Acyclovir for colds on the lips

Which is better for colds on the lips?


Tata K

If it is a question of removing the eruptions on the lips, then Fenistil (penciclovir), ointment (cream), is sold in many pharmacies.
In second place in terms of effectiveness - acyclovir, he is also zovirax.
Virumerts and panavir are not very effective, but it's as lucky.
This is a temporary herpes removal.
With weakening of immunity, it can pop up again, and in other, less pleasant places.. .
It is possible to treat more radically, with antiviral drugs. These can be tablets, for example, cytovir. There can be injections (they are most effective), but here it is better to consult a doctor. The latter can completely remove the herpes virus from the body.


I usually help the cream, special for the cold on the lips, takes off for 2 days illness! I do not remember the name. ((


Acyclovir. It is sold in pharmacies and is inexpensive. All expensive ointments are made on its basis


There is such ointment "Virolex". I have used it myself for many years. It works very well.

instagram viewer

Svetlana Baranova

fenistil pencivir.

lazy hooligan

the best remedy and folk technique is toothpaste! help and quickly everything will pass!


I'm helped by ordinary iodine, I just lubricate frequently and quickly go away.


Herpes is a viral disease with skin lesions. The source of the infection can be a sick person or a virus carrier. Most often, herpes appears in the cold season, when the defenses of the body are reduced. Herpes affects the skin in the area of ​​the mouth and nose, less often in the area of ​​the cheeks and ear auricles.
Symptoms: On the skin, most often on the lips, there are bubbles with fluid that itch, sometimes hurt. After 3-4 days, the bubbles dry up and form a crust. The cortex disappears and the wound heals on day 6-8.
Traditional methods of treatment include the use of antiherpetic drugs (ointments Acyclovir, Zovirax) and vitamins.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Take aloe juice in 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals. Lubricate the aloe juice with the herpes zoster.
2) Lubricate herpes with fresh Kalanchoe juice 2-3 times a day.
3) Lubricate the affected skin with an ointment consisting of 100 gr. honey, 1 tablespoon of ash, 3 cloves of garlic.
4) Lubricate the lesions with herpes oil bitter almonds (sold at the pharmacy).
5) Wet the affected areas with a decoction of herb peppermint. Pour 1 tablespoon of herbs 1 glass of water, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath and drain.
6) Grind the fruits of the viburnum in a mortar. Pour 20gr. mashed fruits 1 glass of water. Insist 4 hours. Take half a cup 4 times a day.
7) Pour 10-15gr. kidney birch 1 cup of milk, cook for 5 minutes, wrapped in gauze. Apply as an external anti-inflammatory.
8) Add 15g. dry flower baskets of arnica (sold in pharmacies), l. boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours. Apply for compresses with herpes.
9) Lubricate the lesions of the herpes with aspen leaf juice 3-4 times a day.
10) Take 20gr. fenugreek seeds, rhizome rhizomes and herbs ruta (all sold at the pharmacy). Mix the whole mixture in 1L. water for 30 minutes. Decoction to apply for lotions when affected by herpes.
11) Take a cup of yogurt and stir in it 1 teaspoon of instant coffee. Add 2 finely chopped garlic cloves, 1 spoonful of honey and flour. All mix and lubricate the affected area. When the mixture dries and falls off, repeat the procedure. The method is not very aesthetic, but it gives a very good effect.
12) Grind in a coffee grinder 2 tablespoons dry juniper berries, pour over the level of the powder with vodka and insist 1 day. Lubricate herpes 2-3 times a day.
13) Apply a few grains of fine table salt to the place of herpes rash. If you do this several times a day, the herpes will pass very quickly.
14) In the initial stage of the appearance of herpes, apply a fleece impregnated with fir oil to it, hold for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure every 6-7 hours.


Ointments are just ointments. You must drink a course of arbidol. And then rashes will be lost.

Igor komusak

I put her vacuum on herpes (and on her lips too) with her own fresh urine. Herpes quickly showered.


ointments will remove symptoms, and tablets or even better - injections - will be cured.
Many acyclovir is advised, but it develops rapidly very quickly.


Herpes is a viral disease with a characteristic rash of grouped vesicles on the skin and mucous membranes.

Means of traditional medicine:
Fir oil: as soon as the disease has begun - lubricate the skin area on which comes out "cold fluff oil. You will feel a slight burning sensation in this place. Lubricate again after 2 hours and at night.

Chamomile broth with propolis: brew chamomile flowers (1 h. spoon on a glass), let it stand for 15 minutes, strain and add 1 hour. spoon 10% alcohol tincture of propolis, stir and drink. Tea to drink 2 times a day for 3-4 days. This same tincture grease rashes.

Garlic, honey, apple cider vinegar: take the head of garlic and crush it all in the garlick, then put it on gauze, make a swab and swab with all the sores. Burning does not occur. Then dilute the honey and apple cider vinegar in the proportion carefully stir and lubricate the sores 2 times a day.
After the first procedure, the itching decreases, and then everything goes away.

Garlic juice: from herpes on the lips it is good to lubricate sores with garlic juice 3 times a day until recovery.

It is enough to moisten the heart drug - valocordin - eruptions of herpes on the mucosa several times during the day, and the herpes will go to zero.

A fever on the lips (herpes, bladderwort) is treated with the Kalanchoe juice.
As for the treatment of herpes, unfortunately, today there are no drugs that could completely cure herpes virus infection.
I wish you health!! !

What ointment is most effective against colds on the lips?


Kazachkova NS

Herpes shows the use of ointment Acyclovir or Zovirax.



Ekaterina Velker

from herpes? Fenistil Pencivir


From pharmacy funds, the most effective treatment for herpes on the lips is Zovirax ointment, which it is advisable to always have it at hand, especially if you suffer quite a frequent occurrence of a cold on lips. Lubricating several times a day with Zovirax, the affected areas of the lips, you can completely get rid of herpes in 2-3 days.



Kolya Volga

from herpes on the lips Zabirax ointment works well.


Zovirax is a remedy for herpes
Means against herpes: zovirax and fenistil. How to avoid exacerbation of herpes
Among the many drugs offered by modern medicine for the treatment of herpes, drugs containing acyclovir are excreted. It is he who is the main active antiviral substance of the Zovirax cream

A person

Acyclovir, zovirax

kseniya kseniya

acyclovir!! or ordinary salicylic-zinc!


Quick relief from herpes
Treat with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution until bleaching herpes bubbles, then grease with greens. This procedure is best done 2-3 times a day. Herpes pass for one two days.

apteka-dostavka apteka-dostavka

A good Viru-Merz gel, it is colorless and helps a lot. roductID = 4834

Sergey Sviridov

"Methods of Doctor D V Naumova. Diseases of the digestive system, blood and lymph. Library of HLS "p. 51

Cold remedy for the lips

According to doctors, about 99% of people are infected with the herpes virus, which periodically makes itself felt in the form of fever on the lip. Such rashes cause severe discomfort due to itching and burning, so the actual question is: what is the most effective remedy for cold on the lips?

Cream for colds on the lips

One of the best drugs on the basis of acyclovir is Zovirax, manufactured by the English company GlaxoSmithKline (it was Gertrude Elayon who created acyclovir). From analogues Zovirax differs by the presence in the composition of propylene glycol, which accelerates the absorption of acyclovir, and consequently - the action of the cream. The price is about, cu

The cream Fenistil Pencivir (, cu) with the main active substance penciclovir, to which the herpes is sensitive, works well.

Ointments for colds on the lips

On the basis of acyclovir, several types of ointments are produced:

  • Acigerpin (, u.e.);
  • Vivorax (1, cu);
  • Gerpevir (, cu);
  • Acyclovir Hexal (, cu), etc.

Their composition is characterized by the presence of auxiliary components designed to accelerate the regeneration of tissues. The main action is acyclovir. Therefore, the most economical option is to buy it "in its pure form". Ointment Acyclovir is about, cu).

Gel for colds on the lips

Helps to relieve recurrent herpes and gels:

  • Allomedin (1, cu) - the main action is peptide Allostatin;
  • Viru-Merz Serol (21 cu) is a drug based on tromantadine hydrochloride.
  • Panavir (cu) is a herbal remedy for colds on the lips. The main component is the hexose glycoside.

Plaster for colds on the lips

A new way to treat a fever on the lip is to use a patch that simultaneously masks a cosmetic defect and dries the wound. Most Popular:

  • Zovioprotek (10 cu) based on a copolymer of acrylic acid;
  • Compide (13 cu), which contains gum, elastomers and hydrocolloid particles.
  • Silkoplast "Comfort IT-Herp" (7 cu).

Plasters do not always adhere well to the lips, especially at the bubble stage.

Folk remedies for colds on the lips

Herpes can be taken by surprise, and if the antiviral medication is not there, folk recipes will help. At a stage when the first tingling sensations are felt in the lip, effectively lubricate the burning spot:

  • wax gray;
  • oxolin ointment;
  • oil of a tea tree.

And than to burn already appeared cold on labiums? To eliminate a strong itch in this case helps toothpaste, corvalol, fir oil.

If the fever does not heal within a week, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Prompt means from cold on labiums.



You probably have herpes. The virus is forever. But you can reduce its sad consequences. At the first signs - Zovirax ointment, or its cheaper domestic analogue - Acyclovir. Very much (!!!) a new remedy MALAVIT is good. First - tincture on alcohol, and then gel. Smear as often as possible.

Sofia Shertenbeker

Very good tool:
Tablets, + Ointment "Acyclovir".

Acyclovir (Aciclovir, Zovirax, Zovirax) is an antiviral drug, especially effective against herpes simplex viruses, herpes zoster (lichen) and chicken pox. Acyclovir is an analogue of the purine nucleoside deoxyguanidine, the normal component of DNA.

The similarity of the structures of acyclovir and deoxyguanidine allows acyclovir to interact with viral enzymes, which leads to an interruption in the reproduction of the virus. After the introduction of acyclovir into the herpes-infected cell under the influence of thymidine kinase released by the virus, acyclovir is converted to acyclovir-monophosphate, which by enzymes of the host cell is converted to acyclovir-diphosphate, and then to the active form of acyclovir-triphosphate (nucleotide analog), which is used by the viral DNA polymerase and blocks replication viral DNA. The drug acts selectively on the synthesis of viral DNA. Acyclovir-triphosphate practically does not affect DNA replication of the host cell (human cells).

Acyclovir in herpes prevents the formation of new elements of the rash, reduces the likelihood of cutaneous dissemination and visceral complications, accelerates the formation of crusts, relieves pain in the acute phase herpes zoster.


acyclovir ointment, cheap and angry! instead of all zoviraks, fenistilov.. but in general it is correctly called herpes, this virus is in the blood, and nowhere to get rid of it, antiviral tablets should be used, such as arbidol


Herpes just does not go away. he is always present in the body if he has appeared. to support immunity it is necessary. and from me known means: zovirax, fenistil-pencivir. but it is better to contact a specialist.

Balgynbaev Dastan

Actually, all makeup is made from sperm.
A small concentration of sperm with plants = medicine!

T e r a p i 03

To make it clear - the cold on the lips is a viral infection that only "cures" and exacerbates again. Pintsevir Fenistil preparation for colds on the lips or Acyclovir-Hexal ointment.


The initial stage - honey, toothpaste on the hearth, on subsequent - ZOVIRAX, HERPEVIR, etc.

Belka Lesnaya

Anoint with gray from the ear and drink tea from the dog rose.

Oksana Osinina

If you want to permanently get rid of herpes, consult a virologist! You will select a special antiviral treatment! I also suffer from herpes, exacerbation up to 8 -9 times a year! Acyclovir inside too ceased to help. Locally I am rescued by a physioleic-KUF or laser and Viferon courses, as an immunocorrector!

q q

At me, when last time has jumped out, I have casually casually for hot tea-boiled water have burnt. It was so painful! The whole day the lip was ill. But the next morning everything COMPLETELY passed. It would not hurt so much, I would always do so.

Tetracycline eye ointment will help with colds on the lip


Evgeny Fedorov



yes, it helps but zovirax or acyclovir - more effective
The easiest advice for those who want to quickly cure a cold on the lips - lubricate sore juice with onions or garlic. Of other herbal remedies, which are often stored in the refrigerator, you can use tincture of calendula or aloe juice.
The plant leaf must be wrung out, so that the juice comes out, moisten a piece of cloth or bandage and attach it to the affected area of ​​the skin.
How are other ways to cure a quick cold on the lip?
For example, use fir oil. They need to lubricate herpes every two to three hours for four days.
In addition to fir, you can also use sea buckthorn or almond oil.
From other recipes helps a mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey, tincture of propolis.
After propolis, oil the sore with tincture of calendula or chamomile.

Vic's Pick

Acyclovir to the rescue! the man was awarded the Nobel Prize for it! The rest is not effective

Candy light

Ointment tetracycline - a drug whose active ingredient is a broad-spectrum antibiotic - tetracycline. will help.

My account has been deleted

I wonder how the antibiotic will help in the fight against VIRUS?


Fenistil to help, it is even more effective than zovirax based on acyclovir

Oksana Shvarts (Mironova)

No, it will not help. Tetracycline is an antibiotic, that is effective against bacteria. And Herpes is caused by the herpes virus, so effective antiviral treatment - acyclovir, zovirax and t d ...

Olesya Tikhonova

No, it is for the eyes solely from herpes (if presumably it is) other medications consult a doctor

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