Papilloma in the lower eyelid: causes and methods of treatment
Papilloma on the eyelid is a manifestation of papillomavirus. Unfortunately, the human papilloma virus has not yet been vaccinated. And it is transmitted very simply: sexual and domestic ways. And if now you do not have manifestations of papilloma on the eyelids, it does not mean that you do not have the virus itself. Maybe he just sleeps. When and why this virus has been awakened, science has not yet been established. At the same time, associated risk factors are identified.Next, we will consider the causes and methods of treatment of papilloma in the lower eyelid.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
5.1Medical way
5.3People's ways
Definition of disease
Papilloma in the lower eyelid is a small cutaneous growth of a viral origin.In addition to discomfort and inconvenience, papilloma can lead to serious complications, up to the formation of a malignant tumor.Neoplasms can be localized in the upper and lower eyelids in equal degrees.
Papilloma in the lower eyelid can be 2 kinds - single or multiple. They differ in shape, size and color.
The principle of risk distinguishes between papillomas:
Low-active, which are characterized by slow growth. Their removal is carried out by the usual methods.
Highly inactive: they grow fast. In this case, it is necessary to consult with an oncologist in order to avoid the risk of malignant degeneration.
Ordinary papilloma in the lower eyelid at any time can become a cancerous melanoma. If the papilloma is not treated, then further development of the disease and spread through the body, until the appearance of rashes on the mucous membranes.
Until recently, it was believed that the papilloma in the lower eyelid can occur only in the elderly, and the reason for its formation is not only age, but also non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.However, today it is already proved that such neoplasms are a consequence of infection with the human papillomavirus.
The transmission of the virus by papillomas is most often caused by a contact and domestic way: it can be the use of general cosmetics, towels, etc.
If it has been infected with a human virus, this does not mean that the papilloma will soon appear on the eye.The immunity of a healthy person, as a rule, copes with the virus, preventing its further development. If the immune system is weakened, papillomas appear on the upper or lower eyelid.
Reduced immunity can occur for the following reasons:
Systematic stress, overstrain;
Acute chronic diseases;
Immunodeficiencies(congenital or acquired);
Bad habits(smoking, alcohol);
Prolonged intake of medications.
A child can grow from birth, if he received an infection from his mother. Their growth is often slow, but in any case one has to resort to removal.
People who are exposed to ultraviolet rays for a long time are at the risk of infection with the virus. In older people, papillomas appear more often than in young people.
Weakened immunity is the main reason for the formation of papillomas.
Papilloma can be localized not only on the skin of the eyelids, but also on the conjunctiva(thin transparent tissue covering the eye). On the eye it looks like a small tumor-like formation. People suffering from papilloma mainly seek help from a doctor because of the inconvenience and cosmetic defect.
In addition to a noticeable build-up, a person may experience the following symptoms:
Sensation of foreign body in the eye;
Difficult blinking;
Inflammation of the eye;
Redness of the eye;
Systematic conjunctivitis.
You can not independently diagnose and remove the tumor. If any growths appear on the skin of the eyelid, be sure to visit the ophthalmologist.
Possible complications
By themselves, papillomas in the lower eyelid do not pose a great threat, but they cause great discomfort.For any person, this is, first of all, a cosmetic defect, especially if the papillomas occur in large numbers or at once in several places.
They are subjected to friction, inflammation, trauma, interfere with the daily toilet of the eyes.And the largest of the papillomas even make it difficult to blink, which leads to tear and inflammation of the conjunctiva, if they are located in the upper or lower eyelid.
To avoid complications from papilloma in the lower eyelid, experts give the following recommendations:
Do not try to get rid of the build-up yourself, pull or crush the papilloma,as this can lead to its proliferation, sepsis.
To prevent the papilloma from growing further, during the treatment it is necessary to protect the surface of the eyelids from injuries, wounds, scratches; eyes are not recommended to be rubbed with hands; to wash it is necessary very accurately.
Immediately need to increase immunity with the help of a variety of means: proper nutrition, intake of vitamins, herbal infusions. It is possible in this case to consult with an observant physician so that he prompts which exactly preparations based on natural components will help strengthen the body best.
Remove papillomas on the eyelids can only be done with the help of a doctor.
Do not delay the visit of the oculist: the papilloma, affecting the lower eyelids of the eye, requires immediate treatment.
It is also necessary to check with a gastroenterologist, since outgrowths on the eyelids can indicate a disturbed digestion.
Treatment of papillomas in the lower eyelid consists of several stages:
Elimination of the cause of papilloma on the eyelid;
Elimination of the factors of its further development;
Removal of neoplasm.
Medical way
From medicines to the patient are appointed:
Antiviral drugs(necessary to suppress and eliminate the virus from the body);
Pathogenetic therapy(is to increase the immune system). To prescribe drugs of this group, the specialist takes into account the indications of the immunogram.Immunoflazid is used in the treatment of papillomas as an antiviral agent
To remove papilloma in the lower eyelid, you can use the following methods:
Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen.The essence of the method: a small amount of liquid nitrogen is applied to the neoplasm. In the process of cryotherapy, the pathological tissue is frozen, and after a while the papilloma disappears.
Laser therapy.The pathological area is treated with a laser. Before the procedure, the patient is given a local anesthetic. Then, using the laser beam, the papilloma is removed. The operation is carried out within a few minutes.
Electrocoagulation.This operation to remove the tumor is carried out with the aid of a current. As a rule, this method is used in the case of malignant nature of the tumor.
Surgical removal.The surgeon's scalpel is used extremely rarely because of the anatomical features of papilloma localization (close proximity to the eyeball).Laser therapy
In no case can you remove papillomas on the lower or upper eyelid at home. Most chemicals that use patients for removal can cause great harm to health, for example, cause a burn of the cornea of the eye.
After removal of the papilloma (regardless of the method of removal), the patient should adhere to certain rules for handling the affected area:
Do not wet the affected area with water;
Rip off the crusts formed.
People's ways
Treatment of papilloma at home can be done with the help of herbal preparations. Here are the most popular recipes:
Mix nettle, plantain, balm, horsetail and dandelion root(20 g each). Fill the collection of herbs with warm water and keep in a water bath for 10 minutes. Insist collecting 3 hours under a towel, then strain. Drink the resulting mixture of 3 full st. spoon 40 minutes before meals three times a day. The course of treatment takes a week.
Protein of chicken egg is mixed with walnuts.Lubricate the composition of the papilloma.
A harmless way to combat neoplasms in the eyelid and other areas of the face is the use of potatoes, calanchoe or aloe.These products do not cause burns, but can not always effectively fight with papillomas, so it takes a lot of time, but gently remove growths.
Castor oil and tea tree oil are also safe for the treatment of neoplasms on the eyelids.To do this, just a few minutes, rub the concentrated oil into the affected area.
Remove papillomas can be a mixture of garlic, apple cider vinegar and melted fat.When mixing the crushed products, you will receive a therapeutic ointment that effectively heals neoplasms, but is not suitable for use on the thin skin of the eyelids.
Flat papillomas on the face can be eliminated by lubricating the lesions with the juice of acidic varieties of apples.With regular use of neoplasms decrease in size, and then disappear completely.
Decoction of wormwood helps to weaken the papilloma and soften its removal.With daily use of the broth after a short period of time, the patient can remove the wart alone without pain and blood.
Do not attempt to remove the papilloma extract or celandine juice. So you can provoke scar formation, which will become no less noticeable cosmetic defect than the papilloma itself. Also, the use of a thread to remove papilloma in the upper and lower eyelids is not recommended, since this procedure is especially dangerous for the delicate skin.
All household means are auxiliary. Removal of papilloma is recommended in a hospital, after consultation and examination of a doctor.
After removal of the papilloma in the lower eyelid, the patient should take preventive measures.First of all, it is strengthening of immunity.To this end, it is necessary to lead a correct way of life, to observe the regime of the day and to fully eat. Necessarily need to drink a course of the vitamin complex.
In addition, watch for the hygiene of the eyes.Do not touch the organs of vision with dirty hands, do not rub them. While swimming, wear protective goggles.
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Papilloma on the eye - a fairly common phenomenon. And although it is not entirely known what causes the human papillomavirus, it is possible to get rid of this unpleasant defect. To prevent the formation of papilloma, it is necessary to carry out regular measures aimed at strengthening the immune system. Hand hygiene and body care are also important. Try to avoid contact with HPV carriers.
Also, read about how to get rid of demodicosis on the eyelids, and why there are miloons.