Sore throat with yawning

It hurts my throat: it hurts to swallow and yawn. How to be treated?


Olga Nabok

I learned about this remedy more than 10 years ago. Since childhood, chronic Tanzilite, and glands for any cold was covered with a hard white coating. And now - fie, fie, fie! Very simple! In a glass you mix one spoonful of honey, the same amount of tea soda and vegetable oil. Then slowly add warm water to a full glass, stirring. The resulting emulsion rinse your throat at least 3 times a day, after eating. After rinsing for half an hour, you should try not to talk. With this treatment, my angina passed through 3 days, and in the initial stage the next day. By the way, I've tested all of the above on my throat. Some drugs only get worse. And this is cheap and really helps. Try it - you will not regret it.


with throat pills
and others)

more sprays in the throat
and rinse with soda or herbs (chamomile, sage, )
honey is
and lemon

Yulia Yegorovskaya

Rinse the throat with potassium permanganate or soda with salt.
And more often drink tea with lemon and honey.

instagram viewer

Azm I am the king

the best-for half a glass of warm water-on the floor of a teaspoon of soda and salt... rinse every half hour... will pass very quickly.
It was a long time ago that the military doctor advised me ...

Light of Laptev

rinse chamomile infusion and sage pills

Elena Kharitonova

Treat throat to Lugol


Buy doxycycline, I often often ache only with angina and save myself! Do not regret it 2 day is already easier!


Giuso ^^

Buy doxycycline, I often often ache only with angina and save myself! Do not regret it 2 day is already easier!

Causes of sore throat or throat when swallowing

Sore throat is a common sign of pharyngeal diseases, which are quite diverse and include inflammation, malignancy and trauma. The classic variant of pain in the throat that arise when swallowing or without it is an acute inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis) or exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis.

In addition to pain for these pathologies, a rise in temperature, reddening of the throat, palatine arches, tonsils, as well as multiple purulent raids in the follicles or lacunae of the tonsils. More details about these diseases can be read in the articles lacunar angina, follicular angina, treatment of angina in children.

What are the other causes of pain or soreness in the throat?

Sore throat and fever

Pain in the throat when swallowing - a very frequent companion of acute pharyngitis. In addition to the painful swallowing of a person with pharyngitis, it can be disturbed by dryness in the throat, a feeling of scratching and sore throat. It can accumulate in the pharynx viscous mucus from the transparent (with allergies) to yellow or green (in the bacterial process) colors.

Often pharyngitis is accompanied by a rise in temperature to the low-grade figures (37, 5). Can manifest itself and moderate intoxication - pain in the muscles, head, joints. It is also possible to react regional lymph nodes in the form of enlargement, compaction and soreness of the submaxillary and cervical groups of lymph nodes. If you shine a lantern in your throat, press your tongue and examine your throat, you can see redness and swelling in the area of ​​soft and hard palate, palatine arches and tonsils. The main difference between pharyngitis and angina is the absence of suppurative supplements on the tonsils or in the pharynx.

By origin, the following types of acute infectious pharyngitis are distinguished:

  • Viral - adenovirus, parainfluenza, rhinovirus, cytomegalovirus, caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, coronaviruses
  • Bacterial - streptococcal, staphylococcal, mycoplasmal, caused by a hemophilic rod
  • Fungal - Candidiasis
  • Allergic, toxic, alimentary - when irritated by chemicals, low temperatures, tobacco smoke and cigarette resins
  • Radiation - from the effects of ionizing radiation, for example, in radiation therapy

A prerequisite for the development of acute bacterial or viral pharyngitis is infection with a bacterium or virus and a drop in the local immune defense of the pharynx, against the background of:

  • starvation
  • hypothermia
  • taking drugs that depress immunity
  • chronic diseases

Pharyngomycosis - fungal infection of the pharynx with fungi of the genus Candida albicans often appears in the treatment systemic or inhaled glucocorticoids, after a course of antibiotics, against diabetes mellitus or immunodeficiencies.

  • In contrast to bacterial inflammation, pharyngomycosis gives more pronounced discomfort in the throat (scratching, sore, perspiration, feeling of dryness and burning).
  • The pain is more moderate, increases with eating and swallowing saliva, can give to the front surface of the neck, under the lower jaw or in the ear.
  • Very toxic intoxication.
  • A distinctive feature of this kind of lesion of the pharynx is white or yellowish raids in the region of palatine arches, tonsils. soft palate.
  • After rejection of the raids or when removing them with a spoon or spatula, wetting bleeding surfaces appear, which increase the soreness of the throat and can serve as a gateway for attachment of a secondary bacterial infection.

Separate pharyngomycosis from diphtheria, in which there are also raids and intoxication. The main method of differential diagnosis - crops from the nose and throat on BL (Lefler's wand).

Pain when swallowed without fever

Often the throat hurts without any temperature reaction, causing a lot of inconvenience when eating, talking and alerting patients.

Acute pharyngitis

Pharyngitis allergic, toxic or alimentary nature (when stimulated by different substances or temperature) give a brightly colored pain and discomfort when swallowing. No temperature is observed. The easiest way to earn pharyngitis is to smoke a cigarette.

  • At the same time, the throat becomes irritated, blushes
  • Develops its puffiness
  • The mucous becomes full-blooded and dry
  • Appears saddening in the throat, dryness and coughing
  • There may be an acute pain in the form of pricking

Of interesting variants of medicinal pharyngitis, pharyngitis should be noted against the background of the blocker of the proton pump Zulbek (Rabeprazole), the antitumor drug Tegafur, the cytotoxic drug Methotrexate.

Chronic pharyngitis

Chronic pharyngitis exists in the form of catarrhal, atrophic or granulosa. Chronic form is not accompanied by intoxication or fever (read sprays for the throat).

With catarrh or hypertrophy of the mucosa

  • there is a feeling of persecution, sadness, tickling or scratching in the throat
  • There may also be the impression of a foreign body in the throat that does not prevent the ingestion of food
  • typically swallowing, with which patients try to get rid of the feeling of a lump or obstruction in the throat

Granule process

It has more vivid manifestations than catarrhal. The main reasons for its appearance:

  • Frequent acute pharyngitis
  • Smoking, alcohol abuse
  • gastro-esophageal reflux (throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus with an unchanged sphincter of the entrance stomach)
  • dusty and gassy air indoors or outdoors, allergies

Atrophic pharyngitis

accompanied by dryness of the pharynx and difficulty in swallowing food. Often patients have an unpleasant smell from the mouth and a tendency to increased bleeding of small vessels of the pharynx. Sensation of the dried throat makes patients drink more. There is a frequent association of atrophic pharyngitis with gastrointestinal diseases with its spontaneous subsidence against the background of treated gastritis, peptic ulcer disease or duodenitis. The terminal stage of atrophy of the mucous throat is accompanied by its sharp thinning, the appearance of many crusts and erosions and fetid smell (ozens).

Injury of the pharyngeal mucosa

This is a common cause of pain when swallowing. Acute trauma can be chemical (vinegar and other acids, alkalis, alcohols), thermal (burn boiling water) and mechanical (foreign bodies of the pharynx, cuts, puncture or lacerations, gunshot wounds).

Chemical burn

This is one of the most unpleasant, dangerous and complex in the treatment of traumas of the pharynx. In this case, the longer the time for exposure to the mucous membrane and the more concentrated the solution, the deeper the damage, the greater erosion of the mucosa and the higher risks of bleeding and infection. In the throat there is a pronounced sharp pain, bleeding may open. Burns with vinegar, alkalis give a white scab in the mouth and pharynx, sulfuric and hydrochloric acid - brown, and nitric acid - yellow.

In the distant future, severe burns produce severe scarring, which leads to narrowing of the pharynx and esophagus, requires a prolonged parenteral (in droppers or through a stoma in the gut), depletes a patient who often needs surgical treatment and long-term restoration. Burns with acetic acid, among other things, can be accompanied by poisoning and acute renal failure requiring hemodialysis.

Thermal burns

Such burns most often occur in everyday life from negligence or haste, when a person drinks hot tea, coffee, milk or eats soup. Usually, the mouth cavity is burned, but a hot liquid can get into the pharynx, causing burns of varying degrees. Also, steam and gas burns are possible.

The first degree of thermal or chemical burn leads to damage to the epithelium of the mucosa, which sluschivaetsya to 3-4 days. The pharynx blushes and swells a little. Subjectively, the victim feels pain when swallowing in the esophagus and burning in the throat.

The second degree gives not only local changes in the mucosa (raids in the form of a scab that is rejected after a week, opening bleeding surfaces), but also changes in the general well-being of the victim as an intoxication of recovery temperature. Mucosal defects heal through the scarring.

The third degree is extensive and deep damage under the scabs, which go to the end of the second week, extended erosion and pharyngeal ulcers, slowly healing and leaving scars that can deform the pharyngeal lumen and narrow her. Intoxication and a temperature reaction are expressed, the burn disease with polyorganic insufficiency can develop. Complicated such burns with laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, mediastinal inflammation, perforations and bleeding.

Mechanical injuries

Mechanical injuries are most often caused by foreign bodies falling into the pharynx. In the space between the tonsils, arcs, in the posterior part of the oropharynx and in the region of the ridges, small household items (and in children and parts of the designer or parts of toys, slivers, balls, bones and peel from apples).

Fish bones, needles, glasses from broken dishes or jars are also often stuck. Children occasionally pick up Christmas toys or glass ampoules with medicines left unattended. The latter after the cracking can leave more and cuts in the mouth and throat. Foreign bodies in the upper parts of the pharynx are clearly visible and easy to remove.

But the middle and lower parts of the pharynx, which is difficult to examine, can permanently retain a foreign object and become inflamed. They cause severe pain, which is aggravated by the progress of food. If the foreign body enters the laryngopharynx and is large enough, difficulty breathing may occur. When retrofaringoskopii ENT doctor can find, if not the object itself, then the reddening of the swelling and sedimentation of the mucous throat.

What is a pharyngeal abscess

If the mucous membrane of the pharynx is damaged by a foreign object to a considerable depth, a pharyngeal abscess may develop, which also gives pain in the throat (right or left of the midline). The reason for its development is the penetration of the infection into the retropharyngeal space. Often this complication is caused by stab wounds and stitching foreign bodies of the pharynx. The clinic develops in two to three days:

  • there is pain during food progression
  • difficulty swallowing
  • respiratory distress
  • forced head position
  • appears regional lymphadenitis
  • intoxication and temperature rise up to 38-40 degrees

The abscess is usually determined already at the stage of examination of the pharynx. If necessary, the diagnosis is confirmed by an X-ray study.


Tumors are divided into benign and malignant. Of benign tumors, only large adenomas can make it difficult to swallow and give some soreness to it. Malignant neoplasms necessarily in the development come to a stage of periodic or constant pains. The most common tumors grow from the palatine tonsil, the soft palate. More rarely - from the back wall of the pharynx.

  • Tumors from the epithelium (epithelioma) begin with superficial ulceration, then give regional lymphadenitis with a wooden density of the knots welded together. As the progression increases, the depth and vastness of the ulcerative defect increases, pains increase with a characteristic reflection in the ears.
  • Lymphosarcoma gives disorders of swallowing, breathing and pain syndrome.
  • Reticulosarcoma is similar to lymphosarcoma, but differs by earlier metastasis.
  • Of external tumors, thyroid cancer deserves attention, which also gives a difficult painful swallowing, a foreign body sensation in the lower parts of the pharynx, and pain in the neck. As the tumor grows, it makes breathing difficult, causes shortness of breath and cough, and also gives neck swelling and hoarseness of the voice.
  • Also, with lymphomas (symptoms), there may be a sensation of a coma in the throat and a violation of swallowing.

Other causes of sore throat when swallowing

Cervical osteochondrosis

He gives a condition called "pharyngeal migraine". This sensation of a lump in the throat, which can cause and painful sensations when swallowed (with lesions of 3 pairs of spinal nerves). Also, the compression of the third root gives a feeling of pain behind the ear, a feeling of an increase in the tongue. With the defeat of the fourth root, in addition to pain and difficulty in swallowing, pain in the heart and collarbone may appear. A similar problem should be handled by a qualified neurologist.

Neurotic disorders

Panic attacks, neurotic disorders, somatized depression can also mimic sore throat and difficulty swallowing. Patients complain of a thorn in the throat, a lump that prevents not only swallowing, but also a deep sigh. The general painful state of mind and hypochondria heavier these experiences, on which patients are often fixed and begin to suffer from carcinophobia. With such disorders, it is advisable to work for psychiatrists and psychotherapists with the use of medication support with antidepressants and methods of psychotherapy. More on the symptoms and causes of panic attacks.

Sore throat with sexual infections

Pharynx syphilis

It begins to appear about a month after the infection. At the site of the introduction of pale treponema into the mucosa, an ulcer with dense margins and a smooth bottom forms (hard chancre). There is also an increase in the submaxillary and cervical lymph nodes, which become painful and dense. The chancre itself does not ache until microbial flora penetrates into it, causing a secondary suppuration. After 2-3 months, when secondary syphilis develops, multiple bright tubercles with ulceration (syphilis) can appear in the pharynx. A dry cough may appear, and with the spreading of the process in the larynx, hoarseness of voice.

Gonorrhea pharynx

In this case, the picture will resemble a banal sore throat: sore throat and purulent raids on the tonsils. Infection occurs during oral sex, and in newborns in childbirth from a sick mother.

Pain in the larynx when swallowing

Sometimes not only the pharynx, but also the respiratory throat (larynx) responds with pains to swallowing movements.

  • If the air is too dry or cold, the pain in the larynx can be provoked by swallowing saliva.
  • Inflammations of viral, bacterial, fungal or parasitic nature can cause pain in the larynx when swallowing, as well as hoarseness and dry cough.
  • Tumors of the laryngopharynx, squeezing nerves or destroying blood vessels can also be accompanied by pain syndrome.
  • Operative interventions on the larynx, its trauma or foreign bodies can well give a persistent and prolonged pain syndrome.

Thus, if you or your loved ones are concerned about pain in the throat or neck area during meals, it is worthwhile not to delay visiting the ENT or the therapist for a long time.

I have a very sore throat ((I can not sleep, swallow, swallow, even nose snort - my throat gives pain. There is no coughing. How to treat?



Rinse "Iodinol" every hour, you need to remove the coating from the glands and clean the gaps. one-time rinses will not help. Packaging STREPSILSA and Stopangin.

Julia Focsa

the same, eat onion, lemon, citrus, hot tea with raspberries and chamomile.
rinse throat with either a solution of furacilin, or salt + soda + iodine - a solution in warm water


if there is iodine, then lubricate them with a throat. before this rinse with soda, salt. or furatsilinom, wrapped in a scarf. you can "poposhakat yoksom" or analogues, still well eliminates the pain in the throat "Falimint" and other dragees for resorption.


rinse with saline for 10-15 minutes (a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of soda to a glass of water). it is advisable to do so several times a day. good luck

Ilya 97657

Strepsils with anesthetic - first. Then the recipe: take a few slices of lemon, honey - ceilings and drink a little bit and when you go to bed take 10-15 minutes this mixture and keep it in your mouth.

Bindweed Bindweed

At the moment, you can anesthetize any analgesic: Analgin, Baralgin, Spazmalgon, Pentalgin, Maxigan, etc.

Natik LaSkA!

IN VO! In myascha the same garbage is only hoarse very much (((Honey I do not eat and do not drink t. To. They told me that honey scratches my throat. I also do not drink hot, I drink everything. I also use Larinal spray, he is nothing. try it! She brewed her mother and stepmother, cooled down, I will drink instead of water. Also, lemon is good, just sugar-free! Well, and more vitamin C! Lana, I gave you all the recommendations, which I myself follow. Good luck, and healthy neck!)

in love with sausage

Juice of raw beets.
No juicer? Rub on the finest grater and squeeze through gauze or a clean handkerchief. Just need half a glass of juice 3 times a day.

lesya stolyar

address to the doctor-loru. self-medication kvdru will not.


Yesterday I had the same situation. I drank some vodka with pepper. And in bed. Today is hearty!


I yesterday at LORa was. I prescribed antibiotics, but I forgot about the anesthesia. And I was not in that condition to remember something, what to ask about. In general, advised Strepsils colorless. He is said to be in pain. Let's recover together;)))

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