the tonsils appears a lot of small points of yellow color.
  • For lacunar angina, the same yellow dots are typical, but in this variant they already have more distinct shapes. This form of ailment is carried by the sickest of all.

Due to such a variety of forms of the disease, treatment should be prescribed only after in-depth diagnosis.

As for tonsillitis: the incubation period is on average 3-4 days, and it is possible to catch the infection by air when communicating with a sick person, although there are other ways of infection (eating food contaminated staphylococcus aureus).

Clinical picture of tonsillitis and tonsillitis

The main symptoms of sore throat:

  1. a sharp pain in the throat;
  2. high body temperature;
  3. headache;
  4. myalgia and arthralgia;
  5. lack of appetite;
  6. labored breathing;
  7. general weakness and malaise;
  8. red enlarged tonsils with white coating;
  9. an increase in the cervical and maxillary lymph nodes;
  10. with follicular form enlarged tonsils with light yellow vesicles.

Chronic tonsillitis can be divided into two groups:

  • simple, with local clinical signs;
  • toxic-allergic, which can provoke complications on the cardiovascular system, kidneys and joints.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis are quite similar to the clinical picture of the acute form of the disease, but are more flattened. With chronic tonsillitis observed:

  1. nasal congestion;
  2. headache;
  3. painful sensations when swallowing;
  4. bad breath;
  5. weakness;
  6. increase and reddening of the tonsils;
  7. Perspiration and dryness in the throat;
  8. white coating on tonsils.

Of the signs of acute tonsillitis, you can identify the symptoms, which in chronic form there. They are the main differences of diseases.

  • Increased palatine tonsils, which is noticeable to the naked eye.
  • Tonsils acquire a bright red or crimson color.
  • On the lymphatic tissue of the throat appear white or yellow coating, ulcers and purulent plugs.
In addition, there are other differences, according to which it is possible to differentiate chronic tonsillitis from tonsillitis. Tonsillitis develops gradually, has a smooth current and can then "fade then reappear.

The sore throat arises abruptly, the patient's body temperature rapidly jumps and there is an intense soreness in the throat. With tonsillitis, caseous stoppers are observed, and with angina - purulent formations.

For tonsillitis is typical nasal congestion, which with angina is absent or it is extremely rare.

To earn chronic tonsillitis it is possible in the event that in a timely manner do not consult a doctor with acute form.

Other risk factors can be sinusitis, rhinitis, frequent diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, caries).

Features of therapy

As already mentioned above, if tonsillitis or tonsillitis is not treated in time, it can lead to serious complications:

  1. heart disease;
  2. kidney pathology;
  3. rheumatism;
  4. allergic reactions.
Therefore, the appointment of a course of therapy should only be a doctor, self-medication is strictly not recommended.

It is possible that for treatment it will be necessary to undergo a course of antibacterial therapy, and antibiotics have a lot of contraindications and side effects, so they should be prescribed only by a doctor.

With angina, hourly rinsing of the throat with antiseptic solutions is required, which include salt, iodine, soda, medicinal herbs. Iodine has antibacterial properties, but it needs only a few drops.

To eliminate the general intoxication of the body, the patient should drink as much warm liquid as possible. Severe forms of angina require the appointment of antibacterial drugs.

Chronic tonsillitis should be treated with rinses with special antiseptic solutions, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. In addition, treatment consists in the appointment of a number of physiotherapeutic procedures and hardening.

Chronic tonsillitis also requires the use of antibiotics. In advanced cases, when conservative methods of therapy do not work, the doctor recommends surgical removal of the tonsils.

This is a fairly simple operation and complications after it, as a rule, do not arise. In general, they do not arise and when a person turns to a doctor for the first symptoms of tonsillitis or tonsillitis. This is especially true for people with reduced immunity and elderly patients, as detailed in the video in this article.

Viral tonsillitis: symptoms and signs

Acute tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils caused by bacteria or viruses. Tonsils and adenoids consist of tissues similar to lymph nodes or glands.

Acute tonsillitis is characterized by a sharp or gradual occurrence of sore throat, which is usually associated with fever.

Chronic tonsillitis can become a "trigger" for the appearance of sinusitis.

Often, tonsillitis occurs in children aged 5-10 years and young people aged 15 to 25 years. The risk factors include weak immunity and a family history of tonsillitis or atopy. See "Tonsillitis in a child, photo."

Bacterial and viral tonsillitis symptoms are similar. These include:

  • The pain in the throat, sometimes severe, can last more than 48 hours, "supplemented" by pain when swallowed.
  • Pain can give in the ears.
  • Little children complain that they have a stomach ache.
  • Headache.
  • Loss of voice or change of voice.

Signs of tonsillitis:

  • The throat turned red, the tonsils enlarged and can be covered in whole or in part with pus.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Swollen lymph nodes (cervical, submandibular).
  • If the sore throat is caused by a viral infection, then the viral tonsillitis symptoms are usually softer than the bacterial tonsillitis, and are often associated with a cold.
  • If tonsillitis occurs as a result of infection with the Coxsackie virus, small blisters appear on the tonsils, tongue and soft palate. They break through in a few days and are accompanied by ulceration, which can be very painful.
  • Tonsillitis can occur with infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus). Most often this condition occurs in adolescents. In this case the tonsils can increase significantly, and the temperature can rise to 39-40 degrees Celsius.
  • Tonsillitis can be caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), especially in adolescents and young adults.

Diagnosis of bacterial and viral tonsillitis is based on the medical history and physical examination results.

  • The doctor can do a quick streptococcal test, taking a swab from the back of the throat.
  • If the Epstein-Barr virus is suspected as the cause of tonsillitis, the doctor may ask the patient to do a blood test for mononucleosis.

If the nasal congestion "mixes" with the stuffiness of the nose, sneezing and runny nose, cough, the cause of tonsillitis is likely to be the penetration into the body of the virus. Viral infection of the tonsils or adenoids in most cases passes without medical assistance for two weeks. Antibiotics in this case are not effective.

Bacterial tonsillitis: symptoms and its pathogens

Bacterial tonsillitis symptoms are most often caused by bacteria of the genus Streptococcus (streptococcus). Other possible bacterial pathogens of this disease are staphylococci and Neisseria.

After the beginning of treatment it is important to go through the entire course of medications for tonsillitis, which the doctor prescribes. Otherwise, the disease can return and turn into a chronic one. In the treatment of tonsillitis it is unlikely to do without antibiotic therapy and local procedures with Chlorophyllipt.

Surgical removal of tonsils is considered necessary in situations where tonsillitis is not amenable to drug treatment or in the case of frequent relapses.

Sore throat with an unexpected slight increase in temperature, without symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection is a sign of bacterial infection.

Other symptoms of bacterial tonsillitis include:

  • a sore throat;
  • headache;
  • fever;
  • redness of the tonsils;
  • white pus on the tonsils;
  • an increase in the cervical lymph nodes.

It is worth noting

Stress, overwork, exhaustion and viral infections can weaken the defenses of the body and allow the development of bacterial tonsillitis. Like other throat infections, this ailment tends to occur in the colder months.

In case of symptoms of bacterial tonsillitis, you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis in connection with the risk of developing acute pharyngitis.

Untreated streptococcal infection can lead to complications, including rheumatism.

What is chronic tonsillitis and what are its signs

Chronic tonsillitis is a regularly occurring infection of the tonsils. Secondary infections can lead to the formation of small pockets in the palatine tonsils, in which bacteria will multiply.

Often in these pockets contain small stones (white plugs, tonsillitis) with an unpleasant odor of rotten eggs. Because of them, people with tonsillitis can complain about the feeling that some foreign body is in the back of the throat.

Symptoms and signs of chronic tonsillitis are as follows:

  • unpleasant sensations in the throat;
  • fever;
  • deterioration of the smell from the mouth;
  • difficulty in swallowing food;
  • swollen glands in front of neck;
  • snoring and bad sleep due to shortness of breath due to increased glands and adenoids.

Bacterial infections of glands and adenoids are treated with antibiotic drugs, in contrast to viral infections.


Chronic tonsillitis in adults: forms, causes, symptoms and treatment

Unpleasant, but with a rather beautiful name, chronic tonsillitis is familiar to very many people these days. Having fallen ill once a person, often, for years can not get rid of this disease and becomes a frequent guest at the ENT doctor.

Tonsillitis is called inflammation, localized in the so-called glands, and in anatomical terms, in the region of the tonsils. This disease occurs in two main variants: acute and chronic. The first in the common people is called angina. It was the first one. That is, angina and chronic tonsillitis are not the same thing.

Chronic tonsillitis, as a rule, proceeds much milder in comparison with the bright manifestations of the acute form of the disease. He can remind of himself only a few times a year, and even less often.

Symptoms with exacerbation of the chronic process are usually poorly expressed, for example, it may slightly hurt and sore throat, but there should be no temperature.

Many patients do not even try to identify the cause in such cases, believing that everything will end by itself. However, after a month, the condition can only worsen and you have to go to a specialist who diagnoses chronic tonsillitis in adults, well, or in children, and begins a long treatment.

Chronic compensated and decompensated tonsillitis

About the chronic form of tonsillitis it usually comes up in cases where the tonsils are constantly in a state of inflammation.

In this case, two possible scenarios are possible. In one case, the disease as it completely disappears, but immediately returns at the slightest supercooling. At the second variant the inflammation leaves, and only calms down, causing satisfactory state of health in the patient.

Clinically, two forms of chronic tonsillitis are distinguished: one is called compensated, the other is called decompensated. Regardless of which form of the described disease has developed in the patient, it is necessary to take all measures in order to achieve a stable remission.

If only symptoms of a local nature develop in the form of a slight inflammation of the tonsils and pain in the throat without changes in the general condition, then there is a compensated chronic tonsillitis. In other words, the tonsils generally cope with their functions and compensate for the inflammatory response.

If the frequent inflammatory processes in the tonsils are accompanied by acute paratonsillitis (inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tonsils), and also diseases of other organs, seemingly not connected with them in any way, this is undoubtedly the decompensated form of the described ailment.

Causes of inflammation of chronic tonsillitis

It is not difficult to guess that, as with the acute form, the causes of chronic tonsillitis in adults and children are microbes.

Among ENT doctors, it is widely believed that the disease described affects 100% of the population. In a sense, it's true. A lot of microorganisms live on the human tonsils. Healthy tonsils cope with the disease-causing effect of certain of them, but the sick forces do not have enough for such a struggle.

There are several reasons for the transition of the disease to a chronic stage. The main one is untreated tonsillitis. The remaining causes of chronic tonsillitis are less important causes.

Most often it happens this way: immediately, as soon as the throat pain subsides and the temperature normalizes, the patient stops taking antibiotics and goes to work, believing that the illness has passed. However, it only retreated and in order to defeat it it is absolutely necessary to bring it to the end a prescribed course of antibiotic therapy and rinses, take vitamins and strengthen immunity. Otherwise, chronic tonsillitis, the video about which is located below, is provided:


The second reason is frequent pharyngitis, to which patients, and some doctors do not pay due attention. In many cases, even a sick leave is not necessary: ​​in a few days the illness passes without treatment. However, in time, the uncontrolled pathological process will certainly make itself felt. The slightest fatigue or weakening of immunity will lead to an increase in the multiplication of bacteria. Therefore, pharyngitis should be cured to the end. This is much better than to suffer later from the effects of this inflammation - chronic tonsillitis.

If a person periodically excruciates chronic rhinitis or rhinitis of an allergic nature, this too can lead to chronic damage to the tonsils.

In addition, it is necessary to observe the hygiene of the teeth and monitor the condition of periodontal disease. Originating in the teeth, the infection tends to wade farther and touch the throat.

Characteristic signs of chronic tonsillitis

If we talk about the symptoms accompanying chronic tonsillitis and treatment in adults, we can note one important feature: the chronic tonsillitis itself does not manifest itself in any way. You can find out about the presence of this disease during the period of its exacerbation, but during this period the most obvious diagnosis will be acute angina, a consequence of not treatment or improper treatment which often becomes the chronic inflammatory process. Nevertheless, a thorough examination will certainly help the specialist to find out the true nature of the ailment.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in adults should be considered based on its basic clinical forms. Above we have already mentioned the compensated and decompensated inflammation of the tonsils. However, in addition to classification of the disease can be identified two more options: a simple tonsillitis of a chronic nature and a toxic-allergic form of the disease. The difference between these forms is both in the mechanisms of the formation of the disease, and in clinical manifestations in the period of exacerbation.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis of simple form do not differ from manifestations of ordinary sore throat. To suspect the chronic course of the inflammatory process in the powers of only an attentive specialist.

Most often the simple form is characterized by local signs: pus, purulent plugs, swollen arch, enlarged lymph nodes. When swallowing, discomfort appears, there is a foreign body sensation, dryness is felt in the mouth. During the remission, there are no manifestations, and with exacerbations (up to 3 times per year), angina develops with an increase temperature, weakness, general malaise, and a headache characterized by a prolonged period recovery.

With the diagnosis of toxic-allergic chronic tonsillitis symptoms and treatment in adults are somewhat different. This form is characterized by a heavier current. For convenience, it distinguishes two degrees of severity.

The first degree of toxic-allergic tonsillitis in addition to local inflammatory reactions includes general intoxication symptoms and manifestations of allergization. This includes fever, pain in the joints and heart, increased fatigue. A person who falls ill with such a form of tonsillitis, is more difficult to cope with the flu and orgi. The period of recovery after illness is prolonged.

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in adults with a second degree of toxic-allergic variant of the disease are characterized by the presence of concomitant diseases. Often they have an autoimmune component, or they are associated with streptococcus - the most common cause of tonsillitis, both acute and chronic.

With this form of the disease, the amygdala becomes a permanent source of infection. The risk of spreading it through the body becomes high. Possible violations in the work of the heart, joints, liver, kidneys.

How much does subfebrile temperature with chronic tonsillitis

The temperature in chronic tonsillitis rises on the same principle and the same reasons as in other infectious diseases.

The human immune system triggers hyperthermia as a response to the activity of pathogenic bacteria or viruses that are the causative agents of infection. Thus, conditions are created in which microbes feel uncomfortable and begin to die.

The temperature for the described disease, as a rule, rises during the period of exacerbation. Conditions for favorable spread disappear, and the propagation of the pathogen is suspended.

Subfebrile temperature in chronic tonsillitis is more common than high. Substances that give a signal to the immune system in case of infection in the body are called pyrogens. The latter include both the microorganisms themselves and their toxins. Plus, pyrogens can also be created inside the body.

Regulates the temperature of the special area of ​​the brain - the hypothalamus. He commands the blood to move from the skin to the internal organs. As a result of this process, heat loss decreases and the human body begins to "warm up".

On the question of how much the temperature keeps in chronic tonsillitis, it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer. The naturally healed blood, getting back to the hypothalamus, informs him that the temperature has reached the desired level. At this level, it will persist until the eradication of the infection is over.

Diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis

Before talking about whether it is possible to cure chronic tonsillitis should pay attention to its diagnosis. The doctor must determine the described disease. In the diagnosis, he will be guided by a characteristic history, objective examination, as well as the results of additional studies.

As already mentioned above, the accompanying chronic tonsillitis symptoms, the photos of which are located below, most clearly manifest themselves during periods of exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, it is easier to diagnose an illness in this period.

In addition to the complaints of the patient himself, when examining the throat, one can notice hyperemia, the palatine arch will be swollen and with thickened margins. You can even find the fusion of palatine arches with glands and triangular fold.

Often there is a loosening of the tonsils (especially if the disease has developed in the child). Often there is an increase in regional lymph nodes.

As can be seen in the photo of chronic tonsillitis in adults, purulent plaque can be detected on the tonsils.

In the case of a toxic-allergic form of the ailment under consideration, a comprehensive examination of the patient should be carried out. The purpose of such a survey is to identify the associated diseases and assess the severity of the pathology.

Chronic tonsillitis (tonsillitis) in pregnancy

Many women preparing to become a mother even before conception can face the manifestations of a disease. However, not all are being treated. Often it seems to future mothers that once the symptoms are not critical, then the disease is not serious. That is why chronic tonsillitis in pregnancy occurs quite often.

Pregnancy is a very important and responsible period. From the very beginning it is necessary to take care of the safety of the baby. Including you need to pay attention to chronic diseases of the mother, because any malfunction in the mother's organism will inevitably affect the child.

Chronic tonsillitis can seriously affect a baby's health. Affected with this disease, tonsils - a kind of barrier for various infections. As a result of inflammation, this barrier is broken, creating the risk of penetration of pathogenic microbes into the bloodstream through which they can reach the fetus.

If during pregnancy a woman has symptoms characterizing chronic tonsillitis symptoms, then you should immediately contact the doctor, because among the dangers that this disease contains, lies the threat of miscarriage, toxicosis in later periods and premature birth.

Is it possible to cure chronic tonsillitis forever and how to do it with antibiotics?

There are many ways to combat the described disease. But only after an accurate diagnosis of the extent and form of the disease can you understand how to cure chronic tonsillitis forever.

One of the most common methods is drug therapy, in which the decisive role is given to treatment with antibacterial agents. Preparations of this group are prescribed during periods of exacerbation of the disease and are the best answer to the question of how to get rid of chronic tonsillitis. Prescribe them should be based on the results of the tank-sowing. The use of an antibiotic blindly may not give the desired effect.

Antibiotics for chronic tonsillitis can be prescribed by a short course using light and relatively safe means, and can be appointed and for a long time with the use of aggressive drugs that require simultaneous reception probiotics.

With latent flow of tonsillitis, antibiotic therapy is usually not performed, this additionally disrupts the microflora of the mouth and the gastrointestinal tract, plus immunity to all.

Than to treat chronic tonsillitis in adults: medicamentous agents

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis in adults also includes the use of painkillers (for example, Nurofen). These medications are used as symptomatic therapy mainly in severe pain syndrome. With minor pain, their use does not make sense.

To reduce the edema of the mucous throat and tonsils, antihistamines are necessary. The most good at the same time means the latest generation, such as Zirtek, Telfast, etc. They are stronger and safer, and also have a longer action and do not produce a sedative effect.

In the diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis treatment must necessarily be supplemented with local antiseptic drugs. They are released in the form of sprays, tablets for resorption or solutions. Of the first, Miramistin can be used very efficiently, which has a rather extensive spectrum of action. Among the tablets for resorption is quite popular Pharyngocept. Of the solutions that are used to rinse the throat, you can give an example of Hexoral.

How to get rid of chronic tonsillitis and how to gargle

When deciding what to gargle with chronic tonsillitis, do not forget about sea salt. It is sold in any store and very inexpensive. Gives a good result, and besides does not irritate the mucous membrane.

For rinses, essential oils can also be used. For example, lavender, cedar, eucalyptus or tea tree. With the described disease they have a positive effect. And some of these oils are part of the pharmacy medicine for angina.

It is worth noting that when diagnosing chronic tonsillitis it is up to the doctor to rinse the throat. He will choose the most suitable drug for a particular case, which will allow for a speedy recovery.

To stimulate local immunity in chronic tonsillitis, you can use a drug called Imudon. For the same purpose, natural products are also good: chamomile, ginseng, propolis, etc.

How to treat chronic tonsillitis at home: folk remedies

In case of development of the disease chronic tonsillitis treatment at home can be carried out through folk remedies. If you follow the recommendations of an experienced homeopath, you can significantly increase the remission of the disease.

For example, to rinse your throat, you can use a turn or sage. A good effect is given by chamomile and eucalyptus leaves. Not bad help with the described disease kidneys of pussy willow, aspen bark, as well as the roots of elecampane and ginger.

Talking about how to treat chronic tonsillitis in adults, you can not fail to mention the mitigants. The fact is that as a result of the processes of inflammation and taking certain medications, the patient may have dry mouth, a feeling of perspiration, or a feeling of sadness in the throat. In such cases, you should use apricot, peach or sea buckthorn oil by digging into the nose in the morning and evening a few drops.

Proper nutrition in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis in the home

In addition to treating chronic tonsillitis at home with medication, you need to think about the patient's diet. Diet therapy is an integral part of successful therapy.

Excessively chilled or heated food is not recommended for this disease. Hard, hard dishes are excluded. Limiting the reception of sharp, salty and smoked products, because they all significantly worsen the patient's condition.

Measures to prevent chronic tonsillitis in adults

Prevention of chronic tonsillitis in adults - an event no less important than the treatment of this disease.

To achieve the longest possible remission, it is necessary to eliminate stress and fully rest. It is extremely important to eat properly, avoiding food, which can irritate the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils.

In addition, the prophylaxis of the described ailment is closely associated with visiting seaside resorts.

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