After vomiting, it hurts my throat what to do

I drank at the club yesterday. Before I went home, I vomited (not weakly). After vomiting, a terrible bitterness appeared in my throat


Inna Orlik

Bitterness in the mouth after vomiting is caused by an admixture of bile in the vomit. Bile is a very aggressive biological fluid that can cause a burn of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and esophagus, hence the pain and difficult to swallow. This will soon pass, the main thing is not to eat hard, spicy, salty, fried foods for a couple of days, do not take alcohol.


sweet potosi!


a drink and a forgettable)))))))) a wedge with a wedge))))))))))

cc cc

Well this is normal... I also happen to begin to "plan" under the bench... and tozh neither eating nor drinking can not... and then nicho... lets go.


your liver and gall bladder are outraged by drinking. vomiting often "rips" the throat. a warm drink, will pass


it will pass in a couple of hours... There was such... .
drank you judging by semu-very not sickly.. .
I have this from a lot of vodka ...

instagram viewer

Irina Galkina

milk drink

Victor Ivanov

It's the taste of bile. A throat hurts from tension during vomiting. Will soon pass!

marina kul

The gallbladder has become aggravated, probably drank something incompetent. Drink the activated carbon tablets 5-6 ypei more mineral water. Acute and salty is not.

Joseph Powwel

as never the right words - time heals


bitter became of bile ...

A terrible pain in the throat can be associated with the vomiting?


Irina Golovach

Of course. Patients who constantly induce vomiting artificially have a disease food, caused by the constant throwing of acidic contents into the esophagus, pharynx, gley weakly alkaline medium. Constant acid irritation of the gastric contents can lead to a so-called gastroesophageal disease, manifest as erosions, ulcers and even lead to precancerous diseases. Cells of the mucous membrane of the alimentary can be modified under the influence of another (acidic) environment, a condition appears which in medical practice is called dysplasia, and this is the first step towards cancer.
So do not joke with artificial vomiting. The acid that enters the upper parts of the digestive tract still badly spoils the teeth, causes caries, periodontitis, pharyngitis, and this is a constant discomfort.. .
And with regard to bulimia - it's very good that you know the measure. But the appearance of pain just indicates that you are abusing vomiting.

Earth Angel)))

It can


you could nail your throat
and in general if often cause a method of 2 fingers will often hurt your throat

fanatic of currents ...)))

yes, maybe because of vomiting ..))

What to do after vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are a reaction of the body to enter harmful substances into the intestine or may serve as symptoms of any disease. It is necessary to find out what exactly caused such an "ejection" and take restorative measures.

Suddenly developing nausea and vomiting accompanied by diarrhea, rumbling in the abdomen, slight fever and weakness - most often refer to signs of food poisoning. In this case, it is necessary to wash the stomach with a large amount of liquid. Then drink 5-7 tablets of activated charcoal.

Nausea and vomiting, together with severe diarrhea (possibly with a trace of blood), great weakness and fever may be signs of an intestinal infection. Severe vomiting, accompanied by discoloration of feces, yellowing of the skin and darkening of the urine - this is a sure sign of viral hepatitis. In case of suspicion of an acute intestinal infection or hepatitis, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

If nausea and vomiting occur periodically and are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, in the stomach, acidic eructation, bitterness in mouth, fecal decolorization, chronic diarrhea, constipation - they are signs of a serious disease. Diseases of the intestine, stomach, nervous system, etc. can give such a symptomatology. In these cases, the elimination of nausea and vomiting will occur only after the treatment of the underlying disease.

The stopping of vomiting, which is based on a variety of causes, can be carried out by the Motilium and Cerucal tablets. Cerucal is a medicine that stops the vomiting process at the brain level, so he is used for vomiting after traumatic brain injury, migraine, with atony of the stomach, kidney disease, gastroenteritis.

Cisapride acts faster than Cerucal, but it is effective in vomiting that occurs in connection with the pathology of the digestive tract. Drink Cisapride 15 minutes before meals in the amount of 1-2 tablets.

For the treatment of vomiting in pregnant women with toxicosis, Kokulin preparation is used, the dosage regimen of which should be prescribed by a doctor.

Frequent vomiting can cause severe dehydration, so give the patient plenty of drink.

It hurts to swallow - what to do? Sore throat: treatment, causes

Every person experienced pain with swallowing: in childhood or in a conscious adult, but this unpleasant, painful sensation was almost bypassed by nobody.
A spoken word, a sip of liquid or a piece of food becomes a real test and a reason for panic when only one question is in your head: it's painful to swallow - what to do?

The causes of pain when swallowing

Pain during swallowing can be caused by:

  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • allergy;
  • foreign bodies;
  • quality of air.

Dry air - the cause of sore throat

Under the quality of air, negatively affecting human health, implies a too dry atmosphere in the room.
Especially it is expressed in the heating season or hot summer period, when it is especially painful to swallow. What to do in this case, what measures are required to take to prevent the disease?

Lack of moisture causes the drying of the mucous throat, so that microtraumas are formed on it, causing painful sensations when swallowing. Similar symptoms can occur with smoke or a lot of dust around, from which construction is especially dangerous. Since the mucous membranes of the pharynx are a kind of mirror of the lungs, the sore throat is often accompanied by cough, get rid of which will help humidify the air in the room, produced in several ways:
  • Airing- Frequent (every, hour) and short-term (5 - 10 minutes), increasing the humidity up to 50%.
  • Houseplants, not only deliver aesthetic pleasure, but also retain moisture well (subject to their regular watering).
  • Tanks with water, arranged around the apartment in remote locations. Since the evaporation of the liquid from them occurs quickly enough, one should not forget to fill them with water.
  • Humidifiers, modern models of which are able to determine the humidity of air independently and to be switched on at its insufficient level.

Foreign bodies - a danger to health

The reason that it becomes painful to swallow on one side can be foreign bodies that got inside in various ways: with food, with laughter, talking, sneezing, during children's games.
Penetrating inside and getting stuck in the larynx, they irritate and injure the mucous membrane, which causes the onset of edema and the onset of the inflammatory process. Long stay of foreign bodies in the larynx is fraught with such complications as pressure ulcers, ulcers, and also can cause infections: perichondritis, mediastinitis, perilaryngeal abscesses.

A foreign body can completely block the access of air, rather than cause a lethal outcome. With partial respiratory failure, when it is very painful to swallow, the body tries to protect itself: a strong cough, nausea and vomiting, pushing a foreign body out. Even small-sized foreign bodies are dangerous, as they can cause obstructive swelling and almost instantaneous reflex laryngospasm. If there is a foreign body in the body, because of which it becomes painful to swallow, what should I do? In this case, it is recommended that you only consult a doctor and have qualified medical care.

Allergy is a risk to the throat

Allergy is the most common disease in the world, to which more than 40% of the population is exposed.

If it hurts to swallow, there is no temperature, then this may be the first sign of its appearance. Sources of disease occurrence are practically at every step: from pets to poor ecology. Allergies, which are a specific reaction of the body to ordinary harmless substances (dust, animal hair, flowers), can be determined by perspiration in the throat and pain when swallowing. In parallel with these symptoms, there is frequent sneezing, cough, a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath, lacrimation, skin rashes, nausea and vomiting.
In any case, you need to see a doctor for qualified medical care.

Methods of diagnosing allergies

If you have a sore throat, what should you do to make the correct diagnosis? A number of examinations are required:

  • Skin tests, appointed with direct suspicion of the disease. By their result, the exact cause of the allergy is determined and its source (allergen) is determined. Carrying out this analysis consists in introducing into the skin a small amount of various allergens (in the numerical equivalent: from 2 to 25), from which the source of the allergic reaction is determined.
  • Blood testIt measures the degree of IgE antibodies in it. This study is relevant as an additional confirmation of the diagnosis or if it is impossible to conduct skin tests for any reason.
  • Applicative or cutaneous samples, determining the causes of allergic reactions, the symptoms of which are sore throat. The essence of this method is the imposition on the skin area of ​​the back of metal plates on which a mixture of petrolatum or paraffin containing various allergens is applied.

Self-determination of allergy

You can independently determine the signs of a beginning allergy if:

  • When swallowing, the throat is sore. This may not be a true true indicator, since most often it is a symptom of colds.
  • The sensation of presence inside the larynx of an alien object, even in a calm state.
  • Changing the timbre of the voice or its total loss.
  • Cough. It is characterized by suddenness, is sufficiently long-lasting and differs from catarrhal dryness and lack of temperature.
  • Cyanosis of the tongue.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Manifestation of anxiety and possible loss of consciousness.

The above symptoms can cause a laryngeal edema, the consequences of which can be extremely dangerous. Treatment implies the use of antiallergic drugs and the maximum reduction in contact with the allergen or its complete exclusion.

Viral and bacterial infections

Viral infections, which are more frequent in winter, are the most common cause of sore throat and account for 90% of the total number of diseases.

Symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection are known to almost everyone: first there is a feeling of general malaise, then there is a fever, a runny nose and cough and it becomes very painful to swallow. What to do and how to treat affected areas of the body? By the way, every stage of the defeat of an organ has a specific name:
  • rhinitis - defeat of the nasal mucosa, characterized by a strong runny nose;
  • pharyngitis - a disease of the mucous membrane of the throat, accompanied by a severe perspiration;
  • nasopharyngitis - simultaneous defeat of the nose and pharynx;
  • tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils;
  • laryngitis - loss of the larynx, accompanied by a strong hoarseness of the voice, "barking" cough, barely withstand pain when swallowing;
  • tracheitis - a disease of the trachea;
  • bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchi accompanied by a runny nose and frequent dry cough;
  • influenza - characterized by the variability of the nature of the disease, which leads to a lack of a person's immunity, but not a general, and relatively new unfamiliar influenza virus.

The cause of discomfort when swallowing are bacterial infections, in which pain is often concentrates in certain places and is accompanied by high fever, less frequent aches in the joints and coryza. The most frequent pathogens of infections of this kind: streptococcus, staphylococcus, pneumococcus. In the absence of treatment, bacterial and viral infections can drop from the throat area down the blood and lymphatic vessels, to injure nearby tissues and organs, which is fraught with aggravation disease.
Infection, penetrating into the sinuses of the nose, can entail sinusitis. Its spread into the lungs can lead to pneumonia, and omission in the kidneys is fraught with pyelonephritis.

An obligatory visit to the doctor is required if the throat hurts (what to do - only a competent specialist knows). Of the symptoms observed:

  • elevated temperature, headache and general feeling of malaise;
  • the appearance of a rash on the skin;
  • the appearance on the tonsils of white, dirty-yellow or gray plaque and the possible formation of purulent plugs;
  • Ear ache;
  • severe sweating, tachycardia, enlarged lymph nodes;
  • painful to swallow, red and swollen throat;
  • swift thickening of the epiglottis;
  • narrowing of the glottis.

Prevention of sore throat

If it hurts to swallow, than to treat the throat?

For the prevention and treatment of pain in the throat, it is recommended:
  • Drink the maximum amount of liquid.
  • Rinse the nose and mouth with a soda solution.
  • Use sprays, lollipops for sore throats, pills and solutions that improve overall health.

At home, if the tonsils are inflamed, it is painful to swallow, with medicamental treatment to ease the pain in the throat can be regular rinses. The most common and effective remedy is a soda solution (a teaspoon of soda for a glass of warm water). Gargling should take at least 5 minutes 4 to 5 times a day.

In combination with iodine (3 to 4 drops per hour, spoons of soda, diluted in a glass of water), the healing effect of the remedy will increase by an order of magnitude. As an effective analogue, rinsing with sea salt can be used.

If the throat hurts - what should I do?

The sore throat will help the honey solution, for which it is required to dissolve a teaspoon of honey, rubbed ginger and a couple drops of lemon juice in a glass of warm water. The throat needs to be rinsed several times a day.

Along with rinses it is recommended to use compresses that facilitate the patient's condition. The simplest of them is vodka, which will also save you from coughing. To make it, the towel needs to be soaked in vodka, cover the area of ​​the throat with a woolen shawl or scarf.

A good remedy is a mixture of dry mustard, flour and honey, taken in equal proportions. The resulting dough is superimposed on the sore throat and wrapped in a warm scarf. Compress a couple of hours you need to remove, and the scarf is still some time to wear.

Inhalation - a method of treating pain when swallowing

Inhalation is another method that, in a complex application, relieves sore throat.

Hot steam, destroying germs, will eliminate inflammation. The basis for inhalations, the ideal temperature of which should be 80 - 90 degrees, is the potatoes boiled in a uniform, over which the steam should be breathed. You can also use solutions of medicinal herbs, namely chamomile, eucalyptus leaves and marigold.

If you have a sore throat, what should you do to get the most effective treatment? Very effective are the hot foot baths, especially those containing mustard. To do this, a tablespoon of dry powder should be dissolved in a liter of hot water, the optimal temperature of which should be no more than 40 - 42 degrees. After the procedure, you need to put on warm socks and go to bed. After applying several procedures, recovery is guaranteed.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, rational nutrition, tempering the body, strengthening immunity are important factors that can prevent the appearance of the disease. A serious and responsible attitude to one's own health will prevent the occurrence of sore throat and relieve the negative consequences that they may entail.

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