Is bronchitis dangerous?

Is bronchitis dangerous?



Recipe N1. Herbal tea: take 100 gr. Ceylon Tea, 100 gr. flowers hips, 100 gr. lemon peppermint, 100 gr. thyme, 100 gr. flowers of oregano, 100 gr. flowers of a linden tree. All herbs are dried. Brew as tea and drink. Good for chronic bronchitis.

Recipe N2. Salt: the salt must be dried well by calcination and finely chopped in a mortar. Stirring the salt with a spoon, one must bend over and inhale the salt fog. The smaller the salt particles, the deeper they penetrate the bronchi.

Recipe N3. Grated horseradish with honey: cook in the ratio: take 1 tablespoon before meals - with bronchitis of purulent nature and with bronchial asthma 3-4 times a day.

Recipe N4. Strawberry juice with milk: mix 1 glass of strawberry juice with 3 tbsp. spoons of milk. Take 1 glass a day.

Recipe N5. Carrot-beet-juice juice with honey and vodka: 200 gr. carrot juice, 200 gr. juice of red beet, 200 gr. juice of black radish, 200 gr. honey, 200 gr. 70% alcohol (can be moonshine). Mix everything and put in the refrigerator for 6 hours. Drink one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals until full recovery. This tincture can be taken with any pulmonary diseases.

instagram viewer

Recipe N7. Eggs with lemon: for 1 serving of medicine, take 10 eggshells raw in the shell, put them on the bottom of the pan. Pass 10 lemons through the meat grinder in a peel and put on top of the eggs. All leave for 14 days. On the layer of lemons formed a crust of mold, remove it with a spoon. Sew a gauze pouch and shift the mixture into it: eggs with lemons. It's good to wring out. Pour the liquid into the jar and discard the rest. In a jar of liquid add, l cognac and 1 kg of liquid honey. Leave for a day. Drink to 50 gr. 3 times a day before meals, until the coughing stops. Repeat the course after 3 months, and then after another six months. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that the eggs are fresh.

Recipe N8. Onion inhalation: take an empty metal kettle and put it on the faintest fire, so that all the liquid evaporates from it and it becomes dry. While the kettle is heating, you need to finely chop a large onion and put a finely chopped onion in an absolutely dry and hot kettle, close the kettle with a lid. Make a tube out of the newspaper, put a teapot on the tip of the teapot and breathe through the mouth with onion pairs. Exhale through the nose. When the kettle is very warm, turn off the fire and continue to breathe, just 15-20 minutes to breathe. Do inhalations should be before going to bed, after the procedure you can not drink. The course of treatment is 10 days. If the disease is not started, 4-5 inhalations are enough. Each time, take a fresh bulb.

Recipe N9. Tar with oil: with influenza lesions tar, diluted with vegetable oil buried in the nose with colds, smearing their chest with bronchitis.


If he is obstructive, then be careful, and bronchial asthma can go. And so, they live. But good is not enough.


dangerous if not lichit, and live with it for a long time


To treat it is necessary. treat it and do not die.


is treated, very successfully.
It is necessary to exclude the tuberculosis etiology at the phthisiatrician.


Acute bronchitis is an inflammatory process of the bronchial mucosa that occurs due to a wide variety of causes. These include infectious agents, viruses, chemical, physical or allergic factors. With bronchitis, tissues along the walls of the airway are swollen and produce a large amount of mucus.
Chronic bronchitis is a progressive inflammation of the bronchi, manifested by coughing. The chronic nature of the process is usually said if the cough lasts at least 3 months. per year for 2 consecutive years. Chronic bronchitis is the most common form of chronic nonspecific lung diseases, which tends to become more frequent.
Treatment of acute bronchitis should be comprehensive, aimed at fighting infection, restoring bronchial patency, eliminating harmful factors (industrial and domestic). In the treatment of acute bronchitis, it is very important to conduct a full course of treatment, otherwise it does not exclude the transition to a chronic form.


of course. to be treated. the main thing is not to run and be treated properly, so that there are no complications

Vitaly Sidorov

I had Chronic Bronchitis 3 times, and I was treated with antibiotics Amoxiclav, Bioparox then developed lungs, bought a ball and puffed it. For prevention, you can go out into the fresh air.

What is dangerous for the incomplete bronchitis

Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi) can occur for various reasons. In most cases, it arises from the effects of pathogens, viruses. But bronchitis can also develop due to the inhalation of toxic substances, allergens - for example, dust, mold spores.

What is dangerous for the incomplete bronchitis

An untreated acute bronchitis can pass into a chronic form. Most often this disease occurs in damp and cold weather, especially against the background of weakened immunity. Unfortunately, cases when people do not consider it necessary to completely cure bronchitis are not uncommon (they say, there is no time to be treated, it will pass by itself). However, this is fraught with serious consequences.

If the bronchitis, especially leaking in severe form, can not be cured completely, it can come back again and again for any cold, hypothermia. This automatically leads to the fact that the surface of the bronchi becomes too sensitive, easily vulnerable. Thus, chronic bronchitis can quickly develop, curing which will be much more difficult.

A severe cough accompanied by chronic bronchitis leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure acting on the diaphragm and nearby organs. This can eventually cause their pathology. Because of chronic bronchitis there is difficulty breathing, the body does not receive oxygen in sufficient quantities, with all the ensuing negative consequences. Chronic bronchitis can lead to the development of such a dangerous disease as tuberculosis. Therefore, it must be treated.

Complications that can cause untreated bronchitis

A common and dangerous complication of bronchitis is pneumonia (pneumonia). This disease occurs when the focus of inflammation "descends" over the bronchi, capturing the underlying areas. The likelihood of pneumonia is higher, the heavier the bronchitis and the more weakened the body.

Such a serious illness, like bronchial asthma, which requires long and persistent treatment, also often occurs due to advanced bronchitis. When the surface of the bronchi becomes too vulnerable, sensitive, any slight irritant, an allergen can cause a sharp narrowing of their lumens, which leads to an attack of suffocation, accompanied by a strong cough.

This is not yet a complete list of possible complications caused by untreated bronchitis. But also it is told enough to understand, that to this illness it is necessary to be taken seriously, not to transfer it on legs, not to hope, that itself will pass. On the appointment of a doctor, you must observe bed rest, and, if necessary, undergo antibiotic treatment. If the doctor advises hospitalization, do not refuse.

Is bronchitis dangerous? tell me why the acute and chronic bronchitis is dangerous, and whether bronchitis is lethal as a current?


♍Galina Zhigunova♍

There are no safe diseases, if bronchitis is not treated, it can go to bronchial asthma, lung cancer, and you can also die. It is also the cause of complications in the heart (rheumatism, acquired heart disease) and joints (rheumatoid arthritis).
However, you can die from the usual something to inject.

P.S: We had an accident in Orenburg, a man stepped on the cottage on a thorn of gooseberries, like a trifle, but no, he died of blood poisoning.
Here and draw conclusions ...

Lazarev Lyoyha))

Madagascar 3

Nina Nikulina

Bronchitis should not be triggered and may be fatal. It is necessary to treat. Now, all are being treated.

Is bronchitis dangerous?


Lilac Fairy

How can you ask such a question?

The answer is obvious... YES, it is dangerous and it is necessary to be treated.

Metamorphosis ***

if not treated - can go to the bronchus. asthma

dmitrij menshenin

Bronchitis can degenerate into asthma

Konstantin Anikanov

Every disease is dangerous because it can become chronic. Are treated now that then not to drown out exacerbations.

♍Galina Zhigunova♍

There are no safe diseases. If the bronchitis is started, then it will pass into pneumonia, the infection will descend lower into the lungs, and also it very often passes into bronchial asthma. He is also very dangerous for his complications, he may experience rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism of the heart, acquired heart disease, these diseases lead to disability.

I wonder whether bronchitis is contagious or not

If someone in the family gets sick with bronchitis, a logical question arises immediately: is bronchitis contagious for others? Bronchitis can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection, and can also arise as a kind of allergy.

The latter case is not contagious, provided that the other members of the family do not have an allergy to the same irritant, from which the affected person has suffered. Viral and bacterial infections can participate in the development of the disease individually or together. The time from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs of the disease is called the incubation period.

Throughout the incubation period, humans are the source of viruses and bacteria to others. That is, he is already sick and can already spread the infection, but there are no manifestations of the disease yet. Depending on the state of the immune system and the type of causative agent of bronchitis, the incubation period can be from one to five days.

Protection against bronchitis

Often the first cause of bronchitis is the parainfluenza virus or adenovirus. High temperature can last for two to ten days, during which time the immune system actively fights pathogenic microorganisms. During this period, people can get infected by airborne droplets, by using shared dishes, with kisses and breathing in one air.

Bronchitis is contagious and accompanied by a dry and then wet cough, during which the victim actively releases viruses or bacteria into the environment. In order to treat bronchitis quickly and without complications, you need to contact either a specialist.

Acute bronchitis is contagious and proceeds with a number of unpleasant and reducing symptoms, so an adult must take sick leave for a period of ten to fourteen days for health reasons, and children to refuse at this time from visiting the kindergarten and school. Can I get bronchitis after a person has a fever? It is possible, it all depends on who comes into contact. Which categories of people are most vulnerable to infection:

  • people after surgery, after a serious illness;
  • pregnant women;
  • children under three years, especially newborns up to one month;
  • aged people;
  • persons with weakened immunity, HIV-infected, suffering from chronic diseases, oncology weakened after trauma.

To protect those people for whom bronchitis is uniquely contagious, they need to limit contact and communication with a sick person. If this is not possible, a respirator should be used to protect the nose and throat.

The simplest version of a respirator is a mask, which is sold in any pharmacy. Bronchitis is transmitted by airborne droplets, so you need to use only individual dishes, do not drink from one mug, do not have one fork. Some families do not understand the importance of personal hygiene, up to the fact that they give the baby food already chewed by someone from adults. To admit such things it is impossible in any case.

Each person has a set of bacteria-symbionts, that is, a set of beneficial or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. With close contact, for example, with a married couple or with a mother and an infant, this set becomes common. Communication with secondary relatives should not imply such a dense exchange of microorganisms. Each family member in individual use should be:

  • Toothbrush;
  • towel;
  • clean dishes, from which no one had eaten before;
  • for the child - a dummy and a bottle.

Unfortunately, often unconscious mothers begin to lick the nipple from a bottle or pacifier before giving the baby (for example, if the nipple fell to the floor before). This behavior can provoke at best a digestive disorder, and at worst - weaken the immune system. Children and adults who do not follow the rules of hygiene are more likely to get infected from a person with bronchitis.

Diet from bronchitis

In order to support the immune system of the surrounding family members, it is useful during the illness to prepare meals that contain:
  • garlic;
  • bow;
  • ginger;
  • fresh herbs, parsley, green onions, dill.

Recent research has shown that the role of vitamin C in enhancing immunity was not as significant as it was thought the last twenty years. However, using lemon, lime or tangerines is useful in any case. Spices, greens and garlic should be added to food after the main heat treatment has been completed, ie immediately before consumption. Thus it will be possible to save a maximum of useful properties.

With prolonged cooking, the greens not only lose their taste, but also lose most of the vitamins. With ginger, you can cook not only tea, but soups, second courses. To taste was pleasant, you need to buy a fresh root of ginger and finely cut it. How many days will infectious bronchitis can say only a doctor. Without appropriate treatment, the disease can go on to chronic form in both adults and children.

For chronic bronchitis, the temperature is above 3 degrees, it is not typical, usually it either does not increase, or it rises to 3 degrees.


Chronic bronchitis has remissions when a person is not conditionally contagious. During the remission, the victim does not suffer from severe cough, fever, or swelling of the respiratory tract. Then a relapse occurs, during which all typical manifestations of bronchitis are observed:

  • a wet cough with a large amount of sputum;
  • weakness, headache, soreness in the muscles;
  • spasms when coughing, suffocating lingering cough, which is difficult to stop on your own.

With remission, the probability of getting infected is rather low, for an adult with strong immunity, it is completely absent. During the relapse, there are the same chances to transmit the disease as with acute bronchitis.

How quickly to cope with a bronchitis in a child?

Children should be treated individually by the pediatrician. Do not give your child antibiotics or other medicines if his classmate or classmate from the kindergarten had "something similar."

The purpose of the drugs should not be in bulk, but separately in each case.

Children who are not sick with bacterial bronchitis do not need to take antibiotics for the prevention. Many mothers do not understand that drugs are selected depending on the specific type of pathogen. If the medicine is not used for its intended purpose, then it will not be of any use.

Bronchitis can give a lot of unpleasant complications. If the temperature of the patient can not be reduced within a week, it allows to suspect the spread of the infection down the respiratory tract. Potentially bronchitis can cause pneumonia, often in children, bronchitis is accompanied by otitis. The infection in the ear occurs through the Eustachian tube. To avoid complications and as soon as possible to cope with the disease, you need to contact a competent pediatrician. Use methods of traditional medicine in children can only be agreed with the doctor.

If the child has a fever, you can not apply any hot compresses, warm-salt socks, hot-water bottles, mustard plasters and pepper patches to the bronchial region. This promotes the spread of the inflammation focus to deeper layers of tissues. Only one day after the temperature has stabilized, it is possible to use these methods according to the doctor's prescription.

Footbaths with mustard or medicinal herbs can be used one day after a drop in temperature.

Prevention of bronchitis

The sufferer must necessarily ensure peace and bed rest for the duration of the illness. Do not go to school or kindergarten, do not play with other children.


Often mothers allow the child not to attend school, but do not prohibit playing with other children and going for a walk. At this time, children become infected from each other, especially at playgrounds. During illness it is enough to air a premise, it is possible to refuse walks. To the child does not get infected with bronchitis from a comrade in games, you need to strengthen his immunity.

Is chronic bronchitis treated?


Kalashnikov Kalashnikov

if chronic, then no! (((


find the torso

Never mind

Chronic bronchitis - an inflammation of the bronchi for more than 3 months, in a row 2 years. The treatment of such an entrenched disease must be comprehensive, aimed at all the above processes.

| Nastya | | Love him

Bronchitis is treated chronicly, but coughing still remains, but not strong, not as you describe ...

Erna M

to me in twenty years have put the same diagnosis. five years was tormented inexpressibly, especially in the fall and spring, when the exacerbations began. I thought I would never get better in my life. I can not even say that I was especially cured. well, she took all sorts of rubbish like milk with honey, gelomirtol, biseptol, but all the same - four months a year I was sick of coughing
and suddenly six years later it was cut off. several years of remission
although all the time I'm waiting for him to return ...


On an equal part: more than three years, aloe (juice), honey and cacao (preservative) mix everything, let it brew for a couple of weeks. Drink a tablespoon morning-evening before eating. You can add one drop of propolis tincture (in a spoonful).

I have 11 years of bronchitis! How it or him to cure? Is it dangerous? and contagious? Is it dangerous and contagious?



Folk remedies for bronchitis

Raisins. With bronchitis, pneumonia, hypertension in combination with other agents, a decoction of raisins is recommended. Preparation: 100 g raisins to grind (you can pass through a meat grinder), pour a glass of water and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain and squeeze through gauze. Take several times a day.
Onions with honey and vinegar. 1 cup of rubbed onion pour 1/4 cup of vinegar, rub through 4 layers of gauze, add 1 cup of honey, mix thoroughly until smooth. Drink 1 teaspoon every 30 minutes. The drug is used to treat bronchitis, laryngitis, with a strong cough.
Radish black (juice) with honey. Grate the black radish and squeeze the juice through the gauze. Stir well, l juice with 200 grams of liquid honey and drink 2 tablespoons before meals and at night before going to bed.
Lime blossom, elderberry color, dry berries and raspberry leaves, sage leaves mixed in equal proportions. Two tablespoons of the prepared mixture pour 2 cups of boiling water and allow to stand under the lid for an hour. Drink warm infusion before bedtime. It is used as a diaphoretic and expectorant for bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, colds.

More on the treatment of bronchitis
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