How to lower arterial pressure by folk remedies quickly?

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common disease that used to be more common in older people.

Now this trend began to change - young people at the age of 20-30 are also prone to hypertension. The reason - the rabid rhythm of modern life, endless work, living in heavy urban conditions.

Article Contents:
  • Possible Causes of
  • Symptoms of
  • Danger of Increased Blood Pressure
  • General Recommendations of
  • What Traditional Medicine Reduces Pressure?
  • What is not recommended?

Blood pressure jumps can result in nervous overstresses, stresses, experiences, excessive physical activity, improper diet and much more.

And such a disease can not be ignored, no matter how "insignificant" there would be a rise in pressure.

Possible causes

Pressure is considered high if it exceeds 160. Optimal working blood pressure is 120/80.You can measure it with a tonometer. The exact causes of BP increase are not known to the end - they can be called only in 10-20% of cases. According to scientists, the main causes of pressure surges may be:

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  • old age;
  • stress, both positive and negative;
  • improper nutrition( consumption of large amounts of salt, coffee, fatty foods, late dinners);
  • excess weight;
  • a sedentary lifestyle and a complete lack of physical activity;
  • the wrong mode of the day;
  • diseases of internal organs( kidney, thyroid, heart, blood vessels).Such as pyelonephritis, thyrotoxicosis, atherosclerosis and others;
  • difficult working conditions;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • smoking.

Even if you eat right and exercise, but at the same time drink large doses of alcohol-containing drinks or smoke more than one pack of cigarettes a day, you are at risk for hypertension.

A sharp jump in blood pressure or even "chronic" hypertension, it is possible, they are waiting for you in the next life turn."Start" the disease can be any experience, even if joyful.

Characteristic symptoms of

It's impossible not to notice a sudden jump in pressure - such changes in the body simply can not pass without a trace and is asymptomatic. But the "slow, but true" start of hypertension can be easily passed - so many experts call hypertension "a quiet killer."

The main signs of high blood pressure are as follows:

  • anxiety;
  • memory degradation;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • desire to lie down and lower your head down;
  • pain in the heart;
  • flickering flies before the eyes;
  • cardiac rhythm disturbance( tachycardia);
  • darkening in eyes;
  • weakness;
  • fever, sweating;
  • profuse urination;
  • headache.

If after the first signs of hypertension do not deal with her treatment, then these symptoms will eventually add shortness of breath, swelling of the face, circulatory disorders, numbness of the fingers. And the the farther, the stronger and brighter the above signs of will appear. Over time, there will be weakness in the hands, eyesight may deteriorate.

A person will notice sharp pressure jumps( hypertensive crisis) immediately: a sharp darkening to the eyes, nausea, weakness in the limbs will cause you to at least sit down on a chair to wait for the attack, and in some cases - to call an ambulance.

The first signs may not be consistent, but it is important to remember that this is not a reason to forget about the developing disease.

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Risk of increased blood pressure

With high pressure, jokes are bad: if you let the disease to "drift", you can get a lot of complications, which are sometimes dangerous for life. Those who suffer from hypertension are more prone to the following diseases:

  • stroke;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • arteriosclerosis of vessels;
  • lameness caused by circulatory disorders in the blood vessels of the legs;
  • vision impairment;
  • impaired brain function;
  • cardiac and renal insufficiency;
  • in some cases, a lethal outcome is possible.
The heart of the hypertensive patient works with increased load, pumping blood through the narrowed vessels, and therefore many complications are associated with it. The walls of the heart wear out quickly, which increases the risk of heart attacks.

Hypertensive blood circulation changes, which is accompanied by edema of the legs and hands, shortness of breath, in some cases - hemoptysis. Cholesterol plaques begin to appear on the walls of the vessels, they become narrow, and it is more difficult for blood to move along them - hence the oxygen starvation of tissues, numbness.

General recommendations

The most important advice - at the first signs of increasing blood pressure and hypertension hurry to the doctor, otherwise you risk losing your health and losing many joys of life because of the disease.

Change your lifestyle to reduce the risk of complications:

  • . Get involved in exercise. If you can not perform heavy physical exercises, learn Finnish walking, swimming. Even an ordinary walk down the street before going to bed and during the day will positively affect the condition of your body.
  • Quit smoking and give up alcohol .Yes, stress in hypertension should be avoided, and it is difficult to quit smoking - and the body will be "nervous".Try to "distract" it with something. But getting rid of this risk factor for hypertension is very important.
  • If you have extra weight - lose weight .And the movement will become easier, and the body will feel better.
  • Eat less salt .The maximum dose of table salt per day is 5 g. Refuse the pickles, chips, fast food.
  • Eat vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meat.
  • Learn how to relax after work , leaving all the efforts in the office, at the machine and so on. Smile more often and do not think about the bad. Do not watch a lot of TV and do not take to heart the information negative.

But what to do and how to act if you have a hypertensive crisis - a sharp jump in pressure upwards?

  1. Take a sitting or horizontal position.
  2. Close your eyes and try to relax a little.
  3. Perform a simple exercise: inhale deeply and hold the breath for 10 seconds. Breathe for 3 minutes - this will allow you to lower the pressure a little and adjust your heart rate.
  4. If possible, measure blood pressure with a tonometer.
  5. If you've already been at a doctor's appointment and know which pills you can take, then drink an extraordinary dose of medications.
  6. If the pressure is close to the critical values, call for an ambulance.
  7. If you feel pain in your chest, then take the tablet "Nitroglycerin" - it is placed under the tongue and dissolve.

What means of traditional medicine reduce the pressure?

To treat high blood pressure, you need to be guided by the prescribing doctor's instructions, but you can also try to improve your condition using folk methods. Many of them are absolutely safe - we will talk about such methods.

  • Lemon and honey .With the help of these products, you can prepare a pleasant and healthy drink. Pour in a glass of water without gas, dilute a tablespoon of honey in it and add the juice of lemon, wringing half of the fruit. Take it should be in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Beet Drink .Mix 2 cups of beet juice, juice of one lemon, 1.5 cups of cranberry juice and a glass of honey. This drug is taken 3 times a day before meals, a single dose - 1 tablespoon.
  • Garlic Mix .Grind 3 heads of garlic and 3 lemons, pour the resulting gruel with hot water( 1.5 liters).Allow to stand for 2 days, stirring occasionally. Strain and take a drink 1 hour before meals on a tablespoon three times a day.
  • Herbal Infusion .Take 3 tablespoons of rosehip berries, a tablespoon of nettle, 2 tablespoons of rowan and currants, put in a thermos and fill with boiling water. The drink should be taken 4 hours and taken during the day.
  • The golden mustache. This plant lives on many and has long been known for its curative properties. It will also help with hypertension. Slice finely the plant's purple purple( 15 pieces), pour a bottle of vodka. Insist the remedy for 12 days in the dark. Once in three days, shake the tincture. Take the remedy in the morning before eating 1 dessert spoon.
  • Kefir and cinnamon .Stir a teaspoon of ground cinnamon in a glass of kefir and drink once a day.

There are also folk ways to reduce blood pressure quickly at home.

  • Baths. Pour hot water into the pelvis and hold the legs in it for about 10 minutes.
  • Compresses .In a 9% solution of vinegar, moisten a piece of cloth and put it firmly on the feet. The tissue is removed as soon as the pressure begins to decrease. Hot massage .Heat a teaspoon in water and press it to the nostril with a convex side. As soon as it cools down, repeat the procedure by applying a spoon to the other nostril. Fingers warm your hands on the glass and hold on to the lobes of your ears. Then drink a glass of hot tea and lie in silence and tranquility.

What is not recommended?

When the pressure is suddenly jumps up, it is important to take yourself in hand and remember that you can not do with increasing pressure:

  • in any case, do not panic - the extra stress will further exacerbate the situation and will not help you reduce the pressure;
  • do not take any medications if the pressure has jumped for the first time, and the doctor did not prescribe medications for you;
  • do not fuss, it's better to postpone all the cases and just lie down.

Remember: pressure jumps can not be ignored and should be visited as soon as possible by a doctor. If you are absolutely against taking medications, then explain it to a specialist - the doctor will recommend non-traditional methods of treatment for you. The main thing is not to let the disease run its course.

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