How to protect yourself from flu and colds

Tip 1: How to protect yourself from colds and flu

Annual flu epidemics, colds, from which many suffer with the onset of the cold period, can be prevented or slightly eased. Preventive measures include strengthening the body and carrying out preventive measures.


  1. Get vaccinated againstinfluenzaIs the main measure of prevention, which will help to protect yourself in the midst of an epidemic. It does not protect against the disease completely, but in case of infection, the flu in a vaccinated person is much easier and without complications. To vaccinate should be before the onset of the epidemic and against a background of complete health.
  2. More be on fresh air - walks on a cold strengthen vessels, strengthen immune protection. It is most useful to walk in the forest and park zone, and physical exercises in the fresh air enrich the body with oxygen and bring a double benefit.
  3. Set the optimal mode of sleep and wakefulness - sleep at least 8 hours a day, lie down no later than 22 hours, try to do all business in the daytime and leave yourself time to rest on evenings. Try to avoid stress, which undermine immunity, and do not overdo it.
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  4. From a full-fledged diet depends on the degree of resistance of the organism - eat fresh fruits and vegetables, drink juices, bran bread, sour-milk products. Try not to allow stagnation in the intestines, clean it regularly and watch for the preservation of the balance of microflora. Drink tea with lemon, raspberry jam, kalina - the vitamin C contained in such drinks stimulates immunity.
  5. The intake of multivitamin complexes in winter and early spring is indispensable from the point of view of maintaining the body in tone. Choose a balanced composition that meets your needs, depending on lifestyle, type of activity, age, etc.
  6. Use popular methods of prevention - eat onions and garlic, add them fresh in the first dishes, salads, etc.
  7. Watch for the condition of the nasal mucosa - in dry conditions pathogenic microorganisms multiply rapidly. Moisturize the air, drink more liquid, after visiting crowded places, irrigate the nasal mucosa with saline solution. Lubricate the nasal passages with antiviral ointments before leaving home. Wash your hands often.
  8. If possible, try to avoid places of congestion during the epidemic. Wear a tight gauze bandage if visits to such places can not be avoided.

How to protect yourself from the autumn cold and not get sick

The transition period from winter to summer is a well-deserved record holder in terms of the number of people with colds or people with flu. At this time, there is a peak of SARS, acute respiratory infections, flu and sore throats. To avoid this, you need to know how not to fall ill in the fall. In this there is nothing complicated: you need to take precautions, strengthen your immunity, dress according to the weather. In most cases, the common cold appears due to the negligence of the person.

How to reduce the risk of colds in the fall

There are many important factors. Will help:

  1. Food. Scientists have proved that there is a correlation between what we eat and the risk of starting to get sick with colds. For example, sweet attracts microbes because of the high content of sucrose, which is the nutrient medium for many microorganisms. Protective effect is food with high protein content: fish, cottage cheese, chicken. Do not like colds infection food with high iron content (buckwheat, meat, pomegranate).
  2. The feet are warm. More often there is a cold due to hypothermia, which occurs in the legs. This condition is optimal for the development of colds, so it is important to dress in the weather, so that the feet, head and hands are well insulated.
  3. Wash your hands often. They are constantly in contact with other objects on which the infection is located, which increases the risk of getting sick. During a dangerous period of growth of colds, it is important to wash your hands regularly after a walk.
  4. Rinse your nose, eyes. In order not to become infected with a cold, it is necessary to clear the way of penetration of the infection into the body. As a rule, it occurs through the respiratory organs (nose and mouth) or through the mucous membranes (eyes). For washing it is better to use sea water, isotonic salt solution. The procedure should be 2-6 times a day.
  5. Ventilate rooms. Fresh air hardens the human body, strengthens the immune system. Doctors advise to go out on a regular basis, but do not forget to dress in the weather.
  6. Cold and hot shower. The method of hardening and strengthening of immunity, which is recommended to be used to protect against colds regularly, and not just in the fall.
  7. Do sport. This is a way to strengthen immunity, protect against colds. It helps to get rid of toxins and toxins, improve all metabolic processes in the body. It is proved that those who are engaged in sports suffer from colds much less often.

How not to get sick from the patient

The danger of most colds in the fall period is that the infection can be transmitted from person to person. If you do not know how not to fall ill in the autumn, to strengthen immunity, it is better to take protection measures against infection when communicating with other people. This problem is especially urgent for women who have recently become mothers: an infant does not yet have strong immunity. Also in the risk zone, catch colds - older children who attend school and communicate with a huge number of other people.

During pregnancy and lactation

Mom and newborn are a single whole not only on the spiritual level, but also in the matter of immunity. It is known that the baby receives protection from colds at first with milk. The health and immunity of the baby is affected by the health of the mother, over which you should work. During pregnancy and after childbirth, the following actions should be taken to protect against infection:

  1. Vaccination. All girls, regardless of the trimester, are recommended to undergo regular vaccinations against common strains before epidemics of colds and flu. Do not do this if the gestation period is less than 2 weeks. Modern vaccines do not harm the fetus or the mother. You can make injections and during breastfeeding.
  2. General strengthening of the body. Strong immunity of the mother - the best advice, how not to get cold in the fall. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the protective forces, to stimulate the natural mechanisms of the organism's struggle against infections during pregnancy.
  3. Prevention. It is necessary to exclude or minimize communication with sick people, not to use common objects with them, even if it is a husband. Do not visit public places during the epidemic of colds. If you are going somewhere to go out, you should wear a mask (to be replaced every 2 hours). You can lubricate the nasal mucosa Oksolinovoy ointment.
  4. When communicating with a child, be sure to cover your face, keep napkins under hand to use if you sneeze or cough.
  5. Breastfeeding is necessary, even if you have a cold and a fever. Together with milk to the baby, antibodies are transmitted that fight infection.
  6. Follow the distance if you are already sick. Do not bend too close to the baby, do not kiss him on the lips or even on the forehead.
  7. To reduce the heat, as a rule, prescribe paracetamol 4 times a day every 6 hours. It can be taken even in infants with colds. If there is no temperature, you can get your feet to sleep overnight, put on warm clothes and climb under the blanket.

A small child

Recommendations on how not to fall ill with a cold in the fall to a schoolboy are no different from the general rules. Immunity of older children and adolescents is no longer dependent on the mother, so it requires the same precautions as for the adult. Doctor Komarovsky, a famous children's doctor, gives such recommendations:

  1. Warm clothing in the weather.
  2. Food is high in vitamins, protein. Less sweet.
  3. Wash hands frequently and ventilate the room, drink plenty of fluids.
  4. Avoid contact with sick people.
  5. If necessary, visit public places to wear a mask, lubricate the nose with Oxoline ointment. When you go home, gargle.
  6. Common wellness procedures, regular exercise.

What to do if you feel that you are ill

To begin to be treated for the disease is necessary at the first signs of a cold, it is impossible to tighten, so as not to aggravate the condition. Symptoms of the disease will manifest in the form of fever, nasal congestion (runny nose), sore throat, possibly in the ear. A person will feel sluggish and tired. Most drugs are designed just to remove the symptoms of colds, but they do not always cure the disease itself. In the worst case, the infection will spread, give complications, and will have to take antibiotics.

Our body must independently cope with colds, so it is important for a person not to do all the work for him, but to support immunity. To protect yourself from the development of flu or cold, you need to quickly take protective measures:

  1. Increase the amount of fluid consumed per day.
  2. Eat natural remedies for colds: honey, garlic, onions. They are excellent antiviral, natural remedies for colds.
  3. To drink vitamin complex.

Methods of preventing influenza and ARVI in the home

The best advice, how not to fall ill in the rainy autumn - prevention. It is more reasonable to not catch a cold at all, than to treat the consequences. In addition to the methods listed above, much more can be done to protect against flu and colds. In more detail about preventive actions:

  • Get vaccinated. This is not a cure for the flu, and the introduction of a small dose of the virus into the body will cause our body to develop antibodies to it and effectively resist. Injections are performed according to the rules:
  1. The vaccine is given once a year. After 12 months, the vaccine no longer works.
  2. Begin to inoculate at the age of 6 months and up to 65 years. After 65, as a rule, they inject pneumococcal vaccine.
  3. The place of injection can be a little bitter - it's normal.
  4. The vaccine can spread in the form of a spray. Its effectiveness is lower than that of vaccination.
  5. There are no vaccines for colds. The best way to protect yourself from the disease is to follow the rules of hygiene, to strengthen immunity, to drink vitamin and mineral complex.
  • Many people are sure that alternative medications help to cure the flu or cold. As a rule, they take echinacea, vitamin C, zinc, but there is no scientific confirmation of their effectiveness at the moment. At the same time, patients note the following effects from these medicines for colds:
  1. Echinacea with the appearance of the first symptoms of catarrhal disease reduces the severity of the common cold, its duration;
  2. Zinc is able to reduce the symptoms of cold only on the 1st day of their appearance.
  • Eat chicken broth. This popular remedy for colds really has a positive effect on the body. If you start it at the first symptoms of the flu, it can help to defeat the infection or weaken its symptoms. The broth acts as an anti-inflammatory restorative, relieves the body and the digestive tract.
  • Have a rest more. To strengthen immunity or fight against colds, the body needs to get a full rest. You should refrain from going to school or to work. Sleep should be allocated at least 8 hours a day. Sleep in a convenient place for you, ventilate the room regularly.

Video recommendations of doctors: how to protect themselves from colds

Tip 1: How to protect yourself from flu in pregnancy

Every year in the cold season, the number of colds and flu cases sharply increases. To catch any virus infection in a big city, among a large crowd of people can be easy. This was even taken for granted and tolerated evil, and many infected lightly carry their own flesh on their feet, infecting tens and hundreds of other people along the way. It is especially difficult to protect against influenza in pregnant women, whose body works for two and is therefore more vulnerable to virus attacks.


  1. One of the most important sources of infection with the flu is public transport - buses and metro. Potentially dangerous are any crowded places. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, use your personal car. And if the car is not, but the distance to your work is measured only a few, not far apart from each other, stops, try walking. Walking in the fresh air will serve as one of the means of promoting health.
  2. If you avoid public transport or congestion, you can not, after a trip or contact with people, wash your hands, rub your face and wash your nostrils. In all open areas of your body, droplets and dust particles with some viral particles can remain.
  3. In the event that you have to constantly use the metro and other modes of transport, it makes sense to get an inoculation against the flu. But keep in mind that vaccination at the beginningof pregnancyNot recommended. It can only be held after the 14th week. Protection from the virus then appears after another two to four weeks. Therefore, take care of vaccination not during the epidemic, but in advance and only after consulting a doctor who can advise which vaccine to use.
  4. Prevent infection with certain types of viral infections, you can, using oxolin ointment and drugs with interferon. If you are advised to use any other chemicals, do not rush to follow such advice before consulting a doctor. They can be dangerous for you and the future child.
  5. You can strengthen your immunity by using vitamin complexes for pregnant women, as well as natural "antiviruses" - fresh vegetables, fruits and juices. Ask the doctor to advise you drugs that increase immunity against viral diseases. But we should not forget about such well-known effective means, as lemons, onions and garlic. They should always be in your diet.
  6. To some extent, a one-time mask or gauze bandage can help protect against infection. But it should be really disposable: after using it when you exit the subway or bus, throw it into the urn, otherwise it will become the source of infection.
  7. If at work or at home you are sick, try to be as much as possible isolated from them. Use only your dishes, separate towels and soap, wipe the door handles, switches, etc. AT The room should be clean, dirty things and, especially, handkerchiefs should be erased as soon as possible.
  8. In order not to catch cold and not get sick, dress in the weather. Do not go out during the cold in thin pantyhose and without a headdress. But it also should not be too wrapped up, allowing overheating of the body and profuse sweating.
  9. If the flu epidemic begins, and you have the opportunity to change the situation for a while, do it - go to the village to relatives or to the dacha.

How to protect the child from the flu?

With the onset of the cold season, the question of how to protect the child from the flu becomes urgent. Of course, you do not want to get sick, but adults are still less susceptible to virus attacks than small children, whose immunity is still very weak, since it is not fully formed.

How to protect children from flu and colds?

The most effective tool, able to protect the baby from the flu by 70-90% is vaccination. Unfortunately, if a child is vaccinated with a single strain of vaccine, and then suddenly another person's epidemic begins, which was not expected, then the vaccine will be protected from such vaccination. So you have to protect yourself from the disease in other ways.

It is quite popular such a tool, as Oksolinovaya ointment. Going out on the street, it is lubricated by the nasal passages of the child, thereby closing the access to the mucous membrane, through which germs penetrate.

Do not forget about such a simple procedure as regular hand washing with soap. Upon coming home, you can also rinse the baby's nose and drip saline into it. Older children can be given an antiseptic gel, which can be handled several times a day.

How to protect a one-year-old child from the flu virus?

A well-known Kharkov pediatrician, to whom thousands of young mothers listen and trust Yevgeny Komarovsky, knows how to protect the child from the flu. These are commonplace and familiar methods, which are often undeservedly ignored:

  1. Vaccination or vaccination- the answer to the question of how to protect a child from the flu, without it, all methods will be only additional actions. But the famous doctor does not recommend the vaccination of children who are not yet attending kindergarten because of the weakness of the immune system and the possible unwanted reaction of the body. It is better to be given to family members and anyone who comes into contact with the baby so as not to become a peddler of the infection.
  2. In the room where the baby isdaily wet cleaning.
  3. Humidity in the house must be at least 60%and then the mucous baby will not dry up and will not become a good soil for getting microbes.

In addition, the doctor advises with a preventive purposegive the child plenty of fluids- tea, juices, compotes, and also to observe the correct temperature regime in the room. That is, in the room where the baby is,thermometer should show a mark of 19-20 ° C, no more.

What is dangerous about the flu virus?

The main danger of the disease is severe complications, which it gives mainly to the lungs (pneumonia) and ears (acute otitis). Inflammation of the lungs, in which the flu can migrate, is difficult to treat and may even lead to a fatal outcome. And the inflammation of the middle ear leads to the defeat of the cerebral cords (meningitis).

Of course, the likelihood of complications with ordinary flu is small, especially if you comply with bed rest and appointment of a doctor. What can not be said about the strain H1N1 - the virus of swine flu, especially dangerous for the child, as it is impossible to protect against it with the help of vaccination - there is simply no such vaccine. This disease is extremely difficult for children under three years of age, and therefore it is better to reduce contacts with people during the epidemic.

Ways of infection

In order to protect children from the flu, they must know how it spreads and is transmitted from person to person. Parents themselves need to clearly understand this and from an early age tell their children to give them the necessary knowledge about the way to protect themselves from an insidious illness.

Like all viruses, the flu is volatile - that is, it is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets. A sick person secretes microparticles when sneezing, coughing and even when talking. Microbes, getting into the respiratory system of a nearby person, immediately under favorable conditions begin to multiply actively.

In addition to the airborne method of transmission of the virus, there is also a contact one.

That is, the patient, touching dirty hands to the door handles, buttons in the elevator, charging in the bus and the subway leaves on these objects microparticles of infected saliva. The ill person countless times touches his face during sneezing, wipes his nose, and covers his mouth when coughing, which means that he has a huge amount of dangerous microorganisms on his hands.

But in an open place, that is, outside the room, a virus with air currents quickly volatilizes, losing concentration. Thus, during the epidemic, walking through the streets is not terrible, but to visit crowded places - supermarkets, pharmacies, schools, to travel in public transport is very unsafe.

How can parents protect the child from the flu?

Many parents in winter time are associated not only with the New Year holidays, but also with such a dangerous disease as the flu. How to protect the child from the flu? This issue becomes important for every family. If the temperature of the air in the street drops below 20 ° C, families, especially small children, begin to frantically look for ways to protect them from the flu and its effects.

The flu virus is a dangerous and very insidious disease that does not spare even the youngest children. Especially dangerous are its consequences.

Danger of influenza

Influenza is an acute viral disease that affects children of different age categories, is accompanied by a general intoxication of the body, catarrhal phenomena such as rhinitis, runny nose and coughing.Especially dangerous is the flu for babies.Every year, medical statistics show how many children die from this terrible disease.

The causative agent of this disease is the influenza virus, which is transmitted by airborne droplets during coughing, sneezing and even talking and shaking hands. The first signs of the disease begin very quickly and intensely. The incubation period lasts from 2 to 6 days. How difficult the flu is, depends on many factors: age, immunity, general health.

The greatest danger is the flu itself in the defeat of the cardiovascular system of the child, his respiratory organs, as well as the central nervous system. Attacking the body, it dramatically and sufficiently reduces its protective properties, which causes a number of dangerous and difficult to cure complications for the child. Children who have chronic illnesses are more likely to receive them. This virus is especially dangerous for a newborn baby and his nursing mother.

Symptoms of influenza

Symptomatic of the disease with the influenza virus in infants and older children is different. The main symptoms are high body temperature, general malaise, joint and muscle pain, headache, intense coughing, runny nose, dryness of nasopharyngeal mucosa. Sometimes children have diarrhea and vomiting, there is blood from the nose.

Infants are characterized by symptoms such as:

  • deterioration of appetite;
  • change in the frequency of the stool (it happens more often or less often);
  • tearful and irritable;
  • change in the smell of skin and hair;
  • restless sleep;
  • hoarse breathing;
  • inhibition in development.

The danger of this disease in infants is much higher, because the kid can not clearly describe his condition, say what and where he hurts. Moms can be guided only by the diagnosis, which is conducted by a children's doctor. He prescribes a test and a series of blood and urine tests that can determine if it is influenza, not ARVI or ARI.

To protect the child from the flu, when the first signs of a cold appear: high temperature, weakness and strong cough - treatment should be started immediately, but only after examination and appointment of it doctor. Influenza is not a disease that can be cured on its own. Self-medication can lead to severe consequences.

Causes of the disease

The most dangerous flu for a newborn baby in the first four months of life. Babies who are on natural feeding can overcome the disease in its first stages independently thanks to the antibodies present in the mother's milk. Immunity of infants, who are on artificial feeding, is much weaker. Every year the influenza virus mutates, its course passes with more serious complications, so In the first months of life the baby should reduce his contacts with others to a minimum, especially in the winter time.

Most often with the colds of your child you have to face the parents of children during the first three years of life. The reason may be climatic conditions, dampness, contact with sick children and many other factors. If a child visits a children's institution, the incidence in this case is more frequent than that of children who are at home.

The blame is not only the fact that some unscrupulous parents bring their kids with signs of a cold. Good conditions for the appearance of the influenza virus in a preschool institution are insufficient airing of the premises in winter time, dryness of the room from centralized heating, which makes it possible to multiply pathogenic microorganisms. A big misconception, especially among young mothers, is the opinion that the flu can begin because of drafts or hypothermia of the legs.

Treatment of people with influenza

Often, young mothers begin to fight the disease, knocking off a fever, not reflecting on the fact that this is a manifestation of the protective properties of the child's body. At temperatures up to 38 ° C it is not recommended to give medicines to children. It is much more effective to give them a warm decoction of herbs or dried fruits. This is one of the most effective ways to remove dangerous toxins from the body at the first sign of malaise.

Over time, each mother begins to understand how to protect the child from the flu at the beginning of this dangerous disease.

There are several generally accepted rules that parents adhere to when symptoms manifest themselves:

  1. Often ventilate the room in which the baby is located, carry out a wet cleaning with a disinfectant solution (soda or a chlorine-free agent).
  2. The temperature should be brought down only at a mark more than 38 ° C and the appearance of the first signs of febrile seizures.
  3. Increase the duration of sleep of the baby.
  4. Limit contact with others.
  5. Transfer the child to a special diet.
  6. Giving plenty of fluids.
  7. Regularly clean the intestines of the baby, especially with constipation.
  8. Hold breathing exercises and water procedures.
  9. Massage feet, hands, back at temperatures up to 3 ° C.
  10. Give medicine for cough and cold, alternating every two hours.
  11. Translate to strict bed rest.

If the child has a temperature of up to 40 ° C, you need to call a doctor, and before his arrival provide the baby with a copious drink. It should not be forgotten that at any very high temperature any thermal procedures, solid food intake are prohibited. If the baby is hot, it can be easily dressed, if it's cold, it's warmer. In any case, it should be under the blanket in a room with fresh air.

With enough serious symptoms of the flu, children are prescribed inhalation, compresses and wraps, the use of children's antipyretic drugs according to the age of the baby, the introduction of vitamin preparations that increase immunity.

Since influenza negatively affects the respiratory tract, frequent airing and wet cleaning will help to strengthen the immunity of the child, protect his nose and throat from the penetration of harmful viruses. When caring for a baby, parents should always wear a gauze bandage, and as the virus is transmitted through dirty hands, observe personal hygiene rules and wash hands often. Balanced nutrition in conjunction with activities to strengthen immunity and the right therapeutic procedures will help to quickly defeat the disease.

Prevention of influenza

To ensure that the baby's health does not have to be protected from the already emerging disease, parents should think about how to prevent it from appearing. The most effective way is to carry out preventive measures.

The nose, mouth and hands are the main places for the multiplication of infections, so frequent hand washing, washing with cold water will help to harden and protect the child.

During the winter exacerbation of diseases with the flu virus will help oxoline ointment, which for prevention before going out on the street, lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose. Sufficient sleep duration (at least 10 hours) and the use of a large number of vitamins will help strengthen the baby's body. Summer is the best time for hardening, and the sun, air and water are the child's constant friends.


If we correctly protect our child from external negative factors, we lead a correct way of life, we carry out preventive measures, then we can safely hope that the flu is not intolerable to him.

How can a pregnant woman protect herself from the flu?

With the onset of the cold season, very many people face seasonal viral diseases - influenza and ARVI. In the period of bearing the baby any malaise causes future mummy anxiety, because it is not only about her health, but also about the future of the baby. As a pregnant woman to protect herself from the flu in order not to harm her condition, it is a question that every woman should study, because it is better to take precautions than to get sick with this ailment.

How to protect against flu during pregnancy?

Who would that did not say, but all the doctors agree on the fact that the flu during the gestation of the baby is better not to get sick. And this is due not only to the serious symptoms of the disease, but also to complications that can cause this ailment. The ways in which a pregnant woman can protect herself from the flu, there are three that can be divided into such categories:

  1. Vaccination.To date, vaccination is considered the most reliable way in the fight against influenza infection. However, it is worth remembering that one should not be vaccinated at the height of the epidemic, but earlier, approximately 4 weeks before the possible onset of the disease. In addition, this method is only suitable for those expectant mothers who have reached the 14-week gestation period. Therefore, if you have decided that it is better to get vaccinated than to be afraid of infection throughout the whole winter, then choose imported medications: Begrivac, Influvac, Waxigripp, etc. They do not contain dangerous components.
  2. Medication prophylaxis.The main drugs that doctors recommend to use to protect themselves against influenza during pregnancy are both interferon and ocular ointment. The latter has a pronounced antiviral effect and is one of the safest means for pregnancy. It is applied to the nasal passages 2 times a day. Interferon can be found in the drug Viferon, which is available in suppositories and gel. Rectal suppositories can be used from the 14th week of pregnancy to 1 suppository twice daily for 5 days. The gel will help protect the pregnant woman from the flu both in the 1 trimester and in the subsequent ones, and it can be used for a long time. The scheme of its use is the same as that of Okoslinovoy ointment: 2 times a day.
  3. General prophylaxis.In order to protect yourself from the flu of a pregnant woman, she needs to be held as an activity, aimed at maximum protection of her body from external carriers of the disease, and to strengthen immunity. For this, doctors recommend following these rules:
    • wash hands regularly with soap and water;
    • every day, rinse your feet with water at room temperature;
    • engage in gymnastics for pregnant women;
    • walk every day for more than 2 hours in the open air (except for places with a large number of people);
    • sleep well and eliminate stress;
    • To enter into the diet the vitamin complex, and it is better to make the menu in which 50% will occupy fresh fruits and vegetables;
    • if there is no allergy, once a day make aroma, which can be breathed with oils of tea tree, lemon, eucalyptus, pine, etc.
    • ventilate the premises and arrange wet cleaning once a day.

How to protect a pregnant woman from the flu if one of the members of the family falls ill?

However, the most difficult moment is the one that causes the future mummy to collide with the carriers of the virus every day.

In this case, doctors recommend that you always use medical masks or cotton-gauze dressings, and do not forget about ointments that can be applied in the nose. In addition, it is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of family members: a person must have a separate dish, a towel, a separate bed, etc., because this virus is very contagious.

So, our recommendations will help the pregnant woman to protect herself from the flu, and colds, because they are not difficult to perform. Remember that it is better to breathe a little with aromatic oils and resemble a mask, than to lie a week with a high temperature and worry about your baby.

How to protect against colds during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the woman's immunity decreases. This is due to the fact that the defensive forces tend to tear off the foreign body from the body. Suppression of their activities is necessary for pregnancy to develop successfully. Of course, in such circumstances, the risk of catching a viral infection is significantly increased.


  1. Try to avoid crowding people. If possible, refuse to travel in public transport - at least for a short distance. Walks on foot and in themselves are very useful, and will help you avoid contact with virus and bacilli carriers.
  2. Before going out to the street, lubricate the nasal mucosa with oksolin ointment. If you work in a large team, during outbreaks of viral diseases at work, wear a gauze bandage. This dressing will not hurt at home, because your loved ones can bring the infection.
  3. Dress in the weather - do not overdo it and in any case do not follow the bad fashion, according to which in any frost you need to go out into the street without a hat, in a short jacket and transparent pantyhose.
  4. Returning from the street, wash your hands immediately. As a prophylaxis of diseases it is very useful to wash the nose. In a glass of warm water, dissolve a teaspoon of salt and draw this liquid alternately with both nostrils. This procedure is practiced by yogis who have long been a symbol of health and endurance.
  5. Ideally, you need to draw water from one nostril and pull it out of the other, but it will work out after several training sessions. At first, it will be enough to spit the salted water after it has passed through the nasopharynx. This washing will help you very quickly get rid of the common cold and in the event that you are still sick.
  6. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as freshly squeezed juices. Sprouted grains of wheat, rye, oats and other cereals are very useful. Take them every morning for one tablespoon - so you strengthen the health of both your own and the baby. Pharmacy vitamin preparations should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor - hypervitaminosis is as dangerous as beriberi.
  7. Avoid stresses - they not only adversely affect the course of pregnancy, but also undermine the already weakened immunity. This recommendation is particularly difficult to fulfill because of the increased hormonal background in pregnant women, an acute reaction to unpleasant circumstances. Try to learn different methods of relaxation, which will allow you not to dwell on negative experiences.
  8. If you feel signs of malaise, do not take medication on the advice of friends - many drugs can have a fatal effect on the development of the fetus. Do not steam your feet or take hot baths to get rid ofcolds- this can lead to the termination of pregnancy. In addition, such procedures promote the expansion of veins on the legs and increase the burden on the heart.
  9. It is better to warm your hands in hot water if you feel chills. Dissolve in a glass of warm water one teaspoon of salt and soda, add a couple of drops of iodine and rinse your throat. Increased painful tonsils can be smeared with tea tree oil - very carefully so that this remedy does not get on the root of the tongue.
  10. If home remedies have not helped, consult a doctor, just do not forget to warn him about your pregnancy. Then he will prescribe those medicines that will not harm your future baby.

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