Men's varicocele: causes and risk factors for the development of the disease

Varicocele adversely affects men's health: fertility decreases, pain in the inguinal region occurs, physical performance decreases.

Venous dilatation of the spermatic cord is diagnosed mainly in men under 30 years of age, but may also occur in older people with an incorrect lifestyle.

Because of what does varicocele appear and who is at risk?


  • 1 Anatomical and genetic background
  • 2 Specificity of lifestyle
  • 3 Sexual aspects
  • 4 Chronic blood flow to the pelvic organs
  • 5 Relapse risks

Anatomical and genetic background

The presence of varicocele in the male line increases the risk of pathological process in offspring. Usually, such individuals have weakness of the vascular wall and reflux - reverse blood flow, leading to oxygen starvation of the testicle. What a person with developing varicocele feels:

  • pulling pain
  • decrease in sperm production
  • pain exacerbation at loads
  • unpleasant pressure during sex
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Disrupted blood flow leads to gradual expansion of vessels that gradually begin to appear visually.

The congenital absence of valves( disrupted intrauterine development) is also considered a predisposition, designed to prevent reverse blood flow. The original location of the vein between the other vessels also contributes to the disturbance of blood flow.

The presence of flat feet and varicose veins equally increase the risks: the diagnosis of varicocele in patients with these diseases is much higher.

Specificity of lifestyle

Bodybuilders, athletes and athletes often overload their bodies with physical exercises , providing a constant tide to the pelvic organs. Especially dangerous are the exercises on the press, which strain the testicle vein, contributing to its expansion.

This group of risk should be added to employees whose activity is associated with the permanent lifting of heavy loads .Absence of physical exertion is another moment that plays a role in the development of varicocele.

Overweight results in infringement of small pelvic vessels and persistent increase in blood pressure. The danger of the appearance of the disease is proportional to the amount of excess body weight.

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Sexual Aspects of

In adolescence, a venous dilatation of the spermatic cord is often detected. Not the last( though not decisive) role is played by , a long masturbation of , leading to venous congestion and widening of the veins. The constant and long stress of the vessels causes a loss of their tone.

Undesirable and sexual abstinence ( sexual activity less than once a week), which does not allow blood to naturally change, which creates conditions for the hyperthermia of the testicles.

Among other factors, gonorrhea and venereal diseases should be distinguished, which can trigger the development of the disease if a man has preconditions for it.

Chronic blood flow to the pelvic organs

Any accompanying diseases that stimulate blood flow to the genitals, contribute to the development of varicocele. Prolonged disorder or constipation of is an unfavorable condition that is accompanied by straining and provokes the development of veins.

Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs ( for example, prostate adenoma) can lead to the appearance of scar tissue and the adhesion effect that infringes the veins.

The most dangerous factor is the development of neoplasm, compressing the blood flow and provoking blood stasis. Surgical treatment or getting rid of the factors that provoke an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, affects the prevention of the extension of the groinlike plexus.

Risks of recurrence of

A surgically removed varicocele can lead to the return of the disease. Recurrence of varicocele may occur :

  • Laparoscopy with complicated venous clipping
  • Surgeon's mistake( wound dressing)
  • Failure to follow-up recommendations
  • Trauma

Sexual activity is limited by time and begins 3 weeks after surgery, weight lifting and education are not allowedconstipation. The lowest probability of return of the disease is present when using microsurgical intervention method - less than 2% relapse.

There are many causes of varicocele in men, but most of all they cause a violation of venous blood flow, congenital defects and hereditary factors. Other phenomena are of secondary importance in the development of the disease, which usually develops in the presence of a systematic stimulus.

Periodic visit to the urologist is able to detect andrologic disease at an early stage of , to exclude traumatic behavior and to ensure a positive dynamics of treatment.

Learn more about the causes and methods of treating the disease from the video:

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